How to make Dijon mustard - a classic and whole grain recipe. Dijon mustard: recipe

Making Dijon mustard

Making Dijon mustard

In the previous post there is a recipe with Dijon mustard. I offer you recipes for preparing it at home. I found several recipes, they are not very different, but some contain tomato paste, while others do not. For you various options, which are given here: and, and you try the cooking recipe that you like best. I will say a few words about Dijon mustard and its features.

Dijon mustard is a famous variety of French mustard in the world. It got its name from the city of Dijon, France, where it was first produced. The peculiarity of its preparation depends on the ingredients that are included in its composition. And this is a powder from peeled black mustard seeds, which is diluted not with water or vinegar, but with the sour juice of unripe grapes or white wine. It is used for cooking various sauces, salad dressings, and also served to fried meat. It has a sour taste and is quite strong. More than 20 varieties of Dijon mustard are produced in France, and one of the most popular is white wine mustard.

Ingredients: onion (chopped) - 85 g (1 cup), garlic (chopped) - 2 cloves. honey - 30 g (2 tbsp.), mustard (dry) - 120 g, vegetable oil- 15 g (1 tbsp), salt - 10 g (2 tsp), Tabasco sauce - 4 drops, dry white wine - 400 g (2 cups)

In a small saucepan, bring garlic, wine and onion to a boil. The onion should be cut into small pieces and the garlic should be crushed. Reduce temperature to low. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes, uncovered. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into a bowl. Let cool.

Place dry mustard in another small saucepan. Strain the wine mixture into the pan to remove any bits of onion and garlic. Mix well until formed homogeneous mass. Then add Tabasco sauce, salt, butter and honey. To stir thoroughly.

Place the pan over low heat and stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Do not leave the mustard unattended at this stage, as constant stirring while thickening is very important for a good consistency. Remove the mustard from the heat as soon as it thickens. Store mustard in a non-metallic container for up to 8 weeks.

Dijon mustard (whole grain version)

Ingredients: brown mustard seeds - 45 g (1/4 cup), yellow mustard seeds - 45 g (1/4 cup), dry white wine - 50 g (1/2 cup), white vinegar- 50 g (1/2 cup), salt - 1/2 tsp. (pinch), light - Brown sugar- 5 g (1 tsp) - optional.

Take a small bowl. Put all the ingredients into it and mix thoroughly. Cover with thick plastic wrap (or a tight-fitting lid) and set aside. room temperature for 2 days.

- This is a required step before you can mix and serve the mustard. The ingredients must interact to draw out all the flavors of the Dijon.

Remove the plastic film. Transfer mustard mixture from bowl to blender. It only takes 30 seconds to achieve a coarse texture for the mixture.

- Keep in mind that it is impossible to achieve a uniform consistency in this recipe, so do not spend half a day processing the mustard.

Transfer the mustard to a small container with a tight-fitting lid. Cover and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Over time ( a small amount) the taste of mustard improves.

— Allyl isothiocyanate is an oil found in mustard seeds that adds heat and pungency but fades over time. The longer you store the mustard, the more tender it will be.

Dijon mustard (with tomato paste)

Ingredients: mustard powder– 50 – 60 g, white dry wine- 1 stack. honey - 1 tbsp. l. onion (large) - 1 pc. garlic - 1 clove. vegetable oil - 1 tsp. salt - 1 tsp. Tabasco sauce - 1 tsp. tomato paste - 1 tsp.

Peel and chop the onion small pieces. Cut the garlic, as well as the onion, into small pieces. Then pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan, put chopped onions and garlic, wine, honey and stir. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 - 7 minutes over low heat. Then cool the mixture and strain through a sieve.

Add mustard powder to the prepared marinade and beat with a mixer or whisk. After this, pour in oil, Tabasco sauce (a few drops) or tomato paste, and add salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the saucepan with the mustard mixture over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens like sour cream.

Cool the resulting mustard, pour into glass jars and close the lids tightly. Then put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. Ready mustard can be eaten immediately after preparation, but it is better to wait. It appears after two days real taste Dijon mustard.

This product, born in France, has been incredibly popular for just under 2 centuries. Sales of this type of mustard, named after the city of Dijon, are incomparable to any others. Tender, not too spicy, almost creamy - it is loved all over the world. Can I make it at home or replace it with something in recipes if I don’t have it?

Dijon mustard - how it differs from regular mustard

The main features of this type of mustard are its creamy consistency and taste. It is sweeter and softer than regular, which makes this product a ready sauce for main courses, appetizers, salads. Dijon mustard differs from the usual one in the photo: it has a pale yellow color, which is determined by the type of seeds that became the basis of the product. Original recipe always involves the use of brown (almost black), while English and Russian are prepared with white and yellow.

A few interesting nuances:

  • The composition of Dijon mustard is always multi-component; today there are about 20 original French varieties.
  • The classic and most common type is crushed mustard seeds, poured with dry white wine (always young) instead of vinegar.
  • Traditionally, this mustard is grainy, but you can find Dijon versions with a uniform consistency, where the grains are ground.
  • The recipe for Dijon mustard can include any spices - cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves are especially popular.

How to replace Dijon mustard

If you work with traditional recipes French cuisine, it is undesirable to exclude or replace components - this will quickly nullify attempts to experience the national taste of dishes. However, liberties are allowed in author's modifications, so if you urgently need to replace Dijon mustard, try these options:

  • When marinating meat/poultry, use spicy seasonings– they give a similar result. Coriander, nutmeg, and curry are ideal.
  • Classical mustard sauce mix with a drop of Tobasco, a teaspoon grated horseradish, a couple of grams of sugar and 1/5 cup of white wine or apple cider vinegar. This will be the closest option to your taste.
  • If you need a homemade substitute for the original Dijon sauce, you can use the white seeds.

How to make Dijon mustard

Not everyone can buy a jar of this sauce in Europe, but this does not mean that you will have to completely abandon dishes where you need to use this product. Dijon mustard at home in your own classic look It is prepared no more complicated than the more familiar Russian dressings, if you find the right brown grains. The remaining components are always freely available on the shelves.


  • white table wine– 200 ml;
  • mustard seeds – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 110 g;
  • garlic clove;
  • Tobasco sauce – 5 drops;
  • olive oil – 10 g;
  • salt – 4 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the garlic and press through a press. Grate the onion. Pour wine.
  2. Warm this mixture, cook on low burner for 8 minutes.
  3. After cooling, strain the liquid. Mix with mustard powder. To do this, you need to grind the grains with a coffee grinder or mortar. Beat with a blender.
  4. Pour in oil and salt the mixture. Warm again, simmer until thickened.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients and let cook for another 4 minutes. The finished mustard-based sauce should have a thick, creamy consistency. Store in the refrigerator for about 60 days.

Recipes with Dijon mustard

It’s easier to list the dishes that French cuisine does not offer this sauce with, rather than to say what it goes with. Any types of fish and meat, sausages, salads, complex marinades and sauces, sandwiches (and other types of snacks) - all these are the main areas of application of Dijon mustard. She is also good for winter preparations at home as a natural healthy preservative.

Salad with Dijon mustard

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1478 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Most famous salad with Dijon mustard - Caesar, however, how to cook it delicious dish, even knows inexperienced housewife. Therefore, for connoisseurs of exotic combinations and “tasty and beautiful” options, professionals offer unusual salad, consisting of fresh or canned mango and fried chicken liver. It is recommended to serve the dish warm.


  • chicken liver – 300 g;
  • mango – 375 g;
  • salad leaves – 90 g;
  • Dijon mustard – 45 g;
  • honey – 35 g;
  • olive oil – 70 g;
  • salt – 9 g;
  • white ground pepper– 6 years

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the oil (half the volume), fry the cleaned chopped liver until golden brown.
  2. Tear the washed lettuce leaves and place in a mound. Sprinkle diced mango on top.
  3. Add warm liver.
  4. Season with sauce by whisking together butter, salt, mustard, honey and pepper.

Dijon mustard sauce

  • Cooking time: 7 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1854 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: European.

What is the most recognizable Dijon mustard sauce? The one run by Caesar! The traditional version of this salad cannot be made delicious without this component. This dish is prepared quickly, and the main difficulty is the selection of rare ingredients: anchovies, Worcestershire sauce, Parmesan. The latter can be replaced with any very (!) hard cheese, but it is better to completely exclude the remaining products rather than look for analogues.


  • egg yolk;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 8 g;
  • olive oil – 150 ml;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • parmesan – 45 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Worcestershire sauce – 1 tsp;
  • anchovies – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. All liquid components excluding oil and lemon juice, beat.
  2. Add salt, pepper, and grated garlic alternately. Continue whisking.
  3. Add crushed anchovies, olive oil(drops), grated Parmesan, lemon juice. Serve after cooling.

Beef with Dijon mustard

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1509 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Tender beef with Dijon mustard as an ingredient cream sauce, even men will like it. The meat needs to be beaten very well, and preferably cut thinly - about 1 cm thick. The dish will look like it came from a restaurant if served on lettuce leaves. You can make the dish more piquant by rubbing the meat with herbs and ground pepper before frying.


  • beef – 530 g;
  • cherry tomatoes – 200 g;
  • white wine – 50 ml;
  • cream 20% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • red onion.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the beef lengthwise into 3 layers. Beat each one, but do not thin it more than up to 5 mm.
  2. Chop the onion and fry with butter (30 g) until soft.
  3. Pour in the wine. When it has evaporated, add cream.
  4. Whisk directly in the pan. Remove from heat, add mustard.
  5. How to cook beef? Fry on both sides at maximum heat until crusty, not forgetting to add salt. Pour in water, throw in a bay leaf, and simmer until the liquid evaporates.
  6. Pour over the prepared sauce and serve with halved cherry tomatoes.

Chicken with Dijon mustard

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1704 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Spicy chicken with Dijon mustard with amazing flavor and golden-red glaze - perfect dish for connoisseurs of food that delights in taste and is visually attractive not only in the photo. You can serve this sweetish meat with assorted lettuce leaves, boiled rice or pasta. It is equally delicious to eat it cold or warm. You can sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving


  • chicken breast– 700 g;
  • Dijon mustard – 55 g;
  • honey – 80 g;
  • ginger (root) – 13 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • olive oil – 45 ml;
  • oranges – 350 g;
  • clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken into cubes approximately 3*3 cm, or into short pieces.
  2. Marinate with grated sauce ginger root, garlic, mustard, sugar, olive oil and honey.
  3. After an hour, mix the meat with chopped oranges. Place on a wire rack and place a baking sheet underneath.
  4. Bake for an hour at 185 degrees. Pour the remaining marinade over the chicken 3-4 times.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3312 kcal.
  • Purpose: for festive table.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

For connoisseurs of very juicy and nutritious meat You'll love the baked pork with Dijon mustard and rose wine, surrounded by prunes and apples. The dish turns out aromatic, tender, perfect for special occasion. If you brown the pork pieces on the grill, it will become even more attractive and can compete with restaurant photos.


  • lean pork – 1 kg;
  • rose wine – 500 ml;
  • prunes – 8 pcs.;
  • red apples – 200 g;
  • rosemary sprigs – 2 pcs.;
  • Dijon mustard – 75 g;
  • ground white pepper– 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Slice the pork large pieces. Pour mustard over the mixture and mix with your hands so that the meat is well saturated with it.
  2. Place pork in glass mold or a large ceramic pot. Pour a glass of water, add ground pepper and rosemary. Add prunes without soaking.
  3. Cover with foil and place in the oven. After heating to 190 degrees, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour in the wine, add the apples cut into slices. Cover with foil again and cook for another half hour.


Mustard, like many others useful plants, has been known to people for quite some time. In China, its seeds were used as important element in cooking more than 3,000 years ago, and the Romans used the plant as a medicine.

Dijon mustard (aka French mustard) is one of the most famous varieties mustard. In 1634, the recipe for this recipe was officially established in the city of Dijon. spicy dressing. Its preparation differs from usual recipe Nowadays. The purified and crushed powder needed to be diluted not with water or vinegar, but with Verjus (verjus - sour juice white grapes) or white wine.

Taste qualities, which Dijon mustard has, incredibly quickly brought it to the world level. Kings, czars, dukes and other privileged persons from all over the world either consumed it regularly or tried it at least once. Previously, we only bought fresh mustard, and we had to do it every day. With the advent of the concepts of “preservatives” and “preservation,” everything became a little simpler; now you could buy more, and the product would last longer. In the 19th century, Dijon mustard began to be sold in jars.

In search of culinary delights, trying to find all kinds of information about it French product, you will find out that the list original ingredients this spicy paste not freely available. Dijon mustard, the recipe for which has been kept secret (by law) for almost 400 years - cooking masterpiece, the taste of which you can only imitate. We'll see how to do this now. There are many recipes on the Internet, but the true similarity can only be noticed by those who have at least once eaten French mustard. Based on this, special attention should be paid to next recipe. Despite the simplicity of preparation, this dressing will amaze real gourmets with its properties. Begin!

In stores you are unlikely to find the variety that contains french mustard, so we resort to an alternative - we buy ordinary mustard powder. So, for cooking we need:

  • Mustard powder - 50 g;
  • Wine (white dry) - 180-200 g;
  • Honey (natural) - 1 tbsp;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - ½ tsp;
  • Onion (onion) - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Tabasco sauce or regular tomato paste.

Finely chop the onion and place it in a saucepan, add chopped garlic, mix. Place the container with the ingredients on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. After this, the contents must be strained and removed from excess liquid. Add to the mixture and beat it all with a whisk or mixer. A little more and we will have our own Dijon mustard. The recipe calls for adding oil and a few drops of Tabasco ( tomato paste), which is what we do. Salt, stir, put on the stove and continue to cook the contents over low heat. Stir and evaporate the mixture until thick mass. Did you wait? Cool and place the contents of the pan in the refrigerator for two days. That's it - French mustard is ready!

The option of eating freshly prepared mustard is not excluded, however, Dijon mustard (more precisely, its analogue) acquires the whole range of flavors precisely after two days of aging.

Ready mustard goes best with such products as meat (in any cooking method), poultry (an ideal tandem with baked goose or duck), lard (our dressing is better than any seasoning), boiled beef tongue(this combination has truly deep historical roots).

Don't be afraid to experiment, cooking loves bold experimenters. Cook with pleasure and never cease to amaze your family and friends original sauces, dressings and seasonings. Enjoy your meal!

Mustard is a seasoning made from ground and whole seeds. It is often used in preparing dishes in various European countries Russia has also kept up with the tradition of eating mustard. True, there is one difference - in Russia it is used spicy mustard, and in Europe a sweeter one is used.

What is Dijon mustard?

The most famous mustard is Dijon. Its history dates back to 1747 in the city of Dijon. different from usual exquisite taste And pleasant aroma . At first, Dijon mustard was made from black seeds. Currently, when preparing it, white seeds are also added.

So that the Dijon mustard turns out like in best restaurants Dijon, the husks must be removed from the seeds. Thanks to this, the mustard will acquire a pleasant yellow color. Then add the juice of unripe grapes, various spices and herbs, as well as salt. Herbs used include thyme, tarragon and lavender. Thanks to them, Dijon mustard acquires unique taste. If other mustard is added herbal supplements, it can no longer be classified as Dijon.

In world trade, more than half of the annual turnover of Dijon mustard comes from France. Some of the largest manufacturers are Amora and Maille. Dijon mustard is used to prepare various sauces and seasonings. This mustard is also used to season fried meat or fish. Exists two types of Dijon mustard- gentle and strong.

As a rule, Dijon mustard is sold in clay jars, which are thoroughly washed and dried. In our country it can not be found as often as in France. But if you suddenly find a supermarket where they sell Dijon mustard, remember, its price for a jar weighing 205 g with basil costs about 230 rubles, and ordinary spicy Dijon mustard, weighing 250 g, will cost you about 150 rubles.

In fact, The recipe for making Dijon mustard is not that complicated., and any housewife can cook it.

How to make Dijon mustard?


  1. Dry white wine - 1 tbsp.
  2. Mustard powder - 60 g
  3. Garlic - 1 clove
  4. Salt - 1 tsp.
  5. Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  6. Natural honey - 1 tbsp.
  7. Onions - 1 pc.
  8. Tabasco sauce - to taste


  • Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces.
  • Add wine, honey, chopped onion and garlic to the pan. Stir.
  • Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 7 minutes over low heat.
  • Remove the mixture from the stove and strain.
  • Add mustard powder to the mixture and beat everything with a whisk or mixer.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the mixture, add Tabasco sauce (a few drops), salt and mix everything.
  • Place the mixture over low heat and cook the mustard until it thickens. The mustard should have a consistency similar to sour cream.
  • Cool and pour mustard into glass jar, cover with a lid and refrigerate for 2 days.
  • After 2 days, Dijon mustard can be eaten as a seasoning for meat dishes, boiled tongue, lard or poultry.


  1. Dry white wine - 400 ml
  2. Onions - 1 pc.
  3. Garlic - 3 cloves
  4. Honey - 3 tbsp.
  5. Mustard powder - 130 g
  6. Rapeseed oil - 1 tbsp.
  7. Salt - 2 tsp.
  8. Basil - 1 tbsp.


  • Chop the onion, basil and garlic.
  • Pour the wine into a non-stick pan and add the chopped ingredients. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the prepared mixture, strain through a strainer, and discard whatever remains.
  • Stirring constantly, carefully add mustard powder to the prepared mixture. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • Add to mustard mixture rapeseed oil, honey and salt. Place over low heat and simmer until the mustard thickens and becomes smooth. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred.
  • Transfer the resulting Dijon mustard into a clean glass jar, wait until it cools, and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Mustard is ready to eat.


  1. White and black mustard seeds - 150 g
  2. Herbs of Provence spice mixture - 1 tsp.
  3. Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
  4. Cinnamon - 1 pinch
  5. Cloves - 2 pcs.
  6. Salt - 1 tsp.
  7. Allspice - to taste
  8. Wine vinegar - 1 tsp.
  9. Olive oil - 1 tsp.


  • Place the mixture in a saucepan provencal herbs, cloves, a few peas allspice and add some water. When the mixture boils, add salt and boil for 2 minutes.
  • In a bowl using a mortar, crush the white and black mustard seeds.
  • Pour the crushed mustard seeds into a separate jar and pour the seasoning water mixture through a sieve. Add honey and a pinch of cinnamon to the mixture. Remember, the liquid should slightly cover the mustard seeds, but there should not be too much.
  • Pour vinegar and olive oil into the mixture. Stir.
  • The mustard must be cooled at room temperature and stored in the refrigerator.

You've probably all tried store-bought Dijon mustard; it goes great with a variety of appetizers. We offer its recipe, we do not pretend to be authentic, but the mustard we prepared turns out very tasty.

Homemade Dijon mustard is quick to prepare. This sauce is named after the town where it was first offered to the public. French cuisine known for her gentle and at the same time spicy taste, exquisite presentation of dishes. Mustard made by classic recipe, can add a touch of aristocracy to salads, poultry and carbonate dishes. It can be served as pure form in gravy boats, and as a component of various dressings.

Besides taste properties Dijon mustard differs from the pasty mustard we are used to in that it contains grains infused with young dry white wine, which complement the pasty substance of the multicomponent mass, creating a textural contrast. Classic version necessarily implies the presence of small dark brown whole grains of the plant in a creamy paste.

How to prepare this sauce at home: experienced chef, and a beginner. Technological process does not involve complex manipulations, and the composition of the sauce contains expensive and rare ingredients. The taste of the finished culinary delight can be adjusted: from spicy to sweet.

For burning pungency, almost black seeds are used, which can be taken in different percentages relative to white or yellow grains. You can prepare mustard with a sweetish or more pungent taste. To make the mustard not spicy, you need to know a few secrets, which I will tell you about. If you want to cook spicy product, instead of yellow seeds, take about one-third black. The spices used are sugar, apple cider vinegar or wine, salt, sugar, honey, which are responsible for the taste. finished product. Recipes may also include garlic, onions, turmeric, a mixture of peppers, tarragon, vegetable oil, and cinnamon. In addition to grains, you can use mustard powder. There are a lot of recipes for Dijon mustard, but mustard seeds are always used in it.

Taste Info Sauces


  • Mustard seeds – 100 g;
  • Orange juice – 20 ml;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Dry white wine – 100 ml + 1 tbsp;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

How to make Dijon mustard at home

To prepare, take high-quality mustard seeds. The larger the grains, the more expressive the finished sauce will be. Place them in a fine strainer and rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

Now you need to transfer the seeds into a saucepan. Pour wine or good apple cider vinegar here, freshly squeezed Orange juice. Stir. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place, such as the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, for 48 hours. This time is enough for the grains to absorb liquid and swell.

Residents of France prepare Dijon mustard at home and use good dry wine; it should not be powdered.

After two days, add sugar, honey, oil, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or wine to the seeds. Mix thoroughly, being careful not to crush the grains. Place the finished mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for exactly 2 minutes.

Select a third of the grains from the total mass and grind them in a blender. You can also grind the seeds the old fashioned way - in a mortar. The finished consistency should be pasty and homogeneous.

In some recipes, some of the seeds are replaced directly with dry mustard powder.

The crushed seeds remain to be mixed with the rest whole grains. Now, Dijon mustard can be seasoned with spices to taste.

Prepared according to this recipe Dijon mustard grains must be stored in a sterile glassware in the refrigerator, but not more than 3 months.

Served as a sauce meat dishes and various snacks, goes well with cold fish and vegetable snacks. Dijon mustard can also be used in marinades for hot meat and fish dishes.
