A simple recipe for plum juice for the winter at home. How to turn your plum harvest into winter plum bounty

The plum tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. Sometimes plum is called the “daughter” of cherry plum, also known as “cherry plum” and sloe - a prickly plum containing great amount substances beneficial to human health.

There is an assumption that the plum first appeared in Asia more than two thousand years ago as a result of crossing the above-mentioned fruit trees.

At various times, many archaeological studies were carried out in Europe, as a result of which it became known that even before the beginning of our era, plums began to grow in the Alps.

Nowadays, more than three hundred are known various types plums, of which only about ten are cultivated - they can be found in gardens, on personal plots, as well as in nurseries specially designed for their cultivation. These varieties of plums go on sale. They are ideal for preparing delicious and healthy jams, juices, compotes and jam. In addition, plums can be pickled and dried.

In addition to the fact that plum juice has excellent taste characteristics and is widely used in cooking, it is also famous for its valuable medicinal properties.

Composition and calorie content

Among all fruit juices, plum juice deservedly occupies a high position in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals. It contains B vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E, PP, as well as useful elements- calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, chromium, silicon, fluorine, nickel and cobalt. In addition, this juice is rich in easily digestible sugars, dietary fiber, organic acids, vegetable proteins and healthy carbohydrates.

There are very few calories in plum juice - one hundred grams of juice contains only seventy calories.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times people have known healing properties plums And plum juice is dietary product, which has a beneficial effect on many diseases.

It is recommended for use by people who have weakened intestinal function. Due to the excellent laxative effect of plum juice, it is advisable to consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. Compared to some laxatives plant origin plum juice does not cause any pain at all.

Plum juice has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and also improves the process of bile secretion and urination. Thanks to these beneficial properties plum juice is very often prescribed to those who suffer from hepatitis and gallbladder diseases. Also, plum juice helps remove cholesterol from the body, preventing it from being absorbed from the intestines into the blood. Drinking plum juice is indicated as a means to prevent obesity, as well as for those people who suffer from atherosclerosis.

Plum juice is very useful for rheumatism, gout, kidney disease and hypertension. It is also able to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid and salt from the body.

Dark varieties of plums contain substances called phytoncides, which, due to their disinfectant properties I have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, as well as on the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to high content iron, vitamin C, as well as beneficial organic acids, plum juice is recommended for consumption for anemia, as well as for the prevention of this disease.

Freshly squeezed plum juice with pulp and added large quantity honey is very useful for diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, liver, fever, rheumatism and gout. It is recommended to drink the juice three times a day before meals, one second or one third of a glass with the addition of one tablespoon of honey. And drinking one glass of plum juice in the morning on an empty stomach will help you effectively cleanse your body of all harmful substances and toxins, remove harmful cholesterol, and also reduce as much as possible Negative consequences influence of carcinogens and radioactive substances.

Regular consumption of plum juice will help significantly strengthen blood vessels, improve blood composition, and also reduce the risk of hemorrhage.

Due to the high content of B vitamins, plum juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system, and also improves mood and gives a charge of positivity. In addition, concentration improves, and all fears and anxieties disappear without a trace.

Regular consumption of plum juice has a positive effect on facial skin - making it more elastic, smooth, soft and velvety. The juice along with the pulp of plums can also be used for cooking effective masks for face. To do this, you need to thoroughly mash the peeled fruits and squeeze them through ordinary gauze so that you get approximately fifty grams of juice. Soak a cosmetic napkin or cotton wool in this juice, apply it to your face and hold for twenty minutes. After removing the mask, it is not necessary to wash your face - just wipe it with a damp swab. If you have dry skin, before applying the mask, lubricate your face with a nourishing thick cream or sour cream.

To prepare another one useful mask you will need one teaspoon of prune juice and one egg yolk, which must be mixed thoroughly and applied to the face for approximately twenty to twenty-five minutes. When time passes, wash off the mask warm water, and then rinse your face with cool water. This mask is a real salvation for dry skin. From plum juice mixed with butter, sour cream or cottage cheese also make very effective masks.

Harm and contraindications

You should not abuse plum juice if you are obese and have diabetes, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

Plum juice stored for the winter, in addition to its pleasant taste, can provide health benefits. Plums contain vitamin P, which takes care of the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. Plum is also useful for hypertensive patients and people with kidney problems. Plums contain calcium, potassium and iron and vitamins A, B, C.

Anyone can make plum juice at home. Delicious and healthy drink will delight your household all winter!

Making juice using a juicer

Perhaps the most convenient and energy-saving option. You will need a juicer for hard fruits and vegetables, but you can get by with a regular machine.


  • 2 kg plums;
  • sugar to taste.
  1. Wash the plums and dry them with a paper towel, then remove the pits.
  2. To make the fruits yield juice more readily, pour boiling water over them and hold in it for a couple of minutes.
  3. Now you can safely send fruits to the machine.
  4. Heat the resulting juice over fire in an enamel saucepan. Add sugar to taste.
  5. Pre-sterilize the sealing jars.
  6. The nectar is ready to be stored.

This juice will contain small pieces of pulp. If this is not desired, the liquid should be passed through a fine sieve or squeezed through cheesecloth. This will eliminate any extra pieces of fruit.

Using a juicer

Also a very convenient way. The juicer will do most of the work, all that remains is to have time to collect the juice.


  • 2 kg of plums (the quantity depends on the volume of the juicer itself);
  • sugar to taste.
  1. Wash the plums, remove the pits and cut them in half.
  2. Fill the lower part of the juice cooker with water and put it on gas until it boils.
  3. During cooking, make sure that the water does not evaporate, otherwise the juicer will burn.
  4. When the water has boiled, you can begin to work. Place the plums in a juicer and cook them for 50-60 minutes.
  5. Place the pre-sterilized jar under the hose and open it. The juice will continue to flow for another half hour.
  6. When all the juice has come out, roll up the jar.

Cooking with a press

A rather non-standard method, suitable for a large number of fruits.

For this method you need to choose very soft plums. After cleaning and washing them, put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then boil for another couple of minutes in a water bath.

Spread the plums in an even layer, then place cheesecloth on top. Repeat this for several layers. The press itself lies on top. When the juice has separated, it should be boiled and poured into sterilized jars.

Classic recipe

For lovers of the classics, grandma's recipe is suitable. Juice prepared using it will not be inferior in taste to that obtained using a juicer or juicer.


  • 5 kg plums;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • drinking water.
  1. IN enamel pan immerse all peeled and washed fruits.
  2. Fill completely with water.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes and leave until completely cool.
  4. Drain the liquid through a colander into a separate container.
  5. Boil the remaining plum pieces again for 10 minutes. This way a concentrate is obtained. It still needs to be diluted with water and sweetened with sugar.
  6. Add about a liter of water to two glasses of juice. If the taste suits you, dilute the remaining liquid.
  7. Boil the already diluted juice for 7 minutes, add sugar and pour into sterilized jars.

Fresh Juice

Has at least pleasant taste. You will need a juicer and some fruits. Plum goes well with apples and pears.

One pear and a couple of apples are enough for a kilogram of plums, you will get an amazing fresh drink.

You can also add various berries, sweet varieties, since plum itself gives sourness.

You can add orange or tangerine juice to create an unusual cocktail.

Plum in its own juice

You don’t have to squeeze the juice out of the berries, but close the plum for the winter. own juice. From such a blank double benefit: you can drink the juice, and very delicious fruits eat.

We will need:

  • plums;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons for each half-liter jar (or, accordingly, 8 per liter).


  1. Place washed and pitted plums in clean jars, tightly but without crushing the berries.
  2. Fall asleep granulated sugar, place another “slide” of plums on top of the sugar layer. Cover with lids.
  3. Sterilize for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. The water in the saucepan where we are sterilizing should be “up to the hangers” of the cans.
  4. During sterilization, juice will be released from the plum, the berry will settle, and the “slide” will fall into the jar.
  5. After sterilization is complete, remove the jars and seal them with lids.

See the video for all the details:

Fruit selection and preparation

  • Use better quality raw materials. Rotten fruit gives the drink a dark hue and often a damp aroma, which will ruin all your hard work.
  • To make the juice sweeter, use bright aroma, it is worth giving preference to varieties that ripen at a later time. These plums are better suited for canned juice than others.
  • The plum should be ripe and juicy, moderately soft, so it will be easier to extract the desired nectar from it.
  • Preference should be given to sweet plums, the sweeter the better.
  • If the fruit is dry, pour boiling water over it. Then the plum will quickly soften and be easy to prepare.

Secrets of making delicious plum juice

  • If canned juice long time will sit on the shelf, the pulp should be left. This way the drink will retain its beneficial properties longer.
  • Once properly preserved, the juice can only be stored for one year.
  • Drinking a concentrated drink is strictly prohibited; it must be diluted with water.
  • Because of strong influence for the pancreas, you should drink juice no more than twice a week, and do not get carried away with it, drinking no more than a glass.
  • For those who are sick diabetes mellitus juice is contraindicated. It is also not recommended for people who are obese or have an upset stomach.
  • If the drink contains only one ingredient, it will be better absorbed by the body.
  • You can add various berries, apples, apricots, oranges or peaches to the plums. What you should avoid is bananas. Their dense pulp will create puree instead of juice.
  • The most important rule in preparing home canned products is cleanliness. Sterile sealing jars, clean fruits and clean hands. This will ensure long term storage of any product.

Proper storage of juice and its shelf life

  • The temperature of the storage room should be below 15 degrees. The juice can ferment in one day if kept warm. After which all that remains is to pour it out.
  • If during cooking unwanted microorganisms get under the lid, then when warm room temperature they instantly make themselves known. The carbon dioxide released will tear the lids off the jars. Therefore, it is important to follow all conservation rules.
  • When light hits the jars, the juice loses its taste, vitamins and quickly deteriorates, turning into a useless drink.
  • The juice can be stored in a dark, cool room for no more than a year. And it is advisable to use it earlier. It is quite difficult to preserve juice for a long period; it is a very perishable product.

Many domestic households practice preparing plum juice for the winter. This wonderful product is able to provide useful substances during the cold season, and has a very pleasant taste. At the same time, there are so many options for preparing the workpiece that not everyone is aware of many of them. And they are worth attention.

Plum juice like any winter preparation, succeeds only for those who observe the subtleties of its preparation. And this is not difficult to do, since they are very simple.

All you need is:

  1. Choose only high-quality fruits.
  2. Mix only with the juice of other fruits, and not with their pulp. As a last resort, exclude fruits with increased density, such as bananas.
  3. Comply with the requirements regarding cleanliness and sterility of utensils, workplace, and hands. This will help avoid the entry of unwanted microorganisms that can ruin the entire result of your work.

As you can clearly see, these subtleties are similar to those that are familiar to everyone who deals with winter preparations from other products.

How to choose a plum for juice

You can make winter plum juice from any variety of plums - cherry plum or yellow, blackthorn or Hungarian. It is only important that they be late and sweet enough (although sour varieties are not prohibited). But the variety is not the only parameter that people pay attention to when choosing fruits for harvesting.

It is worth paying attention to the presence of rot or severe damage. Fruits with such defects can negatively affect the final result. Finally, overripe specimens are excluded due to their poor taste.

Cooking methods at home

Plum is one of those fruits from which there are simply a huge number of options - these are jams, preserves, and sauces. Juice, which is prepared in a special way in every home, is no exception.

Recipe for plum juice with pulp

It’s worth preparing plum juice with pulp if you want maximum conservation in the workpiece useful substances. In order to get it, take 7 kilograms of plums:

  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • 5.5 liters of water.

First, the fruits are washed as best as possible, and then placed in a cooking container and filled with half a liter of water. Cook for half an hour after boiling to soften them.

When the finished plums have cooled, they are ground to a puree. Pour the remaining 5 liters of water into the mixture and add sugar. Cook for a quarter of an hour after boiling, constantly removing the foam.

The finished product is immediately poured into prepared jars and sealed.

Plum juice with pulp through a juicer

A juicer will greatly facilitate the process of preparing pulp for the winter. For this recipe, take half a kilo of sugar for 3 kilograms of fruit.

First of all, the fruits are washed and pitted. Then they are placed in a juicer and the liquid is extracted. The pulp is not thrown away, but boiled and returned to the juice. An equal amount of water is added to the resulting volume of product and brought to a boil over high heat.

Add sugar to the boiling mass and, lowering the heat, boil for about 10 minutes. The finished product is poured into jars and sealed. After this, they are sent to a dark place to cool under a blanket.

Sugar-free plum juice for the winter

Natural plum juice, which is prepared without adding sugar or water, is particularly beneficial. For this preparation, only 2 kilograms of fruit are taken.

Selected fruits are thoroughly washed in cold water and put into a container for cooking. Place them on the fire and heat them to a temperature of 70 degrees, leaving them in this state for a quarter of an hour.

The softened plums are placed in a gauze bag, which is suspended above the harvesting container. From time to time it is squeezed out. When all the juice has drained, it is poured into jars and sterilized for almost half an hour at a temperature of 85 degrees. Close and leave to cool in a dark place.

Apple and plum juice - a recipe for the winter

Mixed preparations are quite popular because they allow you to diversify the taste and combine useful qualities various products. The combination of plums and apples is considered especially good.

For such a preparation, take plums per kilogram:

  • half a kilo of apples;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar.

Take the variety of apples you like.

The fruits are prepared by washing and peeling the seeds. Cut into pieces. Using a juicer or other device, liquid is squeezed out of each type of fruit separately, which is then combined.

Add sugar and place on low heat. Cook until it boils - once the liquid has boiled, it should not remain on the stove for a minute. Hot billet pour into jars, sterilize and close.

How to make juice using a juicer

A pressure cooker is another way to make preparing winter fruit preparations much easier. For plum juice you will need, in addition to water for the machine itself:

  • 3 kilograms of plums;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

The fruits are prepared by washing and removing the seeds. They are also chopped. Bring the water in the pressure cooker to a boil and place the fruit in it. A tightly closed pan with a clamped hose is left on extremely low heat for an hour.

When the plum is ready, drain the liquid and add sugar to it. Cook for another five minutes after boiling.

Features of juice storage

Proper storage is no less important than proper preparation of the product. To ensure that the juice does not disappear, it is stored at a temperature that does not exceed 15 degrees. Even a sterilized product disappears in heat.

By the way, sterilization is very important to ensure that the workpiece lasts all winter. Therefore, this point cannot be neglected.

Also make sure that no straight lines get into the place where the workpiece is stored. Sun rays. Light can cause unwanted chemical reactions.


Plum juice is an extremely healthy and tasty winter preparation. It allows you to replenish your supply of vitamins. It can also serve as a base for other dishes.

Plum juice for the winter: recipes for a juicer and juicer

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Often a large plum harvest brings not only joy from the number of ripe fruits, but also headache, how to cope with such a mass. The best decision- cook homemade juice and pour it into small jars. This way you can preserve all the beneficial qualities of the fruit and avoid spoilage of open canned food. When preparing tasty and vitamin-rich plum juice, it is difficult to indicate the exact ratio of water and fruit due to the different juiciness of berry varieties and different weather conditions during the period of fruit ripening.

Preparing plum juice for the winter using a juicer

Approximate product consumption:

  • 2 kilograms of ripe plums;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds.
  2. Pour in water at a rate slightly less than what could cover the prepared raw materials.
  3. Place over high heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Remove the pan with the fruit from the stove and cool until warm.
  5. Pass the boiled plums through a juicer.
  6. Boil the squeezed juice for about a quarter of an hour, avoiding strong boiling and constantly skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon. Add sugar.
  7. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over, insulate.

It should be remembered that after cooling the juice will thicken, so it is better to add water when cooking. Although dilution is fine boiled water already ready-made canned food before direct use.

Recipe for making plum juice with pulp using a juicer

Preparing juices in a juicer has its own characteristics and advantages.

As you know, a juice cooker consists of several containers. At least 3 liters of water should be poured into the bottom to obtain a stable amount of steam and continuous operation of the unit for a certain time. The processed fruits are placed in the upper part. To store the fruit, the seeds are removed; especially large specimens are cut into several smaller pieces. With constant heating, hot steam causes fruits and vegetables to release juice abundantly. A special outlet tube located in the middle container collects the vitamin concentrate thus obtained into a separate container.

Juice prepared in a juicer does not require additional straining or boiling; it is completely ready for immediate canning. Shortened time pre-treatment fruit retains more nutrients in the finished product and does not require constant participation in the process itself, which is important in case of lack of free time. The number is significantly increasing finished product compared to other methods of juicing.

Amount of ingredients for preparing 1 liter of plum juice with pulp:

  • 4 kilograms of very ripe plums;
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Take plums, rinse, remove pits.
  2. Place in a juicer, get juice.
  3. Pour sugar into an enamel container, pour in the resulting juice with pulp.
  4. Boil the mixture over low heat for several minutes, pour into a hot container for preservation, and roll up.

The resulting drink can also be used to prepare jelly and compotes.

Remaining fruit mass perfect for cooking thick jam, used as a filling in pies and biscuits.

Using the juicer in home canning helps make production waste-free and less labor-intensive.

It's no secret that most domestic juicers are designed to work with apples. Even performance parameters are often expressed in apple equivalent. It is difficult to obtain plum juice from a juicer. There is a large and sharp bone that does not pass through the auger. This will damage the centrifuge screen due to rapid rotation.

Benefits of plum juice

It is believed that the plum comes from Asia. Before our era, it also grew in Europe. It is curious that botanists see cherry plum not as a separate biological species, but as a crossbreed, the result of crossing cherries and plums. The tree with lilac-reddish fruits has given the world a lot. Most types of plums are still wild. Cultivated minimal amount varieties of these plants. Nowadays jams, preserves, juices and other dishes are prepared from plums. The fruits are used in cosmetics as part of special masks.

Considering how to obtain juice using a press juicer, let us mention that the seeds with a large amount of pulp will remain in the working container. Housewives will take note of what has been said and during the harvesting period they will take advantage of the medicinal properties of plums:

  1. You can improve the color of a sallow and loose complexion using the pulp of three ripe plums. Add a teaspoon to the crushed pulp lemon juice. Received plum jam applied to the face. Rinse off with water after a quarter of an hour.
  2. If a summer resident has turmeric powder and a little almond oil, it is not difficult to prepare a face whitening mask from plums. We take four tablespoons of plum pulp from the press juicer, add turmeric on the tip of a spoon, pour in 8 grams of yogurt and a similar amount of almond oil. Wear the resulting composition on your face for 15 minutes.
  3. If you carefully grind a tomato fruit and the pulp of two plums from a press juicer together, you will get a face mask. When applied daily for a quarter of an hour, it will get rid of acne.
  4. Kefir lovers will be able to rejuvenate. Half a glass of your favorite drink is mixed with plum pulp from a press juicer. The resulting mask is worn chilled for half an hour. Use the refrigerator to lower the temperature of the mixture.

How to squeeze juice from plums

So, auger juicers. A screw juicer, similar to Vitek, squeezed a number of apricots in the video. During the process, an easily audible grinding sound is heard, dried pulp rushes out, into a glass for collecting juice... it flows thick puree. This resembles the result of squeezing a banana. The experimenter strained about half a liter of puree before he was satisfied with the demonstration. As a result, the auger juicer was washed and dried. Then the device was disassembled and the details were demonstrated.

The mesh of the auger juicer turned out to be slightly bent; the device managed to grind the seeds by irreversibly damaging the element. We do not recommend trying to run plums through any auger juicer. Otherwise with high degree chances are the device will become unusable.

In an online store I came across a phrase that the Angel Juicer juicer can be used to process plums, which probably meant that the pits would need to be removed first. Even professional Santos rotary juicers gave in to the solid component of fruits. The instructions clearly state that apricot pits and plums must be removed first. In moderation ripe fruits are easily processed by hand, but if there are tons of harvest... We see the point in purchasing already purified raw materials from summer residents if industrial production, own harvest process it yourself.

It is no secret among summer residents that you cannot get plum juice through a juicer. Even peeled apricots are difficult to squeeze out. For these fruits you will need a twin-screw juicer, otherwise you will end up with an ordinary puree. Santos #58 seems to be able to handle the fruit. Professional juicers rotary type with a conical mesh are quite capable of making a drink, not food, from apricot pulp.

What will be the contrast between a domestic manufacturer and related Belarus? The instructions for the Sadovaya juicer say that the device is not intended for processing bananas, apricots, papaya, mangoes and other vegetables and fruits with solid components, including nuts. Those who want to process plums and apricots with a juicer must say goodbye to their dreams. Protection against damage to the device is carried out by carefully removing the seeds. Even after taking the steps, not every juicer can handle the pulp. The result will be puree, which summer residents season with cinnamon and roll into jars. Not a bad option!

Industrial methods for obtaining plum juice

In industry, everything is on a grand scale and automated. There are different methods for getting rid of pits:

  • By traditional technology special cleaning machines with wire whips accept whole washed and steamed apricots. Here the pulp is separated from the seeds. Plum juice is produced using industrial methods in a similar way.
  • In selected cases, destoning is carried out manually.
  • Innovative production involves heating the fruit and pressing it. Microwave radiation destroys the structure of cells, due to the latter it turns out the new kind plum and apricot juices - without pulp. The transparency is impressive, but the effects of radiation on humans and products are not fully understood.

From the above, it is clear that the industry produces plum (apricot) juice exclusively with pulp. Are used special devices, extractors and homogenizers. The latter represent devices for mixing liquids. There is pulp (low viscosity) and syrup. The output is a homogeneous substance, packaged in packages.

Do-it-yourself plum juicer

In view of the above, a home-grown method immediately comes to mind. We are talking about a hand press. Let's look at a couple of designs of these improvised plum juicers.

  1. Standard metal or Oak barrel will help squeeze juice from plums or apricots. Beforehand, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the fruits and, if possible, steam them. Already peeled berries and fruits are poured into the juicer press. A hole is cut in the bottom of the container or slightly higher for collection. A drainage system is provided to collect juice from the entire area of ​​the barrel. Required to increase work speed and efficiency. It is better to line the inner cavity with gauze; as an alternative, it is allowed to lay the fruits in bales wrapped in this fabric. The shape of the piston of the juicer must correspond to the cross-section of the barrel; the result will be maximum. To create the necessary pressure, worm gears or jacks are used. It is allowed to use a dead weight and press down with your hands from above.
  2. A wooden box with sealed walls will serve to create a juicer press. It is better to pack the fruits in bales.

It is relatively easy to obtain juice from plums using a juicer, and the device is very effective. The fruits do not need to be peeled; preparation involves steaming. Or just wash the plums (apricots) with water. Under pressure, the seeds will be pressed together, and the juice will begin to flow through the gauze through the drainage system into a collection container. A manual juicer is considered the only solution for a summer resident with an impressive harvest of plum and apricot fruits.

Then boil the juice and put it into jars. Unsanitary conditions of the juicer press require immediate attention. heat treatment. The quality of the juice is not inferior to others, and when drunk directly from the collection container, it contains vitamins and enzymes.


You shouldn’t constantly think about how not to damage your factory juicer with a bone. Not a single model on the market is suitable for squeezing plum or apricot juice. Better look at creating a homemade press. The device will squeeze out the pulp efficiently. In the process, keep in mind that the juice from plums and apricots is always unclarified, opaque by definition.

Good luck to summer residents, we hope the tips are useful!
