What is red meat and white meat. Is red meat as bad as they say? Objective view

Red meat is a recognized leader in gastronomic preferences around the world. However, the properties of this product and its effect on our body cause heated debate. So we decided to figure out the benefits and harms of red meat.

Food for health

But first, let’s find out what applies to red meat. These are primarily beef, pork, lamb and horse meat. Rabbit meat, which turns red with age, can also be added to this list. The characteristic color is given to all of them by myoglobin, a special protein found in muscle tissue. By the way, red poultry meat - chickens, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl - also belongs to this type. Only people are considered white diet breast, while the rest of the carcass is red meat.

Many gourmets are ready to talk for hours about how healthy they are. Firstly, it is rich in iron and the aforementioned myoglobin, which are essential for the synthesis of red blood cells. Secondly, animal proteins are building materials for muscle tissue and nerve fibers. Thirdly, red meat is a source of vital substances for the body. Thus, the potassium it contains is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Zinc fuels the immune system. Vitamin PP supports redox reactions. Calcium and fluoride strengthen bones and tooth enamel. B vitamins are actively involved in metabolic processes.

Scientists warn

Meanwhile, strict zealots healthy eating They claim that red meat is harmful to our body. Their judgments are based on results scientific research, many of which confirm the health hazards of this product. It's no secret that red meat contains large amounts of saturated fats which increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. This can cause the development of serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and with prolonged abuse, provoke a heart attack or stroke.

Practical studies have also shown that red meats, consumed too often and uncontrollably, increase the risk of developing cancer by 12%. At the same time, the average life expectancy of red meat lovers is reduced by an average of 8–10 years. Another unpleasant consequence of excessive addiction to this product- this is a set excess weight, associated increased loads on various body systems and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A smart alternative

However, such depressing conclusions are not yet a reason to completely abandon red meat. In many ways, the harm of this product is determined not so much by its properties as by the methods of its preparation. After all, we often prefer red meat in the form fried foods with delicious golden crust And high content carcinogens to boot.

Often a product becomes harmful due to ignorance of the basic rules for its use. Therefore, choose only fresh meat with smooth healthy color pulp. Remember Golden Rule: the older the animal, the richer color meat. Try not to eat red meat every day. Doctors recommend limiting your weekly intake to 500 g, and then the risk various diseases will be minimal. If possible, prepare dishes from a whole piece of meat or minced meat, the composition of which you know for certain. Store-bought delicacies, such as sausages and sausages, are not the most the best choice. If you are tempted by fried chops, remove excess fat. Better yet, stew the meat or bake it in the oven.

Recipes to note

The optimal choice for cooking various dishes is lean red meat. , contains very little fat. First you need to cut 1 kg raw beef pieces no more than 1.5 cm thick and beat them thoroughly. Next, marinate the meat in a mixture of salt and spices for 40 minutes, after which we fry each piece for 3-4 minutes on each side. It is better to do this on a wire rack, but in the oven the chops will turn out no less juicy and appetizing.

Red meat chicken or turkey, the recipes of which delight in variety, are also suitable for tasty and healthy menu. First, let's clean the turkey thighs from membranes and tendons. Then prepare the marinade from 500 ml natural yogurt, juice and lemon zest with the addition of salt, white and black pepper, dried garlic. Marinate the turkey in this mixture for 4–5 hours and bake it in the oven for 40–45 minutes at 180°C. Meanwhile, prepare the side dish. Fry the chopped onion in a saucepan in olive oil and add 250 g of lentils. Fill the mixture with about two fingers' worth of water and simmer for 30 minutes, adding water if necessary. At the end, add salt and seasonings to taste. Now all that remains is to combine the thighs with the side dish, and you can serve them to the table.

To love red meat and get not only pleasure from it, but also benefits, you need to cook it correctly. If you fully master this art and have your favorite recipes, share them with all readers.

Red and white meat.

Red meat includes: pork, beef, lamb, horse meat, goat meat and partly rabbit meat (the ratio of red and white rabbit meat is approximately 40:60, and increases for white meat with increasing age of the animal).
The most popular red meat is, of course, beef.
Although, one can argue with this statement. It all depends on the age of the animal. The younger the animal, the lighter the meat, and the older, the darker the meat. For example, veal (an animal no more than a year old) may well be considered white meat.
Myoglobin gives meat its color. Myoglobin is an oxygen-binding protein in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Myoglobin is contained in all normal muscles, but its amount varies. Myoglobin, depending on its saturation with oxygen, gives meat a different color. The color of the meat also depends on the age of the animal, its gender, as well as its activity (degree of movement, load), and in young animals - on the type of food. Some males have redr meat than females. Animals with more developed muscles have the most red meat. There is little myoglobin in the meat of young animals.

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There is an opinion that red meat is harmful because it is fatty and contains a large number of cholesterol, and during the cooking process releases carcinogens that provoke oncological diseases, and white is healthy. American nutritionists conducted studies and experiments, during which irrefutable evidence was published about the dangers of red meat. Only later were they debunked. Because the studies were conducted mainly in America, where people often ate grilled beef steaks with golden brown crust. Indeed, such a “crust” may contain harmful carcinogens, but this is not a reason to give up beef. If we talk about the dangers of red meat, then all the harm lies in the method of its preparation, and not in the meat itself. IN fried meat Whether it's white or red, carcinogens can accumulate in either.

An excess of vitamins and minerals, which is so little talked about in contrast to vitamin deficiency, deserves a few words. For example, iron.
Many foods provide iron to the body, including red meat. Does the adult body always need a lot of iron? It happens that the body is overloaded with iron, and a person has severe anemia. What happens if iron, which is not excreted from the body, accumulates in large quantities. Iron and cancer.

It is quite difficult to find out in the early stages whether iron will pose a threat to health. And the consequences of excessively accumulated beneficial macronutrients can be very dangerous.
There are indirect signs by which you can understand that you should “give up” with iron -.
Excessive pigmentation is just such a sign.

For example, poultry contains both white and red meat.

Everyone knows chicken breasts and the wings are attributed to white meat, and the legs - to red. And this also applies to turkey. White meat can also include young lean pork (for example, pork tenderloin). Although, basically, pork is red meat, as it contains more myoglobin protein than chicken or fish.

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In any case, you need to remember that if a person is prescribed a special diet, for example, with low cholesterol, then it is better for him to avoid beef, lamb and pork, but give preference to lean varieties of meat - veal, pork tenderloin, poultry and fish.
There are diets, for example, for multiple sclerosis, where red meat and fatty foods are completely excluded from the diet. With this diet, you can eat white chicken or turkey meat, fish and lean pork tenderloin, and preferably boiled.

Which protein is easier for the body to digest?

White meat or red meat? Which one is better for eating? Which one is healthier? Given that expert opinions differ regarding these two types of meat, it is very difficult for the average consumer to decide which one should be preferred. In this article, we'll cover what you need to know about red and white meat to benefit from eating both.

The fact is that it is not so much the type of meat consumed that is important, but its quantity, as well as the method of preparation. Both white and red meat are good for the body, although the balance is tipped in favor of white meat, and it is considered healthier, and red meat is rejected as harmful to health. What is this opinion based on, and what leads to the formation of such a significant gap in healthfulness between white and red meat? Read on to learn how eating both red and white meat can be beneficial when cooked properly.

Difference, pros and cons

Let's start with the basics. Sources of white meat include poultry, particularly chicken and turkey, as well as fish (and other seafood). Rabbit meat is also considered white meat. White meat is called so because of its light color. Red meat, on the other hand, includes lamb, beef and pork. Duck meat is still meat poultry, still applies to red meat. Red meat also gets its name due to its rich, dark color. Essentially, lighter meat is called white, while darker meat is called red.

All about red meat

Red meat is considered great source protein, riboflavin, iron and thiamine. Moreover, it is also a rich source of saturated fat and cholesterol, which not only causes weight gain but can also be harmful to the heart if consumed in excess. This is why red meat is said to be harmful. Additionally, recent research suggests that eating red meat in unreasonable quantities may lead to the development of various types cancer. Another problem is that red meat is most often served in fried With big amount additives such as cheese, French fries, mayonnaise and other similar products, which makes it a cause of unhealthy weight gain. This is another reason for negative reviews about red meat.

However, red meat lovers should know that by eating lean red meat, you can reduce your risk of developing any of the above-mentioned diseases. For example, a grilled burger patty made from lean ground beef, is much healthier than a deep-fried fatty cutlet.

All about white meat

White meat is known to have fewer calories and is an excellent source of essential unsaturated fats. Moreover, it has been established that the protein contained in fish is extremely beneficial for everyone. And although there are no risks associated with eating white meat, nutritionists call it the poorest source of protein. Indeed, the amount of protein in it may be less than in red meat. This, however, does not mean that white meat is not healthy. In fact, it is ideal for those who are trying to lose weight, reduce cholesterol levels in the body and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Just like red meat, white meat should be eaten grilled, steamed or boiled rather than fried in oil.

Frying in oil only adds calories and makes all attempts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle futile. In conclusion, it is important to understand that both red and white meat should be consumed in moderation. In addition, you need to pay attention to how the meat is cooked. Red meat is not harmful if consumed in lean form together with others healthy products, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet is necessary for any product to benefit the body. Likewise, white meat is beneficial if consumed in moderation. balanced diet. Overall, you can reap the benefits of eating both red and white meat. small quantities both. Do not think that any of them are harmful or not beneficial. Both types have something to offer our body, and when consumed in reasonable quantities, they only bring benefits.


Research conducted in the United States has confirmed that consumption of red meat and sausages causes breast cancer.

Beef, lamb, pork, horse meat are red meats. The older the animal, the redder the meat. The meat of young animals is less red.

Young lean pork and veal can be classified as white meat. Children should not be given meat from young animals, due to the fact that young animals are filled with hormones. For example, veal.

Chicken and turkey contain red and white meat. Red - thighs, white - breast and wings.

The safest part of the carcass is the wings, since the breast contains more hormones and antibiotics. But, the breast is a champion in protein content and has little fat..

It is no secret that all poultry farms in the world use antibiotics without fail. American chicken legs are soaked in chlorine. Because of their high cost, hormones are used less frequently and only on young animals.
Moreover, these harmful substances are not removed from the carcass in any way. They are embedded in the molecules of the meat itself.
If you want to be healthy, eat chicken wings. They have the lowest concentration harmful substances.

The Science of Red Meat

For 20 years, scientists observed the diet of more than 80 thousand women. The women were divided into nutrition groups.
In the group consuming at least 6 servings of red meat per day, the occurrence of breast tumors was detected in 6.8 more cases per thousand. A serving is only 80 grams.

Hormones found in meat promote cell division and tumor growth. And nitrates act as carcinogens and contribute to the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant ones. Red meat has too much saturated fat. They raise hormonal background and cholesterol levels. These factors provoke the occurrence of breast, colon and pancreatic cancer.

Since the connection between pancreatic cancer and red meat was proven earlier, the main studies were devoted to breast cancer. It has been confirmed that red meat causes breast cancer.

Another recent study confirms an increased susceptibility to colon cancer in female red meat eaters. Scientists said that additional confirmation is required, but, nevertheless, the results are as follows.

32 thousand women were observed for 17 years. Of these, 335 people developed colon cancer. These were women who regularly consumed lamb, pork, and beef. Women with a family history of similar diseases should avoid eating red meat.

For everyone else who does not have family cancer, researchers do not recommend completely giving up red meat. This valuable source protein, microelements and vitamins.

Israeli scientists analyzed the health indicators of compatriots aged 40-70 years, correlating them with diet. The collected data showed that lovers of red meat and its processed products have an increased risk of fatty, non-alcoholic liver degeneration. Additionally, those who eat a lot of red meat, especially steak, are at risk of developing diabetes due to the development of insulin resistance.

How to protect yourself from cancer

What to do? Please note that the subjects ate red meat very often. The occurrence of the disease decreases with decreasing frequency of red meat consumption. Scientists recommend eating red meat no more than two to three times a week. The serving should be no larger than your palm, about 80 grams.

If you replace just one serving of red meat with white meat, the likelihood of getting cancer drops by 17%.
Replacing a serving of beef with nuts, beans, vegetables and fish reduces your risk of getting sick by another 14%. This is especially noticeable in the post-menopausal period. Women who have crossed the age of 50 and replaced red meat with white reduce their risk of getting sick by 25%.

I would like to tell you about another interesting study. One group of mice was fed red meat, the other was given chilled potatoes along with the meat. A month later, the damaged mice cells were studied.
It turned out that potato starch significantly increased the neutralization of carcinogens and reduced the fermentation of red meat. It is during the fermentation process that carcinogens are formed in the intestines. Scientists recommend chilled potatoes as a side dish for barbecue or other red meat. Cold pasta has the same properties.

If you heat up food and then cool it, then the amount healthy starch will increase significantly. This type of starch is also found in rice, beans, green bananas and pasta.

What are the benefits of red meat?

It is red meat and liver that contain iron in an easily digestible form. Iron is very necessary for our body. Eat right and don't get sick.
Go online, compiled by famous scientists.

Humans have been eating meat throughout evolution, and the digestive system is well adapted to digest it. Some populations, such as the Maasai, eat much more red meat than the average Westerner and still enjoy good health.

However, the meat we eat now is different from the meat that people ate in ancient times. Previously, animals roamed and ate grass, insects and other natural foods. Their meat is different from animals that are born and raised on a farm and are given only grain feed, as well as growth-promoting hormones and antibiotics.

Nowadays many meat products are subject to extremely strong processing. They are smoked, salted, and preservatives, nitrates and various chemicals are added to them.

When assessing the health effects of meat, it is important to understand that it varies greatly. It is necessary to distinguish between types of meat:

  • Processed meat: This is meat from traditionally raised cows that has been subjected to various processing methods. Examples include sausages and bacon.
  • Regular red meat: such meat is not processed, but it comes from farmed animals. This is meat that is red in color when raw. This includes lamb, beef, pork and some other types of meat.
  • White meat: meat that turns light in color after cooking. This may include poultry meat, such as chicken or turkey.
  • Organic meat from grass-fed cows: This is meat from animals fed and raised naturally, organically, without drugs or hormones. No chemicals are added to this meat.

Most studies of red meat, especially American ones, look at meat from grain-fed farmed animals.

Red meat is extremely nutritious

Red meat is one of the most. It contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various other substances that have a strong positive action on the body.

One hundred grams of raw ground beef with 10% fat content contains:

  • B3 (niacin): 25% of recommended daily value
  • B12 (cobalamin): 37% of the recommended daily value (this vitamin is not found in plant foods)
  • B6 (pyridoxine): 18% of the recommended daily value
  • : 12% of the recommended daily value (which is absorbed much better than iron from plant foods)
  • Zinc: 32% of the recommended daily value
  • Selenium: 24% of the recommended daily value
  • Many other vitamins and minerals in smaller quantities

This serving contains 176 calories, 20 grams of quality animal protein and 10 grams of fat.

In addition, red meat is rich in such important substances as creatine and carnosine. Deficiencies of these nutrients are common in vegetarians and can impair muscle and brain function.

The meat of grass-fed animals is even more beneficial than the meat of grain-fed animals; it contains large amounts of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid, and more vitamins A and E.

Heart disease, diabetes and shortened life expectancy

The effects of red meat on human health have been well studied. However, most studies are so-called observational studies, which aim to identify associations but not causes.

Some observational studies have shown cancer and reduced life expectancy. However, not all red meat has this effect.

Large review of 20 studies (totaling 1,218,380 subjects) shows a link between processed meats and increased risk cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, but no such data are available for unprocessed meat.

In the EPIC study, a very large observational study of 448,568 people, eating processed meat increased the risk of shortened life expectancy, while unprocessed meat had no such effect.

When it comes to the risk of heart disease, it is important to distinguish between processed and unprocessed meats because they have absolutely no different impact on the body. Observational studies do show a link between processed meats and an increased risk of early death and numerous diseases. But it should be remembered that these studies have limitations. Conclusive conclusions cannot be drawn from observational studies alone. The only objective way to identify cause and impact is through randomized controlled trials.

Does eating red meat really increase your risk of cancer?

Many observational studies show a link between red meat and an increased risk of cancer. It is believed that the main type of such cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the world.

But meta-analyses, which take data from various studies, show that the risk of colon cancer is extremely low. According to one meta-analysis, the above association has little effect in men and no effect in women.

According to other studies, it increases not at all because of the meat itself, but because of the harmful substances formed during its preparation.

Connection and cause are not the same thing

If you study this issue deeper, you will see that all the studies that hypothetically prove the harm of meat are observational. This type of research can only demonstrate a correlation or relationship between two indicators.

Such studies may tell us that people who eat large quantities of red meat are more likely to get sick, but they do not prove that meat itself is the cause.

One of the main problems with such studies is that they are burdened by so-called confounding factors. For example, people who often eat red meat are less concerned about health than others, smoke more often, drink alcohol, consume more sugar, exercise less, etc. And people who consciously approach the issue of health lead a slightly different lifestyle. And it is impossible to take into account all these factors.

Another limitation of observational studies is that they typically rely on food frequency questionnaires in which people report what they ate.

Practical experiment: the effects of red meat on the body

Randomized controlled trials are an accepted standard method in science. In these tests, participants are randomly assigned to groups. For example, one group follows diet A, and the second follows diet B. Experts observe the participants and see which diet leads to a certain condition faster.

Several randomized controlled trials have directly examined the effects of red meat on the body. Some of them were aimed at identifying the connection between red meat and the risk of heart disease.

One review of controlled trials shows that a moderate portion of red meat, even when eaten daily, does not have a major effect on heart disease risk factors such as blood lipids and blood pressure.

Another review shows that lean, unprocessed beef does not have the bad effects on blood lipids that turkey or fish do.

Being a rich source of protein, meat promotes muscle growth in people who exercise. A study of older women found that eating 160 grams of red meat 6 days a week for 4 months increased muscle growth after strength training, which was not the case with pasta or rice, for example, and also reduced levels of the inflammatory marker IL-6.

It should be emphasized that all of these studies analyzed lean red meat. To date, no studies have been conducted with fatty red meat. However, there are many studies comparing high-fat and low-fat diets. In these studies, participants were instructed to eat less red and processed meat because they contain high amounts of saturated fat.

Here's some more research

The Women's Health Initiative conducted a study of 46,000 women. One group had to follow a low-fat diet, while the second continued to eat a standard Western diet. Even after 7.5 years, there was virtually no difference in weight between the groups (only 0.4 kg). There was no difference regarding heart disease or cancer.

One randomized controlled trial compared the Atkins diet (high in red meat) with the Ornish diet (a low-fat vegetarian diet without red meat). This study It's called "Weight Loss A to Z." After one year, results for weight loss and improvements in some important disease risk factors were better in the Atkins group.

There are a number of studies comparing a low-carb diet (with lots of red meat) and low fat diet(with a small amount of red meat). Their results suggest that low-carb diets are healthier and that eating unprocessed red meat does not have a negative effect on the body, but rather has a positive effect.

However, more research is needed to understand whether meat has an impact on extreme conditions such as heart disease and cancer. The role of cooking methods and meat processing techniques also needs to be explored.

Optimizing red meat

When meat is cooked high temperature, harmful substances may be released, namely heterocyclic amines (HCAs), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These substances have been proven to cause cancer in animals. But this doesn't just apply to meat; Other foods can also release these substances when subjected to extreme heat treatment.

To avoid exposure to harmful substances, follow these rules:

  1. Instead of frying or grilling meat, sauté or steam it.
  2. Minimize exposure to high temperatures and never cook meat directly over heat.
  3. Do not eat charred and/or smoked food. If the meat is charred, cut off any spoiled edges.
  4. Marinated the meat with garlic, red wine, lemon juice or olive oil, the formation of HCA can be significantly reduced.
  5. If you do have to fry meat at a high temperature, turn it often to prevent it from burning.

Many of us enjoy the taste of fried or grilled meat. However, if you want to eat meat and get only benefits from it, it should be


Looking past the scary, sensational headlines, there is no clear link between red meat and disease. We only have results from observational studies that combine processed and unprocessed meats. In addition, these studies rely on food frequency questionnaires and do not control for complex confounding factors. Observational studies give us only clues and are useful only for theory building.

Choose unprocessed, preferably organic, meat, cook it gently and cut off any burnt edges, and there will be no reason to worry. Properly cooked meat will most likely only be beneficial. It is extremely nutritious and rich in high-quality protein, as well as essential fats and minerals for the body. Its various components have positive effects on both the body and the brain.
