The best dishes from famous chefs. Recipes for banquet dishes from chefs

Optimistic Julia Child, ironic William Pokhlebkin and aristocratic Thomas Keller with their recipes on

Chef's Recipes: High Art in a Simple Way

Who said that famous chefs, Michelin star holders and culinary geniuses have complex recipes?

Of course, they can spend the whole day preparing a dish with ingredients unimaginable to us. But sometimes they don’t want to! And they come up with the simplest recipes that anyone can use to build Tasty dinner for a short time.

“Naked” James Oliver and optimistic Julia Child, ironic William Pokhlebkin and aristocratic Thomas Keller, vegetarianism promoter Delia Smith and sushi genius Nobuki Matsushima with their signature recipes on

Curd vanilla pudding from James Oliver

What do you need:

110 g softened butter

220 g powdered sugar

2 vanilla pods

270 ml milk

How to cook cottage cheese vanilla pudding from James Oliver:

  1. Cut the vanilla pods lengthwise, remove the beans, and place the vanilla in a bowl.
  2. Grate the zest from the lemons, add butter and powdered sugar, beat everything together. Add egg yolks to the mixture and beat again.
  3. Pour the milk in there room temperature, squeeze out lemon juice, pour in flour. Mix.
  4. Place the dough in a greased baking dish and bake in a water bath for 45 minutes at 280 degrees. Serve with strawberries and cream or sour cream.
  5. James Oliver's curd pudding is ready.

Bon appetit!

Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon

250 g bacon

1 kg beef tenderloin

1 carrot

1 onion

2 tbsp. spoons of flour

750 ml dry red wine

1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil

1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste

500 ml broth

Salt, black pepper to taste

How to Cook Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon:

  1. Cut the beef into cubes and dry with a paper towel. Thinly slice and fry the bacon, place in a baking dish.
  2. In the same frying pan, fry the beef, then finely chopped onions and carrots.
  3. Post everything ready ingredients in the form. Salt, pepper, add flour, mix. Place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 4 minutes, stir again. Pour in the wine and broth, put tomato paste. Stir again and place in the oven. Simmer for 2.5 hours at 160 degrees.
  4. Julia Child's Beef Bourguignon is ready.

Bon appetit!

Ratatouille by Thomas Keller

3 halves of red, orange and yellow pepper

5 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

3 cloves garlic

1 onion

4 cherry tomatoes

1 sprig thyme

1 sprig of parsley

1 eggplant

Salt, black pepper to taste

How to make ratatouille from Thomas Keller:

  1. Bake the peppers in the oven, placing them on a baking sheet, crust side up. Cool, remove the skin. Slice.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic and sauté in olive oil. Add chopped tomatoes and spices.
  3. Cut zucchini, eggplant, cherry tomatoes into thin slices and place in a spiral in a baking dish. Add garlic mixture on top.
  4. Cover the pan with foil and bake for 2 hours at 180 degrees. Then remove the foil and bake for another 30 minutes.
  5. Ratatouille from Thomas Keller is ready.

Bon appetit!

Yellow soup from William Pokhlebkin

1.25 l meat broth

7 egg yolks

50 g butter

1–1.5 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 teaspoon 6% apple cider vinegar

A pinch of saffron

How to cook yellow soup from William Pokhlebkin:

  1. Beat the egg yolks, add vinegar and dissolve in warm meat broth.
  2. Melt the butter over low heat in a saucepan, lightly simmer the flour in it until light yellow. Cool.
  3. Pour the entire broth with the yolks diluted in it into the saucepan with the toasted flour and, stirring continuously, bring the entire contents to a boil. Before boiling, in the middle of cooking, add ginger, saffron, salt and 25 g of oil.
  4. Yellow soup from William Pokhlebkin is ready.

Bon appetit!

Paula Deen's Chicken and Rice Casserole

400 g green beans

500 g chicken fillet

1 onion

225 g hazelnuts

300 g celery paste

1 cup mayonnaise

170 g cooked rice

1 glass grated cheese"Cheddar"

A pinch of salt

How to Make Paula Deen's Chicken and Rice Casserole:

  1. Chop the onion and nuts. Boil the rice. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces.
  2. Mix all ingredients and place in a greased baking dish. Bake for 25 minutes at 170 degrees until done.
  3. Paula Deen's Chicken and Rice Casserole is ready.

Bon appetit!

I've always been interested in how to turn tasty dish into a truly magnificent, festive one. It is clear that decoration, serving and presentation are needed. However, even restaurant chefs who know how to cook delicious food... gourmet dishes, not everyone can boast of the art of decorating them. What can we say about family feasts? All these roses cut from vegetables, olives and sprigs of herbs... All this is already morally outdated and at times even brings melancholy.

Therefore, attending master classes of chefs in the most best restaurants Moscow, we chose one where every dish is a real masterpiece. An inventor and a real artist, the sous chef of the Grand restaurant, agreed to teach MIR 24 readers how to turn dishes into works of art. European Express» James Reduta.

The main thing here is not to be lazy and prepare the decor separately,” says James. - We use carrot breading, sun-dried tomatoes, and crispy fried in oil rice paper, which can be colored at the cooking stage with beet juice or turmeric, and chips from the thinnest slices of bread, potatoes or sweet potatoes, and combinations of products, and the thinnest vegetable slices, and drops of sauces.

According to him, it is very important what the color scheme of the dishes will be: for some dishes warm tones in the design are appropriate, for others a cool color palette is good. As we watched, James decorated several dishes, along the way explaining what he used in the decor.

Grilled squid with Kenyan beans, sun-dried tomatoes and thick yellow pepper sauce

Boil the mini-potatoes in their skins, then cut each potato into halves and fry them in oil with a little garlic. Separately, fry the Kenyan beans. We cook the squid rings on the grill, season everything with pepper and add some salt.

Cooking thick sauce from yellow pepper. Heat in a frying pan olive oil, add onions and spices, fry them. Add baked meat cut into strips bell pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Then add white wine chicken bouillon and cook for another 10 minutes until the peppers are completely soft. Add the cream, remove from the heat, cool slightly and grind warm in a blender until it becomes a slightly runny, homogeneous puree. Salt and pepper, mix.

Now let's start assembling the dish. Place the yellow pepper sauce in a deep bowl. We put potatoes, bean pods and squid rings on it, which should drown in the sauce by a third. Then we decorate the dish sun-dried tomatoes. You can buy them ready-made, or prepare them yourself. James cures them for about 6 hours in the oven low temperatures, sprinkled with lemon zest and dry aromatic herbs.

Another spectacular move is a cap of milk foam, which is obtained by whipping milk with a small amount sugar and food lecithin. The last ingredient ensures the persistence of the cloud of airy foam. It doesn't settle for quite a long time.

Then the thinnest slices of radishes and small petals of spinach and chard (leaf), which as if accidentally fell on the edges of the dish, are added to the dish. They don't carry any flavor, they're just decor!

The final touch: James sweeps a stroke of orange carrot breading onto the dish along with the plate, and the milk foam doesn't sag - it holds it. The breading brings all parts of the dish together, makes it complete and matches the rosy color of the sauce.

Danish Halibut with Sweet Potatoes and Mushroom Anise Sauce

Fry the halibut fillet in a frying pan, add salt and pepper.

Fry the mushrooms a little, add some salt and pepper, and then add cream, anise and boil slightly. It turns out thick mushroom sauce. Then we prepare the baked sweet potato puree. It turns out dazzling orange and sweet in taste.

Now let's start assembling the dish: put the puree on a plate. James, with a decisive stroke, “draws” a sweeping orange drop for them. Place some mushrooms in sauce on it, place the fish on top so that the mushrooms peek out slightly from under it. Place mushrooms on top of the fish again. So that it all turns out to be wrapped in a shiny, delicious sauce.

Around this composition are laid out several sun-dried tomatoes and slice radishes, a couple of leaves of mini-spinach and chard.

The final touch is a cap of milk foam whipped with lecithin (hello molecular cooking!).

All! Serve the dish hot until the puree, mushrooms and fish have cooled.

Duck leg “Confit” with polenta and crispy rice

Let's cook first duck leg: it must be salted, peppered and simmered in a frying pan over low heat until the meat becomes soft and all the fat has been rendered.

When the duck is almost ready, cook soft, uncool polenta (this is a porridge made from corn grits finely ground, a denser version of which in Moldova is called mamaliga).

Then James takes a drop of balsamic cream on a wide, stiff brush and decisively draws a line across the entire plate from edge to edge. He places the palenta in the middle, making a “pillow” out of it, on which he places a delicious duck leg.

Now comes the turn of the color and taste nuance: he uses a spoonful of tomato confiture, giving it a neat shape. To do this, James, using two tablespoons, “conjures” the confiture, transferring it from spoon to spoon five times.

Making this exotic ingredient is not at all difficult, and it gives an interesting effect. To make jam, tomatoes need to be immersed in boiling water for a few minutes, cooled, peeled, cut into quarters, seeds removed, and the pulp placed in a saucepan and boiled slowly with the addition of lemon juice. Then turn the mass into puree using a blender and add sugar at the rate of 300 g of sugar per 500 g tomato pulp. Boil to desired consistency, cool.

And now comes the turn of the main decoration: a huge exotic “flower”, which is not even clear what it is made of. This is rice paper: James makes real miracles out of it. And all because this is not purchased, but homemade rice paper, which means it can be tinted at the production stage by adding turmeric to the dough for a yellow color, or beet juice for hot pink.

He used the same kind of rice paper decorations for the duck with palenta. The dough for rice paper must be rolled out, placed on a greased sheet of parchment and dried at very low temperatures until the paper hardens, and then cut into squares. To give the tinted rice paper the shape of an exotic flower, James dips the square into the deep fryer for a few seconds, where it instantly shrinks, bends, and takes on an intricate three-dimensional shape.

We place this “flower” on top, add a spinach leaf and serve until all this splendor has cooled down and breathes the aromas of duck and palenta.

Lamb chops with lightly salted cheese cream, tomato confiture and crispy flatbread

The name of this dish speaks for itself and includes almost all the ingredients included in it.

We prepare the meatballs from lamb pulp: only chopped meat, salt and pepper, nothing more! Fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil on both sides, having previously lined the frying pan with parchment.

Lightly salted cheese should be crumbled and ground, adding a little cream, until smooth and creamy (not too liquid, because the cream should hold its shape!).

Half unleavened flatbread dry in a dry frying pan on both sides (a little bit so that it becomes crispy and acquires a slightly rosy color). First boil the mini-potatoes with their skins on, and then fry them in oil with the addition of finely chopped garlic.

Prepare tomato confiture in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Let's start assembling the dish. James paints a stripe of balsamic cream on the plate with a wide brush, lays out one piece, rests the flatbread on it, pressing its edge with the second piece. As a result, the cake is fixed at an angle.

The sous chef pours the cheese cream into pastry bag with a shaped nozzle and squeezes out beautiful “roses” in the corners of the composition.

Fried, deliciously crunchy potatoes and spinach petals complement the composition, arranged on the plate in artistic disorder.

And the last thing: close to the top bit, partly overlapping it, James places an oblong mound of tomato confiture. It not only gives the dish a bright color accent, but also complements the taste of the lamb chop.

The main thing is to do everything quickly so as not to let the meatballs cool down and serve the dish hot!

Arugula and shrimp salad with balsamic dressing and crispy sweet potatoes

For this salad, quickly fry peeled shrimp and champignons in vegetable oil, to which we add a little chopped garlic.

Arrange the arugula in an appetizing mound, “shade” the greens with a thin stream of balsamic cream, then “shade” the same stream of vinaigrette sauce on top (here is its composition: vegetable oil, soy sauce, maple syrup, Dijon mustard, garlic).

Place cherry tomato halves, shrimp and mushrooms in a circle. The composition is completed with sweet potato chips and thin slices of black bread. Both are cut very thin on a slicer and deep-fried for a few seconds. A secret from James: in order to cut the brown bread so thin, he first freezes it.

Caesar salad"

James makes the classic Caesar salad very simply, and still turns out very beautiful.

He fries the chicken fillet pieces very quickly on both sides so that they remain juicy. Iceberg lettuce is torn into pieces and placed in a mound; cherry tomatoes cut in half and canned capers are placed around this mound. Leaves watering classic sauce“Caesar”, and puts still warm pieces of chicken on top. Finally, grated Parmesan cheese is sprinkled on top. And sets two deep-fried rice chips, tinted yellow with turmeric, at an angle to each other.


This snack is inspired by classic salad caprese, but how different it is from its prototype!

James peeled the tomatoes, cut them into quarters and sprinkled them with powdered sugar and caramelized it using a gas torch.

Basil in the salad is completely present in the form air mousse. Green basil you need to chop it very finely, or better yet, grind it in a blender and add it to the liquid biscuit dough. After pouring the dough into cups, put them in the microwave and after a few minutes you get a porous bright green “sponge” with the taste and smell of basil. Carefully cut it out of the cup with a knife, tear it into pieces and place it on a plate. Between the pieces of airy mousse we place mozzarella, which we also tear with our hands.

Then comes the tomatoes with a caramel crust around the edges. He places them in geometric order, slightly resting them on the cheese, and sprinkles everything with a little aromatic olive oil.

James decorates the rest of the plate with drops of balsamic cream. He does it this way: first, he squeezes out the balsamic cream in small drops-circles, dotting the plate with them in a checkerboard pattern. And then he takes a wooden skewer and, dipping it into each circle, draws a stroke.

But what about the indispensable caprese - famous sauce pesto? James squeezes a few drops on either side of each piece of mozzarella. At the end, the geometric pattern of the dish is slightly diluted with slices of radish and spinach leaves, which the cook arranges over the appetizer with tweezers in artistic disorder. Agree that the result is simply fantastic beauty!

Tatiana Rubleva

October 20 is International Chef's Day. The profession of a cook is interesting and certainly not monotonous, but the best among them are those who can truly surprise and make even the simplest dish a masterpiece of culinary art.


Jamie Oliver also known as “The Naked Chef” (not because he takes off his clothes, but because when he cooks, his principle is: discard everything unnecessary and superficial) – a famous British chef. He grew up in a small village. Today the whole world knows him. Jamie hosts cooking shows and writes books and columns for various publications. Oliver founded the charity restaurant Fifteen, where he trained 15 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to work in the restaurant industry. Jamie is the owner of the order of knighthood, which was awarded to him by the Queen of England herself.


5 chicken thighs
6 potatoes
Bunch of oregano
300 g cherry tomatoes
Sea salt and black pepper to taste
Olive oil to taste
Wine vinegar to taste

Cooking method:

Boil the potatoes.

Cut the chicken thighs lengthwise and toss in a bowl with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Fry chicken thighs in a frying pan over high heat for 10 minutes.

Grind the oregano in a mortar with salt, add 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, a spoonful of vinegar and pepper.

Place chicken thighs, potatoes and peeled tomatoes on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce and bake for 40 minutes.



1 tbsp. instant coffee
3 tsp brown sugar
6 shortbread cookies
425 g canned cherries seedless
100 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
500 g vanilla ice cream

Cooking method:

Pour coffee and sugar into a small container for cream.

Boil half a kettle of water.

Crumble the cookies into the bottom coffee cups, then add cherries and chopped chocolate.

Before serving, pour boiling water over coffee and sugar.

Place ice cream in each cup with cookies and chocolate, sprinkle with grated chocolate and pour in coffee.


Gordon Ramsay- the first Scot to be awarded three Michelin stars. Ramsay currently owns 10 restaurants in the UK, 6 of which have at least one star, 3 pubs and 12 restaurants outside the UK. He is the author of several cookbooks and the host of his own reality show “Hell’s Kitchen”, in which he shows not only his skills, but also his difficult character


For breaded fish:
4 skinless white fish fillets (such as haddock, cod or pollock)
75 g flour
salt and black pepper
1 beaten large egg
75 g fresh bread crumbs
3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil

For potatoes:
1 kg peeled potatoes
salt and black pepper
5 cloves garlic
a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary (leaves only)
olive oil

For the pea puree:
600 g green peas (can be frozen)
a few pieces of butter
some white wine vinegar
salt and black pepper

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 220°C and place a baking tray in it to warm up.

Cut the potatoes into strips about 1 cm thick. Blanch in salted water for 5-7 minutes until they are soft enough to pierce with a skewer. Drain the water and dry the potatoes thoroughly with a clean towel.

Place the potatoes on a hot baking sheet and sprinkle with herbs and garlic. Drizzle with olive oil and add salt and pepper. Toss, using tongs to turn the slices until they are all coated in the oil and seasonings.

Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Turn several times until the potatoes are golden color and crispy.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the fish. Place the flour on a plate, season with salt and pepper and mix well. Pour the beaten egg into a shallow dish and place the bread crumbs on another plate.

Heat olive oil in large frying pan. Dredge fish in flour, shaking off excess. Dip the fillets into the beaten egg and then roll in the crumbs until they cover the entire fish evenly. Place in the pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until the fish is golden and crispy.

Drain the peas, place them in a saucepan and mash lightly with a fork or potato masher.

Place over medium heat, add oil and a little white vinegar. Cook, stirring frequently, for a few minutes until the peas are heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Place potatoes and fish on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Then serve with pea puree.



20 g butter + a little more for greasing
400 g forest mushrooms(peel and chop)
2 large shallots (peeled and finely chopped)
a few sprigs of thyme (leaves torn off)
sea ​​salt and black pepper
4 large eggs
4 tbsp. l. heavy cream(at least 33%)
25 g cheddar (grated)

Cooking method:

Place a frying pan over high heat and add butter. When it starts to foam, add mushrooms, shallots, thyme leaves, season with salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 190℃. Lightly oil 4 portion molds for baking and spread the mushroom mixture over them. Make a well in the center and carefully crack an egg into each. Drizzle cream around the egg, sprinkle with cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Place the molds on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes if you want a semi-liquid yolk, or a couple of minutes longer if you prefer fried eggs. Serve immediately with fresh bread or buttered hot toast.


Alain Ducasse-- one of the most famous chef-cooks modernity. He is the owner of more than 20 restaurants around the world. The dinner where he works as a chef costs more than 50 thousand euros, but the queue for such dinners stretches for years to come. Ducasse is the owner of the highest French award - the Legion of Honor.



0.5 cups milk
0.5 glasses of water
113 g butter
Hard cheese (grated, 100 g for dough, 30 g for topping
Salt (coarse sea salt)
A pinch of ground nutmeg
Pinch of black pepper
112 g flour
4 large eggs

Cooking method:

Preheat oven to 200°C. Cover a baking sheet with parchment.

In a small saucepan, combine water, milk, butter, salt and bring to a boil.

Add flour and stir the dough with a wooden spoon until smooth. Simmer over low heat, stirring, until smooth and comes away from the bottom, about 2 minutes.

Let the dough cool for about a minute. Beat the egg into the dough and mix it very well, only then take the next one and combine it with the dough. Add cheese and a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Place the dough in a pastry bag and place the balls at a distance of about 2 cm from each other - the dough will rise well in the oven. The size of the balls is according to your taste.

Sprinkle the top with cheese.

Bake for about 20 minutes or until puffed and golden brown.

Serve hot or slightly cooled, as desired.

The buns can be frozen for up to 2 months and reheated in a hot oven for a few minutes if desired.


Ingredients for 8 servings:

1 trout (3.5 kg)

For the sauce:
2 kg fresh or frozen peas
150 ml olive oil
4 large onions
500 ml hot chicken broth
200 arugula
1 head romaine lettuce
450 g mushrooms, washed and peeled
150 g butter
200 ml cream

Cooking method:

Boil the peas in boiling salted water until tender. Set 1/3 of the peas aside and pour over cold water. Continue cooking the remaining peas for a few more minutes, then drain the water and puree the peas in a blender.

Drizzle the resulting puree with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Heat olive oil in a large frying pan and add diced onion. Simmer for 3 minutes until soft and translucent. Add salt and gradually pour in the broth. Cook for 10 minutes until the onion is completely soft.

Cut the rocket lettuce leaves into rectangles, approximately 4 cm long.

Cut the fish fillet into 8 pieces, approximately 150 g each.

Rub each piece with salt and fry in a hot frying pan until cooked.

Add a knob of butter at the end of cooking to create foam in the pan.

In a separate pan, fry the mushrooms in a small amount of butter for 5 minutes. Add pea mash, whole peas, onions with remaining liquid. Add butter. Simmer a little.

Add shredded rocket lettuce leaves. Add a little more butter and drizzle with olive oil to thin the sauce.

Bring the cream to a boil and quickly pour it into the pea sauce - everything should foam.

Pour some mushroom sauce onto a plate. Place the fish on it. Drizzle more sauce around and garnish with salad. Season everything with salt and pepper.


Pierre Hermé- the most famous French pastry chef. They call him "Picasso" confectionery art" Already at the age of 20, he was appointed chief pastry chef of the Fauchon Grocery House, and today he is the creator and owner of two pastry boutiques in Paris, the owner of a pastry shop and a tea salon in Tokyo, a professor at the Higher National Pastry School of France, professor Culinary Academy, knight of two national orders of France, winner of the gold medal of the Academy of Chocolate and the “Culinary Trophy” of the Association of French Pastry Chefs, author of two books awarded the title of Best Chefs Book in France and America.



Sand base:
250 g flour
125 g powdered sugar
Seeds of 1 vanilla bean (or teaspoon vanilla extract)
125 g butter at room temperature
1 egg

Curd filling:
1 kg soft cottage cheese 0% fat
8 eggs, divided
100 g softened butter
250 g powdered sugar
3 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar
3 tbsp. l. potato starch
100-200 g raisins

1 egg yolk for greasing

150 g powdered sugar
juice of 1/2 lime or lemon

Cooking method:

Beat butter with powdered sugar until creamy. Add egg and vanilla seeds. Stir until combined. Add flour and knead into a soft, elastic dough.

Roll it into a ball, lightly press it on top with your hand and put it in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes.

Take two-thirds of the chilled dough and roll it out to 0.4 cm thick.

Very carefully transfer the dough to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, pierce the surfaces with a fork and put everything in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll out the second part of the dough into a layer 0.4 cm thick and cut into even strips about 1 cm wide.

Rearrange the strips from shortcrust pastry on cutting board, stacking them next to each other. Place in refrigerator until use.

Preheat the oven to 180oC.

Bake shortbread 15 minutes. Then let cool completely.

Trim the cake so that it fits in the pan.

Curd filling:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve 2-3 times. You should get a very soft, smooth mass.

In the bowl of a food processor, beat the butter with 200 g of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy.

Add 1 egg yolk. Wait until the mass becomes homogeneous and add 1 large spoon of cottage cheese. Thus, one by one, without ceasing to beat everything at medium speed of your mixer, add the yolks and all the cottage cheese.

Whisk egg whites into fluffy foam with a pinch of salt. Add 50 g of sugar in a thin stream. Continue beating until stiff peaks form.

IN curd mass Gently stir in raisins and starch. Then gradually, in three additions, add the beaten egg whites.

Post curd filling on top of the shortbread dough, smooth it out.

Make a lattice using strips of shortcrust pastry.

Brush the grate with a little beaten egg yolk.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180oC for 50-60 minutes.

After baking, open the oven slightly and leave the cheesecake to stand inside for another 1 hour.

Remove the cheesecake from the mold and let cool completely. Ideally, put it in the refrigerator overnight.


Whisk the powdered sugar with lemon or lime juice. Using a brush, apply to the surface of the dessert. Let it harden.


Ingredients for 45 pieces:

260 g flour
30 g cocoa powder
250 g butter, room temperature
100 g powdered sugar
2 large egg whites
a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Prepare cream injector or a cookie bag.

Sift flour together with cocoa powder.

Beat butter and powdered sugar until creamy.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt.

Combine the butter mixture with the flour mixture. After complete mixing, add the whites and gently fold them into the dough, in three additions, from bottom to top, so that they do not fall off if possible.

Place the dough in cooking bag and pipe the cookies in a zigzag shape.

Bake for 10-12 minutes. Remove and let cool for 10 minutes. While the cookies are hot, they are very fragile. Then transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely.

April 14, 2017 No comments

Banquet is festive dinner, which is held in honor of some important event. The honor table of the gala event is filled a variety of dishes, while guests will be able to make a choice according to their taste.
Accordingly, banquet dishes from chefs can be varied: from cold appetizers, salads, to hot dishes and desserts. Chefs are sure to prepare several complex side dishes to choose from, and in addition they serve at least four types of bread.

Organizing a banquet on your own and without turning to specialists is a difficult task. Of course, it’s not easy to prepare them at home, but if you learn how to prepare banquet dishes, you can pleasantly surprise your guests.
Recipes banquet dishes chefs combine punctuality of preparation and sophistication of decoration. This article with banquet dishes with photos will help not only with cooking step by step, but also with proper serving and design of banquet dishes. With the proper perseverance and dexterity, you will soon be able to prepare banquet dishes yourself, no worse than any famous chef.

If there will be a lot of people at the festive banquet, he advises you to opt for cold appetizers and salads, which is also good suitable option with canapes. Different kinds canapés are laid out on several dishes and placed on the table. You can also prepare banquet dishes in the form of salads. Hot dishes at a banquet are often presented to choose from, for example, meat, fish or poultry. However, no matter what the main menu is, it is best to end the festive banquet with desserts. It is not recommended to use large cakes or pies for a banquet; it is much preferable to opt for fruit salads, mousses, as well as jelly, etc.

lightly salted salmon 800 g
dill – 2 medium bunches
cream cheese(or ricotta) - 300 g
cream (fat 22%) - 2 tbsp. l.
ground white pepper

Take a very sharp knife with a wide blade and cut the salmon fillet into small thin slices along the grain so that the salmon does not fall apart.

Chop the dill, chop the stems especially finely. Beat cheese with cream.

Place a large sheet of film on a Japanese roll mat or simply on a wide board. Place the sliced ​​salmon slices on it so that each one overlaps the next piece by about 1-1.5 cm. Sprinkle the fish with an even layer of dill. Top with whipped cream cheese mixture. Gently spread the mixture over the entire surface of the salmon and level it with a heated, damp table knife, then sprinkle with white pepper.

Roll everything into a roll. Wrap the film tightly at the sides and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then remove the film from the roll. Cut the roll into portions, for which it is recommended to take a fillet knife, and each time before cutting the roll, dip it in a bowl with hot water. Serve immediately, adding lemon slices.

Chef's tip:

If you think that you won’t be able to cut the fish well, then you can buy ready-made slices, but this will make the roll lose a little taste. By the way, the roll can be made from other varieties lightly salted fish, even from white. In this case, you will need to add finely chopped radish peel to the cheese, this is required to give the appetizer a red color.

To prepare you will need:

200 g fillet with chicken thighs
100 g chanterelles
200 ml cream 10% fat
20 g butter
50 g cheese
julienne mixture
bunch of greenery

Cut the chicken fillet and mushrooms, lightly fry. Add fried onion from a small bag.
Mix the cream with the contents of the 2nd bag (which contains the sauce mixture).
Pour the resulting mixture over the chicken and chanterelles.
Simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes.
Place the resulting mass into small cocotte bowls. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Place in a preheated oven (temperature -180 degrees) for 6-7 minutes.

Great idea for holiday snack– make a version of a banquet dish based on everyone’s favorite Caesar salad.

To prepare you will need:
toast White bread without crust – 6 pieces
butter – 100 g
large chicken eggs- 10 pieces.

To submit:
romaine lettuce leaves
grated hard cheese (such as Parmesan)

For refueling:
anchovy – 2 fillets
garlic - 1 clove
mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.
Dijon mustard - 1 tsp.

Grind white toast bread in a blender into coarse crumbs. Melt the butter in a deep frying pan, add a little salt and mix with the crumbs, the butter should cover them evenly. Fry until crisp and cool.

Boil water in a saucepan, add plenty of salt. Then place the eggs straight from the refrigerator into boiling water. Bring to a boil, cook for 1 minute, remove from heat and keep in water for about 10 minutes. Then cool under ice water, carefully peel, and cut lengthwise into two parts.

While the eggs are boiling, make the dressing. Grind the anchovy fillet with a clove of garlic in a mortar, mix with mayonnaise and Dijon mustard.

Knead egg yolks and mix them with the dressing, salt and pepper if required. Divide the yolk mixture into halves egg whites. Place the eggs on a plate covered with large lettuce leaves Romano, sprinkle with crispy crumbs and grated cheese and serve immediately.

To prepare you will need:
flatbreads – 3 pcs.
50g beef
50g red bell pepper
50g yellow bell pepper
3g cilantro
1-2 drops Tabasco
5g sugar
20 ml vegetable oil
50g red onion
½ lime
40 ml guacomole
40g sour cream
40 ml tomato salsa
Trim and julienne the beef tenderloin.
Cut the red onion and red bell pepper into strips.
In a preheated frying pan, fry the cooked beef, vegetables, add paprika, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, Tabasco sauce, black pepper, and tomato sauce.
Form the flatbreads into a “boat” shape and fry them in a salamander. Place the prepared mixture into tortillas, garnish with cilantro, a small slice of lime and also serve additional sour cream, guacomole and tomato salsa.

To prepare you will need:

Duck breasts – 4 pcs.
foie gras pate – 200 g
pears (preferably Duchess variety) – 4 pcs.
butter – 2 tbsp.
thyme – 4 sprigs
rosemary – 4 sprigs
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
powdered sugar – 1 tbsp.
salt, pepper to taste

Remove skin from duck breasts and excess fat(V this dish they won't be needed). Cut along duck breasts in half so that they “open up” like a book. Cover the breasts with a double layer of cling film and pound to a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Season with salt, black pepper, finely chopped rosemary and thyme leaves.

Place foie gras inside each breast and roll very tightly. Wrap in film, then in foil and refrigerate for 2 hours until completely set.

Peel and core the pears, cut into small cubes, place on paper towels and dry.

Melt butter in a frying pan, add pears, sprinkle with a teaspoon balsamic vinegar, sprinkle with powdered sugar and fry over moderate heat for one minute. Remove from heat, remove pears using a slotted spoon and cool.

Make a dressing from the liquid that remains in the pan: add half a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, oil, a pinch of salt and ground pepper taste.

Cut the roll with a very sharp wide knife into slices about 3 mm thick. Drizzle a little olive oil onto plates and place the carpaccio on them, drizzle the dressing on top. Serve with prepared pear garnish.

Chef's tip:
For this banquet dish, it is better to use non-frozen duck fillet since before cutting the carpaccio, and it must be cut very thin, it is necessary to cool the duck breasts in the freezer. And freezing fillets twice is not very good.

To prepare you will need:
carrots – 3 pcs.
long cucumbers – 2 pcs.
celery – 3 stalks
cheese sauce

Cut the carrots lengthwise into 2 parts, and cut each half lengthwise into three parts (if the carrots are large, into 4 parts). It is better to cut out the core of the carrot if it is too tough. Place carrots in very cold water.

Peel three celery stalks from coarse fibers and cut into small cubes equal in length to carrots. In the same way, cut the cucumber and remove the seeds.

Fill glasses with cheese sauce. Dry the carrots and place the vegetables in our cups with the sauce.

To prepare you will need:

Baguette – 8 pieces
pork fillet – 350 g
brie cheese – 200 g
green sweet peppers – 2 pcs.
olive oil
ground black pepper

Clear Green pepper, remove the core with seeds and cut into large slices (you should get about 10 pieces). Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the peppers for 5 minutes. Add salt.

Rub the pork fillet with a little salt and pepper and fry in olive oil until browned on both sides. Transfer to a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheating it to 200 degrees, for 8 minutes. Leave the fillets for 5 minutes, then cut into ten portions.

Place the fillet on a piece of baguette, cover with a slice of pepper, and place a medium-thick slice of cheese on top. Place the canapés on a wide baking sheet and place in the oven for one minute until the cheese becomes soft. Serve immediately hot.

To prepare you will need:

Beets – 1 pc.
medium potatoes - 2 pcs.
carrots – 2 pcs.
herring (fillet) – 300 g
Borodino bread – 5 pieces
chives - bunch

Open and cool the vegetables, then peel them.

Cut beets, carrots and potatoes into small slices. Cut the herring fillet into medium pieces.

Take 5 pieces of Borodino bread and cut each into four parts. Chop the chives quite finely.

Place beets on each quarter of black bread, then a piece of potato, then carrots and herring. Secure everything with a skewer. Before serving, garnish with chives.

To prepare you will need:

hot red pepper – 1 pc.
lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
bunch of parsley
3 cloves garlic
80 ml olive oil
champignons – 400 g

Wash the champignons, dry and cut into small pieces. Peel the garlic and crush it. Wash the pepper, remove the membrane and seeds, cut into thin circles. Wash a bunch of parsley, dry and chop.
Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Sauté the garlic and pepper for 1 minute. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring, 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
Add lemon juice, a little parsley and salt. Stir.
Transfer to a salad bowl and serve immediately.

To prepare you will need:

300 g hard cheese, bold more than 50% – 300 g
vegetable oil
800 g veal pulp for baking
ground black pepper
4 large potatoes.
4 onions

Preheat the oven to 180-200°C. Larger form for baking, grease vegetable oil.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush or sponge. Dry, grease the potatoes with vegetable oil, wrap tightly in foil (maybe in two layers).

Cut the meat into wide pieces about 1.5 cm thick. Place the pieces of meat on a board, cover cling film and beat with a hammer to even out the thickness. Place the pieces of meat into the pan in one layer, leaving a small space between them. Season the meat well with ground black pepper, but do not salt it, because otherwise the meat will release excess juice.

Peel the onion and cut into very thin half rings. Spread the onion evenly over the meat and season with salt. Grate the cheese on a fine or medium grater and sprinkle on top of the onion.

Place the baking dish in the preheated oven, preferably closer to the bottom of the oven. Place potatoes wrapped in foil along the edges of the pan. Bake for about half an hour.

Place on a plate before serving portioned piece baked meat. Serve the potatoes with the meat, open the foil and make a deep cut in the potato with a knife, add salt and carefully sprinkle green onions or another dill - to your taste.

To prepare you will need:

230 g frozen berries
700 g natural yogurt
3 tbsp. gelatin powder
3 tbsp. l. Sahara

Boil the berries, without defrosting them, in half a glass of water for 5 minutes.
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of gelatin in 70 ml warm water. Place over low heat and heat, stirring, but do not bring to a boil. Let cool. Mix melted gelatin with natural yoghurt, add sugar, stir.
Divide into six glasses and refrigerate for half an hour. Soak the remaining gelatin powder in 50 ml of water. After it swells, mix it with the prepared berries. Place on top of all glasses and return to refrigerator until set.

To prepare you will need:

2 tbsp. l powdered sugar
20 g butter
1 ripe pineapple
50 g light rum, brandy or cognac
ice cream or ice cream

Peel the pineapple and cut into circles. Cut out the hard core.
Sprinkle the circles with powdered sugar and fry on both sides with butter. Sprinkle with alcohol.
Place a scoop of ice cream or ice cream on top of the pineapple. Serve immediately.
