Making raspberry wine at home. Light homemade raspberry wine: recipe from yellow raspberries. We sort the berries and make puree

Delicious and fragrant berry– raspberries, often used to prepare various desserts and alcoholic drinks, in particular wines. Raspberry wine turns out strong and sweet, completely absorbs saturated color and berry aroma. With this drink you can not only surprise your friends, but also decorate your festive table.

The preparation technology is quite simple, so anyone, even a beginner, can make raspberry wine at home. You need to be patient and everything will work out. It is important to wait for the drink to fully ripen - when the raspberry flavor and aroma are fully revealed.

You can use not only red ones, but also yellow varieties raspberries Yellow berries will produce a light drink, similar to white grape wine, and red berries will produce a ruby ​​drink. You can make the most fragrant wine from wild forest raspberries, but getting it in the right quantity is not so easy - real luck.

Simple recipe

Raspberries cannot be washed, because their skin contains natural yeasts necessary for normal fermentation of the wort. But you definitely need to sort it out. Spoiled berries with signs of rotting and mold should be removed, otherwise they will spoil the taste of raspberry wine. It will be impossible to correct it later.

It is very difficult to sort through the berries, they are too soft, so it is better to immediately pick only the ripest and highest quality raspberries from the bush, removing the stalks.

Composition and proportions:


Pour raspberries into an enamel cup and mash until mushy. Then pour the raspberry mixture into three-liter jar. Add sugar in the amount of 300 grams and 700 milliliters of water. After mixing, install the water seal. Leave the container in a warm place for fermentation. Every day the wort needs to be stirred with a wooden spatula.

After 10 days, strain the contents of the jar and pour into another clean jar. Dissolve 100 grams of sugar in 300 milliliters of water. Mix the syrup with the strained liquid. Place it under the water seal again.

After 3 days, add the rest of the sugar to the fermented juice. To do this, pour a glass of juice, dissolve sugar in it and pour it back into the jar. Put the water seal in place.

Raspberry wine ferments for 1–2 months. During this entire time he must not be disturbed. If, 45–50 days after the introduction of the last portion of sugar, the fermentation process does not subside, the wine should be drained from the sediment into another container and left to ferment under a water seal. This must be done, otherwise the finished drink will be bitter.

When fermentation is complete, the young wine must be carefully, using a tube, drained from the sediment into a glass container for further maturation. You need to try it. If the drink is not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar to it and keep it under water for another ten days.

To fix the wine and better preserve it, you can add a small amount of(up to 15%) diluted ethyl alcohol or quality vodka. This will spoil the taste a little, but Home wine made from raspberries will last longer. After ripening, the drink will be much tastier.

Close the container filled with wine up to the neck tightly and place it in the basement or cellar. The wine should mature for 3–6 months at a temperature of 6–16 °C. Periodically, the drink must be drained and filtered when a 2-3 cm sedimentary layer appears. If sediment no longer forms, the raspberry wine is ready to be bottled. It can be stored in a cool place for up to five years. The strength of wine not fortified with vodka reaches an average of 12–15 degrees.

Raspberry jam recipe

You can make good wine from fermented jam, so don’t throw away failed homemade preparations.


  • 1 liter of raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins (dry, unwashed).


Pour the jam from the jar into the pan, add water, as well as raisins, which are needed to activate fermentation. Its whitish coating contains wild yeast. Mix everything well and pour into a three-liter jar. After installing the water seal, place it in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight.

After a couple of weeks, the wort will stop fermenting and producing bubbles. It needs to be strained, then add sugar. Keep for another 7–10 days under a water seal. Then cover the jar with regular nylon cover and move it to the cellar. During the entire ripening period (2–3 months), sediment will form, so the wine must be periodically filtered.

Semi-dry wine recipe

Wine made from raspberries turns out to be uneasy sweet, and even cloying - which not everyone likes. Sugar and water are used to achieve a higher degree. Considering that the berry itself is quite sweet, you can exclude water and reduce the amount of sugar, then the wine will be quite strong and not particularly sweet.


  • 2 kilograms of raspberries;
  • 300 grams of sugar.


Pour unwashed, sorted raspberries into a saucepan and mash until pureed. Add sugar and stir. Cover the vessel with gauze or cloth, then leave in a warm place for 3 days.

When the mass foams and the pulp floats up, separating from the juice, it’s time to proceed to the next stage. Pour the fermented raspberry juice through cheesecloth into a three-liter jar (squeeze out the pulp), cover with a lid with a water seal.

The jar should be in a place that is not very cool and not very hot. Optimal temperature for fermentation 25 °C. In about a month, fermentation will be completed. The water seal will stop releasing bubbles.

Using a thin hose or tube from a dripper, drain the new wine into another container. This must be done carefully so as not to raise sediment. Install the water seal again and take the jar to a cool room. After 30–50 days, remove the wine from the sediment, pour into bottles, and seal.

All recipes have their own cooking characteristics and proportions of ingredients. This allows everyone to choose the option that is most suitable for them. If everything is done correctly, raspberry wine will last a long time and will not change color over time.

Raspberry wine is one of those products that people even write songs about. The berry itself is very tasty and, accordingly, the wine made from it is an example of a truly tasty and pleasant alcoholic drink. A romantic date will be a hundred times brighter if you take with you a small decanter of this wonderful drink and a couple of glasses.

Note! The degree of raspberry wine is usually lower than that of grape wine, so it will have to be fixed.

Do not forget that in addition to the alcoholic effect, the drink also has a therapeutic effect: a glass of warmed raspberry wine can stop the temperature of a chilled person. One can only dream that all medicines were so tasty, in which case there would be no shortage of patients!

Technology for making homemade wine

To make the drink tasty and aromatic, there are several recommendations provided by the technology for making homemade raspberry wine:

  1. Choose well the berries that will be used to create a raspberry drink. It is important that they are intact and free of mold and rot. The fruits should be ripe or slightly overripe, but retain their shape.
  2. There is no need to wash raspberries for wine, since the surface of the berries contains natural wild yeast. These microorganisms contribute good fermentation. If you wash the berries, you will have to add sourdough.
  3. You can use not only fresh berries, but also jam. However, you will need to carefully calculate the amount of sugar so that the raspberry wine does not turn out too sugary.
  4. How strong homemade raspberry wine turns out depends on the proportion of added sugar. The more sweet sand, the higher the strength.
  5. You need to add water and sugar to the juice obtained by pressing. The substances will help remove excess acid from the drink. For better dissolution of sugar, it is placed in several doses. The first filling should occur before fermentation begins. Then, you will have to add granulated sugar several more times when the raspberry wine ferments.
  6. If you want to increase the sweetness of the finished drink, add sugar syrup. However, in this case, the bottle with the liquid must be pasteurized so as not to spoil the wine. The vessel must be sealed with a stopper and twine. Place the container in water that has been previously heated to 65 degrees. Leave the bottle in the liquid for 20 minutes.
  7. To make the wine fortified, you should add more sugar or alcohol.
  8. Before serving, it is recommended to cool the drink in the refrigerator to make its taste more pleasant.

Raspberry wine at home: a simple recipe

Raspberry wine is perhaps the most delicious and aromatic after regular grape wine. This type of wine is often considered a dessert wine due to its sweetness, but it should not be limited to just this use, because the drink goes well with cheeses, meats and fresh salads. Buying natural raspberry wine is quite difficult in a regular store. It’s much easier to make it yourself, because all you need is good recipe and fresh berries.

All varieties of raspberries are suitable for the production of raspberry wine: red, black and even yellow. It is advisable to use a small amount of wild raspberries when preparing wine, which will give the drink an unsurpassed aroma and taste.

Raspberry wine recipe:

  • You will need complete liter jar raspberries to make a liter of delicious raspberry wine
  • The interesting thing is that there is no need to wash or rinse the berries before cooking; the berries must be unwashed
  • The remaining ingredients are sugar and water. You will need exactly half a kilogram of sugar, no more, no less. And the ratio of water is exactly proportional to the berry - liter

Raspberries should not be washed because special wild yeast is stored on the surface of the berries, which initiates the fermentation process. All you need to do is to sort through the berries efficiently, avoiding any limp, rotten or damaged units.

Cooking steps:

  • Raspberries should be mashed to a liquid puree. This can be done with a regular fork, or you can use a blender
  • Add three hundred grams of sugar to the raspberry mixture and mix thoroughly
  • The mixture should be stirred every day
  • Three days after fermentation, you need to squeeze out the berry part
  • last fermentation period - 40 days
  • During this time, the glove will deflate, sediment will fall to the bottom of the dish, and the wine will become transparent.
  • Finished wine should be bottled for storage and maturation of the drink

Raspberry wine at home with a rubber glove

There are two ways to organize fermentation:

  • with rubber glove

Not every new winemaker knows that the worst enemies of wine are air and water. These components can turn any failed drink into vinegar. It is for this reason that the presence of a shutter is mandatory.

  • Rubber glove shutter allows yeast to receive a minimal amount required air during the fermentation process. This method is very simple and popular, and proper sealing of a bottle or jar with plasticine, paraffin, or wax can lead to good result production of alcoholic beverage.
  • The water seal allows to avoid unpleasant odors during the fermentation process that the drink releases. You can make a water seal using a catheter, a plug and a tube, but some inventors do not stop and use plastic juice straws, plastic bottles and rubber hoses. The water seal tube is lowered into the water, where the fermentation gases escape.

Homemade raspberry and blackcurrant wine: recipe

Wine made from raspberries and currants is incredibly tasty and aromatic. It is not difficult to prepare, and drinking it is a pleasure.


  • Two kilograms of fresh, selected raspberries should be poured into a large bottle for storage. A plastic bottle will also work if there is no glass one. There is no need to wash the berries at all - the maximum amount of wild yeast should remain on its surface
  • The raspberries are filled with a kilogram of sugar directly in the bottle and the bottle is placed in a fairly sunny place, for example on a windowsill. Raspberries in this state should ferment for about five days.
  • After five days, two kilograms of black currants are poured into the bottle, which also need to be sorted and washed, unlike raspberries.
  • If desired, currants can be mashed before adding to the bottle with raspberries.
  • Add another kilogram of sugar on top of the currants.
  • The berries are filled with eight liters of clean water and a water seal is placed on the bottle
  • The bottle should remain on a warm windowsill for two weeks.
  • After two weeks, pour another two kilograms of sugar into the water, mix everything thoroughly with a clean wooden spoon
  • Now the fermentation process should be monitored very carefully. When the bubbles stop coming out, you need to remove the stopper and strain the liquid from the berry mass.
  • The bottle is filled with wine without berries
  • It still needs to stand for some time without the shutter in order to release sediment
  • After the sediment has been separated, the pure part of the wine is poured into another container using a straw.

considered one of the best berry wines!

Pure transparent wine is bottled for storage in a dark, cool place. In this condition it should be stored for at least three months.

Yellow Raspberry Wine

Yellow raspberry wine has a rather original taste; it is not so fragrant, but the sweet and sour shade gives freshness and pleasure. Anyone can make yellow raspberry wine:

  • Blend yellow raspberries in a blender
  • The raspberry mass should be covered with sugar - three hundred grams
  • Raspberries are poured with a liter of water in a three-liter jar
  • A third of the jar remains free - this is necessary for the fermentation process
  • You should wear a regular rubber glove when handling the jar.
  • Use a needle to pierce a small hole in one finger of the glove.
  • This jar should be placed in a dry, dark place at room temperature for fermentation.
  • The jar should ferment for about ten days
  • The mixture needs to be shaken every day
  • After three days berry mass should be strained
  • Cook fresh sugar syrup from one hundred grams of sugar and a glass of water, this syrup should be added to the raspberry mass
  • After another three days, you need to add an additional one hundred grams of sugar to the mass.

Homemade cherry and raspberry wine, recipe

To make wine from cherries and raspberries, you need to prepare three kilograms of berries:

  • One and a half kilograms of cherries are separated from the cuttings and leaves. The bone must be left. The berries should be rinsed
  • One and a half kilograms of raspberries are sorted and not washed. Tender wild yeast on the surface of the berry
  • First of all, the berries are poured into a large container: an enamel basin or a plastic bucket will do.
  • You should put a rubber glove on your hand, the whole mass is thoroughly mixed with your hand, which strongly presses the berries and turns them into porridge.
  • By stirring it is necessary to achieve complete crushing of each berry.
  • The mixture should be sprinkled with two kilograms of sugar and filled with five liters of warm water.
  • The bucket or basin is tightly covered and left to ferment in a calm state for about five days. There is no need to touch the mass during this time.
  • The mass will begin to ferment during this time. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a gloved hand or a wooden spoon and leave to ferment for another four days. The mixture must be stirred every day
  • The berries are divided into two layers. The one that floats on the surface should be caught with a slotted spoon. Squeeze the berries, return the juice to the bucket, and discard the cake. Fermentation continues for 5-7 days
  • After this time, the pure mass should be separated from the sediment using a tube from the system

Homemade wine from fermented raspberry jam

It turns out that you can make delicious raspberry wine not only from fresh berries. Excellent base Fermented jam can be used to prepare this drink:

  • One and a half kilograms of fermented jam should be diluted with one and a half liters of warm water
  • Add a heaping tablespoon of unwashed dry raisins and a glass of sugar to the resulting mass.
  • The entire mass should be poured into a five-liter bottle and mixed thoroughly
  • You should put any closure you prefer on the neck of the bottle.
  • Such a container with raspberry mass should be left for some time to be stored at room temperature
  • This wine can ferment for two to three weeks.
  • When you notice that the glove has deflated or the gas has stopped coming out, the wine has fermented
  • You need to add another half glass of sugar to it and leave it standing without a stopper.
  • When the sediment has fallen, use the system to strain the clean part of the drink into another container.

Semi-sweet wine

  • Raspberries (four kilos), not washed, but clean, mash and turn into puree
  • The puree is placed in a large container: a bottle, a bottle or a jar, where it will ferment
  • The puree is sprinkled with a kilogram of sugar
  • Pour four liters of warm water over the raspberries and leave this mixture to ferment for four days at warm room temperature
  • Put a glove or water seal on the bottle
  • After four days, strain the wine from the berry fibers and add another glass of sugar.
  • Put the glove or shutter back on and wait for fermentation to finish.
  • Fermentation can last two to three weeks
  • When the gas stops being released, the wine is ready.
  • It should be poured without sediment into a storage container and left to mature for another two to three months.

Dry wine suggests the presence of minimum quantity Sahara:

  • Approximately two kilograms of raspberries, not washed, but selected, should be mashed into a puree and poured into the bottom of the prepared fermentation bottle
  • Sprinkle the berries with a glass of sugar and leave in this state for three days at warm room temperature
  • After this time, fill the mixture with water - two liters and mix thoroughly
  • The bottle is sealed and stored for another five days.
  • After this time, the bottle is opened, the mass is filtered and only pure wine without wort, pour into a bottle, add another glass of sugar, install a stopper and a shutter
  • As the fermentation process ends, the wine is drained without sediment and bottled for storage.

Making fortified wine from red berries

  • As a rule, to prepare fortified wine, one kilogram of raspberries requires about a liter and a half of water
  • As in all cases, the berries should not be washed
  • Four kilos of raspberries are poured into a bottle
  • They should be covered with sugar. To do this, you need to pour out half of the total mass of sugar - 1 kilo and 750 grams
  • Raspberries are filled with water - three and a half liters
  • The whole mass is mixed to dissolve the sugar and removed to a warm room for fermentation.
  • The raspberries should remain in this state for about five days.
  • Every day this container should be shaken or stirred thoroughly.
  • After this, carefully strain all the wine material through cheesecloth, squeeze it dry and discard
  • The remaining sugar is divided into three parts, pour the first part into the wine, make a seal and leave to ferment
  • After four days, add sugar again and stir.
  • After three days the procedure is performed again
  • Keep an eye on the shutter, if the gas stops being released, pour out a clean part of the wine and put it in a separate container to ripen

Taste the wine; if it is not strong enough for you, it can be diluted by 10-12% with vodka or alcohol and left to ripen for three to six months.

Recipe without yeast

Most often, wine is prepared at home without adding fresh regular yeast. The fact is that natural wild yeast forms on the surface of the berry. To do this, just peel the berries and do not wash them. During fermentation, this yeast reacts with sugar and creates favorable conditions for wine, because there are enough of them on raspberries.

  • If desired, you can also add 100 grams of fresh yeast per 3 kilograms of berries and three kilograms of sugar to the wine.
  • This fermentation process occurs much faster, but requires high-quality straining of the wine from the wine part.
  • This wine should be tasted regularly to prevent bitterness from developing.

Raspberry with vodka

You can make quick raspberry wine in seven days:

  • Prepare one liter jar clean selected raspberries without garbage
  • Puree the raspberries in a blender and add a glass of sugar to it
  • Let these raspberries sit for several hours.
  • Pour half a liter of vodka over the raspberries
  • Send the jar to infuse in a cool, dark place
  • After seven days, you should strain the infusion from the berry fiber and try
  • Strongly strong wine diluted with purified water and ready for use

Using raspberry leaves

Delicious unusual wine You can also make it from raspberry leaves:

  • To prepare such a drink you will need approximately two kilograms of selected raspberry leaves, whole and clean.
  • Boil water in a large 10-liter saucepan
  • Drop the leaves into boiling water and use a rolling pin or large wooden spoon to lower them to the bottom of the pan.
  • The pan is removed from the heat and left with the leaves for about three days in a calm state for infusion
  • After this time, all the liquid is filtered from the leaves, the last water is squeezed out and 700 grams of sugar are dissolved in the water.
  • A glass is added to the water washed raisins, on which it is located sufficient quantity wild yeast and three ml ammonia which will stimulate fermentation
  • The wine is poured into a bottle for storage and closed with a shutter
  • The wine should ferment for about 12 days, be guided by how much gas is released during the fermentation process

The finished wine is bottled and removed for some time to ripen in bottles.

Frozen raspberry wine

Making wine from frozen raspberries is practically no different from usual. You just have to pay attention to the ratio of water and berries in your drink. If the wine is not strong enough, you can add a little alcohol during fermentation.

  • Frozen raspberries should be mashed to a liquid puree in a blender after defrosting.
  • Add 300 grams of sugar to the raspberry mixture and mix thoroughly
  • Raspberries are poured with a liter of water in a three-liter jar
  • A third of the jar remains free - this is necessary for the fermentation process: foam and carbon dioxide
  • You should wear a regular medical glove when handling the jar.
  • Use a needle to pierce a small hole in one finger of the glove.
  • This jar should be placed in a dry, dark place at room temperature for fermentation.
  • The jar should ferment for about ten days
  • The mixture needs to be shaken or stirred every day.
  • Three days after fermentation, you need to squeeze the berries through cheesecloth
  • Cook fresh sugar syrup from 100 grams of sugar and a glass of water, this syrup should be added to the raspberry mass
  • After another three days, you need to add an additional 100 grams of sugar to the mass.
  • Leave the wine alone to ferment. Watch how the glove behaves; if it’s deflated, it’s time to strain the clean part of the wine into bottles and drain the sediment
  • Young wine should be stored in bottles for another three months to gain strength and rich flavor.

We prepare a luxurious drink according to science

Let's start with the canonical option, which requires quite a lot of time and attention, but always gives a stable result.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 1 kg;
  2. Sugar – 500 g;
  3. Water – 1 l.

Cooking method

Turn the sorted raspberries into puree and place in a dry three-liter jar. Add 300 g of sugar and 700 ml of water, then mix everything thoroughly. Close the three-liter bottle with a lid with a water seal or put a rubber medical glove on it with a punctured hole for the release of carbon dioxide. Leave the container for 10 days in a dark, warm place (18-24 °C) for primary fermentation. In this case, it is advisable to stir the fermenting mass daily with a wooden spatula.

After the specified period, strain the fermented mass and squeeze through cheesecloth. Discard the pulp and return the juice to the original container. Immediately after this, add a sugar solution (100 g of sugar per 300 ml of water) and mix thoroughly. Leave the resulting substance under a water seal for 3 days. Then, strain 50 ml of fermenting liquid, dissolve the remaining 100 g of sugar in it and pour the resulting syrup into your jar.

Close the container again with a seal or glove and leave it alone until the end of fermentation.

Attention! If, 40 days after adding the last portion of sugar, the substance continues to ferment (the glove does not fall off or the water seal continues to release bubbles), it must be filtered and poured into another dry, clean container. Otherwise, you risk getting a noticeably bitter drink.

When the fermentation process comes to an end

  • When the fermentation process comes to an end, the resulting young wine needs to be decanted into a new container and tasted.
  • If the drink seems sour, you can add a little more sugar to taste.
  • In this case, the wine should be kept for another 10 days under a glove or a lid with a water seal.
  • If the result suits you, then you can enjoy the young, early-ripening drink without leaving the cash register.

But, if you are a wine lover with an established rich taste, be patient and let the drink mature. For this purpose, the wine is poured into a suitable glass container to the brim, hermetically sealed and placed in a cellar or refrigerator for 3-6 months (the main thing is that the storage temperature does not go beyond 6-16 °C). During this period, the drink should be checked from time to time to filter it when the sediment at the bottom of the container reaches three centimeters.

The readiness of the wine is indicated by the absence of sediment within a month. Then the drink can be poured into bottles, corked tightly and safely added to your alcoholic arsenal.

Preparing high-proof wine

This recipe is intended specifically for fortified wine lovers.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberry juice – 6 l;
  2. Sugar – 2.4 kg;
  3. Water – 2.6 l;
  4. Vodka – 1 l;
  5. Raspberry starter – 300 ml.

Cooking method

5-7 days before you start making wine, you should take care of the starter. To do this, you need to mix the puree obtained from two glasses of unwashed raspberries, 0.5 cups of sugar and a glass of water. Place the resulting substance in a bottle, cover tightly with cotton wool and leave for 4 days in a dark place. Then strain the finished starter through thick cheesecloth, after which it is advisable to begin the winemaking process as soon as possible.

In order not to put things off for a long time, it is proposed to use the ripening time of the sourdough for preparation required quantity raspberries You need to squeeze 6 liters of juice from the berries that were sorted ahead of time. Mix juice, water, starter and 1.6 liters of sugar in a fermentation container. Close the container with a lid with a water seal and place in a warm, dark place. When the fermentation period comes to an end, add vodka to the container, mix thoroughly and leave for another 5 days.

  • Next, the wine is filtered, mixed with the remaining 800 g of sugar, bottled and tightly sealed.
  • However, in order to avoid the unfortunate consequences of re-fermentation, it is better to play it safe and keep the drink under a water seal for another week.

We use spoiled jam

If you happen to have a jar or two of fermented or candied raspberry jam on your household, then this is just your case.

List of ingredients

  1. Jam – 1 kg;
  2. Water – 2 l;
  3. Raisins – 120 g.

Cooking method

Jam, raisins and warm water mix in fermentation container. Keep the result obtained in a warm, dark place under a glove or a lid with a water seal until the fermentation process is completed. Next, remove the drink from the sediment or strain it through cheesecloth, pour it to the top into glass bottles, seal tightly and put it in a cool room for a couple of days. After this, the wine can either be served or, to achieve a more vibrant effect, left alone for another couple of months.

You can make good wine from fermented jam, so don’t throw away failed homemade preparations.


  • 1 liter of raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins (dry, unwashed).


Pour the jam from the jar into the pan, add water, as well as raisins, which are needed to activate fermentation. Its whitish coating contains wild yeast. Mix everything well and pour into a three-liter jar. After installing the water seal, place it in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight.

After a couple of weeks, the wort will stop fermenting and producing bubbles. It needs to be strained, then add sugar. Keep for another 7–10 days under a water seal.

Then cover the jar with a regular nylon lid and move it to the cellar. During the entire ripening period (2–3 months), sediment will form, so the wine must be periodically filtered.

For sour lovers

Those who think raspberry wine is too sugary will certainly appreciate this recipe.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 2 kg;
  2. Sugar – 300 g.

Cooking method

Mash the sorted raspberries with your hands in a large saucepan, mix with sugar and cover with a cloth or gauze. Place the pan in a dark, warm place for 4 days. Then remove the foam, separate the juice from the pulp and squeeze the latter through thick gauze.

Pour all the juice into a glass container and keep it under a lid with a water seal until fermentation is complete. Next, pour the drink into a similar clean container, keep it under a water seal for a couple of days, then close it with a tight lid and transfer it to a cool room. After a month and a half, the finished wine is filtered, bottled and waiting in the wings in your bar.

Simple recipe

And to top it off, the simplest and most unpretentious way for those who don’t like to bother.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 5 kg;
  2. Water – 5 l;
  3. Sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method

Mash the sorted berries to a puree. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, remembering to remove the foam. Transfer the puree to glass bottle, pour room temperature syrup over it and mix thoroughly. Place the container equipped with a glove or a lid with a water seal in a dark, warm place for the fermentation period (if you are lucky, it will end in a week). Drain the fermented wine from the sediment, filter, bottle and seal tightly. Place the bottles in a cool place, removing them from there as needed.

Raspberries cannot be washed, because their skin contains natural yeasts necessary for normal fermentation of the wort. But you definitely need to sort it out. Spoiled berries with signs of rotting and mold should be removed, otherwise they will spoil the taste of raspberry wine. It will be impossible to correct it later.

It is very difficult to sort through the berries, they are too soft, so it is better to immediately pick only the ripest and highest quality raspberries from the bush, removing the stalks.

Composition and proportions:

  • 1 kilogram of raspberries;
  • 1 liter of clean water;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

Preparation is extremely simple

Pour raspberries into an enamel cup and mash until mushy. Then pour the raspberry mixture into a three-liter jar. Add sugar in the amount of 300 grams and 700 milliliters of water. After mixing, install the water seal. Leave the container in a warm place for fermentation. Every day the wort needs to be stirred with a wooden spatula.

After 10 days, strain the contents of the jar and pour into another clean jar. Dissolve 100 grams of sugar in 300 milliliters of water. Mix the syrup with the strained liquid. Place it under the water seal again.

After 3 days, add the rest of the sugar to the fermented juice. To do this, pour a glass of juice, dissolve sugar in it and pour it back into the jar. Put the water seal in place.

Raspberry wine ferments for 1–2 months. During this entire time he must not be disturbed. If, 45–50 days after the introduction of the last portion of sugar, the fermentation process does not subside, the wine should be drained from the sediment into another container and left to ferment under a water seal. This must be done, otherwise the finished drink will be bitter.

When fermentation is complete, the young wine must be carefully, using a tube, drained from the sediment into a glass container for further maturation. You need to try it. If the drink is not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar to it and keep it under water for another ten days.

We fix

To fix the wine and better preserve it, you can add a small amount (up to 15%) of diluted ethyl alcohol or high-quality vodka. This will spoil the taste a little, but homemade raspberry wine will last longer. After ripening, the drink will be much tastier.

  • Close the container filled with wine up to the neck tightly and place it in the basement or cellar. The wine should mature for 3–6 months at a temperature of 6–16 °C.
  • Periodically, the drink must be drained and filtered when a 2-3 cm sedimentary layer appears.
  • If sediment no longer forms, the raspberry wine is ready to be bottled.
  • It can be stored in a cool place for up to five years.
  • The strength of wine not fortified with vodka reaches an average of 12–15 degrees.

Recipe for semi-dry wine from prickly berries

Wine made from raspberries turns out to be uneasy sweet, and even cloying - which not everyone likes. Sugar and water are used to achieve a higher degree. Considering that the berry itself is quite sweet, you can exclude water and reduce the amount of sugar, then the wine will be quite strong and not particularly sweet.


  • 2 kilograms of raspberries;
  • 300 grams of sugar.


Pour unwashed, sorted raspberries into a saucepan and mash until pureed. Add sugar and stir. Cover the vessel with gauze or cloth, then leave in a warm place for 3 days.

When the mass foams and the pulp floats up, separating from the juice, it’s time to proceed to the next stage. Pour the fermented raspberry juice through cheesecloth into a three-liter jar (squeeze out the pulp), cover with a lid with a water seal.

Where to put the container?

The jar should be in a place that is not very cool and not very hot. The optimal temperature for fermentation is 25 °C. In about a month, fermentation will be completed. The water seal will stop releasing bubbles.

Using a thin hose or tube from a dripper, drain the new wine into another container.

  • This must be done carefully so as not to raise sediment.
  • Install the water seal again and take the jar to a cool room.
  • After 30–50 days, remove the wine from the sediment, pour into bottles, and seal.

All recipes have their own cooking characteristics and proportions of ingredients. This allows everyone to choose the option that is most suitable for them. If everything is done correctly, raspberry wine will last a long time and will not change color over time.

  1. Do not wash the berries. Do not wash berries intended for wine under any circumstances. This way you will preserve the wild yeast needed for the fermentation process.
  2. What about frozen raspberries? If you decide to make wine from frozen raspberries, completely and irrevocably devoid of those same wild yeasts, you should use a starter. Sourdough for raspberry wine is made from the same berry (fresh and unwashed, of course) or from equally unwashed raisins.
  3. Choose only the best berries. Fresh raspberries must be sorted, removing moldy, unripe or rotten berries. Otherwise, all your winemaking efforts will go down the drain.
  4. Follow the technological process. When filling the fermentation container, be sure to leave about a third of space in it. It is necessary for the accumulation of foam, the release of carbon dioxide and subsequent filling with additional components of the drink.

If you follow these tips, raspberry wine, which you can start making today, will exceed your wildest expectations.

Recipe No. 1.

This is what my vine looks like now

This is the recipe I'm making with raspberries at the moment.

We need:

  • 5 liters (about 4 kg) whole unwashed raspberries;
  • 5 liters of clean, unboiled water;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar.

Equipment: a 10-liter bottle or other container in which the raspberry mass would fit in such a way that at least 1/5 of the empty space remains.

  1. We sort the raspberries, remove rotten or moldy berries, leaves and debris. We put it in a pan and begin to mercilessly crush it with a rolling pin, a masher or bare hands - this is the most pleasant way.
  2. Add 70% water and sugar to the mixture. In my case, this is, respectively, 3.5 liters and 1750 grams. Mix everything thoroughly and pour it into a fermentation container, which we place in a warm, dark place.

By different recipes For raspberry wine, the water seal must be hung either now, or in a day or two, when signs of fermentation appear. I would advise doing this right away - raspberries ferment quickly, and the beginning of this process is easy to miss. At the stage of rapid fermentation (with pulp), instead of a shutter, a rubber glove with a hole will do ( during Prohibition, it was wittily called “Hello to Gorbachev!”, but in our case it will be “Hello to Nikolaev!”).

  1. Every day we thoroughly shake our seething mass. If traces of mold appear on the surface, it is advisable to remove them. Primary fermentation lasts from 6 to 10 or more days. We wait until the glove drops or the water seal stops gurgling. We wait another day.
  2. We drain the resulting wine material, pour out the grounds and squeeze them thoroughly with gauze, after which we throw them away. Pour the liquid back into the bottle.
  3. Divide the remaining sugar into 3 parts (250 grams each). We pour one part into a container, and add the remaining water (1.5 liters) there. Mix everything well and send it under a water seal.

Water seal manufacturing stage

At this stage, it is still advisable to make a water seal, and not a glove. My bottle is non-standard, ordinary caps do not fit it, and I could not get a stopper, so I used the method that my grandfather used: I took a tube slightly thicker than an IV tube, wrapped it in several layers of newspaper, pressed it tightly into the neck, and sealed it with plasticine. The tube, naturally, leads into a suspended bottle of water, which gurgles itself, releasing gases from the wine, but not letting air into the container.

  1. After 4 days, add 250 grams of sugar to the bottle. After another 3 days, add the remaining portion of the fertilizer to the wine. That's it, there's not long to wait! After 3-4 days the water seal will stop gurgling.
  2. Drain the almost finished homemade raspberry wine from the sediment using a flexible straw. After this, you can immediately bottle it, but it’s better to let it sit for another day or two and repeat the procedure to finally get rid of the sediment.
  3. And the most difficult stage! The wine needs to be corked and left to ripen for 3-6 months in a cool, dark place. Well, or at least 2. In general, as long as you can stand it, it only gets better with time.

Recipe No. 2

This recipe is simpler, but less economical. To make homemade raspberry wine, we do not need crushed berries, but only juice. For 6 liters of juice we take 2.4 kg. sugar and 2.6 liters of water. As a result, you should get about 10 liters of product.

  1. Pour all the water and half (1.2 kg) of sugar into the juice. Stir well and pour into the fermentation container so that the liquid takes up ¾ of the volume. We install a water seal and place the bottle in a dark place at room temperature.
  2. After about a week, put the remaining sugar in a container, shake it up and let it ferment for 3-4 weeks, until the water seal stops producing bubbles.
  3. The resulting wine must be removed from the sediment using a straw and poured into an airtight container, filling it completely. Here the drink is stored for another 20 days at room temperature.
  4. At the end of the specified period, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured into bottles.

That's it, our homemade raspberry wine is ready to drink! Although, again, if you let it sit for a month or two in a sealed container, the drink will taste better.

Recipe No. 3

This homemade raspberry wine will be strong and sweet, since the fermentation process in it is artificially interrupted by alcohol - this is how they do, for example, Madeira or sherry. In addition, this recipe is the fastest and least labor-intensive, so it can be recommended to novice winemakers.

We will need:

  • Raspberries – 5 kg.
  • Sugar – approximately 1 kg.
  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Alcohol 96% – about 300-400 ml.

Making fortified raspberry wine:

  1. Unwashed berries are squeezed through cheesecloth or using a juicer.
  2. Add 1 liter of water to the squeezed mass, let it sit for about 5-6 hours - the water will pull out everything that is left in it, including wild yeast, from the cake. After this, the raspberries are squeezed out again.
  3. The juice and raspberry water are mixed, another liter of clean water and 300 grams of sugar are added. The liquid is placed in a water seal and sent to ferment in a warm, dark place.
  4. After a week or ten days, 150 grams of sugar is added to the wort for each liter of resulting wine, and the water seal is put back on the bottle.
  5. At the end of fermentation, the wine must be drained from the sediment, after which 50 ml must be added. alcohol for each liter of drink, mix thoroughly and taste. If you want to make the wine sweeter, feel free to add sugar; the added alcohol will prevent the liquid from fermenting again.
  6. Fortified raspberry wine needs to be placed in a cool, dark place for a month or two, after which you can begin tasting!

And finally - a simple recipe for raspberry sourdough

As I already said, raspberries ferment very actively, so they can be used to activate the fermentation process of wines made from less “turbulent” fruits and berries. For the starter we need 2 cups of unwashed raspberries, 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a liter cold water. All this is placed in a jar and covered with gauze. In just 2-3 days our “wine catalyst” is ready! Using the same recipe, you can make sourdough from strawberries and fresh rose hips.

And this is Igor Nikolaev. He doesn't actually know how to make homemade raspberry wine. He's just here for beauty.

Step-by-step recipes for making raspberry wine at home from fresh berries, jam: classic recipe, original options homemade raspberry wine with raisins, currants, cherries,

2018-08-16 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


21 gr.

84 kcal.

Option 1: Raspberry wine at home - a classic recipe

The ripening of the young drink at the last stage, before packaging it in bottles, should occur in a completely filled container. It is better if these are bottles of a fairly large volume, five or more liters. If you cannot get the specified type of sugar, you should not cancel the entire process, but at the last stage, you may have to sweeten the wine a little more.


  • five hundred grams of beet sugar, unrefined;
  • liter of water;
  • five glasses of unwashed ripe raspberries.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade raspberry wine

An important point that novice winemakers often ignore is the perfect cleanliness of all utensils, utensils and tools. It doesn’t matter whether the equipment has been used previously and for what purposes, or whether it was purchased on the eve of the winemaking season and literally sparkles with newness, it must be washed especially thoroughly. This is especially true for wooden containers, although they are used relatively infrequently.

We use the minimum detergents, ideally we make do with just a soda solution. It is advisable to wipe and wash all devices, just removed from the original packaging, with pure alcohol, and if traces of oil are visible on their surface, then also hot water with laundry soap. Of course, after washing it is necessary to rinse everything no less thoroughly in clean water.

The amount of products indicated in the recipe will fit into a three-liter bottle, but rarely does anyone make wine in such small batches, and it is also believed that in larger containers the taste and aroma of the drink become more voluminous. Mash the raspberries, just with a masher or even the bottom of a champagne bottle, add and mix three hundred grams of sugar and three and a half glasses of clean water with the puree.

We put a thin rubber glove with a tiny hole in one of the fingers on the top of the can, and if available, place it under the water seal. For the first ten days, the bottle with the wort should be kept warm and dark, under your constant supervision. Every day, at least twice, remove the glove and quickly mix the raspberry pulp with a spatula.

On the tenth day, dissolve half of the remaining sugar (100 grams) in three hundred milliliters of water, pour it along with the wort into a clean bottle, through several layers of gauze. We collect all the pulp in gauze and squeeze it out with force; you can also use a press if the amount is large. We remove the pulp and close the bottle again with a glove or a shutter.

The second addition of sugar is on the thirteenth day from the start of fermentation. Pour out a third of a glass of wort and stir the last hundred grams of refined sugar in it, return it back to the jar and put it under the seal. IN next time the bottle is opened either after fermentation stops, if it ended earlier than eight weeks, or on the 55th day, if the bubbles continue to gurgle merrily or the glove is filled with gases.

Using a thin hose, drain the wine without touching the sediment at the bottom. If the turbidity still ends up in a clean bottle, repeat the procedure a day later. Unfermented wine, like already prepared wine, is again “decorated” with a glove, excluding access to oxygen, let it finish playing, or simply wait a day.

If fermentation does not resume, the wine can be fixed by adding about eight percent of the volume of pure alcohol, sweetened to your own taste, or immediately sent for ripening. Please note that after adding sugar, be sure to lock the wine in case fermentation resumes.

The wine will mature completely only after six months. All this time, keep it in a room with a temperature of about ten degrees, in the absence of light. Every couple of weeks, monitor the precipitation; as soon as it accumulates a couple of centimeters, drain it through a straw. If so much turbidity does not form within a month, you can pour the wine into bottles.

Option 2: Quick recipe for raspberry wine at home with raisins

The main purpose of dried grapes is to enhance the fermentation process. If you don’t want them to affect the aroma and color of the drink too much, replace red raisins with light ones, and you can reduce the quantity by a third.


  • raspberries - three kilograms;
  • eight glasses of sugar;
  • three liters of water;
  • two hundred grams of raisins, dark.

How to quickly make homemade raspberry wine with raisins

There is no need to specifically sort raspberries; remove only spoiled berries. Weigh the selected ingredients and count the remaining ingredients if necessary. Boil the syrup from water and half the sugar and cool completely.

Grind the raspberries through a colander, pour in the strained syrup and add the raisins. We pour it into a container of the appropriate volume, filling it approximately 70%, cover the top with gauze and leave it warm for ten days. Stir the pulp a couple of times daily.

On the eleventh day, pour the wort into a bottle, again leaving the container empty for a third. Squeeze out the pulp and mix the resulting juice with the rest of the volume. Take up to a liter of wort from the fermentation tank and stir the second part of the sugar in it until dissolved, pour it back and place it under a water seal for two months.

After six weeks, if the wine still has not fermented, pour it into a clean container, draining the sediment. We pour the wine that has stopped “playing” into a large container, filling it to the very top of the neck. Over the next two months, we monitor the precipitation and regularly get rid of it, pouring the wine each time. We pour the finished drink into smaller containers and leave it in a cool cellar for another two to twelve months.

Option 3: Homemade raspberry wine with currants and cherries

A kilogram of fresh raspberries yields up to six hundred milliliters of juice, depending on the variety and method of extraction. Cherries and currants will give a little more, keep this in mind when starting to make wine. Within certain limits, up to five percent of each type of juice, the volume can be increased by adding clean water, but it is better to recalculate the proportions.


  • 1500 milliliters raspberry juice;
  • 1800 grams of unrefined sugar;
  • a liter of juice from cherries and currants.

How to cook

Squeeze the juice in any way, but avoid using a centrifugal juicer for currants and raspberries; do not grind small seeds. Berries must be sorted out from rot and unripe specimens.

Mix the juices and dissolve exactly half the sugar in them, place the container under a water seal for two weeks. Next, at intervals of five days, add three in equal shares remaining sugar.

If after 45 days fermentation has not stopped, carefully drain the wine from the sediment and reinstall the water seal. If the bubbles stop completely, it is necessary to drain the wine, wait for two days under the shutter, and then bottle it into small containers. A month later, we pour the wine into perfectly clean bottles for the last time and, sealing it hermetically, put it away to ripen for a couple of months.

Option 4: Homemade raspberry wine made from jam

It may happen that a thrifty housewife sometimes has jam from the previous harvest left until the new season. We will process it into wine, and fill the pantry with fresh preserves.


  • liter jar of raspberry jam;
  • 2500 milliliters of water;
  • half a glass of raisins, unwashed.

Step by step recipe

Heat boiled water slightly, pour it into the pan and dissolve the jam by stirring. Add the raisins without washing them. Pour the mixture into a five-liter bottle and put a lid with a water seal on the neck.

As a rule, such wine ferments for no longer than a month, at normal room temperature and a reasonable amount of sugar in the jam. Less commonly, the process can take up to a month and a half or even a little longer.

We decant the spent wine from the sediment at least twice, with an interval of two days and keep it under a water seal in between. Next, pour it into small containers and let it ripen in a cool room for at least a month.

Option 5: Fortified raspberry wine at home

Don't fortify the wine big amount alcohol than recommended by the authors, strong drinks are prepared differently. But the amount of sugar will most likely need to be increased, but you will decide this yourself before sending the wine to infuse in your cellar.


  • water, raw - two liters;
  • kilo of sugar;
  • five kilograms of raspberries;
  • up to 400 milliliters of alcohol (96%).

How to cook

Just sort out the raspberry berries to remove debris and spoilage; you cannot wash them! Squeeze out the juice as much as possible, fill the pulp with a liter of water, wait six hours, then drain the pinkish water and squeeze the pulp again.

Mix all the resulting liquids, dissolve three hundred grams of sugar in a liter of water and pour into the rest of the volume. Collect it in a bottle and put a lid with a shutter or a glove on it, leave it to ferment in a warm place without access to light.

On the tenth day, pour off part of the wort and dissolve in it the sugar remaining after the first addition. We return the water seal to its place and patiently wait for the end of fermentation. We pour the wine very carefully and filter it, measure out 50 milliliters of alcohol per liter of drink and mix them. You can sweeten the wine if you wish, then let it brew for as long as you have patience, from a month to six months.

Option 6: Vodka-fortified homemade raspberry wine

The estimated mass of berries for such a volume of juice is up to ten kilograms; you will need a couple more glasses of unwashed, which is very important, raspberries to prepare the starter. Grind it into a puree and pour a glass of clean water, add about half a glass of sugar, pour this whole mass into a dark glass bottle, and keep it in a dark pantry for four days. The container should be loosely sealed with a gauze stopper.


  • raspberry juice - six liters;
  • 2500 milliliters of water;
  • vodka - two half-liter bottles;
  • 2500 grams of sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of raspberry sourdough.

Step by step recipe

Filter the starter according to the above recipe by simply unrolling the gauze from which the stopper was rolled up. We squeeze out the sorted berries and select them required quantity juice Dilute it with water, pour in the starter and dissolve two-thirds of the sugar mass in the resulting wort.

We place the wort in a warm place under the seal, leaving at least a quarter of the empty volume in the bottle. As soon as fermentation stops, add vodka to the wine and keep it in the same room for up to a week without removing the shutter. Filter the wine and sweeten it with the remaining portion of sugar.

Further fermentation is practically excluded, but it is better to wait another week before dismantling the water seal and carefully straining the wine from the sediment. Pour it up to the cork into bottles and put it in a cold cellar for two weeks, then pour it again into a clean container and you can taste it or leave it to mature for up to a year.

Option 7: Very aromatic homemade raspberry and currant wine

This product will also be sweet and moderately strong, with an expected alcohol content of up to fifteen percent by volume. The original recipe specifically states that you can choose or combine different varieties of currants at your discretion.


  • four kilos of sugar;
  • two kilograms of ripe currants and raspberries;
  • water - as needed.

How to cook

Unwashed, carefully sorted raspberries are evenly poured into a bottle with a kilogram of sugar, set aside in a warm place, covering the neck with gauze. Stir regularly, several times a day. On the fifth day, knead selected and also unwashed currants and add another kilogram of sugar to the raspberries, dilute with water to a volume of about eight liters.

The wort will begin to ferment intensively, so choose the volume of the container so that it remains up to a third empty. We put a pierced glove on the neck, wait two weeks, then add the rest of the sugar. Now you need to be patient until the end of active fermentation.

We pour the young wine several times, at intervals of a couple of days, each time into a clean container. Fill it completely, but leave the glove just in case. After making sure that there is no fermentation in the wine, pour it into clean bottles and let the drink mature for three months.

Homemade alcohol has a special value. In its preparation only natural products, which is why the final drink is always bright, rich and unparalleled. One of the most popular recipes- raspberry wine. It is made from the ripest berries found in every garden.

Raspberry wine made at home has a very soft, rich aroma. Its strength is slightly lower than that of grape drink, and it tastes more like liqueur or liqueur. This alcoholic drink will definitely become a favorite on your table, since preparing raspberry wine is not difficult even for a beginner, and its taste and aroma will not leave you indifferent.

Technology for making homemade wine

Before you make raspberry wine, you need to study all the intricacies of its preparation technology. One of the main points is the choice of raw materials. The wine contains water and sugar and berries. It is the last ingredient that is worth paying attention to.

Raspberries can be either yellow or red. Both of these varieties give great taste. Better to give preference ripe berries, not frozen. Only freshly picked raspberries will fully reveal their taste in the drink. Berries should not be washed before cooking, as they contain natural yeast on their surface. Before cooking, they will have to be especially carefully sorted to remove debris and insects.

Raspberry wine is prepared at home using the same technology as classic grape wine. You need to puree the berries and mix them with sugar and water. The ingredients are placed in a fermentation container. It should be filled no more than ¾ of the entire volume. Free space is left for foam that appears during fermentation. A water seal is installed on the neck. It can be purchased at any specialty store. If there is no water seal, it can be replaced with a medical glove with a punctured finger.

The wort is stored in a dark, warm place for a week and a half. After this, sugar syrup is added to it, and the mash is left alone for another couple of weeks. As soon as the emission of carbon dioxide stops, the raspberry wine can be filtered and refrigerated for another month and a half. During this time, a precipitate will form, which must be separated from ready drink. If the strength is insufficient, vodka or alcohol is added to the wine.

The best raspberry wine recipes

Raspberry wine has many various recipes preparations. The most popular drinks are:

  • Classic sweet and semi-sweet;
  • Dry and semi-dry;
  • Fortified;
  • Sour;
  • From jam or juice.

Depending on the choice, they will be added or excluded various ingredients. To make a choice, you need to consider each of the wines in detail.

Classic recipe with detailed description

Raspberry wine according to the classic recipe is a sweet, low-alcohol drink. Its strength reaches 12 degrees. Its composition is as cheap and simple as possible:

  • Ripe raspberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams.

First of all, you need to prepare raspberry puree. To do this, the prepared berries are ground through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder. Sugar and water will be added gradually. At the first stage of fermentation with berry puree Mix 700 milliliters of water and 300 grams of sugar. The resulting wort must be transferred to a container, leaving a third of the total volume free. The mixture is sealed with a water seal or rubber glove and left in a cool, dark place for 1 week. Every day the wort is stirred with a wooden spoon.

After time, the fermented mixture is filtered through thick cheesecloth to separate the juice from the berries. The remaining cake is thrown away, and the liquid part is mixed with syrup made from 100 grams of sugar and the remaining water. The container is sealed again and left alone for 3 to 4 days.

After the specified time, the remaining granulated sugar is mixed into the mash. The last stage of fermentation takes about 1.5 months. After this, the wine is removed from the sediment and left under a water seal for another couple of weeks to complete the process. As soon as the formation of carbon dioxide ends, the drink is once again separated from the resulting cloudy part and poured into a container for storage. In order for the taste of raspberry wine to fully develop, it needs to ripen in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 months. This step-by-step simple recipe for making it at home is applicable to all other wines, since the technology does not fundamentally change anywhere. Therefore, in other drinks only the composition and some distinctive features manufacturing.

Raspberry wine with high degree

Raspberry wine can be not only light and sweet, but also quite strong drink. To prepare it you will need:

  • Raspberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Alcohol (95%) – 70 milliliters;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams;
  • Water – 400 milliliters.

The raspberries are squeezed and separated into solid and liquid parts. The cake is filled with half the water and kept for 5 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered and mixed with juice, remaining water and 100 grams of sugar. The mixture ferments in a warm place under a water seal for 3 days.

After this, 50 grams of sugar are added, and the mash is left for another 3 days. After the time has passed, the last part of the sand is poured in. After fermentation is complete, the wine is removed from the sediment and mixed with alcohol. The drink will be ready after 2 months of aging in the refrigerator.

Raspberry wine recipe for sour lovers

Traditional raspberry wine is very sweet. This recipe is suitable for those who find the classic one too sweet. To prepare you will need:

  • Raspberries - 5 kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar – 750 grams.

Raspberries are kneaded and mixed with sugar in a large container. After 5 days, remove the foam and strain the juice. The resulting liquid is closed with a water seal until fermentation is complete. Sour homemade raspberry wine will be fully prepared only after a final aging in cool conditions for 2 months.

Dry wine

Dry homemade raspberry wine is similar in preparation technology to classic wine, only it contains much less sugar.

  • Raspberries – 2 kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams;
  • Water – 2 liters.

Raspberry puree and half the sugar are mixed and infused for 3 days, after which they are filled with water. The resulting wort is fermented using the same technology as in the classic version, with the addition of sugar in 2 stages.

Semi-dry raspberry wine

The recipe for semi-dry raspberry wine is similar to dry, only the amount of sugar in its composition increases.

  • Berries – 2 kilograms;
  • Water – 2 liters;
  • Sugar – 700 grams.

When infusing the berries, 350 grams of sand are added. During subsequent fermentation, sugar is added twice: the first time - 150 grams, the second - 100 grams.

Semi-sweet wine

The recipe for semisweet raspberry wine is also similar to the classic one, but differs in proportions. You will need:

  • Raspberries - 4 kilograms;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kilograms;
  • Water – 4 liters.

When preparing the wort, grated raspberries are infused with 1 kilogram of sugar. During subsequent fermentation, sugar is added only once - 200 grams. The finished wine is aged in the refrigerator for at least 2 months before use.

Homemade wine from fermented raspberry jam

Making raspberry wine from fermented jam is much easier and faster than all previous recipes. You will need:

  • Jam – 2 kilograms;
  • Warm water – 4 liters;
  • Raisins – 250 grams.

All ingredients are mixed in a fermentation container and sealed with a water seal. The mixture is left until the process is complete in a dark, warm place. The finished wine is filtered, bottled and infused in the refrigerator for 2 months until ready.

Raspberry juice wine

  • Raspberry juice – 1 liter;
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams;
  • Raisins – 200 grams.

Making wine from raspberry juice is absolutely identical to the recipe from jam. All ingredients are fermented in one container. The finished wine is bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

Raspberry wine is as easy to prepare as possible, especially if you watch recipe videos. Besides the most popular types The taste can be varied at your discretion. Other berries, spices and even raspberry leaves can be used. The list is limited only by your imagination.

Raspberry wine at home is popular and in demand because of its taste characteristics, which are remembered after the first glass. And even a novice winemaker can make it, provided he knows the recipe and strictly follows all stages of preparing an alcoholic drink.

Classic recipe with detailed description

The most simple recipe counts classic version, allowing you to get homemade drink With raspberry flavor and a delightful natural shade that is not embarrassing to present to guests at the festive table.

Ingredients required for the recipe:

  • 1 liter of raspberry berries;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g sugar.

The process of preparing homemade raspberry wine according to the recipe:

  1. Mash the berries to a puree and place in a clean container intended for fermentation.
  2. Add 700 ml of water, 300 g of sugar and mix.
  3. The container should be 70% filled, since the remaining space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide that will be released during fermentation.
  4. Install a water seal or glove, with a hole in one finger made with a needle
  5. Send the wort to a room with a temperature of 18-25°C for fermentation for 10 days, stirring it regularly clean hand or using a wooden spoon.
  6. After the time has passed, filter the composition using gauze cloth and squeeze out the pulp. Combine the resulting liquid with 100 g of sugar and 300 ml of water.
  7. After 3 days, add 100 g of sugar. To do this, drain 50 g of the fermenting composition, dilute the sweetener in it and fill a common container with the prepared syrup, then install the shutter.
  8. Within 55 days from the moment the last portion of the sweetener was added, the composition will begin to ferment. After 45 days, the drink requires removal from the sediment by pouring it into another container.
  9. A signal for the end of fermentation will be the deflation of the glove or the cessation of bubbling by the water seal, as well as a change in the color of the wort.
  10. Homemade raspberry wine once again needs to be removed from the sediment. Then fill the prepared bottles, close them tightly with corks and store for 5-6 months in a room whose temperature ranges from 6 to 16°C above zero.

Important! The shelf life of homemade raspberry wine produced according to this recipe at home is 5 years. Strength -1-12% without fortification with alcoholic drinks.

How to make raspberry wine with raisins at home

The ideal solution would be to make raspberry wine at home with raisins. Dried fruits will enrich the drink unusual aroma and a noble shade. In addition, the yeast located on the surface of the raisins activates fermentation.

To prepare a homemade raspberry drink according to the recipe, you need to prepare:

  • 3 kg raspberries;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 8 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 200 g raisins (it is better to give preference dark varieties grapes).

Sequence of steps according to the recipe:

  1. Unwashed raspberry berries grind.
  2. Take water and combine with half the specified amount of sugar. For better dissolution, place the resulting mixture on the stove and cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cool the syrup and combine with berry puree. Add the raisins and leave the mixture for fermentation for 10 days in a warm room. The container with the wort must first be covered with gauze. The composition should be stirred every day.
  4. The next step is to remove the pulp, remove the sediment and add the remaining portion of sugar.
  5. After which the container must be closed with a water seal or a glove and removed until fermentation is complete for 60 days.
  6. Remove the homemade raspberry wine from the sediment and fill the bottles with it, seal it using corks.

Raspberry wine with cherries and currants

Guided by this recipe and correctly carrying out all the steps of the entertaining process, you can create high-quality homemade raspberry wine that will really compete with factory-produced wine products.


  • 1.5 l raspberry juice;
  • 1.5 liters of currant juice;
  • 1 liter cherry;
  • 1.5-2.5 kg of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Squeeze juice using unwashed raspberries, cherries, and currants. Combine everything and add half the sweetener. Cover the dishes with the ingredients using a water seal.
  2. After 14 days, add another portion of sugar and again endure the intensive fermentation stage.
  3. To get a wine with more alcohol, you need to add sugar until the wild yeast is killed by the increased alcohol concentration. At this moment, the drink will be distinguished by its strength and sweetness.
  4. If the strength is satisfactory, then you should wait until the fermentation process is complete and remove the liquid from the sediment.
  5. Fill with homemade raspberry wine bottles and close. Store for safekeeping by placing in a cellar, basement, or refrigerator for 60 days to ripen.

How to make fortified raspberry wine at home

The prepared drink according to this recipe is characterized by a sweetish taste and high strength levels, since fermentation is artificially interrupted by alcohol.

Components and proportions:

  • 5 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 350 g alcohol.

To make a fortified home raspberry drink The following procedure must be followed:

  1. Squeeze out unwashed fruits using a gauze cloth or using a juicer.
  2. Combine the squeezed mixture with 1 liter of water and leave to infuse for 6 hours; this will help remove wild yeast from the cake. Then you need to squeeze the fruit again.
  3. Combine juice and raspberry liquid, add 1 liter of water and 300 g of sugar. Place a shutter on the container and set it aside to ferment into a place where it is dark and there is no light.
  4. After 10 days, add 150 g of sweetener per liter of wine and install the shutter.
  5. As soon as the composition completes fermentation, it must be drained from the sediment and add 50 ml of alcohol per liter of wine.
  6. Fortified homemade wine must be kept in a room with cool temperatures and no light for 2 months, after which tasting can be carried out.

Advice! To make homemade wine sweeter, you need to add sugar. The alcohol contained will prevent the drink from fermenting again.

How to make homemade dry raspberry wine

This easy homemade raspberry wine recipe doesn't require much effort. The main thing is to be patient and follow the recipe exactly, since the dry drink is characterized by a low sugar content in the product.

Recipe ingredients set:

  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

The main processes for making homemade raspberry wine according to the recipe:

  1. Mash the berries until homogeneous mass and place in a fermentation container.
  2. Add half the specified amount of sugar and leave for 3 days at warm room temperature.
  3. After the time has passed, add water to the berry mixture.
  4. Install the shutter and leave it in a warm place for another 5 days.
  5. Then strain the contents of the container, pour into a bottle, add the remaining amount of sweetener and, installing the shutter, let it ferment.
  6. At the end of the fermentation process, pour the homemade wine into a bottle without sediment and store it in a room with a cool temperature.

Raspberry wine with sugar syrup

If you make a homemade drink according to this recipe, then gathered at the table with friends you can show off your masterpiece and drink the desired glass of homemade wine with syrup.
The recipe includes the following components:

  • 3 kg of berries;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

Recipe for homemade raspberry wine:

  1. Select from the entire mass the berries suitable for the production of the product, mash or chop using a meat grinder.
  2. Combine sugar with water, put on the stove, turn on low heat, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Then cool the resulting syrup and add it to the berry mixture, mix and put it in a room at room temperature for 7 days, shaking the contents daily.
  3. After a week, drain the juice and squeeze out the mass. Fill another container with the resulting wort, install a water seal, create room conditions, and leave for 45 days.
  4. Remove the young homemade wine from the sediment, filter, pour into a bottle and keep in a room with a cool temperature for 2 months.

Wine recipe without yeast

Made from berries such as raspberries, homemade wine is considered an example of a truly delicious alcoholic product. An event such as a romantic date will become much brighter if you take it with you and dilute it with a small bottle of an exquisite drink.

To create raspberry wine, it is not necessary to include fresh conventional yeast, since it is present on the surface of the berries. To make raspberry starter for homemade wine, you do not need to wash the berries. During the fermentation process, this substance reacts with sugar, thereby creating comfortable conditions for wine.

If you wish, you can add 100 g of yeast per 3 kg berry fruits and 3 kg of sugar. In this case, fermentation occurs faster and requires high-quality straining of the drink. When choosing this recipe and cooking method, you should constantly taste the homemade wine so that bitterness does not appear in it.

Homemade wine from frozen raspberries

Home winemaking allows you to get a drink from frozen raspberries with good taste qualities and aroma. A recipe for raspberry wine at home includes the following set of components:

  • 3 kg raspberries (frozen);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 200 g raisins.

Method of production according to recipe:

  1. Place frozen berries in a clean container and set to thaw at room temperature. There is no need to drain the released juice.
  2. Combine the defrosted berries with sugar, raisins, add water and put in a warm place, after covering with a lid.
  3. Once the sugar dissolves and the fruits float to the top, filter the contents of the container and squeeze the berries.
  4. Pour the resulting composition into the jar so that a third of the container remains free for a successful fermentation process. Add raisins.
  5. Install a water seal on the jars and set aside in a dry place with a warm temperature without access to light.
  6. When fermentation stops, filter the young homemade wine, bottle it and send it to a cool, dark room for 3 months to allow the drink to acquire strength and rich taste.

Raspberry raspberry wine with vodka

Raspberry wine at home with vodka will decorate the festive table and deliver an unforgettable taste experience. To make an alcoholic drink according to this recipe it will not take much time and special effort, and the result will exceed all expectations, which will pleasantly surprise all guests.

Set of components according to the recipe:

  • 3 kg raspberries;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 150 g vodka.

How to make an alcoholic drink according to the recipe:

  1. Heat the water a little and add sugar, stirring well to completely dissolve it.
  2. Mash the sorted berries until smooth and pour in the prepared syrup. Leave to infuse for 7 days, while constantly stirring the berry mixture.
  3. After the time has passed, pass the contents through cheesecloth into a jar, seal the neck with a rubber glove and set the drink aside for another 7 days.
  4. When the glove swells, pass it through gauze again and add vodka.
  5. Seal tightly and leave to ripen for 3 months.

How to make semi-sweet raspberry wine at home

Raspberry semi-sweet homemade wine is one of the popular and sought-after alcoholic drinks, which is characterized by beautiful color, harmonious taste, balance of acid and sweetness.

Ingredients according to the recipe:

  • 4 kg raspberries;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1.2 kg sugar.

Homemade raspberry wine recipe:

  1. Make a puree from unwashed raspberries and place in a container for fermentation.
  2. Add 1 kg of sugar and add warm water. Mix all the ingredients and leave the resulting mass to ferment for 4 days in a warm place. A water seal should be installed on the container.
  3. After time, filter the wort, removing berry fibers from it and add another 200 g of sweetness.
  4. Reinstall the water seal and wait for the fermentation process to complete, which can last 3 weeks.
  5. A signal about the end of successful fermentation will be the acquisition of a light-colored wort, the formation of sediment at the bottom and the cessation of bubbling by the water seal. After this, you should pour the young homemade wine into a separate container, filling it to the top, and close it tightly to preserve the freshness of the drink after uncorking. This will help prevent oxygen from coming into contact with the raspberry drink.
  6. Place for 2-3 months in a room where it is cool and dark, in which the temperature ranges from 5 to 16ﹾC above zero. Over time, homemade wine will improve and will produce a pleasant taste when tasting.

Raspberry jam wine

The recipe based on raspberry jam is considered unique, as it helps create homemade wine in a relatively short period. At the same time, the drink has a very soft and refined aroma of ripe berries.

Recipe ingredients and proportions:

  • 1.5 kg raspberry jam;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 200 g raisins.

Basic processes during production according to the recipe:

  1. Heat water and add to it raspberry jam and dried fruits, after sorting them out and removing damaged fruits. Stir all ingredients well and pour into a bottle or jar, filling 2/3 of the volume.
  2. Install a water seal or put on a glove, then remove the wort to a room with a warm temperature for 1 month for fermentation.
  3. Carefully pour the fermented composition into another container, then strain and fill the bottles, put them away for storage, closing them tightly.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use jam with signs of mold to make wine.


Raspberry wine at home will help diversify the festive table, and if the owner is also a winemaker, then surprise guests with one of his masterpieces, which has original taste and rich berry aroma.

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