Marinating mackerel at home. Marinated mackerel is an appetizer worthy of any feast. Cooking at home

One of the types of valuable commercial fish, belonging to the order Perciformes, is mackerel. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals - three times more easily digestible protein than beef, as well as phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, potassium, selenium, vitamins A, B12, D and fatty acids that normalize cholesterol levels in the body.

Frequent consumption of such delicious marinated fish allows a person to lead an active lifestyle at any age.

Selection and preparation of fish

Dense meat, few bones and bulk useful microelements and vitamin - this is how mackerel can be characterized. The process of selecting and preparing it is surprisingly easy and simple. The fish goes on sale in two forms - fresh frozen and frozen, and it is cooled and frozen directly on the ship where it was caught.

The mackerel carcass is often used for salting and pickling, so the choice should be not the whole fish with the head, where you can determine the quality and freshness by the eyes. They should be slightly convex, not cloudy.

The dent left by your finger on the body of the fish should quickly disappear, and the color of the mackerel will predominantly be gray without various yellow shades. It is also necessary to choose a larger fish for the marinating process - it will be the most juicy and fatty.

Store-bought mackerel should not be defrosted until soft, but should only be kept at room temperature thirty minutes and start cleaning. First you need to cut off the tail, the head, if the fish will not be marinated or salted whole afterwards.

Otherwise, you should not deprive her of these parts of the carcass. The abdominal part is cut with a sharp knife, the entrails are taken out, and the black film is removed from the ribs and ridge inside. Further preparation of the fish and maintaining its juiciness depends on the method of its preparation.

Delicious mackerel, marinated whole

Most often on supermarket shelves they sell already marinated, salted, smoked mackerel. But you can marinate it yourself at home, then it will be several times juicier, tastier and will preserve greatest number useful substances.

The cooking process is quite simple, uncomplicated, and the amount of spices can be controlled at your discretion.

More brine should be made so that it completely covers the fish carcass even under pressure. It doesn't have many components, so it won't be difficult to make more than you need. Place the mackerel to defrost at the natural temperature in the room. There is no need for help microwave oven or warm water, since in the future the juiciness of the marinated dish will depend on this.

While the fish is cooling, you need to put water on the stove, bring to a boil, then add salt and sugar. Onion peel washed thoroughly, and then gets rid of excess liquid using a colander and is also placed in boiling water along with tea. The brine should boil for five minutes and then cool to 30-40°.

If desired, you can cut off the head and tail of mackerel, remove the insides along with the black film on the ribs to avoid the appearance of bitterness. After this, the fish is washed (especially thoroughly inside) and excess moisture is removed from it with a paper towel.

The carcasses are placed in a container (preferably glass and transparent), filled with brine, and a heavy weight is placed on top, serving as a press, overnight. Afterwards, the fish in the same condition should be moved to a cold place, refrigerator for three days. During these days, it should be turned from side to side. It can marinate for a shorter amount of time - it all depends on the size of the fish carcass.

How to marinate fish pieces in vinegar at home

The health of loved ones depends on the choice, preparation and method of marinating mackerel. To make a unique, juicy, healthy and delicious fish, which your family will happily eat, you will need:

  • mackerel – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil– 50 g;
  • black and allspice peppercorns, Bay leaf, – 5 pcs.;
  • table vinegar- 50 ml;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • cloves (optional) – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 0.2 l.

The active cooking time for pickled mackerel pieces is twenty minutes, and the soaking process will take two days. Calorie content 100 g wonderful fish equals 163 kcal.

In order for the filling in which the fish pieces will be cooked to be aromatic, you should first prepare it. To do this, pour water, vinegar, oil into a deep container, add all the spices, add salt and mix everything well until the small grains dissolve.

Fish should not be completely defrosted. Thirty minutes of her being in a warm room is enough. Then you should cut off the head, tail and, making a cut along the belly from the tail, remove the entrails.

You will also need to scrape off the black film inside with a knife, and then rinse the mackerel under water, paying special attention to the inside - there should be absolutely no blood. The fish is cut into pieces one and a half centimeters wide (portioned). The onion is peeled and chopped into thin rings and half rings.

In a wide and deep bowl, pour a little filling on the bottom and lay out the fish and onions in layers, alternating. Afterwards, the remaining marinade is poured onto the surface, the container is covered, shaken a little and placed in the refrigerator for two days.

You can make more filling - it should cover the top layer of fish and onions.

Marinate with mustard and onions in a jar

Very interesting, rich taste Mackerel can be flavored by adding mustard to the marinade filling. Pieces of fish will be so saturated with it in combination with onions that they will simply disappear from the table unnoticed. To create such a magnificent marinated mackerel you will need:

  • mackerel – 1.2 kg (2 pcs.);
  • apple cider vinegar 5% - 30 ml;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp;
  • pepper mixture – 10 g;
  • vegetable oil (odorless) – 50 ml;
  • dry mustard, sugar, fish seasoning - 1 tsp each;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.

The marinated fish will be ready in just one day, and the process of creating it will take only half an hour. The nutritional value 100 g fragrant mackerel equals 193 kcal.

Place the mackerel to defrost at room temperature for twenty minutes. Then cut the fish - cut off the tail, head, and on the belly make an incision along the carcass and remove all the entrails. Afterwards you need to rinse, dry the carcass and cut into pieces three centimeters wide.

For the marinade, mix all the spices in one container, adding salt, oil, vinegar, soy sauce, adding seasoning, bay leaf and mustard powder. A layer of onions, peeled and cut into rings, is placed at the bottom of the jar. Two spoons of marinade are poured on top, the fish is laid out mixed with the rest onion rings or laid in layers. The rest of the marinade is poured into the jar, which should be evenly distributed.

The jar is covered, placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours and shaken periodically so that the marinade is distributed onto the top pieces of fish. Some spices can be replaced with your favorite ones, and you can also add dill, rosemary, currant leaves, and a couple of cloves of garlic.

Fish in tomato marinade

Very fast and at the same time not quite in the usual way marinating mackerel is adding tomato to the marinade. The fish is ready in eight hours, and the taste fish fillet pitted is simply amazing. To prepare a wonderful fish you will need:

  • mackerel (frozen) – 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% - 15 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • tomato juice– 200 ml.

Making mackerel in tomato at home takes forty minutes, including the defrosting process. The calorie content of this hearty dish equals 197 kcal.

First of all, the fish is placed in a container where it must thaw a little before cleaning. At this time, you can begin preparing the marinade. To do this, the onion is peeled and cut into rings. The oil is heated in a frying pan, then tomato juice is poured in, onions are laid out, sugar and salt are added. Tomato filling should boil for five minutes, and then vinegar is poured into it and the marinade is set aside until it cools completely.

The head and tail of the mackerel are cut off, and all the insides are removed. The fish is cut up and the backbone is removed. The loin part is washed and excess moisture is removed from it. Afterwards it is cut into portions, laid out in layers, evenly poured tomato marinade. In this form, the fish needs to be sent to a cool place for six hours, and then it can be served.

Simple recipe with lemon juice

An easy, fairly simple recipe with a limited amount of ingredients will allow you to make terribly tasty mackerel for serving within an hour after marinating. Vinegar is replaced lemon juice, which makes the fish softer, more delicate in taste, and your favorite spices will only enhance the aroma of the dish. To prepare pickled mackerel you will need:

  • mackerel carcasses – 1 kg;
  • lemon (large) – 1 pc.;
  • seasoning for fish – 10 g;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • deodorized vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove.

You can make such delicious mackerel in twenty minutes, and its calorie content will be 196 kcal per 100 g.

The fish should be thawed by cutting off the head, tail, and removing the entrails. Cut the washed mackerel carcasses into pieces, the width of which should not exceed three centimeters.

Place all parts of the fish in a deep container, squeeze the lemon juice on top, chop the remaining pulp and also add to the mackerel. Peel the onion and garlic and cut into thin rings and slices, respectively. Mix these vegetables with salt, seasoning, sugar, butter and pour into the fish. Then, to marinate all the pieces, mix thoroughly, shake the fish and set aside to infuse.

The marinated treat will be ready in fifteen minutes, but you can still let the mackerel soak in the juice and aroma of the other spices for four hours.

Dry method of marinating fish without vinegar

When preparing brine, marinade, or pouring for marinating fish, it takes a lot of time to soak in all the spices and acquire the desired aroma. To maintain a more natural and natural taste Mackerel should be marinated using the dry method.

This recipe does not require the use of vinegar and lemon juice, which allows you to maximize the delicate, juicy and fatty taste fish pieces. For dry salting you will need:

  • mackerel – 0.8 kg (cleaned – 2 pcs.);
  • salt (fine) – 60-80 g;
  • granulated sugar– 25 g;
  • allspice (peas) – 6 pcs.;
  • dill – 50 g (1 bunch).

This method of marinating mackerel will require twenty minutes of time, excluding the process of salting the fish. Energy value 100 grams of food equals 173 kcal.

Defrost the fish, remove the entrails by making an incision on the abdominal part, cut off the heads and tails. It is necessary to rinse under running water; if there is a black film left inside, it must be scraped off with a knife.

Into the container where it will take place dry pickling, add a spoonful of salt, 3 peppercorns, and a few sprigs of dill to the bottom. Mix all the remaining spices together, wipe the mackerel carcasses outside and inside and place in a container. Place sprigs of dill inside and on top of the fish.

Cover the dishes and place them in a cool place for 72 hours, or maybe less. After the mackerel has been marinated in dry salting, it needs to be rinsed from salt, wiped with a napkin, removing excess liquid, and tasted.

It is better to bake a small fish of this type, but for specimens whose weight exceeds three hundred grams, the best way preparation will be marinating. Please note that:

  1. First, the process and method of marinating are determined, and only then the mackerel is cut;
  2. The head should be cut off only to speed up the process of marinating and soaking in spices;
  3. Regular 9 percent vinegar can be replaced with any other - wine, apple, rice, this will make the fish even softer and more delicate in taste;
  4. You can increase the shelf life of mackerel pickled at home like this: put the pieces of fish in a glass container, add oil, layer the layers with onions, carrots, and herbs (to taste).

In any form, with any method of preparing the marinade, brine, pouring, pickled mackerel is simply incredibly aromatic and delicious treat, which is famous not only for its low bone content, but also for its rich complex of microelements, vitamin.

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with spicy salted fish. Moderately fatty and tasty mackerel in the marinade will be good option. Prepare fragrant fish per day at home is not at all difficult. All you need is small set groceries and some free time to prepare.

For salting we used frozen mackerel. When choosing fish, be sure to ensure that it is fresh. Fresh mackerel has a light color, without yellow or rusty spots. When pressed, the carcass is elastic and slightly moist.


  • frozen mackerel – two pieces;
  • water - one liter;
  • salt - two large heaped spoons;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • bay leaf - four pieces;
  • pepper sweet pea– sixteen pieces;
  • cloves - five pieces;
  • coriander - two teaspoons.

Step-by-step recipe with photos: mackerel in marinade at home

Let's cook delicious marinade for mackerel. Put the water on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then add salt, sugar and all other spices to boiling water. Boil the marinade for about five minutes. Then remove from heat and leave the marinade to cool to room temperature.

Defrosting mackerel.

Frozen mackerel should be thawed at room temperature.

We clean the fish from the insides, rinse the carcasses well under running water. There should be no black film left on the inside of the belly; it will taste bitter in the finished dish.

Cut the mackerel into portioned pieces. One carcass produces approximately seven pieces up to two centimeters thick. Place the fish pieces in a bowl.

For salting fish, it is best to use enamel or glassware with a tight-fitting lid.

Pour the cooled marinade over the mackerel.

Close the bowl with the fish and put it in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Cooking time lightly salted mackerel in the marinade for at least a day.

Remove the finished mackerel from the marinade, serve with a drop of vegetable oil and onions, cut into thin half rings.

How to marinate mackerel at home tasty and quickly is a question primarily of concern to the housewife who has bought a couple of pieces of frozen fish or fresh mackerel. Salt mackerel correctly; you need to carefully choose a recipe for salting mackerel for home salting, safe way preparations will preserve the health of family members and make excellent taste cold snack.

Home-marinated mackerel is very delicious snack, it turns out to be a dish without dyes, preservatives and tastes no worse, much better than store-bought salted mackerel. Home Ambassador Fish is simple - salt the mackerel 2 hours in advance or wait 1-2 days before final salting - entirely depends on the wishes of the housewife and the chosen cooking method.

This type of fish is considered the leader in the content of fluorine, cobalt and chlorine. In addition, mackerel is an excellent source of protein; just a 100-gram piece of fish contains up to half the daily protein requirement. It is known that our body needs fats for normal operation. Unlike fats of animal origin (pork, veal) unsaturated fats mackerel is healthier and easier to digest. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in fish, have been shown to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, improve brain activity, prevent the formation of blood clots. ­ Regular use mackerel reduces the risk of developing asthmatic bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis. ­

How to choose the right mackerel

In order not to run into “rotten meat” and be able to repel an unscrupulous supplier, when buying fish you should be guided by the following factors:

  • The eyes don't lie. This does not apply to the seller, but to the fish, if the mackerel's eyes are bulging, moisturized, they are quite bright and full, then this product is fresh and can be taken, because otherwise the eyes sink, dry out and wrinkle. Of course, this rule applies to fresh fish that has not been heat-treated.
  • The gills will tell you. It is this respiratory organ of waterfowl that can be confidently considered a litmus test that will help determine the date of death of a fish. Product good quality the gills are clean, red or pink in color, lack mucus, and do not give off a disgusting amber.
  • The smell will lift the veil of secrecy. When purchasing seafood, use your sense of smell. A fresh carcass does not have a pronounced smell of fish and rancid fat.
  • Appearance is an indicator of quality. The skin should be moisturized, elastic and shiny, with a rainbow tint, without any extraneous spots or holes. A dull, dry and weather-beaten surface of an individual clearly indicates an expired product.
  • Body strength is a sign of health. This rule also applies to mackerel. Products High Quality the meat should not be loose, lumpy or plastic. In addition, fresh fish have a flat belly, while aged fish have a swollen belly with greenish spots.

How to pickle mackerel at home: 9 best recipes

Marinate mackerel according to the classic recipe

There's nothing easier than cooking classic marinade for mackerel. In it, the fish will be moderately salted, soaked in unobtrusive spices. This recipe is essentially the basis of any marinade. That is, after that you can add spices to it, adjust the amount of sugar and salt, inventing new types of marinade for sea ​​fish.


  • 2 large mackerel carcasses
  • sugar and salt - 2 tbsp. l. no slide
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • purified water - 250 ml
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

The water for the marinade is purified and not boiled. To a suitable deep container(not aluminum) you should pour out the water and add all the other components except the fish. When the salt and sugar melt, the marinade can be considered ready.

While the brine is being prepared, you need to prepare the fish. It needs to be cleaned of the entrails and the black film located inside the carcass, which can cause unpleasant bitterness. Afterwards, the fish is washed under running water and dried on paper (you can remove excess moisture with paper napkins).

Next, the fish is combined with the marinade and left to soak for 2-3 hours at room temperature. Afterwards, you need to put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, leaving it for 24 hours. Taste ready-made dish- simply amazing.

Quick mackerel in marinade


  • frozen mackerel - 2 pcs. (600−700 g)
  • onion - 1−2 pcs. salt (not iodized, you can use sea salt) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • drinking water - 300 ml
  • vegetable (sunflower) oil - 200 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 1.5−2 tbsp. l.
  • peppercorns (mixed or black) - 10−12 pcs.
  • coriander beans - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. To make the appetizer salted faster, it must be cut into fillets. Do not defrost frozen carcasses completely to make them easier to work with. Remove all inedible parts. Carefully remove the skin. Separate the "meat" from the spine. Try to maintain the fillet's shape as much as possible. Cut it into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Boil water and cool. Add salt to it. Stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Pour brine over mackerel. Leave in the kitchen for 2 hours.
  3. Chop the onion into half rings. It comes out fragrant and crispy. Therefore, feel free to put it more than the specified amount.
  4. Mix oil with vinegar.
  5. Drain the brine. Rinse in clean cold water several times. Place in a jar, alternating with onions and spices.
  6. Pour into a jar with fish. Close the container. Place in a cool place. In principle, you can eat mackerel marinated in this way right away. But in a couple of hours it will be even more tasty, appetizing and tender.

Recipe for marinated fresh frozen mackerel

According to this recipe, the fish turns out “just like in a supermarket”, but eating it is safer for your health.


  • 2 carcasses of fresh or frozen mackerel.
  • Coarse sea salt.

When marinating fresh frozen fish:

  1. Thaw the fish slightly.
  2. Gut it.
  3. Cut off the head, wash.
  4. Cut into pieces.
  5. Place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until half defrosted.
  6. Salt outside and inside.
  7. “Send” to the refrigerator for a day.

Mackerel marinated with mustard

Ready dish - an appetizer served with alcohol along with green onions. Before serving, add oil and lemon juice.

For preparation you will need:

  • One fish.
  • Liter boiled water.
  • Five tablespoons of salt, three of sugar and two of butter.
  • Spoon of mustard powder.
  • Bay bay and black pepper - according to the instructions.
  1. Freshly frozen fish is washed and dried with towels. Then the head is cut off, cleaned of entrails, cut and chopped.
  2. Place other ingredients in a saucepan and mix the contents.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2-4 minutes, then cool.
  4. The chopped mackerel is placed in a marinating container and poured with marinade. The container is closed, compacted with a press and placed in a cold room for 48 hours.
  5. After the period has passed, the marinade is drained, and the mackerel, marinated with mustard, is placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Whole mackerel in brine

You can try salting a whole mackerel carcass. It will also turn out very tasty. There is no need to gut the fish for this recipe.

You will need:

  • 2 mackerel carcasses,
  • 6 tablespoons salt,
  • 2 tablespoons sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper,
  • 1 tablespoon dried dill,
  • 1−2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the mackerel and dry thoroughly with paper towels. Take a large bag and add salt, sugar, pepper and dill into it. Shake the bag to mix all the seasonings.
  2. Then thoroughly rub each carcass with the curing mixture. Place the fish in the bag in which you mixed the seasonings. Wrap the mackerel tightly. To do this, you can use a few more bags or thick paper.
  3. Place the fish in the refrigerator for 3 days. Ready fish should be washed under running water, dried well and rubbed a small amount vegetable oil.

Marinated mackerel in oil

To prepare marinated mackerel at home, choose fattier fish, then it will turn out even more juicy and tasty. Let's get started!


  • frozen mackerel - 1 - 2 medium fish
  • onion - 1 head
  • table salt - 2 tablespoons
  • granulated sugar - ½ teaspoon
  • Refined sunflower oil - 200 milliliters
  • dried bay leaf - 1 - 2 pieces
  • black peppercorns, coriander - 5 peas each
  • 9% vinegar - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar)


  1. Defrost the fish, do not do it completely, let it remain a little frozen. In this state it will be easier for us to work with her.
  2. It is advisable to buy mackerel with the head and ungutted. This will make a little more work, but not much, since any mackerel has no scales and is very easy to clean. Whole mackerel preserves the freshness and natural taste of the fish much better. Therefore, we begin marinating by cleaning the fish: we cut off the head and take out the insides. You can leave the fins and tail, they will not affect the taste in any way.
  3. Take a knife (be sure to be well sharpened) and cut into portioned pieces.
  4. Peel the onion under running water cold water, so our eyes will not water. We cut it quite large - into half rings.
  5. Pour into a bowl vegetable oil. Add granulated sugar and salt. Add vinegar. We divide the bay leaf into several pieces and throw it here. Add coriander seeds and black peppercorns.
  6. Stir and get a marinade. There is no need to cook anything. Isn't that great?
  7. Now take the chopped mackerel and wet each piece on all sides in spicy marinade.
  8. Place the fish in a convenient glass bowl or plastic tray. Sprinkle chopped onions on top and pour over the rest of the marinade.
  9. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for two days. It is advisable to shake the tray with fish from time to time so that it marinates more evenly.
  10. After two days, the mackerel can be served.

Marinated mackerel in tomato sauce


  • Fresh mackerel 500 gr.
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Salt 1.5 tsp.
  • Sugar 0.5 tsp.
  • Refined sunflower oil 50 ml.
  • Apple vinegar 35 ml.
  • Tomato juice 125 ml.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Ground coriander 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf 2 pcs.

Cooking step by step:

  1. I defrosted the mackerel, cleaned it of all excess, washed it thoroughly and dried it. I divided it into fillets and then cut them into portions.
  2. The onion needs to be peeled and cut into rings.
  3. Place onions and fish in layers in a jar.
  4. Now you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, mix all the above ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for literally one minute.
  5. Pour the hot marinade over the fish in the jar, close the lid and turn it over several times so that the marinade thoroughly saturates the entire fish.
  6. As soon as the entire contents of the jar have cooled, we put it in the refrigerator without opening it for a day.

After the specified time, the wonderful marinated mackerel is ready. Try it - it's very tasty!

Recipe for delicious marinated mackerel with carrots


  • fresh frozen mackerel - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • fine salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • white sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • table vinegar - 10 ml
  • dry bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • fresh dill - to taste
  • filtered water - 1 l.


Pre-defrost the mackerel, rinse and dry it with a towel. Then we clean it of scales and entrails, cut off the head, fins and tail. Chop the fish into small pieces. We process the vegetables and chop them finely.

Now prepare the marinade: mix all the spices in a small saucepan, add sugar and bay leaf. Pour in filtered water and place the dishes over medium heat. Bring the marinade to a boil, and then remove from the stove, add vinegar and cool. Place the fish in a clean place glass jar, laying layers of prepared vegetables. Pour in the cooled marinade and sprinkle with chopped fresh dill. Close the top with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. In 2 days, delicious pickled mackerel pieces will be ready!

How to marinate mackerel in a hot marinade

Marinated mackerel in a hot marinade is very easy to prepare at home, even for an inexperienced cook. The fish turns out tender, tasty and aromatic.


  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Onion- 1 PC.
  • Allspice peas - 5 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Cloves - 3 buds
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cilantro seeds - 0.5 tsp.
  • Fennel seeds - 0.5 tsp.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan, then boil.
  2. Add salt, allspice and black peppercorns, bay leaves, cilantro and fennel seeds to boiling water.
  3. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the marinade, add the cloves, then pour in the vinegar.
  4. Clean the mackerel, then cut into pieces.
  5. Chop the onion into strips and place in a marinating container. Place fish slices on top.
  6. Pour the hot marinade over the mackerel.
  7. Leave the fish to marinate for 2-3 hours.

  1. When salting, salt draws excess moisture from the fish and thoroughly saturates the carcass. The process is carried out at a low temperature, since in hot conditions the product will go rotten. Upon completion of salting, the mackerel is put into the cellar or refrigerator.
  2. Salt the fish should be in a container that is not subject to oxidation, this is suitable enamel pan, glass and plastic bowls. It wouldn’t hurt to sharpen your favorite knife before cooking, then the process will be easier and more enjoyable.
  3. I recommend salting mackerel at home regular salt, iodized salt doesn't fit. Iodine will not affect the taste of the finished dish, but it will spoil appearance.
  4. Fridge - the best place for storage. Pour vegetable oil over the mackerel and store for no more than 5 days. Don't hold salted fish in the freezer, after defrosting the meat will become watery and soft.
  5. To ensure that the mackerel fully develops its taste and acquires a breathtaking aroma, add laurel and peppercorns during the salting process. Coriander, cloves, allspice add spicy taste. The tips listed above will help you prepare delicious, beautiful and aromatic salted mackerel.

That's all. You can make excellent sandwiches from pickled mackerel by adding some green onions. Fish prepared according to this recipe is a beautiful, tasty and healthy treat. Perhaps you have your own recipe for salting fish, we will be grateful if you share it in the comments to this text. Good culinary success to you!

Greetings, dear visitors!
In one of my recent publications, I wrote about the benefits of this inexpensive, but very delicious fish. And since I like to quickly move from words to action, I have selected the best (according to reviews on culinary sites) recipes with this fish. From this article you will learn how to marinate mackerel in different ways at home, how to bake it (including on a wire rack).

I like this fish because delicious mackerel You can marinate quickly at home, and it doesn’t matter what foods you have in the refrigerator or pantry. Vinegar, soy sauce, mustard will do... In general, there are many ways to marinate. Choose according to your budget and taste!

Selection and preparation of fish

  • Carcasses weighing about 400 g are considered the most successful - they have enough meat and are perfectly marinated. They should not be covered with frost; damage is also considered a defect.
  • Many people defrost them in a bowl of water. But this only kills the benefit. It’s better to put the guys on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and the temperature difference will do everything itself. Let’s say we put it in the evening, and in the morning it’s already defrosted.
  • You can cut the carcass by cutting off the backbone, fins and removing the side bones. In fact, only meat will remain.

Basic recipe in pieces

  • 1 mackerel carcass,
  • 1 liter of boiling water,
  • 2 tablespoons each of salt and sugar (the latter with a heap),
  • 3 bay leaves,
  • 5-10 peas of allspice,
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar (9%).

Everything is done in a simple way! The fish is cut into pieces (if you are expecting guests, you can even cut off the fillet and slice it thinly). Bring water, sugar and salt, spices to a boil. Allow the marinade to cool, after which you can pour in vinegar and pour this over the fish. The main thing is that each piece is completely covered (if they float, you can put a plate and weight on top).

NB! This mackerel is marinated at room temperature for a day (in summer it is highly advisable to cook it in the refrigerator).

Mackerel on the grill (on the grill)

This section is dedicated to extreme sports enthusiasts who have barbecues in winter, happy owners of a sauna with a fireplace, or simply everyone who misses summer.

Here's how to marinate mackerel (this is another name for mackerel, if you didn't know) for the grill:

  1. Season the fish (regular black pepper will do, although you can also buy fish spice, or coriander, Provencal herbs). You can add a little salt to it, sprinkle the fish with white wine - dry or semi-dry. Marinate for about an hour.
  2. We wipe the half-finished carcasses or fillets with a paper napkin.
  3. Lubricate them with vegetable oil (can be olive, sunflower).
  4. Place on the grill. We start cooking from the skin side (if fillet), as soon as it starts to turn brown, turn it over. The fish bakes very quickly, so don’t leave the grill for too long.

NB! In winter, such fish can be fried in a frying pan. The serving will be especially effective if your frying pan has a ribbed bottom.

How to deliciously marinate mackerel in a hot way

The most in a successful way marinating in a jar using the hot method is considered (cold methods will be discussed below).

  • 0.5 liters of boiling water,
  • 1 large spoon of salt,
  • peppercorns (about 10 peas, you can mix allspice and black),
  • a pair of bay leaves,
  • 0.5 teaspoon each of fennel seeds, cilantro.

Mix all marinade ingredients and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Place onion slices and pieces of fish in a tray, or better yet, in a jar. “Strengthen” the marinade with 1 tablespoon of vinegar and several buds of cloves. Pour it hot into the jar. Let stand for 2.5 hours - and you're done!

NB! This delicious recipe Pickling mackerel at home is very similar to canned food. But good ones quality canned food, they almost don’t make these now, but you should cook them!

Pour over the whole carcass: recipe with husks “a la smoked”

  • 3 carcasses,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 30 g sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons strong black tea (no flavoring!)
  • peel from 5 onions.

This recipe is simple, like all classics. Mix all of the above except the fish. Boil, let cool. Pour the marinade over the fish and refrigerate for 3 days. If using a tray, turn the fish from side to side every day.

NB! It is very convenient to do this by taking a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, cutting off the top, stuffing the mackerel in there and pouring the marinade inside. In this case, you don’t even need to turn the mackerel over. And in order for the product to get the right smoked smell, you can pour in liquid smoke(yes, this is not healthy, but a couple of times a year it is possible - especially since store-bought mackerel is probably prepared with “chemicals”).

Preparing fish for smoking

The basic method of preparation for both cold and hot smoking is to rub the fish carcass with salt and pepper. The latter can be replaced with specially selected spices (or, more simply, with the “For Fish” set from the store). Cover the container with mackerel with film or a bowl and refrigerate overnight (at least 10 hours). After this, shake off any unabsorbed salt, and you can transfer the carcasses to the smokehouse.

There are more interesting option marinade (per 1 kg of fish):

  • 2 liters of water,
  • 20 ml lemon juice,
  • a couple of bay leaves,
  • a glass of salt,
  • the same amount of sugar
  • a few black peppercorns
  • 3 crushed cloves of garlic,
  • onion peel.

How to marinate mackerel for smoking in this aromatic liquid? First, you need to mix the marinade, boil for 10 minutes, and cool. Pour over the fish for just 2 hours. After marinating, the carcasses must be dried. By the way, this option is also suitable for both hot and cold smoking.

Are you going to bake fish in foil?

Many people simply salt their “girlfriend”, but this is how it will turn out with characteristic odor, which not everyone likes. How to marinate it at home not only tasty, but also as aromatic as possible?

Rub with sauce made from the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds,
  • 3 spoons of spicy mustard,
  • 50 ml soy sauce,
  • 3 cloves garlic (squeeze)
  • a pinch of sauce.

Rub two carcasses with this mixture (it is better to cut off the heads). Stuff the lemon cut into pieces inside; its juice will seep into the meat, giving it tenderness and flavor. Let the mackerel lie for 1.5 hours.

NB! Be sure to grease the foil with oil. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Mackerel marinated with carrots and onions

  • 3 medium sized fish,
  • 2.5 large spoons of vinegar (9%),
  • 1 tablespoon each of sugar and salt,
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper,
  • 3 onions,
  • 2 carrots,
  • can of green peas (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons of ketchup.

If you want to learn how to marinate mackerel at home so that it turns out similar to the one from a store-bought iron “tomato” jar, this fish recipe is for you! You need to boil the carrots (not completely), cut the mackerel into “bars”. Top it with onion rings, sliced ​​carrots (you can grate them), and peas. Pour marinade over everything (you just need to mix it). Let the tray stand on the table for a couple of hours, then put it in the refrigerator for a day. In general, the next day the snack will be ready.

Soy marinade

  • 1 carcass,
  • 60 ml boiled water,
  • 1 cup soy sauce (the higher the quality, the better).

Pour over the mackerel for a day. That's all the work!

NB! If you are pouring a whole carcass, make cuts on the back - this way the marinade will penetrate the meat better.

Mustard marinade

  • Fishes, 2 pieces,
  • 0.5 liters of water (raw),
  • salt and sugar - 2 tablespoons each,
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar (9%),
  • 1.5 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil,
  • 2 tablespoons mustard (powder),
  • fresh dill (bunch),
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • allspice- about 10 peas.

Cover the pieces of fish in the tray with herbs. Prepare the marinade (bring water, sugar, salt, peas and bay leaves to a boil, cool). Add mustard powder, vegetable oil. Pour over the mackerel and leave overnight.

NB! Not enough for you? Experiment! Add pieces or juice of apples, citrus fruits, grated parsley root to the marinade, boiled beets(the latter will give the mackerel an interesting color).

Of course, not every recipe can be tried just tomorrow. But you can cook salted or oven-baked fish. You can cut potatoes with it, put a soft slice of the freshest white bread (or black, with sourness, whichever you like), set out a plate vegetable salad or pickled onion from my previous article...
Oh, that’s it, I can’t, I’m drooling like a river. I went to the store and bought a carcass or two of mackerel...
How do you prepare it? Write, and maybe I’ll learn a couple more new, wonderful recipes!

At home, you can marinate not only red fish. Below is there are several waysmarinating mackerel. Cumbria is the best choice: this fish does not accumulate toxins, is rich in omega-3 acids, is inexpensive and has special taste. Cumbria takes longer to marinate than red fish.

1 way:

We take three pieces of frozen mackerel, wash, clean and cut into large pieces.
The main thing in this matter is not to let the fish UNFROST.
Peel and chop 3 onions and 3 cloves of garlic.
Place the mackerel, onion and garlic in a bowl.
add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt (heaped),
3 tablespoons 9% vinegar, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
ground hot pepper, allspice peas,
bay leaf. Mix carefully.
Place tightly in a jar, cover with a lid and refrigerate for a day.

Method 2:

  • mackerel 2 pcs
  • onion 1-2 large onions
  • apple cider vinegar 4-6 tablespoons
  • salt 1 tbsp. spoon
  • water 1 glass
  1. We separate the mackerel from the head, fins and entrails. Cut into portions (their size depends on the container in which you marinate), cut the onion into rings (the more onions, the better and tastier). Place fish and onion in a bowl. Add tbsp to a glass of water. a spoonful of salt and 4 tbsp. mix spoons of vinegar, pour fish with onions (if there is not enough marinade, add another 0.5 cups of water, 2 spoons of vinegar and 0.5 spoons of salt) put in the refrigerator for 12 hours - then turn the fish over (each piece) and for another 12 hours in the refrigerator.

3 way:

Ingredients for marinated mackerel

— frozen mackerel
— onion — 1 pc.
— carrots — 1 pc.
— allspice peas — 5 pcs.
— black peppercorns — 10 pcs.
- salt - 2 tbsp. l.
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
— bay leaf — 2 pcs.
- vinegar 30% - 2 tbsp. l.
- dill
1. Thaw the mackerel, remove the insides and cut into small pieces.

2. Cut the onion into rings.3. Carrots - in circles.

4. Finely chop the dill.

Making the marinade: add everything except vinegar to a liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

Then pour in the vinegar. Cool.

Place the mackerel in a container, topping it with onions and carrots. Pour the marinade over the fish and leave in it for a day or two.

4 way:

2-3 mackerel,

2 tbsp. chopped dill, parsley.

For the marinade:

1/2 cup vegetable oil,

2-3 tbsp. 3% vinegar,

1/2-1 tsp prepared mustard,

1/2 tbsp each of salt and sugar.

Cut the prepared fish into fillets, place them on a board, skin side down, and, holding the knife at an angle, cut into pieces, cutting them off from the skin. Place pieces of fish and dill on the bottom of an enamel bowl, alternating them in layers. Mix vinegar, vegetable oil, mustard, salt, sugar and pour this mixture over the fish with dill. Keep the fish marinated in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. When serving, transfer the fish to a dish and sprinkle with the same marinade. From above p

5 way:

mackerel 3 pcs

sugar 1 tbsp.

salt 1 tbsp.

ground black pepper 1/4 tsp.

vegetable oil 1/2 cup

vinegar 3% 2 tsp.

mustard 1 tsp.

Wash the fish, remove the entrails, cut off the head and tail.
Cut into pieces (1.5-2 cm wide). Finely chop the dill. Place in a container for marinating (for example, in a tray) on the bottom - part of the dill, then a layer of fish, on top of it - the next portion of dill, then again fish (and so on, depending on the height of the dish - sprinkle all the fish with dill, the last layer is dill ).
In a separate bowl, mix mustard, salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar and add oil (either refined or extra virgin olive oil).
After thoroughly mixing the marinade, pour it over the fish.
Cover the dish with a lid and refrigerate for 2-3 hours

6 way:

  • mackerel - 1 pc.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • allspice - 3 - 4 peas
  • bay leaf - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • black pepper - 1/4 tsp.
  • water - 300 ml

Gut the fish, separate the head, and rinse under running water. Cut into portions approximately 3 cm thick.
Dissolve salt in water, add spices, mix. Pour the marinade over the cut fish and marinate for a day in a cool place. Remove the finished fish from the marinade and let it drain. Place on plates, garnish with parsley and lemon slices.

7 way:

Frozen mackerel - 1 piece;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- allspice peas - 5 peas;
- black pepper, peas 10 peas;
- two bay leaves;
- vinegar 30% 2 tbsp. spoons;
- finely chopped dill.

That's all. Cut the onion into rings and carrots into slices. Pour everything except the vinegar into a liter of water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Add vinegar. We enjoy the aroma spreading throughout the apartment. Let it cool. Thaw the mackerel, cut it, gut it. All the insides, along with the head, of course, except caviar and milk, we throw away. Place in an enamel (without chips) or glass container, topping the mackerel with onions and carrots. Fill with marinade. We forget for a day, or better yet for two...

8 way:

Fine salt

. black peppercorns
. garlic
. thyme
. rosemary

The recipe description does not indicate the quantity of products, since it all depends on the size of the fish and the number of pieces that you plan to marinate. Focus on the description and your own feelings.

1. Clean the mackerel and gut the insides. To separate the fillet from the bones, you need to make an incision along the spine and carefully remove the chord along with the ribs. Using a sharp knife, divide each fish into 2 fillets. After this, use tweezers to remove any remaining visible bones and films from the peritoneum. Finally wash and dry the resulting fillets.

2. In a separate bowl, prepare a dry marinade consisting of a mixture of salt and sugar in equal shares, as well as spices of your choice. IN this recipe It is suggested to use black peppercorns, thyme, rosemary and finely chopped garlic.

3. Pour one layer of dry marinade into a container suitable for the length of the mackerel, place the fish on it skin side down, sprinkle the marinade on top and place another fillet - this time with the flesh side down. Finally sprinkle the entire structure with marinade and cover the container with cling film.

4. Place the fish in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, preferably 24: the larger the fish, the longer it needs to be refrigerated.

5. After the specified time has passed, remove the fish from the refrigerator: you will see that liquid has formed in the container under the influence of the marinade. Shake the fillets off the marinade. To completely remove any remaining sugar and salt, you can rinse the fish under cold water, then blot with kitchen paper.

6. Now the mackerel needs to be preserved in the refrigerator for a week: to do this, place the pieces of mackerel wrapped in foil in a hermetically sealed container.

The fish can be served cut into thin slices as separate snack, as a filling for toasted sandwiches or crackers, or sprinkled with lemon juice and dill, as a light main course with new potatoes.
