What are the benefits of bull eggs and how to cook them deliciously. Bull eggs. Recipe from Lazy Girl

Dear chefs, today our topic is dedicated to real gourmets who are not afraid to experiment. We will learn a recipe on how to cook bull eggs. This dish is considered a delicacy in many countries, and the Arabs serve it only to the most honored guests. They are used to prepare pilaf, couscous, shish kebab and simply serve with any side dish.

In our country, many people have never even tried them, or deliberately refused them, but in vain. In fact, such a dish has great taste and the smell and benefits our body no less than regular meat, because it is also a source of easily digestible protein and gives strength and energy. Cast aside all your fears and stereotypes about this dish and enjoy delicate taste delicacy prepared according to a very simple and tasty recipe.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, knife, cutting board.


Preparing the ingredients correctly

  • Bull eggs can be purchased from farmers. They are often sold fresh because they are not available in large quantities and such a product does not stay on the shelves for long. As a rule, take two eggs per serving, because they shrink greatly during heat treatment, so take exactly the amount you need to treat a certain number of people.

Video recipe

And in this video experienced cook tells us how to properly prepare tasty dish from bovine eggs, and what happens when fully prepared.

Here is another interesting and very simple recipe on how to cook bull eggs. It was in this form that I tried them for the first time, but they didn’t tell me what exactly I was eating. I liked the dish because its taste is truly unlike anything else. To be honest, if I had known then what was offered to me, I would never have agreed to eat it. At the end of the meal, when this terrible secret was revealed to me, I was a little indignant, but I had to agree that the food is really tasty and deserves the title of delicacy. By the way, later I was lucky enough to try shashlik made from this meat, and it was incredibly tasty and unusual. So, let's start cooking, which will take 30 minutes of your personal time.

Number of servings: for 1 person.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, hob.
Calories: 234 kcal per 100 g of product.
Cooking time: 30 minutes.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Now let's see how two godfathers prepared eggs according to this recipe. You will see how they were butchered and cut, and also hear their opinion about the taste of the prepared dish.

  • Only protein is not destroyed, which is very easily absorbed by our body, filling it with strength and energy, therefore This food is recommended to restore strength after and during illness, as well as during periods of physical activity.
  • After heat treatment, eggs cannot cause any harm to humans unless they are consumed in a stale or spoiled state.

Cooking options

They turn out very tasty. For me sour cream is universal sauce, which adds tenderness and juiciness to any dish. Sometimes prepare hearts for yourself, because they also contain a lot of useful substances for our body.

Leave the recipe for yourself. You shouldn’t indulge in offal products every day, but it is highly recommended to diversify your daily menu with them once a week.

I do it very often. In our house everyone eats liver in this form, but if you serve it mashed potatoes and tomatoes, you can’t tear them away by the ears from such a dinner.

Try cooking. Many cooks are indifferent to kidneys because of their specific smell, but if they are properly prepared and processed, then ready dish It acquires a very appetizing aroma and wonderful taste.

And finally, I will share with you the recipe for one of my husband’s favorite dishes -. This appetizer is suitable for any table, and during a celebration it is simply swept away in a matter of minutes. I recommend that you try to cook gizzards with spicy taste, for which Korean dishes are famous in our area.

Dear readers, I hope today I was able to help you cope with the preparation delicious delicacy. If during the cooking process you have any questions or suggestions, you can leave them in the comments, I will definitely take a look. I will be very interested to know your opinion about the received dish, write it too. And also tell me, is this your first time cooking and trying bovine eggs, or have you already had such experience? And now I wish you success and bon appetit!

Fried seeds are considered a delicacy in many countries around the world. In Europe they are often served with sauce, and in Georgia they are mixed with fried onions and spices (for example, the testes of a bull are used in the Kverebi-Kakheturi dish, and sheep testicles are used in the village dish Kuchmachi).

Interestingly, in Europe, bull testicles are called “white kidneys.” “White kidneys” of ox are prepared in Italy, Spain, Belgium and the USA (“Rocky Mountain oysters”). They are served in sauce or with fried potatoes, or simply together with other animal entrails, hot or cold.

In America, bull or sheep testicles are used in cooking. They are breaded, deep-fried, salted, peppered and sometimes then ground. The testes prepared in this way must be dipped in hot sauce when eaten.

In Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Central and South America The testes of a bull are called "criadillas". However, in these countries, "Rocky Mountain oysters" are also often used. lamb testes.

In Russia, what is Central America called “cowboy caviar” and “clean nuts”, simply called bull testicles or eggs. Few Russians cook and love bull eggs, probably because the very knowledge that they have to eat the genitals of an animal often disgusts them. Although, on the other hand, if an animal is slaughtered, then it must be eaten whole. In the end, in relation to the population of bulls and sheep, this is much more humane than cutting out the most traditional and tasty things every time and throwing away the rest!

Those who do not mind preparing dishes from bovine and sheep testicles know that their taste is in no way inferior to udder and other by-products. What is important to consider when handling such a delicate product as testes?

Firstly, before frying, they need to be thoroughly rinsed under running cold water. Second, make a deep cut in the cuticle (thick skin) along each testis and remove the cuticle. Third, rinse the testes again cold water, then cut them into longitudinal strips (4-6 pieces will come out of each testis).

Now the strips of testes need to be placed in a hot frying pan with butter. Fry the testes for 5 minutes, and then salt and pepper them and combine with fried onions and carrots. (You can also add fried or boiled mushrooms.) Heat everything together for 10 minutes, then pour in sour cream with chopped herbs and keep on the stove until the sour cream boils.

You can prepare the testes in another way. To do this, after washing them in water, they must be cut again: in each testis, make two cuts down to the pulp. Then boil water in a saucepan with salt, garlic and bay leaf, where to put the testes. (The testes should boil for at least 10 minutes, and it is important to remove any foam that forms from the surface of the liquid.)

Pour cold water over the boiled testes, cut in half along the cuts made earlier and rinse again. Carefully remove the cuticle with your hands and discard it, and cut the testes themselves into slices and place in a frying pan with hot oil. Fry the testes for 15-20 minutes along with garlic, salt, pepper and mustard. Then it is recommended to serve them to the table, garnished green onions, leaf lettuce and fried potatoes.


1. The caloric content of bovine testicles is 230-235 kcal, while 70% of them consist of protein.

2. Bovine testes contain many vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.

3. In ancient times, it was believed that a man who eats bull testicles would automatically receive their vital energy. This assumption may well be fair, but only if the testes are eaten raw!

4. Beef testicles (including boiled ones) contain easily digestible protein, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system human and supporting musculoskeletal function.

Interesting fact

1. Fried and raw testicles of bulls and sheep are attributed to aphrodisiac properties.

2. There is a not entirely decent joke about bull testicles.

Waiter, why are the fried testes very small today, but yesterday they were quite large?

The fact is that yesterday the bullfighter killed the bull, and today the bullfighter’s bull!

3. In Arab countries, fried beef and lamb testicles are considered a delicacy. They are used to decorate dishes such as pilaf and couscous: the food is laid out in a mound and testicles are placed on the very top.

4. Azerbaijanis prepare wonderful kebab from bull testicles.

5. In Indonesia popular dish is sate made from bovine testicles.

6. Arabs offer fried ox testes to the most guests of honor- in this way they show visitors great respect.

7. Starting in the 15th century, with the heyday of the Renaissance, European aristocrats, striving to be different from the poor in everything, began to cook for themselves gourmet dishes, including animal testicles.

Today in Europe, animal testicles are not as popular as in former times. At the same time, they are very popular in America.

In France, seeds are rarely prepared in cities, but in the suburbs this product is in great demand. For example, in 1986, a fair was held in Raon-aux-Bois, where a local delicacy - “white kidneys”, that is, bull testes, was put up for sale. The product was a success, and since then, every year on the first Sunday in May, a fair is held here, where the sale of seed seeds is organized.

On this day, the secretary of the Raon-aux-Bois community dresses in an interesting costume: the secretary’s hat is a pillow made in the shape of pink bull’s testicles, and instead of the classic tie on the elegant cloak, there are two piquant acorns on strings.

8. In Africa. and also in India, where sacred power is attributed to cows, instead of bull testes, goat testes are used for food.

Ox testes occupy an honorable place in the cuisine of nations Western Europe, Mediterranean, Caucasus, Central and East Asia. In Spain, a dish called “bullfighting” is very popular, in Azerbaijan - shish kebab made from bull eggs, Arabs serve fried testicles of a young bull with couscous or pilaf to especially respected guests. In India and Malaysia, seed sate is considered a healing food for men.

When purchasing an offal, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  1. The color of the shell should be pale pink.
  2. The bluish (“tattooed”) convolutions of the blood vessels are clearly visible on the surface.
  3. The texture of the product is dense.

Testes of a grayish, gray-green hue cannot be purchased. Even in the absence unpleasant odor such a product is no longer suitable for food.

There are many ways to cook bovine eggs. They are fried, boiled, stewed, baked. At the same time, order and sequence pre-treatment The product is the same for all recipes - you need to get rid of the dense shell covering the edible core.

How to properly cut bovine testicles:

  1. The raw offal is washed and air-dried for about 10 minutes. The shell of the testes will become weathered and will be easier to remove.

  2. Place salted water on the stove (high heat).
  3. A longitudinal incision up to 2 cm deep is made on the dried skin of the testicle.

  4. Gently pull off the top layer of the membrane with your fingers, as if turning the testis inside out. Next, remove the inner shell. Carefully, trying not to bruise, release the soft core.

  5. The testes, peeled from the shell, are cut into pieces (slices, cubes, sticks, strips - it doesn’t matter).
  6. The offal ready for cooking is thoroughly rinsed with running water. The task is to wash all the seminal fluid from the pieces of meat. This should also be done very carefully, since the testes are very soft, tender and, if handled incorrectly, can easily turn into minced meat.

  7. The washed pieces of bull eggs are placed in boiling water. As soon as the broth boils again, reduce the heat under the pan. Cook for 8 minutes.

  8. The offal is placed on a sieve. Wash with boiling water.

Bull eggs prepared in the described way are completely ready for further processing.

Stewed bull eggs in aromatic onion sauce

One of the simplest and most popular dishes made from bull testes. The set of ingredients is minimal, perfectly emphasizing original taste delicious offal.

For 2 servings it will go:

  • 800 g bovine testicles (4 pcs.);
  • 225 g onions (3 pcs.);
  • 75 g carrots (1 pc.);
  • 200 g 18% sour cream;
  • 30 g vegetable oil(3 tbsp.);
  • salt, spices, seasonings, pepper to taste.

Cooking time- 45 minutes. The nutritional value per 100 grams: proteins – 8.51; fats – 17; carbohydrates – 2.75. Calorie content – 196.07 kcal.


  1. Remove the shell from the eggs and wash thoroughly with water. Cut into slices.
  2. Peel and wash the carrots and one onion. Place in salted, spiced water.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, add pieces of bull eggs into the broth. Cook at a gentle simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. The water is drained and the testes are washed with boiling water. Cool the carrots. The boiled onions are thrown away.
  5. Peel 2 raw onions and rinse with water. Cut into half rings.
  6. Boiled carrots are chopped in a convenient way.
  7. The oil is heated in a cast iron frying pan. Fry the onion in it for about 3 minutes.
  8. Pour in carrots and add sour cream. If necessary, add salt and season with spices.
  9. Testes are mixed with onion sauce. Simmer covered over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

The dish is eaten hot. Side dish – mashed potatoes, hard-boiled chicken eggs, couscous, buckwheat, boiled vegetables, green pea.

Bull testicles in mayonnaise with zucchini

An independent, unusually tender, satisfying, tasty dish. Goes great with fresh vegetable salads.

Makes 3 servings:

  • 1200 g bovine eggs (6 pcs.);
  • 1000 g zucchini (4 small fruits);
  • 75 g onion (1 pc.);
  • 150 g carrots (2 pcs.);
  • 60 g tomato paste (2 tbsp);
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • greenery.

Cooking time– 90 minutes. The nutritional value per 100 grams: proteins – 6.15; fats – 12.28; carbohydrates – 3.16. Calorie content – 147.30 kcal.


  1. The shell of the bull's testes is removed and boiled for 10 minutes in salted water. Wash with boiling water.
  2. Wash the zucchini and cut into slices. If the vegetables are old, peel them first.
  3. Peel carrots and onions. Cut into strips.
  4. Into the deep cast iron frying pan pour oil. They heat it up. Fry the onions and carrots over medium heat for 2 minutes.
  5. Bull eggs pour into the frying pan along with the zucchini. Mix with onions and carrots. Salted and seasoned with spices. Pour in mayonnaise and mix. Simmer for 8 minutes.
  6. Once the zucchini pieces are browned, add tomato paste. Mix the products. Cover the pan with a lid. Simmer the dish for 10 minutes.

Place hot bull eggs in mayonnaise with zucchini in a deep plate. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Video recipe

You can also check out the recipe for preparing bovine eggs in this video:

The weight of one bull testicle is approximately 200 grams. Considering that the mass and volume of the offal at heat treatment is reduced by half, take 2 whole testes for one serving.

Boiled bull testes are never washed with cold water. This makes them hard and gives them an unpleasant taste.

Boiled bull testicles are soft, delicate in taste and do not have an unpleasant odor. In texture they vaguely resemble beef kidneys, so this by-product can be added to first courses - solyanka, rassolnik.

It is impossible to cut, cook and store bull eggs in this form for a long time. This is a very delicate product, so it needs to be prepared immediately. Raw seeds cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day.

If necessary, bull eggs can be frozen. On nutritional value Freezing the offal will not have any effect. However, the taste of the meat will change and the texture of the kernel will become denser.

Bull eggs are one of the most popular offal in oriental cooking, since it consists of protein, has no bones and is very easy and quick to prepare. Bull eggs - simple recipe, the use of which allows even an inexperienced cook to prepare a delicacy in his kitchen.

How to cook bull eggs - recipe

When cooking eggs you should follow general principles preparing the product, namely, properly peeling them from the shell without damaging the pulp. It is necessary to soak and scald the product to remove the odor. When using recipes for preparing bovine eggs, keep in mind that during heat treatment they lose liquid and significantly decrease in size, which affects the final portion of the dish.


  • bull eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 65 g;
  • olive oil - 75 ml;
  • dill, parsley - 25 g each;
  • white wine - 80 ml.


Rinse the testes in cold water, dry and make a longitudinal cut of no more than 2 mm along the entire length of the product. Carefully remove the shell from the flesh of the eggs and rinse again. Boil the prepared eggs for 10 minutes in salted water, remove, dry and cut into cubes. Pour oil into a hot frying pan, add pepper, chopped onion and bull eggs. Fry the ingredients for 7 minutes, then pour in the wine and simmer the dish for 8 minutes. Season with chopped herbs before serving.

Bovine egg shish kebab - recipe


  • bull eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • - 45 ml;
  • vinegar - 10 ml;
  • red ground pepper- 1/2 teaspoon;
  • onion- 70 g.


Cut the washed and peeled eggs into slices 2 cm thick and place in a container. Using oil, vinegar and pepper, make a marinade. Mix the onion cut into rings with the pulp and pour over the marinade. Leave to sit for 2 hours. Thread slices of bull eggs onto wooden skewers alternating them with onions. Bake kebabs for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

As a rule, recipes for bovine egg dishes are based on pre-boiling the product for 7 minutes to eliminate the smell. IN this recipe heat treatment is replaced by marinating in spices and herbs.

I didn’t even realize that there were dishes made from bovine eggs until 2002, when, while on vacation in Koktebel, my companion ordered this delicacy at a local restaurant. True, I didn’t know that it was them, because... I entrusted the choice of dishes for our last evening in Crimea to a man. I didn’t attach any importance to the slight half-smile and raised eyebrow of the waitress taking the order, when she asked in slight surprise: “And the lady?” And she did the right thing: the dish turned out to be stunningly magnificent! So much so that I wanted to personally thank the chef and, if I’m lucky, get the recipe.

Fortunately, the cook turned out to be a pleasant person to talk to and told us where to get and how to cook bull eggs, the recipe for exactly the dish that we ordered and several others.
Since then, at least once a year, when I manage to get hold of this delicacy, I make sure to prepare the most variety of dishes from bovine eggs. Today I will show you my favorite recipe for preparing bovine eggs - with sour cream and onions.

So, the ingredients for 1 serving:

  • bull eggs – 2 pcs.
  • sour cream – 150 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • parsley (leaves) – 10 g
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp
  • juice from half a lemon
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking method

Step 1

The recipe for preparing bovine eggs is very simple and easy. The only difficulty for beginners is cutting them, because... in stores and on the market they are sold in a form unsuitable for immediate use. Today I will describe in great detail and show how to prepare bovine eggs for further processing. First, we cut off the upper part of the film covering the testis in the place where the egg is attached to... the bull.


Then use a sharp knife to cut the film lengthwise and carefully separate it from the meat. This must be done carefully and slowly, because... The inside of the egg has a very delicate consistency. If you overdo it, it can simply turn into mush.


As a result, we get these nice bull eggs, the preparation of which will then be quite simple.


Cut each one lengthwise into 4 pieces.


We rinse thoroughly in cold water, but do it very carefully. In general, it is recommended to carry out all manipulations with eggs gently: with those you thought of, and with bovine ones, and with chicken ones, and with any others. Drain the first water and pour in the slices clean water and leave to soak for another 10-15 minutes. We rinse it again, put it in a colander, and let the water drain.


Meanwhile, squeeze the juice out of half a lemon, pour it into the egg slices, and add some salt. If desired, you can add pepper and other spices.


After 10 minutes, pour just a little oil into a heated frying pan - about 1 tbsp, and lay out the bull eggs.


Cooking them is similar to cooking mushrooms - at first a lot of liquid is released, which should completely evaporate during the frying process, and the pieces themselves during this time greatly decrease in size. When they turn a soft golden color, take them out, add a couple more tablespoons of vegetable oil to the frying pan, and fry the onion, cut into half rings or pieces, until yellow. Add sour cream and parsley.


Stir, let it boil and add fried eggs to the sauce. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat for another 10 minutes. The dish is ready! I hope you can pamper yourself and your man, who could use some extra testosterone, with this exquisite and very expensive (in restaurants) delicacy! After all, now you know the main thing: how to cook bull eggs, and if you don’t like, for example, sour cream, you can find another one.
