Mint, beneficial properties and recipes. The healing cool taste of peppermint and its beneficial and culinary properties

Fresh mint leaves are saturated with biologically active substances, among which the predominant essential oil. It is characterized by pronounced therapeutic properties - antispasmodic, antiseptic, sedative. But the high concentration of menthol in essential oil also determines the list of contraindications for the use of the fresh plant. Is it possible to eat mint in fresh, must be determined by the attending physician, who must take into account the presence of pathologies in the patient’s medical history gastrointestinal tract and organs of the urinary system.

Chemical composition

When brewing fresh or herbal medicinal raw materials into infusions, teas and decoctions, not all of them are transferred biologically active substances. A significant part of the essential oil, bioflavonoids, phytoncides, bitterness is destroyed under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, consuming fresh mint has its undoubted benefits. Including aromatic leaves in your diet will help replenish your body's reserves of the following beneficial compounds:

  • vitamins - ascorbic, folic, nicotinic acids, retinol, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin;
  • microelements - zinc, iron, molybdenum, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

During the infusion process, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins: retinol, ergocalciferol, tocopherol, lose their biochemical properties. This causes the tea to lack the ability to remove blood vessels harmful triglycerides. And eating freshly picked leaves allows you to cleanse arteries, veins, and capillaries from cholesterol blocks. Therefore, when asked by patients whether fresh mint can be eaten, cardiologists answer in the affirmative.

Beneficial features

Fresh mint leaves have a pronounced sedative effect. The ability of mint to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system used to eliminate:

  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • depressive states;
  • increased anxiety.

Thanks to high concentration menthol, fresh plant exhibits arrhythmic and hypotensive effects due to dilation of blood vessels. And the presence in the composition large quantity phytoncides determines antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties that help quickly get rid of the painful symptoms of cystitis.

Respiratory infections

Fresh leaves contain a lot of menthol, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and disinfectant effect. After consuming a couple of leaves, breathing becomes easier, nasal congestion and runny nose disappear. And the mucolytic properties of mint are used to liquefy and evacuate thick sputum, which provokes attacks of painful dry cough. Essential oil from fresh leaves destroys pathogenic pathogens of bronchitis, sore throat, laryngitis and removes from the upper respiratory tract toxic products of their growth and reproduction.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Fresh mint should not be added to the diet for people diagnosed with gastritis with low acidity or ulcerative lesions. digestive tract. But in case of excess production of gastric juice by the glands, the plant will be very useful. Eating fresh leaves will prevent damage to the mucous membranes by caustic acid. Gastroenterologists recommend using the plant to relieve nausea and excess gas formation, which often arise due to the predominance of fatty and fried foods. And consuming fresh mint during bacterial intestinal infections helps normalize digestion and peristalsis.

Warning: This method of treating dyspeptic disorders is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Fresh mint essential oil penetrates all biological barriers and enters the child’s body, causing a decrease in blood pressure.

Residents of many countries will be surprised by the question of whether fresh mint can be eaten. The plant is an indispensable ingredient in European and Mediterranean cuisine. A few leaves add freshness to vegetable and fruit salads and serve as an additive to alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. Chopped mint is sprinkled onto rice side dishes. stewed cabbage, boiled carrots with olive oil.

Cooks love to decorate baked goods, desserts, butter and fruit ice cream with fresh leaves. Rarely what cheese plate served to guests without mint, emphasizing the delicate taste and aroma of this product.

Tip: If the mixture is made from fresh herbs(mint, basil, oregano) sprinkle on stewed fatty lamb and beef, then there will be no problems with digestion.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Mint is one of the most common spices in the cuisine of peoples all over the world. Dried or fresh leaves mints have found application in the most different areas Food Industry And home cooking. It is especially widely used in oriental cuisine, and not only as an excellent spice, suitable for the most different products. Fresh mint leaves are often used in cooking to decorate dishes, including sweet ones. IN culinary arts mint is also used as food coloring. Because the fresh herbs mint withers very quickly, it must be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. As a result of heat treatment, mint loses its freshness, so it should be added to hot dishes immediately before serving.

Peppermint in cooking

IN industrial production Essential oil and menthol are obtained from peppermint, which has a refreshing, cooling taste.

These ingredients are widely used to flavor various drinks in the alcoholic beverage industry. Peppermint oil has also found wide application in production confectionery.

Both fresh and dried leaves of the plant are used in home cooking. Fresh mint is often added to savory dishes from lamb and poultry.

Dry ground mint is widely used in the manufacture of a variety of flour products, especially in baked goods (buns, pies, pies, confectionery). Cooks of many European countries add peppermint as a seasoning to various vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, carrots) and legumes. It is used to improve the taste and smell of various sauces.

Since ancient times and to this day, peppermint has been an indispensable ingredient in the production of refreshing and soft drinks, especially summer ones.

It is added to fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, and syrups. Particularly popular among many peoples is mint tea, which is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Peppermint is usually used on its own and is not combined with other spices. Its dosage, like many other spices, should be minimal. The average amount of fresh mint is from 1 to 5 g, dried mint is 0.2 - 0.5 g per serving. Add mint to dishes 5-10 minutes before they are ready.

Field mint in cooking

Unlike peppermint, mint does not have a pungent odor or cooling taste.

Like other types of mint, leaves (raw and dried) and flower buds are used as a spice.

In its fresh form, field mint is an excellent vitamin and flavor supplement for summer salads. The leaves, whole or crushed, are used in vegetable soups and fish dishes.

It is also widely used in the preparation of dough products. Field mint not only improves taste qualities products, but also helps to increase their shelf life, so it is widely used in canning vegetables, especially cabbage.

For this reason, mint leaves are added to kvass, which, acquiring very pleasant taste In addition, they are stored much longer. Mint is widely used in the preparation of drinks that have a tonic effect. For many European peoples, field mint completely replaces tea or serves as an additive to other teas.

Longleaf mint in cooking

Longleaf mint in different national cuisines used to flavor second courses of meat and fish, as well as dough products (pies, gingerbreads, flatbreads, etc.). In some countries it is used as an additive in cheese making. It is also used to improve the taste and add aroma to drinks (kvass, compotes, fruit drinks, cups). IN home canning this type of mint is added to marinades for salting and pickling various vegetables, especially in pickling.

Curly mint in cooking

Spearmint does not have a cooling taste, but has a wonderful refreshing aroma. It is widely used in home cooking in fresh and dried form.

Fresh mint leaves are added to salads, soups, especially vegetable ones.

In the cuisine of some peoples they are added as a seasoning to milk soups.

Dried mint leaves are great for flavoring meat dishes, confectionery and baked goods, as well as sauces. IN Ukrainian cuisine it is added to fish and mushroom dishes.

This spice is especially widely used in Eastern European countries and Russia in home canning of apples and vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, carrots).

Like other types of mint, spearmint imparts a wonderful aroma and taste to tea.

Apple mint in cooking

Apple mint is used mainly in the cooking of the peoples of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. In Georgia it is used to prepare sauces, in Armenia it is added to some types of cheese, and in Central Asian countries it is used to improve the smell and taste of lamb dishes.

Spicy mint in cooking

Spicy mint Spicy mint is distinguished by the fact that it does not produce bitterness. Fresh mint is added to salads and sandwiches. Dry powder from its leaves is used to flavor soups, meat dishes, minced meats and pates (especially those made from offal), and sausages.

The norms for using this spice depend on desire. Even in large doses, it does not spoil the taste and aroma of dishes.

Along with the summer warmth, the season of herbs has arrived, and among the many useful plants It is worth especially highlighting mint and lemon balm. What are the benefits of mint for the human body and how to use fresh mint for cooking? Mint has been used in cooking for centuries. It is used in desserts, drinks, and meat dishes. Today I have prepared a few for you interesting ideas to use mint not only for food, but also for our health and beauty.

It so happened that I had a whole armful of fresh mint at my disposal. What should you do with it so that it doesn’t go to waste in the refrigerator? I became interested in mint based recipes. Before this, I usually only made mint tea and mint lemonade, the recipes for which I will also include in this post.

The benefits of mint for the human body

Mint contains a lot of menthol, which accumulates in its leaves. It has an analgesic effect and is also good as an antispasmodic and antiseptic. Menthol is good for blood vessels, helps with pain in the intestines and stomach. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from mint, which help relieve headache, cramps, nausea. Mint-based ointments help treat coughs and relieve muscle pain. They also take hot baths with mint.

Menthol is added to drops to treat a runny nose. Fresh Juice mint is mixed with white wine and used as a general tonic. Peppermint oil is an excellent remedy for headaches: rub it into the skin (using an alcohol solution of 1:4). It is also used for inflammation of the skin and as part of inhalation for coughs.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

Peppermint essential oil is also widely used to accelerate hair growth. It is enough just to add a few drops of mint oil to a portion of shampoo each time you wash your hair or add it to burdock oil (2 drops of mint oil for 2 tablespoons) and rub into the hair roots and lubricate their ends.

Mint for facial skin

Mint for facial skin can be used in the form of a tonic lotion. Preparing it is as simple as mint decoction. Take the color of fresh mint or its leaves - one tablespoon of finely chopped greens, pour a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, cool and use to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté.

Mint in cooking: uses, interesting recipes

Except healing properties mints also use it amazing taste and smell, adding it to dishes, drinks, spice mixtures. The benefits of fresh mint for culinary purposes were obvious 100 years ago. I found confirmation of this in the old cookbook, which provides several interesting and even fun recipes with mint. I will write them for you in the form in which I found them in the books and give some explanations.

How to make mint tea from fresh mint

The main benefit of mint is its calming properties. In a stressful situation, you can simply brew a cup of tea from mint leaves. But how to do Mint tea: should I brew fresh or dry leaves, should I add anything else? You can make mint tea different ways, but you can use the simplest one: choose tea to your taste - green or black without any impurities, and add a few mint leaves or sprigs. For 1 liter of boiling water, add 3 teaspoons of tea and 1 large sprig of mint, let the tea steep for 7-10 minutes.

Mint drink made from fresh mint

Prepare mint drink Fresh mint can be made just as easily as plain lemonade. Take 2 lemons, a few tablespoons of sugar (to your taste) and two large sprigs of fresh mint. You need to squeeze the juice out of the lemons, add sugar and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let the mixture cool, pick off the leaves from the mint sprigs and mash them well with your hands. Add mint leaves and ice to lemonade.

Old Russian recipe – mint vodka

The ingredient in this recipe that touches me is a bucket of vodka))) I’m not a big fan strong drinks, so it’s difficult for me to judge how good this recipe is. But I hope that there are those who are interested in old recipes alcoholic drinks, and who likes to prepare homemade wines, liqueurs and liqueurs.

Mint gingerbread

1 kg = 2.441933 pounds, which means 1 pound is equal to approximately 410 grams. Potash is potassium carbonate that was used as a leavening agent for heavy gingerbread in Russian cuisine. Today, our stores sell more suitable baking powder, which can be used according to the instructions indicated on the package. Mint water probably means a decoction of mint leaves. I definitely want to try this simple recipe when mint is in season.

Fragrant herbs in cooking they help add a touch of new taste and aroma to a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Aromatic herbs such as mint and lemon balm are used in cocktails and other drinks. Some aromatic herbs are used in the preparation of meat and fish dishes. This page presents some aromatic herbs and how to use them in home cooking.

Marjoram seasoning: use in cooking

Marjoram is a small herbaceous shrub with small white or pink flowers and small soft gray-green leaves. This herb is one of the most useful in the kitchen, it gives a strong and unique aroma stews, fillings, pastas and meat dishes (especially lamb), as well as pizzas and other spicy dishes. Marjoram is present in almost all culinary herb mixtures.

Some ways of using marjoram in cooking are suggested in various dishes home cooking:

  • Make slits in the lamb before placing in the oven and stuff them with chopped marjoram and garlic.
  • Use in place of sage when stuffing pork or turkey.
  • Finely chop and sprinkle on pizza before cooking.
  • Chop and add to tomato sauce meat sauce for pasta, lasagna or moussaka.
  • Toss marjoram stems and garlic in olive oil to create a fragrant oil for lamb chops.
  • Chop and add to a pan with olive oil and lemon juice Chicken breast fillets are fried.

The leaves dry well and retain most of their characteristic aroma. Hang clumps of herbs in a dry, well-ventilated area, then remove the leaves from the stems and store them in tightly sealed containers.

Use of mint in cooking

There are several most common types of mint: spearmint, the most popular, which is also called “sauce mint”; Peppermint, from which essential oil is obtained, is added to sweet dishes and tea. There is a round-leaved or sweet mint, with round soft leaves, which is said to be suitable for all purposes and to have the best taste.

The use of mint in cooking goes well with lamb, veal, rabbit meat, as well as potatoes, legumes, and many chocolates. It can be added to desserts and made into tea. Traditionally, mint sauce is always served with lamb.

Mint sauce: for 4 servings, finely chop 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh mint. Place 1/2 tbsp in a small bowl. spoons powdered sugar, pour in 1 tbsp. spoon of boiling water, stir until the sugar melts. Put mint, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of malt or wine vinegar, stir. Let stand for one hour.

What to cook with mint: what dishes are they added to?

It's time to figure out what to make from mint in your kitchen. These can be desserts and ice cream, pies and pastries, cakes and cocktails. Some ways to use it in the kitchen and what dishes you add mint to:

  • Before boiling new potatoes or peas, add a sprig of mint to the pan. Remove before serving and garnish the vegetables with fresh chopped mint.
  • Tear mint leaves and add to fruit salad - goes great with strawberries, apples, lime, pineapple and melon.
  • Add finely chopped mint to rice, for example to the grape leaf dolma filling.
  • Use mint to flavor drinks like Cuban mojitos or garnish cocktails.
  • You can use mint instead of basil in pesto, or make a sweet pesto with crushed mint, nuts, honey and vanilla extract.
  • Put mint in chocolate cake before baking, or make ice cream sauce.

What to cook from parsley in cooking

Parsley, a cold-hardy biennial, is perhaps the most common culinary herb in the world. Its curly or flat bright green leaves often decorate meat dishes, salads, and are placed in vegetable stew(sometimes in the form of herbal oil). Parsley is used in cooking due to its very distinct refreshing taste, which goes well with ham, bacon, and other meat products, as well as with eggs, pasta, legumes and rice.

Parsley is great for fillings. Some ways to prepare parsley:

  • Fry vegetable beans and bacon over high heat with big amount parsley and mint - this side dish goes great with chicken.
  • Add 1-2 tbsp during cooking. spoons of greens for leek, pea or spinach soup.
  • Make pesto using flat-leaf parsley as a substitute for basil. Then dress the tomato salad or pasta.
  • Quickly fry the curly parsley and serve with meat or fish, as they do in France.
  • Add more parsley to the soup of potatoes, onions and milk, then put it through a blender, it will turn out very tasty.
  • Add finely chopped parsley to French dressing for fish marinade olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Fry 3-4 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley along with shrimp, garlic and butter, this will make an easy and tasty snack.
  • Chew a sprig of parsley after eating garlic to neutralize the unpleasant odor.

Parsley sprigs stand well in a jar of water or in a bag in the refrigerator. Store chopped parsley using this method ice cubes or put it in a jar and pour it vegetable oil. So it will stand for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Mint is widely used in cooking all over the world; it is one of the most common and popular spices. Dried and fresh mint leaves are added to desserts, meat dishes, and baked goods. Perhaps, few spice plants can boast of such versatility.

In cooking fresh and dried mint leaves and flower buds are used. Most often, dried mint is sold in powder form, but if you prepare mint yourself, it is advisable to leave the leaves whole - this way the aroma of mint is better preserved. You can grind it just before adding it.

Fresh mint leaves added to sandwiches and summer vegetables, fruit salads both as a spice and for decoration. Ice cream, various desserts, and cocktails are often served with a leaf or sprig of fresh mint. This is wonderful flavoring agent To vegetable soups In some national cuisines, mint is an indispensable ingredient in milk soups. Fresh mint is often added to savory meat dishes, especially lamb, fish, and poultry. Fresh mint used for canning tomatoes, added to soaked apples, sauerkraut.

But it has received the greatest use in cooking dried mint. In many recipes for preparing homemade sausages, minced meat from various types meat, pates - especially from the liver, dried mint is mentioned. It helps improve the taste ready-made dish, and in some cases, muffle the specific aroma of a semi-finished product. Mint sauce goes great with any meat dish or a poultry dish.
Pies and pies, flatbreads, gingerbreads - mint is no less popular in baking. It is added to flavor the dough; in some countries, a mint decoction is made, which is used to knead the dough.

From time immemorial to this day, mint has been an indispensable ingredient. in the preparation of soft drinks. Especially popular is mint tea, which is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy. Mint is added to kvass and fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, cups, and syrups. But not all types of mint are suitable for making drinks. Peppermint adds drinks light bitterness, especially when heated and if mint tea is steeped for a long time. Other types of mint do not have any obvious bitterness.
