Chokeberry tincture without alcohol. This citrus drink is easy to prepare. Fragrant with cognac

Chokeberry? This is a plant that grows in almost every summer cottage. Otherwise known as chokeberry, which always produces an excellent harvest. And its fruits are incredibly useful, thanks to their unique composition.

Fans of alcoholic beverages will certainly be able to appreciate the tincture made with chokeberry. You can prepare it at home. There are different recipes, but they all involve the use of available ingredients.

Rules for preparing berries for tincture

Having decided to bring any idea to life, you need to know a few rules for collecting it:

  • large and very juicy fruits are suitable;
  • they are collected immediately after the first frost hits;
  • After harvesting, they should be refrigerated for several days. This will reduce the astringency of the fruit;
  • you need to carefully sort out the crop so that no sick or unripe specimens remain.

Before use, the chokeberry should be washed in running water. Main? do not soak it.

Classic version

You can make a tincture in which there is absolutely nothing superfluous. This recipe is rightfully considered a classic. Thousands of people today prefer it. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram chokeberry;
  • a liter of vodka (you can also use moonshine or alcohol);
  • optional option? sugar (exclusively to taste, approximately 300-400 g).

The cooking recipe is simple. It is enough to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. clean rowan is poured into a jar;
  2. add alcohol so that it is about 3 cm above the layer of berries;
  3. they fall asleep there granulated sugar;
  4. everything is shaken up;
  5. close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place;
  6. shake the jar once a week to mix the contents;
  7. after 70 days, the tincture is filtered and bottled.

Result? very tasty homemade. It's easy and pleasant to drink!

Homemade version with moonshine

You can make an excellent chokeberry tincture from moonshine. This requires only 2 ingredients:

  • 1 part berries;
  • 2 parts moonshine.

This composition is infused with room temperature exactly 3 months. The finished product is very strong. If someone finds it too much, you can divorce him sugar syrup. Then the alcoholic infusion will become softer.

Recipe fragrant with cloves

Just a few pieces of spicy cloves will make the chokeberry alcohol fragrant. Ingredients you need to take:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • liter of vodka;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 3 buds of cloves.

The preparation itself consists of several stages:

  1. pour the chokeberries into a glass container, knead them;
  2. add sugar and spice to the contents;
  3. mix, cover with gauze and place in a dark place for 2 days;
  4. pour in vodka, mix again, cover with a lid and put away for 65 days;
  5. The finished tincture is filtered.

What is the shelf life of this resulting product? no more than 3 years.

Honey recipe

You can make an infusion of chokeberry with the addition of honey, which softens the alcoholic
the drink makes it taste good. The recipe involves using:

  • 0.5 kg of chokeberry;
  • 0.5 ml vodka;
  • 30 ml honey (it is important that it is liquid.

The cooking process is simple:

  1. wash the berries and put them in a jar;
  2. pour vodka into it and add honey;
  3. the contents are mixed, tightly closed;
  4. leave for 3 months in a dark place;
  5. filter the drink through cheesecloth and bottle it for further storage.

You can make such an alcoholic infusion using moonshine. It is only necessary that it does not have any foreign odor.

Chokeberry liqueur

You can make this for the winter, not only to please yourself with a delicious drink, but also to improve your body’s health. The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 300 g berries;
  • 5 liters of vodka;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • vanilla (stick);
  • orange peel;
  • 3-4 buds of cloves;
  • 0.5 tbsp. honey;
  • 250 g alcohol.

The recipe is prepared, after 4 months you can already try the liqueur:

Result? delicious alcoholic liqueur of a beautiful ruby ​​color.


The recipe for another liqueur includes 5 “magic” ones at once. ingredients:

  • 100 g berries;
  • 100 cherry leaves;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • ? l vodka;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Make the drink as follows:

  1. cherry berries and leaves are boiled in water for 15 minutes;
  2. strain everything, add vodka and sugar;
  3. Then the liqueur is infused for a couple of months.

The result is an excellent tincture that increases hemoglobin in the blood.

Homemade alcoholic liqueur from chokeberry, created with love, is incredibly healthy. It is much nicer and tastier than any store-bought wine. And in terms of its unique antioxidant properties, it is noticeably superior to any natural red wine from the best varieties grapes

Homemade liqueur has a divine aroma, taste and color. At home, you can make liqueur from any berries and fruits. However, you don’t have to know how to cook anything else. Following simple rules and all recommendations, any housewife or owner can create delicious drink. Let's take a closer look at how chokeberry liqueur is prepared.

Chokeberry is very healthy berry. It needs to be collected after the first frost. For filling, you can take pre-dried fruits. Before cooking, it is important to remove the stems from each berry. You also need to separately select small, bitter and spoiled berries.

The alcoholic base for the drink can be vodka, diluted forty-proof alcohol, purified moonshine or cognac. In general, what you have in your home.

It is important to prepare a clay or ceramic pot or a cast iron cauldron with a lid with a volume of more than two liters.

To make the pouring more rich taste, you can make holes in each large berry using toothpicks.

Chokeberry liqueur has the color of wood furniture and characteristic odor forest rowan. Drinking alcohol is easy and pleasant.

The berries can be used a second time. They just need to be filled with an alcoholic base and prepared according to the recipe described above. The second version of the drink is a little softer than the first.

The liqueur can be prepared without sugar and poured into two bottles. One bottle will contain a drink for men, and the second for women, where you can add it to your taste required quantity Sahara.

Preparing an alcoholic drink from rowan

There are many various options preparing chokeberry liqueur. Here are some of them:

  1. The first recipe for making an alcoholic drink:
  2. The second recipe for making liqueur with vodka. Sort out one and a half kilograms of rowan berries. Rinse and dry well. Place the berries in a jar and cover with two cups of granulated sugar. Pour one and a half liters of vodka on top, making sure to leave a couple of centimeters of free space at the top. Cover the jar with parchment folded in three layers and tie with thread or cover with a lid. Place the workpiece in a dark, cool place for two months. After a while, strain and close the bottles tightly. This liqueur should be stored at home in a cool place;
  3. The third recipe is for drinks with cloves, which will give the drink an aromatic note. Pour one and a half kilograms of berries into a jar. Using a wooden rolling pin, turn them into a paste. Add half a kilogram of sugar and three buds of cloves. After mixing the mixture well, tie the neck of the jar with gauze and place it in a dark place in the kitchen for a couple of days. After a while, pour the mixture with a liter of vodka. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it alone for 60 days in the dark at 20 degrees. Ready drink strain and bottle. The liqueur can be stored for no more than three years;
  4. Another recipe for liqueur with the addition of honey. Place half a kilogram of berries in a jar black rowan. Add 30 grams of liquid honey and mix well. Then add the resulting mixture to alcohol or water (half a liter). Mix well again. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a dark, warm place for 80 days. The jar needs to be shaken well once every seven days. Strain the finished tincture with alcohol or vodka and pour into bottles. You can store as much as you like in a dark place;
  5. Recipe for making liqueur with cherry component. Mix a glass of chokeberry with 150 cherry leaves. Pour a liter of water and boil for about half an hour over low heat. Let the broth brew for 24 hours. After a while, strain and add sugar (300 grams). Heat to a boil and remove from heat. After cooling, add half a liter of vodka and place the drink in a dark place for seven days. To make the drink beautiful color, add a tablespoon of citric acid to it. Thanks to cherry leaves, it tastes like cherry;
  6. Mix 33 cherry leaves, the same number of currant and raspberry leaves, a glass of chokeberry, 800 milliliters of water. Boil the mixture for half an hour. Cool, strain and add a glass of sugar and citric acid (5 grams). Add half a liter of vodka to the cooled liqueur and mix well. Let it brew for at least two months.

The usefulness of liqueurs

If you drink such a drink forty grams per day, it has medicinal properties, since everything is stored in them useful components fresh berries. For the purpose of prevention, any liqueur in moderate quantities can be taken:

  1. To boost immunity;
  2. To reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  3. To improve appetite and normalize digestion;
  4. To lower blood pressure;
  5. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity.

Remember! Even for preventive purposes, it is best to drink liqueurs only after consulting a doctor.

Tricks related to liqueur

If you put a few cherry leaves in the liqueur, you will get a real cherry brandy with chokeberry.

To get an aromatic, tasty and clear drink, the berries need to be dried in the oven at a temperature no higher than one hundred degrees. You need to dry it for two to six hours, stirring the berries from time to time. Then cool the rowan and fill it with alcohol base.

To make the liqueur at home with a twist, regular recipe The preparations can be slightly modified. That is, for one kilogram of berries you can additionally take:

  • Three stars of star anise, which will give the liqueur a slight aniseed note;
  • Cherry, several buds of cloves, one laurel leaf;
  • Apricots, cardamom (eight pieces) or cinnamon (a couple of sticks);
  • Plums, red chili pepper (very small piece), ginger root;
  • Pears, vanilla (fourth part);
  • Apples, cinnamon and nutmeg;
  • Lingonberries, orange zest and allspice;
  • Cranberries, a little ginger or nutmeg;
  • Sea buckthorn, mint and cinnamon.

If you want to make rowan liqueur without spices, but simply with other berries, apples and lingonberries are best suited.

When should you not drink liqueur?

The liqueur is contraindicated to drink when allergic reaction or individual intolerance to alcohol components. It is also better not to drink it if you have a stomach ulcer, gastritis or increased blood clotting. It is contraindicated for angina pectoris and hypertension, as it contains a lot of vitamin C, which can cause blood clots. The liqueur is also not recommended for expectant mothers and small children to drink.

Now you know how to prepare rowan liqueur at home. Choose one recipe from the ones listed and prepare this one. aromatic drink and treat your family and friends to it. To diversify the alcoholic drinks in your bar, you can prepare liqueurs according to different recipes and compare their taste.

Most of those who have their own country cottage area They know firsthand the benefits of late-harvest berries. One of the most unique garden plants is chokeberry or, as it is also called in plant growing, chokeberry. The “chokeberry”, more familiar to the average person, blooms brightly and always brings a ripe harvest.

Human imagination knows no bounds in the use of chokeberry fruits. It is used as a basis for preparing natural homemade jam, and for preparing an alcoholic drink at home.

A simple question is often asked: how to make chokeberry tincture? The answer to this is no less simple: all you need is ripe berries, alcohol base and a little patience. From generation to generation, chokeberry tincture is made with vodka, alcohol (diluted to 40–45 degrees) and moonshine. Alternatively, you can use cognac.

Preparing the tincture is a labor-intensive process and requires care. This will require ripe berries. It is necessary to carefully sort through the harvested crop. Only ripe fruits are used. Random rotten berries can ruin all your efforts.

In practice, many recipes for preparing chokeberry tincture have been tested. Let's look at the most common methods at home. We will also find out what ingredients can be used as a supplement and how they affect the aromatic and taste properties drink

Classic recipe for chokeberry tincture

The most affordable and easiest way to prepare a tincture. A true classic in area " home winemaking" The basis of the recipe is the following ingredients:

  • berry – 1 kg;
  • alcohol base (vodka, moonshine, alcohol) – 1 liter;
  • sugar - to taste.

Sugar, as a rule, is not a necessary product. It all depends on the individual taste preferences of a person.

Once all the components have been put together, the process itself begins:

  1. The berries must be carefully sorted. The fruits are then placed tightly in a container, e.g. glass jar.
  2. The container is filled with base so that the layer of berries is covered by several centimeters. Add sugar to taste. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed.
  3. The container is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for two months. It is necessary to shake it periodically, and also carefully monitor the temperature. The temperature should not go beyond room temperature.
  4. After the required time, the finished tincture must be filtered (strain). The drink is bottled and capped. At proper storage The shelf life of the drink is unlimited.

Usage classic recipe has more than once met the expectations of connoisseurs. Homemade drink Drinks pleasantly and unobtrusively. The aroma is characteristic rowan. The aftertaste is soft, slightly tart.

Spicy tincture of black rowan

To give the drink a spicy aroma and taste, add classic recipe a little clove.

The composition of the ingredients changes slightly:

  • berry – 1.5 kg;
  • alcohol base – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 500 grams;
  • cloves – 2–3 buds.

The process itself has undergone changes:

  1. The berry is placed in a container and then thoroughly crushed using a wooden rolling pin.
  2. Sugar and cloves are added. The resulting mass is mixed. The container is covered with gauze instead of a lid and sent for two to three days in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. After the required time, the mass is poured into the base and mixed again. Then it is covered with a homemade nylon lid and placed back in a dark place.
  4. After two months, the infused drink is filtered through cotton wool and gauze. Bottled for further storage and consumption.

The cloves hardly changed the taste. However, the aroma and aftertaste acquired characteristic notes of spice.

Recipe for honey

Honey, as an addition, goes well with absolutely any product. The composition and consistency are almost identical to other recipes:

  • berry – 0.5 kg;
  • honey – 30 ml.

The recipe requires additional preparation of honey, otherwise all steps remain the same:

  1. The candied honey must be melted using a water bath in two vessels until it becomes liquid.
  2. Melted honey and fresh berries pour into container. Fill the vessel with base.
  3. Mix the contents thoroughly and cover with a nylon lid. Place in a warm place for two to three months. Must be strictly observed temperature regime 18–25 °C and shake the container periodically.
  4. After the required period, the finished tincture must be strained with gauze and bottled. If stored properly, its shelf life is unlimited.

Honey adds warmth and softness to the taste. The tincture perfectly warms with aroma and aftertaste.

With added lemon

Lemon goes well with alcoholic drinks, both as a snack and as an additional ingredient. A recipe with lemon requires mixing the following ingredients:

  • berry – 0.5 kg;
  • alcohol base – 0.5 liters;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 500 grams;
  • lemon - 3 pieces.

The recipe is quite easy to use. It is necessary to perform the following steps in order:

  1. The berries must be washed thoroughly and placed in a container.
  2. Add water, sugar and squeezed lemon juice.
  3. The mass is completely filled with the base, closed tightly and sent to a dark place for three weeks at room temperature.
  4. After the allotted time, the finished tincture must be filtered and sent for repeated infusion for about two weeks. Next, the drink is bottled and capped. If stored properly, the drink's shelf life is unlimited.

Lemon adds the necessary freshness to the tincture. The taste becomes more piquant and the aroma more refined. The aftertaste is smooth with a slight hint of zest.

Useful properties of the drink

Prepared according to all the canons of the recipe, chokeberry tincture guarantees the receipt of all the beneficial properties necessary for the human body:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improved appetite;
  • improvement of stomach function;
  • reduction of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improvement of male potency;
  • improvement of vascular function;
  • decrease in blood pressure.


The drink works well as a balm, a warming agent, a liqueur, or an aperitif before dinner. The tincture can decorate festive table. And its woody color is difficult to confuse with anything else.

This is very affordable product to prepare your own natural alcoholic drink. Simplicity and ease of preparation deservedly make chokeberry tincture one of the most popular drinks homemade.

Attention, TODAY only!

Chokeberry (Chokeberry) has an amazing rich aroma, so it is often included in various recipes in the production of homemade preparations - juices, compotes and tasty alcoholic drinks- tinctures, liqueurs. Chokeberry contains a large number of useful substances, which remain in the berries even after heat exposure. Chokeberry liqueur made at home is obtained with delicate aroma and a pleasant ruby ​​color. Among home distillers, recipes for chokeberry drinks are very popular.

Selection and preparation of fruits. Before you begin the process of making liqueur, you need to know some points. The fruits of chokeberry contain a lot of tannins, so it has a tart taste. To save on the amount of sugar and soften the tartness, the berries should be picked after slight autumn frosts. If the fruits were collected before frost, they can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. This way it will be possible to reduce the astringency of rowan. Berries for liqueur must be ripe without mold, cleaned of stems; unripe and spoiled fruits must be removed.

Classic recipe for chokeberry liqueur

A fairly strong version of the alcoholic drink, its strength resembles a tincture, but is prepared with the addition of sugar. In the recipe, you can use purified moonshine or sorted alcohol instead of vodka. The output will be approximately a liter of liqueur with a strength of 16-20°.


  • Chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 250g;
  • Vodka – 0.5 liter bottle.


  1. In glass 3 liter jar add a layer of rowan, sprinkle it with sugar and continue filling it in layers until the berries and sugar are gone. Cover the jar with two layers of gauze.
  2. Place the container with the contents in a warm place. After about 4-5 days, the berries will begin to ferment (carbon dioxide and foam will begin to be released), put a rubber glove on the jar or install a special water seal. Shake the infusion periodically.
  3. Fermentation lasts 1-1.5 months (the glove is deflated, the bubbles stop gurgling in the water seal), the infusion must be filtered through a gauze filter.
  4. Add vodka to the infusion and stir everything well.

Pour the finished liqueur into bottles, close tightly and keep for a month or two in the basement or other cool place. This drink can be stored for up to 2 years.

Recipe for spicy chokeberry liqueur with vodka

Preparing liqueur according to this recipe is a little more complicated due to its composition, but the taste will delight any lover of delicious homemade alcohol. The drink turns out to be a deep ruby ​​color, transparent with aromas of spices. 2-3 months of patience and the liqueur will be ready.


  • Chokeberry 150 gr;
  • Vodka – 2.5 l;
  • Sugar – 1/2 tbsp;
  • Vanilla – 1/2 stick;
  • Zest of half an orange;
  • Cloves – 2 pcs;
  • Honey - ¼ tbsp
  • Alcohol – 150 gr.


  1. Mash the chokeberry slightly and place it in a glass jar of the required size.
  2. Add granulated sugar, cloves, vanilla, zest and honey.
  3. Pour vodka. Cover with several layers of gauze.
  4. Keep warm for a month.
  5. Filter the infusion through a gauze filter. Add alcohol to increase the strength of the drink.
  6. Leave the liqueur for 3-4 months to mature.

Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves

The liqueur with cherry leaves and chokeberry is easy to repeat at home and will appeal to all guests without exception. Cognac can be replaced with vodka in the recipe.


  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Cognac - 500 ml;
  • Chokeberry berries - 500 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 500 gr;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Cherry leaves - 150-200 pcs.


Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves is ready for tasting. The drink should be very aromatic, with a beautiful, rich amber color. The liqueur prepared according to this recipe can be stored long time. It can be prepared in large quantities.

Little secrets

  • Chokeberry chokeberry has very dense fruits, so it will be easier to mash them in small portions;
  • Rowan berries sprinkled with sugar when exposed to the sun must be carefully covered, since the resulting alcohol partially evaporates during fermentation, and the remaining alcohol, in contact with the air, forms vinegar and because of this the liqueur can turn out sour;
  • Chokeberry liqueur can be made not only using fresh berries, canned ones are also suitable;
  • The berries should ferment at a temperature of 23-27° Celsius. At lower temperatures, fermentation lasts a long time, and at higher temperatures, wild yeast may die;
  • During fermentation, the jar needs to be filled 2/3 full, since during fermentation the volume of liquid increases;
  • It is advisable to store the liqueur in dark glass bottles with tightly closed lids.

Benefits and contraindications of chokeberry

Benefit . Aronia berries and their juice obtained from them have a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis and hypertension. Chokeberry liqueur improves appetite, increases acidity, and normalizes the functions of the digestive system. In small doses, tincture of chokeberry fruits serves good remedy for the prevention of thyroid diseases
glands, kidneys.

Contraindications . Chokeberry liqueur should not be consumed if you are allergic to rowan berries or are intolerant to alcoholic beverages. Do not drink liqueur if you are sick stomach - gastritis, ulcer. Homemade alcohol It is also not recommended for expectant mothers.
