How to make baguette bread at home. French baguette - bake at home

Today it’s not too difficult to find a recipe you love. French baguette not an exception. It has been prepared since time immemorial. The beauty of these loaves is that under the crispy crust there is a soft and flavorful bun. The downside is its tendency to quickly become stale, by the end of the day. But even in this state it remains tasty, although not the same as it was in the morning. Below we will look at the most popular recipe. The French baguette is a true example of a Parisian breakfast.

Spirit of France

Indeed, this romantic country is loved by many. And despite all the natural beauty and cultural values, it remains invariably popular french cuisine. Croissants and oysters, foie gras and amazing buns, and also a thin and long loaf, after biting into which you just want to ask for the recipe. The French baguette has a consistently firm, crispy, and simply amazing crust with a fresh crumb. Despite the fact that it is prepared today all over the world, it invariably remains a symbol of France.

The story of an amazing bun

It first appeared on the shelves in the 20s of the last century. In fact, this was not a tribute to tradition; the bakers and special, delicious recipe. The French baguette was just a necessity that was pushed into special circumstances. When the government issued a special decree not allowing people to go to work before 4 a.m., they had to look for an option that would require less time for dough and baked goods to rise than regular loaves.

It is a long and thin pastry. The standard size that was originally proposed is 60, 70 cm in length, width 5-6 cm and height 3-4 cm. At the same time, the product weighs only 250 g. By the way, with the appearance of this bun on the shelves, the process of mass layoffs of bakers began . Since the baking process was faster, so many workers were no longer needed, which also reduced bakery costs.

Baking Features

How do you know that what you have in front of you is a French baguette? The recipe assumes a very capricious loaf; it cannot be cut with a knife when fresh, so it is customary to break it with your hands. After only 8 hours it becomes completely stale, so it is better to take such baked goods for one or two meals. In France, such baked goods are made as varied as possible in order to please the majority of customers. It can be found in a variety of lengths and shapes, from very thin to wide, sandwich buns. The degree of roasting ranges from very pale to slightly burnt. In addition, they are used various additives. It can be onions, garlic, sesame, cumin, cheese, aromatic herbs.

Meet the French baguette recipe

In the capital of France alone, up to a million crispy loaves are sold every morning. Ready product weighs 250 g (for comparison, remember the Soviet loaf, weighing 1 kg). In general, they prepare it in the classic way. First, the dough is laid, for this, as all housewives know, you need to dissolve the yeast in water, add flour and leave for 20 minutes. Then you need to add salt, the rest of the water and flour, knead the dough. This important point, you need to knead for a long time, about 10 minutes. Then the structure will become homogeneous. It remains to proof for 45 minutes, after which you need to cut it into pieces. They are covered with a damp cloth and left for another 45 minutes. After this, they are placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes. As you can see, it’s nothing complicated; every housewife can do it, even without experience in the culinary arts.

Cook at home

A bakery is one thing, but making something similar at home is very interesting. Imagine how in the morning you take out a warm French baguette for breakfast. The recipe for a baked product in the oven is no different from the original, which is designed for industrial ovens. As you have already noticed, such baking has many advantages. The dough is easy to make, requires a minimum of ingredients, all of them are simple and affordable. In addition, there is no need for special ovens, food processors and other devices. Quick baking can be good option For morning breakfast. Proofing will take place in the refrigerator. There is a minus, the dough turns out wet and sticky. It is not very convenient and you need to get used to handling it.

So, let's bake a French baguette. The oven recipe assumes a two-day cooking cycle, although you can do the entire procedure in one day. This can be convenient for those who will prepare the dough every day for the next day, and when they get up in the morning, prepare a bun for breakfast. You need to take 500 g of 1st grade flour, 375 g of water, ¼ teaspoon dry yeast and 10 g salt. As usual, you dilute the yeast, add everything else and knead the mixture. Cover with film and leave for 20 minutes. Using a mixer, knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Now the dough needs to be greased with oil, covered with film and put in the refrigerator. And you can go about your business.

The second cycle begins the next day. In the morning you take out the dough and divide it into three parts. The dough is very sticky, but try not to overwhelm it with flour. You can lubricate your hands with oil. Each part needs to be kneaded into a layer and rolled into a roll, immediately transferred to a baking sheet. This will be the final shape of our baked goods. This is how your French baguette will remain (the recipe with photo will help you figure out the shape), they don’t rise very much, so you don’t have to leave a lot of space on the baking sheet between the loaves. After 45 minutes (cover with film), you can put them in the oven. Temperature 250 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes.

Features of cooking in a bread machine

The recipe for a French baguette for a bread machine is slightly different from the classics; in particular, it greatly reduces the housewife’s busy time. Each model may have its own differences, but we will give a standard recipe. You will need to stir 2 teaspoons of yeast in a glass of warm water. Add a tablespoon of sugar and leave for 15 minutes. Now comes 2 tablespoons butter, 370 g flour. Knead the dough, divide into 2 parts, roll into layers and roll into rolls. Now you can put them in the bread machine for 60 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

The largest number of adherents of this baked product live in Germany and France. It is very interesting how the table is set. Authentic French baguette (recipe may contain flavorings) served with butter and a large cup of coffee. It's quite absorbed in an original way: Having broken off a crispy roll and spread it with butter, you need to quickly dip it into the coffee. The butter does not have time to melt, and the crumb is saturated with coffee. The result is a delightful composition from which you get real pleasure.

Let's sum it up

You don't have to go to France to taste a wonderful baguette. You can make your task easier and buy it in a store, but usually we don’t comply classic recipe. Therefore, to appreciate the real “crunch” of a French bread, you should try baking it at home. It's easy and doesn't take too much time. The stunning smell from your kitchen will attract guests all day long. By adapting to the time it takes to prepare this baguette, you can wake up your loved ones with the smell every morning fresh bread. And let hot bread be harmful to our figure, better evening go to the gym rather than deprive yourself of such pleasure. By the way, experts note that baking in a bread machine somewhat changes the taste of the baguette. Therefore, it is better to spend a little more time, but serve a real miracle on the table.

Most people think that a baguette is an elongated bread, but this product has other features besides its oblong shape. Not only the shape is important here, but also the production process. Oblong bread with a crispy crust, moist, aromatic, with an uneven crumb becomes tasty addition almost every snack in France - it is even served with dishes with big amount pasta, pasta or potatoes. You can bake a baguette at home in the oven and enjoy its wonderful taste; the recipe for this baking is not at all complicated and any housewife can do it.

French baguette - recipe and history

Some theories say that this loaf was invented by Napoleon's baker and its oblong shape made it easier to transport. Other theories about the origins of the baguette say that it has its origins in Vienna and spread throughout the world during the years of crisis after World War I, mainly due to its shorter production time than traditional bread. No less plausible is the version according to which at the beginning of the nineteenth century, many people carried a knife with them for cutting bread, which was inconvenient and dangerous. Therefore, a bread was invented that could be easily carried with you and that did not require a knife! A loaf was invented that did not require slicing. A skillfully made long loaf breaks into slices that are very convenient to eat. It should also be taken into account that tactile sensations affect taste, so a crispy crust and a moist crumb promise us delicious holiday!

French baguettes are made only from wheat flour, yeast, salt and water. Traditional products have different weights:

  • French baguette in traditional version about 250 grams.
  • Large products weighing 400 g are called flute (translated from French flute).
  • Smaller products weighing 125 grams are called ficelle (which means twine).
  • The Parisian baguette is a larger product.

Many people love this crispy pastry, but few have tried making it themselves. We will tell you how to bake a baguette in the oven at home.

Homemade baguette recipe in the oven at home

  • Recipe author: unknown, but according to one version, Napoleon's cook
  • After cooking you will receive 4 baguettes

Baguette dough in the oven – for 4 pieces:

  • 550 grams of wheat flour,
  • 380 g of water,
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast,
  • 2 teaspoons salt.

Homemade baguette in the oven - cooking procedure

If we don't use the baguettes right away, you can refresh them by placing them in the oven with steam for a few minutes.

As you can see, the French baguette recipe is not at all complicated. A little patience, a minimum of ingredients and delicious pastries from distant France will appear on your table.

Before baking, you can sprinkle the products with a little water and sprinkle with cumin or sesame seeds. The aromatic loaves can be eaten warm with jam or butter. Very tasty fresh homemade baguettes with garlic, they will be a great addition to cream soup or other first course.

The bread baked according to this recipe is similar to the bread you can find on our website. Focaccia has the same large-pored crumb structure and similar taste.

Baguettes are very easy to bake if you know a few secrets. You can prepare your own baguette in the morning. This is instant bread.

Sift 500 grams of flour. Place 10 grams of wet yeast in the flour and thoroughly rub it into the flour.
Please note that everyone puts yeast in water, but french baker teaches how to grind yeast with flour. This baker makes baguettes for the President of France.

Every year in France there is a competition for the best baguette. The winner, in addition to a monetary reward, receives the right to supply baguettes to the presidential palace. This recipe is from a baker who received this honorary right.

There is a tradition in France: every morning, early, they go to the bakery to buy a baguette for breakfast. The French don't eat yesterday's bread.

After the lumps of yeast have been ground with flour, add warm water (about 350 milliliters) in small portions and knead the bread. When kneading, add 10 grams of salt.
Note, Standard recipe for baguette: flour, salt, water, yeast. There should be no oil in the dough!

The secret of kneading a baguette

You need to take the dough from below and, lifting it, stretch it to force more air into the dough. Repeat this procedure and repeat again. The kneading lasts 15 minutes. After 15 minutes the dough will begin to stick to your hands. This means that the dough is already well kneaded.
This is the difference between the method of kneading dough for French baguettes and traditional kneading. yeast dough.

Sprinkle the kneaded dough with a little flour, cover with a towel and let it rise. The dough rises for about two to three hours and doubles in volume.

Forming a classic French baguette

Dust the surface of the table with flour. Let's lay out the dough, cutting it into two equal parts, since this recipe indicates the norm for preparing two baguettes.
We stretch each part into a rectangle with our hands. We roll this rectangle into a roll. It turns out to be a baguette.
There are certain requirements for the size of a baguette: length - 65-70 cm, width - 5-6 cm, height - 3-4 cm. Standard weight - 250 g.

Carefully seal the edges so that the roll does not unfold during baking. Real baguettes should have thin tips, which are obtained by hand rolling the dough.

We make cuts with a knife - notches. 5-7 diagonal cuts, so-called “cat ears”.

Use a very sharp blade. You can even make notches just with a blade. We apply the notches quickly so that the dough does not stick to the blade.

The baguette is formed. We post it on parchment paper, dusted with flour, and place to proof (about 1 hour), and then into the oven. Temperature 250 degrees. Bake for exactly 10 minutes.

Good baking depends on good flour. Take some flour premium With high content gluten (protein).
Be sure to spray the sides of the baguette before putting it in the oven. oven from a spray bottle with water. IN home oven To bake a baguette, it would be a good idea to place a bowl of water under the bottom of the baking sheet.

Baking in the oven with and without steam

You can form an Eppie baguette

This is a very popular baguette. It is especially loved in families with small children. Because a child can break off a piece of baguette and eat it like a bun.

Along the entire length of the rolled roll, use culinary scissors to make cuts at equal distances from each other. We immediately move the cut piece to the side (left/right). It turns out to be a kind of pigtail. And nothing complicated.

Another secret you need to know about baguette

Typically, products made from yeast dough are brushed with egg before baking. Under no circumstances should a baguette be brushed with egg. It is allowed to sprinkle the baguette with flour. But only.

The second way to form a baguette: spread the dough into an oval with your hands, then apply the edges of the dough to the center and again in half - you get a loaf. We roll it a little to improve its shape.

Baking bread is like a double-edged sword: faster dough ripens, the faster it then becomes stale. That is, if you add less yeast and give it more time to work, the bread will turn out tastier, and vice versa - quickly ripened dough produces tasteless, brittle bread that quickly becomes stale.

As a bonus - a recipe for pate, which is served with baguette

Fry the onion in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Sauté the onion at low high temperature until translucent.

Grind walnuts in a food processor. Add 2 to the chopped nuts hard eggs, a little mustard, black pepper, salt, sauteed onion - mix everything in a blender. You can add chopped garlic to the pate.

Place the finished pate in a gravy boat and serve with the baguette.

Baguette - the iconic bread of the French

    Let's prepare the dough for the baguette.Pour 170 milliliters into a bowl warm water- water temperature 32 – 35°C. Add yeast to the water at the tip of a knife and leave for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the flour. Sift 250 grams of white flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, mix, add soaked yeast to the flour. Mix with a fork or spoon until soft dough, additionally mix with your hands, cover with film and leave the dough for room temperature for 12-16 hours.

    After 12 hours, we begin preparing the dough for baguettes. Pour 500 milliliters of warm water into a bowl, water temperature 32 – 35°C. Add 12.5 grams of saffle-levure yeast to the water, that’s 2.5 teaspoons, and leave for 10-15 minutes.

  • While we prepare the flour. Sift 750 grams of white flour into a mixer bowl, add 3 teaspoons of salt, mix. The dough for baguette can be kneaded by hand or using a dough mixer; we use a dough mixer. 10 minutes have passed, stir the yeast and begin kneading the dough. Using a mixer at low speed, gradually add the yeast to the flour. Without stopping stirring, gradually add the dough prepared the day before. Knead the dough, the dough needs to be kneaded well. Ready dough transfer to a bowl, cover with film and leave at room temperature to proof for 1-1.5 hours. The dough should increase in volume by 4-5 times.

    Place the risen dough on the table. The table and hands must first be sprinkled with flour. Knead the dough. Fold it into an envelope, sweeping away excess flour with a brush. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with film and leave at room temperature to proof for an hour and a half. The dough should increase in volume by 4-5 times. What could be tastier than fresh? homemade bread, and what a scent it makes in the house. In the section on our website you will find a lot interesting recipes very tasty homemade bread.

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    Sprinkle the table with flour and, dipping your hands in the flour, place the risen dough on the table. We knead and divide into 5-6 equal parts, depending on how thick we want the baguettes to be. Usually the length of the baguette is 60-65 centimeters, the diameter is 4-6 centimeters. From this amount of products we get 6 baguettes with a length of 50 centimeters and a diameter of 4 centimeters.

    We roll each part one by one, as if into a roll, bending the corners inward, and return it to its place. Now take a piece of dough that was rolled into a roll first. With one hand we lift and bend the edge of the dough, with the other we press it, we do this along the entire length of the workpiece.

    Unroll the dough and repeat this process on the other side twice in a row, giving the dough a baguette shape. Using the palms of your hands, roll the baguette to the desired length.

    Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and cover with a towel, lightly moisten the towel with a water spray. Leave to proof for 60 minutes.

    After an hour, carefully use a scalpel or razor to make diagonal cuts 0.5 centimeters deep at a distance of 4-5 centimeters from each other.

    Bake the French baguette in a preheated oven at 240 degrees Celsius for approximately 20 minutes, until golden color. The oven must be well moistened beforehand. We have an oven with a humidifier, in regular oven You need to insert the baking sheet into the oven and spray it well with water using a spray bottle. The crust of the baguette should be as fragile as glass, and the crumb should be white and very soft. Baguette is a very appetizing, beautiful and tasty bread. No one can say which bread tastes better, but definitely, without any doubt, French baguette is one of the most delicious breads on the ground.

    Take the finished baguette out of the oven, place it on a wire rack, let it cool and serve a fresh, very tasty real French baguette to the table. As you can see, one baguette did not wait for the final photo, but was eaten with great pleasure by members of our family.

You can get real pleasure from tasting a warm French baguette with a golden-brown crispy crust and a creamy garlic taste without leaving your home. To do this, you just need to bake it in your kitchen in the oven. After all, it’s not difficult at all and our simple recipes confirmation of this.

How to bake a French baguette in the oven - recipe?


  • purified water – 330 ml;
  • dry yeast – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Wheat flour premium grade – 520 g.


The secret to cooking a French baguette in the oven lies in sufficient quantity water in the dough in relation to flour. The final consistency of the dough should be sticky and you should not try to make it more dense, otherwise the result will no longer be a French baguette. So let's get started. Pour water heated to 36-38 degrees into a wide container, dissolve the yeast in it, add salt, sift flour into it and knead the dough. It is ideal to use a dough mixer or bread maker for this. When kneading with your hands, we try not to pay attention to the excessive stickiness of the working mass, and knead it for at least ten minutes. After this, cover the container with the dough with film and a towel and put it in a warm place. The mass needs to double in volume. The time required for this depends on many factors, primarily on the quality of the yeast and, of course, on the temperature in the room.

Place the risen dough on a floured surface and divide into four equal parts. We form a rectangle from each of them, and then fold it in half several times and stretch it until we get a long flagellum. Place the resulting products on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with a parchment sheet. Lightly dust future baguettes with flour and cover cling film and a towel and place in a warm place to proof for at least one hour. After this, use a sharp knife to make notches on the surface of each baguette at an angle of 45 degrees and place in an oven preheated to 230 degrees, having previously installed a tray with water on its lower level. After five minutes, open the door and spray the products with water from the spray bottle. We carry out the same procedure fifteen minutes from the start of the baking process. This is necessary so that the baguettes are thin golden brown crust and their surface did not crack. In total, with this temperature conditions baguettes are baked for about thirty minutes. But you still need to focus on the capabilities of your oven.
