We make jam from serviceberry: unusual and healthy. How to make jam from serviceberry: recipes for delicious berry jam

Many, quite wrongly, consider this berry to be useless and unclaimed. Irga (recipes for preparing for the winter are very simple and varied). A couple of jars delicious preserves in the form of jam or rich drink They definitely won’t be superfluous.

What can be made from serviceberry for the winter?

Irga preserved in any way for the winter does not lose its useful qualities. The berry is rich in fiber, pectin and an impressive set of vitamins. Any workpiece will become an indispensable assistant in the prevention of colds, strengthening the immune system and controlling blood pressure.

  1. Dishes made from serviceberry for the winter are not limited to jam; the berry is rich in pectin, so jellies, jams and confiture will turn out thick.
  2. The berry goes well with others seasonal fruits, because compotes and juices can be safely diversified. cloying sweet taste successfully balances quince, cherry plum, sour varieties apples and plums.
  3. Recipes from serviceberry for the winter that do not involve heat treatment are considered the most useful, because making raw jam or freezing it will become ideal option preservation of berries.

You can make simple jamberry jam for the winter by using any recipe for similar preparations made from other berries. The berry has a bright, sugary-sweet taste, which is why sugar is added to the canning composition. a small amount of. Before cooking the delicacy, cover the shadberry with sugar and wait until the released juice completely covers the berries.


  • irga – 1 kg:
  • sugar – 300-400 g.


  1. Cover the washed berries with sugar and leave for 5-6 hours.
  2. Let the jam cook, boil for 5 minutes, cool.
  3. Repeat boiling and cooling twice more.
  4. Distribute the hot jam into sterilized jars, seal, turn over and place under a warm blanket for self-sterilization.
  5. After complete cooling, place in the basement or pantry for storage.

Irga (recipes for preparing it for the winter are very simple) has a rich sweet taste, so preservation can be one-component, but in addition to all its advantages, the berry goes well with other seasonal fruits: apples, pears, and well balances the sweetness of cherry plum. The recipe indicates the amount of ingredients for one 3-liter jar.


  • irga – 400 g;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • citric acid – ¼ tsp;
  • cherry plum – 200 g.


  1. Pour clean shadberry and cherry plum into the jar.
  2. Pour boiling water over the contents, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil.
  4. Throw a lemon into a jar, pour hot syrup, and seal tightly.
  5. Turn the jar upside down and place it under a warm blanket for 2-3 days until it cools completely.
  6. Place the compote from the serviceberry in the basement or pantry for the winter.

It is not prepared quickly; the delicacy is cooked for a long time in several stages. No more than half of the original volume of berries will remain, but all the effort spent will pay off with interest. You can make jam from whole berries, slightly crushed or twisted through a meat grinder; you should not grind until smooth.


  • irga – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Wash the berries, crush them a little with a masher, add sugar. Leave the juice to simmer for 4-5 hours.
  2. Let it cook, boil for 30 minutes, removing the foam.
  3. Repeat the cooking and cooling process until the jam thickens and is reduced by half.
  4. Pour into a sterile container, seal tightly, place under a warm blanket until cool, then put in a cool place for storage.

Concentrated juice from serviceberry is squeezed out with a juicer for the winter. If the device is not available, you can use a meat grinder or blender, but in these cases additional grinding through a sieve will be required to get rid of the hard cake. Recipes for preparing irgi for the winter are often simple, so you definitely won’t have any problems preparing a rich drink.


  • irga – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 2 l.


  1. Squeeze juice from berries, without pulp.
  2. Add sugar, put on the fire to cook, skim off the foam.
  3. After boiling, add water, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterilized glass bottles, seal tightly. Place for self-sterilization under a warm blanket.
  5. After 2-3 days, store in a cool place.

Thick jam from serviceberry for the winter is obtained thanks to long-term boiling. The cooking process is repeated 3-5 times, each time cooling the mass for 5 hours. The delicacy will be ready in 2 days, and will thicken to the state of jam only during storage. The berries can be left whole, but it is better to crush them a little so that the skin becomes softer.


  • irga – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.3 kg;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • citric acid – ½ tsp.


  1. Wash the berries and crush them in a bowl with a masher.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Pour into boiling syrup berry mass. Cook for 15 minutes, cool.
  4. Repeat the cooking and cooling process, increasing the boiling time to 20 minutes.
  5. The jam will boil for the last time for about 30 minutes.
  6. Pour into a sterile container and store.

Preserving irgi for the winter is a very rewarding activity. You can make a lot of sweet treats from the berries that kids will appreciate. A tasty, rich jelly will thicken the very next day if you add a gelling component to the composition. Transparent jelly It will work if you remove all the foam that forms in time and boil the berry mass over low heat.


  • irga – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • gelatin – 50 g;
  • water – ½ tbsp.


  1. Pour hot water over gelatin.
  2. Punch the irga with a blender and rub through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, set to cook, remove all foam, boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Set aside, pour in gelatin, mix well.
  5. Place on low heat and cook without bringing to a boil.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars, wait until the product has cooled, and store in the refrigerator.

Fresh shadberry prepared in this way with sugar for the winter will become an indispensable delicacy when served with pancakes or cheesecakes. The confiture is prepared with gelfix and has a very pleasant jelly consistency. The berries can be mashed if desired, but they are perfectly preserved whole. The treat cooks quickly and thickens during cooling and storage.


  • irga – 4 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • Zhelfix 2:1 – 25 g.


  1. Cover clean berries with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. Let it cook, bring to a boil, remove the foam, add the gelfix, mix well. Boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the still liquid confiture into a sterile container, seal, and store.

Unusually prepared shadberry with sugar for the winter - in own juice. Often such a recipe does not involve adding all kinds of sweeteners, but in this case There is very little sugar in the composition, and it acts more as a preservative than a sweetener. Not the fastest and easiest way to prepare, but very tasty and useful option conservation.


  • irga – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.


  1. Prepare a large saucepan and line the bottom with paper.
  2. Place jars of berries, fill the pan with water so that it reaches the hangers of the jars.
  3. When the berries begin to secrete juice, the mass will decrease. You need to pour the shadberry into the jars, filling them up to the shoulders of the container.
  4. Once the containers are full thick mass, not reaching the edges by 1.5 cm, remove the jars, fill the remaining space with sugar, and seal tightly.
  5. Without turning the containers over, place them under a blanket until completely cooled, then move them to the pantry for storage.

Irga pureed with sugar - a recipe for the winter

Most useful workpiece considered pureed shadberry with sugar for the winter without cooking. Canned raw jam sweetener and store in the refrigerator. If all the rules are followed, such a delicacy will not spoil within a year. The remaining cake can be cooked summer compote, prepare syrup or or vodka.


  • irga – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.


  1. Wash the irgu and dry thoroughly.
  2. Punch with a blender and rub through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, stir and immediately pour into sterilized jars, leaving 2 cm of filling to the rim.
  4. Fill the remaining space with granulated sugar, seal with a lid, and put in the refrigerator.

Freezing irgi for the winter can occur in several ways. The puree is prepared, poured into molds, supplemented with sugar or without sweetener. The most common method is cooling whole berries. From such frozen food in winter you can make jam, compote and jelly will turn out excellent. For filling and decoration homemade baked goods berries are successfully used.

Irga, or currant - amazing in taste and healthy berry blue or even purple with a bluish tinge, with big amount seeds It is interesting that, although everyone calls it a berry, in reality its fruit is a small elongated apple, up to 1 cm in diameter. The scientific name Amelanchier hints at its honey taste, this is true - the berries are sweet, and there is no sourness in them. Despite this, only one tenth of the composition comes from sugars. The berry contains a lot of ascorbic acid (i.e. vitamin C) and carotene. These are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help improve immunity and help cope with depression. These substances are also recommended for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of the nervous system. The abundance of vitamin P in this berry helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity, and accordingly, preparations from its fruits can be used to prevent heart attacks, and they will benefit older people.

Like any berry, shadberry should be consumed in moderation. You need to remember that it is calming, and this is great before bed, but the sedative effect can interfere with the driver while driving. Preparations made from shadberry are recommended for reducing blood pressure, so people with hypotension should be careful with it.

All dishes with the addition of irgi are very aromatic and different original taste. Compotes, fruit drinks, and jam are prepared from it. However, serviceberry is a fairly dense berry, so before culinary experiments, its fruits should be blanched (pour boiling water for 1-2 minutes), even if this is not indicated in the recipe. Here are the most interesting recipes jam.

This jam is unusually sweet, and a little tart taste. It is known that irga helps fight stress and calms you down, so drinking tea in the evening with such a delicacy will perfectly set you up for a peaceful sleep, and guests will be surprised and wonder what berry you made the dessert from. This preparation, like the one, does not undergo long-term heat treatment, so the berry retains almost all of its healing qualities.


  • Irga – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Citric acid – 1 g.

Cooking process

  1. Sort through the irgu, separate all the stalks and leaves.
  2. Rinse thoroughly using a sieve or colander and dry.
  3. Start making sugar syrup:
  4. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, stir, put on small fire so that it heats the pan from one side, foam will appear on the other side, it must be removed.
  5. When the foam disappears, put it on high heat and evaporate the water to the desired thickness (if you want thicker jam, then the syrup should be thick).
  6. Pour the syrup over the berries, bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat for another 6 - 8 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat, cover and leave overnight to allow the jam to cool and set.
  8. Add jam to your taste (if the goal is to preserve more useful substances, not in creation delicious dessert, then cook less).
  9. At the very end, add citric acid or juice from half a lemon.

Saskatoon jam with currants “Vitamin basket”

This assorted berries will help you survive the gloomy winter days. Black currant, rich in vitamin C, will strengthen the immune system, serviceberry will calm frayed nerves, and white currant will add sourness and help the jam harden into jelly due to large quantity pectins.


  • Black currant – 0.5 kg.
  • White currants – 0.5 kg.
  • Irga - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.

Can be replaced white currants to red. By biological properties these two berries are practically identical. However, red currants are often more sour than white currants, so if additional sourness is not your plan, then it is better to add a little more sugar.

Cooking process

  1. Carefully sort the berries: remove twigs, stalks, leaves, and small debris.
  2. Wash and dry using a sieve.
  3. Mix shadberry and currants, add sugar.
  4. Wait until the berries release their juice and soak in the sugar.
  5. Shake and place on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat, then cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Shake again and set aside for 15 - 20 minutes, wait until it cools down a little.
  7. Bring to a boil, then cook for another 5 minutes.
  8. Place the jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

Saskatoon jam with raspberries “Don’t get sick”

In this jam, the tart, sweetish smell and taste of serviceberry are mixed with the incomparable raspberry flavor and sourness. Raspberries contain a large amount of phytoncides, so they are considered natural antibiotics. A spoonful of this dessert with tea will help the patient get rid of fever and get on the path to recovery.


  • Irga – 1 kg.
  • Raspberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.
  • You can reduce the amount of products in the appropriate proportion.

Cooking process

  1. Sort through the raspberries; If you need to wash it, let it dry.
  2. Cover the raspberries with sugar, cover and set aside for five to six hours or overnight to allow the berries to release their juice.
  3. Sort through, rinse thoroughly and dry the shadberry.
  4. Pour shadberry into raspberries.
  5. Transfer to the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. Remove from heat and set aside for 2 - 3 hours.
  7. Return the jam to the stove and boil for 5 minutes, skim off the foam.
  8. Pour the mixture into jars, roll up, and put in a cool place.

Another excellent remedy that is used to prevent colds and vitamin deficiencies is.

Saskatoon jam with apples “Juicy Slices”

In that double jam The apple vitamin complex is added to the beneficial properties of serviceberry; all varieties of apples contain vitamins C and P, which have a good effect on metabolism, this is especially true in winter, when a person consumes a lot of meat and fish, and accumulates in the body. harmful products exchange. Besides therapeutic effect, this workpiece has incomparable taste– berry sweetness is complemented by sourness juicy pieces apple


  • Irga – 1 kg.
  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water – 1 glass (250 ml).
  • Citric acid – 2-3 g. (optional).

Cooking process

  1. Cook the syrup: boil water, add sugar, cook for about 10 minutes, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Wash the apples, remove peel and core.
  3. Cut the apples into thin slices.
  4. Sort through the irgu, separate the debris and stalks, then rinse and dry.
  5. Pour irga into boiling water sugar syrup, stir, bring to a boil, cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Add apples, bring to a boil again and cook over low heat until the jam thickens.
  7. At the final stage you can add citric acid so that the workpiece is stored better.
  8. Place into jars and roll up.

Jam from serviceberry and gooseberries in a multicooker “With sourness”

Many people believe that serviceberry preparations are too sugary; this problem can be solved by adding something sour - for example, gooseberries. In addition, gooseberries contain many vitamins and have a choleretic and diuretic effect.


  • Irga – 500 gr.
  • Gooseberries – 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.

Cooking process

  1. Sort through the berries: separate the stalks of the serviceberry, and the tails of the gooseberries.
  2. Rinse and dry.
  3. Pass both berries with sugar through a meat grinder.
  4. Place the berry mixture into a bowl.
  5. Set the “Extinguishing” mode, watch carefully - stir at the moment of boiling.
  6. Wait until the water boils again, remove the foam and stir.
  7. Pour the jam into jars and roll up.

Strawberry jam with irga “Berry sweetness”

It is very fragrant and healthy treat. TO healing properties Serviceberry is joined by a vitamin and mineral strawberry complex. For example, strawberries contain iodine, which is necessary for the functioning of the brain and nervous system, which is especially important for the elderly. However, this dessert will not hurt young people either, because strawberries contain zinc, which increases libido.


  • Berry (irga, strawberry) – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Citric acid – 2 g. or 1/3 lemon.

Cooking process

  1. Separately sort and wash the berries.
  2. Pour berries and sugar into a saucepan in layers.
  3. Leave to stand, wait until the berries release their juice and soak in the sugar.
  4. Mix carefully, trying not to crush the berries.
  5. Leave to stand overnight.
  6. Cook over low heat until the water boils, cook for another 3-5 minutes, wait until the delicacy has cooled.
  7. Perform all actions in paragraph 6 3-4 times.
  8. During the last cooking, you can add citric acid or lemon juice to add sourness and preserve color.
  9. Pour the treat into sterilized jars and roll up.

Saskatoon jam without cooking “Sweet vitamin”

This preparation is needed to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial properties of the berry. Before cooking, the berries can be blanched for softness, but this is not necessary, since the main goal here is the healing effect. For example, such a preparation will bring great benefit for older people, because vitamin A, which is contained in irga, helps improve vision and prevents the development of cataracts.


  • Irga – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Citric acid – 2-3 g.

Cooking process

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and dry.
  2. Grind the berries in a meat grinder.
  3. Add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add 2 gr. citric acid (to add sourness, since serviceberry has a rather sweet taste) and stir.
  5. Pour into jars and close with plastic lids.

Should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Irga goes well in jam with almost all berries and fruits, but it ripens earlier than everyone else, so it can be collected and frozen, and then used in combination in jam. The bunches of serviceberry gradually turn black, so the collection must be sold in portions. If the summer is rainy, then the shadberry has to be collected 2-3 times. When pressed, juice flows out of a ripe berry. Ripe berries Store out of the refrigerator for no longer than 3 - 4 days.

To replenish the body’s vitamin reserves in winter, many housewives make preparations that, when proper preparation will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Irga is very delicious berry. Often there is a fight with birds for the harvest of this purple beauty. If yours has arrived and the shadberry has been safely collected, then it’s time to think about preparations. We invite you to prepare delicious jam. The technology for preparing such a dessert is very simple and should not cause you the slightest difficulty. But first things first…

This berry grows on a tree whose height can reach 3-4 meters. The irga fruits unevenly, which allows you to collect the fruits in several passes over 2-3 weeks.

A video from the channel “Natalia’s Wonderful Garden” will tell you about all the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry.

Before cooking, the shadberry must be washed in warm water and sorted. Sorting involves removing twigs and leaves that fell into the basket during collection, as well as discarding berries pecked by birds.

After the irga has undergone water procedures, it is placed in a colander and allowed to flow around the liquid for 15-20 minutes.

Saskatoon jam - a tasty and healthy dessert dish: recipes

Method No. 1 – With whole berries

Pure serviceberry berries, 1 kilogram, are placed in a wide saucepan or basin for cooking. They are poured with hot sugar syrup on top. The syrup is prepared separately. To prepare it, take 200 milliliters of water and 500 grams of sugar. Combine the ingredients and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.

After the syrup has been poured into the shadberry, the bowl or pan with the food is placed on low heat and cooked, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. Add the second 500 grams granulated sugar. To make the jam thick, boil it for another 30 minutes. The lid is not used when making jam.

Valentina Sidorova shares with you a recipe for jamberry and cherry jam. Check out her detailed recipe video

Method No. 2 – With chopped berries

A kilogram of shadberry is placed in portions in a blender bowl and pureed until pureed. You can replace the blender with a meat grinder or food processor. The gruel is covered with a kilogram of sugar, mixed, and the mixture is allowed to brew for 3-4 hours. For better juice separation, the shadberry and sugar are mixed periodically. After this, place the container with the puree on low heat and boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam. Remove the irgu from the heat and allow the jam to cool on its own. To prevent insects from landing on the workpiece, cover the top of the basin with gauze, but in no case with a lid. The cooled mass is put back on the fire and boiled. The procedure for interval boiling of jam is repeated 3-4 times. At the final stage, add ¼ teaspoon of citric acid, diluted in 1 tablespoon of boiled warm water, into the jam.

Method No. 3 – Delicate, homogeneous serviceberry jam

Children love this dessert for its delicate texture and pleasant taste.

Berries, 1 kilogram, are first blanched. To do this, pour 100 milliliters of water into a wide saucepan and place the container on high heat. After the water surface bubbles, the washed shadberry is placed in a bowl. Constantly stirring the berries, boil them for 3-4 minutes. During this time, the delicate skin of the serviceberry will burst and curl.

Place a fine metal sieve on a saucepan for making jam and place blanched shadberry on it. The most labor-intensive process is grinding the berries. This is best done with a wooden pestle or tablespoon. All the pulp of the serviceberry will end up in the cooking container, and only the skins and tender seeds will remain on the grill.

IN berry puree add 800 grams of sugar, mix it, and set to simmer over the lowest heat. Literally 15 minutes of boiling and the jam is ready!

How to store serviceberry jam

The workpiece can be stored in glass jars. To do this, they are first sterilized and thoroughly dried. The jam is poured into prepared containers while hot and screwed on top with lids that have also been heat-treated.

The second storage method is freezing. If, when making jam, you immediately plan to freeze it, then the amount of sugar in recipes can be reduced by half or a third. The jam is pre-cooled, and only then put into containers for freezing.

To save space in freezer, the inner surface of the containers for freezing is lined with cling film or insert a clean plastic bag inside. A day later, after placing the jam in the freezer, the workpiece is removed from the containers and packaged in the free part of the film or bag.

If you plan to freeze serviceberry jam in portioned cubes, then the ice mold, if it is not silicone, is also lined with cling film or lightly greased vegetable oil. After freezing, sweet jam cubes are transferred to a common container or bag, tied tightly, and sent back to the cold.

The shelf life of jam in jars is 1.5 years, and frozen jam can be stored in the freezer for up to a year.

Few people know about such a berry as serviceberry, also known as currant. This is excellent in its own way taste qualities berry. Although some believe that it is not a berry at all, but a small apple. In addition to the fact that shadberry is very tasty in its raw form, it is used to make preparations for the winter: compote, jam and even raisins. The slightly tart taste and light aroma of serviceberry jam complements very well lemon juice, which we will add to today’s preparation. So, we will make jam from serviceberry with lemon for the winter - a tasty and healthy delicacy. Minimum heat treatment allows you to preserve the maximum beneficial properties of this berry.

Saskatoon jam for the winter

Irga has beautiful colour- from red to almost black, which is why the blanks with her “participation” always have a beautiful shade. It contains ascorbic acid, vitamin P, carotene and many trace elements that have a beneficial effect on nervous system person. It is simply vital for people with hypertension to prepare such a berry for future use, as shadberry helps lower blood pressure.

step by step photo recipe


  • fresh irga – 300 grams,
  • sugar - 150 grams,
  • lemon juice – ½ teaspoon.

Cooking process:

Rinse and sort the berries thoroughly. Also rinse the lemon in warm water.

Place the washed fruits in a deep enamel bowl.

Cover them with granulated sugar.

Lightly shake the container and mix the contents so that grains of sugar envelop each berry.

Irga with sugar should stand for 1.5 - 2 hours for the juice to stand out. If the currant is unripe, then you will have to add a little water; there is a possibility that there will be little juice from such a berry. After a couple of hours, the sugar will almost completely dissolve in the juice.

Place the saucepan on the fire and simmer until it boils. Cook the serviceberry jam after boiling for 5 – 7 minutes. Skim off any foam as needed.

Then remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Add lemon juice and bring the jam to a boil again and immediately remove from heat.

Spill fragrant jam from currants into sterilized jars and immediately roll up the lids.

This serviceberry preparation is stored in a cool room or in the refrigerator.

Many people advise adding other berries to this jam, combining tastes and aromas. For example, serviceberry goes well with strawberries, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries and even apples. Those. You can combine any fruit and I with this extraordinary fruit.

Don't be afraid to experiment, good luck with your preparations!

Serviceberry jam: recipe and photo Slavs

An adult shadberry is a fairly large bush, consisting of a large number of thin branches growing from the ground. It bears fruit abundantly every year. Ripens in the second half of summer. The berry is dark blue in color with a bluish coating, sweet, honey-like taste.

Another name for the berry is currant. The largest specimens reach one or even one and a half centimeters in diameter. When using irgu, you need to know beneficial features this berry and contraindications to its use.

What is irga and how is it useful?

Irga is useful to strengthen blood vessels, it can be used for prevention and treatment varicose veins and atherosclerosis. The berries contain carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant and has the property of strengthening the immune system. The pectins contained in shadberry help remove it from the body. harmful substances, including cholesterol. The berry has a slight sedative effect. And you also need to remember that serviceberry berries lower blood pressure. The fruits can be eaten fresh, from the bush for prevention, as a vitamin remedy that can strengthen the body.

  • Serviceberry berries can be eaten fresh and also retain their beneficial properties well in various blanks, dried, frozen.
  • The berries are used to prepare compotes, make jams, marmalades and marmalades, store them in candied form, and even make wine. Below you will find several universal recipes preparation of these fruits.

Blanks. Irga: recipes for preparing fruits for the winter

Preparing juice from serviceberry for the winter

To prepare juice, you must first prepare the berries in a special way. To do this, place the collected clean berries indoors and keep them at room temperature about a week. Dried in this way, the berries will release their juice more easily. Strain the squeezed juice, then boil and pour into a sterile container.

How to make compote for the winter - recipe

To prepare compote, which we plan to store all winter, you need to take slightly unripe berries. Clear them of debris and rinse. Then pour boiling water over or heat for about two minutes. Place the prepared berries in jars.

Let's prepare the syrup. To do this, take 350 grams of sugar for each liter of water. Bring the syrup to a boil, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam.

Next step. Pour boiling syrup over the arranged and pre-prepared berries and sterilize. Half a liter is enough to sterilize for 5 minutes. We roll up the jars with the workpiece and cool it at room temperature, then put it in a dark, dry place for storage.

Saskatoon jam for the winter - recipe

You can make jam different ways. From serviceberry alone and with various fillers and additives such as various citrus fruits or other berries and fruits.

By experimenting with flavors, you may find optimal combinations various products on one's own.

So, for the most simple recipe For jam we need berries, sugar and water.

For each kilogram of fruit, take the same amount of sugar and 300 ml of water.

The first step for this recipe, as usual, is to prepare the serviceberry berries, clean them of debris and sticks, rinse them and put them in a separate saucepan, in which we will use them later boil with syrup.

Then we need to boil the sugar syrup. To do this, add sugar to boiling water and cook with constant stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour boiling syrup over the berries and cook, stirring for 5 minutes, remove from heat, and cool. We repeat this technique no less three times. Ready jam pour into pre-prepared jars.

When making jam using the method described above, the product may become “candied” after a while if you want to store the workpiece long time and you don’t like “candied” jam, at the end of cooking, add citric acid on the tip of a teaspoon.

And here is the jam from serviceberry, prepared according to next recipe, is guaranteed to remain in its original form for a long time.

Saskatoon jam with lemon - recipe

As usual, prepare the berries first. Place the fruits in a large enamel or other container suitable for making jam and add water.

Place on the fire and let the mixture boil. Then you need to close the container and cook the berries over medium heat for half an hour. Make sure that the mixture does not burn.

At the next stage of preparation delicious jam from serviceberry with filler (lemon), we need to add sugar to the prepared mass and, stirring, cook for another half hour.

IN final stage According to this recipe, we need to add lemon to the prepared jam. To do this, wash and chop the fruit. You can do this to your taste, some people like it when homogeneous mass There are larger pieces, while others only need taste and aroma. In the latter case, it is better to grind the lemon using a meat grinder or blender into a paste.

  • Boil the jam with lemon for some more time, determining the readiness of the product by its thickness.
  • You can check by dropping the jam into the water; if the drop does not spread but remains at the bottom, the jam is ready.

For this jam you need to take one and a half kilograms of berries, 700 grams of sugar, 200 grams of water and one lemon.

You can also make jam, jam, confiture from shadberry

Recipe for homemade wine lovers. Wine from serviceberry

You need to extract the juice from the berries according to the first recipe. That is, pre-cooked berries, peeled and dried at room temperature for a week, then the shadberry will easily release all the juice.

Our juice is ready, now let’s dissolve the sugar in warm water, stir the syrup well until completely dissolved and let cool. Mix cold sugar syrup with serviceberry juice. Place the mixture in a cool, dark place for at least three months. Strain and you can taste it Home wine from serviceberry according to this simple and affordable recipe!
