Alcohol poisoning: quick treatment at home. Emergency care for poisoning with alcohol and its substitutes

In addition to ethyl alcohol (ethanol, alcohol), there are also alcohol-containing drinks (vodka, wine, cognac, whiskey, liqueurs, rum) and its surrogates - inferior substitutes for ethanol. They are also sometimes used as alcoholic beverages. There are true and false surrogates for ethyl alcohol. These include: hydrolytic, i.e. obtained by hydrolysis from wood, and technical (denatured) alcohols; colognes, lotions, polish, stain, etc..

Absorption of ethyl alcohol is carried out by passive diffusion in all sections digestive tract, especially intense in the stomach, duodenum and small intestines. The speed of this process depends on the concentration of alcohol in the solution or alcoholic drink and their quantity: with their increase, the rate of resorption increases. The absorption of alcohol is also affected by the amount and nature of the contents of the stomach and intestines, their motor activity, and the degree of vascularization of the mucous membrane.

Eating food in the stomach complicates the diffusion of alcohol in the intestines, therefore its transition to the intestines slows down. In patients who have undergone gastrectomy, the blood alcohol content after ingestion increases faster than in healthy individuals. It also grows very quickly in patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer and so on..

Regardless of the route of introduction into the body, ethyl alcohol easily penetrates the internal organs and is distributed in proportion to the water content. When taken orally, the maximum concentration in the blood is established after 40-50 minutes, after which it gradually decreases. The alcohol content in the liver, kidneys, lungs and testes is higher than in other organs.

When consuming moderate amounts of alcohol, the rate of its metabolism corresponds to zero-order kinetics, i.e. does not depend on time and its concentration. An adult is able to metabolize about 7-10 g (0.15-0.22 mol) of ethyl alcohol per hour. About 90-95% of alcohol in the body (mainly in the liver) undergoes biotransformation, the rest is excreted unchanged in exhaled air, urine, sweat, and milk.

Ethanol metabolism is carried out by alcohol dehydrogenase, microsomal ethanol oxidation system and catalase. During the hydroxylation of alcohol by these enzymes, toxic acetaldehyde is formed, which, under the influence of aldehyde dehydrogenase, is hydroxylated into non-toxic acetate.

This nature of ethanol toxicokinetics determines the duration of its toxicogenic stage up to 8-15 hours.

Clinical picture of alcohol poisoning

Ethyl alcohol or alcohol in the form of a drink in toxic quantities initially causes intoxication, which can result in loss of consciousness and coma. Alcohol intoxication is manifested by signs of euphoria: such persons often sing, dance, gesticulate, speak loudly, joke inappropriately, and try to demonstrate their strength, dexterity, and wit. They are restless and want to run somewhere. They behave incorrectly, make indecent remarks to others, direct the conversation to an erotic topic, are tactless, intrusive. Their self-criticism is clearly reduced, their self-esteem is overestimated.

There is a lack of coordination of movements, a shaky gait, muscle strength Pain and temperature sensitivity is also reduced. There may be manifestations of aggressiveness, which can range from deep suppression. Characteristic salivation, sweating, tachycardia, shortness of breath, etc.

Superficial alcoholic coma is characterized by the cessation of speech contact while maintaining a defensive reaction to painful stimuli; The tone of skeletal muscles decreases, which, however, can periodically increase. Then trismus of the masticatory muscles appears, myofibrillation on the face, neck and chest, and convulsions are possible. Salivation continues, sweating increases, hiccups and vomiting appear. Existing floating movements of the eyeballs. The skin is pale with a cyanotic tint, cold, wet, and sticky to the touch.

Involuntary urination and bowel movements often occur.

The presence of a deep coma is much more dangerous. Victims develop acrocyanosis, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, muscle atony, significant injection of the sclera, central standing of the eyeballs, myasthenia gravis, and sometimes transient anisocoria may develop. Pain sensitivity, corneal, swallowing and cough reflexes disappear; signs of damage appear of cardio-vascular system(tachycardia, hypotension, even collapse) and pathological breathing. Metabolic acidosis and hyperglycemia are determined in the laboratory.

In addition, alcoholic coma can be complicated by acute respiratory failure of the aspiration-obstruction type, apnea of ​​central origin, acute cardiovascular failure due to sharp inhibition of the vasomotor center, etc.

Deeper and more protracted disorders in the body develop during acute poisoning with alcohol substitutes, which contain more toxic substances. In severe poisoning, coma occurs early with severe respiratory and hemodynamic disorders. At the same time, oxidation processes in the body are more suppressed.

Emergency care for acute alcohol intoxication

Urgent Care includes, first of all, the correction of life-threatening respiratory and circulatory disorders, the elimination of seizures, if they have developed, with sodium hydroxybutyrate, unithiol and piracetam. In addition, you must:

  • a) rinse the stomach, introduce magnesium sulfate into it, and in case of poisoning with surrogates, activated carbon or other enterosorbents;
  • b) administer intravenously 400-500 ml of 4% sodium bicarbonate solution;
  • c) with the help of plasma substitutes and a vasostimulator, it is advisable to also administer 30 mg of prednisolone hemisuccinate intravenously or intramuscularly to raise the level of blood pressure;
  • d) inject intravenously 10 ml of 5% Unithiol solution, 30-40 ml of 30% sodium thiosulfate solution, 40 ml of 40% glucose solution, 4-6 ml of 5% vitamin B1 solution, 4 ml of 5% vitamin B6 solution, and subcutaneously 1 ml of 5% nicotinic acid solution.

After emergency assistance is provided, the victims are subject to hospitalization, and poisoned by alcohol substitutes - to the toxicology department.

Alcohol poisoning is a dangerous condition during which most internal organs and the brain are damaged. It can lead to permanent disability and death. This article discusses in detail first aid for alcohol poisoning at home, the main signs of using alcohol substitutes.

What are the main causes of alcohol poisoning

The main causes of alcohol poisoning are discussed below.

  • One-time big reception alcoholic drinks. Intoxication develops at a blood alcohol concentration of 2.5 g/l. It is worth noting that this concentration is individual for each person. It depends on his weight, age, liver and kidney performance.
  • Taking alcohol together with medications or narcotic substances. Some drugs enhance the effect of alcohol on the body. For example, antidepressants, barbiturates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Binge drinking is a state of prolonged and continuous drinking of alcohol over several days or months. This condition occurs in alcoholism.
  • Taking alcohol substitutes (methyl, ethylene glycol). These liquids are used in industries. Unscrupulous alcohol producers sometimes dilute vodka with them. These drinks are deadly.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

The first signs of alcohol poisoning appear within a few hours. Their severity depends on the quantity and quality of the drink.

Remember that with methyl poisoning, the first symptoms may appear only after 1-2 days.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

Ethyl alcohol intoxication develops as a result of taking large doses of alcohol; the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases sharply. The development of poisoning indicates the body’s inability to neutralize alcohol molecules on its own. Alcohol poisoning affects the nervous, digestive, respiratory and endocrine systems.

We list the main symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning.

  • Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is a defense mechanism. With its help, the stomach tries to get rid of excess drink.
  • Diarrhea develops due to disruption of the pancreas. It can be abundant and lead to severe dehydration.
  • Severe abdominal pain, which can be localized in the stomach or intestines. This pain is caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, flatulence and damage to the pancreas.
  • Nervous abnormalities. With alcohol poisoning, brain tissue does not receive enough oxygen and glucose. Due to dehydration and thickening of the blood, vasospasm develops. Symptoms of damage to brain cells by alcohol:

  1. hallucinations;
  2. cramps that spread to all muscle groups;
  3. increased agitation and aggressiveness;
  4. not a special act of defecation and urination;
  5. a disturbance of consciousness in which the victim gradually sinks into a stupor and then falls into a deep coma.
  • Shallow and rapid breathing. The patient gradually develops respiratory failure.

Methyl alcohol poisoning

The main symptom is blurred vision. A person complains of a weakening of the clarity of the picture he sees, a feeling of blurred vision. Methyl alcohol leads to complete and irreversible blindness.

The remaining symptoms are the same as for ethanol poisoning.

Ethylene glycol poisoning

How to help the victim

First aid for alcohol poisoning should begin immediately after signs of the disease appear. First, you should call an emergency medical team at home. Describe the patient's symptoms to the dispatcher. Self-medication at home for this condition is prohibited. First aid for alcohol poisoning at home is provided by relatives before the arrival of doctors. Exactly The prognosis of life depends on timely and correct pre-medical care.

Below is an overview of emergency care: alcohol intoxication which must be provided to the victim before emergency medical services arrive.

Gastric lavage is necessary to cleanse the stomach cavity of alcohol or toxic substances. By cleaning the stomach, you can improve the patient's condition.

Please note that gastric lavage at home is performed only on conscious people. If the patient is comatose or severely intoxicated, this procedure may result in aspiration of water into the lungs and choking on vomit.

In order to cleanse your stomach at home, you need to drink 1 liter of plain table water in one gulp and then vomit it. This procedure can be done several times. There is no need to add medications or potassium permanganate to the rinsing water.


An enema is performed to cleanse the intestines of alcohol breakdown products and toxins. It helps reduce intoxication syndrome. An enema is a mandatory component of emergency care for alcohol intoxication.

To carry it out, use water at neutral (room) temperature. You cannot add medications or herbal solutions to it. An enema should be done until clean rinsing water is obtained.


Sorbents are drugs that remove toxins and poisons from the body. They accelerate the neutralization of alcohol and reduce intoxication syndrome.

Carefully read the rules for selecting the dosage of the sorbent. It may depend on the weight or age of the patient. Sorbents should be taken with plenty of liquid. Water enhances their ability to bind toxins.


Drink plenty of fluids

The patient must be given water to drink. This should be done after washing the stomach and intestines. It is better to drink a little bit, in small sips. Drinking will reduce your level of dehydration and make you feel better.

What to do if a patient loses consciousness

In case of severe alcohol poisoning, the victim may be unconscious or in a coma. You should check his breathing, heartbeat and place him on a hard, flat surface on his side. If you can't turn him on his side, at least turn his head. This is necessary to prevent tongue retraction and choking on vomit.

The pulse is checked in the carotid artery. Breathing can be checked by placing your hand on the person's chest, feeling it move as you inhale and exhale. If breathing and heartbeat stop, indirect cardiac massage should be started.

Subsequent treatment

Having arrived at the call, doctors begin providing first aid for alcohol poisoning. First of all, they conduct a quick assessment of the patient’s condition. Close people need to tell in detail the symptoms, describe the help that they managed to provide on their own, name the approximate time the patient consumed alcohol and its amount.

What does first aid consist of:

  • cleaning the stomach through a tube is carried out for people in an unconscious state;
  • connecting an IV with medications to relieve alcohol intoxication;
  • connecting the patient to oxygen through a mask;
  • normalization of cardiac activity with the help of medications.

Doctors then hospitalize the patient in the toxicology or intensive care unit. At the hospital, his blood is taken to test for alcohol and toxins. The duration of hospitalization depends on the patient's condition.

Treatment in a hospital may consist of:

  • hemodialysis (blood purification). The patient is connected to a special “artificial kidney” device, which cleanses all the blood. Hemodialysis is performed to quickly remove toxins from the body. It is done for all poisonings with surrogate alcohol;
  • administration of an antidote. For methyl poisoning, the antidote used is ethyl alcohol. It is administered to the patient intravenously in low concentrations throughout the day. Only through the introduction of an antidote can total blindness be avoided;
  • intravenous drip administration of solutions to eliminate intoxication (trisol, disol, reopolyglucin, reosorbilact, glucose).

Alcohol poisoning is a particularly dangerous intoxication. It often causes disability, permanent disability, blindness, and death. Treatment of alcohol intoxication is carried out in the toxicology or intensive care department. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should call an emergency medical team. Before the doctors arrive, you can try to rinse the patient’s stomach and intestines, give him sorbents and drink.

Doctors have long come to the conclusion that alcohol in large doses is a dangerous poison, poisoning from which can lead to tragic consequences. Why is it so important to immediately call an ambulance if alcohol intoxication occurs? Any alcohol poisoning causes irreparable harm human health, as there is a disorder of blood circulation, breathing, and impaired consciousness. This may be due to excessively large doses of alcohol taken, or to the use of its surrogates. It’s not worth risking your own health for dubious pleasures, but if this happens and the person is heavily intoxicated, then immediately call an ambulance. In the summer, the number of alcohol poisonings increases noticeably, as many people go outside the city to nature. If severe alcohol poisoning occurs during a vacation and its first signs appear, it is necessary to urgently rinse the victim’s stomach and call an ambulance. Alcohol intoxication caused by alcohol-containing products has serious consequences that only specialists can handle. The result of alcohol abuse often leads to a disastrous ending. Without prompt emergency assistance for alcohol poisoning, consequences such as the development of an alcoholic coma, disability of the victim (kidney failure, loss of vision, irreversible changes in the body) or death are possible. When alcohol is in a person’s blood, it thickens due to the fact that red blood cells “stick together”, forming blood clots. Capillaries clogged with blood clots burst, which leads to the death of nerve cells in the brain, myocardial infarction, hepatosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Another dangerous condition that alcohol poisoning leads to is alcoholic coma. To save an alcoholic, you need to call an ambulance, otherwise the person will die. If life is at risk, then you need to know how to provide first aid for alcohol poisoning.


As mentioned above, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the development of various acute conditions, including alcoholic coma. Often, unconscious alcoholics can be seen on benches in the yard, at a bus stop, or in the park. First of all, it is necessary to determine how deeply the consciousness of such a victim is impaired. Then you need to examine the oral cavity, check if there is any accumulation of vomit in it. If circumstances require, you should clear the victim’s mouth of foreign objects and vomit residues by running your fingers wrapped in a scarf in a circle inside the mouth. The next first aid step for obvious signs of alcohol poisoning is to check breathing, pulse, and heart rate. If the person is breathing, turn him over on his side. Everything that depended on you was done, now you need to call an ambulance. For alcoholics who are unconscious, receiving qualified medical care is a chance not only for survival, but also for maintaining their ability to work. Alcohol coma is divided into three stages. The first two stages of superficial coma are distinguished by the fact that a person maintains a reaction at the level of reflexes, that is, if pain is caused to him, fibrillar muscle twitching will occur. But in a third-degree alcoholic coma, no reactions are observed; the person is in a deep unconscious state and needs immediate help for alcohol poisoning. The state of alcoholic coma can happen not only to a hardened alcoholic, but also to moderate drinking man. According to statistics, 80% of the Russian population drinks periodically. Most are diagnosed with stage 1 alcoholism. That's why ambulance is needed not only for alcoholics on a binge, but most often for ordinary people who, for one reason or another, have been poisoned by alcohol. And if in the case of an alcoholic who does not care about public opinion, you can safely call the state medical service, then many of those who drink rarely would not want to make their weakness public. In such situations, a paid ambulance is very helpful, as it will help in a critical situation and maintain absolute anonymity of the call.

If we are talking about alcohol abuse, then an ambulance for an alcoholic will be needed for delirium tremens, withdrawal syndrome, delirium delirium, alcohol intoxication and severe alcohol overdose, as well as for other acute conditions that are caused by the effect of ethanol on the body. In case of alcohol poisoning, only specialists can provide help at home. Relatives who witness alcohol poisoning should seek medical attention. To do this, you need to dial a known emergency number. If you want doctors to arrive faster, be polite and attentive to the patient, then it is better to use the services of a private clinic. It is known that in state medicine the attitude towards those who abuse alcohol is quite harsh. A free ambulance that arrives in case of delirium tremens can hospitalize a person in a neuropsychiatric dispensary, with all the consequences arising from this procedure. Often, we have to deal with the fact that people call in despair because they were refused a state ambulance, citing the fact that they do not care for patients with delirium tremens. If a person suffering from alcoholism, after a long binge, develops a condition such as alcohol withdrawal (delirium tremens), then in order to avoid publicity, it is better to call a paid ambulance. She must not only dig out the alcoholic, but also, if necessary, place him in a specialized hospital, where there are all the conditions for a quick recovery. A psychiatrist-narcologist will examine the patient, make a diagnosis, and prescribe optimal treatment. In cases where an ambulance is required for alcohol intoxication, that is, poisoning, a specialized toxicology team arrives.


In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between two conditions associated with alcohol abuse: hangover and post-intoxication. When we say that a healthy person has taken an increased dose of alcohol, and the next day suffers from general malaise, weakness, dizziness, and nausea, we mean a state of post-intoxication. The body tries to remove alcohol decomposition products. The situation is completely different when it comes to a hangover, as a condition that is part of alcohol addiction. With a hangover, a person can drink alcohol, which is called medicinal purposes. This is how the binge begins. And if, in the event of an alcohol overdose, the victim does not resist the actions of the doctors who arrived by ambulance, then the drunken alcoholic behaves aggressively, posing a real threat to others. Many relatives suffer from the fact that their loved one goes on a drinking binge, since this condition is unpredictable. In case of accidental, that is, unintentional, alcohol poisoning, first aid often has to be provided to an unconscious person. When an alcoholic goes on a binge, he may hardly sleep, switching off for just a few minutes. What can an ambulance do for binge drinking? First of all, specialists will help to stop drinking alcohol (break binge drinking) if a person cannot do this on his own. If a person does not want to undergo the procedure of breaking binge drinking within the walls of a psychoneurological dispensary, then you can contact a commercial service that will provide assistance with long-term poisoning with alcohol substitutes. It is important to understand that withdrawal from binge drinking with the help of an ambulance is not a solution to a global problem, but a tactical measure that needs to be carried out at this particular moment. Alas, it must be admitted that after interrupting binge drinking with the help of medications, a person can return to alcohol abuse within two to three days. To truly achieve freedom from alcoholism, it is necessary to begin systemic treatment of the disease immediately after quitting binge drinking.

The problem of providing assistance for alcohol poisoning is one of the most pressing in Russia. It is known that several hundred thousand people die from alcoholism in our country every year. In recent years, this number has increased, as there has been a certain destabilization and tension in society associated with economic and political problems. Typically, the problem of alcoholism arises when a person ceases to control the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption. Agree that it is unlikely that emergency assistance for alcohol poisoning will be required for someone who drinks very rarely and no more than 100 ml strong drink. Medical attention is required for those who do not monitor the amount of alcohol consumed. Alcoholism is the same disease as all other serious diseases, for example, hypertension or diabetes. Naturally, the patient requires full assistance from specialists to overcome this disease. If a person with alcohol poisoning is not given first aid, death can occur quite quickly. It is the lack of help that leads to this a huge number deaths due to intoxication with low-quality alcohol. Unfortunately, in our society there is a disdainful attitude towards drunkards: if you fall, then let him lie down, when he sleeps it off, he will get up on his own. In reality, such ignorance of the obvious symptoms of serious poisoning is a silent sentence. To do nothing when a person feels bad is simply criminal. If you do not want to provide first aid, then you should definitely call an ambulance. With alcohol poisoning, every minute counts. Often, counterfeits made from alcohol substitutes are sold under the guise of high-quality drinks. Therefore, even a non-drinker can get poisoned. In such cases, action must be taken immediately. First aid for alcohol poisoning should be provided at home or at the scene of the incident. While the ambulance is on the way to the call, you can help the poisoned person empty his stomach by inducing vomiting artificially. Should give more ordinary water, it would not be superfluous to use an absorbent such as activated carbon. The faster the ambulance arrives, the fewer consequences for the victim’s body.


Alcohol poisoning causes a number of side effects, one of which is memory loss, or amnesia. This occurs due to brain intoxication by alcohol breakdown products. The higher the dose of alcohol, the more extensive the brain damage. The process of death of nerve cells in the brain leads to the commission of a number of unconscious actions, which a person later does not remember. The state of intoxication is nothing more than the death of a significant part of the neurons. If the function of the vestibular apparatus is impaired, then the occipital part of the brain suffers. You can give a huge number of examples when an alcoholic does not remember what he drank, with whom he drank and where he drank. He gets a hangover. A person’s blood after alcohol abuse becomes thick due to massive clumping of red blood cells. Therefore, all cells of the body experience oxygen starvation, especially hard for the brain. Drinking alcohol again while hungover leads to blood thinning, so the person experiences temporary relief. But such behavior usually aggravates the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, and a person requires first aid for exacerbation of pancreatitis, cardiovascular failure, alcoholic coma, bronchospastic syndrome, and so on. Acute alcohol poisoning causes various complications, so it is important to call an ambulance to provide emergency assistance on the spot. Why can't you ignore hangover symptoms? Because every competent doctor will say that a hangover is a very insidious condition. A hangover is a natural consequence of alcohol poisoning and can trigger a number of pathological processes that require urgent assistance from professional doctors. Therefore, if alcohol poisoning occurs, call our clinic, here you will receive the necessary assistance and prevent the development of serious complications in the form of a stroke or hemorrhagic shock.

Everyone is well aware that without emergency assistance for poisoning with alcohol and its substitutes, a person dies or remains disabled for life. Statistics show that mortality from alcohol in our country reaches half a million people a year. And the numbers continue to rise steadily. I don’t want to scare you, but every 4th death in Russia is directly or indirectly related to alcohol. Therefore, timely, high-quality and prompt provision of first aid in case of poisoning with surrogates of alcohol and other alcohol-containing drinks will save a person’s life. Anyone can provide first aid; these are simple steps, I suggest clearing the victim’s mouth of vomit, turning him on his side and calling an ambulance. If possible, call a paid ambulance, because it arrives faster, provides services anonymously, and stays with the patient until he is sure that the condition is stable. Standard of care for acute alcohol intoxication:

  • Administration of atropine sulfate 0.5-1 mg intravenously;
  • Sanitation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Tracheal intubation or insertion of a laryngeal tube;
  • Connection to a ventilator;
  • Gastric lavage using a tube;
  • Vein catheterization.

Next, the doctor decides on the administration of drugs for alcohol poisoning. Depending on the patient’s condition, this may be thiamine, sodium bicarbonate, pyridoxine, sodium chloride, glucose and other medications, the dosage of which is calculated individually taking into account the patient’s age, degree of intoxication, and the presence of contraindications. Emergency care for acute alcohol intoxication involves placing the patient in a hospital. If a person refuses hospitalization, then all measures to provide emergency care for alcohol poisoning are carried out at home. Our clinic provides a full range of emergency care for alcohol poisoning, prolonged binge drinking, and abstinence. Our doctors are ready to respond to calls at any time of the day or night. To do this, simply dial the phone number that you see on the site.


Any intoxication, in fact, is alcohol poisoning, however, medical assistance for mild alcohol intoxication is not required, since the human body can cope with this condition on its own. But if we are talking about symptoms such as depression of consciousness up to coma, then the participation of doctors is simply vital. In case of severe poisoning, the following symptoms are observed:

  • The skin of the face is hyperemic;
  • Body temperature is reduced;
  • There is vomiting and involuntary bowel movements.
  • The pupils are constricted, the pulse is weak and frequent;
  • Breathing disorders of the aspiration-obstructive type.

With these signs of alcohol intoxication, only an ambulance can help the victim. Our team arrives at the scene 15 minutes after receiving a call to the control room. However, while the doctors are on the way, the relatives of the victim must provide him with first aid. In case of acute alcohol poisoning, a person should be laid on his side, not allowed to fall asleep, and given a sniff. ammonia, pour water on, pat on the cheeks. It is very important that the victim remains conscious until paramedics arrive. If a person has fallen into an alcoholic coma, under no circumstances should he be left unattended, since in this state vomiting often occurs, which can lead to asphyxia due to the retraction of the tongue or vomit entering the Airways. First aid for food poisoning with alcohol is the only chance for survival. And the more experienced and qualified the doctors are, the faster they arrive, the less negative consequences for the human body.

Help with alcohol intoxication at home is possible for mild to moderate poisoning. If we are talking about loss of consciousness and coma, then hospitalization will most likely be required. Help at home involves a detoxification procedure that will cleanse the body of alcohol breakdown products. For those who rarely drink, that is, are not alcoholics, the state of post-alcohol syndrome is accompanied by malaise ( headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia, hand tremors) and is easily treated with infusion therapy. The doctor examines the patient and, depending on the severity of his condition, places an IV with a medical solution that will replenish the body’s losses and prevent the development of pathologies. If we are talking about a hangover, and in medical terms this is withdrawal syndrome, then the patient should be provided with emergency assistance. A hangover is a condition when the patient suffers from malaise after alcohol poisoning, but this is accompanied by a physiological attraction to alcohol, which is seen as the only salvation. In such cases, you should call emergency help, reporting that the patient has ethyl alcohol poisoning. During the hangover period, all systems of the body experience a powerful toxic-metabolic load, which can lead to severe, sometimes fatal complications, causing mental disorders, convulsions, fatal disorders of respiratory function and heart rhythm. In such circumstances, associated with severe alcohol intoxication, even competent assistance provided at home will only be a waste of precious time. Self-medication can be fatal. Without qualified drug treatment, the risk of developing pathological conditions is very high. If a person is not provided with emergency medical care for alcohol intoxication, the consequences are unpredictable.

If a person is on a long-term binge, then it is possible to get out of this state safely only with the help of a narcologist. When an alcoholic systematically consumes alcoholic beverages over several days, his body adapts to a new mode of functioning with constant alcohol poisoning. Providing first aid in such cases may be required if a person falls into an alcoholic coma or develops signs of alcoholic epilepsy. Of course, in such circumstances you should call an ambulance. But if a person does not have any acute conditions associated with alcohol intoxication, then he will refuse help, because with heavy drinking, the ability for critical thinking and an objective assessment of one’s well-being sharply decreases. Concerned relatives can take care and call an ambulance at home, since an alcoholic will never do this on his own during a binge. It is important to note that a sudden interruption of binge drinking by the alcoholic himself can cause a significant deterioration in his condition. Without the help of a specialist and medications, without urgent help after long-term alcohol poisoning, a drinker may die. In medical practice, there are cases when, after giving up alcohol, a person died. Therefore, I would like to emphasize once again that emergency care should be provided not only for acute alcohol poisoning, but also for chronic binge drinking, since these conditions are very dangerous for human life.

In conclusion, it is worth repeating that alcoholism is a progressive disease that needs to be treated. This problem can only be solved with the help of competent doctors in a specialized clinic. Often our patients are those to whom we provided emergency care for alcohol intoxication. The specialists at our clinic are experienced and highly qualified narcologists who can convince any patient of the need for a radical solution to the problem of alcoholism. Therefore, relatives of alcoholics very often turn to us for consultation and advice, and receive guidance on how to provide first aid for alcohol intoxication. Most often, patients arrive at our clinic in a state of drinking. The ambulance is called by the patient's relatives. Here, a person with addiction is provided with comprehensive assistance and modern treatment, ensuring stable, long-term remission. Our treatment is, on the one hand, an individual process, and on the other, a set of measures aimed at restoring the lost functions of organs and systems. This requires long-term treatment and the use of special medications. In our clinic this process takes 2-3 weeks.

According to official data from Rosstat, in 2011, 11.7 thousand residents of the Russian Federation died as a result of acute alcohol poisoning. And according to estimates from the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, real mortality from alcohol poisoning is tens of percent higher than statistical indicators.

Almost every Russian may be faced with the need to provide emergency assistance to acquaintances or random people due to alcohol poisoning. This is confirmed by the following facts:

  • Russia ranks fifth in the world in terms of alcohol consumption per capita according to WHO.
  • According to official information from Rosstat, 12 million residents of the Russian Federation abused alcoholic beverages in 2011.

In this article you will find information about acute ethyl alcohol poisoning and its consequences. You will also learn about the signs based on which you can suspect this condition. Finally, you will receive information about providing first aid to a patient injured as a result of overuse alcohol.

Acute alcohol poisoning

Acute alcohol poisoning is a pathological condition of the body that develops as a result of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It threatens the health and life of the patient.

The dose of alcohol, after taking which acute poisoning develops, depends on the individual characteristics of the body - tolerance to alcohol, general health, age and body weight, circumstances of drinking alcohol, the time during which the person took the toxic dose.

Average lethal dose alcohol for an adult - 0.3 l 96% ethyl alcohol or about 0.8 liters of 40% alcoholic beverages.

Fatal poisoning also occurs when drinking alcohol in smaller quantities. Risk factors for developing acute conditions include:

  • Childhood.
  • Lack of experience drinking alcoholic beverages. Acute poisoning often develops in people who drink alcohol for the first time.
  • Use large quantity alcohol for a short period of time. For example, such situations occur when a person drinks alcohol in one gulp. large quantities for a bet.
  • Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach.
  • Drinking alcohol in a state of physical or mental exhaustion.
  • The combination of alcoholic beverages with other toxic substances, including nicotine.
  • Drinking low-quality alcoholic beverages.

The main risk in acute poisoning is the death of the patient as a result of the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the respiratory center. Also, death can occur as a result of complications of poisoning - aspiration of vomit, cerebral edema, hypothermia as a result of loss of consciousness on the street, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system under the influence of ethyl alcohol and its metabolic products.

In addition, acute alcohol poisoning increases the risk of injury, the development of somatic diseases and mental disorders.

Signs of ethyl alcohol poisoning

Acute alcohol poisoning develops against the background alcohol intoxication, the symptoms of which are generally known. You may suspect the development of a life-threatening pathological condition in a drunk person if the following symptoms appear:

  • Vomiting during or after drinking alcoholic beverages. This symptom often appears first in acute poisoning. Already at this moment, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid, and also consult a doctor if there is no improvement or worsening of the victim’s condition.
  • Profound disturbances of consciousness - stupor and coma. A person in a state of stupor has no voluntary reactions to external stimuli. He reflexively responds to strong painful stimuli, for example, moving his hand away in response to a pinch. In a coma state, even such reactions are absent.
  • Respiratory disorders - a decrease in the frequency of respiratory movements to 12 or less per minute or an increase to 24 or more per minute, shallow or irregular breathing, wheezing, foaming from the mouth.

The patient’s body condition quickly deteriorates during acute alcohol poisoning, so medical care should be contacted if any signs appear. Does this mean you should call an ambulance if the victim is vomiting as a result of drinking too much alcohol?

Be guided by in this case the patient's condition. If he vomited once, is conscious, controls his behavior, and performs actions aimed at detoxifying the body, then the help of a doctor is highly likely not required. If vomiting is observed against the background of a deep disturbance of consciousness, is repeated many times, and the patient’s condition does not improve or worsens, immediately seek medical help.

Remember, it is better to be overly vigilant than to allow someone to die from alcohol poisoning.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

So, immediately call an ambulance if you suspect a friend or a random person has acute alcohol poisoning. After that, give him first aid. What will help with alcohol poisoning?

Follow this algorithm of actions if the victim has a deep disturbance of consciousness:

  • Place the patient on his side. This reduces the chance of aspiration of vomit.
  • Make sure the victim's airway is clear. If there is vomit or foreign objects in the patient's mouth, try to remove them using a rag, handkerchief, or napkin.
  • If the patient stops breathing and circulation before your eyes, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Wait for the ambulance to arrive.

If the victim is conscious and partially or completely in control of his behavior, do the following:

  • Do not try to stop vomiting, as vomit removes toxic substances from the body. If you are absolutely sure that the patient will not lose consciousness and can control his actions, flush his stomach. To do this, ask him to drink a liter of cold boiled water and induce vomiting.
  • After washing the stomach, give the poisoned person any sorbent, for example, activated carbon.
  • Give the patient plenty of water or weak warm tea With a small amount Sahara. In case of acute poisoning, do not drink carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, juices. It is strictly forbidden to consume low-alcohol drinks.
  • Open the windows in the room where the poisoned person is located. Inflow fresh air will improve his condition.

Important! The stomach should not be washed if there is a threat of loss of consciousness or the victim does not control his behavior.

Make sure that the patient feels better after the actions performed. This applies to both his subjective feelings and objective signs - control of behavior, level of consciousness, absence of repeated vomiting. If there is no improvement, consult a doctor.

So, acute alcohol poisoning refers to conditions that threaten human life. Seek medical help immediately if you suspect a friend has severe poisoning. Before the doctor arrives, ensure the victim’s external breathing function.

If the patient is conscious and controls his behavior, rinse his stomach, give a sorbent and ask him to drink a lot of water. Do not be afraid to be excessively vigilant - call an ambulance if the condition of the poisoned person causes you the slightest concern. Be sure to consult a doctor if your child is poisoned by alcohol.

Each of us has some experience with alcohol - it just so happens that we celebrate all significant events at a generously set table with booze. Little or much, but alcoholic drinks are always present in our lives. Relationships with alcohol will not cause trouble if you consider your own capabilities and drink wisely. Without knowing the measures, you can seriously harm your health, especially since the question “what to do in case of alcohol poisoning?” many of us ask ourselves after the poisoning has occurred. If a person has too many strong drinks, you need to act immediately. Let's find out how to help a victim of alcohol poisoning at home.

Alcohol poisoning: when does intoxication occur?

Drinking alcohol leads to intoxication - the nervous system at this time is in a special “floating” state from the psychoactive effects of ethanol. Good mood and the feeling of euphoria that we look for at the bottom of a glass or shot glass are nothing more than the first signs of alcohol poisoning.

Even a few drops of alcohol affect the state of the body, and the more a person drinks, the more serious the consequences of intoxication will be. According to the force of impact on nervous system alcoholic drinks are different. The most “harmless” is alcohol that contains no more than 15% ethanol: champagne, vermouth, wine and beer. And like this strong drinks, like cognac, vodka, tequila, whiskey and gin, you can’t get too carried away. Absinthe is recognized as the strongest alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning: stages

The damage to the body by the components of alcohol occurs as follows: ethanol in the “happy” drink enters the stomach and is soon absorbed by the mucous membranes, through which it enters the blood. The liver will neutralize a certain portion of toxic substances, but the organ will not be able to completely neutralize a large proportion of alcohol, then the unprocessed poison penetrates into the brain tissue. It is at this stage that irreversible changes occur in the structure of neurons and the functions of internal organs.

Intoxication resulting from alcohol consumption is classified into several stages. The degree of poisoning can be accurately determined by laboratory testing based on the number of ppm in the blood. How intoxicated a person is can also be determined by the corresponding symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

Mild alcohol poisoning

For the sake of a pleasant feeling of slight intoxication alcoholic drink, in fact, they put it on the table. A couple of glasses of wine - and you are guaranteed an emotional uplift, slight excitement, as well as unmotivated bliss. In such a state, it is difficult to assess your real capabilities; rather, you want to inflate them. However, in reality, the number of errors in the work of a drunk person increases, and his mental and physical activity are noticeably reduced. A mild degree of alcohol poisoning can be identified by dilated pupils and a slightly reddened face. The drinker sweats more and feels the need to empty the bladder more often.

In addition, a drunk person begins to raise his voice, all his statements become more categorical and uncompromising. He has difficulty expressing his thoughts coherently and concentrating. Sweeping movements, “floating” facial expressions, loss of control over hidden personality traits are also considered symptoms of mild intoxication. Usually a person comes to his senses quite quickly and easily.

Moderate degree of alcohol poisoning

Signs of moderate alcohol intoxication cause more serious concerns: a person’s coordination of movements is impaired, he “throws” from side to side, sees double, and loses intelligibility of speech. In this state, the drinker is not responsible for his words and actions. In general, the behavior of a drunk person is determined by his character - alcohol can cause excessive boastfulness, bravado, vulnerability, touchiness, scandalousness or aggression. Sobering up brings general weakness, excruciating headaches, severe thirst, nausea and vomiting.

Severe alcohol poisoning

When a drunken person's condition worsens, his statements become illegible and meaningless, and he himself ceases to understand anything. A flushed face, hot skin and low pain sensitivity complement the overall picture of severe intoxication of the body. While intoxicated, a person can be seriously injured and not feel it.

A severe degree of alcohol intoxication has dire consequences: a heavily intoxicated person has difficulty breathing and may experience cardiac arrest. When a portion of alcohol enters the body, which, translated into pure alcohol equals 300 - 400 g, acute alcohol poisoning occurs. This condition is extremely dangerous, its main symptoms are as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • breathing problems;
  • copious secretion of saliva;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes.

A person with acute alcohol intoxication requires emergency medical care.

Alcohol coma

Severe alcohol poisoning can be complicated by the stage at which the intoxicated person falls into a coma. A comatose state is a kind of stunning of the body that occurs when ethanol in the blood increases to 3%. The main symptom of approaching danger is deep fainting. In some cases, the victim’s behavior is characterized by slight motor agitation. An indicator of the deterioration of the well-being of a person who has had too much alcohol is his eyes:

  1. There is no reaction of the pupils to light, the corneal reflex does not work (the eyelids do not close if you carefully touch the cornea).
  2. There is nystagmus (movement of the eyeballs according to the principle of a pendulum).
  3. Constriction of the pupils can also indicate an approaching alcoholic coma. In some cases, the pupils either narrow or dilate. Sometimes you can observe a picture when at the same moment the pupils of the left and right eyes have different sizes.

Due to the recession of the tongue, penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract, excessive secretion of saliva and phlegm, the victim’s breathing becomes impaired: the person breathes unevenly and intermittently, sometimes wheezes, while his face acquires a bluish tint. Arterial pressure in alcoholic coma it is reduced, and the pulse is weak and thread-like. In this condition, involuntary release of urine and feces is often observed.

Poisoning with surrogate alcohol

Poisoning is caused not only by large doses of alcohol, but also by low-quality alcohol or its surrogates. Alcohol surrogates are called liquids not intended for internal use, but often used instead of alcoholic beverages (due to lower cost). Drinking medicinal tinctures, colognes, lotions, denatured alcohol, moonshine, mash, “chat” and other dangerous liquids always ends in failure. The symptoms of intoxication will be somewhat different than with classical alcohol poisoning.

After taking a surrogate, a person practically does not get drunk, but if you know the symptoms of poisoning, you can notice them immediately:

  • noise in ears;
  • impaired vision and smell;
  • increased salivation;
  • abdominal pain.

If a person is not helped in time, he may die. Treatment for poisoning with surrogate alcohol is not carried out at home - as soon as there is suspicion of intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance. If it is possible to deliver the victim to the hospital faster than the ambulance arrives, you should do just that. The sooner a patient is treated by qualified doctors, the greater his chances of survival.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Without resorting to the services of doctors, you can cope with mild to moderate poisoning on your own. There are a number of measures that will help bring the injured person to his senses: rid his body of ethanol residues and neutralize decay products.

Gastric lavage for alcohol poisoning

None medications cannot be taken, since many medications in combination with alcohol create an “explosive” mixture, which will only worsen the victim’s condition.

Give the intoxicated person 300–500 ml of water to drink. This is necessary in order to induce vomiting and thus rid the stomach of the contents. In most cases, you don’t even have to press on the root of the tongue with your fingers - vomiting opens on its own, as the body tries to independently expel what is poisoning it. You will have to provoke vomiting until it starts to come out of the stomach. pure water.

Important! You cannot force water in or induce vomiting if a person has lost consciousness. Instead, it is better to wait until the ambulance arrives. At this time, you need to turn the patient on his side, free him from tight clothes and try to bring him out of fainting: intensively massage his ears, sprinkle with water, bring ammonia to his nose.

In cases where uncontrollable vomiting persists even after complete emptying of the stomach, the following techniques will help to cope with its urges:

  • hold your head under the stream cold water or apply ice to the back of the head;
  • take an anti-vomiting medicine (such as metoclopramide). If this does not have any effect, and the vomit is replaced by blood or bile, you need to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

Restore fluid balance in the body in case of alcohol poisoning

The next step in helping with alcohol poisoning is to eliminate the lack of fluid in the body. Due to intoxication, the process of dehydration develops: ethanol causes a diuretic effect, and the liquid is excreted from the body with urine, as well as vomit. In especially severe cases, dehydration threatens a person’s life. Give the victim any liquid to drink. Best fit mineral water or clean water with lemon juice. If a person is tormented by vomiting, pharmaceutical products will help restore the balance of moisture in the body. saline solutions such as Regidron and Gidrovit.

This product can be prepared at home: in 1 liter of water. room temperature you need to dissolve 1 tsp. table salt and soda, and then add 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. The victim should take the healing solution 2 to 3 sips every 30 minutes.

Treatment with sorbents and beneficial bacteria for alcohol poisoning

Help for alcohol poisoning at home is unthinkable without the use of sorbents. Medicines Polysorb (1 tbsp per 0.5 tbsp of water), Smecta (one-time 3 sachets per 1 tbsp of water), Enterosgel (50 g per 1 tbsp of water) will significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from alcohol intoxication. By the way, many people consider activated charcoal in case of alcohol poisoning to be almost the only remedy for eliminating poor health. In fact, the sorption capabilities of the drug are not very large, but because of the reasonable price, they continue to take it “for old times’ sake”: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, washed down with water. The drugs described above are needed to remove toxic waste products from the body and reduce diarrhea. Medicines in this group are not taken together with other medications, so an interval of about 2 hours should be maintained.

If severe diarrhea appears due to poisoning, it is imperative to restore the intestinal microflora. Special complexes of beneficial bacteria Acipol, Yogurt, Linex will help solve this issue.

Important! Diarrhea in case of alcohol poisoning cannot be purposefully eliminated - this is another protective reaction in addition to vomiting, with the help of which the body gets rid of toxic substances.

Eliminate pain from alcohol poisoning

The headache of moderate alcohol poisoning can sometimes drive you crazy. You cannot tolerate painful sensations - the pain syndrome must be blocked. Aspirin is not suitable for this purpose, since acetylsalicylic acid in combination with ethanol will not bring any benefit to the body. Then what to drink if you have alcohol poisoning? The best way to relieve pain is with ibuprofen-based analgesics.

How not to treat alcohol poisoning

In attempts to alleviate a person’s condition due to alcohol poisoning, it is strictly prohibited:

  • resort to a dubious hangover method (treat a hangover with a new portion of alcohol);
  • take a hot bath or go to the sauna;
  • drink “inappropriate” pills - Furosemide, Paracetamol, Analgin, sleeping pills and antiallergic drugs;
  • take medications to relieve diarrhea.

Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning

People have come up with many ways to overcome hangovers and alcohol poisoning without pills:

  1. Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 liter of boiled water. l. honey and take several sips throughout the day.
  2. Prepare a decoction of tansy - a wonderful remedy for poisoning of any kind. Take 50 g of dried raw material and brew it with boiling water (0.5 l), then add 20 g of chamomile flowers. The cooled and strained product should be taken with meals at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 10 kg body weight.
  3. After violent libations, ammonia solution will quickly bring you back to life; in everyday life - ammonia. Dissolve 10 drops of the product in a glass of water. You need to take the medicine 1 - 2 small sips every 30 minutes.
  4. If you are tormented by nausea, you can save yourself with a decoction of lemon balm. 1 tsp dried and crushed raw materials, add 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, and then drink healthy drink instead of tea. For taste, you can add a little honey and a slice of lemon to the product.
  5. The fastest way for your body to get rid of toxic toxins is to drink lemon, orange or grapefruit juice throughout the day.

The morning after a party where there was a lot of drinking, you need to allow yourself to rest. Alcohol poisoning cannot be tolerated on your feet. The best thing to do is take a cool shower, don’t force yourself to eat, and drink a lot of plain water. If there is a feeling of general malaise, you need to go to bed and not get up until the weakness goes away. If after 10 hours your health does not return to normal, you should consult a doctor.
