How to decorate muffins with cream. Cream for muffins - preparing little masterpieces! A selection of recipes for the most delicious, thick and rich creams for muffins.

Muffin cream should not only be tasty, but also hold its shape well. Only in this case the dessert will turn out stunningly beautiful, will be preserved until the right moment and will bring joy. Collected here best recipes muffin creams. We choose to your taste!

Muffin cream - general principles of preparation

Pledge good cream - quality products. The taste and type of dessert depends on them. Don't try to save money on muffin tops. Let better base will be more modest.

What to pay attention to:

The butter must be good, with a fat content of at least 72%, it must harden quickly in the refrigerator, but at the same time soften when room temperature. Plant-based and low-quality products are guilty of this.

Cream for creams is also used with a high fat content of at least 30%. In some recipes they can be replaced with sour cream.

Sugar is most often replaced with powder, which you can prepare yourself using a coffee grinder.

Creams may also contain curd products, eggs and condensed milk. Aromatic additives and dyes that improve the taste and color of the dessert are of no small importance. There is only one rule when choosing - we choose the freshest and highest quality products. If the expiration date comes to an end, then such an ingredient is no longer suitable.

Chocolate coffee cream for muffins

Recipe for thick rich cream for muffins with chocolate taste and a coffee tint. Use instant coffee, dark cocoa powder without sugar.


140 g butter;

30 g cocoa;

0.5 tsp. coffee;

80 g dark chocolate;

80 g sugar powder


1. Cut the butter into pieces and leave to soften at room temperature for an hour. You can place the product directly into the bowl that will be used for whipping.

2. Break the chocolate pieces and place them in a small saucepan or bowl.

3. Heat some water in another pan, place a bowl of chocolate on top, and begin to melt it. Stir regularly, once all the pieces have dissolved, add instant coffee, stir and remove from heat. The chocolate needs to be melted until warm.

4. Mix the powder with cocoa, rub all the lumps.

5. We begin to beat the butter.

6. As soon as it becomes fluffy and white, gradually introduce cocoa powder.

7. As soon as all the powder has been added, we begin to pour in the melted, slightly warm chocolate.

8. The cream is ready! We post it in pastry bag, squeeze onto muffins, place confectionery in the refrigerator so that the delicious cap freezes.

Butter cream for muffins

A version of the most delicate buttercream for muffins. If desired, some of the sugar can be reduced so that the balloon is not too sweet.


150 ml heavy cream;

0.5g vanilla;

80 g powder;

Dye optional.


1. Pour heavy cream into a bowl, immerse the mixer whisks and begin to beat.

2. As soon as the cream becomes thick and has increased in volume, add in parts powdered sugar.

3. For aroma, add a little vanilla. Whisk until the powder dissolves.

4. If desired, you can add any coloring; butter cream can easily change color.

5. Place the prepared delicacy in a pastry bag and decorate the cooled muffins.

Cream for muffins with boiled condensed milk

Very tasty and custard, which is great for decorating muffins. Boiled condensed milk itself is thick, so the mass does not flow, it freezes well, and the cream caps retain their shape for a long time.


250 g boiled condensed milk;

200 g drained butter;

2 tablespoons of fat sour cream;

Vanilla, essences.


1. Soften the butter at room temperature. Immerse the mixer, start beating at low speeds, then increase the speed.

2. Beat the butter until fluffy and white.

3. Boiled condensed milk Grind together with rich sour cream until smooth.

4. First add one small spoonful of the condensed milk mixture to the oil and carefully break it up, then add the entire addition.

5. Place in cream aromatics, beat one last time. Ready! You can decorate your baked goods!

Cream for muffins with mascarpone and cream

A chic version of cream with mascarpone. If necessary, you can try replacing main ingredient other cream cheese.


250 g mascarpone;

140 g sugar powders;

120 ml cream;

Vanilla, dyes.


1. For everything to work out, the ingredients of the cream must be at the same temperature. You can cool everything or keep it warm.

2. Whip the cream, which should be heavy, until very fluffy foam, gradually add all the powdered sugar. For aroma we add vanilla, extracts and essences. This cream can also be colored; in this case, it is better to add dyes to the cream so that they dissolve thoroughly.

3. Knead the mascarpone well and add whipped cream, spoonful at a time. Stir well.

4. Ready cream You can refrigerate it to make it thicker, or use it straight away to decorate miniature cupcakes.

Butter cream for muffins with cream

Classical butter cream It has not been popular for a long time, as it turns out to be fatty, it can make you sick, and the taste has become boring. But you can always prepare its analogue with cream. It is much lighter and more interesting in taste.


100 g butter;

50 ml cream;

3/4 cup powder.


1. Divide the powdered sugar in half.

2. Beat the softened butter until foamy, add half the powder in parts, beat until dissolved.

3. Whip the cream separately and also add half of the powdered sugar.

4. Now you need to combine both air masses. It is better to introduce cream into butter cream. Stir carefully.

5. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, you can add vanilla or other substances for aroma, dyes to change color.

6. Squeeze butter caps onto muffins. Subject to use quality oil In the refrigerator, such a cream hardens quickly, and then it is difficult to work with it.

Custard cream for muffins

Recipe custard for muffins, which captivates not only with its taste, but also with its price. In fact, it can be considered one of the most budget option baking decorations.


200 ml milk;

7 spoons of sugar;

140 g butter;

20 g flour.


1. Grind the yolk, gradually add milk to it. We don't need protein. Place the mixture on the stove and let it warm up.

2. Sugar must be combined with flour so that no lumps appear during the process of combining with liquid. Pour into milk and stir.

3. Cook the cream over moderate heat. Stir constantly, especially when thickening.

4. As soon as the mass begins to gurgle in large drops, remove from heat. The custard mixture will thicken further as it cools.

5. While the milk and flour mixture is cooling, put it in a bowl soft butter, beat with a mixer until fluffy.

6. Combine the butter with the custard mixture. They must be the same temperature.

7. Stir, season the cream with vanilla or other aromatic substances. Place in the refrigerator for an hour and use as intended.

Cream for muffins “Honey ganache”

Another chic decoration option for homemade muffins. If you have allergies, you can use it instead of honey. starch syrup or thick sugar syrup, it also works great with them.


40 g honey;

270 g cream;

230 g chocolate.


1. We use only fat cream, at least 30%. Mix them with honey, put them on the stove and bring them almost to a boil.

2. Chocolate must be real with at least 70% cocoa. Chop it into pieces and throw it into a bowl.

3. Pour hot cream over chocolate, stir quickly with a spatula until the pieces are completely dissolved. If suddenly lumps remain (which should not happen when using quality chocolate), you need to warm the mass a little in a water bath.

4. Cool the stirred ganache. We monitor the temperature; the cream should not be very thick.

5. Fill the syringe and squeeze it onto the cooled cupcakes. Place in the refrigerator for further cooling.

Curd cream for muffins

The recipe is not only delicious, but also useful cream for muffins. It is advisable to use fatty cottage cheese, not dry, so that it can be ground to a homogeneous consistency. Instead of cream, you can use full-fat sour cream, it will also make a cream.


150 g cottage cheese;

150 g powder;

50 ml cream;

150 g butter;

2 drops vanilla essence.


1. The cottage cheese must be thoroughly ground. It is better to put the product in a bowl along with the cream and beat with a blender. Then add half the powdered sugar and beat again.

2. Take softened butter. Place in a bowl, beat one first, then gradually add the second part of the powder that remains.

3. Now you need to combine the butter mixture and the curd mixture, stir until smooth.

4. Add a couple drops of vanilla for flavor. Mix the cream again.

5. Transfer to a bag with attachments or cream injector, use for decoration.

If desserts are intended for adults, you can add a little liqueur or cognac to the cream. The taste of the delicacy will become much more interesting and noble. For 300 ml of cream, 20 ml of alcohol-containing drink is enough.

If the cream turns out to be liquid and does not want to harden, then there is no need to try to freeze it. It will be even worse. You can add a little ground to the flour shortbread cookies, it will absorb some of the moisture and make the mass thicker. Cocoa powder can also serve as a thickener.

After decorating with cream, the muffins must be placed in the refrigerator. If they are prepared in advance, that is, a couple of days before the celebration, then it is better not to decorate them right away, prepare the cream immediately before the event so that it is fresh.

For decorating muffins, in addition to standard powdered sugar and chocolate glaze, also use cream. They either simply coat muffins with it, or decorate them with various cream figures: roses, spirals and other curls. Not all creams are suitable for the latter options, but only those that will hold their shape well.
I'll tell you how to make muffin cream that will adhere perfectly to the top, and I'll describe their recipes in detail.

Basic Recipes

At the end of cooking, you can optionally add to each of the creams:

  • half a bar of melted white or dark chocolate;
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • zest from half a lemon or orange;
  • 1 tbsp. dry instant coffee;
  • required amount of food coloring;
  • a couple of drops of food flavoring.

Cream of cream

List of ingredients:

  • 33-35% cream – 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 80-100 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • vanilla.

Kitchenware: mixer, whipping container.
Time: 15 minutes.
Quantity: for about 15 pieces.

Before preparing the cream, the cream and the container in which it will be whipped must be very well cooled. To do this, just put everything in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Cream cheese

List of ingredients:

  • very fat sour cream – 340 g;
  • fat kefir – 180 ml;
  • curdled milk – 180 ml;
  • juice from half a lemon.

Kitchenware: pan, sieve, gauze.
Time: approximately 3 hours.
Quantity: one portion.

Cooking sequence

Custard protein cream

Delicious and beautiful muffins are also made with custard protein cream. There are two options for preparing it.

First option

List of ingredients:

  • protein – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • water – 40 ml.

Time: 25 minutes.
Quantity: for about 15 pieces.

Cooking sequence

Second option

List of ingredients:

  • protein – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 120 g.

Cooking sequence

Protein cream meringue

List of ingredients:

Kitchenware: mixer, whipping container, bowl.
Time: 35 minutes.
Quantity: for about 15 pieces.

Cooking sequence

Video recipe for protein-butter cream for muffins

It always seemed to me that meringue-based cream is very difficult to prepare. But after watching this video, I was convinced that in fact everything is quite simple. Therefore, if you doubt your abilities, take a look and see for yourself that such beautiful cream The muffins are easy to make.

Follow the links, bake and then decorate - Raisin Muffins - or fancy ones.

Write comments and add beautiful photos muffins decorated with the suggested creams. Also share your recipe options. I'll be glad to try them.
Have a beautiful and enjoyable tea party!

Amazing and delicious cupcakes, thanks to their ease of preparation, have conquered the whole world. They can easily be prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They give a feeling of comfort and happiness. Moreover, they can be prepared with any fillings: cottage cheese, chocolate, fruits and even vegetables, meat and fish.

Here are a few simple recipes, which you can easily repeat in your kitchen.

1. Chocolate muffins with custard

A real extravaganza of taste! Fortify yourself with this chocolate cupcake with a stretchy filling - and great mood you are guaranteed!

Ingredients:flour – 300 g, egg – 2 pcs., egg yolks– 2 pcs., butter – 150 g, milk – 370 ml, sugar – 160 g, powdered sugar – 20 g, baking powder – 2 tsp, cocoa – 2 tbsp, salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking method: To prepare the cream, mix the egg yolks and powdered sugar. Then pour in 200 ml of milk in a thin stream. Then add 2 tbsp. sifted flour. Cook for about 5-8 minutes low heat until the mixture thickens.

For chocolate dough Grind the butter and sugar, break the eggs, pour in the milk and mix well. Take another container, mix flour with salt, baking powder and cocoa in it. Next, mix the flour mixture with the egg and milk mixture. Fill the greased molds one-third full with chocolate batter. Place half a teaspoon of cream and cover another third with chocolate dough. Place the muffins in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

2. Blueberry muffins

You can't go wrong with these delicious and healthy berry muffins for breakfast and tea! Fresh berries can be replaced with frozen ones, which are available in every store all year round. Don't deny yourself the pleasure!

Ingredients:baking powder – 1 tbsp, condensed milk – 150 ml, butter – 50 g, blueberries – 200 g, egg – 2 pcs., flour – 300 g.

Cooking method: Mix baking powder with sifted flour. Beat the eggs until foam appears. Add melted butter and condensed milk. Add flour and baking powder to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly and add berries. Divide the dough into molds and bake for 15-25 minutes at a temperature of 170-190 degrees.

3. Curd muffins

Cottage cheese lovers will appreciate delicate taste these cupcakes. Lemon and vanilla will give them an unsurpassed aroma. If you can't find vanilla sticks, replace them. vanilla sugar.

Ingredients:flour – 2 cups, baking powder – 2 tsp, cottage cheese – 250 g, sugar – 1 cup, milk – 1 cup, egg – 2 pcs., butter – 50 g, salt – 1/2 tsp, zest of 1 lemon, 1 vanilla pod or vanilla sugar.

Cooking method: Mix in a blender until homogeneous mass sugar and cottage cheese. Then add milk, eggs, softened butter, salt, grated zest and vanilla sugar. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Bake the cupcakes for about 40 minutes.

4. Orange muffins

These muffins will be the perfect compliment to a cup of coffee. They can be decorated with pieces of chocolate or nuts if desired.

Ingredients:orange – 1 pc., sugar – 150 g, vanilla sugar – 2 tsp, butter – 150 g, egg – 3 pcs., baking powder – 2 tsp, flour – 250 g.

Cooking method: Remove the zest from the orange, grate and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Cream the butter with sugar and vanilla sugar. Add eggs, juice and grated zest to the mixture. Gently add flour and knead the dough. Pour the dough into the molds and bake for 25 minutes.

5. Banana muffins

The delicate and airy texture of banana muffins will appeal to both children and adults.

Ingredients:banana – 1 pc., flour – 150 g, baking powder – 1 tsp, sugar – 3 tbsp, milk – 50 ml, vegetable oil– 50 ml, egg – 1 pc.

Cooking method: Peel the banana and mash it with a fork or grind it in a blender. Sift flour with baking powder and add sugar. In a separate bowl, mix milk, vegetable oil, egg and banana puree. Gradually add flour and sugar. Knead a homogeneous dough and distribute it among the molds. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

6. Zucchini Muffins with Onion and Bacon

These delicious muffins are perfect as a buffet appetizer.

Ingredients: onion– 1 pc., zucchini – 1 pc., salt – 1 tsp., egg – 2 pcs., sugar – 1 tsp., baking powder – 1.5 tsp., flour – 2/3 cup, bacon – 70 g.

Cooking method: Chop the onion small pieces and lightly fry it sunflower oil. Meanwhile, grate the zucchini on a fine grater, salt it, stir and leave for 3-5 minutes. Mix eggs with sugar in a bowl. Add flour and baking powder to this mixture. Cut the bacon into small pieces and stir into the batter. Squeeze the juice out of the zucchini with your hands. Place the squeezed zucchini and fried onions into the bowl with the dough and stir. Grease muffin tins a small amount butter and sprinkle with a little flour. Fill the molds with dough. Place them in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 12-15 minutes until the muffins are golden brown.

7. Salmon muffins

Useful and fragrant cupcakes with red fish - unexpected, but very delicious combination your guests will love it.

Ingredients:flour – 2 cups, baking powder – 1 tsp, pepper, lemon, salmon – 200 g, egg – 2 pcs., milk – 300 ml, dill, vegetable oil – 100 ml, cream cheese – for decoration, caviar – for decorations.

Cooking method: Mix flour with baking powder, ground pepper and chopped lemon zest. Cut the fish into small pieces. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Add fish and juice, as well as all other ingredients and knead the dough. Fill small muffin tins three-quarters full. Place the molds in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 20 minutes. Once the muffins have cooled, decorate them with a hat of cream cheese. Place some caviar and chopped dill on top.

8. Snack muffins with olives and suluguni

Unsweetened pastries are always appropriate: both on holidays and on weekdays. Besides this, she is an excellent alternative sandwiches.

Ingredients:egg – 2 pcs., sour cream – 1 glass, flour – 1 glass, butter – 100 g, suluguni (brynza) – 200 g, pitted olives – 1 jar, sugar – 1 tbsp, baking powder – 1 tbsp. l., salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking method: Mix eggs with salt and sugar. Add sour cream, butter, flour, baking powder and cheese cut into small cubes. Chop the herbs and olives. Place everything into the dough. Add spices and fill greased molds 2/3 full with batter. Bake for about 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

9. Ham and Cheese Snack Muffins

These muffins are ideal for breakfast, especially since they take just a few minutes to prepare.

Ingredients:cheese – 100 g, ham – 100 g, egg – 3 pcs., butter – 100 g, milk – 150 ml, flour – 250 g, soda – 1 tsp, salt, pepper.

Cooking method: Cut the cheese and ham into small cubes. Beat eggs with salt and pepper. Pour in the milk and add the softened butter. Add sifted flour and baking soda. Knead the dough. Add cheese and ham. Grease the molds butter and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

10. Spinach muffins

For those who are worried about their figure, you can make healthy muffins from buckwheat, corn flour and low-fat yogurt. They will turn out very tasty and will add vitamins to the body.

Ingredients:buckwheat flour – 1 cup, corn flour– 1/3 cup, baking powder – 1 tsp, flax seeds – 3 tsp, egg – 3 pcs., low-fat yogurt – 1 cup, spinach – 200 g, carrots – 2 pcs., onion – 1 pc. ., lemon – ½ piece, garlic – 3 cloves, nutmeg– ½ tsp, salt, pepper, pumpkin seeds for decoration.

Cooking method: Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl. In another, beat the egg with yogurt. Add chopped spinach, carrots, onions, garlic and lemon juice with zest. Mix thoroughly and add the dry mixture. Fill muffin tins with the batter, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and bake for 25 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Chocolate baked goods with tender butter cream- This is a classic combination of tastes. Who can refuse such a delicacy? There probably aren't many people like that. In addition, if such a dessert is prepared so simply that even a child can handle it, and therefore the cooking process can be turned into a small pleasant game. Children will especially love decorating the muffins with cream and decorating them with colorful sprinkles.

The beauty of these chocolate muffins The fact is that you will spend very little effort on preparing them. So little that you won’t even notice how delicious it was prepared, fragrant dessert. The dough for the muffins themselves is prepared in just a few movements, and to prepare the cream you just need to beat together the mascarpone, cream and powdered sugar.

Ingredients for 10 medium muffins

  • 110 grams flour
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 90 ml whey or milk
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 15 grams cocoa powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • a pinch of salt and vanilla

For cream:

  • 150 grams mascarpone (or other cream cheese)
  • 150 grams of heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons powdered sugar
  • decorative sprinkles for decoration

Chocolate muffins recipe

First, mix the dry ingredients in a small bowl: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt and vanilla.

Then add an egg to this mixture.

Stir the muffin batter until smooth.

Place the dough into the baking pans until they are two-thirds full.

Bake the muffins at a temperature of 200-210 degrees for 20 minutes. Cool the finished muffins.

Making mascarpone cream

While the muffins are cooling, prepare the cream. To do this, mix cream cheese, cream and powdered sugar.

Beat the mixture until fluffy. Be careful not to overbeat the cream, otherwise it will curdle. To avoid this, the ingredients should be at room temperature.
