Panna cotta is a delicate Italian pudding with vanilla flavor. What is panna cotta? Classic panna cotta recipe

The next review of our culinary blog is dedicated to an Italian dessert called Panna cotta.

In fact, this dish is a Mediterranean version of jelly. However, it has a number of specific features: a more delicate consistency, soft structure, a bright and memorable smell of spicy vanilla.

The secret is in how the dish called Panna cotta. Recipe involves the addition of heavy confectionery cream of vegetable or animal origin, or ordinary cow's milk as the main ingredient.

It is still preferable to use natural cream, since they are the ones who make the dish more tender.

The treat is served cold, adding grated berries, fruit or jam.

It is impossible not to mention beneficial properties this delicacy. That's right, even though panna cotta is a sweet treat, it has health benefits when consumed in moderation.

The rich content of protein and calcium, which are well absorbed by the body from dairy dishes, is a valuable advantage society of the dish.

But there is one serious drawback: panna cotta classic is different high concentration animal fats.

It is enough to mention that the cream content in one serving of the dish reaches 95% - and that says it all.

The history of panna cotta

As mentioned above, the birthplace of delicate pudding is Italy, namely, the north of the Apennine Peninsula, and more specifically, Piedmont. Translated from Italian, panna cotta means “boiled cream”, “ boiled cream».

Many facts about the history of the dish have been lost, but it is known that in its earliest versions, panna cotta contained whipped cream, fish collagen (bone broth), honey and, of course, vanilla, which was added to create a special spicy taste.

After baking, the dish was cooled and served with fruit and a glass of wine. Subsequently, the delicate delicacy spread widely throughout Italy and then throughout the world. There are even such variations of the dish as chocolate and coffee panna cotta ta.

However, the Italians are still faithful to their culinary traditions, therefore, in its classic version, the Mediterranean jelly contains heavy cream, a fair amount of sugar, vanilla and gelatin are the main ingredients of this treat.

The nuances of making vanilla panna cotta

Today, there are many options for the execution of such a dish as panna cotta. However, to cook for your guests and loved ones delicate dessert at home, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations of Italian chefs.

  • The first thing to remember is that the pudding should be soft rather than firm. Otherwise, it will not be any different from ordinary jelly. It follows that gelatin must be added in moderation.
  • It is not recommended to bring cream to a boil; this may adversely affect the taste of the dish. We recommend adding diluted gelatin to the already heated cream.
  • It is no coincidence that the dish is called “vanilla panna cotta”. This is why you should not skimp on vanilla to the detriment of taste qualities dishes, adding artificial substitutes to it.
  • Panna cotta is not the case when you should experiment with herbs and spices. Limit yourself to vanilla, following the principle “brevity is the sister of talent.”
  • Otherwise, recipes for preparing panna cotta do not contain strict restrictions and provide complete freedom of action for creativity.

Our online store presents various options execution of such a dessert as treat with delivery in Moscow you can by leaving a request on the website e.

In addition, in the coming issues of our blog we will post more detailed recipes preparing panna cotta.

Panna cotta is another Italian dessert on sweet tables around the world. In it, the union of simple and accessible ingredients gives birth to a unique alchemy the most delicate aromas. Its name translates as “boiled cream,” although the dessert is served cold. Simple classic recipe Panna cotta made from cream, sugar and gelatin has been enriched with a variety of ingredients over time. This is how every culinary specialist creates his own vision of a dessert with the “dolce vita” taste. Panna cotta is rightfully considered the most exquisite dish.

According to official data, the history of panna cotta is relatively short. According to the official version, she is about 100 years old. But, if we take into account the theory of the earliest origin, the dish can boast of a three-century life.

The origin of panna cotta is uncertain. However, in 2001 the northern Italian region(Piemonte) included it in the list of traditional products of the area (PAT). It is believed that the dessert was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by a woman of Hungarian origin in Langhe. Although already in the 18th century in the book “Il cuoco Piemontese” there is a very similar recipe, called "white natural cream"(crema bianca al naturale). Flour was used as a thickener instead of gelatin.

In the ancient Langhe tradition there is also the ancestor of panna cotta - bonèt pudding. It contains eggs, sugar, milk, cocoa and macaroons.

An alternative version claims that panna cotta is a granddaughter of the Sicilian blancmange (Biancomangiare), which appeared during the Arab invasion of Sicilia. Some of them moved to the northern part of Italy, where livestock farming developed intensively. This contributed to the replacement almond milk cow and the birth of panna cotta.

Be that as it may, the dessert recipe, invented in Italy, went far beyond its borders and became native in many countries.

Classic panna cotta at home

The classic recipe for panna cotta is the basis of all the varieties that are now replete with world cooking. Knowing original version, you can easily prepare the perfect dessert for you.

The number of ingredients for classic panna cotta is minimal:

  • Gelatin 8 g;
  • Cream 500 ml;
  • Sugar 50 g;
  • Vanilla pod 1 pc.

Kitchen utensils needed for work:

  • A container of suitable volume for heating the liquid;
  • Sieve;
  • Cups or molds with a volume of 100-150 ml – 5 pcs;
  • Serving plates – 5 pcs.

Cooking steps

Soak the gelatin in cold water. The volume of liquid and swelling time must be determined on the packaging of the component. Cut the vanilla bean into several pieces.

When the gelatin swells, pour the cream into the pan, add vanilla and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Immediately pour it into the gelatin, having previously removed excess liquid from it, and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk.

If the gelatin has not completely dissolved, then place the pan on low heat and stir until it dissolves. Never bring the mixture to a boil again.

Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and let cool until room temperature. Then pour equally into 5 cups (molds) and put them in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. After this time, serve the panna cotta, first removing it from the molds onto plates. If you used cups or glasses, serving in them is perfectly acceptable.

If the finished panna cotta wobbles on the plate like a little girl wearing her mother's high heels, then you did everything right. Never use more than 8 g of gelatin per 500 ml of liquid. The chef's task is to use a minimum amount of thickener while maintaining the necessary consistency and velvety quality.

The cream should be sufficiently fat – 20-30%. If you are worried about your figure and are watching the amount of calories, you can replace some of the cream with milk. But it is worth remembering that this will significantly affect the taste of the dessert. Instead of natural vanilla It is quite possible to take a pinch of vanillin.

In order to easily remove the dessert from the molds, you can grease them before filling butter.
The best option spirit to pair with panna cotta will be Moscato d’Asti DOCG wine with rich taste and a long, aromatic aftertaste.

Calorie content

Panna cotta is one of the sweets with minimal calorie content. 100 g of dessert contains only 223 kcal, and the nutritional value consists of the following components:

  • Proteins 1.08 g;
  • Carbohydrates 23.38 g;
  • Fat 12.33 g.

Using less fat cream or milk will help reduce the calorie content of the dish.

Raspberry sauce

You can easily change up the classic panna cotta recipe by using sauces to serve. We want to offer you a vitamin-rich berry option.

Take half a glass of raspberries, strawberries and red currants and place them in a blender bowl. Add 250 g powdered sugar and juice of half a lemon. Whisk thoroughly until smooth and pass the sauce through a sieve to remove the pits.

It is worth mentioning that you can use the number of ingredients to your taste. For example, if you like raspberries, by increasing their quantity, you can easily remove other berries. You can also add sugar to taste.

To serve, you can pour a little sauce onto plates and spoon the panna cotta onto it. Second option: pour over the dessert, garnishing with whole berries.


This panna cotta recipe is incredibly versatile. It can be prepared to satisfy the most demanding preferences.

Cream is flavored not only with vanilla. Cocoa, coffee, cinnamon and even rum are often used. Options with mint and lavender are considered especially refined. Fruits and berries are also added to the cream. Acidic fruits should be avoided to prevent proteins from curdling.

Instead of cream, not only milk is used, but also dairy products(sour cream, yoghurts). The sauces for panna cotta are extremely varied: caramel, raspberry, citrus, chocolate, coffee or any to your individual taste.

Nowadays there is a variation of panna cotta without gelatin. It is replaced with egg whites. After cooling cream mixture add lightly whipped egg whites. The disadvantage of this option is that the new component does not pass heat treatment. This can cause salmonellosis.

As you know, all the cuisines of the world are interconnected. So panna cotta has relatives outside northern Italy. Among them are the most famous:

  1. Bavarian cream (Bavarese)– a French cream dessert, in which gelatin or fish glue (a substance obtained from dried swim bladders of fish) is used as a thickener;
  2. Blancmange- a Sicilian dish of milk or cream with sugar, thickened with gelatin, starch or carrageenan, often flavored with almonds;
  3. Custard (Crema pasticciera)– English milky and creamy sweetness with chicken yolks. It's thickened cornmeal. As a rule, they eat it without taking it out of the mold.

All this famous desserts, but none of them can boast of such wide popularity and popular love as Italian panna cotta.

The review of “boiled cream” has come to an end. We hope that the classic panna cotta recipe will take a firm place among the sweet dishes in your culinary repository. Italian Cuisine so unique that it not only attracts you to the stove to perform culinary feats, but is also an excellent argument in favor of a holiday in Italy. Live together, love boldly, travel easily and remember: “Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s honey, better serve your panna cotta with sauce!”


Frederic Dar, the most popular author of detective novels of the twentieth century, claimed that this dessert looked like an angel in velvet pants. Intrigued? The article is all about “Panna cotta” - an amazing Italian dessert that gives you a meeting with angels in velvet panties.

  • One of the most famous and beloved Italian desserts has no author. The name "Panna cotta", literally "cooked cream", is not mentioned in Italian cookbooks until the 60s of the twentieth century.
  • However, the dessert invented by a Hungarian emigrant is often mentioned. The name of the talented lady has sunk into oblivion. It is only known that she lived in the picturesque region of Piedmont - Langhe. From 1900 to 1960, the creamy delicacy was called the “Traditional Dessert of Piedmont.”
  • Who called first traditional dessert Piedmontese "panna cotta" is also unknown. However, in the 1990s, the wonderful Italian dessert “Panna cotta” became the most fashionable dessert in the United States and began a triumphant world tour.

In 2001, the province of Piedmont included panna cotta in the list of traditional foods of the region.

Culinary relatives Italian panna cotta it is generally accepted:

  • Bavarian cream (Bavarois, Bavaroise, Bavarian cream, Crème bavaroise, Bavarois)
  • Blanc-manger
  • English cream "Custard"

What made the dessert so popular? After all, panna cotta is on the menu of the most expensive restaurants the world and is the favorite dessert of many famous chefs: Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Eric Lanlard, Alexander Seleznev, Luca Montersino, Nick Malgieri, Christophe Mischlak.

The answer is simple: a minimum of effort and stunning results.

Classic panna cotta recipe

A little important little things, before you start creating a masterpiece delicacy

  • Italians are confident that cooking creamy dessert does not tolerate deviations from the recipe. If you have “cooked cream” on your menu, then cook with cream! Not made from milk or homemade sour cream, namely from cream! The fattier the cream, the tastier the treat will be. And you will eat classic panna cotta, but not milk dessert Untitled.
  • In addition to cream, the important ingredients of the delicacy are vanilla pod and vanilla extract (not essence!!!).
  • The recipe for a classic dessert must include dark rum or Marsala as a base alcohol.
  • Leaf gelatin is preferable to powdered gelatin because it dissolves better and does not form lumps.
  • Be sure to study the gelatin manufacturer's recommendations: you need an amount calculated for 500 ml of liquid. The amount of gelatin recommended by the manufacturer may differ from the amount indicated in the recipe.
  • Any seasonal berries or fruits are used for the sauce. The sauce is an integral and essential part of this dessert.
  • You can serve panna cotta either in molds where the dessert has frozen, or by transferring the dessert to a serving dish.

Important. main feature quality dessert- velvety cut. That is why they say about panna cotta - an angel in velvet pants.


  • 2 cups or 500 g of cream with 33% fat content. The fat content may be more, but not less!
  • 2.5 tablespoons or 63 g granulated sugar.
  • 1 plate (8 g) leaf gelatin. Can be replaced with powder. When using powder instant gelatin water should be taken at the rate of 1 part gelatin - 6 parts water.
  • 1 vanilla pod. The pod should be soft and moist.
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. Vanilla extract- a natural alcohol-containing product or, more simply, vanilla alcohol tincture. If you really want, you can do it yourself.
  • 1 tablespoon dark rum. If the dessert is prepared for children, the base alcohol should be excluded.

The easiest berry sauce for panna cotta

What to cook from:

  • 200 g fresh or frozen berries
  • 100 g granulated sugar

How to cook:

  1. Place berries and sugar in blender jar
  2. Grind thoroughly for 5 minutes

Advice. If you are using berries with small bones, for example, raspberries, additionally rub the sauce through a sieve.

Important: panna cotta is a very high-calorie dessert.

To solve the “to eat or not to eat” dilemma, remember the cheerful Italians who love to eat, and the advice of the magnificent Susan Somers: “If you really want cake, eat it, but before that, convince yourself that it is dietary.”

Video: Panna Cotta

How to make panna cotta at home?

Below is less calorie, but no less tasty option panna cotta.

Panna cotta with lemon syrup

For the panna cotta:

  • 250 g cream 33% fat
  • 125 g fresh milk fat content 3%
  • 8 g sheet or powder gelatin
  • 60 g sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod. Any dry herbal mixture in an amount of 10-40 g can be used as a flavoring agent.

For the lemon sauce:

  • zest of 2 medium lemons
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g water

How to cook panna cotta:

  1. Soak gelatin according to package instructions

  1. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise into two pieces. Using the back, unsharpened, side of the knife, scrape the vanilla seeds from the sides of the pod.

  1. Place in any convenient thick-walled heat-resistant container
  • cream
  • milk
  • sugar
  • vanilla (pod and seeds)

  1. Bring the cream and milk mixture to a boil over medium heat. Ideally, the mixture should not be heated open fire, but in a water or steam bath.
  2. As soon as you see signs of boiling, remove the container from the heat and remove the vanilla bean. If other ingredients were used for flavoring, for example, dry herbal collection of lavender or chamomile, the mixture should be strained through a sieve.

Important. If you don't use natural flavors, do not bring the mixture to a boil, but just heat the gelatin to the “working” temperature.

  1. Allow the creamy milk mixture to cool slightly to 82-85⁰C and add gelatin. If the temperature is lower than 82⁰C, there is a danger that the gelatin will not dissolve. At higher rates, gelatin may cook and lose its gelling properties.

  1. To remove the cooled dessert from the mold, lower the mold for 10-20 seconds very hot water(boiling water). The surface of the dessert will melt and it will easily slide out of the mold when turned over onto a serving plate.

Advice. If you are not sure that you can remove the dessert from the mold without loss, pour it into beautiful glass glasses or bowls and serve without removing it.

  • Panna cotta is one of those wonderful delicacies that can make life much easier modern woman. This dessert tolerates freezing well. Shelf life at low temperature conditions freezer- 1 month.
  • Panna cotta can be prepared and frozen directly in a mold, preferably a silicone one. The soft material of the mold makes it easy to remove the frozen dessert onto a plate. Thawing time for treats is about 30 minutes at room temperature.

How to cook lemon sauce:

  1. Place the sugar, water and zest in any convenient heatproof container.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat
  3. Boil for a few minutes over low heat
  4. Cool

Calorie content of milky and creamy panna cotta excluding sauce and vanilla component in the table in the picture.

Strawberry Panna Cotta Recipe

Strawberries and cream are a classic of world gastronomy. Panna cotta with strawberries or Panna cotta con le fragole will make all the receptors of your body tremble: it is not only tasty, but also very beautiful.

What to cook from:

  • 50 g fresh strawberries
  • 500 ml cream 33% fat
  • 8 g leaf gelatin
  • 500 ml milk
  • 90 g granulated sugar

How to cook:

  1. Soak gelatin: 7 g - in cold milk, 1 g - in cold water.
  2. Pour the cream into a heatproof, heavy-bottomed container. Add 70 g sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. As soon as you see the first signs of boiling, remove the container with the sugar-cream mixture from the heat and let it cool to 82-85⁰C.
  4. Squeeze out the swollen gelatin and add to the sugar-cream mixture. Mix the mixture well with a whisk until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Leave to cool at room temperature.
  5. Place the washed, dried, stemmed strawberries in a blender bowl, add the rest of the sugar and grind thoroughly.
  6. Place the container with the swollen gelatin on water bath and wait for it to completely dissolve.
  7. Mix strawberries and melted gelatin.
  8. Add the strawberry-gelatin mixture to the warm cream-sugar mixture and mix thoroughly.

Option for serving panna cotta with strawberries

Since the berry component is present in the dessert itself, no sauce is served.

Advice. Strawberries can be replaced with any other seasonal berries, each time getting new taste favorite dessert

Chocolate Panna Cotta Recipe

This recipe is suitable for those who love chocolate in chocolate and definitely add more chocolate on top.

Important: use proven chocolate for panna cotta good quality with a percentage of cocoa products of at least 75%.

What to cook from:

  • 400 ml cream 33% fat
  • 100-150 g quality chocolate
  • 100 ml fresh milk 3% fat
  • 8 g gelatin
  • 80 g granulated sugar (the amount of sugar can be reduced to 40 g)

How to cook:

  1. Place the cream, milk, sugar and pre-chopped chocolate in a heatproof container.
  2. Heat the mixture over medium heat until the chocolate has melted. Remember to constantly stir the chocolate and cream.
  3. Once the chocolate is completely combined with the cream, remove the container with the chocolate-cream mixture from the heat.
  4. Squeeze out the swollen gelatin and add to the chocolate-cream mixture. Mix the mixture well with a whisk until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour panna cotta into molds and cover cling film, place in the refrigerator until the dessert is completely frozen.
  6. Serve garnished fresh berries and mint leaves.

Advice. Sour flavors go well with chocolate panna cotta. berry sauces, topping of nuts and cocoa.

Milk panna cotta recipe or preparing diet panna cotta

A sad fact for all the foodies in the world: panna cotta is very high-calorie product! And no matter how much we convince ourselves that a creamy dessert is dietary, sometimes we have to say “no” to panna cotta.

In this case, may the Italians forgive us, milk panna cotta or diet panna cotta will improve your mood.

What to cook from:

  • 500 ml low-fat milk
  • 8 g leaf gelatin
  • 40 g honey (you can take a little more)

How to cook:

  1. Soak gelatin according to package instructions.
  2. Pour milk into any convenient thick-walled heat-resistant container and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
  3. As soon as you see signs of boiling, remove the container from the heat. Add honey to the milk and mix thoroughly.
  4. Allow the milk-honey mixture to cool slightly to 82-85⁰C and add gelatin.
  5. Mix the mixture with gelatin with a whisk until the latter is completely dissolved. Mix very carefully, avoiding the formation of bubbles.
  6. Pour the dessert into molds, cover with cling film, and place in the refrigerator until completely set. Hardening time: at least 5 hours.
  7. Serve with berry snow.

For berry snow, place 150 g of any frozen berries in a blender and grind thoroughly. If desired, you can add 30 g of granulated sugar to the blender bowl.

Panna cotta is a little angel in velvet pants. Be sure to feel his light touch!

Video: Panacotta

Video: Coffee panna cotta. Chickens stuffed with cottage cheese. Lentil salad

Panna cotta is translated from Italian as “boiled cream.” In the classic version, the cream with sugar and vanilla is brought to a boil. Add gelatin to the hot mixture, stirring, cool slightly and pour into molds. After hardening, the dessert is taken out, decorated with berries and fruits and poured over with syrup.

Panna cotta is a delicate, seductive dessert made from cream and gelatin, which is prepared in Italy, the Emilia-Romagna region. The name of the dessert literally translates as “boiled cream” or “boiled cream”, but essentially it is a cream pudding without or with various additives. Additives to panna cotta include pieces of fruit, berries, caramel or fruit and berry sauce.

The finished dessert is left in bowls or turned over onto a plate, garnished with berries and sauce. For panna cats, it is recommended to take sheet gelatin, because... it is considered cleaner, without impurities, which has a positive effect on the smell ready dessert. Panna cotta can be prepared in advance and keeps well in the refrigerator (about 2-3 days). Experts believe that the best panna cotta is made from unpasteurized milk and cream. There are also modern modifications Italian dessert. For example, in some recipes, panna cat is suggested to be cooked from yogurt or sour cream with milk.

If panna cotta was prepared in a restaurant and not bought in a supermarket, it should not be a strong and elastic mass, but a delicate substance that will last and not melt only on the way from the restaurant kitchen to your stomach. Good masters they manage to make panna cotta balanced, minimally cloying, with a light, enveloping vanilla taste.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The production of workwear is a separate industry. For production, certain fabrics with enhanced characteristics are used. However, workwear is not only the uniform of firefighters and construction workers, but also corporate clothing.

Why do you need workwear?

Special clothing is not only things with the company name. Important in this case are color, density and wear resistance. Looking at an employee, you can safely determine which “class” he belongs to.

  • Corporate. The main thing here is to stand out among your competitors. For example, using color or a combination of colors, certain symbols, stripes.
  • Protective. The name speaks for itself. It is designed to protect a person from external factors or products from external influences.
  • Medical clothing. Characteristics- hygiene, comfort, practicality, etc. This includes gowns, caps, suits, protective bandages;
  • With reflective elements. This characteristic is especially important for people working in low light conditions (for example, on roads, in dimly lit, foggy rooms);
  • To protect against elevated temperatures and adverse external influences. Such clothing should repel moisture and oil. An important additional component is a respirator or bandage. Such clothing must withstand both ultra-high and ultra-low temperatures. To do this, the composition includes modern insulating materials that retain heat, but do not weigh down the product.

Criteria and features

In order to understand what textile ideal for sewing "working" suits, it is necessary to determine the range of requirements:

  • Should repel dirt;
  • Easy to wash;
  • Do not restrict movement and create comfortable temperature conditions;
  • Be hygienic;
  • Let air through;
  • Suitable for certain working conditions (severe frost, heat, increased “hygienic” requirements);
  • Have increased wear resistance;
  • Such fabrics must have a certificate of compliance with GOST requirements;
  • The material must not burn when exposed to high temperatures;
  • Excellent protective functions (for example, against insects, acids and alkalis, radiation, harmful microorganisms).

Of course, all requirements cannot be realized in one fabric. Yes, this is not so necessary. For people working in medical institutions, bactericidal properties are primarily important; for factory workers, wear resistance and protection from external influences are important. Based on this, it is necessary to choose the material for sewing the product.

Basic fabrics for sewing

The most commonly used fabrics are:

  • Twill

Twill has a diagonal weave of fibers. Its base is usually 100% cotton, but linen, silk and even synthetic fibers can be used. It is very dense and has a matte surface.

Depending on the technique, the canvas can be with right and left diagonals, and you can also get different kinds: broken, zigzag, complex, enhanced, shadow.

In workwear made from twill, the body breathes (of course, if the material is 100% natural). This option is perfect for both bakeries and premises with low temperatures(for example, where refrigeration units are installed). It does not accumulate static electricity, has a dense base and washes well. Another important quality is the ability to repair a single part. This allows you to save on purchasing a new product.

This is a mixed fabric, What in the classic version it is the following ratio - 65% polyester, 35% cotton. However, the manufacturer may deviate slightly from this norm. Density ranges from 110 g/sq.m to 250 g/sq.m. The fabric has good hygienic properties. It allows air to pass through and creates comfort. Tisi is widely used in the medical field, as well as in the field hotel business, Food Industry. There are both completely natural and blended options. However, do not forget that this material should not be exposed to chlorine. It is made entirely from artificial or natural raw materials; however, this is not worth doing. The item will lose its original appearance and strength.

  • Calico
  • Calico refers to natural fabrics. It is quite light and durable. Thanks to the peculiarities of the weave, the material gains wear resistance and the composition provides breathability. Despite the fact that it is widely used for sewing bedding, the scope of its use for making “work” clothes is just as extensive. In this case, it is important to look at the density. According to GOST 29298 2005, this value should not be less than 145 g/sq.m. A lower density is unacceptable for this area of ​​activity. The products will be fragile and color fastness may be low. If harsh calico is more suitable for furniture upholstery, then for the manufacture of workwear excellent option there will be a bleached variety.

  • Moleskin

Moleskine is considered the densest cotton fabric. This perfect option for industries with increased dustiness. Thanks to the reinforced satin weave, the fabric is virtually impervious to small particles. This is simply necessary when working at asbestos and flour mills. Moreover, moleskin is one of the few fabrics designed to protect human skin from biologically active and radiation substances. The surface is easily cleaned of particles and can be used in the future without loss of external data and performance characteristics.

When creating protective fabrics of this type, the task was to create not only a good protective fabric, but also to provide comfortable conditions for workers. Many fabrics had high degree dustproof, but at the same time affected heat and air exchange. Moleskine solves this problem. There are several varieties:

  • S26-YUD. Its density is 347 g/m2. Designed for use in very dusty areas. This variety is considered the standard among natural fabrics for creating “work” clothes. It is also used for the manufacture of dust collectors;
  • S27-YUD. Has a density of 250 g/m2. This classic version for production uniforms. It saves you from sulfuric acid (concentration up to 20%) and standard industrial pollution;
  • S28-YUD . Characterized by a surface density of 280 g/m2. This category is intended for protection against elevated temperatures. According to test data, such fabric does not burn at all for 30 seconds, then it slowly smolders.

This material is approved by state standards for sewing clothing for the fuel sector and nuclear industry.

  • Horizon

Refers to mixed fabrics. The composition includes 75% cotton, 25% polyester. Thanks to the complex weave, the products become wear-resistant. Natural fibers provide hygroscopicity, synthetic fibers provide strength and durability. Product density is 380 g/m2. To create additional characteristics, the surface can be treated with impregnation against rot and combustion.

  • Cloth

Cloth is most often used for sewing work clothes for welders and metallurgists. Thanks to its dense texture, it perfectly protects against sparks and metal drops.

Cloth clothing is widely used in rooms with both high and low temperatures; variants with anti-acid and heat-resistant impregnation are created. The latter have markings, thanks to which you can easily recognize additional qualities.

Due to the fact that such things are heavy and poorly sewn, their cut is extremely simple. Usually these are direct products with minimum quantity accessories. Disadvantages also include the “prickliness” and rigidity of the products.

  • Oxford
  • The basis of this material is synthetic fiber. To add strength, a profiled thread is woven into the base. To provide special properties A water-repellent coating is used on the inside. For these purposes, polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride is used. They do not allow dirt to stagnate in the fibers of the fabric. Fabric spotted Oxford 240 and 210 are used for sewing workwear for hunters, fishermen and tourists.

    The symbol "D" is used to indicate density. The higher its value, the higher the density. Minimum density - 150 D, maximum - 600 D.

    • Alba

    This fabric is mainly used in medical institutions for sewing gowns and suits. It is light and does not hinder movements at all. It is also worth noting that it retains its original characteristics even at a washing temperature of 85 degrees. It contains 33% cotton and 67% polyester.

    • Tomboy

    Tomboy is a combined fabric (33% cotton, 67% polyester) and has a density of 245 g/m2. Currently, this is the most popular modern fabric used for sewing industrial clothing. Its main characteristics are resistance to light, numerous washes and long term operation. Its guaranteed service life is more than 2 years, even under conditions of constant industrial washing (at a temperature of 85 degrees). Tomboy suit do not fade in the sun, do not wear out for a long time, and do not show stains or snags. There is an “improved” version available for sale with impregnation, which reduces maintenance time. Such products do not even need to be ironed after washing.

    • Tarpaulin

    Tarpaulins are often used to make specialized clothing. This is a heavy, dense material. The main color range is green to brown (yellow canvases are also found). The colors are not random. Yellow-brown shades mean that the fabric has fire-resistant properties, green – water-repellent.

    The fabric can be made from linen, synthetic or cotton fibers.

    Tarpaulin is used for the manufacture of work gloves, aprons, workwear and bags.

    Scope of activity and types of fabric

    Manufacturing workwear is an area that requires a lot of knowledge and skills. It is important to choose the correct “dosage” of the components included in the composition. If this is a medical area, then you need to choose a lightweight, hygienic material that does not hinder movement and neutralizes bacteria on the surface.

    The metallurgical field dictates its terms. These are usually heavy, dense fabrics. They should protect the body from exposure to acids and high temperatures, but at the same time allow air to circulate freely. Both hypothermia and overheating have a negative effect on the body.

    There are no bad or good fabrics in this area. There are materials that are suitable for a specific area or condition. Tarpaulin fabrics are completely unusable in medical institutions, and calico products are not suitable for use in the nuclear industry. However, there is one option that is considered almost universal - Tisi. It is widely used for sewing work clothes due to its characteristics, which are equally good for different conditions. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the density of the product and the presence or absence of impregnations.
