Redcurrant juice - how to make delicious and healthy currant juice quickly and easily. Blackcurrant juice

Fruit drink recipes

Tired of the heat? Brew a surprisingly delicate fruit drink from red or black currants according to our signature recipe with video and photos.

25 min

190 kcal

5/5 (1)

One of many people’s favorite treats is fresh currant juice, valued for its magnificent taste qualities And most useful properties. Unlike other similar drinks, it can be drunk both hot and cold. In winter it will protect you from viruses and prevent colds, and in summer it will ideally quench your thirst. Recipe for amazingly tasty fruit drink from fresh or frozen black and red currants have been known in my family for a very long time, ever since my grandmother closed them in jars for the winter, so that even in the most severe frosts one could remember the warm summer. Today I’m preparing both variants of fruit drink all year round Fortunately, every fall I pick a lot of berries at the dacha. Try making this amazing drink – I guarantee you won’t regret it!
Did you know? Some people think fruit juice is amazing berry drink, appeared here in Rus'. However, researchers of world cuisine claim that fruit drink came to us from Byzantium, where it was called “mursa”. At the same time, the composition of the drink was completely different - it was simple boiled water with honey.

Redcurrant juice

Kitchen tools

Prepare ahead of time all the tools, utensils and utensils that you will need in the process of preparing red and black currant juice:

  • a saucepan or pan with a thick bottom and a non-stick coating with a volume of 3 liters or more, deep bowls (several pieces) with a capacity of 320 to 720 ml;
  • teaspoons;
  • paper or linen towels;
  • oven mitts and cutting board.
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale;
  • fine sieve;
  • medium or large grater;
  • colander;
  • sharp knife;
  • wooden spatula;
  • tablespoons;

You will need

The basis

Important! How to make perfect redcurrant juice? The answer is simple: choose only ripe berries, without green and yellow plaque. In addition, to achieve excellent results, try not to mash the currants before cooking and keep the berries in a spacious bowl.


  • 30 g fresh mint.


Did you know? My grandmother taught me that excellent fruit juice is obtained only when no rotten, blackened or unripe berries get into the liquid during cooking. So try your best sort it out thoroughly the whole berry mass.


Did you know? By this recipe Currant juice can be easily cooked in a slow cooker. Use the “Baking” program at the first stage of cooking, and the “Stew” or “Soup” mode at the second stage, after adding berries and juice.

Ready! Now you know exactly how to make the perfect redcurrant juice! You can pour it into glasses immediately, you can pour in jars and leave for the winter, can be placed in the refrigerator to cool - choose for yourself what you like best. If you plan to give fruit drink to small children, dilute it warm boiled water , because guys may find the drink sour and too rich. It is not recommended to add sugar only if you come across a berry that is too sour.

Redcurrant juice - video recipe

Please check the video provided carefully to ensure that you have prepared the right fruit drink.

Blackcurrant juice

  • Cooking time: 20 – 25 minutes.
  • Number of persons: 6 – 9.
  • Calorie content per 100 g: 210 – 280 kcal.

You will need

  • 400 g black currants;
  • 2 liters of purified water;
  • 200 – 220 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 g ground cinnamon;
  • 1 lemon.

Important! I highly recommend using fresh currants for this type of fruit drink, but if they are not available to you, buy frozen ones - just be sure to check their expiration date. Frozen currants must be completely defrosted under natural conditions.

Cooking sequence



Did you know? Be sure to cool the brew before adding granulated sugar to it - otherwise you will not get a fruit drink, but a regular compote.

That's all, you have prepared your first delicious delicious fruit drink from black currant. Decorate it mint sprigs or basilica and serve with main courses, desserts, or simply for those who are thirsty or want to quickly warm up. My grandmother advised strain the fruit drink to get rid of the pulp floating in it, but this should only be done if you cannot stand berry fragments floating in the glass.

Blackcurrant juice - video

Below you can see in detail how to prepare the perfect blackcurrant juice.

This refreshing drink in summer and warming in winter is the most valuable source vitamins and useful elements for adults and children. Blackcurrant fruit drink has more than one recipe, but in any version this drink turns out incredibly tasty, very aromatic and, most importantly, 100% natural. You can make it in a matter of minutes, and by adding various aromatic additives, such as vanilla, cinnamon or zest, you can play with flavors endlessly.

Often, responding to children's requests, we do not hesitate to poison our children with harmful chemical fizzy drinks. And this despite the fact that we have the opportunity to prepare for children a healthy and undeservedly forgotten traditional Slavic berry drink.

And if previously fruit drinks were considered exclusively seasonal drinks, today this delicacy can be enjoyed at any time of the year. In addition, this drink, like an elixir of health, will quickly relieve any soreness.

Beneficial properties of blackcurrant juice

It's no secret that the content of vitamins in currants is so high that these berries can easily compete with any multivitamin complex. Ascorbic acid and vitamin D, the deficiency of which is most noticeable in winter, form the basis useful composition black currant.

In addition, these gifts of nature contain entire treasure troves of antioxidants and flafonoids, which act as preventive agents not only against flu and colds, but also against cancer pathologies.

And it is fruit juice that is able to preserve the benefits of berries to the maximum, since the fruits are not boiled, but are infused in hot water at a temperature of less than 90 o C. Blackcurrant juice has no contraindications, and in diluted form it can be safely used as a drink even for a one-year-old child.

Also, adherents should pay attention to this drink proper nutrition, because while it is 100% natural, the calorie content of blackcurrant juice is about 20-40 kcal, depending on the amount of sugar. And the use of a sweetener (stevia) in the recipe completely reduces nutritional value fruit drink up to 9 kcal per 100 ml.

Cranberry and blackcurrant juice


  • Pickled cranberries - 0.2 kg + -
  • Fresh black currants— 450 g + -
  • Sweet vanilla – 1 pack + -
  • — 200-300 g + -
  • — 4 l + -

How to make blackcurrant juice

Black currant is a truly universal berry and it harmonizes perfectly with different berries and fruits, both domestic and wild. Currants go just perfectly with strawberries and raspberries, plums and cherries, blackberries and apples; such combined fruit drinks are simply delicious.

But the drink made from currants with cranberries is most appreciated especially from the point of view of benefits. This excellent remedy for colds and reduced immunity, chronic fatigue and seasonal vitamin deficiency.

  1. We sort the currants and cranberries from the branches and leaves, then rinse them and grind them in a blender to a puree.
  2. Pour water into an enamel pan and heat to a boil, add sugar and stir until the sweet grains dissolve and turn off the heat.
  3. In hot sweet water divorce berry puree, vanilla and leave the drink for half an hour under a closed lid.
  4. Now the fruit drink can be filtered, poured into a carafe and left to cool. For aroma, you can throw a slice of lemon or mint leaves into the carafe.

Frozen blackcurrant juice

Summer time is rich in garden and forest berries. However, in autumn, winter and spring, we, alas, are deprived of the pleasure of enjoying fresh fruits, so thrifty housewives often store currants in freezer, which has virtually no effect on its beneficial properties.

Therefore, we can without problems even in winter period Prepare a healing fruit drink from frozen currants and honey at home. And our step by step recipe will tell you how to do this.


  • Frozen black currants – 300 g;
  • Filtered water – 1 l;
  • Bee honey – 3-4 tbsp;

  1. We need to leave the frozen berries for half an hour at room temperature so that the currants defrost, and then mash with a masher and squeeze out the juice from the resulting pulp using gauze.
  2. We put the juice in the refrigerator, and use the remaining cake in the gauze to prepare the infusion.
  3. Place the berry pulp in a saucepan, add water, heat until boiling, turn off and pour the broth into a thermos, where the fruit juice will infuse for about an hour.
  4. After the allotted time, strain the infusion through a strainer and mix with the cooled juice. Now the temperature of the drink allows you to add honey to it for sweetness and the fruit drink can be considered ready.

This fortified blackcurrant juice will be an excellent protector of your health during periods of illness and vitamin deficiencies. Try making this delicious drink for your household with your own hands, and your children will become real fans of this aromatic drink.

In the spring, the body of any person experiences a deficiency of vitamins, some people even develop vitamin deficiencies and anemia. Homemade frozen berries will help you cope with this, as well as maintain and strengthen your immune system. offers today vitamin recipe— fruit drink made from frozen currants.

We always prepare berries for the winter in the fall: cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, black and red currants and others... which quickly melt with the arrival of winter and especially with the beginning of spring.
We buy cranberries and lingonberries and freeze some of the berries, and store the other part in glass containers. liter jars, flood them plain water and placing it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. And all the other berries we have are not purchased, but our own - our harvest, grown and collected with our own hands on summer cottage. In addition to making compotes, preserves, jellies, jams, and other delicious homemade preparations from them, we freeze some of the berries in order to prepare healthy vitamin fruit drinks from them in winter and spring. By the way, children can also cook jelly. My family prefers fruit juices, and they can be cooked from one type of berry, or you can take several types - from an assortment (it will be both healthier and tastier).

It’s not at all difficult to brew fruit juice, the main thing is that it retains as many vitamins as possible. After all, it is known that heat treatment products kills most vitamins and beneficial microelements. How to prepare fruit juice from berries so as not to lose them? There are some here little secrets, which I will of course be happy to share with you. The berries need to be removed from the freezer and allowed to thaw completely. You can use absolutely any berries you have for fruit juice, I have in this case it was black currant.

This year there was a bountiful harvest and we froze a lot of it, along with strawberries,



red currant.

We also love making cranberry juice; it turns out the same way as in the case of black or red currant juice - juice with a pleasant sour taste.

By the way, depending on what kind of berries you use for making fruit juice - sour or sweet, you will need to add different quantities Sahara. We love sour fruit drinks, so we put granulated sugar in it minimal amount.

To prepare a tasty, beautiful, healthy, vitamin drink - frozen currant juice, you will need the following products:

any frozen berries (cranberries, lingonberries, black currants, red currants, etc.) - 400 g

water - 2.5-3 l

granulated sugar or honey - 0.5 cups

The process of preparing fruit juice from berries:

1. Completely defrosted berries

need to be crushed with a wooden masher.

To make it easier to squeeze the juice out of them later through cheesecloth, I add a little clean filtered water to the mashed berries.

Of course, you can make your task much easier by passing the berries through a mixer or juicer, but in this case, the loss of some vitamins is inevitable, since when it comes into contact with metal parts of an electrical appliance, the squeezed juice oxidizes.

2. We got it natural vitamin juice from squeezed berries of rich color

and there are leftover cakes that we don’t throw away,

and fill them with water and put them on the fire without bringing them to a boil,

Cover with a lid (this way we can preserve the vitamins as much as possible). If you took an enamel pan to cook fruit juice, keep in mind that its walls will become heavily stained and will be difficult to clean later. I cook in enamel pan, I use the largest one specifically for these purposes - fruit drinks and compotes, since the least processes of oxidation and destruction of vitamins occur in it.

3. After a quarter of an hour, turn off the heat, strain, now the cakes can be thrown away,

After filtering, this is the fruit drink that remains.

Add the previously squeezed juice to the fruit drink and sweeten it to taste with sugar or honey.

Everything is delicious, healthy, vitamin drink— the frozen currant juice is ready.

Bon appetit!

PS: if you use store-bought frozen berries and therefore cannot know how the conditions for their freezing were observed, then I advise you, after adding freshly squeezed berry juice to the fruit drink, bring it to at least a boil. We have our own preparations, so I can easily prepare fruit juice according to this recipe - without boiling and thereby obtaining a healthy drink, enriched with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

You can brew yourself such a fruit drink from any berries as a good thirst-quencher for colds and weakening of the body, since the drink has an antipyretic and tonic drink. In addition, berry juice is an excellent remedy for swelling. And just drink a glass of berries vitamin juice per day is very useful, it good prevention vitamin deficiency If you notice brittle nails, dull hair, flaky skin, then you simply need this drink, especially if you sweeten it with honey.

After cooling, the fruit drink can be placed in the refrigerator. But we usually drink it in a day.

Original rolls from crab sticks with cod liver filling, no less healthy than fruit juice, you can learn how to prepare it by watching the video.

Step-by-step recipes for making blackcurrant juice: options for delicious blackcurrant currant juice with cinnamon, lemon, oranges, cherries

2018-08-04 Marina Danko





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


9 gr.

36 kcal.

Option 1: Classic blackcurrant juice recipe

Large lemons with a thick, lumpy rind are preferable for currant fruit drinks; use them unless otherwise explicitly stated in the recipe. Such fruits are more aromatic and contain less acid, especially if their peel is light orange in color. The taste of such lemons is somewhat spicy and harmonizes perfectly with cinnamon, but you may have to slightly reduce the amount of this grated spice.

There is also a recommendation regarding the sugar used. It is good for cooking jams, preserves and other thick sweets, as well as for compotes to be canned. beet sugar yellowish tint. It tastes sweeter than snow-white sugar, but often such sugar has its own smell and taste. For delicate fruit drinks, it is better not to use it, but to put it exclusively in refined form.


  • one large lemon;
  • two liters of clean, filtered water;
  • 5 gr. ground cinnamon;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • black currant- 400 gr.

Step-by-step recipe for blackcurrant juice

We remove berries that are not damaged by rot from the branches. Wash the currants well with cool water. It is advisable to do this not in a colander, but in a saucepan, so that the small debris that floats up can be drained along with the water.

Pour water into a pan and place it on the stove, turn on the maximum heat. As soon as it boils, add berries, sugar, and cinnamon. Boil the currants after boiling with slight bubbling for about a quarter of an hour. Let cool.

Immerse the lemon in boiling water for three minutes. After wiping it dry with a towel, cut the citrus lengthwise and squeeze well over a cup. Remove the seeds from the collected juice and measure - we need at least 50 ml of lemon juice.

Pour the prepared fruit drink into a sieve placed on a bowl, and grind the strained berries through it. It is more convenient to do this not with a spatula, but with the back of a spoon. Throw away the cake.

We combine the finished fruit drink with lemon juice. We take a sample and, if necessary, sweeten it or, on the contrary, add a little more lemon juice.

Option 2: Quick recipe for blackcurrant juice

We settle the water in the fruit drink and boil it if it is tap water. If possible, of course, you should use spring water or bottled water. Water passed through a filter is considered by many to be “lifeless”; if you disagree with this, use it safely, it does not contain any bad impurities.


  • black currant - 350 gr.;
  • half a glass of sugar.

How to quickly prepare blackcurrant juice

Remove fresh currants from the branches into a saucepan with cold water. We collect floating debris from the surface, decant the water and fill it with clean water. Repeat several times until all the debris is washed out. Drain in a colander, lightly dry the washed berries and pour them into a clean pan. Frozen currants do not require preliminary preparation, it does not need to be completely defrosted. Simply rinse the berries with warm water.

Pour sugar into the currants placed in the pan, stir and let stand for ten minutes. We mash the fruits with a masher, but not to the point of puree, but only so that the berries just burst.

Add one liter of hot water to the currants and transfer to the stove. Warm up over high heat, stirring occasionally. As soon as the water begins to boil intensely, boil the fruit drink for a minute and immediately turn off the heat.

Place a colander over a clean pan, line it with gauze, and filter the hot fruit juice through it. We collect the gauze with the cake collected on it in a bag and squeeze it well. Pour the strained fruit drink into a jug, it is ready for use. If desired, the drink can be cooled.

Option 3: Blackcurrant juice with lemon zest

A variant of a rich, refreshing blackcurrant drink with a pronounced aroma of lemon zest. Freshly squeezed citrus juice gives the fruit drink additional sourness and emphasizes its taste. Similarly, you can prepare blackcurrant juice with orange. In this case, you will need to take only part of the zest, since an orange is much larger than a lemon.

Ingredients for 1 liter of water:

  • six tablespoons of sugar;
  • lemon - one large, thick-skinned fruit;
  • 250 gr. fresh currant berries.

How to cook

After sorting, wash the currants with cool water. If you decide to use frozen berries, first place them in a bowl and thaw at room temperature.

Wash the lemon with a sponge in hot water. We wipe the zest thoroughly to remove the characteristic coating from it. You can soak the citrus in boiling water for two minutes, then it will be easier to remove the plaque, and more juice will be released. Cut the zest from the lemon in a thin layer so that no white peel remains on the brightly colored layer. After cutting the fruit, squeeze out the juice.

Place the dried berries in a blender chopper, put lemon zest between them and cover everything with sugar. Chop the berries as much as possible, add a glass of boiling water to them and beat them again.

Place the prepared berry puree in a bowl, dilute with the remaining hot water. Add lemon juice and mix well. Strain the finished fruit drink using gauze layers or through a sieve into a carafe and serve.

Option 4: Combined blackcurrant juice

We choose cherries for fruit drink whenever possible. More sweet currants, oddly enough, large tinted cherries are better suited, and cherries in combination with other types of berries are more suitable for small and fragrant berries.

Currants provide the main taste and color of the drink, so you can add faded fruits such as pear or apple to it. Currants are also good with cherries, but here the proportions of the berries are slightly different, twice as many cherries are put into the drink, but their color is unimportant, both light and dark varieties are suitable.


  • a glass of beet sugar;
  • two hundred grams of fresh cherries and the same amount of red currants;
  • a quarter kilogram of black, large currants.

Step by step recipe

We sort out all the berries. We tear off the tails of the cherries and remove the currants from the branches. We wash the berry collection with water and remove the seeds from the cherries.

Pour the cherries and currants into a bowl and mash as much as possible using a masher. Place it on a sieve, strain out the juice, and to release more of it, grind the berries with a spoon.

A bowl of berry juice temporarily set aside, and put the cake collected in the bowl into a pan filled with three liters of water. Add sugar.

After transferring to the stove, boil the berry cake until it boils for up to a quarter of an hour, while still hot, filter through a sieve. Mix the strained broth with previously filtered berry juice, pour the finished fruit drink into a jug.

Option 5: Blackcurrant ginger juice with honey and orange

It’s easy to improve the taste of currant juice by adding a handful of red berries. This is especially good if your blackcurrants are large, cultivated varieties. Such berries are most often not sour, and their aroma is not so strong. Red currants will add sourness and tartness to the fruit drink, more characteristic of small varieties of black berries.

If, on the contrary, your berries are small and very fragrant, a handful of sweet ripe gooseberries will help to slightly smooth out the harsh taste. Like currants, it perfectly retains its properties when frozen.

After removing the zest, if time permits, the orange can be placed in the freezer for up to an hour; it is believed that the juice is from frozen citrus fruits. better taste and a little easier to squeeze out.


  • currants, frozen - three hundred grams;
  • two full spoons of sugar and honey;
  • a spoonful of chopped ginger;
  • large sweet orange.

How to cook

Using a fine grater, carefully remove the zest from the orange; we only want a layer of bright color. Remove the remaining white part of the peel, separate the fruit into separate slices and chop them coarsely. Squeeze the juice from the orange and strain; we don’t need the pulp.

Using a steel grinder, carefully crush the slightly thawed currants, squeeze out the juice, add zest powder and ginger to the pomace, pour in boiling water (two liters), and put on high heat. Once it boils, lower the temperature and simmer for ten minutes, strain and return to heat.

Add berry and Orange juice, after boiling, immediately remove from the stove. After keeping for up to twenty minutes under the lid, add and stir the honey until dissolved, followed by the sugar. After cooling, filter again and serve with citrus slices.

What could be more pleasant in the scorching heat than a glass of scalding cold fruit drink with pieces of ice? The best of soft drinks a fruit drink made from fresh black currants, cranberries and lingonberries is considered, depending on availability useful substances they lead among all others. Along with the saving coolness, several important vitamins enter the human body: C, B, D and A, each of which is a guarantee of health.

To prepare fruit juice, you don’t need any special tricks, lengthy processes or special ingredients, just berries, water and sugar, and just a little free time.

What is fruit drink?

A cold drink made from any berries without heat treatment. For comparison: compote is a decoction of berries or fruits, and fruit drink is fresh or frozen berries, crushed and diluted with water. The value of fruit drinks is that they retain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients contained in fresh berries, while in boiled (in compote) their quantity decreases in direct proportion to the heat treatment time.

Currant juice is an excellent thirst quencher, although you can drink it hot instead of tea or coffee, which, by the way, is what adherents of a healthy lifestyle do: vegetarians and raw foodists. This drink perfectly energizes and significantly affects the overall tone of the body and mind, nourishing a person. useful microelements from berries.

Who invented fruit juice?

Many people believe that fruit drinks are originally Russian, Slavic drink, which was made back in the Middle Ages from wild berries. This opinion was formed due to the fact that the first mentions of fruit drink as a drink are found in the main book on the “correct management of household» - "Domostroye" (XVI century). In fact, fruit juice was in use even earlier, only the name sounded a little different: “mursa,” which translated from Byzantine means “ berry water with honey". Byzantium is the real birthplace of fruit drink, and the Slavs slightly changed the name of this drink to something more familiar to the local language. Over time, the principle of preparation has undergone slight changes, but the essence remains: a sweetened berry infusion to quench thirst - this is a modern fruit drink.

A simple recipe for blackcurrant juice with honey

For those who are very busy but still want to pamper themselves delicious drink, there is an extremely simple and quick to prepare recipe for which you can use any berries: fresh or frozen. Beat black currants (200 grams) and a glass of boiling water in a blender, add another half liter cold water and 2-3 spoons of honey.

Mix again and strain through a strainer, which is found in every kitchen. If not, you can use gauze folded in half. The resulting fruit drink can be drunk immediately or further cooled by dipping a few pieces of ice into it. What could be better in summer heat, than the tartness and sourness of blackcurrant?!

From frozen berries

Is this recipe ideal in the summer heat, when the thermometer rises above 30 and the body craves cooling? The saving sourness of lemon present in the recipe will be very helpful. To prepare the fruit drink, take frozen blackcurrants and let them thaw slightly at room temperature, in the meantime, remove the zest from the lemon with a vegetable peeler, being careful not to use the white peel.

Pour currant berries into a blender bowl, add the zest, sprinkle everything with half a glass of sugar and add a glass of boiling water. Beat the mixture with a blender at high speed, add another 800 ml of cold purified water, squeeze lemon juice into it and beat again. Strain the resulting fruit drink through a sieve to remove the liquid from small particles of berries: pieces of skin, seeds. Then place the prepared fruit drink in the refrigerator for half an hour to cool.

Recipe for blackcurrant juice with cinnamon

Grind blackcurrants (200 grams) in a blender and rub the mixture through a sieve, set the strained juice aside, and pour three glasses of water into the pulp and boil, add half a glass of sugar and a good pinch of cinnamon. Sugar, in principle, suits your taste - so we act at our own discretion. Boil the liquid for five minutes, strain and mix with currant juice. Let the fruit drink cool and you can serve it. Such spicy drink ideal on frosty evenings, giving the aroma of summer and the slight warming pungency of cinnamon, filling the body with a pleasant, life-giving warmth.

How to prepare fruit juice with orange flavor?

Fruit juice is traditionally made from berries, so it won’t come out of orange - it will be more like an orangeade. But blackcurrant juice with an aromatic note of orange is quite possible.

Required Products:

  • 800 ml water.
  • Zest and juice of one orange.
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, can be replaced with two spoons of honey.
  • 500 grams of black currants.

Fruit juice is prepared very simply: boil water with zest and sugar, add berries chopped in a meat grinder or blender. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature- add freshly squeezed orange juice, stir and place in the refrigerator.

This fruit drink is very aromatic and refreshing, and is also extremely useful for colds, especially if you replace the sugar with honey and serve it warm, not cold. The body will receive a double dose of vitamin C, which will significantly affect health. A protected immune system will not allow a harmful virus to pass through, so this drink is recommended for weakened children: it is tasty and healthy.

From blackcurrant pulp

Fruit juice can be prepared not only from whole berries, but also from the cake left after preparing freshly squeezed juice for jelly and sauces. Two drinks from one ingredient - Ebenezer Scrooge himself will be jealous! For every 250 grams of blackcurrant juice, about two and a half liters will come out: we take exactly the same amount of boiling water and pour it over the pulp. It's easier to do this in three liter jar: Convenient and takes up little space in the refrigerator.

Add about ten pure and fresh leaves mint, you can lightly rub them in your hands, then the leaves will release the aroma faster. We add sugar to taste: some people like sweet drinks, but some know what sweets can do for their figure, so they use a minimal amount or even replace it with honey. We leave the blackcurrant juice to infuse for at least an hour and then you can use it for its intended purpose, having first filtered the liquid.

The pulp cannot be used immediately after squeezing the juice - it can be frozen in small silicone molds and in winter, take it as needed, preparing aromatic fruit juice. How to prepare fruit juice? Take out a briquette of frozen cake and pour boiling water over it, then follow the recipe above.

If you add a couple of sprigs of thyme (in boiling water) to a regular blackcurrant drink, the unsurpassed aroma of the drink will win your heart, simultaneously stimulating the circulatory system (which is what this unique spicy herb is famous for).

Fruit juice can be stored in the refrigerator for several days without losing its nutritional properties, so you can prepare several liters at a time, and at the right time, life-giving moisture is always at hand.

By experimenting with adding natural flavors and flavor enhancers, you will be able to create your own unique recipe fruit drink. Nutmeg, lemon, ginger, tangerine zest or lemon balm - these fragrant plants can diversify the main blackcurrant fruit drink, each time making it new, with a unique bouquet of flavor.
