Five recipes for dishes from Russian folk tales. Dishes from the fairy tales of our childhood

Not everything in fairy tales is fiction. For example, the dishes they serve are the most “real” ones.

And, as a rule, they are very tasty. Reading to children and cooking!


Most children “get to know” semolina porridge not from a book, but through “practice” - at home or in kindergarten, one fine day it “happens” for breakfast. And most often, from the very first meeting, the child determines whether he is “friends” with such a mess or not.
“The crane went to the feast. And the fox cooked semolina porridge and spread it on the plate.”
From the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”
The main secret of delicious semolina porridge: pour the cereal into boiling milk in a thin stream with continuous stirring - then the porridge will turn out without lumps. However, there is another option: lightly moisten the cereal cold water and stir with a whisk, and then pour boiling milk over it. To prepare medium-thick semolina porridge for half a liter of milk, you will need approximately 2-3 tablespoons of cereal. You only need to cook the porridge for a couple of minutes, and then cover the pan with a lid and let the porridge brew.
It is recommended to give semolina porridge to children no more than two to three times a week. Semolina does not contain coarse dietary fiber, so it is easily digestible - this is its absolute advantage. But if we talk about nutritional value semolina, it should be recognized that it contains a small amount of fats, vitamins and minerals, compared to other cereals. To dairy semolina brought more benefit, you can add berries, fruits and nuts to it. For children with decreased appetite or underweight, you can add 2–3 g of butter or vegetable oil per serving of porridge.


“The next day the fox comes to the crane, and he prepared okroshka and put it in a jug with a narrow neck.”
From the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”
Okroshka is definitely an adult dish. Not all children agree to dilute it with kvass or kefir. edible salad. But they won’t refuse to participate in the cooking process. Plastic children's knives are great for slicing doctor's sausage And boiled eggs. You can also pay attention to serving okroshka - carefully place the salad on a plate in the shape of a well, and serve the liquid component separately - like in a fairy tale - in a jug.

Rye pies

In Rus', the “main thing” has always been bread from rye flour, buns were baked from wheat - they were eaten in those houses where there was prosperity.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?
The stove answers her:
- Eat mine rye pie– I’ll tell you.
- I’ll eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat...
From the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”
Therefore, it is not surprising that in Elena Molokhovets’ book “A Gift for Young Housewives,” written in 1901, a recipe for rye flour shortcakes is in the “Foods for Ministers” section.
Rye flour is rarely used in baking because it does not contain gluten and has a distinctive taste, but at the same time, these properties can be an advantage. The dough with such flour will be more crumbly, and the taste can be enhanced by fillings. Remember the same wickets - Karelian open pies on rye flour dough. The fillings in them can be from porridges, most often from millet, as well as from root vegetables - turnips or potatoes. They also bake sweet wickets, adding dried fruits to the millet porridge.
The dough for gates is quick, prepared without yeast, with yogurt or kefir: you need to mix 1 egg and 150 ml of kefir, add a pinch of salt, add about 350 g of rye flour in parts and knead elastic dough. Knead the dough properly and let it sit for 15 minutes, then divide it into 8-10 equal parts, roll out the circles, fill them with the filling - crushed potatoes or thick sweet millet porridge with dried apricots.


– Milk River, jelly banks, where did the geese-swans fly?
- Eat my simple jelly with milk - I’ll tell you.
- My father doesn’t even eat cream...
From the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”
Traditional Russian jelly comes in three consistencies: very thick - it hardens in shape and resembles jelly; semi-thick - served warm, in a salad bowl and liquid - previously it was served as gravy. Children are unlikely to appreciate the last two versions of jelly, but thick, in the form of mousse or jelly, they will definitely like it. Thick jelly In general, it can be passed off as Italian panna cotta, especially if you cook it with cream.
For cooking milk jelly you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of starch in 1/3 cup of cold milk, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and a little vanillin. In a saucepan on the stove, bring 1 cup of milk to a boil and pour the starch mixture into it. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool, decorate with berries, sprinkle with chocolate and refrigerate for an hour.


- What should we do, what should we eat?
“Wait,” said the old woman, “I’ll try the millstones.”
She took the millstone and began to grind: damn it and pie, damn it and pie, no matter what you turn, it’s all damn it and pie! And she fed the old man.
From the fairy tale “The Golden Comb Cockerel and the Miracle Chalk”
Yes, such millstones are definitely cooler than a multicooker and a bread maker: modern gadgets are not yet capable of “ full cycle» production. Making the dough is no problem, but they are no longer able to make pies from it or bake pancakes. But you can manually make several products from one dough at once without any problems.
From the same dough you can easily make pies, pancakes and pancakes a la pancakes. But for thin pancakes still need more batter. To make pancakes and pies healthier, I recommend preparing them from a mixture wheat flour(preferably whole grain, unsifted) and buckwheat (you can simply grind dry buckwheat in a coffee grinder).
And here is the recipe itself: soak 10 g of dry yeast in 700 ml of warm milk and let it sit for a while. Then add two eggs to the milk, add 150 g of wheat flour and 150 g of buckwheat flour, mix thoroughly. The dough will be quite thick. Leave it to rise in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises, knead it well and add 50 ml of vegetable oil, mix again and let rise again. The pancake dough is ready! If you want not pancakes, but pancakes, you need to add a little to the dough along with butter warm water– until it reaches the consistency of kefir. And for pies, simply increase the amount of flour to 300 g of each type (a total of 600 g of flour is needed).

In my opinion, Alice in Country is the most magical of all fairy tales. I think so because. that magic happens here just like that. not so that good will defeat evil, or so that the princess will find her prince, and not so that little children can draw the right conclusion about what to do and what not to do. Magic here is not rational and self-sufficient. Just for magic, not for benefit. But we will still try to take advantage of the fairy tale and prepare Plum Pudding, which Alice at first did not want to get acquainted with.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been the favorite heroes of girls and boys for many years. Mostly, of course, boys, but when my daughter was little, she too (and I along with her) enjoyed watching this animated series. And with what passion and appetite Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo ate pizza. Perhaps they love pizza so much because, judging by their names, they are Italians? Let's try to make pizza like the Ninja Turtles?

Pamela Travers really brightened up my childhood! I imagined that I too had such a wonderful nanny! Haha.. in a Soviet family, in a two-room Khrushchev apartment, with one walk-through room and a kitchen 5 meters away! But the size of the apartment does not interfere with your dreams at all! And the magical world absorbed me completely. Maybe that's why our workshop is called "Mary Poppins' Umbrella"? For some reason, the most memorable moment in the book for me was the moment of visiting Mrs. Corry's shop for gingerbread, her strange giantess daughters Fanny and Annie. And today we will try to bake these gingerbread cookies. After all, without these gingerbread the stars don’t light up!

When you read Astrid Lingrend's book "Pippi Longstocking" as a child, did you envy Tommy and Annika that they had such a friend? She's funny. independent, very strong! She treats everyone to toffee (this mysterious word toffee haunted me, and even now I don’t know what it is), gives everyone rides on a horse and easily deals with thieves. She dresses funny and is always ready for different tricks! I was jealous! I also wanted to drink coffee on a tree, play with Mr. Nilsson and listen to Peppa’s incredible stories! But since this is impossible, I’ll at least make pancakes! Exactly like Pippi's!

We all remember how Carlson smoked the Housewife with the help of buns! But these products became buns only in Russian translation, and in fact, Astrid Lindgren had in mind the Kanelbulle bun, which is considered one of the symbols of the state of Sweden. Butter buns with cinnamon, which in Sweden are called Kanelbulle - a special type of twisted buns made in the form of long strips butter dough. These strips are rolled into a ball and held together with a sweet, sticky and buttery syrup to which cinnamon is added. Every year on October 4, all of Sweden celebrates a national “delicious” holiday - Cinnamon Bun Day (Kanelbullens dag).
Kanelbulle are not just a Swedish delicacy, in this country they are considered literally national treasure and one of the symbols of the Swedish kingdom. In any supermarket, corner store, small bakery or gas station - they are sold almost everywhere. Swedes eat them anywhere and everywhere, on holidays and on weekdays, during breakfast and snacks.

Astrid Lingrend "Emil of Lenneberga".
Emil was a very mischievous boy, and that day he was already serving a sentence for placing a mousetrap under his dad’s foot, which seriously bruised his dad’s finger. And when he was released, he saw that his mother was preparing coats. “I bet you don’t know what p-a-l-you are! These look like large dumplings, but they are brown in color and filled with pieces lard. And they taste like blood sausage, only a thousand times tastier. That’s what coats are!” At this time, Emil’s dad was resting under the window on the grass.
“Emil felt ashamed that he had hurt dad with his stupid hunt for a rat, and he wanted to immediately say something very pleasant to dad. He remembered that coats were daddy’s favorite dish, and therefore, grabbing a bowl of dough for coats from the table, he leaned out the window with it.
“Look, dad,” he shouted joyfully, “what we have for lunch today!” Coats!"
So! Today we are preparing Coats!

My son turned 18 last week. He is in 11th grade. I hope he gets a scholarship and studies well. BM no longer wants to pay alimony. I paid 30-35t. It had long been agreed that he would not reduce payments, since in his second marriage he also had a child. And I will save my son’s education from alimony. But a couple of years ago, my new husband and I bought an apartment with a mortgage and we pay part of the payments from alimony. I also have a child of kindergarten age. That's why I don't work, I get sick often. My son wants to go to enroll in the city where BM lives. And bm is against it. Have you been able to negotiate with the bankers so that they help with money after 18 years?



Good morning, my inquisitive and insightful friends, Vangas and Sherlock Holmes! I present to your attention a guessing game for a poetry competition that is festive in all respects. I suggest you use your brains and bring it to clean water our cunning cryptographers.
The field for scattering brains is here:

List of authors:
To live well
Sucker Punch
Quokka Smiley
Lena Tokareva
Brother Organization
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
Anonymous 4

So, let's go!


Irina Krasavina

Girls. Help my sick brain. I am currently in the process of depriving my brother of parental rights. I contacted guardianship, collected papers from the hospital, the police, references from the school and kindergarten, which my youngest niece used to go to from her brother’s last place of work. There is evidence from neighbors and his friend that he drinks and does not work. The guardianship authorities assessed the living conditions of us and our brother. He is against deprivation of rights, he said that he would stop drinking and take the children for himself. But... one nuance became clear. My brother now lives with the same lady, I knew this for a long time, they drink together, they both don’t work. And this lady is now pregnant, and as I understand it, they want to sign.
Putting aside my shock at the situation and the lack of brains of both, I am interested in the question. If he suddenly stops drinking (which I highly doubt) they might refuse to deprive me of his rights? Will he be able to take the children?

P.S. and one more question. Is it possible to do something about this madam? Well, I don’t know, maybe forced treatment or something else. She's pregnant and drinks((((how is that possible?
In short, I will be glad to receive any advice and examples from life.


Daria S

Hello everybody. We're having a bad day today. The child fell ill on Monday, a strong cough to the point of vomiting and so Ra. Yesterday I had a very high temperature of Ra.
Grandma came to help us and shouted to me from the kitchen that she was dizzy, then she fell. I called an ambulance. They told me to put me on the bed, measure the pressure, (it was 150) and give me a capoten. And they said the call would be forwarded to emergency services. Okay, I'm sitting and waiting. Mom’s blood pressure is rising, it’s already 180, she’s red, 40 minutes have passed, I’m calling again, and as I understand it, urgent Care, this is a doctor from the regiment. I called the regiment, they said wait for two hours. What is this? What needs to happen for the ambulance to arrive? As a result, the regiment called me back and said that after my call they transferred the call back to the ambulance. The brigade arrived in another half hour. They gave me an ECG, an injection, pills and told me to wait for the doctor.
But. The regiment told me that the call to us was cancelled. I asked if I should wait for the doctor, with high temperature? They said he would come to me.
Question. Mom is lying there, dizzy, when will she be able to get to the doctor? The holidays are ahead, will she be left without help? This is fine? The neurologist comes on Tuesdays. They diagnosed a crisis and cerebrovascular accident. The neurologist is treating us, they did the UBD in January, they gave us Cerepro, then they injected us with Picamelon and that’s it. I should prescribe pills.
Has anyone gone to a paid ambulance? Phone number, if I can find anything. Does it make sense?
What should we do anyway?


And this grandmother comments - and I am outraged that it is my granddaughter who will put on this cap after others. Let everyone sew individually, we'll hand over the money. what if someone has a scab on their head (). or lice. I say - well, in general, sick people should not be allowed into the garden, but if they are the same lice - then children come into close contact and without caps, they are instantly re-infected. but this is just me, purely abstractly, and she has her own granddaughter. maybe she's right? Would you allow your children to wear a shared hat?


“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows,” - this is how Alexander Pushkin ends his beautiful “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” We understand this expression, familiar to us from early childhood, literally. They say that what is said in the fairy tale will most likely not be true. But this doesn’t matter, since the main thing in it is morality and teaching.

It may be spiritual and correct, but it does not fully correspond to reality. Especially the gastronomic reality. If we carefully read Russian folk tales, we will see several interesting things at once. Firstly, many of the tales can be called almost an encyclopedia of domestic cooking. Secondly, all the recipes for Russian dishes there are surprisingly accurate. Thirdly, behind some of them there is more than meets the eye. One of the fairy tales, which we become familiar with almost in infancy, ideally combines all these statements.


The same one who “left his grandmother and left his grandfather.” There are lovers of snide jokes who claim that Kolobok is the first Russian fast food. They say faster than food I can’t think of anything better than this bread sprinter. In fact, there is nothing quick about making koloboks. In any case, if we take a very real recipe from “Painting the Royal Food” of the early 17th century. It shows the composition of kolob - festive ritual dish. Cereal flour, eggs, beef lard. By the way, it was supposed to be served cold. Now let’s look at our hero’s autobiography: “I am Kolobok, there’s a mess of sour cream, I’m planted in the stove, I’m chilled at the window!” Of course, sour cream is not lard. But even in this version, it becomes clear that the bun is not just “bread, a round flatbread,” as dictionaries sometimes say. And a fatty, buttery “bread dish,” as they wrote in the old days.

By the way, the old days give a completely unexpected culinary twist. If not in content, then certainly in name, our dear fabulous Kolobok turns out to be a close relative of sausage. The Novgorod birch bark document No. 842 of the 12th century mentions meat product"Kalbasou". The word is originally Slavic and, according to philologists, has the same root as “kolobok”.


Bread dishes could be main dishes, but more often they were classified as appetizers. The fundamental Russian dinner, of course, was not limited to them. To continue, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to call on the Old Man as long as a fingernail, with a beard as long as his elbow, from the fairy tale “Go there, I don’t know where”: “A baked bull appears in front of him, in his side is a sharpened knife, in his backside there is crushed garlic and a forty barrel good beer. The Old Man began to cut the meat, dip it in garlic and wash it down with beer...” The Old Man is clearly not simple. This combination is wild ox meat, beer and garlic seasoning- fit for great warriors, princes Ancient Rus' who hunted aurochs and bison. The peasants received this kind of thing infrequently - on major holidays, three times a year, when they made oven-baked beef in the oven.


Much more often they made do with fish. And precisely in the version offered by the fairy-tale lazy Emelya, who caught the magic pike: “What good are you for me? No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook the fish soup. The ear will be sweet!” The last words can lead to a stupor. It is well known that pike should be fried or baked, because the fish smells like mud. However, Emelya knows what he is talking about. As well as Leonid Sabaneev, author of the work “Pisces Russian Empire": "Just caught young pike, no more than 3-4 pounds in weight, are considered the most delicious and expensive fish for fish soup."

They didn’t ignore the ruff ear, which in the fairy tale “Ivan Bykovich” was given a downright magical properties: “The golden-finned ruffe swims in that pond—if the queen boils it and she tastes it, she might get pregnant now.” In fact, the ruff was considered a rude, frankly masculine fish. Even in fairy tales, Yorsh Ershovich, the son of Shchetinnikov, is such a fishy commoner, a proletarian of the river kingdom. But there are no rules without exceptions. Here is a fragment of the coronation menu of the Russian Emperor Alexander III: “Borscht. Soup. Jellied from ruffs.”

Kissels and pies

Among the changes of dishes at a traditional Russian dinner, jelly and pies were also required. We meet both of them, and with some details, in a row in the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. The stove makes rye pies for the girl, and the milk river with jelly banks " simple jelly with milk." To which they receive arrogant answers - they say, at my father’s place they don’t eat wheat pies and don’t drink cream.

The fact that the girl “got greedy” is putting it mildly. Perhaps rye pies are not as status-worthy as wheat pies, but they also fell into royal table. True, not all, but mostly open. The so-called wickets are a kind of cheesecakes made from rye flour filled with porridge or steamed turnips with fried onions. They ate them with hot milk and poured melted butter on top.

With milk they were supposed to eat jelly, which bore little resemblance to the current starch slurry “with a flavor identical to natural.” Real Russian jelly, in in this case Most likely, the oatmeal solidified into a mass that could be cut with a knife. So “milk rivers, jelly banks” is not a fabulous exaggeration, but the most real reality.

But Pushkin’s words about lies and hints also have their own truth. A fairy tale still remains a fairy tale. What the traditional ending tells us, which, by the way, is also related to cooking: “I was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.” That is, it’s time to sober up, dear man! Even though we visited the intoxicating magical world, all the magic flowed only through the mustache - it didn’t get into our mouths. Well, let! But everything else is from the kolobok and rye gates to jelly with baked bull - we will try to cook and eat.



Kefir – 250 g

Salt - 1 tsp.

Flour - 150 g

For filling:

Potatoes - 5 pcs.

Milk – 30 ml

Butter - 50 g

Egg - 1 pc.

Salt - to taste

How to cook: Knead the thick dough. Divide the dough into 10 parts, roll out into flat cakes with a diameter of 15 cm. Make the filling: boil the potatoes in their skins. Quickly peel while hot and mash with a masher. Add milk, butter, salt and a raw egg. Spread the filling on each flatbread with a tablespoon and pinch the edges so that you get open dough boats. Grease the wickets with yolk and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal jelly


Oat flakes – 200 g

Water – 250 ml

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Rye bread – 15 g

Sugar - to taste

Salt - to taste

How to cook: Pour the flakes with water in a 1:1 ratio, put a crust of black bread and place in a warm place overnight. Stir and squeeze the flakes through cheesecloth, pour the remaining “silt” with water and let it settle (repeat the procedure 3-4 times). Boil the “silt” like jelly, add salt, sugar and butter to taste. Advice from the cook: You can adjust the thickness yourself by brewing both an old Russian dessert and a liquid modern drink!

Reading and cooking: recipes for dishes from fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

The whole family can read the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen: the writer himself believed that he wrote not only for children, but also for adults. True, fairy tales must undergo a strict selection: not all fairy tales see good defeating evil and justice triumphing. But even the saddest and most philosophical stories have beautiful passages that are worth reading to kids. They are also mentioned in fairy tales delicious dishes, which can be prepared for the joy of the whole family.


Baked apples

Baked apples - delicious and healthy dessert, you can prepare it at any time of the year. The main thing is to find dense sour or sweet and sour apples- When baked, they hold their shape well.

“...Yes, the children lived well, but not for long. Their father, the king of that country, married an evil queen, and from the very beginning she disliked the poor children. They experienced it on the first day. There was a feast in the palace, and the children started a game of visiting. But instead of cakes and baked apples, which they always received in abundance, the stepmother gave them a tea cup of river sand - let them imagine that this is a treat.”

Before baking apples, they need to be washed and cored. You can add berries, cottage cheese or cinnamon inside. For sweetness - honey or dried fruits. In order to retain as much benefit as possible in apples, you need to bake them for no more than 15 minutes at a temperature of 150-180 degrees.

Apples are useful in any form. Of course, when heat treatment Vitamin C is partially destroyed, but many others remain useful components. For example, soluble dietary fiber– pectins, which improve intestinal function and reduce cholesterol levels. Apples are rich in potassium, which helps remove excess fluid from the body. Fruit acids are partially destroyed when heated, so even the most acidic baked apples have soft taste and delicate consistency.

Daria Rusakova

Candidate of Medical Sciences, researcher at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, scientific consultant at the "Nutrition and Health" clinic

Accordion potato

Andersen's fairy tale “Potatoes” tells how people did not immediately “recognize” potatoes and learned to cook them. Children, especially those who helped their parents plant and dig potatoes (or simply saw how it was done), will be especially interested in hearing this tale.

“Not just anyone, but the city fathers showed the people strange tubers and loudly taught them how to plant potatoes, how to grow them and how to cook them. What's the point: it went in one ear and came out the other. People did not understand what they were being told, and began to taste it raw potatoes. - Ugh, how disgusting! - they said and threw the potatoes into the gutter, and saw with their own eyes that even the dogs disdained them. There were also those who tried to plant potatoes: some buried the potatoes away from each other and began to wait for trees to grow from them and they could harvest the fruits.”

After reading a fairy tale with your child, you can remember the dishes that are prepared from potatoes - mashed potatoes, fried with mushrooms, fries, country-style wedges, casserole, dumplings... And treat them to another one - “accordion potatoes”. To prepare it, you need to select large potato tubers, peel them and wash them, then use a sharp knife to make cuts on the tubers, without cutting 5-7 millimeters to the end. The thickness of the slices is also about 5 mm. Insert slices of ham or bacon into the slots, sprinkle salt on top, sprinkle vegetable oil, wrap tightly in two layers of foil and place in the oven for 40-60 minutes (depending on the size of the potatoes). Ready potatoes carefully unfold, lubricate butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.


Roast is considered traditional dish Russian cuisine, but in fact, in one variation or another, it is prepared all over the world. Modern roast is more like hungarian goulash- meat stewed with potatoes and other vegetables after pre-roasting or without it. Often served with broth and in a pot.

“In the upper room a large table was laid; there was something he didn’t have on him: wine, and roast, and the most wonderful fish; the hostess and the sexton were sitting at the table - no one else.”

G.H. Andersen "Little Claus and Big Claus"

Recipe. Roast in pots

Ingredients: lean pork 700 g, potatoes 5 pcs., onions 1 pc., carrots 1 pc., bell pepper 1-2 pcs., tomatoes 2-3 pcs., sour cream 200 g., salt and spices to taste.

Cut the meat into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Prepare the vegetables: peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes, chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the pepper into small cubes or cubes, and the tomatoes into half rings. Place in a pot in layers: potatoes, add a little salt and grease with sour cream, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, onions, meat. Grease generously with sour cream. Add water to the pots (it should reach the top layer) and cover them with lids. Place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about 1 hour.

If desired, after 30-40 minutes you can remove the lids, sprinkle the top with grated cheese and send the pots - without lids - back to the oven for the remaining time. The cheese will brown and turn into a delicious crispy crust.

Honey cake

Rugs are gingerbread products, but they differ from piece gingerbreads in shape and large size. Typically, a gingerbread is a low “pie” with or without filling and decorations, which is already in finished form cut into pieces.

“During the fair there was always a hustle and bustle and it almost always rained; the humid air smelled of peasant caftans and - what was much more pleasant - honey cakes. The whole shop was chock full of gingerbread! Nice! And what’s even better is that the owner of the shop stayed with Knud’s parents, and the boy, of course, received a piece of cake every time, which he immediately shared with Johanna. The most important thing was that the gingerbread seller knew how to tell wonderful stories about almost any thing, even about his gingerbreads.”

We warn you right away: “Under the Willow Tree” is a sad fairy tale, it is better for kids to read only an excerpt from it - about gingerbread - a gentleman and a girl who lay on the counter for so long as models that they fell in love with each other.

Recipe. Honey cake

Ingredients: 250 g + 3 tbsp. liquid honey, 90 g butter, 375 g flour, 1 tsp. mixture of crushed spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg), 1 tsp. soda, 60 g candied cherries or soft raisins, 60 g of candied fruit mixture citrus peels(chop), 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. milk, zest of 1 large lemon, 30 g almond petals (optional).

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Grease with oil square shape for baking and line the bottom and sides with baking paper. Pour 250 g of honey into a saucepan, add oil and heat slowly, stirring, until completely dissolved. Sift flour and soda into a large bowl, add spices, cherries and candied fruits. Beat eggs with milk and add to honey mixture along with lemon zest, then pour in parts flour mixture, stirring well after each serving. Pour mixture into prepared pan and sprinkle with almonds. Bake for approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer. Using the same stick, make punctures across the entire surface of the cake and brush with the remaining honey. After the honey has been absorbed, transfer the gingerbread to a wire rack and let it cool completely, then remove the paper. Cut the gingerbread into squares or rectangles.

Sweet soup

The combination " sweet soup"any child will be surprised. And, most likely, he won’t refuse to try this soup.

“What a joy it was! The whole evening and the whole next day the pot stood on the fire, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, be it the chamberlain's house or the shoemaker's, that the princess did not know what was being cooked there. The ladies-in-waiting danced with joy and clapped their hands.

- We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today! We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!"

It turns out that sweet soup is not a fairy tale at all, but a national Danish dessert - Rødgrød med fløde - something between a puree soup and jelly. It is prepared from boiled fresh or frozen berries (strawberries, currants, blueberries) and rhubarb. The resulting “red porridge” is poured with cream and served as a dessert.

But in combination with pancakes, we are talking more about another sweet soup - from dried fruits and spices with the addition of rice or tapioca, decorated with whipped cream. Thin pancakes are dipped into this soup, more like pudding!

Maria Reshetnikova

Recipe. Danish pancake soup

Ingredients: for soup - 1/2 cup dried apples, 1/2 cup dried pear, 20-25 pcs. pitted prunes, 20 pcs. dried apricots, 1/2 cup currants or small raisins, 1/2 cup large light raisins, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise, 2-3 whole dry cloves, 5 cups water, 1 glass fruit juice(optional), 2-3 slices fresh lemon, 4 heaped tablespoons of tapioca, whipped cream or sour cream; for pancakes: 2 eggs, 1 cup flour, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon sugar (optional), 2 tablespoons melted butter, 1 to 1.5 cups milk, vegetable oil for greasing the pan.

Tapioca can be replaced with half the amount of starch, previously diluted in cold water. You can use flour instead of tapioca, directly according to the recipe. You can take rice - a sticky variety like Krasnodar or sushi rice - and add it to the dish boiled (the amount is 2-3 times more than tapioca in the recipe).

Maria Reshetnikova

Bakerschool Basic Course Pastry Chef

Connect everything dried fruits and berries, water and juice in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Add spices and lemon slices, cook until the fruit is soft for about 10-15 minutes. Add tapioca, stir thoroughly and continue to cook until the soup thickens (about 10-15 minutes). You can add more tapioca and cook the soup until it has the consistency of pudding.

Prepare the pancake dough: beat eggs with flour, salt, sugar and melted butter. Add milk little by little, without stopping whisking, until the dough reaches the consistency of buttermilk. Grease a frying pan with oil and bake pancakes in it.

Decorate the finished soup with whipped cream and serve with pancakes.
