Delicious snacks during the cucumber season: learn how to cook spicy cucumbers in Korean. Korean cucumbers: the most delicious recipe and the best ideas

What is good about this preparation? Spicy seasonings not only accelerate the blood, warming you up in cold weather, but also give a fresh feeling winter menu spicy notes, significantly diversifying the diet. In addition, dishes with “pepper” speed up a slightly slowed down metabolism, helping to maintain slim figure. Sounds tempting! However, be careful: if you have diseases gastrointestinal tract, then it’s better not to get carried away with exotic dishes.

So let's consider detailed recipes with photo.

Korean cucumber salad for the winter: recipe without sterilization

In my opinion, this is the most delicious recipe, and also very light. I'll tell you how to cook spicy salad from cucumbers in Korean style for the winter without sterilization.


  • 2 kg of medium-sized cucumbers;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 25-30 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 30 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 3-5 medium cloves of garlic;
  • 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper;
  • 1/2 tsp. ground paprika;
  • 0.5-1 tsp. chopped coriander.

Tip: You can pre-soak the cucumbers for an hour - they will become elastic and crispy.


  1. To prepare spicy salad for the winter from cucumbers and carrots, wash the vegetables well.
  2. For the marinade, mix oil and vinegar, add spices and seasonings, chopped garlic cloves. Heat in enamel dishes until boiling, stirring. Then turn off the heat and let everything sit for 1 to 5 hours.
  3. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars and lids. I most often sterilize the jars over steam and boil the lids directly in the saucepan.
  4. Then chop the cucumbers into long strips or cubes. Grate the peeled carrots to Korean products. Mix carrots with cucumbers, squeeze lightly with your hands. Post it vegetable mixture into clean jars. Leave a little space on top - the vegetables will still release their juice.
  5. Heat the marinade again until it boils, and carefully pour it over the cucumbers and carrots in the jars almost to the neck. Roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them up. Let them sit until they cool down.

Korean cucumbers for the winter with carrots are ready! Store them in a cool place.

Note to the hostess: You can add a little less vinegar than in the recipe. Please note that cucumbers preserved with vinegar may become even more sour over time.

Tip: You can use this recipe with seasoning for Korean carrots, also without sterilization. Then cooking is even easier!

Korean cucumbers for the winter with bell peppers

Korean-style canned cucumbers will turn out more piquant if you roll them with bell peppers.


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 250 g bell pepper;
  • 100 g garlic;
  • 250 g carrots;
  • ¼ red pepper (hot);
  • 25 g salt;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 15 g seasoning for Korean carrots;
  • 50-60 ml vinegar 9%.


  1. Cut off the ends on both sides of the washed cucumbers. Cut each root vegetable into eight long slices: in half, then each half in half again, and continue until you have 8 pieces. Place them in a saucepan.
  2. Cleaned and washed bell pepper chop into strips. Stir in cucumbers.
  3. Peel, wash, grate or cut the carrots into long strips. Mix with other vegetables in a saucepan, add vinegar, sugar, salt, Korean seasoning. We also send it there, cut into thin strips. hot peppers and crushed garlic.
  4. Mix everything and leave covered for 3 hours. During this time, stir the vegetables several more times.
  5. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars and lids. Fill jars with vegetable salad and place them in a wide saucepan. Fill in cold water up to the shoulders, bring to a boil, sterilize for 20 minutes.

Then remove the jars from the pan, roll up their lids, turn them over and wrap them, and let cool. Korean cucumber salad for the winter with carrots and bell peppers is ready.

“Korean” cucumbers without carrots

Not everyone likes canned carrots. Therefore, I want to tell you how to cook Korean cucumbers for the winter - the most delicious recipe without carrots.


  • 2 kg of young cucumbers;
  • 2 large heads of garlic;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. vinegar essence (70%);
  • 2 tsp. ground black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp. coriander (chopped).


  1. Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. Cut them into thin bars or strips. Place in an enamel bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, crush the garlic, pour in vegetable oil. Then add spices: salt, sugar, coriander, black pepper. Dilute the vinegar essence in a quarter of a glass of water and pour into the marinade. Mix everything.
  3. Pour the marinade over the cucumbers and cover with a lid. You can even place a weight on top so that the vegetables release their juice. Let the cucumber mixture sit for five or six hours.
  4. Then place the cucumbers in sterilized half-liter jars and fill with the remaining dressing. Sterilize in a saucepan for 10 minutes, fill it with water up to the hangers, then screw on with clean lids.

Tip: Remember to stir the vegetables in the marinade every hour.

Turn it over, wrap it up. Soon the Korean salad will be ready. You can store it or serve it straight away.

Korean salad made from overgrown cucumbers

Can be prepared for the winter korean salad from overgrown cucumbers. But first you need to clean them of rough skin.


  • 2 kg of overgrown cucumbers;
  • 2-3 pcs. carrots;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 15 g Korean carrot seasoning;
  • 130 g refined vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar;
  • 30-40 ml vinegar 9%.


  1. Cut off the skin and ends on both sides of the washed cucumbers. Peel the carrots and garlic. Cut the cucumbers into thin strips, grate the carrots, and chop the garlic cloves. Mix everything in a separate container.
  2. To make the dressing, combine oil and vinegar, add seasoning, salt and sugar. Shake until smooth, pour into cucumber mixture, stir. Cover with film (or gauze) and refrigerate for 24 hours. From time to time, take out the bowl and mix everything again (in total, six to seven times a day).
  3. The next day, place the salad in sterilized jars and fill it with the remaining dressing. Cover the jars with boiled lids. Place in a wide pan, placing a folded towel on the bottom. Fill with water up to the shoulders, sterilize after boiling for 10-12 minutes.
  4. We take the jars out of the water, wipe them, and roll up the lids with a key. Turn it over and wrap it up.

After cooling, we hide the vegetables marinated with seasoning for storage.

Korean cucumbers: recipe with sesame seeds

A friend who is a big fan of Korean cuisine shared this recipe with me. It is also called cucumber heh for the winter. The dish is prepared with sesame seeds, which gives it a spicy oriental notes. The preparation is light, with a spicy, refreshing taste.


  • 900 g cucumbers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 g sesame seeds;
  • 20 ml soy sauce;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 3-5 g ground red pepper.


  1. Wash the cucumbers, peel if necessary, and chop into long strips. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the released juice by squeezing the cucumbers.
  2. Mix the oil with soy sauce. Add sugar, chopped garlic, sesame seeds, hot pepper. Pour this mixture over the cucumbers. Cover and leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  3. Then place the salad in sterilized half-liter jars. Cover with lids and sterilize in the pan for eight minutes. Then screw on the lids.

Pickled Korean cucumbers ready with sesame seeds.

Korean cucumbers with mustard

The recipe for cucumbers with mustard turns out amazingly delicious. It is best to take very young, small-sized vegetables - they are so tender, you will lick your fingers!


  • 4 kg of young cucumbers;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml vinegar 6%;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground black pepper.


  1. Cucumbers do not need to be peeled. Cut them lengthwise into thin strips. Place in a saucepan, sprinkle with pepper, mustard, salt, granulated sugar, chopped garlic.
  2. Pour in vegetable oil, add vinegar, stir. Leave in a cold place for three hours.
  3. Place the salad in clean jars and sterilize in a saucepan for ten minutes after the water boils.
  4. Roll up the key, wrap it in a towel. After cooling, the salad is ready.

Korean cucumbers for the winter on a grater

The appetizer comes out juicy, spicy, and just melts in your mouth! Great way prepare carrots for the winter with cucumbers in spicy sauce.


  • 4 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 200 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground red pepper.


  1. This recipe for cucumbers for the winter allows you to prepare even substandard vegetables. Grate the peeled, washed cucumbers and carrots on a grater (preferably a Korean grater). Pass the garlic through a press.
  2. IN large dishes mix vegetables with seasonings, oil and vinegar. Let it brew in the refrigerator for 9-12 hours.
  3. Let's decompose vegetable salad in half-liter clean jars. Sterilize for 10-12 minutes. Then we roll it up.

Tip: This snack can be made with Korean carrots- it will be even easier.

Cucumber kimchi

And one more interesting recipe– how to cook Korean cucumbers whole, with spicy minced vegetables. This snack is called kimchi.


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 1/2 bunch of green onions;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar 6%;
  • 1/4 cup water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • ¼ pod of hot dried pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame


  1. Cut the washed cucumbers crosswise, not reaching the end 1 cm. Salt them outside and inside, leave for ten minutes. Then remember, let it sit for another 10 minutes. Drain the juice and rinse.
  2. Finely chop the green and onion. Cut the carrots into strips or grate. Chop the garlic. Stir in onions, garlic and carrots.
  3. Prepare the dressing: dilute the vinegar with water, pour in soy sauce, add salt, sugar, sesame seeds, chopped hot pepper. Pour everything into the carrot-onion mixture.
  4. Filling the cucumbers spicy filling, put in jars or Plastic container. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator. The cucumbers will be ready in two to three hours.

Now you know how to make Korean cucumbers for the winter - choose the most delicious recipe yourself, you have as many as 7 options. I hope each of them will find its connoisseurs. Bon appetit!

So sharp and spicy salad from a vegetable familiar from childhood will allow you not to get sick and at the same time eat very tasty and varied.

General cooking principles

To prepare this snack, you definitely need cucumbers. It can be absolutely any variety. But here it is worth remembering what exactly salad cucumbers best to cut because of them correct size. In addition, they look very appetizing in ready-made salad.

It is important to sterilize jars both before and after filling with salad. You, of course, can do without this, but then keep in mind that it will not last longer than five days.

Classic Korean cucumber salad

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

With us, classics always come first, so if you don’t like experiments, new items and some unusual additives, then consider the recipe especially for you.

How to cook:

Tip: You can use salt instead of soy sauce, but here you need to use your taste.

Spicy winter salad with cabbage

It’s rare to find cabbage in Korean salads, but this is exactly the case when you can! Use cabbage, Peking, Savoy or any other one you like.

How long is it - 1 hour + night.

What is the calorie content - 119 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the top leaves of the cabbage and wash the head;
  2. Dry it and chop it finely with a sharp knife. The strips should not be too long, so if you decide to use a grater, the strips will need to be shortened a little. Remember that you need to prepare a salad that is not only tasty, but also convenient to eat;
  3. Rinse the cucumbers, remove the ends and cut the fruits into thin rings (in fact, the whole secret is in subtlety, because the thinner the rings, the better they marinate and the tastier the end result);
  4. Peel the carrots, grate them, be sure to wash the fruits before doing this;
  5. Grate them as usual with a grater. This is how you can get straws that are as uniform in length and thickness as possible;
  6. Rinse the sweet pepper, cut out the core and cut the flesh into strips;
  7. Pour all ingredients into a deep bowl and mix by hand;
  8. Pour vinegar and soy sauce with oil into a saucepan;
  9. Add paprika, sugar, salt and special Korean spice;
  10. Peel the garlic, cut it into slices and pour into a saucepan;
  11. Mix the ingredients and place them on the fire;
  12. Turn on medium power and bring the marinade until the sugar and salt dissolve;
  13. When the goal is achieved, pour in the vegetables and stir, but this time it is better to do it with a fork or spoon so as not to burn your hands with the hot marinade;
  14. Place the salad under pressure so much that all the vegetables are in the dressing;
  15. Place the entire structure in the refrigerator for one night;
  16. When time has passed, take out the salad and sprinkle it with sesame seeds;
  17. Mix and distribute into jars;
  18. Sterilize for fifteen minutes in boiling water;
  19. Roll up the lids and place in a warm place until cool.

Tip: use yellow and orange bell peppers to make the appetizer more colorful and appetizing.

Spicy appetizer with garlic and cucumbers

A real Korean salad is one that is truly spicy. Will you try it? If you're a fan of Mexican heat, this is a recipe you'll want to remember.

How much time - 25 minutes + 6 hours.

What is the calorie content - 27 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly with running water, remove the ends;
  2. Cut each fruit into rings and then in half again;
  3. Place in a small bowl, add vinegar, salt, chili, soy sauce and sesame seeds;
  4. Peel the garlic, remove the dry end and pass through a crush;
  5. Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop;
  6. Add onion and garlic to the salad and mix by hand. But remember that this should only be done if there are no wounds or scratches on your hands. The salad contains chili powder, which, if it gets on a wound, will drive you crazy with pain. Therefore, it is better to ask your neighbor or use a spoon;
  7. Place the salad in the refrigerator for at least six hours;
  8. After this, roll up the cans and put them “under the fur coat”.

Tip: if you think that the spiciness will not be enough, add fresh chili pods, chopping them into rings.

Korean salad with soy sauce

Soy sauce is also used in original salad, so if you want to be closer to the real recipe, be sure to try this one in your spare time.

How long is it - 1 hour and 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 16 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, remove the ends of the fruits and cut them into bars;
  2. Pour everything into a bowl and add salt;
  3. Mix everything by hand and leave for at least one hour;
  4. During this time, we recommend stirring the cucumbers several times so that they are salted evenly;
  5. Pour sesame seeds into a dry frying pan and turn on low heat;
  6. Dry the seeds until light golden color, stirring them periodically;
  7. After this, immediately pour them into a bowl to hot frying pan did not burn the seeds;
  8. Wash the chili and cut into rings, remove the seeds if desired, as they are much hotter than the pepper itself;
  9. Squeeze the cucumbers as soon as an hour has passed and place them in a dry bowl;
  10. Peel the garlic and press it through the cucumbers;
  11. Add chili, paprika, sesame, sugar, acetic acid and soy sauce;
  12. Pour oil into a saucepan or frying pan and heat it over high heat;
  13. Pour into the cucumbers and mix all the ingredients together;
  14. Divide into pre-sterilized jars and place in a saucepan;
  15. Pour water up to the shoulders of the cans, bring everything to a boil;
  16. Cook for about half an hour, roll up and keep warm.

Tip: instead of blankets, you can use warm jackets, sweaters or even towels.

Easy preparation of cucumbers and carrots

Cucumbers and carrots are often added to Korean salads. But since the main ingredient today is cucumbers, let's add some carrots.

How much time - 40 minutes + night.

What is the calorie content - 62 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel, wash and grate the carrots as usual. You can use a special grater to make the root vegetable straws thinner and longer;
  2. Rinse the cucumbers with running water, cut off the ends of each vegetable;
  3. Cut each fruit into four or even eight parts;
  4. Mix cucumbers and carrots in a deep container;
  5. Add salt, red pepper, vinegar, oil and sugar;
  6. Peel the garlic and crush it into the rest of the ingredients;
  7. Mix all this thoroughly, you can even do it by hand;
  8. Then cover and let sit for four hours. It is better to let the future salad brew overnight;
  9. After this, compact the mass into jars and place in a large pan, it should be wide;
  10. Pour in water so that the jars are covered up to the shoulders and turn on the heat;
  11. Let it boil and from now on sterilize for ten minutes;
  12. When time has passed, roll up the lids and put them under blankets until they cool completely.

Tip: sterilization will take ten minutes if the jars are small. A liter jar will take you thirty minutes.

Making Korean cucumber salad with tomato and chili

Tomatoes are added to this salad even less often than cabbage. Try it soon to discover something new, unusual taste, which you can’t help but fall in love with.

How long is it - 1 hour + 8 hours.

What is the calorie content - 57 calories.

How to cook:

  1. To make the snack crispy, the cucumbers must be soaked in cold water;
  2. But first you need to wash them thoroughly with running water;
  3. After five hours of soaking, drain the water and remove the cucumbers;
  4. During this time, by the way, you can have time to sterilize the jars several times;
  5. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate as always with a grater;
  6. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into cubes, removing the stem. If desired and possible, you can blanch the fruits and peel them so that there are no crusts in the finished salad. To do this, make cuts on the washed fruits and lower them into boiling water (specially bring to a boil sufficient quantity) for one minute. After a minute, transfer the tomatoes to cold water, soak for the same amount of time and remove the skins. Next, cut the already “naked” fruits into small slices, not forgetting to remove the stalks;
  7. Peel the cucumbers from the ends and, if necessary, from the peel. For example, if it is bitter;
  8. Cut them into rings and mix with carrots and tomatoes;
  9. Peel the garlic, finely chop or crush;
  10. Rinse the chili, cut into thin rings;
  11. Add both chili and chopped garlic to the vegetables;
  12. Mix salt and sugar with black pepper, vinegar and oil;
  13. Mix the vegetables with your hands and pour the resulting marinade over them;
  14. Let the salad sit for at least three hours, then fill the jars with it;
  15. When filling, it is necessary to compact the jars so that the vegetables release the maximum amount of juice;
  16. When the salad is already in jars, add the remaining juice from the bowl to the very top;
  17. Place everything in a saucepan, add water up to the shoulders and bring to a boil;
  18. Sterilize salads for no more than thirty minutes;
  19. After this, close all containers with lids and put them in warm blankets.

Tip: chili pepper can be substituted cayenne pepper or jalapeno.

Korean appetizer with French mustard

If you prepare a Korean salad with the addition French mustard, then you don’t have to add chili anymore. It will turn out hot and spicy. In general, as it should be.

How much time - 45 minutes + 3 hours.

What is the calorie content - 28 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut the fruits into long strips;
  2. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate;
  3. Mix the vegetables, add sugar, paprika, ground coriander, vinegar, salt, black pepper, mustard and oil;
  4. Peel the garlic and add it there, but through crushing;
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator;
  6. After a few hours, take out the salad, mix and put it in jars;
  7. Cover with lids and sterilize for fifteen minutes;
  8. After this, close the lid and put it “under the fur coat”.

Tip: for added flavor, you can add a little sweet paprika.

If you don’t have time to prepare various spices and herbs for the marinade, you can buy ready-made ones. They are sold both in stores and on the market. The spice mixture is called “Korean”. It will help you make the bookmark indistinguishable from the original.

It will be interesting if you chop the cucumbers not as is usually done, but on a grater. It’s difficult, we agree, especially if the fruits are watery. But you can try! Your guests will definitely be pleasantly surprised if you succeed.

If you prepare everything correctly, you can be transported to Korea for a short while. Spicy dishes, vegetables and a lot of spices are a feature of their cuisine. It's worth trying at least once to truly fall in love.

Vecha, or cucumber with meat in Korean, could well be a separate dish, served for the second. But the spiciness, which, in turn, causes appetite, classifies the dish as an appetizer. However, those who are watching their figure should also take into account high calorie content dishes. After all, among the vegetables there is also meat. Thus, nutritional value snacks are higher than simple salad- one hundred and fifty calories. Korean cuisine very popular in Russia. Since refugees from the DPRK arrived in the country, it has increasingly won the hearts and stomachs of the local population. Korean-style carrots, all kinds of pickles, mushrooms and salads have become frequent guests on Russian tables. Veche is not at all difficult to prepare. In this article we will tell you in detail how to prepare the Korean-style cucumbers with meat salad. Recipe supported by photographs and reviews experienced chefs, see below.


Not all “exotic” dishes require availability overseas delicacies for cooking. Vecha, for example, contains exclusively familiar ingredients that can be bought in any supermarket or market. The name of the dish - “Cucumber with meat in Korean” - already tells us about the main component. We will need a kilogram of green vegetables. It is better to take oblong cucumbers with smooth skin. According to reviews, they produce more juice and do not require cleaning. By meat, the recipe means beef. It should be boneless. Beef pulp You will need four hundred grams. We will also need following products: two cloves of garlic, an onion, a mixture of black and hot red peppers (a teaspoon), the same amount of vinegar essence and salt, a pinch of sugar, one bell pepper (preferably yellow or red), two soup spoons of soy sauce and a little vegetable oil.

Variations of Korean cucumber salad with meat

Even in their homeland, vechu dishes are prepared differently. Known even vegetarian option kimchi (salad) - without meat. You can add some Korean carrots to the composition. Don't forget that in Korea, salads are served with absolutely bland boiled rice. That's why they must be sharp. Classic version Vechi involves the introduction of chili pepper into the composition. But a European can adjust the spiciness of the dish to his taste. Sesame seeds add special piquancy to Korean-style cucumber and meat. But this product can be added as desired. Classic recipe involves using a wok. But if you don’t have one at home, you can use a regular cast iron one by heating it over high heat.

Food preparation

Before you start cooking cucumbers with meat in Korean, the recipe suggests slightly defrosting the beef. When it thaws a little, you should cut the meat along the grain into strips of moderate thickness. In culinary advice you can often find such a comparison in relation to beef tenderloin: like beef stroganoff. We wash the cucumbers thoroughly and dry them. Cut off the ends. Cut lengthwise into halves, and then each into three or four parts. If the cucumber is long, then we also cut it crosswise. Reviews say that cutting vegetables is a crucial moment in preparing a dinner. Pieces that are too thick will not be soaked in the marinade, and thin pieces will not retain their shape and will look like seaweed. The photos will help you get your bearings and you can cut the cucumbers appropriately. The bars should be five to six centimeters long. Place the prepared cucumbers in a deep bowl. Salt them and leave for twenty minutes. Reviews recommend covering the bowl with a plate on which to place something heavy.

Korean-style cucumbers with meat: recipe, stage one

In twenty minutes the vegetable should release juice. Let's strain it out. And add a mixture of peppers, sugar and vinegar essence. Squeeze the peeled garlic cloves through a press. Mix the cucumbers. We leave them to marinate - this time without oppression, but simply under the lid. Let's move on to other vegetables. If we decide to use chili pepper, we need to chop the pod finely. Peel and chop the onion into half rings. Cut the stalk from the bell pepper and carefully scrape out all the seeds from its inside. Cut the pulp into long strips two centimeters long. Peel the garlic cloves. If we use carrots in the salad “Cucumbers with meat in Korean”, we will prepare that too (about 150 grams). This ingredient must be properly chopped. If Korean carrots are too spicy, reviews recommend not using chili pepper.

Stage two

A special wok pan is the ideal utensil for preparing the “Cucumbers with Meat Korean” salad. At its bottom the middle is thin, and closer to the sides it thickens. This is for different products the frying temperature was not the same. You need to cook in a wok over very high heat. But you can also use regular cast iron frying pan. In this case, the frying time goes by seconds. Heat up the frying pan. Pour in sunflower (or other vegetable) oil and add chili. Fry it for fifteen seconds. The contents of the dish will emit a strong aroma. Lay out the chopped onion. Fry until golden brown. If you're thinking of using Korean carrots, now is the time to put them in the pan. After a minute, add the beef to the wok. Fry over high heat for three minutes, stirring constantly. Reviews report that the meat should not be covered with a crust, since in this case it will not be able to properly combine with other salad ingredients. The resulting dish is “Beef Stroganoff with vegetable side dish" Add soy sauce and fry for another two minutes. Add bell pepper cut into strips. Let it simmer for two to three minutes. Turn off the heat and let the contents of the pan cool slightly.

The final stage of preparation

Combine the cucumber, strained from the marinade, with the meat, Korean style. Squeeze two cloves of garlic through a press. Add soy sauce and salt to taste. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. Mix. We adjust the taste by adding salt or sugar, adding vinegar. When the salad has cooled completely, put it in the refrigerator. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh cilantro. Separately, place on the table a dish with steamed rice or other Korean dishes.

Korean salads are not translated in our family all year round. We consider Korean cucumbers one of the most delicious. Let's do quick option preparations, and we certainly prepare a couple of jars for the winter. I offer some of the most delicious recipes for amazing savory snacks. It's a busy time now, we grab everything that comes into view and send it for conservation.

In winter, boil a quick fix potatoes and opening the treasured jar, you will thank yourself a hundred times for your summer troubles. Because a spicy, sweet and sour snack is always a success.

Recipe for Korean cucumbers with carrots

This universal recipe, which I personally think is the best. He instant cooking, and having done large portion, you can set aside some for food and store the rest for the winter.

Required for a liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - kilogram.
  • Carrots – 250 gr.
  • Garlic - half a head.
  • Salt - a large spoon.
  • Sugar – 3 large spoons.
  • Hot chili pepper – ½ part of a pod.
  • Sunflower oil – ¼ cup.
  • Table vinegar – ¼ cup (tastes better with apple vinegar, it is softer and does not have a pronounced vinegar aroma).
  • Ground pepper - a tablespoon.

Preparation recipe:

  1. To make the cucumbers firm, soak them for 2-3 hours. This will provide a pleasant crunchiness to the workpiece. For greens picked from the garden immediately before harvesting, this step can be skipped.
  2. Chop the peeled carrots into strips on a Korean grater. I advise you to choose a medium nozzle, then the carrots will have time to marinate at the same time as the cucumbers.
  3. Peel the garlic cloves and chop into small cubes. Cut the pepper into thin rings.
  4. Do not cut the cucumbers large, but do not cut them too small either. Make thin bars or straws, like in my photo. I want to say that the cutting method has no of great importance, if you just cut cucumbers and carrots into rings, winter preparation it won't get worse.
  5. Place the ingredients in a bowl, add the garlic. Salt, sprinkle with sugar, ground pepper and throw in some chili rings. Pour in vinegar and oil at the same time.
  6. Stir the Korean salad with your hands and forget it for a couple of hours - time enough to marinate the vegetables.
  7. The preparation will release marinade juice abundantly - this is a good time to take a sample. Determine by taste what needs to be added before rolling.
  8. Set aside some of the salad for eating, and distribute the rest into jars.
  9. For better preservation, I recommend sterilizing the salad. For a liter jar, 20 minutes is enough.
  10. After this time, remove the jars from the pan, screw them on, turn them over and cool.
  11. Then check the tightness of the seal and tighten the lids if necessary.

Cucumber salad with Korean carrot seasoning

Korean seasoning intended for carrots is perfect for canning winter salad from cucumbers. There is another option for preparing for the winter: immediately put in Korean-style carrots, already prepared.

Tip: Korean seasoning is easy and simple to make yourself. To do this, take ground coriander - tbsp. spoon. Add half a small spoon of black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom and cloves. This standard set spices


  • Cucumbers – 1.5 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 2 pods.
  • Carrots – 2 medium pieces.
  • Seasoning for carrots – ½ pack.
  • Garlic – 2 heads.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 large spoons.
  • Salt – 2 large spoons.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml.

How to cook cucumbers in Korean:

  1. Soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours, divide the cucumbers into elongated cubes. Grate or cut the carrots in the same way as cucumbers.
  2. Remove the seeds from the pepper and finely chop. Peel the garlic, divide into cloves and finely chop.
  3. Place vegetables in a saucepan, season with spices, including the seasoning from the bag.
  4. Stir and move on to other things. Periodically recall and mix the contents.
  5. After 3 hours, divide the vegetable salad into jars and distribute the marinade.
  6. Sterilize the workpiece and cool it by turning it over. Then store it for the winter. Sterilization time: 0.5 liters – 15 minutes. Liter jar sterilize a little longer - 20 minutes.

Korean cucumbers for the winter - recipe without sterilization

The recipe is from the instant series and does not require sterilization. The most delicious salad You can eat it right away and store it for the winter.

Stock up:

  • Cucumbers – 3 kg.
  • Onion – 500 gr.
  • Carrots – 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 180 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  • Salt – 100 gr.
  • Table vinegar – 100 ml.
  • A package of Korean seasoning.
  • Garlic – 2 heads.

How to make Korean cucumber salad:

  1. Grate carrots and cucumbers to prepare vegetables in Korean style.
  2. Divide the onion into half rings, grind the garlic cloves into a paste.
  3. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan, add the spices and mix thoroughly, distributing the seasonings among the vegetables to be pickled. Leave the salad to soak in the marinade.
  4. After 2 hours, put it on the fire directly in the pan.
    Start bringing to a boil over low heat, taking your time. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour. The cucumbers will change color, you will notice it immediately.
  5. Pack the product into pre-sterilized jars and screw. It is advisable to store the salad in the cold.

Tip: if you like to experiment, make a snack with mustard or sweet pepper. Two ingredients will add their own flavor to the salad. Many people like it.

Video recipe for Korean cucumbers for the winter. Watch and repeat step by step. Good luck with your preparation.

Korean-style vegetables have become very popular among winter preparations. Unlike other salads and pickles, they are spicy, crispy and very aromatic. Great option as for everyday food, and for festive table. Especially if it's cucumbers. They are very good in this dish. Anyone who has tried it will understand me. And for those who are hearing about this for the first time, be sure to try it.

Right now you have a unique opportunity to cook Korean preparation. Prudently, I prepare 2 times more snacks for jars for the winter so that I can eat right now. Because the aroma when infused is such that it is impossible to resist. The tasting is not complete with just one piece; your hands are always reaching out to take more.

Right now we will prepare several recipes that I think are some of the most delicious. Fast, tasty and very simple!

Winter cucumber salad with carrots in Korean

Original and very delicious preparation for winter meals and more. It can be eaten the very next day after preparation. If you preserve it in sterile jars and seal it tightly, it will last all winter. Crispy cucumbers complement perfectly spicy carrot. Look how beautiful it is!


  • kilogram of cucumbers;
  • 2 carrots;
  • head of garlic;
  • seasoning for pickling vegetables in Korean;
  • bunch of dill.

For the marinade:

  • half a liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • bay leaf and allspice to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.

Cooking steps:

1.Cucumbers need to be soaked in cold water. 2-3 hours are enough for this. But it's better to leave it overnight. This procedure is especially necessary for those vegetables that were collected from the bush more than a day before cooking.

2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a grater with a special attachment. You can cut it with a knife, but it will be more difficult.

3. Send chopped garlic (a whole head) and spices to it. Mix. We got carrots in Korean style. We will not insist on it, since this will happen already in the bank. Set aside while we prepare the cucumbers.

4. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices. It won't be easy to do this with a knife. Therefore, it is better to use a vegetable peeler. It cuts the slices thinly and makes them easy to roll.

Be sure to check cucumbers for bitterness. If you prepare a snack from bitter vegetables, the taste will be spoiled.

5. Sterilize jars for snacks and boil the lids in water for 15 minutes. This is an important criterion for any preparation.

6. Boil the marinade with the addition of all other ingredients from the list, except oil. Taste it, you may not have enough salt or vinegar. After boiling, immediately remove from heat.

7. Let’s get to the fun part - wrapping the cucumber “rolls”. Place a little carrot on the cucumber slice along the bottom edge. Now carefully twist the roll. Do this with the entire amount of cucumbers and carrots. After wrapping, place the rolls directly into the jar.

8. On top you can put those cucumbers that remained during the slicing process. Place the rolls tightly, pressing them against each other. Place 1 sprig of dill on top.

9. Pour oil into each jar and fill with brine. Seal the lids tightly and turn upside down. At this stage you need to check them for leaks. If you notice marinade leaking, you need to urgently re-tighten the lid.

10. Cover with a warm towel or blanket overnight. In the morning you can clean the basement.

Korean-style cucumber slices for the winter

To diversify your choice of pickled cucumbers for the winter, prepare them according to this recipe. They turn out spicy, crispy and very tasty. Every year I close several jars for the winter and very rarely do they survive until the New Year. It's very tasty!


  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • 2 kilos of cucumbers;
  • 1 tablespoon crushed garlic;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of oil;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • level teaspoon of black pepper powder;
  • a pinch of red pepper.

Cooking steps:

Before cooking, it is better to soak cucumbers in water for at least 3 hours.

1. Cut off the tails of the cucumbers. Be sure to taste for bitterness. Such fruits should not fall into the jar, otherwise the preparation will be spoiled. Eating such marinushki is unpleasant. Cut the tested fruits into 4 parts, and then in half. Thus, one cucumber will be divided into 8 parts. Larger, overgrown vegetables can be cut smaller.

2. Cut the carrots into thin strips. A Korean vegetable grater is perfect for this.

3. In a large bowl, with enameled coating, without chips or cracks, combine carrots, cucumbers and all other ingredients from the list. Mix thoroughly with your hands and cover with a lid. In this form, the salad should “rest” for 4 hours. During this time, the marinating ingredients will do their job. The vegetables will release their juice and infuse in natural brine.

4. Pickled vegetables look exactly like this. It's too early to eat them. They will “arrive” right in the jars.

5. Let's start packaging. Place all the vegetables in clean jars and pour the resulting brine evenly. There is no need to seal at this stage. Simply cover with lids. Place in a saucepan with water to sterilize. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes.

From the declared quantity of products, two 700 gram and one half-liter jars are obtained.

6. Carefully remove the jars from the boiling water, seal them and place them upside down. For the full effect, you need to wrap them in an old jacket or just a warm towel at night. The next morning you can remove the jars to their storage location.

Korean cucumber salad recipe for the winter

If you have your own garden, then you have probably encountered overgrown cucumbers. This recipe will just help eliminate such a harvest, with benefit and taste. We will chop this salad finely, so appearance vegetables don't matter. It turns out very tasty and juicy. Can be served with any side dish.


  • 1 kilogram of cucumbers (weight indicated in already chopped form);
  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of lean butter;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 10 grams of spices for Korean carrots.

Cooking steps:

1. Grate carrots and cucumbers using a special grater for Korean vegetables.

Cucumbers, especially overgrown ones, should be grated only to the seeds. The core straw will not hold its shape and will soon turn into mush. These leftovers can be used in other dishes. Therefore, the weight indicated in the list was measured without taking into account these balances.

2. Add garlic, passed through a press, to the vegetables. Send everything else here too. Mix clean hands and put it under film in the refrigerator for exactly one day. During this time, it is recommended to stir the mixture several times. But, if the vegetables have released a lot of juice, enough to submerge the entire mass, this is not necessary.

3. Place the salad along with the juice into clean jars. Cover with lids.

Since we will be sterilizing the salad in jars, we cannot seal it with lids. Otherwise, during the boiling process, they may explode. Therefore, it is enough to simply cover them.

4. Boil in water for 10 minutes. Then carefully take them out and roll them up. Turn over and cover overnight.

The jars are ready to move to the cellar after cooling.

Video - Korean cucumbers for the winter

When I first got acquainted with this recipe in practice, I realized that I needed to cover this appetizer more. In order to have at least something left to roll up for the winter, I have to prepare it based on 5 kilograms of cucumbers. After all, after marinating, such an aroma spreads through the kitchen that it is impossible to resist. Give it a try. I hope you like it too!

There are many recipes for Korean cucumbers. They all turn out tasty and aromatic. I would like to remind you that you can cook them all year round. Usually, for preparation not for the winter, the appetizer can be served within a day after cutting. Vinegar must be added regardless of the planned shelf life.

In our family, such yummy food is scattered without leaving a trace. They are especially good with mashed potatoes or meat side dish. For example, with shish kebab they go away with a bang.

do you like korean vegetables? Which methods and recipes did you like best? If you have never tried such a snack, then this needs to be fixed. I'm sure you'll definitely like it. After all, it’s impossible to resist when this aroma is wafting around the house and someone nearby is crunching on such a cucumber.
