Sherbet is a delicious drink originally from Turkey. Refreshing drink sherbet

Sherbet or sorbet is a very ancient soft drink originating from China. It was from this country that sherbet as a drink spread throughout Asia, after which it came to Europe.

In cooking, sherbet is called a chilled drink, which is prepared from a mixture of fruit juices, sugar, ice cream and spices. And in the countries of the Middle East, sherbet is called fudge sugar with nuts and dried fruits.

Sherbet drink is the lightest and most affordable way quench your thirst in the summer heat. To combat the debilitating heat, all you need is a roomy refrigerator and a few servings of this drink.

Drink Ingredients

1.5-2 tbsp dried mint
1 lemon for juice
1 glass of plum juice
1/2 cup sugar
1 l. water


Pour 1.5 cups of water into a clean small saucepan, put mint, boil for a couple of minutes.

Close the pan with a lid and leave to cool for half an hour, then strain.

Pour sugar into the second large saucepan, pour the remaining water, boil for 5-7 minutes.

Add mint infusion, mix and leave to cool to room temperature.

Add juice from 1 lemon or cherry plum juice, mix again and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

Enjoy your meal!


Everyone is familiar with the amazing sugary taste of sherbet. This sweet childhood dream evokes the association of sweets with condensed milk and nuts in most people. But in fact, there are three types of this amazing delicacy: the first is a liquid, very chilled, but not hardened or “sorbet”, the second is thick mass, “semi-frozen”, also prepared from fruit juices, spices, herbs, flowers and plants, it was called “granito”, and the third variety is a thick mass that takes any given shape, like regular ice cream, but without cream and egg yolks.

The history of sherbet (sherbet) originates from ancient times and China is considered the birthplace of this delicacy. Sherbet is mentioned in the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights ..". In Russian, it has two correct names: sherbet and sherbet, in Turkish pronunciation, the hissing “serbet”, taken in turn from other oriental languages, which in Arabic and Hindi sound like “sharbat”, and is translated as a drink, the east is a delicate matter. It was brought to Europe by the traveler Marco Polo in the 13th century, and quickly gained popularity among the then beau monde.

Sherbet, which in our country is usually called sherbet (such spelling and pronunciation are erroneous) is one of the most popular oriental sweets. We are accustomed to the fact that sherbet is a sweet, very thick fondant mass with, however, in the East and in other countries, this name is given to several types of sweets, completely different in composition, taste and texture.

Sherbet is a drink that allows you to maintain good immunity.

The word sherbet comes from the Arabic sharba, which means drink. It is cooked in Eastern countries not one thousand years. There it is used everywhere as an ordinary soft drink, for festive table, he is assigned an important role in some rituals. In ancient times, sherbet was considered a drink of love; fruits and spices with aphrodisiac properties were added to it. Doctors endowed the drink with healing properties.

Traditionally, sherbet is made from licorice, dogwood and rose petals with the addition of various spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc.). AT European countries and all over the world, quince, plum, mulberry or any other fruits and berries are used to make a drink. They are boiled to a puree state, to which spices, water infused with rose petals, and sugar are added. The drink is filtered and served chilled, sometimes ice cubes are added to it.

Such a drink not only perfectly quenches thirst and gives strength, but also saturates the body with vitamins. Useful properties of sherbet, of course, depend on what fruit it is made from. A glass of traditional sherbet, prepared on the basis of wild rose and rose petals, contains vitamin A and carotenoids, ascorbic acid, organic acids, essential oils and many others useful substances. This drink is a great way to maintain good immunity.

It can be drunk to cleanse the body, it helps to get rid of excess weight, will help with dysbacteriosis and other problems with the digestive system. The calorie content of sherbet can be different depending on what products are used for its preparation. Usually 100 g of the drink contains no more than 100 kcal. In order for the drink to be really healthy, you should not add sugar to it.

Sparkling sherbet

In the 19th century, a powder was invented in Europe, which, when dissolved in water, produces an effervescent fruit drink. It is also called sherbet. Obviously, such a drink has practically nothing in common with traditional oriental sorbet, except for the name. Yes, and its benefits are doubtful, since the components of the powder, in addition to fruit concentrate, are sugar, carbonates, citric, less often malic or tartaric acids obtained by chemical means, dyes and flavors.

Sherbet - ice cream

Frozen sherbet is served as a dessert.

This popular delicacy is spread all over the world, only its European name sounds like sorbet or sorbet. In fact, this is a frozen sherbet, when frozen, a rather soft, viscous mass of fruit puree with pieces of fruit is obtained, which is served as ice cream for dessert.

Sometimes fruit mass it is not completely frozen, alcohol (wine or liquor) is added to it and served as a drink. It is often drunk at the change of dishes and after meals. It is believed that such a sorbet improves the digestion of food, since fruit puree, from which it is made, contains a lot. In addition, this delicacy is a source of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Sherbet - fudge

It is in the form of such an oriental sweetness that sherbet is known in our country. It is referred to because a lot of sugar, molasses or condensed milk is used for its preparation. A mixture of these ingredients is boiled down with cream or fruit, and nuts, vanilla, candied fruits or other additives are used as fillers. The result is a thick semi-solid mass, very sweet in taste.

Of course, sherbet has useful properties, which depend on the composition of the delicacy. First of all, it is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates, which the body undoubtedly needs, but in small quantities. Nuts, which are most often included in sherbet, are a source of vitamins, microelements, vegetable protein and unsaturated fatty acids. But sorbet is useful for the body only with moderate use.

The harm of sherbet is most often due to the abuse of delicacy. It contains a lot of sugar, 100 g of sherbet contains more than 400 kcal. That is why it should not be used diabetes and obesity. It is better to exclude this delicacy from the diet and those who wish.

People prone to allergies should carefully study the composition of sorbet, as it may include honey, nuts, fruits, milk, chocolate and other components that are potential allergens. The composition is worth paying attention to because it may include cheap vegetable oils( , ), flavors, preservatives and other additives harmful to the body. You need to choose a product consisting of natural ingredients. Sherbet expiration date, factory packed in vacuum packaging, no more than 3-4 months, and the loose product is stored for no more than 10 days.

Program "Galileo", episode on the theme "Sherbet":

Sherbet drink came to us from the East. Although in fairness it must be said that this word refers to several dishes, including popsicles and British soluble powder, which is used to get a carbonated drink. Yes, and sherbet itself can be prepared as a hard sweet with nuts. In this form, sherbet was most often sold during Soviet Union. And in the East there is more than one recipe for delicacy. In Turkey it is considered national dish and every housewife can cook it at home and add something new, original to the recipe.

Understand why sherbet is called completely different dishes this video will help:

Interesting facts about the origin of sherbet

From Muslims, Islam requires strict adherence to such a rule as the rejection of alcohol. Maybe that's why sweets are so important in the East. They are extremely diverse, are used everywhere, in unlimited quantities, are considered not just a dessert, but a full meal. It's the same with sherbet. It is drunk throughout the day, it is noteworthy that even during military conflicts there was a special period of time when the warring parties could drink this soft drink.

Almost legendary data are known that in ancient times sherbet was taken as an aphrodisiac. According to other sources, there was special recipe medicinal drink: Arabs and Turks believed in its pain-relieving properties.

One thing is for sure, that sherbet is very popular in the East, it is mentioned in folklore (in the well-known fairy tale "A Thousand and One Nights" there are lines where the drink appears). He is revered by the most influential and ordinary people, it can be bought at the market and drunk at a large festive table. Pink sherbet, according to tradition, is drunk by the bride at the engagement, agreeing to the proposal of the groom.

It is prepared from a variety of fruits, in Turkey they are very fond of spices and use them in all dishes, sherbet is no exception. It is known that in some eastern countries, home-cooked sherbet is similar to liquid jam. This drink is so common that even a novice housewife will be able to explain how to make a real one. Turkish sherbet, although it is unlikely that such a recipe will be applicable in our home conditions. But if you try a little and experiment a little, the drink will still be a success.

How to prepare a drink?

Turkish sherbet can be made from various exotic ingredients: licorice, almond flakes, local fruits, quince.

There is also a simple recipe for which you can take almost any fruit and berries:

  1. 1 kg of fruits or berries (plums, grapes, apples, figs can be), pre-peeled and washed a small amount water so that the fruit is completely covered
  2. Add spices: cinnamon, ginger root, cloves, juice of half a lemon - and cook for about an hour
  3. Cool, add sugar to taste, strain and mix thoroughly
  4. Pour into glasses, add ice cubes and serve.

in many oriental sweets added pink water. To give more refined taste You can also use it in sherbet. Rose water is a tincture of rose petals. To cook it correctly, you should make an effort: the recipe is quite complicated to execute. Real concentrated rose water is obtained if a bowl is placed in a covered pan, where the rose petals are heated, where the rose extract flows.

The photo shows a sherbet of rose petals

Highly interesting taste at the cranberry sherbet. This recipe differs in that it is not necessary to cook cranberries, it is added to the rest of the ingredients fresh, crushed with sugar.

In the East, herbs are very fond of, so sherbet is often served with mint or sage leaves, as well as slices of lemon or lime. Sherbet is suitable for fruits and dessert, assorted nuts.

Word " sherbet We have known each other for a long time. When we hear it, we imagine a sweetness similar in taste to nut butter, but by the look of halvah. Who would have known that quite different dishes are hidden under this word. There is even a drink called sherbet. In addition to the name, they all have in common that all these treats are amazingly tasty and you can cook them yourself at home. What is the recipe for such a treat as sherbet? Let's find out.

How to make walnut sherbet

We will start, perhaps, with a consideration of the most popular and known to us nut sherbet. Perhaps we have known this taste since childhood. Although there are many ways to cook this type of sherbet. But we choose the most delicious and easy to prepare.

Products for a meal

  • Condensed milk (quarter jar)
  • Granulated sugar(about one hundred grams)
  • Peanuts (one hundred grams will be enough)
  • Butter (one hundred grams)
  • Water (about fifty milliliters)
  • Lemon juice (you will need a few tablespoons)

That's all the ingredients that should be prepared in advance in order to bring to life the recipe for sherbet with peanuts. I think it will not be difficult to remember the products, and even more so their dosage (since almost everything is one hundred grams). When the food is ready, we can start cooking.

A little advice, you can take another recipe for nuts with condensed milk, as a spare, suddenly someone does not like sherbet. Or, for example, Viennese cookies recipe. This also happens.

How to cook sherbet

How to cook this great delicacy? Everything is done very easily.

  1. We will start preparing this sweetness by roasting nuts (that is, peanuts). After you fry them a little, you need to wait until they cool down and remove the husk from them. If you already have roasted and repaired nuts, then you skip this point.
  2. Next, you need to take a small saucepan and pour some water into it. Then add sugar, which is supposed according to the recipe, to the same container. Stir occasionally until sugar dissolves. While it dissolves, squeeze the juice from the lemon (although it is better to do this in advance).
  3. Now we need to add a few more products that we prepared for this treat to the saucepan. So, pour in the juice that was just squeezed out. Juice is followed by condensed milk. And last add butter(It is desirable that it be pre-melted in a water bath). We make the fire a little less and stir this sweet mass for twenty minutes.
  4. A few minutes before readiness, add our nuts. And again, mix everything so that the nuts are not concentrated in one area. If you have large peanuts, then it is better to chop them a little. Although this is optional.
  5. You just have to remove the saucepan from the heat and pour its contents into some kind of mold. Wait until all this mass has cooled down a little, and put it in the refrigerator. When it hardens, then the sherbet with nuts, the recipe that we considered, is already ready. And you can taste it.

How to make strawberry sherbet

There is another very tasty treat called strawberry sherbet. It tastes very much like ice cream. How is it prepared and what ingredients are needed for this.

Products for a meal

  • 1/2 pound strawberries (fresh or frozen)
  • Ode to a cup of milk
  • Lemon juice
  • One hundred grams of sugar

That's all the ingredients that are needed specifically for this version of sherbet. You will also need a blender or food processor. When all this is available, you can start cooking this delicacy.

How to make strawberry sherbet

How does the recipe look like for such a treat as strawberry sherbet? Everything is very simple. And it cooks very quickly. You have ten minutes.

  1. First you need to get the food processor and plug it into the outlet. Then you can pour strawberries into it. And let the berry in it grind for a few minutes.
  2. At this time, you should deal with lemon. That is, squeeze a few tablespoons of juice out of it. When you have done this, add this juice to the bowl of the food processor along with the strawberries. And immediately send granulated sugar there.
  3. And let it all spin again for a few minutes. Our goal is this strawberry puree(that is, the consistency should be like this). When we achieve this, we can safely pour milk to this puree and mix for a few more minutes.
  4. After that, it is believed that the homemade sherbet recipe, which suggests the presence of strawberries, is ready. You can start tasting and absorbing this delicacy. If you want it to be more like ice cream, then put it in the freezer for one hour.

Products per drink

  • Half a kilo of ripe plums
  • Half a kilo of grapes dark varieties)
  • One big red apple
  • About 250 grams of figs
  • Water (about two liters)
  • A little cinnamon
  • Clove and ginger
  • About 100 grams of sugar

Since sherbet contains ginger, it contributes to the good functioning of the immune system. Read about its other advantages in the material " ginger benefits and harms" on our website

Despite the fact that this is a drink, there are a lot of components in it. Especially if you compare this recipe with the previous ones.

How to make a drink

What is the recipe for Turkish sherbet?

  1. First of all, we need to get a bigger saucepan. We put all our fruits on the bottom. But before folding them, it is better to clean the grapes from the branches. They may sting a little. So don't be lazy and clean up.
  2. When all the fruits are washed and prepared, put them on the bottom of our container. We also put spices there, according to the recipe. Then pour two liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water takes on bubbles, you need to make the fire a little smaller. The pot should be covered with a lid. So you need to leave our drink to brew for one hour.
  3. The recipe for making Turkish sherbet includes a few more steps. We need to mix lemon juice and sugar. When one hour of brewing has passed, this mixture must be added to the container with the drink. And let it simmer for another ten minutes. Then we turn off the fire. We need to strain the drink. It is best to do this through cheesecloth.
  4. It remains to cool it well and you can try. It is best to put ice in a glass with this drink (so it will look like a refreshing cocktail).

This is how the sherbet recipe is prepared, which came to us from Turkey and is a drink. This drink is very refreshing, you can even say that the heat is easier to perceive if it is consumed during such a period. In addition, he still goes well to fatty meals(he, so to speak, helps to get rid of the heaviness of the stomach and slightly smoothes out the harm that we cause to the body fatty foods). We can summarize and say that this drink has a lot of vitamins.

With the onset summer heat a person begins to feel the need for soft drinks. Although the most popular and healthy drinks Anatolia are considered ayran and lemonade, are widespread and fruit juices and sherbets. Sherbets are a drink that has always been present both in Ottoman palaces and on the tables of the common people. Although sherbet, which in Ottoman culture was always offered to guests, began to be gradually forgotten, it still remains an integral part of the treats for those who are trying to preserve and continue the traditions of Ottoman cuisine.

The importance of drinks in world cuisine is undeniable. In parallel to how people gradually, step by step, formed patterns of nutrition by studying foods that could be eaten, the same thing happened with drinks. Of course, many factors that have existed for thousands of years have played a large role in the transformation of drinks from a thirst quencher to a means of pleasure. It should be noted that religion has played a major role in shaping both food and drink. For example, due to the fact that Islam has a strict ban on alcohol, the drink culture in the Islamic world relies on fruit juices and sorbets. Fruit juices are widely consumed throughout the world, however, sherbet was invented by Islamic peoples and distributed in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and Central Asia.

The fact that in the Ottoman Empire sherbets were given such reverence that they were served in gilded cups, testifies to the importance attached to the traditions of our cuisine. What other drink in the world has so much respect? However, today sherbet is only symbolically served during the celebration of Ramadan, as part of the cultural heritage. We will not be mistaken if we use the word "culture" when talking about sherbet, because what is in Everyday life our ancestors were formed traditional behaviors related to this drink is a well-known fact. The current state of the sherbet culture, unfortunately, cannot be assessed on a cultural scale.

It is known that the name sherbet comes from the verb "sherben", which in Arabic means "drink". The syrup, which is the main technology for making sherbet, is taken as it is, from Arabic. However, in the old Arabic, sherbet and sweetened drinks were called syrup. Arab countries located near Anatolia still use the word sherbet in the sense in which the Ottoman peoples used it before.

British travelers got acquainted with this drink thanks to the Ottoman peoples, who contributed to the fact that it became universal, and they, having adopted the word "sherbet", brought it into their native language in the same form. According to the famous historian Alan Davidson, in the early periods of the Ottoman Empire, sherbet entered the Italian cuisine called sorbetto. The French and Italians, who mastered this technology, developed an ice sherbet similar to sherbet with ice or snow and called it "sorbet". "Sorbet", under the influence french cuisine, has reached the scale of tradition all over the world. Offering sherbet before the main meal for relaxation and refreshment, prepares the person for the next meal.

The main ingredients of sherbet are sugar and water. The widespread use of sugar as a preservative method food products, contributed to the appearance of preserves, jams, and, finally, sherbet. Syrup is the main component of sherbet. Fruits and berries are boiled together with sugar to a certain consistency, after which they are stored chilled in glass jars. To prepare then sorbet from them, they are diluted with water in a ratio of one to three. Sherbet can be made from flowers, plants, fruits, roots and seeds. In addition, products such as marshmallows, dried fruits, pekmez syrup, fruit juices, honey and vinegar can be used as an additive.
Although syrups are usually consumed chilled in the summer, there are also hot sherbets that are served during the winter months. So, sherbet, served to guests who come to congratulate on the birth of a child, depending on the season, can be served both cold and hot.

The halva kitchen, which was later added to the Topkapi Palace, can be compared to a laboratory of sweets, syrups and sherbets. The palace's most popular sherbets were made from rose, lily, violet, narcissus, jasmine, jida, and lotus flowers. Especially sherbet from rare lotus flowers, which grows in fresh water, is a delicious drink.

In the Ottoman palace, where so much attention was paid to the preparation of Sherbet, expensive dishes made by skilled jewelers were also naturally used.

Although in general there was a huge difference between the palace and public kitchens, in the matter of sherbet this difference almost did not exist. Since in every house sherbet was an indispensable treat, which was served to an unexpected guest.

There are many factors behind the loss of popularity of this tradition over time. But in fact, we are losing the unity of human relations, shaped for centuries by the culture of sherbet. How many problems can be solved and how many hearts can be won over a cup of sherbet.

We cannot, speaking of sherbet, not give you a recipe for its preparation. So we offer you a recipe for black mulberry sherbet, which in Anatolia is also called medicinal mulberry.

To prepare it, you will need: 500 g of black mulberry, 130 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. It is very easy to cook it. Black mulberry, after cleaning, sprinkle with sugar in the evening and place in the refrigerator until morning. Then, adding water, you need to leave it to boil over low heat. After boiling for 5 minutes, the syrup must be removed from heat and left to cool. After cooling it, straining through gauze, you can serve it on the table. Black mulberry is very useful. Firstly, it helps to overcome weakness and excessive fatigue. Purifies the blood, reduces blood pressure. Normalizes the activity of the digestive system, improves gastric secretion. It is also recommended for infections of the mouth and throat, as well as anemia. Helps strengthen hair and teeth, in addition, helps those who suffer from insomnia.
