How to prepare lingonberries for the winter. Lingonberry compote. Fragrant lingonberries soaked in honey

Lingonberry is a traditional berry for Russia, growing in most of its territory (middle zone, tundra). How did it happen that the recipe for pickled lingonberries became something akin to “ancient exoticism” for modern supporters of a healthy diet?

People living in cities have limited access to natural products– and lingonberries can only be found in the supermarket in the frozen fruit and berry section. It is known that cultivated lingonberries have higher yields compared to wild ones - up to 20-30 times! At the same time, it is practically not inferior in useful qualities its predecessor (vitamin C content is slightly reduced), so buy a bag of frozen berries and cook delicious fruit drink- no problem.

However, strict raw foodists still consider such a product a “delicacy” - due to the freezing of the water contained in the berry, the cell membranes are destroyed, so the product ultimately is no longer “the same.” Of course, if possible, it is better to go to the forest in August-September and pick the berries yourself to make “lingonberry water” or other healthy dishes and drinks. And you should use it as soon as possible!

Attention: Lingonberry has a significant drawback: it “collects” and accumulates radioactive substances and other toxins, so you need reliable information about the place where this shrub grows and - important! – berry picking should be carried out away from busy roads and highways, industrial facilities.

Ancient secrets of soaking berries: preserving valuable qualities

Urine is a common method of preparing berries for future use, used in Rus' since ancient times. This method can preserve cranberries, lingonberries, and Antonovka apples until spring. Only the best fruits and berries are selected for harvesting - ripe, undamaged.

Of course, the modern approach to urination is significantly different from the ancient one. We used real wooden barrels and kegs or earthenware, which were necessary for cooking and preservation. special conditions- a dark, cool cellar just the best place for this. And the technology of urination itself is no longer the same - some ingredients are simply not familiar to us. So, in V. Pokhlebkin’s culinary dictionary the recipe is indicated soaked apples, for which the filling is not sugar syrup, but licorice water (decoction of licorice root) with spices - cloves and cinnamon.

There are several ways to cook soaked lingonberries, but to preserve it, the best way is to urinate without adding sugar. What valuable qualities does a berry prepared in this way have? Lingonberries contain up to 86% water, up to 10-12% easily digestible monosaccharides, organic acids, pectin, antioxidants, flavonoids, arbutin, tannins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP and E, fatty acids, calcium, magnesium , potassium, iron and other minerals. The preservation of ripe berries during urination is ensured by benzoic acid (0.2%), which has preservative properties.

Experimental pharmacological studies have established that pickled lingonberries and “lingonberry water” can be used as tonics, antipyretics, astringents, urinary antiseptics and mild laxatives.

Contraindications and precautions

Lingonberry preparations, in particular its “soaked” version, are contraindicated for:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, gastritis with high acidity;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostate tumors;
  • hypotension;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney stones.

Berry scattering of recipes

Recipe for soaked lingonberries “Simple”

Thanks to its simplicity, this the recipe will work even for those who do not have their own cellar. Store dishes with pickled berries you can, for example, on a balcony, having previously placed it, for example, in a box or box that does not allow light to pass through. So, to prepare “classic” pickled lingonberries you will need sorted ripe berries (you don’t have to wash them) and pure water(preferably spring water) in a ratio of 1:3. You can start by preparing a small amount of, for example, a three-liter jar. The technology is as follows: fill the jar 1/3 with berries, add water to the top and close the lid or tie it up. parchment paper. Send to “exile” on the balcony in a prepared place for 7 days.

Gradually the berry gives away useful material and your taste into the water, and just after a week you can evaluate the result and “take the first sample.” You should pour a little (about a glass) of the resulting drink and immediately replace the amount of water. This “water cycle in lingonberries” is possible until spring, so it’s good to use large dishes (optimally a 25 liter barrel). If you only have jars, you should pour a little from all of them, then you will have delicious “lingonberry water” on your table almost every day. In this case, lingonberries become “thin” by spring, because all the beneficial substances went into the drink. This berry is no longer eaten.

Recipe for soaked lingonberries “Modern”

Required: washed ripe berries lingonberries, sugar (in a ratio of 2:1 or 5:2), cold filtered or spring water, aromatic spices to taste (cloves, cinnamon, allspice).

Preparation: Place the berries in an enamel container suitable for storage (bucket, pan with a lid) so that it is filled halfway. Place pressure on top and fill to the top with an aqueous solution of sugar and spices. Then the dishes are closed and left to be stored in the cellar for up to 30 days. These soaked lingonberries can be used as jam or diluted boiled water for preparing a soft drink.

Tip: instead sugar solution you can take the solution natural honey(0.6 kg per 3-4 liters of cold boiled water)

Recipe for pickled lingonberries “Traditional”

You will need: ripe lingonberries; for filling: boiled water, sugar, salt, spices (for 1 liter of water you will need 100 g of sugar, 1 tsp of salt).

Preparation: Boil and cool the filling. Place the washed lingonberries in a container for soaking (to the top), pour in the prepared cold brine. For taste, you can add spices and quartered apples. Place the oppression, cover with lids with holes or cloth and leave in a dark place for 20 days. After opening, you can leave it in the refrigerator. Such pickled lingonberries - classic way prepare vitamin berries for the winter.

Express recipe for pickled lingonberries for sauces

You will need: lingonberries (1 kg), water (900 ml), sugar (1 tbsp), salt (0.5 tsp), cloves, cinnamon.

Preparation: Boil syrup from water, sugar and spices, cool it completely. Place the washed berries in glass jars, pour syrup and leave for 3-4 days at a temperature of 10-15°C, then put in the refrigerator.

Bright healthy berries sometimes used as a “companion” in preparations and salads, and so classic example– apples soaked with lingonberries:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Lingonberries are found in central Russia. To prepare for the winter, this berry does not need to be boiled. The fruits and leaves contain useful substances that help treat colds, vitamin deficiency and rheumatism. From today's article you will learn how to properly prepare lingonberries for the winter.

The fruits may long time retain their beneficial properties if they are not subjected to heat treatment, and for this, housewives prefer to soak, pickle or freeze the berries.

To soak the fruits, they are poured sugar syrups, but you can also crush it; salt and granulated sugar are added to the marinade. It is acceptable to store berries in honey. Freezing is carried out “dry” in tightly tied bags or containers. Housewives even store berries, crushed with a blender, in plastic bottles.

No cooking

There is a proven method of harvesting medicinal fruits, which is also called cold. You need to take 1 kg of berries and the same amount of granulated sugar.

The berries are sorted and thoroughly washed with water so that no branches, leaves or dead insects remain. Next, the raw materials need to be placed in a colander and wait until the water drains. The fruits, dried on a towel, are placed in layers in sterile jars and covered with sugar. Finally, you need to tightly close the containers with plastic lids.

Homemade lingonberries with sugar without cooking are perfectly stored in the refrigerator for the winter. It is perfect for making compotes and fruit drinks, as well as baking.


Now we will tell you how to properly prepare lingonberries for the winter in own juice, that is, without sugar, retaining maximum nutrients.

All you need is berries. Their number depends on how many cans you plan to close. The berries need to be sorted and divided into two parts: the juice is squeezed out of one, the rest are poured in, then the mixture is brought to a boil. Fruits with juice are poured into sterile jars and sealed with lids. Store canned food in a cool and dark place.


Berries can be soaked with granulated sugar or without it. There are many options for making soaked dessert. Many years ago, berries were soaked in a wooden tub or clay jar; today this is done in a large jar.

We present to your attention good recipe soaked lingonberries, which can be prepared at home using 1 kg of berries, 1 liter of distilled or chilled boiled water, as well as 600 g of granulated sugar and a little salt.

First you need to prepare a syrup from water, granulated sugar and salt. While it is hot, you should pour the fruits poured into the jars, then they will remain whole, elastic and juicy. We recommend rolling with lids that have holes, placing a layer of gauze underneath. Preservation should be stored at room temperature no more than 10 days, then it is transferred to the cellar or refrigerator.

To make seaming for the winter without using granulated sugar, you will need one liter jar fresh berries, a handful of leaves, as well as 2 liters of water.

The berries are washed, dried and poured into three liter jars, placing the leaves there too. Pour water, cover the neck with gauze or nylon, then a lid with holes. The preparations are stored in the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Video “Lingonberries without cooking for the winter”

From this video you will learn a recipe for preparing lingonberries for the winter without cooking.

Sweet options

In winter it’s so nice to open a jar of delicious jam or marmalade. There are many interesting options desserts prepared for future use.


Lingonberry jams are prepared quickly and easily; they are used both in cooking and in folk medicine as a tasty medicine.

Make homemade jam can be made from 1 kg of berries, 1 glass of water, adding 800 g of granulated sugar.

After sorting and washing the berries, you need to cook them over low heat for 10 minutes, adding water and stirring occasionally. After adding granulated sugar, cooking lasts another 40 minutes, then you can pack it into jars and seal with lids.


The basis of the pastille is berry puree, made from raw fruits in a blender or steamed in a saucepan or thick-walled pot placed in the oven. Pastila is dried in a natural way, spread out on paper in the sun or in the oven. Natural lingonberry pastille is very tasty without granulated sugar, and also with the addition of honey, apples or blueberries.

For example, to get sugar marshmallow, you need to take 1 kg of berries and 200 g of granulated sugar, mix the puree with granulated sugar, stir until it dissolves. Then the pan or basin is placed on the stove, boiling the contents by half, ready-made marshmallow dried.


Housewives also like to prepare beautiful lingonberry jelly with pleasant taste and aroma. It will require 8 cups of fresh berries, 4 cups of granulated sugar, 3 cups of water and 50 g of gelatin.

The fruits should be scalded with boiling water, placed in a colander, and then mashed using a potato press. The resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth, granulated sugar is poured into the juice, it must be cooked over low heat and stirred. When the mixture boils, add gelatin, stir with a spoon and cook for a few more minutes. Now the dish can be sent to jars, sterilized and rolled up.


To prepare the drink, fresh or frozen fruits are suitable, as well as fresh or dried leaves of the bush. Homemade syrups are made using the cold method without water, as well as the hot method with or without water.

We offer you a recipe for a drink that requires 1 kg of washed and dried berries and the same amount of granulated sugar. The fruits are placed in three-liter jars, with granulated sugar on top. And so on in layers. The containers must be covered with lids (only loosely), placed in the refrigerator and shaken periodically.


From lingonberry fruits you can prepare thick jam with apples or pears. For this you will need 1 kg of berries, 500 g of fruit and 300 g of granulated sugar.

Prepared berries should be doused with boiling water and placed in a colander, the fruit should be washed under the tap, peeled and cored. Apples and pears are cut into pieces, granulated sugar is dissolved in water strained from the berries and boiled. Hot liquid is poured over berries and fruits; after boiling, the mass becomes homogeneous and transparent. The hot jam is placed in a glass or clay container, which is covered with a lid, cellophane or parchment. Store in the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Jams with and without additives

Sweet and sour, with a barely noticeable pleasant bitterness, lingonberry jam will appeal to everyone. Classic treat can be prepared from 1 kg of berries, the same amount of granulated sugar and 400 ml of water. Prerequisite: you will need a large stainless steel basin or pan; aluminum and copper will not work.

"Five Minute"

Even a novice housewife will need a minimum of time to prepare jam from 3 kg of fresh berries and 2 kg of granulated sugar.

When the fruits are sorted and washed, they need to be doused with boiling water, poured into a pan or basin along with granulated sugar, and left for 1 hour. Then bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally, and cook for about 5 minutes.

With pears

To prepare the next dessert, take 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of pears, another 3 glasses of water and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Clean berries are poured with boiling water, after a few minutes they are dried, thrown into a colander. The fruits are peeled and seeded and cut into pieces. Granulated sugar is poured into water and boiled, and berries and fruits are also sent there. You need to wait until it boils and stir occasionally. The container is removed from the heat. We recommend leaving it overnight, and the next day boiling again and cooking for 10 minutes, after which you can pack it into jars.

With apples

Your favorite apples will add new notes to the fragrant lingonberry delicacy. For the dish, prepare 1 kg of fruits and berries, a little more granulated sugar - 1.3 kg, and 1 glass of water.

The berries should be washed with running water and placed in boiling water for 2 minutes. The apples are peeled and cored, they are cut into pieces and also blanched to soften. Fruits and berries are combined in a large basin or pan, poured with hot liquid prepared from water and granulated sugar, and boiled until tender.

With oranges

To prepare a delicacy with an unforgettable citrus aroma You will need 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of oranges and 1 kg of granulated sugar.

The berries are sorted and washed, after drying, they are poured into a saucepan along with sugar and cooked over low heat. The fruits are blanched, immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes, chopped into pieces, removing the seeds. They must be passed through a meat grinder along with the zest. When the berry mixture boils, cook it for about 15 minutes and add citrus fruits. The treat is cooked for half an hour, placed in sterile jars and stored in the cellar.

With raspberries

Berry lovers can prepare beautiful and healthy treat from 2.3 kg of raspberries, 900 g of lingonberry fruits, 580 g of granulated sugar and 320 ml of water.

The fruits should be sorted and washed, drained in a colander, and dried. Meanwhile, water is poured into the pan and cooked together with granulated sugar until it is completely dissolved. Berries are poured into the hot liquid; the product must be simmered for 5 minutes. When the mass removed from the heat has infused, juice will appear (this process takes about 4 hours), the pan is returned to the stove, and the dish is brought to a boil over medium heat. It needs to be simmered for 1 hour, removing the foam. Pour lingonberry-raspberry jam into jars and after it has cooled, roll up the lids.

In order for the berries to retain most of their vitamins, they need to be dried in the oven. To begin with, the fruits are washed with water and dried, placing them evenly on a baking sheet. The berries are dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 60 °C for 3-4 hours. It is important to take out the leaf every hour, shake it and then distribute the fruit over it again in an even layer.

Today there are many cooking technologies known unusual jam with honey or rum. You can get a healthy treat by grinding the berries with granulated sugar or soaking them in your juice, making a fruit drink or liqueur, drying the fruits and then adding them to coffee or tea. Any winter preparations They are perfectly stored in the refrigerator, cellar or basement, where there is little light and cool.

Lingonberries contain sugars, tannins, riboflavin (vitamin B2), manganese compounds, complex organic acids, as well as benzoic acid, which protects them from rotting.

In addition to food purposes, berries are used in the treatment of: hypertension, atherosclerosis, gastritis with low acidity. Lingonberry fruits lower blood sugar levels and are used as an adjuvant in the treatment of mild forms of diabetes.

Lingonberries are prepared as juices, jams, jams, marinades, etc., juices and wines are made from them

Sort the ripe berries, remove the stalk, dry remains of flowers and other impurities, rinse thoroughly in cold water. Then blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes (depending on the ripeness and size of the berries), drain the water and cool the berries. You can blanch in small portions by placing the berries in a colander in boiling water. The water in which the berries were boiled is suitable for making syrup.
Place the berries into the prepared hot syrup and cook in one step: for the first 8-10 minutes over high heat, stirring the berries very carefully with a slotted spoon or spoon and removing the resulting foam, and then over low heat until tender. Cooking time from the moment of boiling is 20-25 minutes. Determine the readiness of the jam using a “drop” test.
Remove the jam from the heat and leave to cool and stand for 8-10 hours, then pack into clean, dry glass jars with a capacity of 1 or 2 liters, close with lids and store in a dark, cool place.

For 1 kg of berries - 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Prepare the berries as in the first recipe. Apples, preferably cinnamon, Antonov, anise, peel, remove the core, cut into slices 7-8 mm thick and blanch in the same way as lingonberries. Place them together in hot syrup and cook over low heat until tender.

500 g lingonberries, 500 g apples, 1.3 kg sugar, 1 glass of water.

Extraordinary delicious jam can be cooked with honey. Sort and wash the ripe berries. After blanching them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, place them in the prepared syrup. Cook until done over low heat in one batch.
Before the end of cooking, add seasoning - mint leaves (2-3 pieces), linden blossom and rose petals.
Pack the jam into clean, dry glass jars, close the lids and store in a cool, dark place.
FOR syrup: for 1 kg of berries - 100 g of water, 500-700 g of honey, on the tip of a knife ground cinnamon, 2-3 buds of cloves and 1 teaspoon of lemon zest.

Wash the sorted lingonberries, cleared of leaves, rotten and unripe berries, scald with boiling water and immediately drain. Peel apples and pears, cut into 4 slices, remove core. Prepare syrup, pour it over lingonberries along with apples and pears. Cook until the fruits become transparent. Before the end of cooking, add some finely chopped orange peels boiled in sugar.
Transfer the hot jam into a clay dish and cover tightly with cellophane.
For 1 kg of lingonberries - 250 g apples, 250 g pears, 300 g sugar.

Sort the lingonberries, rinse in cold water and blanch in boiling water for no more than 3 seconds. Wash the carrots thoroughly, trim the ends, peel them and cut out any damaged areas. Cut the peeled carrots into 4-5 mm thick circles or cubes and blanch in boiling water for 10 minutes.
After blanching, pour the berries into a basin or pan, add sugar, heat to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes, then add blanched carrots and cook, stirring. When the temperature reaches 102°C, remove the product from the heat and pack it hot into glass jars.
Sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes.
1 kg of lingonberries, 450 g of peeled carrots, 350 g of sugar.

Sort out the ripe lingonberries, rinse, let the water drain and pour into wooden barrel or other suitable container with a layer of 10 cm, tamp until the juice appears, then pour the next layer - 10 cm and so on until the barrel is filled. Place a wooden circle on the berries, press on it, and store in a cool place.
Before serving as a dessert, sprinkle the berries with granulated sugar and stir.
You can use them to cook jelly, prepare drinks, fruit drinks.

Rinse fresh, evenly colored berries thoroughly in several waters. After washing, transfer the berries to a sieve to drain the water. To prepare juice, you can select unevenly colored fruits.
Pour freshly squeezed juice over the berries, heat in a saucepan to a temperature of 95°C, quickly pack into hot glass jars; sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 5-6 minutes, liter jars for 10 minutes, three-liter jars for 20 minutes; roll up.
For 7 parts berries - 3 parts juice.

Sort out the ripe lingonberries, wash them, add water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, you need to let the lingonberries brew for 2-3 hours and put them on a sieve so that the juice drains overnight.
The next day, add sugar to the juice, mix everything and boil for 10 minutes.
Pour hot juice into jars and sterilize: half-liter jars for 25 minutes, liter jars for 35 minutes and three-liter jars for 45 minutes.
After sterilization, immediately roll up the hot jars.
For 1200 g of juice - 600 g of sugar.

Place the prepared lingonberries into a clean tub. enamel pan, bucket or jar and fill with chilled filling, leave in a warm place for fermentation for 2-3 days, then put in a cold cellar or basement for storage.
Serve it on the table as a seasoning for meat, cereals and vegetable dishes, and also in the form of dessert.
For pouring: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 5 g of salt, 1 g of cinnamon, 0.5 g of cloves - bring to a boil, then cool. You can add apples cut in half.

If there is no cellar or basement, lingonberries for home storage You can soak it this way. Fill the prepared three-liter jars with washed lingonberries to the very top, fill with chilled filling, seal with a lid and store.
Use lingonberries as a side dish for all meat dishes, especially poultry.
For filling: 1 liter of water, 200 g of sugar.

Pickled lingonberries are good in combination with apples or pears. Prepare the berries. Cut apples or pears into 4 parts, blanch in boiling water (pears - 4-5 minutes, apples - 1-3 minutes) and cool in cold water. The berries can be mixed with apples or pears, or they can be placed in rows in a jar.
Fill the jars with chilled marinade, then pasteurize liter jars for 15 minutes, two-liter jars for 25 minutes, and immediately roll up the lids.
For 1 kg of lingonberries - 0.5 kg of apples or pears. For the marinade: 2.5 cups of water (630 g), half a cup (120 g) table vinegar, 10 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of salt.
Spices can include cinnamon, cloves, and allspice.

In winter, it is good to serve fresh lingonberries for dessert, prepared as follows. Peel small overripe and crushed lingonberries from impurities, wash them and, after draining the water, put them in a wide bowl in the oven or simmer on the stove in their own juice until they become soft.
After cooling, rub through a sieve and put one part of honey on two parts of the resulting puree. Stir the puree well with a wooden spoon until the honey dissolves. This way you will have a filling for selected berries. Now you need to select ripe, undamaged fresh berries, wash them well, dry them and put them in jars up to the shoulders, and then pour them with the prepared puree, shaking them carefully so that the voids are better filled.
Close the jars with lids and store in a cool place.

Sort the berries, rinse and air dry in the shade. When they are dry, place them on a baking sheet and place them in hot oven(even better overnight in a cooling Russian oven). Dried berries can be stored in clay or glass jars, tied with gauze.
If the dried berries are crushed in a coffee grinder, they are perfectly stored (3-5 years or more) in coffee cans or cardboard bags from under the tea. Pour one teaspoon of lingonberry powder into a glass of cold or boiled water. hot water- it will work out wonderful drink with the taste of fresh lingonberries.
This same powder will be an excellent raw material for numerous confectionery, sauces, juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

Lingonberries are one of the most precious gifts of the Russian north. Unnoticeable, hiding in coniferous forests and peat bogs, by September it is covered with waves of scarlet berries, storing a variety of valuable substances. Stocking them for the winter, fresh or with sugar, means providing yourself with natural medicines during snowstorms and colds. Get to know the best recipes preparing berries without cooking, find out how to cook them delicious jam, fine wine, sweet jam, sauce loved by millions, remember the highlight national cuisine– soaked lingonberries.

Why is it better to harvest lingonberries without heat treatment?

The taiga berry is intended to feed wintering birds: black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse - therefore it is simply obliged to accumulate a decent amount of various vitamins to maintain metabolism in the harsh season. And vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, do not like contact with metal and exposure to high temperatures.

Nature took care of the safety of lingonberries throughout long winter. The pulp of red berries contains, among others, two important acids: benzoic and salicylic. Both of them are excellent antibacterial agents, thanks to which lingonberries never spoil, even if they are not preserved in any way. The ancient Slavs knew about this, who either dried the berries or simply threw them into ice water poured into large wooden containers.

Lingonberries with sugar without cooking - cold preparation method

If lingonberries are needed for medicinal purposes: to boost the immune system, overcome a cold, cope with an infection, it is best to freeze it or cook it with sugar using the following technology.

Ripe lingonberries

  1. The berries are sorted and washed thoroughly, since twigs, leaves, and small dead insects could remain on their surface. Place in a colander and, shaking slightly, allow the water to drain and dry on a towel.
  2. Layers of lingonberries and sugar are placed in sterilized jars. For 1 kg of berries you will need the same or a little more sugar (to taste). The very first layer should be berries, the last should be sugar.
  3. The jars are sealed with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator for up to a year. You can use them to make compotes, fruit drinks, pie fillings, and decorations for sweet pastries.

Advice. If you grind the berries with sugar using a blender or at least a potato masher, the result will be sour vitamin puree, which you can simply eat a spoonful of every day.

Lingonberry jam - a ruby ​​cure for everything in the world

We do not know for certain what kind of jam Carlson, who lived on the roof, loved, but no one doubts that if he had been offered lingonberry, he would have immediately asked for a second helping. Sweet and sour, without cloying, with a barely noticeable noble bitterness - and what kind of medicine would be without it - lingonberry jam is rightfully considered the pearl of northern cuisine, helping to survive the severe cold of the Arctic Circle without loss.

Classic jam is prepared on the basis of syrup, for which the same amount of sugar by weight is taken as the berries. If, for example, you decide to take 1 kg of sugar, then you will need 400 ml of water.

Lingonberry jam

It is better to use wide and shallow dishes: this will allow the process of evaporation of excess moisture to proceed faster. Best material utensils – stainless steel. Aluminum and copper pots and basins are not suitable for cooking lingonberry jam, since the acids of the berries can enter into chemical reactions with these metals, which will lead to the appearance of harmful substances.

Selecting dishes is the longest stage of preparing lingonberry jam. After the sugar is diluted in water and boils, add lingonberries to the liquid and cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes. The foam is skimmed off with a steel slotted spoon and distributed to those who wish to enjoy it.

The finished jam can be rolled into sterile jars or, after waiting for it to cool completely, store under a plastic lid in the refrigerator.

Advice. If there are a lot of lingonberries, you can diversify the jam by cooking some of it with pears, and some with apples and walnuts.

Lingonberry jam is a folk delicacy of the Scandinavian countries

Unlike jam, jam simply must have a thick, uniform consistency, which makes it so convenient to spread on toast or cookies. Homeland lingonberry jam– silta – are from Sweden and its neighboring countries, where it is customary to prepare it with sprigs of thyme or juniper.

For jam, use half as much sugar as berries, and just a little water, 2-3 tablespoons. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan at once and heated over low heat. After waiting for the berries to soften, grind them with a pestle, fork or masher without removing them from the stove.

The jam will be ready as soon as all the sugar crystals have dissolved. By this time he will have acquired saturated color and the required thickness. You can store it, like jam, under any lids.

If you are going to make wine from lingonberries, you do not need to wash the berries

Homemade lingonberry wine - the envy of Bacchus

To make this romantic wine, it is recommended not to wash the berries, since their skin contains natural microorganisms that promote fermentation, but rotten and spoiled berries should still be separated. Selected raw materials are ground in a meat grinder and transferred to deep container and add water at the rate of 2 liters of liquid per 1 kg of berries. Cover from dust with a piece of gauze and place in a warm place.

After a week, the juice is filtered from the mixture - it has already fermented and is ready to begin to turn into divine nectar. Take another 2 liters of water, dissolve 1 kg of sugar in it and combine with juice. The main fermentation does not occur less than a month, and all this time carbon dioxide will be actively released, to remove which the container with juice is closed with a rubber glove, and the tip of one of its fingers is cut off to allow the gas to escape.

The completion of rapid gas formation will indicate the readiness time of the young wine. It is carefully drained, without affecting the sediment, into another container and stored in the cellar for a couple of months. A bottle covered with fresh cobwebs will decorate a feast as an exquisite aperitif no worse than any Burgundy.

Lingonberry sauce is shashlik’s best friend

Making this amazing seasoning meat dishes The cook will only require 100 g of berries, a glass of semi-sweet red wine, a cinnamon stick or a little grated ginger and honey to taste. The magic of making a sauce is this:

  • lingonberry beads, 2-3 tablespoons of sugary honey and cinnamon are added to the wine;

Soaked lingonberries

  • cook the sauce over very low heat to the desired thickness;
  • To achieve homogeneity, grind the sauce on a sieve or beat in a blender, adding a little more honey if necessary.

Advice. For those who like a thicker sauce, you can dilute a couple of teaspoons of starch in cold water and gradually, stirring, pour into the preparing sauce.

Pickled lingonberries - simple and healthy

Preparing soaked lingonberries and the accompanying “lingonberry water” is even easier than the notorious steamed turnips. A large glass jar (or, ideally, a clay jar or wooden bowl) is filled one third with berries, topped up with water, covered with paper or cloth and placed in a cool place.

Lingonberries are considered medicinal and beneficial. The fruits are used to prepare delicacies and as a treatment for diabetes and cystitis. Lingonberries are harvested for the winter in different variations, to save useful properties The berries must be kept as fresh as possible. Most often, lingonberries are frozen in pure form, jam, compote, preserves, and fruit drinks are often prepared on its basis.

Lingonberry jam in half an hour

  • lingonberries - 2.6 kg.
  • sugar - 3 kg.
  • citric acid - 5 gr.
  1. First, process the berries, sort the fruits, separating the unripe, bruised, and spoiled ones. Pour cool water into a bowl and soak the raw materials in it. After 25 minutes, place the fruits on a towel and let dry.
  2. Take a heat-resistant container and lay granulated sugar and lingonberries in layers. Place the filled container in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Next, mix the mixture to a homogeneous paste.
  3. Set the burner to medium power and simmer the product until the sugar crystals melt. When the granules dissolve, increase the burner power. Cook the lingonberry mixture for another 25 minutes, removing the foam.
  4. After the time is up, add citric acid. This way it will acquire a more pronounced taste. Pour the cooled product into sterile containers. Roll up and place in the cold.

Lingonberry jam in a slow cooker

  • drinking water - 165 ml.
  • sugar - 950 gr.
  • fresh lingonberries - 1.5 kg.
  1. First, prepare the berries; they need to be sorted and kept in cold water for a third of an hour. After this, rinse the lingonberries thoroughly and place them on a cloth to dry.
  2. Bring the liquid until the first bubbles appear; as soon as this happens, pour water into the multicooker container. Add sugar and set the “Stewing” program.
  3. Simmer the contents for 10 minutes, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. At the end of this time, open the lid, stir in the syrup and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  4. Add the prepared berries; you can grind them in a meat grinder. Set the timer on the multicooker for 15 minutes, simmer the mixture under the lid. Stir the jam periodically.
  5. Pour the finished product into containers, screw on the lids, and store in the cold.

Rum lingonberry jam

  • strawberries - 300 gr.
  • honey - 400 gr.
  • Lingonberries - 350 gr.
  • rum (to your taste) - 35 ml.
  • raspberries - 230 gr.
  • black currant - 240 gr.
  1. Soak the berries in a bowl with cool water. Clear the fruits of any debris. Place the assortment on a towel to dry. Take metal pan, crush the berries with a potato masher.
  2. Add honey, mix the mixture, leave to infuse for 1.5 hours. Such manipulations are carried out in order for the berries to release juice. Next, place the heat-resistant container with the composition on the burner. Simmer the mixture for 45 minutes at low heat, skimming off any foam that has formed.
  3. Upon completion of cooking, turn off the stove, add alcohol to the total mixture, and stir until smooth. Pack into sterile containers, roll up, transfer the finished product to the cold.

Simple lingonberry jam

  • lingonberries - 1.6 kg.
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • filtered water - 325 ml.
  1. Add sugar and water to a heat-resistant container. Turn on the burner to medium heat, place the dishes, and wait until it boils.
  2. Then add the berries and boil the product for a quarter of an hour. Use a slotted spoon to remove any foam that forms. Pour the resulting mixture into pre-sterilized containers and seal.

Lingonberry jam

  • lingonberries - 1.1 kg.
  • filtered water - 330 ml.
  • sugar - 530 gr.
  1. Try to use fresh berries. If this is not possible, frozen lingonberries will also work. Add fruit and water to a small metal saucepan and wait until it boils. Remove the mixture from the heat and turn the berries into porridge.
  2. Pass the resulting mass through cheesecloth, pour sugar into the berry puree. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. Pour the resulting jam into jars and close tightly. Store in the refrigerator.

Honey jam with lingonberries

  • drinking water - 120 ml.
  • honey - 700 gr.
  • lingonberries - 1 kg.
  • lemon balm leaves - 7 pcs.
  1. Take a small enamel container, mix honey and water in it, and place it on the burner. When the first bubbles appear, reduce the power to medium. Skim off foam if necessary.
  2. Pour the lingonberries into the syrup, stir the mixture, and cook over low heat until bubbles appear. If desired, you can add mint at the end of cooking; the jam will acquire a pleasant aroma.
  3. Pour the final composition into sterilized containers. Roll up, put away in a suitable place long-term storage place.

Lingonberry-raspberry jam

  • Lingonberries - 900 gr.
  • raspberries - 2.3 kg.
  • sugar - 580 gr.
  • drinking water - 320 ml.
  1. Sort through the fruits, separating suitable specimens from spoiled, soft, and overripe ones. Wash the berries in a suitable container.
  2. Place them in a colander to drain the liquid, then place them on paper towels to dry completely. Place the pan over medium heat, add sugar and mix with water. Wait for the sand granules to dissolve.
  3. As soon as the syrup boils, add dried raspberries and lingonberries into it. Simmer the product for 5 minutes, then remove from the burner. Let the mixture sit for about 4 hours until the berries release their juice. After this, put the mixture back on the burner.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, simmer for about an hour, skimming off any foam that appears. Sterilize glass jars, pour jam into them, wait until completely cool. Roll up the lids and place in the designated area.

  • filtered water - 1 l.
  • sugar - 55 gr.
  • lingonberries - 400 gr.
  • table salt - 18 gr.
  • cloves - 6 buds
  • cinnamon - 1 stick
  1. Pickled lingonberries have a universal purpose. If desired, add berries to salads, eat with meat, fish, and first courses.
  2. To prepare the product, take a small container, mix all the ingredients in it, and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. Spill hot composition into glass containers, close with nylon/tin lids.
  4. You can grind the scalded fruits in a blender or meat grinder to get a delicious berry sauce.

Ground lingonberries with sugar

  • fresh lingonberries - 1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
  1. Rinse and remove leaves and sticks from the berries. Place on a towel and let dry for a while. Mix sugar and fruits until porridge, pass through a blender.
  2. Pack the resulting mass into glass containers. If you wish, you can replace sugar with honey (the amount is added at your discretion). Finished product You can add it to tea or mix it with water; this will not cause lingonberries to lose their beneficial properties.

Lingonberries in their own juice

  • Lingonberries - 2 kg.
  • honey - 1 kg.
  1. Sort through the lingonberries, separating spoiled fruits from large and moderately ripe ones. Rinse the berries with a colander and let the water drain. Pour lingonberries onto a towel and dry.
  2. Send 1.5 kg. berries into an oven preheated to 120 degrees. Wait until the lingonberries begin to turn into mush. Remove the product from the oven and rub through cheesecloth.
  3. Mix the mixture with honey until smooth. Pour the remaining berries into glass containers, filling them with the cooked filling. Send the workpieces to a cool place.

  • Lingonberries - 400 gr.
  • clean water - 250 ml.
  • sugar - to taste
  1. Grind the berries into porridge, pass through a gauze cloth, and fill the puree with water. Cook over medium heat for about 7 minutes in a small iron container.
  2. Upon completion of cooking, strain the mixture again through cheesecloth. Cool and pour into glasses, add sugar or honey to taste. Fruit juice is especially useful for colds.

Lingonberry liqueur

  • Lingonberries - 500 gr.
  • vodka - 0.5 l.
  • sugar - 400 gr.
  • filtered water - 3 l.
  1. Rinse the berries, turn them into puree, place them in a jar of water, fill with vodka. Close the container with a lid, put it in the refrigerator, and let it brew for 1 week.
  2. After the time has passed, strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Pour it into an enamel pan, add sugar.
  3. Place over medium heat, stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Bring the mixture to the first bubbles, turn off the burner, no need to boil. Pour into bottles and cool.

Shortbread pie with lingonberries

  • frozen lingonberries - 500 gr.
  • butter - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 250 gr.
  • baking powder - 12 gr.
  • flour premium- 600 gr.
  1. Rinse frozen berries and dry on a paper towel. Take a small metal container and mix all the ingredients (except berries) for kneading the dough. Place in the refrigerator for 25 minutes.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the dough on it, and place the berries on top. Place in the oven for 45 minutes at 170 degrees.
  3. Separately, mix a little sour cream and sugar, beat the sauce with a mixer. Pour the resulting cream onto the prepared pie. Place in a cool place for 2-3 hours.

Dried lingonberries

  1. A healing decoction is prepared using dried lingonberries. Sort the berries, wash and dry them. Place the berries on a sheet of paper and place them in the oven to dry at low temperature. Carry out this process in several stages (10 minutes each). Place the dried product in a glass or clay container.
  2. You can also grind the berries in a meat grinder and roll them into jars. The resulting crushed composition is stored for a long time without losing its properties. In the process of preparing juices, compotes and similar delicacies adding lingonberry powder will give the drink the taste of fresh berries. It is enough to add 10 grams. crushed fruits into tea and leave to brew for 20 minutes.

  1. This type of storage of lingonberries is used for maximum preservation of vitamins. First of all, wash the berries well. Separate spoiled fruits, twigs, leaves. Then place freezer-friendly specimens on a towel and dry.
  2. Pack the berries into portioned bags: take thick polyethylene, add lingonberries, filling 30-40% of the total volume, release all the air. Before freezing, the berries need to be kept in the refrigerator, this will help preserve all the beneficial substances. Once cooled, place the filled bags in the freezer.

It is not difficult to prepare lingonberries for the winter if you have information regarding the available methods. Consider the technology for making lingonberry jam with the addition of honey, rum, and raspberries. Prepare the berries by grinding them with sugar or soaking them in their own juice. Try making liqueur and fruit juice from ripe fruits. Dried lingonberries are very popular, add the powder to hot tea or coffee. Experiment, vary the proportions at your discretion.

Video: lingonberries in syrup (vitamins in a jar)
