How to make Napoleon cake at home. Classic Napoleon cake with custard - video recipe. Necessary ingredients for Napoleon from ready-made dough.

The “Napoleon” cake can safely be called a classic of the genre - it is hearty, inexpensive to prepare, and always relevant at different holidays. Its only “minus” is that it is quite labor-intensive to manufacture. It’s not surprising - to make the cake truly juicy and tasty, you will need to bake at least 15–20 cakes, tinker with the cream and wait several hours for final soaking. For novice housewives, this whole process may seem like a real challenge, especially if they have recently settled in the kitchen. But they can also learn to cook decently, especially if helps them with this.

So, Napoleon. Do not immediately set yourself up for long and painstaking work. If you organize the process correctly and break it into stages, kneading the dough, baking and assembling it will take you no more than 2 hours. Plus, about 5-8 hours in the refrigerator or all night. But you will be satisfied with the result - the juicy Napoleon cake, with an airy and sweet filling inside, will not leave anyone indifferent.

What do you need for cooking?

Prepare the ingredients for this recipe Napoleon cake. For the test you will need:

  1. 300 grams of soft butter (can be replaced with butter margarine);
  2. 300 milliliters of unboiled milk;
  3. Flour - at least 4 cups, but in the end you should get a fairly elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

This is a classic recipe for Napoleon cake dough. There are variations with the addition of eggs, sour cream, cream, sugar. However, in the traditional version, the dough in the cake is completely unsweetened, unleavened, with characteristic “bubbles”, similar to puff pastry, only harder and more fragile.

For a classic custard recipe, prepare:

  1. 3 cups (600 ml) fresh milk;
  2. 4 eggs;
  3. 4 tbsp. l (160 g) white flour;
  4. 300–370 g sugar or powder;
  5. 150 g soft butter;
  6. Vanilla optional;
  7. Uncooked condensed milk – 1 can.

The cream recipe can also be varied: add flavorings, cocoa powder or a little melted chocolate, natural cognac or rum, a little liqueur. To make the cream richer and thicker, milk can be replaced with cream 10–15%, and when chilled ready cream add 200 ml of fresh sour cream with a fat content of 20%.

Cooking process

The step-by-step recipe for creating a real Napoleon cake is simple. Let's start with the test:

  1. Melt in a water bath or in microwave oven margarine/butter. To make the process go faster, chop it into pieces or even grate it. When it has melted completely, cool it, then watch it so that a hard film does not appear on the surface - the oil hardens quickly.

  1. Pour the milk into the butter; there is no need to boil it beforehand. Mix the mixture with a regular spoon; you don’t need to beat it.
  2. Place on a table or large board a large number of heaps of flour. Make a well in the center and gradually pour in a mixture of melted butter and milk, mixing the mixture with a spoon.

  1. Mix the flour and liquid in this way. You will need quite a lot of flour, moreover, its volume can be increased depending on the size of the eggs and the fat content of the milk and cream.
  2. Knead the dough so that it can be rolled out into thin, about 2 mm, cakes. If you add too much flour, the cakes will shrink.
  3. At this point the dough can be considered ready. Immediately divide it into equal balls and wrap each in cling film or place in plastic bag, put it in the cold. The proportions indicated in the recipe should yield at least 15 balls or more.

The cream for the Napoleon cake is custard with the addition of condensed milk. You will need a lot of cream if you like well-soaked juicy cakes that melt in your mouth. In addition, the dough is quite dense; if you took too much flour, make 1.5 servings of cream for good impregnation.

Prepare the cream according to the classic recipe:

  1. Break 4 eggs into a large bowl and beat them with a regular fork or mixer.
  2. Add sugar and sifted flour, now beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. You will get a thick mass.
  3. Boil the milk, pour the egg mixture into it, without turning off the heat under the pan, and immediately whisk or whisk.
  4. Add vanilla. If you use powder, it can be added to the hot mixture. Liquid extract It is better to add it to cold or slightly cooled cream.
  5. Boil to the consistency of semolina porridge or thick sour cream, constantly stirring the mass with a whisk and removing the cream from the walls of the dish towards the center of the pan.
  6. Then the cream is cooled. It must be stirred during the process, otherwise “foam” will form on the surface.
  7. Once the cream has cooled, add soft butter, cut into pieces, condensed milk. Use thick for cream boiled condensed milk This is possible if you did not boil the mass well and it turned out to be too liquid. A well-cooked cream uses fresh condensed milk.
  8. Now, if desired, you can add a small jar of sour cream with a fat content of 20–25% (about 200 grams), although the classic recipe does not recommend this
  9. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour or two to cool completely.

While the cream is cooling, bake the cake layers for our Napoleon cake:

  1. Roll out one at a time thin cakes, cut into a round plate or lid, place on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.
  2. Bake each cake for no more than 5 minutes until light golden brown.
  3. Before baking, pierce each cake layer in several places with a fork to prevent large bubbles from forming.
  4. Judge the cakes.

Assembling the Napoleon cake in this recipe will require some skill:

  1. Layer the cakes with cream at the rate of about 2-3 tablespoons per layer.
  2. The cream must be carefully spread over the surface, pouring it in those places where it is impossible to level, for example, in bubbles.
  3. Set aside one or two cakes at once for topping.
  4. When everything is assembled, pour the cream onto the top cake layer, set aside about 100 ml on the side surfaces.
  5. Refrigerate the cake for 1 hour.
  6. After this, make the crumbs: roll out the cakes with a rolling pin on the table, but not to the point of dust, but into large crumbs.
  7. Sprinkle the top cake, place a large board or lid on it, press it down a little with your hands so that the cake settles.
  8. Put it in the refrigerator with a weight - it can be a flat bottle of water, a saucepan or something else, but heavy.
  9. After 5-7 hours, cover the sides with cream and sprinkle with the remaining crumbs.

The Napoleon cake recipe may contain fruits for decoration, nuts, poppy seeds, candied fruits, but in the traditional version it is not decorated with anything, only crumbs from the cake layers. Store the cake in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days - custards with natural dairy products cannot be stored for long.

(voted: 2 , grade: 4,50 out of 5)

I remember from childhood amazing taste homemade cake“Napoleon”, which my mother cooked. She made it with both condensed milk and custard, and with puff cakes, and with regular ones, and in the oven, and in a frying pan. The cake was the most beloved and revered in our family, which is why it carried over into our adult lives. Then I experimented with all the options, some turned out to be dry and dense, some were tender and melted in the mouth, even the Napoleon snack bar with spicy filling They made it from cheese, nuts and mushrooms - also piquant and tasty!

In general, this cake is a win-win option that will always please your guests and household, you just need to choose the one that suits you best suitable recipe. Or you can experiment and get something new every time, interesting taste. Today we’ll look at several options for making homemade Napoleon cake - with regular cakes, with puffs old recipe, with custard, with condensed milk and another special cream with milk. Go for it, and you will succeed!

The recipe will offer three types of cream, since one of them is prepared quickly, the second takes longer, and the third is more complex. But they are all very tasty with a slight difference, which will waste extra time. But don’t think that the taste of the cake depends only on the cream. The thickness of the cakes and the proportional component in them also have great importance. It’s not for nothing that even the most expensive ready-made cakes that are sold cannot replace real taste homemade baked goods. So, let’s prepare the Napoleon cake step by step together. First, let's deal with the cake layers, this is the base of the cake.

Cakes for Napoleon cake

For the cakes we need to prepare:

  1. 0.5 glasses of water;
  2. 1 chicken yolk;
  3. 1 spoon of vinegar (9%);
  4. 375 grams of margarine;
  5. 2.5 tbsp. flour.


Let's start by mixing water, yolk and vinegar in a container. Then, in a separate basin or bowl, you need to trim the margarine, add flour, and knead it all well with your hands.

Pour the liquid mixture from the first container into the second container. Mix.

The dough should come away from your hands, but not be too tight. We divide it into equal parts-balls, like large cutlets. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, which makes the dough easier to roll out.

Roll out, carefully place on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes each in an already preheated oven (170 degrees).

You also need to carefully remove the cakes, since they are quite fragile. Place them in a stack and let cool. By the way, I often bake cakes in a dry frying pan - it also turns out delicious.

The cakes need to be trimmed, and the remaining crumbs should be crushed (you can use a blender), which we will coat the cake with. So, the cakes are ready, let them cool, let's start preparing the cream.

Simple cream for Napoleon cake: with condensed milk

For it you need to take:

  1. 1 can of condensed milk
  2. 0.5 sticks of butter
  3. 200 g sour cream

Either take condensed milk already boiled or put it regular condensed milk add a saucepan of water over low heat and cook for 1 hour. Then soften the butter, add condensed milk and sour cream to it, mix everything, and the cream is ready.

Recipe for cream for Napoleon cake: custard


  1. 600 ml milk;
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  3. 2 eggs;
  4. 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  5. a packet of vanillin;
  6. 50 grams of butter.

Preparation of cream:

First, boil the milk (0.5 l.). At this time in 0.1 l. milk, dissolve flour, yolks separated from whites, sugar, vanillin. Beat well, then add in a thin stream to the boiling milk. Bring to a boil again, throw in butter, separately whipped whites into foam. Bring everything to a boil again.

Let the mixture cool, beat it well with a mixer until homogeneous mass without lumps, spread a generous layer onto the cakes.

The most delicious cream for Napoleon


  1. four yolks (at most two eggs);
  2. 1.5 cups sugar;
  3. two tbsp. heaped spoons of flour;
  4. 800 ml milk;
  5. one packet of vanillin;
  6. 200 g butter.


Beat the egg yolks well, add 0.5 tbsp. sugar, flour and a little milk to mix it all, and there are no lumps (about 100 ml.).

Separately boil 700 ml. milk. Pour the prepared mixture into boiling milk and bring until thickened. Next you need to cool the cream. It should not be liquid, but it should not be very thick either. Add vanillin.

Separately, grind 1 cup of sugar with butter. And gradually we mix everything into one complex cream. If necessary, bring to the desired state with a mixer. This cream has pearlescent tints - very tasty and beautiful. We grease our cakes with it. We put them one on top of the other. It’s better to put the cake under light pressure for a couple of hours so that all the cakes are well soaked in the cream, and then we make crumbs from the cake scraps and sprinkle the cake with them.

“Napoleon” according to an old recipe from puff pastry with custard

The Napoleon cake was presented to the Russian aristocracy at the anniversary celebration. At that time, the centenary of the victory of the Russian army in the Patriotic War of 1812 was celebrated in Moscow. The confectioners made the cake triangular, like the headdress of a French commander. Hence its name. True, this form turned out to be inconvenient and did not catch on, unlike the cake itself. His sweet tooth was appreciated. Delicate dessert and today will not leave anyone indifferent. So, Napoleon cake made from puff pastry with custard, a very tasty recipe.

Puff pastry crusts

Softened butter (not margarine!) is ground with a tablespoon of milk and a third level teaspoon of salt. Take 350 g of butter. Add 2 cups to it. wheat flour. The dough is kneaded until it becomes elastic and homogeneous. Then it is formed into a bar, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for an hour.
The chilled dough is placed on a floured table and rolled out with a rolling pin. The result should be a rectangular layer, about one centimeter thick. It is folded in half twice. The resulting quarter is again rolled out and folded as the first time. Puff pastry is ready.

Now a thin plate (4-5 mm) is obtained from it, of course, using a rolling pin. The finished layer is screwed onto it in order to carefully unfold it on the sheet. There is no need to grease the baking sheet with oil, just moisten its edges with water. This way the cakes do not deform during baking, which takes place at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. By the way, the oven should be preheated in advance. Cut the dough plate into two equal parts and prick it in several places with a knife.
The cakes will be ready in about 40 minutes or a little earlier. They are transferred from the sheet to the board and covered with a kitchen towel. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream for the cake.


Place 4 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of starch in a small saucepan, break 3 eggs, pour one glass of drinking cream (milk). The products are thoroughly mixed. Place the pan over low heat and heat until the mixture thickens. It needs to be stirred constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Do not boil the mixture! If desired, the taste of the custard can be made vanilla by adding a pinch of vanilla sugar. Or chocolate if you add grated fine grater chocolate (70 g) or a couple of tablespoons of cocoa. Some people like cream with liqueur or cognac (1 tablespoon). Everyone's preferences are different.

Cake decoration

Warm cakes have uneven edges trimmed so that they are uniform. It is better to do this by placing a plate on top. After this, allow it to cool completely. To make the cake beautiful and even, it is better to immediately place the cakes in springform, grease it there, and then remove the mold - and the cake turns out wonderful, the cakes don’t move to the sides - perfect shape guaranteed!

Then one of them is spread with custard and covered with a second cake.

Napoleon cake recipe is the best, most delicious, presented in today’s article. Many people are intimidated by the cooking process. of this cake at home, it seems that the process is long, labor-intensive, and the result is eaten in a short time, it is better to buy it in a store than to try to bake a homemade Napoleon cake. I only agree with the last argument, yes, the cake is eaten very quickly, especially when there are two kids with a sweet tooth at home))

There are several options for preparing Napoleon cake, you can cook it according to the classic recipe, in a frying pan and others, everyone can choose their own most delicious recipe, because, as you know, everyone has different tastes. I will present just a few step by step recipes Napoleon cake

Napoleon cake recipe in a frying pan

Napoleon cake prepared according to this recipe turns out delicious, airy, so homely, it will delight both household members and guests. Housewives are used to baking baked goods in the oven, but what can they do if there is no oven, give up baking or look for alternative options? For example, several years ago I had a broken stove, but I didn’t despair and found a way out - I baked a Napoleon cake in a frying pan and delighted my household with tasty treats.


  • Flour 3-4 cups
  • Very cold water 70 ml
  • Margarine (I usually buy extra, it will always come in handy) – 1 pack
  • Milk 700 ml
  • A pinch of salt
  • Sugar 5 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar – sachet
  • Flour (for making cream) 1.5 tablespoons
  • Butter – pack (200 g)
  • Egg – 1 pc.

How to cook a cake in a frying pan:

Next, let's start preparing the custard for the Napoleon cake.

  1. Boil 500 ml milk
  2. In a cup, mix flour (1.5 tbsp), egg, milk (200 ml) and sugar (5 tablespoons). Continue stirring until you get a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Next, carefully pour the resulting mixture into the boiling milk in a thin stream.
  4. Mix the cream thoroughly and continue cooking until completely thickened.
  5. After the cream for the Napoleon cake has thickened, remove the saucepan from the heat and add butter.

Grease the cake layers with the cooled cream, sprinkle with crushed walnuts and put it in the refrigerator.

Napoleon cake cooked in a frying pan is ready. Simple, tasty, homemade.

Napoleon cake recipe with condensed milk in the oven


  • Butter 400 g
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour – 600 g
  • Boiled water 150 ml
  • Vodka 3 tbsp
  • Condensed milk 400 ml (you can use condensed milk prepared at home, if you don’t know how to prepare it, subscribe to blog updates at the bottom of the page - soon I will post the condensed milk recipe that I use for my family).
  • Vinegar 9% 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste

How to bake Napoleon cake with condensed milk in the oven

Napoleon cake classic recipe with photo


  • Butter 200 g
  • Flour – 3 cups
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 0.5 cups
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soda 0.5 tsp, slaked with vinegar (1 tsp)

How to make a classic Napoleon cake (step-by-step recipe):

Classic recipe for making custard for Napoleon cake

Ingredients for custard:

  • Sugar – 400-500 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 1 liter
  • Starch – 3 tablespoons

How to prepare custard for Napoleon cake:

  1. Pour part of the milk (not a full glass) into a separate bowl, add starch and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly again until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  2. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, add sugar and place on the stove. When the milk boils, stir and wait for the sugar to completely dissolve.
  3. Add in a thin stream to sugar milk starch mixture that we prepared earlier. Continue stirring until thickened.

Well, that’s all, the custard prepared according to the classic recipe is ready and can be used for its intended purpose. In our case - to grease the Napoleon cake.

So I told you all the most best recipes Cake "Napoleon" (in a frying pan, with condensed milk, classic), as well as Classic recipe preparing custard. If you have your own secrets for making a delicious, homemade Napoleon cake, share it in the comments, I’ll be happy to hear it. After all, there is no limit to perfection, especially in cooking.

So as not to miss new ones delicious recipes– subscribe to blog updates! Well, I say goodbye to you) Bye-bye!
Best regards, Olga

My favorite cake is Napoleon!!! Adore home Napoleon since childhood. More than a honey cake and even than a chocolate cake. This is what I asked to bake for all my birthdays when my mother asked what kind I wanted. birthday cake. Mom smiled and sighed because she was ready classic Napoleon at home - it’s a whole story, but I did it every time, for which I thank her very much!!!

Homemade Napoleon always seemed to me to be on horseback confectionery skills and the most delicious cake in the world. And of course, one day I was going to master it. I started with simpler recipes - shortbread Napoleon and cake made from ready-made dough, and now I got to the classic Napoleon!

Why do I specify in the title – homemade Napoleon layer cake? Because there are many Napoleon recipes - both in a frying pan, and from two types of dough, and from shortbread... And this one is a classic Napoleon cake at home! The same one puff Napoleon with custard. And preparing it at home is quite possible and not even very difficult. Maybe it will take a long time if you cook from home puff pastry. You can make Napoleon out of ready dough, but it’s not the same, although it’s also delicious. So, let's cook the real Napoleon!

Ingredients for homemade Napoleon cake made from 4 layers on the entire baking sheet:

For puff pastry:

  • 3.5 cups flour;
  • 400 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5-6 drops of vinegar;
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt;
  • ¾ glass of water (glass = 200 g).

For the custard:

I usually make a simple shortbread Napoleon from 2 cake layers, so half a portion of cream was enough for me, for 2 yolks. The puff pastry made 4 layers, so I decided to make a full portion of cream - and it turned out to be too much, we finished off the rest with a bun. I think if you make one and a half portions, for 3 yolks, it will be just right. I present here a set of ingredients for 2-3-4 eggs, respectively.

  • 1 (1.5; 2) glasses of milk (glass = 200g);
  • 2 (3, 4) yolks;
  • 1 and ¼ (1.8; 2.5) cups sugar;
  • 1 (1.5; 2) tablespoons of flour;
  • ¾ (1; 1.5) tablespoons starch;
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife or vanilla sugar (half a sachet);
  • 50 g (75 g, 100 g) butter.

How to make homemade Napoleon cake:

First we make homemade puff pastry. I described this process in detail earlier, now briefly.
Mix 3 cups flour, eggs, water, salt and vinegar soft dough and leave for 15 minutes, covered with a towel.

click on the photo for a better look

Knead half a glass of flour with butter.
After sprinkling the table with flour, roll out the dough to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm, put butter in the center and wrap the dough in an envelope, pinching the edges.

Carefully roll out the envelope into a strip 1 cm thick and 25 cm wide, then fold it in four, dust it with flour, cover with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.
Then we take it out, roll it out again to a thickness of 1 cm, fold it 4 times, and put it in the cold for 30-40 minutes.
And do the same again, only 3 times.

Puff pastry is ready! Now cut the dough into 4 equal parts.

We leave three in the refrigerator, and roll out 1 on a sheet of pastry parchment, dusted with flour, to the size of your baking sheet.

I got a cake 2-3 mm thick. Poke it with a fork to prevent it from puffing up during baking.

Bake thin puff pastries for Napoleon in a well-heated oven, 220-230C, until golden color, 15-20 minutes.

It’s convenient to roll out the second one on another sheet of parchment while one cake is baking. After ready-made cake move to a dish, and drag the next one directly with parchment onto a baking sheet.

While the cakes are baking, you can prepare cream for Napoleon. There is a separate article about it on the site, now I’ll briefly remind you of the recipe, just in case.

Heat the milk in a non-stick container, adding a little vanillin or vanilla sugar to it for flavor.
In a separate container, grind sugar with yolks, flour and starch.
Pour hot milk into the mashed mixture, stir and pour back into the non-stick saucepan.
Stirring, heat the cream over low heat until thickened. When it starts to gurgle, it's ready. Turn off and let cool to room temperature.

Then add soft butter to the cream and beat with a mixer for a minute. The custard for Napoleon is ready, and it is the most delicious napoleonic cream as there is in the world.

In the meantime, all the cakes are ready. Hooray! You can start assembling the cake.

We trim the cakes evenly along the edges; the crumbs will be useful for sprinkling.

That's how cool it turns out at home puff pastry!

Grind the crumbs by hand.

It is more convenient to assemble the cake on a table covered with parchment, and then move it to a plate.

Spread the cakes one by one with cream, cover with the next cake.

We also grease the top cake and sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Now you need to give the cake a couple of hours to soak, or better yet overnight, although I can’t wait to try it!

To make the cake easy to cut, let it soak.

Enjoy your tea with homemade Napoleon cake!

Napoleon cake with custard

Good day, dear readers, of the Tasty Recipes website!

  • milk - 1 liter,
  • eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • flour - 3 tbsp. heaped spoons,
  • sugar - 1 cup + 2 tbsp. spoons (or just 10 tablespoons),
  • drain butter - 200 gr.,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

how to make a delicious Napoleon cake

I think you know the history of the origin of the Napoleon cake? For those who don’t know, you can quickly find it on the Internet. But that's not what we're going to do. Let me tell you how to make a delicious Napoleon cake, so that your family or maybe your guests will be satisfied with it and will definitely ask for more.

From these ingredients that I used, the cake turned out to weigh 2 kg and 400 grams. I think if you don’t have a big sweet tooth, you can share this portion with your family. That's it, I'll stop teasing you and move on to cooking.

1. All ingredients for the dough should be as cold as possible. Pour onto the work surface required quantity flour. I had flour in liter jar. It is this full jar of flour that we use. Place cut into cubes on flour cream margarine and grind this mass into crumbs. We don’t bother for a long time so that the margarine doesn’t melt.

2. After the crumb is ready, make a small well in the flour and pour cold water mixed with vodka and salt. Many people add vinegar to the dough. If you want, you can add 1 teaspoon. The vinegar will loosen the dough and give the cakes some fluffiness. We knead the dough and try to do it quickly. Divide the resulting dough into 12 equal lumps, which need to be rolled into balls. Place the resulting balls on a flat plate and cover cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

3. While our dough is cooling, prepare the custard. I advise you to prepare for Napoleon cake exclusively custard, and not with condensed milk, or someone also cooks sour cream. So, pour the milk into a cauldron and bring to a boil. In the meantime, in a separate bowl, using a whisk, beat the eggs with half a glass of sugar. Add flour to the eggs and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Then pour in slightly warm milk (150 ml) taken from the cauldron. Bring until smooth and pour into boiling milk in a thin stream. While combining the milk with the egg-flour mixture, be sure to mix the contents of the cauldron with a whisk. The mass will begin to thicken quickly. Very low heat let stand the resulting custard until it thickens completely. But under no circumstances should the cream come to a boil! Remove the thickened cream from the heat and leave to cool.

Now that the cream has almost cooled down, take a tall bowl, but such that it is convenient for you to whip the cream. I took a container from a mixer. Next, use a blender or mixer to beat the softened plum. butter, but not melted with the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar into a lush mass. But not for long, otherwise the oil may separate. After this, add a few tablespoons of cream to the oil and continue beating at medium speed. Here's the news recipe cooking very tasty custard. This custard is perfect for cooking honey cake. I shared the recipe for honey cake.

4. Have you prepared the cream? Fine. Now I invite you to bake Napoleon cake layers. Immediately turn on the oven to maximum and go to the dough. We take the balls out of the refrigerator one at a time. My technique is this: take out a piece of dough and roll it out. While the first cake is baking, roll out the second one and so on. I made round cakes. Like this.

I also placed the remaining dough on a baking sheet and baked everything together. Before baking, be sure to prick the cake with a fork. Otherwise the cake will swell. The cakes bake very quickly, about 7 minutes. I don't recommend frying them too much.

This is the stack of cakes I get.

Coat each cake generously with chilled custard. I used 3 tablespoons of cream for each cake. And there is just enough cream to cover the whole cake.

Coat the sides of the cake with cream as well. We will decorate the Napoleon cake with scraps from the cake layers. They need to be ground into crumbs or passed through a blender.

The finished cake should be left to soak, preferably in a not very cool place, first for 3 hours, then put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. And best of all at night. Cake "Napoleon" with custard It turns out very, very tasty! Try it and be sure to share your impressions with me.

I wish you enjoy your tea and don’t forget, at least occasionally, to pamper your loved ones.

Recipe delicious cake"Napoleon" with custard from Grandma Emma.

P.S. Photo of a delicious Napoleon cake quick recipe prepared by Anna Asanova!
