Creator of Olivier. Salad "Olivier" - an eternal Russian classic

The history of Olivier salad is truly amazing - created as thin dish from fried hazel grouse and crayfish necks, in the Soviet Union it became the main New Year's salad with boiled sausage and green peas. If you ask any housewife what they add to Olivier, the answers will amaze you with their diversity - some manage to put tomatoes in Olivier, others prepare this salad using canned corn. Despite its aristocratic history of origin, Olivier salad has become the most democratic dish, prepared from ingredients on hand and generously seasoned with mayonnaise.

Olivier salad owes its origins to the French chef Olivier, who worked at the Moscow restaurant “Hermitage”. In the original, this dish was not at all what was prepared and consumed in bowls in the USSR.

Lucien Olivier, famous by Gilyarovsky, invented a slightly different dish, which has in common with the usual Olivier only the presence of mayonnaise and a “meat product”. The difference is that the meat was fried hazel grouse cut into strips (or pure form, or supplemented with veal and partridges). As evidenced by data from the history of the creation of the Olivier salad, mayonnaise was, of course, homemade. A similar dish appears in Molokhovets called “game mayonnaise.”

The history of Olivier salad in Russia

The exact recipe of Olivier himself has not been preserved, but, according to the recollections of visitors to the Hermitage, in addition to hazel grouse, the salad contained jelly cubes (from partridge broth), gherkins, fresh cucumbers and hard-boiled eggs, which were supposed to play a purely decorative role. Olivier was shocked to the core when the Russian merchants mashed the eggs with a fork, mixed them with the rest of the dish and ate them. And the main thing that was added to the Olivier salad was crayfish tails and truffles. Apparently the idea is to add it to a salad boiled potatoes It didn’t occur to Olivier (he was still French, not German), but this ingredient appears in recipes already in Russian cookbooks at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition to mayonnaise, heavily diluted with olive oil, the dressing also added the mysterious “Kabul soybean”, apparently one of the varieties of soy sauce.

The history of Olivier salad in Russia after the revolution has undergone serious changes. In the 1930s, the salad mutated into “Stolichny” (this recipe, by the way, also has an author - Ivan Ivanov, chef of the Moscow restaurant): chicken instead of hazel grouse and no truffles with crayfish necks, which replaced boiled carrots. The latter allegedly appeared in a “mutant” salad in the restaurant of the House of Writers, where it was cut into the chest of the flower of USSR literature instead of crabs - it was similar in color, but neither prose writers nor poets were able to distinguish them in taste.

Wines for Olivier salad

1. Champagne or other good sparkling wine. According to half of Moscow sommeliers, Olivier goes well with low-dose brut (Brut Naturel) or Italian franciacorta Dozage Zero, which can cope with eggs and vinegar in mayonnaise.

2. If your salad contains, as expected, crayfish necks and red game, then you have a choice of many still white wines: simple Novy Svetsk Chardonnay (without oak), Riesling (so that it has not only acidity, but also good alcoholic component) or the average price of sauvignon blanc (which will be good for authentic recipe, it will overcome both mayonnaise and hazel grouse). White burgundy and light samples of Sancerre are recommended for refined versions of Olivier served in restaurants.

3. If your Olivier is mostly meat-based, then light red wine will go well with it. Among the latest ideas of Moscow chefs are, for example, Olivier with roast beef, smoked duck, and veal tongue. A regional red Burgundy (say, Pommard) would go well with this. Another delicious option- Olivier with Tambov ham and pickled apples - simply calls for a spicy cote du Rhone.

4. Rescue option for all cases (including serving in a basin) - fortified wines: Amontillado sherry, dry Malaga or white port - that is, something not particularly sweet, but with a good “body” and a powerful bouquet.

Lucien Olivier, the youngest of the three Olivier brothers, when very young, went to Moscow to work. Like many Frenchmen, he hoped to use his culinary skills in a country that has always respected French cuisine.

While his brothers were cooking for French gourmets, Lucien was opening his own restaurant, the Hermitage. At first, the business brought in significant income, and the young Frenchman prepared dishes familiar from childhood. This success contributed greatly family recipe- improvement of mayonnaise sauce.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Olivier family began to add mustard when making the sauce, as well as several secret spices, which made the taste of the familiar sauce slightly spicy. The popularity of the Olivier family’s mayonnaise was so great that it allowed the older brothers to keep their business in France, and Lucien to open a Moscow “branch” on Trubnaya Square. But everything is transitory in this world, and gradually the sauce alone became not enough for the success of the establishment. Its taste quickly became boring, and the changing fashion swung towards skinny, pale young ladies, whose beauty, naturally, was hampered by the appetizing and high-calorie Olivier sauces. Something urgently needed to be done, and then Lucien Olivier came up with a new salad - a true work of art. His taste was so exquisite that it instantly brought the Frenchman the fame of a great chef, and the popularity of his restaurant, which was beginning to fade, flared up with renewed vigor.

Visitors named the new salad “Olivier Salad,” which was quite in the tradition of Russian names. Since then, the name Olivier has become a household name, and the salad has been repeated countless times, eventually simplifying the recipe so much that its modern version is the exact opposite of the original. Many chefs tried to repeat Olivier’s recipe, but, not knowing all the components, they inevitably failed: the taste of a real Olivier salad could only be appreciated in the Hermitage restaurant.

Taste famous dish was achieved to a large extent due to Monsieur Olivier’s own mayonnaise recipe. They said that the Frenchman jealously kept the recipe secret and made it in a special room behind a closed door. The journey of the sauce was not easy. Initially, Olivier made a sauce called “Game Mayonnaise.” It consisted of boiled fillets of hazel grouse and partridge, layered with layers of jelly from the broth. Along the edges of the dish lay boiled crayfish necks and small pieces of tongue. All this was flavored with a small amount of homemade Provencal sauce. In the center of the structure, a mound of potatoes with gherkins and slices of boiled eggs was decorated, while the central potato part, as conceived by the author, was intended more for beauty.

One day, Lucien Olivier noticed that some Russians who ordered this dish immediately broke the whole plan, stirring the entire structure with a spoon, and devoured this tasty mass with great appetite. The next day, an enterprising Frenchman mixed all the ingredients and poured a thick sauce on it. This is how the famous salad was born, reborn from the exquisite but inconvenient “game mayonnaise” into the no less refined, but closer to the Russian soul, Olivier salad.

Here is the composition of the real Olivier salad (albeit, already during the period of its decline - 1904, and its creator took the secret of the true Olivier with him) as follows:

Reconstruction of a real Olivier salad

So Olivier took:

The meat of two boiled hazel grouse, one boiled veal tongue, added about 100 grams of black pressed caviar, 200 grams of fresh salad, 25 boiled crayfish or 1 can of lobster, half a can of very small pickled cucumbers (pickles), half a can of kabul soybeans (a kind of soybean paste produced at that time ), two chopped fresh cucumbers, 100 grams of capers (prickly vegetable crop, in which flower buds are pickled), finely chopped five pieces of hard-boiled eggs.

All this bourgeois delight was seasoned with Provencal sauce, which was supposed to be prepared with French vinegar, two fresh egg yolks and a pound (400 grams) of Provencal olive oil.

The main secret of the amazing taste of the salad was a small amount of certain seasonings that Olivier personally introduced into his mayonnaise in a secret room. It was the composition of these seasonings that could not be reliably restored. Well, the rest of the ingredients in the salad were in plain sight, so special secret had no idea.

In 2013, the Olivier appetizer, famous throughout the world as the “Russian salad,” celebrated its 150th anniversary. On New Year's Day, Olivier salad is prepared 10 times more often and 10 times more than usual, and despite the fact that both the recipe for Olivier salad and its presence on the New Year's festive table are a tribute to centuries-old tradition, everyone wants to cook it “this time, especially tasty.” " Let's start from the beginning...

HISTORY of Olivier salad

There is a curious history of the appearance of the salad, known to any of our compatriots under the name “Olivier” and rightfully considered one of the main dishes of modern Russian cuisine.

Perhaps not a single holiday is complete without this truly national dish. And this salad actually became such a dish only in the 60-70s of the 20th century! Where did this dish, seemingly alien to its traditions, come from in Russian, or rather in Russian-Soviet cuisine?

Contrary to popular belief modern salad"Olivie" has little in common with what the French chef invented Lucien Olivier(died November 14, 1883 at the age of 45) except, perhaps, the name itself.

In the 19th century in Moscow, on the corner of Grachevskaya Street and Tsvetnoy Boulevard, with a facade on Trubnaya Square, there was a three-story Vnukov house, on the top two floors of which there was a second-class tavern “Crimea”, where the most notorious people walked - from card sharpers and gigolos to poor merchants and visiting provincials. The basement of the building was occupied by the gloomy tavern “Hell”, in which the most desperate Moscow thugs of that time celebrated their dark deeds.

Opposite this gloomy building there was a vast wasteland that belonged to certain Popov brothers. At the very beginning of the 60s of the 19th century, the Frenchman Olivier acquired this entire wasteland from one of the Popov brothers, whom he met quite by accident - both were buying bergamot snuff, which they were big hunters for, in one of the shops that densely populated the wasteland and had special income landowners who did not deliver.

Olivier by this time was already famous, he prepared gourmet dinners to order at the homes of wealthy clients and managed to accumulate a small capital. Olivier built on this vacant lot, demolishing shops and small inns, a restaurant of Parisian cuisine, “Hermitage,” in which everything was naturally in the French style.

At the Hermitage one could taste the same dishes that were previously served only in the mansions of nobles. At that time, the restaurant, which was called a tavern, served caviar and fruit in huge ice vases, carved in the form of fairy-tale palaces and various fantastic animals.

The Hermitage immediately became favorite place from the nobility. In fact, this tavern was, according to our modern standards, an upscale restaurant for the elite. One hundred people worked in this establishment, of which 32 were cooks. It was considered special chic after gourmet lunch in the “Hermitage”, ride a reckless driver to dinner at the “Yar”, eat cold veal “Gypsy style” prepared in a special manner and listen to the Sokolovsky Gypsy Choir. By the way, the word Hermitage itself had nothing to do with the St. Petersburg royal mansions. In the French language fashionable at that time, “Hermitage” meant a secluded corner, a hermit’s home. Often, owners jokingly called their country houses, estates, and recreation pavilions this way (by analogy with how we now call our dachas haciendas).

At the Hermitage, the business was initially run by three fellow countrymen: general management was carried out by Olivier, the most important guests were served by Marius, and the kitchen was managed by the then famous Parisian chef Duguay. Soon the already very popular “Hermitage” gains even greater fame among gourmets thanks to Monsieur Olivier’s magnificent salad, which was distinguished by its subtle, refined taste. And the invention of this dish happened, one might say, by accident, without much effort on the part of the future culinary genius.

In French cuisine of that time, the components of the salad, as a rule, were not mixed - the ingredients were beautifully arranged on a dish or laid out in layers. In general, French cuisine until the beginning of the 19th century was poor in appetizers, and French chefs learned a lot from the Russian gastronomic tradition. At least, for example, the Russian order of serving dishes is first, second, third. In Europe, it was customary to put everything on the table at once, or to change dishes, without particularly observing the division into main, secondary and appetizers. Each eater ate what and when his soul desired.

Initially, Monsieur Olivier treated clients to a similar salad, consisting of separately laid out products and called "Game mayonnaise". Moreover, Olivier came up with a special sauce for this dish based on olive oil, vinegar and egg yolks. This sauce was named Provencal by its inventor.

There is a legend about how this sauce was invented: Olivier ordered one of his chefs to prepare a traditional French mustard sauce for one of the dishes, which, along with mustard, includes oil, vinegar and mashed boiled egg yolks. However, either by mistake or deciding to save time, the cook added raw yolks to the mixture. The result of his creativity amazed the owner - the sauce turned out to be unusually fluffy and surprisingly pleasant to the taste. Having found out the reason for such a strange transformation of the mixture and giving the careless cook a scolding for order, Olivier realized that chance had helped him create a perfect new sauce, which can dramatically improve the taste of any dish.

Over time, the “mayonnaise” dish itself disappeared from Russian cuisine, but the sauce invented for it remained. And now by the word Provencal mayonnaise we mean this original sauce, and not the salad for which it was invented by the French chef.

The dish “Game Mayonnaise” was prepared according to quite complex technology. Hazel grouse and partridge fillets were boiled. The broth in which the poultry was cooked was used to make jelly. Slices of poultry were placed on a dish with mayonnaise sauce, jelly cut into cubes was placed between them, and potato salad with pickled small cucumbers - gherkins - was poured in the center. All this was decorated with halves of hard-boiled eggs.

However, to the surprise and, perhaps, displeasure of the chef-artist, tipsy Russian connoisseurs of beauty, not wanting to eat the served dish in layers, as was supposed to be done, barbarously mixed everything into a porridge with a spoon and happily ate this mess. Still, apparently Lucien Olivier was not a fool and did not try to swim against the tide, convincing his guests to eat as they should. He decided to simply follow the tastes of the local public and began immediately cutting all the ingredients of the “mayonnaise” into small cubes and mixing it all before serving, at the same time adding some other components that were popular with visitors.

Thus, Olivier actually became the inventor of a new salad against his will. This salad initially became famous among the Moscow public under the name “French”, although it had practically nothing in common with French cuisine. Moreover, abroad he is still more often called “Russian”.

Lucien Olivier kept the exact method of preparing the salad a strict secret even from his partners Marius and Duguay and always prepared it himself. With the death of the famous cook, the secret of his recipe was lost. He did not consider it necessary to hand it over to anyone. And soon the “Hermitage” itself passed from Marius into the possession of the furniture maker Polikarpov, the fishmonger Mochalov, the barman Dmitriev and the merchant Yudin, who organized the “Olivier Partnership”. The institution became known as the “Great Hermitage”. The tavern's audience has also changed. Aristocrats, large landowners who had previously been regulars at the tavern, after the reform of 1861 quickly spent their redemption money and became poor. The “new Russians” of that era moved into the Hermitage - wealthy merchants and wealthy intelligentsia, who took a bite out of the reforms of Alexander III. doctors, lawyers, successful journalists (including the famous Gilyarovsky, who more than once mentioned the “Hermitage” in his articles). This public managed to shift most of the money that ended up in the hands of landowners who suddenly became landless into their own pockets. Their requests were simpler, and their tastes more vulgar. But they also wanted to taste the famous “Olivier”, posing as aristocrats, in fact being, for the most part, ordinary scoundrels.

Despite the fact that the secret of the authentic salad was lost, its main ingredients were still known. Until the Hermitage closed, it served a salad called “Olivier,” but according to the reviews of visitors who still remembered the true “Olivier,” the taste was completely different. Many imitations and attempts to reproduce the famous dish appeared. But when preparing a dish, it is not even the recipe itself that is important, but the technology of its preparation, and also, possibly, the use of some “secret” ingredients. So the main secret - the recreation of the real Olivier - was not solved. For example, in the cookbook “Culinary Art” for 1899, it was given next recipe Olivier salad: breasts of three boiled hazel grouse, 15 boiled crayfish necks, five boiled potatoes, one glass of lanspic, five pickled cucumbers, capers, olives, gherkins, Provençal oil to taste, three truffles. All this is cut into pieces and filled with a large amount of mayonnaise sauce and soy-kabul.

The new owners of the Hermitage at the beginning of the 20th century reproduced the salad recipe as best they could. This Olivier version included: 2 hazel grouse, veal tongue, a quarter pound of pressed caviar, half a pound of fresh lettuce, 25 pieces of boiled crayfish, half a can of pickles, half a can of soybeans, two fresh cucumbers, a quarter of a pound of capers, 5 hard-boiled eggs and, of course, mayonnaise sauce However, according to reviews from people who still remembered the real Olivier, the taste was still different. It is worth giving an explanation for these recipes: lanspik is a type of jelly made from veal legs and heads with many spices. Soy-kabul is a type of quite spicy sauce based on soybeans, popular in those distant times. Pickles are pickled (precisely pickled) small vegetables, at least the same cucumbers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a new stream of eaters joined the ranks of restaurant visitors, even less discerning, less refined and demanding - shopkeepers, actors, folk poets and everyday life writers of various kinds, who, not even being intellectuals by origin, nevertheless wanted to look the same aristocrats (as they understood it). Of course, they wouldn’t defend their honor with a pistol or sword in their hand, but they didn’t mind eating “in an aristocratic way.” This ends the first, pre-revolutionary stage in the history of this wonderful dish.

In 1917, the Hermitage closed. The World War and the two Russian revolutions that crowned it almost completely destroyed both French chefs and Moscow connoisseurs of their art. It became simply dangerous not only to eat hazel grouse and partridges, but also to mention them, since a picky eater could be considered a bourgeois and simply be “slammed” in the nearest gateway. It seemed that not only was Monsieur Olivier’s secret hopelessly lost, but the very idea of ​​such a dish, alien to the new, emerging in pain (in literally this word) to society.

But the cheerful NEP came. The Hermitage opened its doors again, but the audience there was already completely different - another wave of suddenly rich swindlers, but they got rich not from the rapid growth of the economy, not from their personal popularity, not from their talent, but from hunger and devastation. Even former rootless merchants and actors looked like true aristocrats in comparison. Olivier salad has returned to the menu! But it had little in common even with the pre-revolutionary one.

The Nepman “Hermitage” did not last long and was also closed in 1923, and the House of the Peasant was opened in its premises. There was a dining room in which there were no salads on the menu at all. Now this house No. 14 on Petrovsky Boulevard, on the corner of Neglinnaya Street, houses a publishing house and a theater. However, in the new, Soviet society, the structure of which was finally taking shape by the end of the twenties, its own new elite appears, which also requires its own new, albeit based on something that came from the past, attributes. Including culinary. Many still well remembered the glory of the old Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov, and Odessa restaurants.

In the early 30s, Ivan Mikhailovich Ivanov, the chef of the Moscow restaurant, who, according to him, served as an apprentice to Olivier himself in his youth, remembered the once famous Olivier. He became the true parent of the Olivier salad we know. Restaurant "Moscow" in Soviet times was almost an official guest house for the most important people of the state. And it is no coincidence that it is precisely the Soviet culinary arts reaches its greatest prosperity.

Ivanov replaced the ideologically unseasoned hazel grouse with workers’ and peasants’ chicken, threw out all sorts of “incomprehensible rubbish” like capers and pickles, and called his creation “Stolichny” salad. Moreover, miraculously preserved from the “bourgeois times”, gourmets who ate the true Olivier allegedly even assured of the perfect identity of the tastes of the old and new versions. But let's leave it up to them. The secret of Chef Ivanov’s New Olivier-Stolichny (aka “Moscow”, aka “Myasnoy”, aka “Letniy”) is quite simple and lies in the strict equality of the weight parts of its components: chicken meat, potatoes, pickled gherkins (or cucumbers), boiled eggs. Green peas are added half as much as the other ingredients. Canned crab meat is added and the whole thing is filled with mayonnaise. Salad ready! According to the recipe, there should be no sour cream, carrots or onions.

In the vast expanses of the Union (USSR) in numerous catering establishments, as part of the general democratization of society, the dish immediately began to be even more democratized. The main component in Stolichny was potatoes, which were actively being introduced at that time and were replacing various cereals in the diet of Soviet people. It was no longer even hazel grouse, but chicken, that began to be replaced with ham, boiled meat, and then they went “to the extreme”, resolutely rejecting any natural meat in favor of some average doctor’s sausage. Tender pickled pickles transformed into pickled cucumbers. Salads “Moskovsky”, “Stolichny”, “Russian salad”, “Meat”, vegetable salad with meat, vegetable salad with hazel grouse, vegetable salad with meat and hazel grouse - all these are restaurant varieties of our friend - “Olivier”.

The Olivier recipe, neither from Olivier himself nor from Ivanov, ever contained boiled carrots. There is a legend about how it appeared in some recipes: in the thirties, in the restaurant of the Moscow House of Writers, according to the testimony of the poet Mikhail Svetlov, a resourceful local cook, instead of the expensive crabs called for in the recipe, began to put finely chopped carrots, in the hope that drunken masters of the pen simply cannot distinguish red carrot shavings from pieces of crab meat. Of course, progressive knifemakers and cooks across the country quickly picked up this initiative and “banished the crab” from the people’s salad, becoming quite officially chopped carrots into it.

In the forties, immediately after the end of the Second World War, on the wave of liberal attitudes brought by soldiers returning from Europe, visiting restaurants became quite common for very broad masses. Everyone wanted to live and enjoy life not someday, but here and now. Then lucky and inexpensive snack began its new triumphant offensive against Soviet restaurants.

And in the fifties, “Stolichny” firmly took a leading position in restaurant cuisine, pushing the eternal Russian vinaigrette to second place on the festive table. The salad became widely known among all layers of the Russian (it should be clarified - precisely the Russian, and not the entire Soviet) people in the 60-70s of the 20th century. It was then that he left the restaurant kitchen and settled in the communal one. Before this, Olivier, of course, was known, but the audience of fans was much narrower - mainly the intelligentsia and senior party and Soviet workers who loved to while away their free time in the restaurant. During these years, people finally begin to live in greater prosperity. They have a desire, and, most importantly, an opportunity to diversify their menu somewhat, even if only for the holidays for now.

During the sudden period of Khrushchev’s thaw, the salad was so popular that, as usual, the leaders wanted to lead the popular movement and lead the close ranks of Soviet eaters behind them, coming up with the loyal name “Soviet” for everyone’s favorite dish. How beautiful it would be - on New Year’s Day, the entire Soviet people ate “Soviet” salad and washed it down with “Soviet” champagne! Beautiful! And ideologically consistent. But the elite, together with the new-old salad they renamed in the menus of the canteens of administrative institutions, went their way, and the salad remained in the minds of the masses under its proud overseas label - “Olivier”...

And now main secret this dish - the French Monsieur Olivier never invented our native Russian salad Olivier! How so? It’s just that in Soviet times the name of a dish widely known in peasant Russia was replaced by a beautiful, foreign, famous one. Our “Olivier” is nothing more than a salad preparation for okroshka (potatoes, greens, onions, meat, eggs, cucumbers), which was often eaten without diluting with kvass, but simply doused with sour cream. It’s not for nothing that many people still prefer to fill our Olivier not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream! This is the surprising reason for the difference between modern Olivier and the “real” one. And the whole world eats our salad, and not his, Mr. Olivier’s, salad, mistakenly still attributing the honor of his invention to him. At the same time, they are also trying to convince us that we are eating some kind of plebeian version of the famous dish.

It is interesting that those who tried to make Olivier according to that “real” recipe were extremely disappointed with its taste - it was somehow not the same, not native! In foreign Russian restaurants, supposedly real Olivier is still served, but according to the reviews of our compatriots who have tasted this aristocratic dish, this is not at all the Olivier that we love and know. Much worse!

Here, by the way, is another example of the influence of French culinary specialists on Russian cuisine, indirectly confirming what has been said: the original Russian appetizer made from beets, known in Rus' since pre-Petrine times, suddenly began to be called in our country by the French word “vinaigrette”, from the French word meaning vinegar, and consider it also a French dish. However, in France itself this dish is called salad “de russe”. At least it’s good that we didn’t have a French chef named Vinaigrette to take credit for the invention of this salad.

In general, these are two completely different dishes, Olivier and our Olivier, brought together in our minds into a single whole by the will of historical chance! The great undoubted merit of the Frenchman Olivier lies in the fact that he introduced dishes of this type into Russian folk cuisine, enriching it with the very concept of salad. We will not find a recipe for Olivier salad in any modern reputable culinary reference book. The recipe for the real Olivier is not known to anyone and no one, formally, has the right to call by this name a dish that is not prepared according to the recipe according to which it should be prepared. The author took with him the recipe for making his salad. What was supposedly reconstructed from known ingredients, strictly speaking, is not the famous chef’s Olivier salad.

Our Olivier exists and thrives (however, many people pour mayonnaise on the salad, which makes it somewhat similar to the Frenchman’s creation). So how should you properly prepare everyone’s favorite salad? Actually quite different! Like any truly folk work, our Olivier has many variations and nuances in its preparation, and to say what is right and what is wrong would be wrong, or at least debatable. The main thing is that it is delicious and that the guests like it!

Still, there are a few tips:
First, remember that salad, any salad, must be juicy. The salad is very sensitive to salt and it is better not to add salt to it if in doubt, rather than spoil it.

What is it like a set of products should be used when creating Olivier?

There are several recipes that claim to be the original classic Olivier salad recipe:

Recipe No. 1 old Olivier salad: Fry half a hazel grouse (without bones, the weight will be 150 grams), remove the bones, cut into slices. Boil three potatoes, cut into slices. It is preferable to boil potatoes in their skins to avoid overcooking. One cucumber. Three lettuce leaves. Three cancer necks. Some capers and olives. Pour Provencal mayonnaise with a couple of spoons of strong broth and soy sauce.

Second recipe old classic Olivier: Two hazel grouse and veal tongue, a little soy (now peas), 5 hard-boiled eggs, 25 crayfish necks, two fresh cucumbers, 200 grams of lettuce, 100 grams of capers, 100 grams of pressed caviar, 100 grams of pickled onions and boiled carrots . Pour in mayonnaise.

Third recipe original Olivier salad. It reliably existed and was allegedly published at the end of the 19th century, although it is known for certain that the author “took with him” the recipe and spicy zest of this salad.

That's why it's good like that compound, close to our time: - 6 potato tubers, - 1 medium onion, - 2 medium pickled cucumbers, - 1 medium sweet apple, - 100 grams of boiled chicken breast, - 100 grams of ham, - 1 can of canned peas or corn, - 5 boiled hard-boiled chicken eggs, - 1 small can of crabs, at least crab sticks (meat), - mayonnaise, salt, pepper to taste.

Now let's look at the rules for preparing each product separately:

Potato: You should choose medium-sized tubers of the same size with red or light yellow skin - they are less boiled. They should be cooked in a small amount of water, so that it just covers them. You need to throw the unpeeled potatoes into already boiling, salted water, and to prevent the skin from cracking, first pierce it in several places with a fork. Once the water returns to a boil, reduce it to low until just barely simmering and cook for 20 minutes. Then drain the water and leave the potatoes to cool.

Remember, never mix hot or even warm foods - the taste of the salad will be ruined. Do not put hot foods in the refrigerator; cool them at room temperature.

Once the potatoes have cooled, cut them into cubes slightly smaller than 1 cm on each side. For piquancy, you can fry slightly undercooked potatoes in a large amount of hot vegetable oil until a light crust forms, of course, first cutting them into cubes. Then cool the same way and let the oil drain, holding it in a colander or putting it on a napkin. But this is already a deviation from the original.

Poultry meat: Cook the chicken by placing it in boiling water for 40-45 minutes, making sure not to overcook it. In this case, you should also boil at minimum heat, reducing it after the water begins to boil again. Then cool the chicken, cut it by cutting the fillet from the breast and cut it into cubes. The chicken pieces should not be torn into fibers.

Ham: Any will do, but better. smoked Cut ham and chicken into pieces slightly smaller than potato cubes.

Eggs: put in cold water, add salt (which will not allow the egg white to leak out if the shell cracks) and, bringing to a boil and reducing the heat, cook for about 20 minutes. Then put in cold water, changing it several times, so that the shell can be better cleaned. Remember, if you cook eggs over high heat, the white becomes hard and the yolk becomes softer. If on slow, the yolk becomes hard and the white becomes loose - which suits us better. We also cut the cooled eggs into cubes.

cucumbers: It is better to take marinated rather than salted ones. Peel, cut into cubes and let excess liquid drain, keeping in a colander for 5 minutes.

Apple: (you don’t have to put it) gives the salad some piquancy and juiciness. Clear sweet and sour apple peel and cut into small cubes. Prepare the apple last for the salad, before dressing, so that it does not darken.

Onion: Be sure to add it to the salad. But not fresh, but pickled. To do this, cut a fresh onion into small squares. Pour it with vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio for about 2-3 hours. Then squeeze, dry and add to salad. It will lose bitterness, but will give a piquant juiciness.

Polka dots: It’s a matter of taste - peas or corn, but take note that canned corn is more suitable for a salad that contains crab meat.

Crabs: the ingredient is optional, but desirable. If finances allow, you can also add half a jar of red caviar, replacing the crabs with it.

What's the best way to dress a salad? Some people prefer to season with sour cream only...some mix sour cream with mayonnaise, but many still like mayonnaise. In general, this is what makes him similar to Olivier the original. In this case, it is better to prepare mayonnaise yourself (recipes below).

Classic mayonnaise should be prepared as follows: take 3 raw eggs(fresh, with the date as close as possible on the packaging), 3 tablespoons of sugar, half a glass of olive (preferably olive) oil, 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar 9%, 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of mustard.

Place three egg yolks (only yolks) into a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt and start beating with a mixer. Moreover, if the mixer is manual, you need to move it in the bowl in the same direction, and not chaotically or in a figure eight, otherwise the mixture will settle and will not be fluffy. After whipping the yolks into a foam, begin to slowly pour in the olive oil, while continuing to beat the mixture. Then, just as slowly, pour in the vinegar (first 2 tbsp. Try the spiciness for yourself, keep in mind that the cucumbers are pickled, and therefore vinegary) and then add the sugar. At the end, for piquancy, add mustard.

If you did everything correctly, you should have wonderful mayonnaise. The cooled ingredients, poured with mayonnaise, should be carefully mixed, without excessive zeal. just a few movements, being careful not to crush the cut cubes. Taste and only then lightly add salt and pepper, stirring slightly again. Then keep the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that all the components are mutually saturated with each other’s aromas and mayonnaise. At the same time, some components will release the juice slightly, while others, on the contrary, will absorb it. When serving the salad, toss it lightly a third time. All. Salad ready.

Remember that salad is independent dish. It should not be served as a side dish for cutlets or barbecue. This will not allow you to fully enjoy its taste.

Benefits and harms of OLIVIER

Without this high-calorie dish new year holidays unthinkable in Russia. But doctors treat Olivier differently: they both scold him and praise him. So is there really any benefit to New Year's Olivier, and is it really that harmful to health?

What are the benefits of Olivier

Vitamins. It seems no one has ever said that boiled vegetables are harmful. To prepare Olivier, a whole bouquet of vegetables is used, which contains a complex of vitamins and plant fibers - valuable for the gastrointestinal tract.

Low-fat. If you cook Olivier according to classic recipe(without ham), it will “weigh” significantly less calories. It uses boiled lean meat, which makes the salad filling without containing a lot of saturated fat.

Protein is eggs. What protein means for the body is clear to everyone.

Water-salt balance. Use pickled cucumbers to prepare Olivier - they help restore the water-salt balance in the body during violent alcoholic libations.

Refueling. If you don't use bold store-bought mayonnaise, and prepare the sauce yourself, it will be a purely natural product. In addition, you can deliberately choose a dressing for Olivier that is less high in calories - for example, sour cream or natural yogurt with lemon juice.

What is the harm of Olivier salad?

Salads with mayonnaise can be harmful, especially to people with weak stomachs. They contain too many ingredients, so this mixture takes a long time to digest and causes unpleasant heaviness. As a rule, people start celebrating with Olivier, which is bad for the pancreas (especially for people with chronic pancreatitis). If there is also alcohol nearby, you can easily end up in the hospital with acute pancreatitis.
What to do: start celebrating not with Olivier and alcohol, but with light vegetable salads flavored with vegetable oil. Regularize your food intake.

Salad recipes that fall under the OLIVIER category

RECIPES ordinary and unusual

If you want to change the usual and already slightly boring taste of your favorite salad, choose a new recipe to suit your taste. Of course, this dish is not for every day. But this is the kind of salad that can rightfully be called festive. You don’t know how to surprise your well-known guests. Treat them to Olivier!

Olivier, if meat is excluded from it, does not lose its advantages and is very suitable for those who have decided to give up meat food.


4 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, 2 eggs, 2 small pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, 150 g green peas, homemade mayonnaise or 230 g of thick sour cream, 1 can of canned capers, ground black pepper, salt to taste, dill and parsley.

Boil carrots and potatoes until tender, peel and finely cut into cubes. Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel and grate or finely chop. Place the capers in a colander along with the green peas to drain the brine. Peel the onion, chop it and pour vinegar water over it for about half an hour, then finely chop it. Peel the cucumbers and cut into small cubes, lightly squeeze out the brine. Place vegetables, capers, eggs, onions and green peas in a bowl, add salt and pepper, season with sauce (homemade mayonnaise) or sour cream and mix. Place Olivier in a salad bowl, garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs and serve.


250 g potatoes, 200 g white chicken meat, 150 g pickled mushrooms, 100 g fresh cucumbers, 4 eggs, salt, pepper.

For the sauce:
3 egg yolks, 2 tsp. powdered sugar, 150 g sour cream, salt, red pepper, 1 lemon, cloves.

Cooking method:
Boil the potatoes, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Boil the chicken meat and cut it into small slices with a sharp knife. Marinated mushrooms, champignons are better, rinse lightly and dry. Then cut them into thin slices and mix with potatoes and meat. Add fresh cucumbers, cut into small cubes, to the mixture.
Boil the eggs, peel and chop. Add eggs to the salad, salt and pepper the resulting mixture.
Now is the time to start making the sauce. To do this, beat the egg yolks with powdered sugar.
Add the resulting mixture to the cooled sour cream. Season all this with salt and pepper to taste. Chop the cloves and add to the sauce. Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the sauce. Whisk the sauce thoroughly.
Season the salad with the sauce, stir and give it time to soak. Before serving, garnish with herbs.


300 g veal tongue, 200 g potatoes, 100 g green peas, 4 eggs, salt, pepper, 2 onions.

For the sauce: 2 eggs, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tsp. salt, 70 g vegetable oil. 2 tbsp. l. milk.

Cooking method:
Boil the tongue, then clean it under running cold water. Cool it a little and cut into thin slices.
Boil the potatoes until medium done, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Mix tongue with potatoes in a separate bowl, add peas.
Boil the eggs, cut into cubes and mix with the main mass. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Add onion to the salad, salt and pepper to taste.
Prepare the sauce: beat the chilled eggs into a white foam by hand or in a mixer with salt and sugar. Add milk to the sauce and whisk thoroughly again. Finally, add vegetable oil and stir the sauce again.
Season the salad with the original sauce and mix well. Before serving, place the Olivier on a plate and garnish with herbs.


400 g beef tenderloin. 250 g potatoes. 5 eggs, 100 g green peas, salt, pepper. 3 onions.

For the sauce:
100 g sour cream. 2 eggs, 50 g vegetable oil, salt. 2 tsp. powdered sugar.

Cooking method:
Boil the meat whole in a small amount of water. After the water boils, salt the broth and add the peeled onion. Cook the meat until cooked, cool and cut into strips.
Place the meat in the bowl in which you are going to serve the salad. Add potatoes, boiled and cut into thin circles, to the meat.
Cut hard-boiled eggs into thin slices and add them to the rest of the chopped products. Cut the peeled onion into thin rings and fry in plenty of oil until golden brown. Add fried onion in the salad.
Drain the juice from a jar of green peas and add the peas to the salad. Stir gently and add salt and pepper.
Prepare the sauce: beat the eggs with powdered sugar and salt until a white, viscous consistency. Pour this mixture into the cooled sour cream and beat thoroughly until homogeneous mass. Without stopping whisking, pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream. Gradually add the sauce and mix all ingredients.


The main component of classic Olivier recipes is meat. Modern housewives They use sausage and then frankfurters as a meat substitute. We suggest you try cooking sachat with fish. Don't be afraid to experiment: the result will exceed all your expectations!

250 g fillet boiled cod. 200 g potatoes. 4 eggs, 100 g green peas. 250 g mayonnaise. 2 onions, salt.

Cooking method:
Cut the boiled cod fillet into strips, mix with boiled potatoes, which is also cut into strips.
Boil the eggs, peel and cut into thin slices. Then separate thin rings of whites from the yolks. The yolks should be chopped even smaller. Add chopped eggs to the rest of the salad ingredients. Cut the onion into thin rings and mix with the salad. Finally, add the peas, pepper, salt to taste and season with mayonnaise. Pickle the onion in advance.


Recently, my head is spinning from the variety of salads on offer using expensive products that were also rare in the recent past. This recipe keeps the memory of that very past...

200 g pork, 100 g green peas, 200 g potatoes. 4 eggs, salt, pepper, 2 tsp. vinegar, 250 g mayonnaise, 1/2 cup water.

Cooking method:
Cut the pork pulp into small cubes and place on the bottom of a non-metallic bowl. Dissolve the vinegar in water, pour the vinegar solution over the meat and refrigerate for 20 minutes. After the meat becomes white, drain vinegar solution and add green peas.
Cut the pre-boiled eggs and potatoes into cubes, mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper the salad to taste, and season with mayonnaise.


And this recipe will surely appeal to lovers of spicy foods, as well as those who like offal.

200 g liver, 2 onions, 200 g potatoes, 5 eggs, salt, pepper, 250 g mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:
Soak the liver (after removing the film) for 2 - 3 hours in milk, do not add salt and fry in vegetable oil. After it has cooled, cut it into thin strips.
Boil eggs and potatoes, cut into strips and mix. Add chopped onion (pre-marinated), salt and pepper to taste to the salad, season with mayonnaise.


There is no need to talk about the advantages of chicken meat. It has the most delicate taste and aroma. But this is not even his main advantage. Tender chicken meat, if consumed frequently and regularly, helps increase adrenaline in the blood, a substance that exacerbates sensuality.

250 g chicken fillet. 70 g boiled mushrooms, 200 g potatoes, 4 eggs. 50 g pickles, 5 g mustard, salt, pepper, 30 g celery root, 250 g mayonnaise.

Cooking method:
Boil the chicken fillet, cool and chop finely. Cut the washed and peeled celery roots into strips. Boiled mushrooms cut into slices, and cut the boiled eggs and pickled cucumbers into small cubes.
Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, salt and pepper the salad. Season the entire mixture with mayonnaise, previously whipped with mustard.


But smoked meat affects our sensuality instantly, the fabulous effect is detected immediately, of course, do not overuse it.

200 g smoked meat. 200 g potatoes. 4 eggs, 250 g salted champignons. 100 g apples, salt, allspice.

For the sauce:
200 g sour cream. 1 tbsp. l. cognac, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. 1 tsp. powdered sugar. 2 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. nutmeg.

Cooking method:
Cut the smoked meat into thin strips. Boil potatoes and eggs. Peel and cut into cubes. Peel the apples and cut into small strips. Mix the products you have already prepared. Add chopped champignons to the resulting mass. Salt and pepper the Olivier to taste.
Prepare the sauce. Beat cooled sour cream with powdered sugar and salt, gradually add cognac and lemon juice. Add chopped nutmeg and stir the sauce.
Pour in cognac sauce into the salad, stir it. Place Olivier on a plate, garnish with mushrooms and apples.


250 g pork, 250 g potatoes. 4 eggs, 100 g pickles, salt.

For the sauce:
1 tsp. table vinegar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. powdered sugar, 1 tsp. salt, mustard, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. milk.

Cooking method:
Boil the pork pulp in salted water, cool and cut into cubes. Boil potatoes and eggs, peel and cut into cubes. Take the pickled cucumbers that are hard and crispy, dry them a little with a towel and cut them with a sharp knife, without pressing, into small cubes.
Mix all the salad ingredients in a container convenient for you and add salt to taste.
Now prepare the sauce: break the cooled eggs into a non-metallic, deep enough bowl, beat them with powdered sugar and salt. To quickly achieve the desired result, you can use a mixer. When the mixture reaches a thick consistency, add mustard and vinegar. Continuing to whisk, pour vegetable oil into the sauce in a thin stream. Whisk the sauce for about 3 - 5 minutes. Finally, add milk and stir everything until smooth. Cool the finished sauce and season the salad with it.


250 g of new potatoes, 150 g of fresh cucumbers, 5 eggs, 100 g of sweet pepper, 2 medium-sized apples. 200 g boiled chicken, salt, 250 g mayonnaise.

Cooking method:
Boil young potatoes in their skins, cool, carefully remove the thin skins and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Chop the boiled eggs too. Fresh cucumbers do not need to be cut finely, otherwise they will lose their juice.
Wash the sweet peppers, remove seeds, and cut into thin slices. Boil the chicken meat and cut it into thin strips. Peel the apples and cut them also.
Mix all the salad ingredients, salt it and season with mayonnaise. Rinse the greens with cold water and finely chop. Place the salad in a mound in a dish and sprinkle aromatic herbs around the mound.


250 g pork pulp, 200 g potatoes, 4 eggs, 150 g corn, 100 g pickled mushrooms, 2 onions, 250 g mayonnaise, salt, pepper, 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

For the test:
1/2 tbsp. flour, 2 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. water.

Cooking method:
To bake meat, prepare the dough. To do this, dissolve salt in water, add to flour salt water and knead the dough.
Salt, pepper and rub the meat with garlic. Wrap the meat in dough and bake in hot oven within 30 minutes. Then let the meat cool and cut into thin slices.
Boil eggs and potatoes, cut them into small cubes. If you are using canned corn, be sure to drain the liquid. You can also boil shelled corn in salted water, strain, let cool and use for salad.
Pickled mushrooms can be used of any kind. Cut them into small pieces. Cut the onion into rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
Mix all the products, salt and pepper them to taste. Season Olivier with mayonnaise and place in a heap on a dish.


250 g marinated fish fillet, 200 g rice, 100 g olives, 100 g raisins, 4 eggs, salt.

For the sauce:
100 g sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. powdered sugar, 2 tsp. salt, 1 g cinnamon, 1 tsp. vinegar.

Cooking method:
Cut the marinated fish fillet into thin strips. Boil the rice in salted milk, but do not overcook it. Then strain the rice and refrigerate. Boil the eggs and cut into cubes.
Combine fish, rice and eggs in a special bowl. Add canned olives, do not forget to drain the liquid. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them. Place over low heat and simmer for 2 minutes. Strain the raisins, place in a colander and let the water drain completely.
Add raisins to the main mass of the salad and salt the entire mixture. Start preparing the sauce. Use chilled eggs, this will make them easier to beat with powdered sugar and salt. Add crushed cinnamon for flavor. Whisk the mixture thoroughly, gradually adding vinegar. Whisk the resulting mixture with cold sour cream and season the salad with this sauce.


The Olivier recipe with honey will appeal to both those with a sweet tooth and gourmets, but especially those who have never tried anything before. Believe me: it's delicious!

200 g boiled pork, 200 g pasta, 20 g honey, 100 g carrots. 100 g green peas, 2 onions, salt. 250 g mayonnaise.

Cooking method:
Cut the boiled meat into thin slices. IN salt water boil the pasta. When they are ready, drain them in a colander. Boil the carrots, peel and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and chop finely. Place the green peas in a sieve and allow the liquid to drain.
In a convenient bowl, combine all the salad ingredients and add salt. Whisk mayonnaise with honey and season the salad.


The main component of the very first original Olivier recipe was champignon mushrooms. But time has suggested other realities. Olivier researchers have found that not only pickled mushrooms can be used in the salad, but also boiled ones. As a result of thousands of culinary experiments, it has been established that chanterelles are especially good in this regard.

250 g boiled beef meat, 200 g fresh chanterelles, 250 g potatoes, 4 eggs, 150 g pickles, 250 g mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking method:
Cool the boiled beef and cut into thin slices. Boil potatoes and eggs, cut these products into small cubes.
Wash the chanterelles, peel them and cook in salted water until tender. Then strain and cool them. Cut the chanterelles into thin slices. Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes.
In a special bowl, combine all the salad ingredients and add salt to taste. All you have to do is season the salad with mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. Place “Venu” in a mound on a dish and serve to guests.


200 g rice, 150 g potatoes, 5 eggs, 100 g green peas, 100 g sweet pepper, 70 g raisins, 250 g mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking method:
Boil the rice in water, but do not overcook it. Strain the rice and let the water drain. Boil potatoes and eggs. Peel these products and cut into cubes.
Rinse the raisins with water, add boiling water and boil for 2 minutes. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into small strips. Mix all prepared ingredients. Add canned green peas, draining the juice first. Season the “Countess” with mayonnaise and salt to taste.


250 g baked goose, 100 g carrots. 200 g potatoes, 5 eggs, 150 g olives, 100 g pickled champignons, 250 g mayonnaise, salt, 2 onions.

Cooking method:
Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs. Cool, peel and cut into cubes. Cut the champignons into slices. Peel the onion and chop finely.
Grind the baked goose fillet and combine with the rest of the products. Add olives and salt. Season with mayonnaise and place the salad in a heap on a plate. Decorate with carrots and eggs.


150 g lightly salted herring, 250 g potatoes, 5 eggs, 150 g salted mushrooms, 150 g green peas, 100 g carrots, 250 g mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking method:
Peel the herring from skin and bones and chop. Salted mushrooms cut into small slices, combine with herring.
Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs, peel and cut into strips. Add these products, as well as green peas, to the total mass. Salt the salad and season with mayonnaise. Place Olivier on a plate, sprinkle with small herbs and decorate with mushrooms and egg figurines.


Feel like the creator of something grandiose and unique. Original taste sprat, sour mushrooms, juicy meat with spices - a very appetizing combination!

100 g pork, 150 g sprat. 200 g potatoes. 100 g champignons, 150 g beans, 5 eggs, 100 g carrots, 250 g mayonnaise, salt, pepper, 2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:
Boil the pork in salted water, rub with pepper and garlic. Cut the meat into thin slices. Peel the potatoes, boil them in a little water and cut into cubes. Boil the carrots and eggs, cool and peel. Grind these products. Also cut the champignons into slices.
We recommend using canned beans. But you can also boil shelled beans in salted water. Drain the oil from the sprat and chop the fish.
Combine all salad ingredients, salt and season with mayonnaise. Place in a heap on a platter and serve.


Of course, you should save this Olivier recipe for special occasion, the one when time is pressing. Take a shortcut to your man's heart!

100 g boiled veal tongue, 100 g smoked meat, 100 g boiled squid, 5 eggs, 200 g potatoes, 100 g prunes, 150 g green peas, salt. For the sauce: 150 g sour cream, 50 g champagne, 1 egg, 2 tsp. powdered sugar, 1 tsp. vinegar.

Cooking method:
Peel the boiled tongue. Cut it into thin slices. Cut the squid meat and fillet into strips.
Boil the potatoes and eggs, peel and chop them. Rinse the prunes and soak in boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove the pits and finely chop the prunes.
Place the chopped products in a convenient non-metallic bowl, add green peas without liquid, and add salt to taste.
To prepare the sauce, use chilled ingredients. Beat eggs with powdered sugar. Pour vinegar and champagne into the mixture. Beat everything until white foam and combine with sour cream. Mix the sauce thoroughly and season the Olivier with it. Decorate the Olivier salad placed on a platter with figures cut out of eggs, prunes and peas.


250 g potatoes. 4 eggs, 100 g cheese. 100 g sausage, 100 g smoked meat. 150 g olives, 100 g fresh cucumbers, 250 g mayonnaise, salt, 1 lemon.

Cooking method:
Boil the potatoes in their skins, then cool and peel. Boil the eggs and peel them. Cut these products into small cubes. Cut the sausage and smoked meat into strips. Mix the products in a special bowl, where you should also add chopped cucumbers.
Use canned olives. Drain the liquid before drinking. Add olives to the mixture and add salt. Whisk lemon juice with mayonnaise and season the salad. Place Olivier on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese.


250 g white poultry meat, 250 g potatoes, 150 g green peas, 150 g pickled grapes, 5 eggs, parsley, salt, mayonnaise.

Cooking method:
Boil the chicken meat in a small amount of salted water, cool and cut it into thin strips. Boil potatoes and eggs. Clean and grind food. Mix meat, potatoes and eggs, add green peas and pickled grapes. Wash and chop the parsley, then add to the salad. Salt Olivier to taste and season with mayonnaise.


250 g boiled beef. 4 eggs. 250 g potatoes. 100 g beans, 100 g green pear, salt, 200 g sour cream. 2 lemons, parsley.

Cooking method:
Cut the beef into small cubes. Boil the potatoes and eggs. Refrigerate and clean these products. Cut the potatoes into strips. Chop the eggs. Combine meat, potatoes and eggs, salt them.
Boil the beans in salted water, place in a sieve and let the water drain completely. After this, add the beans to the rest of the ingredients.
Peel the pears and chop them. Place them in a separate non-metallic container and cover with lemon juice. Add chilled sour cream to this and mix it well with the pears. Only after this add the resulting mixture to the rest of the products, mix everything.
Place the salad in a mound on a platter. Rinse the parsley with cold water and chop. Sprinkle the salad with herbs.


250 g boiled rabbit meat, 200 g potatoes, 200 g fresh cucumbers, 4 eggs, 200 g sour cream, 10 g grated horseradish, salt, pepper, 2 onions.

Cooking method:
Boil rabbit meat in salted water with onion, cool. Then cut into strips. Boil potatoes and eggs, peel and chop. Peel the onion and chop finely. Rinse the cucumbers with cold water and cut into cubes. Mix all the prepared products, salt and pepper to taste.
Cool the sour cream and add it grated horseradish, mix thoroughly. Refill Olivier sour cream sauce.


250 g turkey fillet, 200 g rice, 100 g green peas, 100 g prunes, 4 eggs, 2 lemons, 250 g mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:
Boil the turkey fillet in a small amount of salted water. Let cool slightly and cut into thin slices. Rinse the rice thoroughly, cover with cold water and cook until tender. Place it in a fine sieve and let the water drain. Then combine the rice and chopped meat in a non-metallic bowl.
Sort the prunes, rinse and pour boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 3 minutes. Then cool and remove the seeds. Chop the prunes with a sharp knife and add to the prepared mixture.
Boil the eggs, peel and finely chop. Place the green peas in a sieve. Add eggs and peas to the total mixture.
Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add it to the mayonnaise, stir. Season Olivier with mayonnaise, mix the salad thoroughly until smooth. Place it in a heap on a dish and garnish with a few peas and prunes.


250 g chicken meat. 250 g rice, 4 eggs, 200 g fresh cucumbers, 100 g radishes, 100 g yogurt, 150 g mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking method:
Boil the chicken meat, cool and chop. Rinse the rice thoroughly and cook in a small amount of salted water until tender. Then place it in a sieve and rinse with cold water.
Boil the eggs hard, cool and cut into small cubes.
Wash cucumbers and radishes in cold water. Peel the radishes. Cut the vegetables into thin strips. Mix all salad ingredients. Whisk yogurt with mayonnaise and the prepared sauce, season the salad, mix Olivier thoroughly, add salt to taste, place the salad in a heap in a salad bowl. For decoration, use radishes and cucumbers, from which you can cut out a wide variety of shapes.
The combination of mayonnaise and yogurt is unusual and surprising. This sauce will amaze you with its lightness and freshness. Don't miss the opportunity and add it to salads in summer and autumn fresh vegetables, in the winter season this will not be so easy.


200 g boiled meat crabs, 250 g potatoes, 150 g seaweed, 2 lemons, 100 g olives. 250 g mayonnaise, salt, watercress. 1/2 tsp. allspice.

Cooking method:
Cut the crab meat into thin strips. Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water.
Drain the water and dry the boiled potatoes a little over low heat. Then cool and cut into small cubes. Place the seaweed in a sieve and chop.
Combine all cooked ingredients together in a non-metallic container. Add olives and allspice to the resulting mixture, season with mayonnaise. Add salt, mix thoroughly again and place in a heap in a salad bowl. Rinse the watercress leaves with cold water, chop some of them and sprinkle the top of the salad mound with small herbs. Place the rest whole around the edges of the dish.


100 g frozen squid, 100 g beef tongue. 100 g cheese. 150 g pickled porcini mushrooms, 4 eggs. 200 g potatoes, 150 g green peas. 250 g mayonnaise. 1 tbsp. l. mustard, salt.

Cooking method:
Boil squid in salted water. Peel them, cut into small cubes. Also boil the tongue, then peel off the skin under running cold water. Cut the tongue and cheese into thin strips.
Chop the porcini mushrooms. Boil potatoes and eggs, cool and peel them, cut into small cubes. Place the peas in a sieve. Mix mustard with mayonnaise. Combine all salad ingredients and pour mustard sauce, add salt to taste and stir again. Place in a heap in a salad bowl and garnish with mushrooms specially reserved for this purpose.


200 g smoked fish. 100 g sausage. 100 g carrots. 100 g pickled cucumbers, 2 onions. 100 g green peas. 200 g potatoes. 4 eggs. 250 g mayonnaise, salt, black pepper.

Cooking method:
Grind the fish freed from bones. Cut the sausage into cubes and mix with the fish in a deep bowl.
Boil carrots, potatoes, eggs. Cool and peel, then cut into small cubes.
Cut the pickled cucumbers into thin slices. Combine all products together. Place the green peas in a sieve. Add it to the total mass. Salt and pepper the salad to your taste, season with mayonnaise. Place it in a heap in a salad bowl.


200 g canned tuna. 200 g rice, 150 g pickled mushrooms. 60 g olives, 2 onions, 250 g mayonnaise. 2 lemons, mint and celery.

Cooking method:
Boil the rice in a small amount of salted water. Then place in a sieve and rinse with cold water to prevent the rice from sticking.
Drain the olives and mushrooms in a colander. After they drain, cut them into thin slices. Pour them into the rice, mix thoroughly and add chopped tuna.
Peel the onion and chop finely. Chop the celery greens. Add these components to the total mass.
Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add it to the mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. Season the salad with the prepared sauce. Place it in a heap on a dish and garnish with mint leaves.


200 g rice, 150 g dried apricots, 100 g raisins, 5 eggs, 70 g pickled grapes, 100 g apples, 200 g sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. honey.

Cooking method:
Rinse the rice and add a small amount of water. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer until tender. Then place the rice in a sieve and rinse with cold water.
Rinse dried apricots and raisins, add hot water, cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Drain the water and dry the dried fruits a little.
Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Place the pickled grapes in a sieve. Beat chilled sour cream with heated honey.
Combine all the ingredients you have prepared and season with sour cream sauce. Place the salad on a plate and garnish with raisins, dried apricots and grapes.


150 g herring, 100 g squid, 200 g pickled chanterelles, 250 g pasta, 4 eggs, 100 g cauliflower, 100 g pickles, salt.

For the sauce:
2 eggs, 2 tsp. powdered sugar, 3 tsp. salt, 5 allspice peas, 2 tsp. vinegar, 200 g vegetable oil, coriander.

Cooking method:
Clean the herring and remove the seeds. Cut it into small pieces. Boil the squid in salted water for 5 minutes. Then peel and cut them into small cubes. Cauliflower chop and chop the pickled chanterelles.
Boil the pasta in salted water and drain it in a colander. Boil the eggs, peel and chop them. Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes. Combine all ingredients and salt the salad according to your taste.
Prepare the sauce. To do this, you need to beat chilled eggs with powdered sugar and salt. Add spices and vinegar and whisk the sauce until thick white foam forms. Without ceasing to stir, pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream. After this, cool the sauce a little and season the Olivier with it.


The culinary preferences of Hollywood stars are as sophisticated as their image. Everyone's favorite, gorgeous woman Meryl Streep simply loves one salad. She claims that it is the secret of her good mood and slim figure. All her admirers had a wonderful opportunity to prepare Olivier according to the recipe of City Hall Strip herself.

250 g shrimp. 250 g potatoes. 4 eggs. 2 onions. 150 g olives. 100 g carrots. 1001 marinated champignons. 200 g sour cream. 2 lemons, salt.

Cooking method:
Boil the shrimp in salted water with the onion, then peel. Chop them with a sharp knife.
Peel and boil the potatoes. Drain the water and dry it over low heat. Let the potatoes cool and cut into small cubes. Boil the eggs, peel and cut into thin slices.
Place the olives and champignons in a sieve. Boil the carrots, peel and chop. Mix all salad ingredients and add salt to taste.
Cool the sour cream and mix with the juice of one lemon. Lemon sauce beat thoroughly and season Olivier with it. Place the salad on a plate and garnish with thinly sliced ​​lemon.


200 g turkey meat, 200 g rice, 4 eggs, 100 g raisins, 1/2 tbsp. nuts, 100 g pear, 1/2 tbsp. dried apricots, 250 g yogurt, salt.

Cooking method:
Boil the turkey meat in salted water, then remove from the broth and cool. Cut it into thin slices. Rinse the rice thoroughly, add a small amount of water and cook until done. After this, place the rice in a sieve and rinse with cold water.
Boil the eggs, peel and chop. Sort out the nuts and chop large ones. Rinse raisins and dried apricots thoroughly. Then add boiling water and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Place the raisins and dried apricots in a sieve.
Rinse the pears with cold water, peel and cut into cubes. Combine all the prepared ingredients and pour yogurt into the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. Place Olivier in small mounds on a dish. Decorate the salad with nuts, raisin flowers and dried apricot leaves.
This salad is quite light and exotic. He will great snack at a party with champagne or wine. And it may well become the “highlight” of your holiday.


200 g pork, 200 g potatoes, 4 eggs, 100 g white beans, 100 g fresh pickled cucumbers. 20 g green onions, parsley, 100 g cheese, 1 clove garlic, 1 tbsp. l. tarragon, 1 onion, 2 bay leaves.

For the sauce: 150 g sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. white wine, juice of 1 lemon, salt, 2 tsp. white pepper, 1 h
. l. vinegar.

Cooking method.:
Boil boneless pork in salted water, add bay leaf and onion for flavor. Then cool the meat and cut it into thin slices.
Boil potatoes and eggs, peel and chop. Mix them with meat. Use sufficiently deep and comfortable dishes for this.
Boil white beans in salted water until tender, drain in a sieve, and rinse with cold water. Cut the lightly salted cucumbers into cubes. Rinse with cold water and grind green onions and parsley. Add these products to the previous ones. Add finely chopped garlic and tarragon to the salad.
Prepare the sauce. To do this, use chilled sour cream. Pour wine into the sour cream in a thin stream and beat with a mixer. Without ceasing to beat, carefully add vinegar, and then lemon juice and spices, beat wine sauce. Season the salad with the prepared sauce and mix thoroughly. Place on a plate, garnish with grated cheese and herbs.


Despite its French origin and name, mayonnaise has also long been considered a Russian sauce. The immortal Olivier salad and French meat always contain this sauce in the list of ingredients.

Proponents of a healthy lifestyle reject mayonnaise for its calorie content, and lovers of heavy food continue to add it to almost all dishes. What are the benefits and harms of mayonnaise?

Real mayonnaise is a cold sauce originally from southern Europe, which contains olive oil, egg yolk, lemon juice, sugar, salt and mustard.
The fat content of such a product can reach up to 80 percent, and energy value 100 g – up to 800 kcal.
Sauces industrial preparation, produced under this name, to original sauce are very distantly related. But they are considered to be “real mayonnaise”.

The benefits of mayonnaise are very illusory. Its fans focus on the content of vegetable oil in this sauce, rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids.
Not the least important role is played by the availability of mayonnaise and its characteristic taste, which allows you to eat almost everything with this seasoning.
Nutritionists only talk about the harmlessness of high-quality mayonnaise for health and nothing more.

Let's look at the composition of mayonnaise. Firstly, mayonnaise is a very fatty sauce. High-calorie varieties of mayonnaise produced in accordance with GOST 30004.1–93 contain 55 percent fat.
And here necessary for the body There is practically no protein in mayonnaise. It is usually slightly less than a percent per 100 g of finished sauce.
Do not forget that the calorie content of the vegetable oil from which mayonnaise is made tends to 900 kcal per 100 g. Plus additional ingredients.
As a result, a small 200-gram packet of white sauce poured into a large bowl of salad adds more than 1,200 kcal to its calorie content - half of a person's daily energy requirement.
Even a small portion of mayonnaise added to pasta or dumplings increases the calorie content of the dish by 100–150 kcal.

Focusing on the needs of people watching their figure, manufacturers have launched the production of low-calorie mayonnaise with a fat content of no more than 40 percent. In such products, some vegetable fat And egg powder replaced with water. Since water and fats do not mix, emulsifiers and thickeners are added to low-calorie mayonnaise to achieve uniformity of the sauce.
In addition, low-calorie mayonnaise, devoid of egg powder and some vegetable oils, requires additional flavors and colorings.

Mayonnaise made from natural products does not last long.

Just the facts

“Light mayonnaise” is one of ten products that are long overdue to be exposed. Be sure to check out the full list.
In standard mayonnaise, citric acid acts as a preservative. In cheaper and “long-lasting” varieties, preservatives are added additionally.
Potassium sorbate, for example, extends the shelf life of mayonnaise to several months even at room temperature.
For comparison, ready-made “homemade mayonnaise” can last in the refrigerator for a couple of days at most.

A few tips for those who cannot live without mayonnaise:

- Read the composition of mayonnaise carefully. The perfect combination ingredients: vegetable oils, eggs or egg products, mustard powder, sugar, salt and vinegar. And nothing more.
- The shelf life of such mayonnaise is not yet open package without a refrigerator - no more than a month.
- The fat content of high-calorie mayonnaise according to GOST is 67 percent. Low-fat mayonnaises have a different recipe from the classic one. Such sauces usually contain additional colors, flavors and preservatives.
- You can reduce the fat content of mayonnaise in salads and other dishes by mixing it with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. Even if you replace mayonnaise with sour cream of maximum fat content, the calorie content of the dressing will be halved.
- Do not add mayonnaise to baked goods or hot dishes: its emulsion is destroyed by temperature.
- For pasta, potatoes or dumplings it is better to make cream sauce. It will give a more delicate taste while reducing the calorie content of the dish by almost three times.

Nutritionists consider mayonnaise to be relatively safe in small quantities. If you cannot do without mayonnaise, choose one on store shelves that is made according to the classic recipe and does not contain additional preservatives, dyes or flavors.
If you can, feel free to substitute sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.


Homemade mayonnaise is incomparable to store-bought mayonnaise; it is tasty and healthy sauce. It can be prepared according to the classic recipe or with various additives. It's not at all difficult to prepare. The main thing is that all components of mayonnaise are at room temperature. Perhaps at first it will take you much more time than indicated in the recipe, but with practice the skill will come, and you will spend no more than 10 minutes preparing homemade mayonnaise.
Using simple additives to mayonnaise, you can create a collection of different sauces. And you will always have fresh, wonderful sauces for fish, meat, seafood, potatoes, and vegetables on hand, prepared without any preservatives.
Homemade mayonnaise should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for 3-7 days. It is better not to store mayonnaise with additives for a long time, but to use it immediately after preparation.

Homemade classic mayonnaise

Chicken egg – 1 pc.,
Vegetable oil (olive) – 100-200 ml,
Sugar – 5 g,
Salt – 1 pinch,
Ready mustard – 0.5-1 teaspoon,
Lemon juice – 1-2 teaspoons.

To make mayonnaise, you can use not only the yolk of a chicken egg, but also the whole egg.
Beat the egg (yolk) with salt, sugar and mustard with a whisk or mixer. Now, continuing to beat, add vegetable oil in a thin stream. Beat the mixture until it becomes thick. Then add lemon juice and beat a little again.
At this stage, you can also add spices to taste.
Based classic sauce mayonnaise, you can prepare mayonnaise sauce with various additives.

Garlic mayonnaise

Homemade mayonnaise – 1 glass,
Garlic – 2-4 cloves.

Grind the garlic and mix thoroughly with ready-made homemade mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise sauce "Red"

Homemade mayonnaise – 200 g,
Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon,
Salt - to taste
Sugar - to taste
Water – 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Tomato paste combine with water, add salt and sugar, stir well. Combine the tomato mass with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can also add a little chopped hot pepper to this sauce.

Homemade mayonnaise with herbs and gherkins

Homemade mayonnaise – 100 g,
Gherkins - to taste
Capers – 1 teaspoon,
Chicken egg – 1-2 pcs.

Boil the egg hard, cool, peel and chop. Also chop the gherkins and capers, add everything to the mayonnaise and mix well.

Green mayonnaise sauce

Homemade mayonnaise – 100 g,
Spicy greens – 20-30 g.

Chop the spicy herbs, combine with mayonnaise and mix.

Helpful Tips:

1. If, when whipping mayonnaise, you suddenly added a lot of oil and your mayonnaise did not turn out, it curdled, then this situation can be corrected. Take a yolk or egg and start over, but use curdled mayonnaise instead of butter.

2. If you beat the mayonnaise and it comes out too thick, then you need to add a little water, then mix thoroughly.
Try making homemade mayonnaise yourself at least once - and you will never want to buy it in the store again!

4 October 2011, 10:33

Few people know that the famous Olivier salad was invented by a French chef in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, and the name of the famous chef misleads many. Nevertheless, a fact is a fact. Lucien Olivier is the founder of the famous Hermitage restaurant, as well as the author of a magnificent salad that is still alive. The elite Hermitage restaurant was built by Lucien Olivier after many years of living in Moscow, when he realized what was missing in the Russian capital. There was a lack of French chic. Joining forces with the wealthy merchant Yakov Pegov, Olivier buys a plot in the center of Moscow and intends to build a first-class restaurant according to the best French standards.
By the mid-60s of the 19th century, on the site of a booth selling snuff, a luxurious building with white columns, crystal chandeliers, isolated offices and luxurious interiors arose. This was a new thing for Moscow at that time, and the nascent bourgeoisie poured into the restaurant. At first, Olivier’s establishment was called the Tavern in the Russian way, and the waiters were also dressed in the “tavern style.” The following facts can speak about the importance and popularity of the restaurant: in 1879, a gala dinner was held in the Hermitage in honor of I.S. Turgenev, in 1880 - in honor of F.M. Dostoevsky, in 1899 - the famous celebration of the centenary of Pushkin’s birthday, which was attended by all the eminent writers and poets of that time. In the Hermitage, university professors celebrated anniversaries and students celebrated Tatiana's Day, the intelligentsia gathered and rich merchants feasted. In general, Olivier’s restaurant, as well as its excellent cuisine, attracted the best people of that time. Lucien Olivier, Jr. three brothers Olivier, being very young, went to Moscow to work. Like many Frenchmen, he hoped to use his culinary skills in a country that has always respected French cuisine. While his brothers were cooking for French gourmets, Lucien was opening his restaurant, the Hermitage. At first, the business brought in significant income, and the young Frenchman prepared dishes familiar from childhood. This success was greatly facilitated by the “family” recipe, an improvement of mayonnaise sauce or mayonnaise. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Olivier family began to add mustard when making the sauce, as well as several secret spices, which made the taste of the familiar sauce slightly spicy.
The popularity of the Olivier family's mayonnaise was so strong that it allowed the older brothers to keep their business in France, and Lucien to open a Moscow “branch” on Trubnaya Square. The building in which the restaurant was located has still been preserved; it is house number 14 on Petrovsky Boulevard, corner of Neglinnaya. So someday a memorial plaque or a whole monument to “Olivier Salad” may appear on it.
But everything is transitory in this world, and gradually the sauce alone became not enough for the success of the establishment. Its taste quickly became boring, and the changing fashion swung towards skinny, pale young ladies, whose beauty, naturally, was hampered by the appetizing and high-calorie Olivier sauces. There was an urgent need to come up with something. And then Lucien Olivier came up with a new salad, a true work of art. His taste was so exquisite that it instantly brought the Frenchman the fame of a great chef, and the popularity of his restaurant, which was beginning to fade, flared up with renewed vigor. Visitors named the new salad “Olivier Salad,” which was quite in the tradition of Russian names.
Since then, the name Olivier has become a household name, and they have tried to repeat the salad countless times, eventually simplifying the recipe so much that its modern version is the exact opposite of the original. Many chefs tried to repeat Olivier’s recipe, but, not knowing all the components, they inevitably failed - the taste of the real “Olivier Salad” could only be appreciated in the Hermitage restaurant. The taste of the famous dish was achieved to a large extent due to Monsieur Olivier’s own mayonnaise recipe. They said that the Frenchman jealously kept the cooking recipe and carried out the operation of preparing it in a special room behind a closed door. The journey of the sauce was not easy. Initially, Olivier made a sauce called “Game Mayonnaise.” It consisted of boiled fillets of hazel grouse and partridge, layered with layers of jelly from the broth. Along the edges of the dish lay boiled crayfish necks and small pieces of tongue. All this was flavored with a small amount of homemade Provencal sauce. In the center of the structure was a mound of potatoes with gherkins and slices of boiled eggs as decoration. At the same time, according to the author’s plan, the central potato part was intended rather for beauty. One day, Lucien Olivier noticed that some Russians who ordered this dish immediately broke the whole plan, stirring the entire structure with a spoon, and devoured this tasty mass with great appetite. The next day, an enterprising Frenchman mixed all the ingredients and poured a thick sauce on it. This is how the famous salad was born, reborn from the refined but inconvenient “game mayonnaise” into the no less refined, but closer to the Russian soul, “Olivier salad.”
The salad has become business card restaurant and was prepared for many years until one of Olivier’s assistants stole the recipe for Provençal sauce. An exact copy of the Olivier salad that appeared among competitors angered the French chef and pushed him to make something more tasty and gourmet dish. However, the stolen sauce recipe still could not compare with the French one. Something was missing in taste; with identical components, the Olivier sauce was much more delicate. Gradually, the famous salad disappeared from the menu of the Hermitage restaurant, and its numerous copies, “put into circulation,” became simpler and simpler. The salad began to live its own life and Monsieur Olivier could no longer influence it. Here is the recipe for the classic “Olivier salad”, prepared in better times at the Hermitage restaurant (restored in 1904 according to the descriptions of one regular of the restaurant): Fillet of two boiled hazel grouse One boiled veal tongue About 100 grams of pressed black caviar 200 grams fresh leaves salad 25 boiled crayfish or one large lobster 200-250 grams of small cucumbers Half a jar of Kabul soybean (soybean paste) 2 finely chopped fresh cucumbers 100 grams of capers 5 finely chopped hard-boiled eggs Dressing with Provencal sauce: 400 grams of olive oil, beaten with two fresh egg yolks , with the addition of French vinegar and mustard. One of the secrets classic taste Olivier's salad consisted of the Frenchman adding certain spices. The composition of these seasonings, unfortunately, is unknown, so the true taste of the salad can only be imagined based on the descriptions of contemporaries. The preparation itself was no less exciting: Fry the hazel grouse in a 1-2 centimeter layer of oil over high heat for 5-10 minutes. Then put them in boiling water or broth (beef or chicken), add 150 ml Madeira per 850 ml broth, 10-20 pitted olives, 10-20 small mushrooms and cook for 20-30 minutes over low heat, covered. When the meat begins to slightly separate from the bones, add salt, let cook for a couple more minutes and turn off the flame. Place the pan with hazel grouse, without pouring out the broth, into a large container with cold water and let cool. The purpose of this is to allow the hazel grouse meat to cool gradually. The fact is that when separated while hot, the meat begins to dry out and loses its tenderness. However, it is necessary not to overdo it and separate the warm meat - do not let the hazel grouse freeze, otherwise it will completely stop being removed from the bones. Wrap the removed meat in foil and place in a cool place. Do not pour out the broth after cooking the mushrooms - it will turn out great soup! (if you don’t find hazel grouse and decide to replace them with chicken, remember - the chicken must be cut into 2-3 parts and cooked a little longer - 30-40 minutes).
The tongue should be free of fat, lymph nodes, sublingual muscle tissue and mucus. Perhaps half the tongue will be enough. Rinse the tongue thoroughly in cold water, put it in cold water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat with the lid tightly closed for 2-4 hours (the time depends on the age of the owner of the tongue - for a young calf 2 hours will be enough). Half an hour before the tongue is ready, add chopped carrots, parsley root, onions and a piece of bay leaf to the same saucepan. Add salt 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. As soon as the tongue is cooked, immediately place it in a container of cold water for 20-30 seconds, then place it on a plate and remove the skin from it (if the tongue still burns your fingers, dip it in water again). After cleaning the tongue, put it back into the broth and quickly bring it to a boil, then turn off the flame and set the pan to cool in a large container filled with ice water. Also wrap the cooled tongue in foil and place it in a cool place. Cut pressed caviar into small cubes.
Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly, dry and cut immediately before cooking. Dip live crayfish, washed in cold water, into the boiling solution, head down. To prepare a solution for boiling crayfish, take: 25 grams of parsley, onions and carrots, 10 grams of tarragon, 30-40 grams of dill, 1 bay leaf, a few peas of allspice and 50 grams of salt. After placing the crayfish in boiling water, let the water boil again and cook for another 10 minutes. After turning off the heat, do not remove it immediately, but let the crayfish brew, then cool the pan with the finished crayfish using the method described above. Finely chop the pickles right before mixing. Grind the soybeans before adding to the salad. Peel fresh cucumbers and chop finely (not necessarily evenly - you can also “crush”). Also chop the capers finely, after drying them. Eggs should be large and fresh. Do not overcook them under any circumstances. Pay close attention to this part. The eggs should feel fresh and the white should be tender, not rubbery. Cook for 7-8 minutes, but not 15. Chop all the ingredients and mix (try to do this carefully, using bottom-up movements). Add your own homemade mayonnaise and serve immediately. It is important to take into account the amount of alcohol guests drink. The more, the hotter the sauce should be. If the guests are sober, then it would be more logical to refuel classic mayonnaise to appreciate the delicate taste of all ingredients. This was the recipe at the time it was reproduced by one of the restaurant’s regular customers. Perhaps something was not taken into account, but the main components that are difficult to hide from the sophisticated public are present in the recipe. The secret of the spices that made the taste of the dish signature and unique, unfortunately, has been lost. After the death of Lucien Olivier in 1883, the Hermitage restaurant went to the “Olivier partnership”; for a long time the restaurant passed from hand to hand, and famous recipe went to the rich houses of the capital, or rather the kitchens of these houses. The personal chefs of many of the richest people in the capital tried to recreate the recipe of the French master and offered this famous salad at dinner parties.
This situation could have lasted forever if not for the First World War and then the revolution of 1917. The sudden disappearance of many products hit Olivier salad hard. At that time there was no time for delights - for many years the country plunged into the darkness of timelessness, and on the food side - into severe hunger and a rationing system for food distribution. But already in 1924, the era of NEP began and products that seemed irretrievably gone again appeared in the country. However, much was no longer possible to return. Branded “bourgeois” hazel grouse or crayfish necks became unavailable, and simply irrelevant among the city dwellers of that time. The NEP times gave us several options for salad, which, at the very least, were prepared in restaurants. One of these restaurants, and it must be said that it was central at that time, since senior party workers dined there, was the Moscow restaurant. It was headed by the same Ivan Mikhailovich Ivanov, who, as a young man, stole the salad recipe from the master himself, Lucien Olivier. This shameful act, however, preserved, although in a modified form, the recipe for the famous dish, close to the original. And the realities of time have made their own changes to the recipe.
Recipe for “Olivier Salad” according to the Moscow restaurant version of the mid-20s of the 20th century: Ingredients: 6 potatoes, 2 onions, 3 medium-sized carrots, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 apple, 200 grams boiled meat poultry, 1 glass of green peas, 3 boiled eggs, half a glass of olive mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Preparation: Take medium-sized, fresh vegetables. Cut all ingredients finely and very evenly into equal pieces. Boil the potatoes and carrots, peel them, chop everything, mix and season with mayonnaise, top with parsley and apple slices. As you can see, not much remains from the original recipe. However, the main principle remains the same - chop everything and season with mayonnaise. This principle became widespread throughout the Soviet and post-Soviet space, and throughout the world Olivier salad is called “Russian salad” or “salade a la Russe”. Hazel grouse were first replaced with partridges, then chicken, and then just sausage. There were also recipes with beef, but this is too tough a component, and beef did not take root. Crayfish necks, unfortunately, have sunk into oblivion, and in the 20th century they were no longer added to salads; boiled carrots were added instead. Capers were replaced with more accessible green peas, and onions appeared in the salad, which is why it immediately gained pungent taste. Lettuce leaves were replaced with parsley. Soy, veal tongue, like pressed black caviar(and truffles, according to one version), also disappeared from the recipe. Mayonnaise was replaced from home-made mayonnaise to factory-made mayonnaise. Be that as it may, the Olivier salad continued to live even in these difficult conditions, being a symbol of chic and delicacy for a large part of the impoverished country. In the post-war period, in the second half of the 50s, when the country was experiencing powerful growth and the standard of living increased again, vintage salad reappeared on the festive table. Many products returned to sale, but even banal peas or Provencal mayonnaise were in terrible short supply, and these products were always set aside to create the “holiday” Olivier salad. Simplifying the salad recipe, Olivier acquired the main thing - from a rather high-calorie dish, with tasty, but still heavy and expensive ingredients, the salad became a vegetable salad, the meat portion of which was incomparably small. As in the 19th century, modern Olivier salad is made from those products that are most available at the moment. If caviar, crayfish necks, hazel grouse and capers were available then, now it is boiled sausage, green peas, carrots and onions. And you can buy mayonnaise in the store. Losing expensive ingredients, the salad inevitably gained popularity among wide sections of the population of one sixth of the planet, and now boasts not just a name, but the name of a whole class of salads that began to appear in late Soviet times. After all, a salad with canned fish, and with crab sticks, as well as numerous others Soviet salads appeared thanks to the ingenuity and partly poverty of the counters, forcing the imagination of housewives and cooks to work. The symbolic significance of Olivier salad for Russian cuisine cannot be overestimated. This is always the main dish on the table, in the best salad bowl; no other salad deserves such a constant presence at a festive feast. The tradition of putting food on plates is indicative. Olivier is always placed either first or after the potatoes. This is a respectful attitude simple salad could not hide from the unobtrusive gaze of foreign guests, who, of course, were also treated to Olivier salad. Throughout the rest of the world, our salad is known as “Russian salad,” but it is most correct to call the modern version of the dish “Soviet Olivier.” Like “Soviet champagne,” it has its own destiny, its own unforgettable taste and is considered the same powerful and indestructible symbol of the holiday. P.S. I'll go get some canned peas)))
