How many calories does lard contain? Lard: calorie content, properties, composition and consumption rate of lard. Lard in folk medicine: treatment with lard

Lard is popular in many countries. Its moderate consumption is absolutely safe, if not medical contraindications. Most often the product is eaten raw, smoked or fried. Knowing the calorie content and composition of lard, you can easily calculate the volume of its inclusion in daily ration in combination with other types of dishes. This product mainly benefits the body, but if you have diseases of the liver, bile ducts, gall bladder, or cholesterol metabolism disorders, it is not recommended to add it to the diet.

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How many calories are in 100 grams of lard?

The nutritional value of pork fat is 700-800 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. It is usually consumed with black bread, garlic and other snacks. They eat lard smoked or salted, less often fried or boiled. Depending on the type of processing, the final result will depend energy value and taste parameters:

Type of lard Calorie content, kcal per 100 grams Description
Salty800-820 Previously, lard was salted to extend its shelf life. Now you can easily do this in the refrigerator, without salt. But people remain faithful to traditions, and for good reason. This type of processing allows you to improve the taste of the product while retaining all the valuable substances. Its use increases the overall tone of the body and has a strengthening effect on the immune system.
Boiled450-500 To prepare the lard, place it in an enamel pan to fill half its volume. Pieces with a layer and skin are generously sprinkled with salt and pressed down with a weight. A day later, the semi-finished product is poured with water, boiled for about one hour, and various spices are added. After cooling food product can be stored long time, which allows you to prepare it for future use. However, during heat treatment some vitamins are lost and useful substances
Smoked760-780 In this form, the dish is prepared from pre-salted pork fat(within 2-3 weeks), which is then thoroughly washed and dried. The main process is carried out in the smoke of a smokehouse or using a special liquid. The procedure lasts 1-1.5 weeks. The product is considered ready after acquiring a golden hue. Despite the original taste qualities, such lard is less healthy than salted or boiled version. During the processing period, the product accumulates unhealthy fats, and if smoked improperly - carcinogens
Fried lard750-770 Fried internal fat of a pig is also called “cracklings”. This is not the most useful method lard processing. Experts recommend strictly limiting the consumption of such a product, especially for people suffering from obesity and diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Lard is one of the few foods that lose calories during frying. But after processing, the dish is also deprived of a number of vitamins and nutrients, absorbing unhealthy fats, including carcinogens


Despite the high kilocalorie count, lard is well absorbed by the body. Part fresh product includes:

  1. 1. Valuable types of animal fats, saturated and unsaturated acids (about 88%).
  2. 2. Vitamins A, E, D, B.
  3. 3. The active substance selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant. According to scientific research, almost 80 percent of Russians are deficient in this component, since it is not contained in the usual daily diet.
  4. 4. Arachidonic acid. It improves immunity, helps resist viruses and infections, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. 5. A group of minerals, including zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper.

Capacity of BJU in lard:

  • proteins - 2.4%;
  • fats - up to 89%;
  • carbohydrates - absent.

The energy value of 100 grams of lard allows you to compensate the body’s daily costs by 20-30%.

Benefits and harms

Useful and harmful properties fats for the human body are listed in the table:

Application for weight loss

The effect of losing weight with the consumption of lard is observed with a balanced basic diet. Body weight decreases gradually, without quickly gaining back extra pounds. During this period, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of foods containing fats. The basic rule is not to exceed the daily calorie allowance.

The diet was developed by a specialist from Poland, Jan Kwasniewski. He recommends not giving up animal foods and lard, eliminating components containing carbohydrates from the diet. To achieve maximum effect, the nutritionist advises:

  • eat in a separate room where there is no TV or other distracting objects;
  • divide meals into 5-6 small portions;
  • eat low-fat dairy products, meat, lard, eggs, carrots, onions, celery, corn;
  • It is advisable to replace fruit with non-carbonated mineral water.

In addition to being used for food, lard has found active use in folk medicine- in melted form. Joint pain is treated by rubbing pork lard, which needs to be heated in a water bath. The same remedy is used for weeping eczema.

A product such as lard is often removed from the diet. This is due to fears of gaining extra pounds due to the high calorie content. However, even nutritionists claim that a small amount of quality product will only do good. The main thing is to know the rules for its use and give preference to the salty product.

Calorie content

The frightening figure of 797 kilocalories per 100 grams of product makes many refuse to purchase lard. Only a few products can boast of this indicator. It is not surprising that with all kinds of diets, there is a strict restriction on the use of this product. But it is also worth considering the fact that when in various forms processing, this above indicator changes significantly. As for the ratio of BJU, there are no carbohydrates in it, proteins are only about 2.4%, but fats are as much as 89%.


It is this type that is considered the most “disastrous” for the figure. Fans of so-called cracklings are in danger of quickly gaining extra pounds. At the same time, heat treatment “kills” most of the beneficial substances. Even the product doesn’t save amazing fact, that with this type of processing its calorie content is reduced to 764 Kcal. This, by the way, is practically the only product that has this ability.


A large army of fans of smoked lard claims that it is in this form that it maximizes all its taste qualities and acquires an unforgettable aroma. The product is prepared from pre-salted bacon. The salting and smoking process can take from 3 to 5 weeks.

As for the calorie content, it is slightly less than that of the fresh product and amounts to 785 Kcal. But the amount of oxidized fats can become significantly higher.


This method of preparing the product was born out of the desire to preserve the suitability of the product for as long as possible. IN in this case salt acts not only as a flavor enhancer, but also as a preservative. The advantage is that when this method all are saved beneficial features product. Calorage does not undergo any special changes. And, although the freshness of the product today can be easily preserved using a regular refrigerator, the taste you love makes you use this ancient cooking method.


Interesting way cooking lard. In addition, in this form it can be stored all winter. The simplest and delicious recipe is the following option: soak the lard in enamel pan, sprinkle generously with salt, place the load. It should spend at least one day in this state. Next, boil it with spices: Bay leaf, pepper (you can add your favorite spices). Cook for about an hour, cool, add garlic. In this form, it can be consumed immediately or stored in the refrigerator.

Although some beneficial substances decompose under the influence high temperatures, but the number of kilocalories is reduced by almost 1.5 times. IN boiled lard there are only 460 of them.


Here we will look at the composition of the fresh product, since after heat treatment the amount of nutrients is significantly reduced.

  1. Arachidonic acid. You will not find this element in any plant product (or their oils). It is important for the body, as it increases immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Animal fats.
  3. Saturated and unsaturated acids.
  4. Vitamins A, E, D, B. Thanks to this composition, lard is loved not only by chefs, but also by cosmetologists. It is used in creams to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
  5. Selenium is a rare substance. You won't find it in other products. But it must be said that more than half of Russians lack this element.
  6. Rich in lard and minerals: zinc, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on work nervous system. Calcium provides sufficient strength to bones. Zinc improves appearance hair and skin, increases the body's resistance, helps produce insulin. Without copper it is impossible normal operation many systems of our body. In addition, it is involved in the production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for youthful skin.

Rules of use

Despite all positive properties, you should understand that this is a high-calorie product. And so that it does not harm the body and figure, you should follow a few simple rules its use.


If you follow the tips described above, lard will bring many benefits to the body.

  • Saturates the body with essential substances and microelements.
  • Helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body. This is surprising because the product also contains cholesterol.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins in the composition provide increased immunity and protective properties of the body.
  • Due to its enveloping properties, it normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The high energy value of lard allows you to increase performance. For this, 1-2 slices per day will be enough.
  • It is useful to use lard for people suffering from bronchitis.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.


Every coin has two sides, and eating lard has its pros and cons. The latter includes a number of serious harmful effects on our body.


Before you go to the store for this high-calorie product, see if you have any contraindications for its use. These include the following health problems.

  • Atherosclerosis and other heart problems.
  • Liver diseases. This is due to the increased load on this organ after consuming such a fatty product.
  • Problems with gallbladder. There is also an increased load on him. That is why it is not recommended to be given even to healthy children under 3 years of age.

People who have recently undergone complex operations need to gradually introduce this product into their diet so as not to unnecessarily burden an already weakened body. In some cases, colic in babies breastfeeding is also associated with the consumption of lard by a nursing mother.

To find out whether lard is harmful or beneficial, see the video below.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Lard is solid animal fat that is deposited under the skin during special fattening. Lard or, as a rule, pork, mutton fat is called fat tail fat, goat and beef lard used extremely rarely. Lard with big amount meat veins are called or. Classic lard white or pale pink, with a thin skin of light brown color, dense consistency.

Lard is considered an original Russian product, but this is not entirely true. In Ancient Rome, slaves in the galleys were fed lard, which was inexpensive and satisfying; it charged them with energy and gave them strength for a long time. Salo in various variations present in the cuisines of many countries, both European and Asian.

Calorie content of lard

The calorie content of lard is 797 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The fats contained in lard reduce the risk of stroke, since solid fats are absorbed much better and faster. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, especially arachidonic acid, are necessary for the body to maintain a normal immune system (calorizator). Linoleic acid helps preserve the myelin sheath of nerve cells; the product contains a lot of cholesterol, but it is “correct”.

Harm of lard

Lard is a high-calorie product, so overuse lard is not good for anyone. Daily norm lard consumption does not exceed 15-20 grams, this is enough to gain strength and a boost of energy. Maximum - 30-40 grams.

Selection and storage of lard

The choice of lard is a matter of individual taste, but in any case, the lard should be white, a pinkish tint is possible, but there should be no yellow, as well as a thick skin (signs of an old animal). Keep fresh lard Need in the refrigerator for several days or in the freezer for 2-3 months.

Lard in cooking

Lard is salted, smoked, baked, fried and melted. Melted lard (lard) is used as cooking oil for frying or as a “spread” on bread, combining with garlic and salt. Pieces of fresh lard are added to beef or minced chicken for juiciness, fried small pieces lard (cracklings) are additions to many soups and appetizers.

Lard is a product whose gastronomic qualities are highly valued in countries former USSR, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and other countries. It is popular not only in Ukraine and Russia. Another name for lard is pork fat. It is a soft but dense subcutaneous layer of the pig. Lard is stuffed into meat, it is added to meat products, and is used when stewing vegetables or seasoning some first courses. Mix lard with minced meat, you will turn the dry mixture into juicy and fatty. This product is eaten with garlic or other snacks. We invite you to find out how many calories are in lard.

Calorie content of lard per 100 grams

Fresh pork lard contains 797 kilocalories per 100 grams. In Russia and Ukraine, it is more often consumed smoked and salted, less often fried and boiled. The taste and energy value of pork fat depend on the processing method. In which form does it contain the least calories, and in which form - the most?


Some people prefer to consume pork fat fried. The dish also has another common name – “cracklings”. Lard is perhaps the only product whose energy value decreases during frying. It contains 2 g of protein and 84 g of fat. People who are prone to obesity or losing weight should strictly limit the consumption of cracklings, and ideally, exclude them from the diet altogether.

Calorie content fried lard– 764 kilocalories per 100 grams.


To prepare smoked lard, pre-salted pork fat is used. After the animal is slaughtered, the subcutaneous fat is separated from the carcass itself and prepared for smoking. It is salted for 2-3 weeks, washed, and completely dried. After which it is processed in smoke or using a special smoking liquid. The average duration of the smoking process is from 1 to 1.5 weeks. It ends when smoked lard takes on an appetizing golden color.

The benefits of a smoked product are less pronounced than fresh or salted ones. During the smoking process, harmful oxidized fats or even carcinogens can form inside. Do not forget about the high energy value of the product.

The calorie content of smoked lard is 785 kcal per 100 grams.


To prepare boiled lard, pieces and skin are placed in an enamel container so that they occupy approximately 50% of its volume. They are generously sprinkled with salt and pressed down on top with something heavy. A day later, the pork fat is poured with water and boiled for about an hour. Add black pepper, bay leaf, and washed onion peels to the pan. After the product has cooled, it is removed and stuffed with thin cloves of garlic. It can be stored for a long time, therefore it is often prepared for winter period. Some vitamins are destroyed during heat treatment, so boiled bacon loses some of its beneficial properties.

The calorie content of boiled lard is 460 kilocalories per 100 grams.

In salted lard

Previously, pork fat was salted to extend shelf life. Today, when everyone has a refrigerator at home, there is no need for it, but people are in no hurry to give up this product. Why? The fact is that salted lard more tasty than fresh. When salted, the energy value of the product does not undergo any special changes. It contains valuable arachidonic acid, which is not found in oils that have vegetable origin. Pork backfat is important for lifting vitality, strengthening the immune system.

The calorie content of salted lard is 810-820 kcal per 100 grams.

Composition and nutritional value

Regardless of high calorie content product, it is well absorbed by the body. Almost 88% of the composition is made up of valuable animal fats containing saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The product is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. It contains arachidonic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens immune system and helping the body effectively resist viruses and infectious diseases.

IN pork fat contained valuable substance selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences claim that over 80% of Russians are deficient in this substance, since the products included in our daily diet are not its sources.

Lard is many times more beneficial for the body than modern sausages. Let's finish with an assessment of the contents of the BZHU. The product contains the most fat: 89%, protein – 2.4%, and no carbohydrates at all.

Lard is a product loved all over the world. Products are prepared on it and added to production meat products, carry out various manipulations with it and end up with a delicacy.

Hello from ancient times

The first mention of lard can be found in the notes of Marcus Varro, historian Ancient Rome, as well as in the letters of Emperor Diocletian and dates back to 284-305. In those days, the product was used as a cheap food intended for slaves. Afterwards it migrated to the table of the nobility, but in a different form: lard was stuffed with various spices. In addition, the product was widely used for making candles.

Composition and nutritional value of lard

Scientists argue about the benefits of lard. Some people consider it harmful because it is very fatty and high in calories. Some are useful due to the content of fat-soluble vitamins D, A and E, which help remove toxins from the body, and arachidonic acid, which is a component of the enzyme of the heart muscle, cell membranes, thanks to which the body can resist viruses. It also contains vitamins B 1-3, B 6 and B 12, minerals (iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, copper), fatty acids such as palmitic, linolenic, stearic, oleic.

In defense, we can say that the cholesterol that comes from lard will be eliminated from the body faster if the product is consumed with garlic. In addition, before drinking alcohol, it is recommended to eat a piece of lard so that the alcohol is not quickly absorbed through the walls of the stomach.

Nutritional value, i.e. the indicators of fat (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) of pure, non-formulated lard are 2.4/89/0 g per 100 grams of product. During the cooking process, the indicators change:

Salty - 1.4/90.0/0 g.

Smoked - 1.4/90/0 g.
Boiled - 44.8/4.8/29.9 g.
WITH meat layer- 1.8/56.0/0 g.
With a layer of meat, smoked - 10.0/52.7/33.8 g.
Boiled with a layer of onion skins- 1.0/29/1.0 g.
Roast pork - 1.81/83.68/0.13 g.
Fried with onions - 0/68.0/0 g.
With garlic - 1.6/91.22/0.54 g.

How many calories are in lard

Lard is allowed to be eaten, but in the form of a piece not exceeding 30 g. glycemic index“0”, but the calorie content of 100 grams of unsalted product is off the charts - 797 kcal. When preparing the product, the values ​​vary depending on the recipe:

Salted pork - 815.6 kcal.
Smoked - 815.6 units.
Boiled - 480.5 kcal.
With a layer of meat - 770.0 units.
With a layer of meat, smoked - 494.00 kcal.
Boiled lard with meat in the form of a layer in onion peels - 269.00 units.
Fried - 753.82 kcal.
Fried with onions - 632.0 units.
With garlic - 821.97.

If you are a follower healthy eating or are on a diet - homemade lard not your product. And if you really can’t stand it, keep it in moderation.

Although, let's tell you a secret, there is even one in which it is used as a source of energy for the day and excludes the consumption of vegetables. But the effectiveness of this diet is perhaps confirmed only in cases where a lot of energy is consumed by a person. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, think again before you start.
