We all know from childhood that dairy products are a source of calcium, which is so necessary for the growth and development of the child’s body. UHT milk: what is it?

Milk is unique product, which has a unique composition nutrients– proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. Each of us has been familiar with this product since childhood. But today, unfortunately, fresh milk is not available to everyone, so we are forced to purchase it in stores.

If earlier you could see pasteurized and sterilized milk on supermarket shelves, today UHT has also been added to them. However, not everyone has information about this product. And due to the fact that we all want our diet to include only healthy foods, we need to know how this type of milk is produced. So let's figure out together what the benefits, and maybe the harm, of ultra-pasteurized milk are.

So, ultrapasteurization is a thermal treatment process that lasts for four seconds at temperature conditions 135°C. As a rule, milk is processed in this way and fruit juices. Many studies have shown that this time is enough for milk to be cleared of harmful bacteria. And with such short-term heat treatment, the benefits of milk do not disappear, which is important.

Ultra-pasteurized milk contains vitamins B, A, H, C, PP and D. If speak about chemical composition, then this product is saturated with calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, cobalt, potassium, sodium, organic acids and unsaturated fats.

If UHT milk is stored correctly, all its beneficial properties are retained for a long time. According to the suppliers' instructions, such a product can be stored whole year, which is why many people have a question: “Does this product harm our body?”

I would like to immediately answer that no, UHT milk does not harm your health. Many studies have proven that pasteurized milk contains much more less vitamins and beneficial bacteria, since the pasteurization process lasts longer than ultra-pasteurization, which kills everything useful material.

There is also an opinion that ultra-pasteurized milk is made mainly from low-quality raw materials. This is a deep misconception. This product is made exclusively from natural cow's milk, and the most highest quality, because if you take “bad” raw materials, then during heat treatment it will instantly curl up.

Due to the high cost of ultra-pasteurization equipment, suppliers cannot afford to break it, so milk is selected through strict checks.

Beneficial properties of ultrapasteurized milk

Ultra-pasteurized milk brings the following benefits to the body:

  • thanks to calcium, which this product abounds in, the skeletal system is strengthened;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • helps cope with depression, stress, improves sleep;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Agree that fresh milk is very fatty, which is why it is prohibited from being included in the diet of small children. But for the preparation of various children's dishes, almost all pediatricians recommend using ultra-pasteurized milk, which contains very little fat, but at the same time a lot of useful substances and vitamins that are so necessary for the full development of a growing organism.

Another plus of this product that it can be consumed without prior heat treatment, which cannot be said about milk purchased on the market, which can harbor many pathogenic bacteria.

How harmful is this product?

  1. Individual intolerance to all types of milk. As global studies have shown, ¼ of people have allergic reaction for milk.
  2. Possibility of occurrence cancer diseases in men. This is due to the fact that on farms some hormones are added to the food of cows in order to obtain milk yield. all year round. It is these hormones that are dangerous for our stronger half.
  3. The issue regarding the consumption of ultra-pasteurized milk by older people also remains controversial. It is believed that with age, the body loses enzymes that digest milk protein, and by drinking it, people do not receive useful substances, but only harm their health.

But be that as it may, such milk, like, in principle, any product, can benefit our body, the main thing is to know when to stop and not abuse it.

Take care of your health!

It's hard to imagine being rich dinner table without dairy products, because milk is an extremely healthy product for the body that allows our body to be properly saturated with a variety of useful elements, which, moreover, are usually well absorbed by the stomach.

However, with milk everything is not so simple: although fresh milk has a mass useful properties and elements, also contains a number of pathogenic bacteria. To destroy them and extend the shelf life of our product, special technologies are used. These are heat treatment technologies. What is their essence? It turned out that this is how it works:

  1. Preservation of the value of the product.
  2. Minimizing the risk of poisoning.
  3. Increased shelf life.
  4. Neutralization of microbes.

Usually in shopping centers, shops and other facilities retail Not only pasteurized milk is supplied, but also sterilized milk. In this article, we should take a good look at: what are the main differences between these two types of milk?

Sterilization of milk

First, let's look at the term milk sterilization. Milk sterilization is essentially boiling process. The boiling time for milk is only 30 minutes. It seems that this is quite a bit, but during a similar period of time many microbes are destroyed, so we can say that this process has quite a great benefit in improving the quality of natural products.

After sterilization, milk can be stored for about one year! But this method also has one no less significant disadvantage: along with harmful bacteria, bacteria that bring to the human body great benefit, so the so-called the nutritional value similar product significantly lower, which is why natural milk. Well, a fair price for increasing shelf life.

What about pasteurization of milk? What is the difference between milk pasteurization and sterilization process? We can say that to the average person, the technologies of sterilization and pasteurization seem approximately the same, but this is not so. The pasteurization process itself is, again, the process of heating milk (only to about 65 degrees Celsius) for half an hour. But the pasteurization process does not end there. There is one more thing left: you need to cool the resulting product in special packaging (sterile). But this is far from the only technology for pasteurizing dairy products; however, in this article we will limit ourselves to only the most basic issues of the differences between pasteurized milk and sterilized milk.

So, let's try to imagine everything in the most significant differences sterilized milk from pasteurized milk in the form of a visual list of differences:

Differences between pasteurized milk and sterilized milk

  1. Cooking process. The differences between the process of pasteurization and sterilization are described above in the text.
  2. Sterilized milk contains no bacteria, both harmful and beneficial. Beneficial bacteria remain in pasteurized milk.
  3. Sterilized milk can be stored for a very long time. Often, milk has a shelf life of an impressive 365 days. Milk after pasteurization is stored for only 2 weeks (if it is in a closed package). There is a so-called ultra-pasteurization process. In this case, the shelf life can be about 2 months.
  4. The nutritional value of pasteurized milk is less than that of sterilized milk.

Small notes

  • If you leave sterilized milk for 2-3 days in a warm place, it will most likely simply go rotten. Spoiled milk is highly discouraged for consumption. About this dangerous property dairy products should never be forgotten, otherwise there may be Negative consequences for the body.
  • If you leave pasteurized milk (unboiled) for a couple of days, it can sour and turn into sour milk.
  • Pasteurized milk is often sold not in hard packaging, but in soft packaging.
  • A preservative is added to sterilized milk to increase shelf life.

What else can you add? Don’t forget about the taste of milk, because even the most useful product may be completely useless if you abandon it because of its taste qualities. Bon appetit!

I prefer milk in bags with no long term storage Because buying milk long-term storage in boxes there is a possibility of receiving a dose of preservatives added for better preservation.

I constantly buy dairy products for my child, but the question often arises: which milk is better, pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized? What is normalized milk?

Let's figure it out together.

What is the difference between pasteurized milk and UHT milk?

Unlike pasteurized milk which

heated to 70°C for several tens of seconds. At the same time, pathogenic microflora in milk dies, and All useful components milk: lactic acid bacteria, vitamins, antibiotic substances – remain. During pasteurization in the product vegetative forms die microorganisms, however disputes remain in a viable state and upon occurrence favorable conditions begin to develop intensively. Therefore, pasteurized products are stored at low temperatures within just a short time.


heated to a temperature of 135-150 °C and immediately cooled to 4-5 °C. This destroys most pathogens. During this procedure, all bacteria die, but most of the vitamins remain. Ultra-pasteurized milk does not spoil for 1-2 months (up to 6 months in aseptic conditions), and an open package can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days without compromising the quality of the product. This milk will no longer turn sour into yogurt.

You can also get from this milk homemade kefir or yogurt. Only in this case you need to use a special starter.

In Russia, shelf-stable milk is viewed with distrust. Plus, the fact that the product is capable of long time stored without refrigeration. Therefore, in order not to scare away the consumer, manufacturers place the product in the refrigerated section of the store. Although this is an unnecessary measure that does not affect the shelf life.

By the way, the shelf life of that milk is 1 month.

Although pasteurized milk is considered healthier, but UHT milk is safer for a child. No one has ever seen the cows that give us milk, or the containers in which it was transported. Nobody knows about cow diseases, mastitis, or the hygiene of such procedures as milking.


UHT milk from the Krasnodar plant is made from normalized milk.

The normalization process is the bringing of various dairy raw materials to certain fat content standards. To do this, the milk is first separated, that is, separated low-fat milk from milk fat, and again mix these two substances, but in very specific proportions.

The fat content of 3.2 percent is accepted as the norm; such milk is also called normal, or milk with normal fat content.

All products in. incl. and milk from the Krasnodar Children's and Medical Nutrition Plant are made in accordance with GOST and have an ISO safety certificate.

Milk has a sweetish taste


The milk is packed in soft packaging.

We can recognize the products of this plant by this packaging

and according to this icon on the top of the package

On the packaging there is information that the milk...

At the back there is also information about the benefits of milk, the ultra-pasteurization process, the composition, as well as the address of the manufacturer.

Milk is in demand all over the world. However, like most perishable products, it is almost never sold in fresh. Before entering the store, milk undergoes mandatory pre-treatment at the factory. But if everyone has long been accustomed to the pasteurized version, then the inscription on the package “ultra-pasteurized” makes some consumers think. Since this point can affect the usefulness of the product, it is worth understanding the terminology more thoroughly.

What it is?

Ultra-pasteurized milk, which is also known to many as sterilized milk, is drinking milk, which has been treated with high temperature to eliminate any living microorganisms. This product is suitable not only for use in pure form. With its addition you can also prepare any dishes and baked goods. It is even allowed to give it to babies.

Ultra-pasteurization means that whole fresh milk is heated as quickly as possible using a special apparatus to a temperature of about 140 degrees, which it must withstand for about 15-20 seconds. After this, the product is cooled at the same maximum speed to the temperature at which it could be stored in the refrigerator. Such operations mean that all living components of milk, of which there were quite a lot in the original, die. All that remains is the taste and beneficial microelements, which, naturally, do not disappear anywhere.

At the same time, some microorganisms that died as a result of heating could benefit humans, but their death is justified in its own way, because when sealed, such milk can be stored for up to six months.

In conditions big country, abounding in remote regions, UHT is the only way to deliver milk to sparsely populated areas.

Benefits and harms

Perhaps any other type of milk or fermented milk products is slightly healthier than the UHT version. Still, the absence of lactic acid bacteria, which play an important role in establishing digestion, and some other components affects it. Nevertheless, you should not underestimate the usefulness of such milk either, because most useful microelements from heating up to 140 degrees they do not split.

In addition, thanks to such processing, it becomes possible to convey them to the consumer, preserving them for a longer period.

As a rule, the ultra-pasteurized variety has a slightly lower fat content percentage than fresh milk, therefore, for infants this option is preferable. Finally, significant heating is a worthy replacement adding preservatives. Therefore, when choosing UHT milk, you at least clearly understand why it does not spoil, and you can be sure that it does not contain unnecessary additives.

As for harm, drinking ultra-pasteurized milk can practically not cause it. This product is not perishable, so even the likelihood of poisoning from a spoiled drink is minimized. Therefore, we can say that the only danger remains individual lactose intolerance, caused by the lack of enzymes in the adult body to digest this substance. There are entire nations (for example, the Chinese or many peoples of the North) who have such a widespread problem, but among our fellow citizens the percentage of people with lactose intolerance is relatively small.

How is it different from pasteurized?

For many consumers, “ultra-pasteurized” is just nice option names of pasteurized milk, which should attract the buyer. In fact, the difference is obvious. First of all, it lies in the production process. Every housewife probably knows that before use village milk needs to be heated (bring to a state close to boiling, but still not boiling). This solution allows you to destroy most harmful microorganisms, while maintaining all or almost all of the benefits of the drink. Actually, this is pasteurization, only at home.

At the plant, pasteurized milk is produced at temperatures from 60 to 98 degrees. The higher the temperature, the less long term has heating (on average - from 14 minutes to an hour). As mentioned above, the ultra-pasteurization process is very similar in principle, and even the opposite pattern remains, but the numbers differ greatly in the direction of increasing the temperature and reducing the processing time.

As a result, the difference affects the composition, benefits, and shelf life of the product. Pasteurized milk is healthier, but it is like all other products. natural origin with minimal processing, stored in best case scenario a few days. Ultra-pasteurization allows you to extend the life of a package of milk up to six months, delivering it even to the most remote regions. However, the resulting benefit is somewhat lower, because beneficial microorganisms also die during processing.

As already mentioned, pasteurized milk contains vitamins and minerals, as well as beneficial lactic acid bacteria, while the UHT version does not contain the latter component.

Features of storage and use

GOST does not put forward clearly described requirements for ultra-pasteurized milk, so it may be slightly different for each manufacturer. It is known that such a product can be stored for several months, but even the first place in the ranking of shelf life among dairy products does not mean that the product is preserved in the full sense. Like a regular carton of pasteurized milk, UHT milk is stored strictly in the refrigerator. However, even such storage conditions imply a significant acceleration of the ripening process if the package is opened, although due to more high temperature After processing, milk from an open package can be drunk for about four days. Of course, these figures are approximate, so you should focus primarily on the expiration date indicated on the packaging of a particular product.

It is also worth noting that boiling UHT milk before use is pointless. It has already been industrially heated to a temperature above the boiling point, and repeated processing can simply “finish off” the remaining beneficial substances.

You will learn more about UHT milk in the following video.

Which milk is better, pasteurized or UHT? The answer to this question is of interest to many consumers who are responsible for their food choices.

Sticking to traditional views Regarding the shelf life of dairy products, residents of Russia, the USA, Great Britain and Scandinavian countries give preference, considering it more natural.

In the European Union, on the contrary, it is popular, which is preferred by more than 90% of consumers.

To understand which product is the most useful, you need to understand the nuances of dairy production.

UHT milk is produced either by contacting the processed product with a heated surface at a temperature of 125 to 140 degrees, or by directly mixing sterile steam with the processed product at a temperature of 135 to 140 degrees. The entire production process takes place in a confined space, without contact with the environment.

The main feature of the production of UHT milk is that the time of exposure to temperatures above 100 degrees is calculated in seconds, then the product is instantly cooled.

The result is a product that differs from both pasteurized and sterilized milk.

Benefits of UHT milk

Ultra-pasteurization, in contrast to sterilization and pasteurization, allows calcium and other minerals, as well as most vitamins and protein, to remain unchanged.

UHT milk contains enzymes that are necessary for the complete absorption of the product, which allows you to avoid digestive problems when consuming it.

For the production of this type of product, only the highest quality raw materials are used.

UHT milk – the best choice For baby food. According to comparative studies, children who received this product developed faster and gained better weight compared to babies who were given traditional pasteurized milk.

Long shelf life and safety are the advantages of this type of milk. Free from pathogenic microflora, in aseptic packaging it can be stored at room temperature six to ten months, without requiring boiling.

Harmful effects of UHT milk

UHT milk is associated with myths about its uselessness, “lifelessness,” and the addition of antibiotics and preservatives to increase shelf life. All this is a misconception that has nothing to do with high-quality UHT milk.

During the production process, there is indeed a partial destruction of vitamin B9 (folic acid) and, to a much lesser extent, other B vitamins. However, ultra-pasteurization allows you to preserve most vitamins and nutrients.

Ultrapasteurization slightly changes organoleptic properties product, therefore the color, taste and smell of UHT milk may differ slightly from the usual pasteurized milk. UHT milk is contraindicated due to individual intolerance and for a number of diseases for which the consumption of dairy products is not recommended. Examination of the quality of ultra-pasteurized milk In the spring of 2016, an examination of 15 samples of ultra-pasteurized milk purchased in city stores was carried out in the testing laboratory “PETERSBURG-EXPERTIZA” (IL “PETEX”) of the St. Petersburg public consumer organization “Public Control”.

11 samples were recognized by experts as fully complying with regulatory documents - GOST and TU. No excess was found in any of the samples. permissible quantity antibiotics.

In four samples, an insufficient amount of protein was recorded, which could be due to the dilution of milk with water or the use of raw materials with a reduced protein content, which is a violation of technological processes.

Two samples were recognized as counterfeit, since they contained vegetable fats instead of 100% milk fats.

Results of examination of UHT milk

PRODUCT MANUFACTURER WEIGHT PRICE per package, rub. FAT, % PROTEIN, % SOMO ( mass fraction dry skimmed milk residue), % COMPOUND ANTIBIOTICS (chloramphenicol), mg/kg (normal value less than 0.0003) COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS
UHT drinking milk. Mass fraction of fat 3.5%, “Clover” Piskarevsky Dairy Plant LLC, St. Petersburg 1 l 65-98 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
OJSC "Pavlovsk Dairy Plant", Nizhny Novgorod region, Pavlovo 1000 g 52-92 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
OJSC Milcom, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk 970 ml 57-00 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
CJSC Avida Dairy Plant, Belgorod region, Stary Oskol 1 l 43-66 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
PJSC "Dairy plant "Voronezhsky", Voronezh region, Voronezh 900 g 54-95 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
JLLC "Danone Pruzhany", Belarus, Brest region, Pruzhany 950 ml 67-40 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
JSC HC Opolye, Vladimir region, Yuryev-Polsky 1 l 46-28 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
UHT drinking milk. Mass fraction of fat 2.5%, “Jolly Milkman” JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dan", Moscow 924 ml 69-98 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
UHT drinking milk "White City". Mass fraction of fat 2.5% OJSC "Belgorod Dairy Plant", Belgorod 1 l 61-98 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
LLC "Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant", Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk 1 l 43-98 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
Galaktika LLC, Leningrad region, Gatchina 1 kg 61-98 corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) corresponds
LLC "Agromilkombinat "Ryazansky", Ryazan 925 ml 59-90 corresponds below normal: 2.7% instead of 3% below normal: 7.2% instead of 8.2% corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002)
LLC "Chekmagushevsky Dairy Plant", Republic of Bashkortostan, Chekmagushevsky district, village. Chekmagush 900 g 42-00 corresponds below normal: 2.24% instead of 3% below normal: 7.7% instead of 8.2% corresponds corresponds (less than 0.0002) does not correspond to the mass fraction of protein and SOMO
OJSC "Saratov Dairy Plant", Saratov 900 g 43-99 corresponds below normal: 2.6% instead of 3% corresponds does not comply: milk fat content does not exceed 46% of the fat phase corresponds (less than 0.0002) does not correspond in protein mass fraction and composition
UHT drinking milk “From our own farm”. Mass fraction of fat 2.5% LLC "Molmarket", Kaluga region, Yukhnov 950 g 38-90 corresponds below normal: 1.8% instead of 3% below normal: 7.6% instead of 8.2% does not correspond: milk fat content is less than 5% of the fat phase corresponds (less than 0.0002) does not correspond to the mass fraction of protein, SOMO and composition
The examination results relate only to tested samples, and not to all similar products from these manufacturers.

Experts advise choosing UHT milk from well-known, trusted manufacturers in undamaged packaging on store shelves and remember that too low a price (less than 50 rubles) is most likely a sign of low quality of the product.

Isabella Likhareva based on materials from Public Control
