Sudanese rose - the benefits and harms of a plant, growing at home. Growing and caring for the Oriental Sudanese rose

Sudanese rose, hibiscus and hibiscus are the names of the same flower. It is not as spectacular as its closest relative, the Chinese one, so it is not often seen in indoor plant collections.

Meanwhile, the plant is widely known for the fact that from its dried perianths are made healing tea hibiscus.

Sudanese Rose (Hibiscus sabdariffa, Scarlet Cocktail)- perennial herbaceous plant Malvaceae family. AT vivo- sprawling shrub with a powerful root system, reaching 3 m 50 cm in height.

young shoots plants are reddish-green in color, lignified look gray-green due to the numerous cracks that cover the bark.

Leaves- rough, oval, on young shoots - with a pointed top.

flowers medium-sized, 6-7 cm in diameter, solitary, sitting on short pedicels. Petals - a rich red hue, less often - pink, cream, purple. Perianths - dense, fleshy, dark red.

Hibiscus tea, the raw material for which is the Sudanese rose, is useful for nervous exhaustion and metabolic disorders.

However, if a person has acidity, a stomach ulcer, urolithiasis disease He shouldn't drink this tea.

What you need to know about carcade:

Is it possible to grow a Sudanese rose at home?

The flower comes from tropical latitudes, where in winter period the temperature rarely drops below +15°C.

That's why in open ground it can only be grown in the south providing secure cover. Most often this plant is grown as a houseplant.

Features of planting and caring for hibiscus

Growing in an apartment

The plant prefers flowerpots according to the size of the root system. In tight spaces, it will develop poorly and look oppressed, and in too spacious, the roots may rot.

Tip: choose heavy ceramic flowerpots for Sudanese roses. Plastic for this plant is not stable enough.

For growing Sudanese roses at home you need to prepare a nutritious soil mixture from equal parts of leaf and sod land, rotted humus and river sand.

Before planting the plant in the prepared soil mixture, it must be calcined in the oven for 30-45 minutes. This will eliminate most pests and pathogenic bacteria. Such treatment will not affect the quality of the soil.

As a drain you can use coarse river sand or expanded clay of medium fraction. The drainage layer should be at least 4 cm.

Tip: if there is no purchased drainage at hand, you can put crushed stone washed and calcined in the oven on the bottom of the flowerpot.

In the first two or three years, the Sudanese rose needs an annual transplant., then transplanted every two or three years. Adult specimens that are more than 8-10 years old only replace the top layer of soil by 5 cm.

Pinch the tops of young shoots regularly. This contributes to better branching of the bush and the laying of flower buds, which are formed only on the shoots of the current year.

Hibiscus feels equally good both in bright sun and in partial shade. However, the disadvantage sunlight may adversely affect its flowering.

In the afternoon hours, the plant should be shaded.

Like all hibiscus, the Sudanese rose is thermophilic. Optimum temperature for her - +23 - + 25 ° C.

Watering the Sudanese rose after the top layer of soil dries out. Water for irrigation should be separated, warm. AT summer time watered abundantly, in winter - moderately.

For abundant flowering Sudanese rose fertilize with fertilizer for flowering plants or special ones designed for hibiscus.

Sudanese rose or hibiscus:

In the open ground

Sudanese rose can be grown in the flower bed as an annual. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in spring or early summer, when the air temperature at night does not fall below + 15 ° C.

Planting material is harvested in advance: in July-August, during planned pruning.

To do this, cuttings with four to five internodes are cut with a sharp knife or pruner and kept for 1 hour in a solution of any root formation stimulator.

Thereafter put in plastic cups filled with light soil with the addition of perlite or vermiculite, moisten and place under a plastic bag.

Tip: if there is no root stimulator at hand, you can use aloe juice - cut off a piece bottom sheet 5-6 cm long, stick a cutting into it and leave it for 1-1.5 hours.

After that, without washing off the juice, land in the prepared soil mixture.

In a month, regrown roots will be visible through the transparent walls of the glasses. After that, the cuttings transplanted into small pots and care for them as described above.

A plant in a flower bed quickly turns into a beautiful bush strewn with bright colors. It is undemanding to watering, steadfastly withstands direct sunlight, is content with one or two top dressings.

This plant is outdoors will bloom until cool weather.

After that, it can be transplanted into a flowerpot and transferred to the wintering place in the room. With the advent of spring, the shoots are shortened and the plant is planted in a flower bed.

Growing problems

Sudanese rose is quite unpretentious. The main thing that she needs when growing on a windowsill is regular watering and humidity.

If the soil in the flowerpot dries out, the plant will immediately drop the buds. To prevent this from happening, you need to check the soil moisture with a toothpick.

Daily spraying or an indoor fountain will help to cope with dry air.

Preparing for winter

Plants grown outdoors can be left to overwinter in a flower bed. For this the aerial part is cut off.

The roots are covered with a cardboard box, and spruce branches are thrown on top. You can additionally cover the roots with sawdust.

If the plant is not frozen, in the spring it will grow back and please with especially lush flowering.

Protection against diseases and pests

spider mite. In winter, when the air in the apartment is dry, the Sudanese rose is often affected by spider mites. A thin cobweb entangling the internodes, and small holes on the lower part of the leaves are signs of the appearance of this pest.

The leaves affected by the mite begin to turn yellow and crumble. If the plant is not treated in a timely manner with an insecticide, it may die.

The best prevention of the appearance of spider mites is regular spraying.

Chlorosis. A lack of iron, zinc or magnesium in the soil can cause chlorosis. This disease is characterized by gradual yellowing of the leaves. However, they do not fall off.

Spraying and watering with a solution of iron chelate effectively act against chlorosis. If the lesion was small, the leaves turn green again. In more advanced cases, the natural color returns unevenly.

Tip: so that hibiscus sabdariffa does not suffer from chlorosis, instead of water, you can water and spray it with infusion of onion peel.

Due to certain difficulties associated with maintenance and care, hibiscus sabdariffa is grown much less frequently than China rose. This is only possible for an experienced grower.

Rosella, Venetian mallow, pharaonic flower, Sudanese rose are common names for Hibiscus subdariffa, which we know as hibiscus. More recently, dried red petals of this beautiful plant began to be imported into our country, and we got acquainted with a drink that has long been known in many countries. In Egypt, hibiscus is national drink, and in industrial scale grown in Sudan (the highest quality raw materials), India, Mexico, Thailand, China, Sri Lanka and the island of Java. They sell dried petals, cups and hibiscus roses and by weight, and packed in colorful bags or convenient tea bags.

Application of the Sudanese rose

In the usual representation for us, from the red petals of this plant, an aromatic sweet and sour tea is prepared, which can be drunk both hot and cold. Few people know that they use the Sudanese rose not only in the form of tea and decoctions, but you can make jam, jelly, compote, jam, tincture or cocktails from its petals. Stems, young shoots, leaves and flower petals are added to salads, first and second courses as vegetables. It would be useful to eat the soaked petals left after drinking tea, as they contain a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and antiseptic substances. This plant gives the body energy, regulates pressure, strengthens the walls blood vessels, improves eyesight, and indeed in the East is considered a "cure for all diseases."

And it is not without reason that hibiscus bears the epithet "flower of the pharaohs." According to legend, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra not only drank a decoction of hibiscus, but also regularly took baths from it. Allegedly, it was he who gave her skin a unique copper tint. Whether it was so or not, we no longer know, but our contemporaries began to use magical properties this flower in cosmetology:

  • at problematic skin face soaked petals are used as a cleansing mask;
  • for swelling around the eyes, Sudanese rose tea is used, wrapped in gauze bags;
  • the problem of oily hair is helped by periodic rubbing of gruel from the petals, which reduces the secretion of sebum.

Growing a Sudanese rose at home

For lovers of domestic plants, as well as pleasant and healthy drink and natural cosmetics You can grow this wonderful flower at home. In garden nurseries and "everything for the garden" stores, you are unlikely to find rooted cuttings or young hibiscus seedlings. Therefore, you will have to start growing Sudanese roses on your own. Subsequently, it will be possible to harvest cuttings from your lignified plant, rooting them in the usual way, i.e. soaking in a growth stimulator and planting in soil or sand under a glass jar.

Seeds can be written out on the Internet or, even easier, look for them in a purchased package with hibiscus. Soak them, and after the appearance of a tender sprout, plant them in a small pot, which, as the plant grows, will need to be replaced with a larger container (a tub with a volume of up to 100 liters). The soil for a young shoot must be prepared light. The easiest way is to buy a package of ready-made soil substrate for ornamental shrubs, which includes leaf and horse earth, sand and humus. As the plant grows heavier and grows (up to two meters in height), it is transplanted into a pot with heavier soil, and if the volume of the pot allows it, and there is no way to transplant a flower, then they simply add new soil.

Home Sudanese rose care

The hibiscus sprout is very fond of watering and light, but not direct sunlight, and does not tolerate drafts. With a change in temperature or a draft, a capricious plant sheds flowers, which, by the way, will appear 5 years after planting. Feels comfortable at a temperature of about +20°C (over +15°C in winter and up to 25°C in summer). With a lack of moisture, the tips of the leaves dry out, and this can be avoided by spraying with water. In an adult lignified bush, if necessary, you can cut off the crown, covering the wounds with garden pitch. Care sudanese rose It also consists in feeding the plant, especially during the growth period, with liquid bacterial fertilizers. They should be used in accordance with the directions on the packaging.

The Sudanese rose is susceptible to certain diseases (bacterial cancer, anthracnose) and suffers from pests (aphids, spider mites). In some cases, spraying and treatment with special preparations or the physical destruction of insects helps, but in particular difficult cases the plant dies.

Sudanese rose and its amazing properties (video)

Growing a Sudanese rose is not so easy. Many do not know that Hibiscus tea is made from Sudanese roses. The Sudanese rose belongs to the genus Hibiscus, which belong to the Malvaceae family. At home, you can grow Chinese rose and Hibiscus Chinese. Moreover, the first one will be a close relative of the Sudanese rose, but hibiscus tea cannot be made from it. Those who grow this plant enjoy its beauty.

The Sudanese rose has dark purple flowers and a green stem with a reddish tint. In its natural environment, Hibiscus can reach a height of 5 meters. The Sudanese rose is grown in Sudan, India, China, Thailand, Mexico, on the islands of Java and Sri Lanka. The flower of the Sudanese rose is depicted on the coat of arms of Malaysia. In its five petals, Muslims see the five commandments of the Islamic religion.

How is the Sudanese rose grown?

The Sudanese rose is propagated by cuttings and very rarely by seeds. The cutting procedure is carried out in spring or summer. Cuttings of 10 cm are cut from one-year-old shoots, they are watched so that each has 3-4 buds.

Prepared cuttings:

  • Planted in a container, to a depth of approximately 3 cm;
  • Cover with a film on top;
  • Carry out daily spraying, and airing the room in the morning and evening;
  • The temperature in the room should be 22 - 25 degrees Celsius.

In the future, the room is ventilated more often. In summer and winter, the temperature in the room should be different. If this is summer, then up to 23 degrees, in the autumn we slowly reduce it to 17 degrees. In winter, the temperature in the room should be at least 16 degrees .

If you do not comply with all these conditions, temperature fluctuations, then the leaves and buds of the plant begin to fall off. Periodically it is necessary to spray the Sudanese rose, but not with cold, but with slightly warm water.

This is a photophilous plant. The light should be bright, but direct hits should be avoided. sun rays. In winter, additional lighting is needed. Watering the plant should be good, but this must be done very carefully. If the plant is overwatered, the roots may rot. Conversely, if the soil is too dry, the plant can drop buds. In general, the Sudanese rose is a very capricious plant.

In the summer and spring periods, it is imperative to fertilize the plant, according to the instructions that will be written on the package. Usually, these are fertilizers that are intended for flowering plants. You can fertilize only after watering the flower.

About medicinal properties

O healing properties Sudanese roses were known many years ago. In those countries where the Sudanese rose grows, it is considered a medicine. Tea is made from it. Useful and harmful properties Teas have been known since ancient times. Hibiscus tea contains a large number of vitamin C. It is especially good to drink it during the season of flu and colds. When taking tea in large quantities, its laxative effect is manifested.

There have been many studies on whether tea actually lowers blood pressure. For a month and a half, people suffering from hypertension drank this tea. At the end of the experiment, American scientists found that it really reduces arterial pressure by seven percent. But the debate over what temperature the drink should be taken has not subsided so far. The fruits of the Sudanese rose really have a beneficial effect on our body.

The benefits of tea

A malignant tumor, in other words, cancer, has become a very common disease of our time. It is today the most terrible disease. Hibiscus flowers contain antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals from the human body.

Healing properties of tea:

    • Tea, brewed according to all the rules, can relieve heartburn;
    • Frequent use of tea can solve such a delicate problem as constipation or atony of the large intestine;
    • It is good to use this drink for people who have reduced immunity, it is a strengthening drink, due to the content of a large amount of vitamins and microelements in it;
    • If a person has high cholesterol, then drinking this tea reduces it;
    • For those people who have a disease such as diabetes, this drink helps to alleviate its course;
    • Such skin diseases, like psoriasis and eczema, can disappear after a course of lotions from this flower;
    • If you have swelling, then you should use this tea. It will provide a diuretic effect;
    • This drink strengthens capillaries well. It helps those who have cardiovascular disease;
    • With a cold, this drink is good to use to reduce the temperature.

Harm to hibiscus

If you healthy man, then drinking this tea will not harm you.

People with certain diseases should simply limit themselves in the use of such tea in order to avoid negative manifestations:

  • With extreme caution, it should be used by people suffering from allergies;
  • In no case should it be used by those who have increased stomach acidity, because this drink increases it even more;
  • Pregnant and young mothers should limit themselves to drinking this drink;
  • People with low blood pressure should avoid this tea.

All organisms are different, even the most harmless product that can be used in huge number may harm the body.

The dried petals of the Sudanese rose contain a large amount of tartaric, citric and malic organic acids. They are the reason for the bitter taste of the drink.

A plant that makes it possible not only to diversify the diet of residents of countries in tropical regions, but also supplies food and cosmetic dyes, raw materials for ropes and medicines, must be large in size. At home, Sudanese hibiscus can reach a height of up to five meters. At home, the most grateful specimens of the Malvov representative grow up to two meters in height. The following deserve special attention:

  • root system rosella, which is a mixed version, in which there are main and secondary rods, and there is also a well-developed lobe. Subject to a careful attitude to the roots of the plant during transplantation, as well as timely prevention of pest damage, it is the root system that allows the hibiscus to endure not favorable conditions.
  • Leaves Sudanese roses attract attention with a dark green color. The leaf shape is trefoil. The leaf plate itself is serrate, mostly bare and shiny. The arrangement of the petiole leaves is alternate, and the length often reaches fifteen centimeters.

Hibiscus leaves are not only dark green. There are varieties of plants whose leaves have a variegated color.

  • Flowers- the main pride of rosella. Bright and large, with tubes formed from stamens protruding above the surface of the petals. The peculiarity of the flowers of any variety of Sudanese rose can be seen by looking at the edges of the petals. They are distinguished by a ragged serrated marginal structure. original form flower makes it amazingly beautiful, regardless of whether the surface of the petals is smooth or terry.
  • hibiscus trunk- smooth. Villi are absent, and the color of the bark varies from gray to brown, or even black, on old, woody parts of the trunk. High strength The trunk of the Sudanese rose is achieved with the help of a fibrous substance that is part of the bark.

How to care?

Hibiscus Sudanese rose is considered one of the most unpretentious in the care of houseplants. Its cultivation does not require special efforts, but it is necessary to follow certain rules.
Only in this case, the rosella will delight you with shiny bright leaves and large flowers.

  • Landing. A plant purchased in a store, or grown from cuttings or seeds, is planted in a specially prepared earthen mixture. It can be bought ready-made, but experienced flower growers prefer to prepare the soil on their own. For the soil mixture you will need leaf and sod land, peat, sand. A drainage layer of river pebbles or small stones is laid at the bottom of a spacious dish.

The plant is planted without strong deepening and watered abundantly after planting.

Frequent drying leads to the dropping of buds by hibiscus.

  • Like many moisture-loving plants, the Sudanese rose needs not only proper watering, but also regular spraying. In winter, due to the functioning of the central heating, it is possible to increase the humidity with the help of humidifiers. In summer, or high temperature air in winter, the plant must be plentifully and often sprayed.

Regular spraying protects the plant from aphids!

  • Fertilization carried out regularly after abundant watering. The plant is fed every week, using organic and mineral fertilizers for this. To increase the intensity of flowering, phosphate-containing compounds are suitable. The dormant period provides for top dressing no more than once a month.
  • It is best to place rosella on a light windowsill, as the plant loves bright light. In winter, it is necessary to organize additional lighting.
  • Air temperature in the room where the Sudanese hibiscus is located, it should be within 25 degrees in summer, subject to frequent ventilation, and not lower than 12 degrees in winter.

In order for the Sudanese rose to be able to live its usual period of twenty years or more, except special regime watering and regular fertilizing, be sure to follow pinching and cutting.

Pruning is carried out every year and stimulates abundant flowering. The reason is that flowers appear only on young shoots. Pinching and pruning not only form the desired shape of the bush, but also cause the active growth of young shoots, on which flowers subsequently bloom.

The cut point must be treated with garden pitch.

In order to enjoy large, up to 16 cm in diameter flowers, it is worth parting with old and diseased shoots. Hibiscus blooms mostly summer. But, if desired, the flowering period can be shifted, providing the plant with an unscheduled dormant period and reducing the intensity of watering. The reward will be exotic flowers of various shades. Flowers are mostly odorless, although some varieties have pleasant aroma, bloom in the early morning, and wither after sunset. The fragility of flowering is compensated large quantity blossoming buds.

Diseases and pests

In order to get at least twenty flowers daily on a medium-sized hibiscus bush, care must also be taken to protect the plant from pests and diseases. Most often, hibiscus are attacked greenhouse aphids, scale insects and spider mites. Fighting greenhouse aphids is the easiest task. Enough to apply spraying with Actellik. It is more difficult to fight with a scale insect and a spider mite. pests needed wash off the plant using for this purpose soap solution. Then, just as in the case of greenhouse aphids, spray with Actellic solution.

The disease known as vascular wilt, leaves practically no chance for a diseased plant. Vascular wilt is caused by Fusarium and Verticillium fungi. The name of the genus of fungi gave the name to the diseases - fusarium and verticillium. You can extend the life of a plant that has become ill with vascular wilt, using pruning diseased branches. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to significantly affect the process of death of hibiscus.


You can give life to a new plant using one of three ways:

Regularly following simple advice for the care and reproduction of Sudanese hibiscus, even a novice florist will be able to create a piece of tropical paradise on his windowsill. The main thing is everything necessary actions perform regularly.

A beautiful and regal name for this plant was given back in ancient times, when the pharaohs ruled in Egypt. For many hundreds of years, absolutely all healers of the East used this plant in various recipes helping to cope with absolutely any disease. Hibiscus tea is such that all the information about its harm and benefits was known, even in ancient times. This flower was awarded the great honor associated with being on the state emblem of Malaysia. And in the five petals of this flower, all Muslims see the five important commandments of the Islamic religion. In the process of drinking such a drink, it should be remembered that the effect of each product, including hibiscus, will be different for each individual human body. And the results of the use, respectively, can also vary. The closest relative of the plant is Chinese rose. Sometimes you can hear that the plant is called tea rose and hibiscus. Moreover, not everyone knows, but from this plant You can even make jam!

Useful properties of Sudanese rose:

The healing power of this amazing drink is due to its special chemical composition. After all, it contains organic acids. Such as wine, hibiscus, lemon, ascorbic and apple. As well as phenolcarboxylic acids - ferulic, O-coumaric and N-coumaric. In addition, oxysuccinic, gamma linolenic and hydroxycitric acids. As well as thirteen amino acids, of which as many as six acids are indispensable. Phytosterols are also present, especially anthocyanins. Also flavonoids. Cups of Sudanese rose flowers contain a lot of trace elements. This is manganese, and calcium, and iron. Also selenium, magnesium and potassium. And also copper. And they contain up to nine and a half percent proteins! In addition, the composition includes polysaccharides - pectin and hemicellulose. And in the presence of ambrettolid and farnesol. Well, the seeds contain a special vegetable musk.

Medicinal properties of the Sudanese rose:

The flowers of the plant contain antioxidants that can remove human body deadly radicals. So tea can at least slightly protect against the risk of cancer. The use of this delicious drink will be an excellent prevention in the process of developing diseases digestive tract. If tea is properly brewed, it can help get rid of heartburn. To everyone else healing properties, we can add that this drink is a wonderful laxative in situations with constipation and atony of the large intestine. The drink is also used as a tonic to boost immunity. The drink is also recommended for those people who suffer from diabetes. Drinking this will help to somewhat alleviate the course of this disease. Eczema and psoriasis, as well as skin inflammations, may well disappear after the course of using stable lotions from this flower has been completed.

Contraindications to the use of Sudanese rose:

The drink should beware of hypotension, due to their low pressure. However, this is individual. Already after the first cup drunk, it will be possible to understand whether the drink normally affects the body or not. People with allergies also need to be careful. And for those who suffer from high acidity during gastritis, you must forever forget about the existence of this drink, since such tea will increase acidity at times. Young mothers and pregnant women should also be more careful about the amount of this tea they drink.
