Types of cheese, useful properties and composition - cheese diets, recipes with cheese. Varieties of cheese, composition of cheese, what is cheese useful for

Cheese makers around the world have developed thousands of varieties, each with its own unique taste, texture and nutritional value.

However, at its core, cheese is a complex product made from several simple ingredients. In spite of high content fat and calories, cheese is rich in many nutrients, such as calcium, protein, phosphorus, vitamin A, which makes it an excellent element of a balanced diet.

calcium in cheese

Cheese contains a large number of calcium, an important health substance, one of the most deficient elements in the diet of most people. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 women and 6 out of 10 men consume less than recommended daily allowance calcium, and the consumption of this norm is necessary for the health of bones and teeth, the functioning of the heart and other organs. Therefore, the inclusion of cheese in the diet can become in a good way consume enough calcium.

sodium in cheese

Salt is important element in the process of making cheeses, it controls the moisture content, texture, taste, and preservation of the final product. More than 8% of the sodium in the US comes from cheese.

Salt plays an important role in your sodium intake, so you can't cut it out completely. But if you want to, opt for softer, less aged cheeses like Swiss, ricotta, Parmesan and Monterey Jack. These varieties contain less salt.

Proteins in cheese

Cheese contains a relatively high amount of protein, which is necessary for cell growth, and in particular for growth muscle mass as well as tissue repair and healthy immune function. More "protein" cheeses - those made from low-fat or skimmed milk. They also contain less fat, and therefore calories.

Fats in cheese

When calculating the nutritional value of cheese, it is important to keep in mind that its fat content is quite high. Although these figures vary different types cheeses, most still contain.

For many years saturated fat in the diet - they are contained in whole milk, eggs, meat, cheese, butter - were considered one of the main reasons cardiovascular disease. However, recent studies have shown that saturated fat minimally increases the risk of heart disease, and the adage “saturated fat is bad” is slowly losing popularity, rehabilitating cheese consumption.

Cheese calories

Even though saturated fat concerns are slowly fading away, calories are still an important factor. There are slight differences between the calorie content of different types of cheese, but on average 30 grams of cheese contains 100 calories. Thus, despite the fact that cheese is rich in proteins and trace elements, its consumption should be limited. To avoid excess calories, you can add hard cheeses to dishes, after grating them, or add small quantities for taste.

Diet guidelines created by nutritionists in 2010 state that adults and children over the age of nine should consume at least three servings of low-fat or non-fat dairy products. About 30 grams of hard cheese, half a glass of grated, or 60 grams of processed cheese. Despite all these calculations, how does nacho sauce or cracker sauce lose all of its beneficial features.

The conclusion is that in moderation, cheese is a complete element of a healthy diet.

Cheeses are distinguished by a high content of proteins, milk fat, as well as mineral salts and vitamins. Cheeses are an important source of biologically valuable protein. Cheese proteins are digested by 98.5%.

During the ripening of cheese, proteins are partially broken down into simpler compounds - amino acids necessary for building tissues. human body. It takes less energy to break them down in the human body than to break down milk proteins. Therefore, cheese proteins are digested well even by children and people with weakened digestion.

Milk fat in cheese, as in milk, is mainly in the form of small balls (several microns in diameter), which also contributes to its rapid absorption by the body. Proteins in cheeses from 18 to 25%, fat from 19 to 30% and mineral salts (not counting salt) from 1.5 to 3.5%.

Cheese is one of the most important sources of vitamins A, E, B2 (riboflavin), B 12. Vitamin A almost completely passes from milk to cheese, about 20%, vitamins B and B 2, etc. The components of cheese are absorbed by

98 - 99%. Almost all the vitamins necessary for normal human development are found in milk. During the processing of milk, the content of some of them is reduced, but, nevertheless, cheese contains the most important vitamins and in relatively large quantities. According to the content of vitamins A and E, full-fat cheeses can be put in second place after butter. Vitamins are complex substances designed to regulate the metabolic processes of substances. Most vitamins are not produced in the body and must be taken from food.

Cheese -- high-calorie product. Depending on the content of fat and protein, its calorie content ranges from 2500 to 3900 kcal. The least calorie cheese and processed cheeses 40% fat. The most high-calorie (about 3900 kcal) Soviet and Moscow cheeses of 50% fat content. Fat determines not only the high calorie content of cheese, but also affects its quality. The more fat, the more tender and buttery the cheese dough.

Cheese is an important source of calcium and phosphorus. According to the calcium content, 100 g of cheese fully satisfies the daily human need for it. In combination with other salts, calcium is mineral base bone tissue and teeth, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscle contractility, contributes best use body of cheese proteins. 100 g of cheese contains 400-600 mg of phosphorus, which is very easily absorbed.

Table 1 - Chemical composition of cheeses

Name of products

Mass fraction, %

moisture in the fat-free substance

fat in dry matter

Cheese, cheese product dry

4.0-40.0 incl.

Cheese, cheese product extra hard

1.0-60.0 and more

Cheese, hard cheese product

49.0-56.0 incl.

1.0-60.0 and more

Cheese, semi-solid cheese product

54.0-69.0 incl.

1.0-60.0 and more

Cheese, soft cheese product, including fresh cheese, curd cheese

1.0-60.0 and more

0.4-5.0 incl., for pickled cheese 5.0-7.0 incl., for fresh and curd cheese 0,0-5,0

Cheese is one of the most nutritious foods derived from milk. When milk is processed into cheese, proteins, fats, mineral salts pass into cheese in almost the same proportions. The exception is a small part of the protein, which is albumin and globulin (for cheese, the main part of the milk protein is casein), and most milk sugar.

Nutritionists usually characterize the usefulness of a food product by its nutritional value. This is an integral characteristic that combines all useful properties ( nutrients, energy potential, vitamins, organoleptic indicators and etc.).

Cheese has the highest nutritional and biological value compared to other food products(Table 2.1). It contains all the nutrients needed by the body. They are well balanced and easily digestible.
In addition, cheese has a high biological value, which, as you know, is determined by the quality indicators of proteins that characterize the correspondence of amino acids to the needs of the body and the degree of digestibility of the constituent parts of the product in the human body. The digestibility of proteins and fat contained in cheese reaches 95-97%.

nutritional value proteins different products is not the same. It depends on the composition of the amino acids from which one or another protein is built. Natural protein contains 20 amino acids, including 8 essential ones, neither the human body nor the animal body can synthesize them, they must be supplied with food in certain quantities. According to the balance of protein amino acids, cheeses are one of the most valuable. Of the 18 amino acids found in cheese, 8 are essential. These are tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, and valine. In addition, the value of the protein base of cheese lies in the fact that part of it becomes water-soluble during the ripening process, turning into polypeptides, oligopeptides, and amino acids.

The nutritional value of cheese is also determined by its high fat content. Cheese, depending on its type, contains up to 30% fat. Fat has more than twice the calories of protein. Milk fat, which is relatively low temperature melting, in the cheese is in a well emulsified state, so it is easily and quickly almost completely absorbed. Besides, milk fat contains phosphatides, mainly lecithin, which plays an important role in the process of digestion of food and the proper metabolism of fats in the human body.

Biological activity is an indicator that characterizes the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The fatty phase of cheese contains all the important fatty acids necessary for the life support of the body, among them linoleic and linolenic are indispensable.

It is known that all living things need minerals that are part of tissues and participate in the metabolic processes of the body. Minerals in the body are divided into two groups. The first includes those contained in the relatively large quantities: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, etc. The second group consists of substances contained in negligible amounts - the so-called trace elements: copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese, iodine, fluorine, etc. Mineral salts are involved in the formation of bone systems, in the body's water metabolism, maintain the salt composition of the blood unchanged. In the process of metabolism, mineral salts are excreted from the body and must be systematically supplied with food. Of the 3.5 kg of mineral salts contained in the human body, more than 1 kg is calcium. In combination with other salts, calcium forms the mineral basis of bone tissue and teeth; it is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscle tissue. It has been determined that the need of an adult for calcium is 0.8-1 g per day, children and adolescents - 1-2 g, pregnant women and nursing mothers - up to 2 g. Cheese is the richest source of calcium, the content of which depends on the method of protein coagulation . The largest number calcium is contained in hard pressed cheeses, the least - in soft, as well as in cheeses with a high level of lactic acid fermentation. Eating 100 g rennet cheese, a person satisfies his daily need for calcium.

In addition to calcium, cheese is rich in phosphorus. So, 100 g of cheese contains 400-600 mg of phosphorus, which is about one third daily requirement person.

The content of fat-soluble vitamins in cheese (A, D, E) is related to the fat content of the product. Academician A. A. Pokrovsky attributed cheese to one of the most important sources of fat-soluble vitamin A. This vitamin is a protector of the skin, mucous membranes, and a regulator of growth and vision. With a lack of it, the eyes quickly get tired, the person sees poorly, especially at dusk, the skin becomes dry and flaky. Dry mucous membranes cause cough, tracheitis. The body's need for it is 1500 mcg per day. 100 g of hard rennet cheese (such as Dutch) contains approximately 200 micrograms of vitamin A.

Cheese also contains a large amount of water-soluble vitamins, especially group B.

Cheese is one of the most important sources of vitamin B2 (riboflavin). This vitamin was first discovered in milk. It participates in the processes of tissue respiration, contributes to the production of energy in the body. This vitamin is especially necessary for children: its deficiency causes a slowdown in growth and development. The human need for this vitamin is 2500-3500 mcg per day. Its content in 100 g of cheese is 400-500 mcg.
Cheese is also a source of vitamin B12. This is the only vitamin in nature that contains a metal - cobalt, which is involved in a number of metabolic processes and plays an important role in human life. Vitamin B12 is used to treat pernicious anemia and a number of other diseases. The required amount of this vitamin - 15-20 mcg per day - a person should receive with food. 100 cheese contains approximately 1 microgram of vitamin B12.

Cheese also contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), which prevents diseases of the peripheral nervous system, vitamin H (biotin) and some others.

The energy value of cheeses depends on the type of cheese, the content and composition of solids, fat and ranges from 250 to 450 kcal per 100g of the product.

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 12 minutes


This milk product- one of the most useful, tasty and loved by all. It is obtained in the process of curdling milk and processing the resulting clot.

Cheese can be made from cow, goat or sheep milk. There are about two thousand types of this product in the world.

Consider what is good cheese, and whether it can harm our body.

Varieties and types of cheese - which are tastier and healthier?

There are many classifications of cheese. The most common is based on the method and technology of cheese production.

Consider what cheeses exist in the world, which of them are the most delicious and healthy:

  • young or fresh
    This type of cheese has a curd texture and moisture. They are prepared with minimal processing and pressing. These cheeses are common in Italy and are not stored for a long time. The following types are known: cheese, ricotta, buco, mascarpone, paneer. They have a pleasant, curd and slightly salty taste.
  • Soft
    These cheeses are soft on the inside but hard on the outside. They are classified as elite and are made by adding mold mushrooms to milk. The cheeses are tender, with a slightly spicy aftertaste. These include: Brie, Camembert, Munster, Limburg.
  • Sour-milk
    They are made from curdled milk by adding acids to the milk and heating it. These varieties are low in fat, so they are dietary. Often seasonings or spores are added to them. mold fungi. In Russia, they are almost never found.
  • Pickled
    The basis of their preparation is sheep or goat milk. They do not have a crust, they have a layered texture. They are pleasant in taste, although salty. They include: mozzarella, suluguni, lori and Adyghe cheese.
  • Fused or pressed
    They can add mushrooms, nuts, sour cream, butter and other non-dairy ingredients - fats and phosphates. Therefore, cheeses such as Druzhba or Hochland can be unhealthy, although they have pleasant taste. And processed cheeses such as Parmesan, Beaufort, Comte, Gouda, Maasdam, Edam, without additives. They are healthy and have a sweet taste.
  • Solid
    This variety is very common in Russia. It has low moisture content and high hardness. Such cheeses are both sweet and salty. The most famous are: Altai, Russian, Dutch, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and others. Of course, they are useful and are made without the addition of impurities.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of cheese - soft, processed, hard varieties, with mold, etc.

Hard cheeses

Consider the calorie content of several varieties of hard cheese:

  • 100 g of hard cheese contains 355.6 kcal.
  • In the same amount of "Russian" cheese - 363 kcal.
  • In "Poshekhonsky" - 350 kcal.
  • In "Swiss" - 396 kcal.
  • In "Yaroslavsky" - 350 kcal.
  • In the "Dutch" - 350 kcal.
  • In "Altai" - 355.6 kcal.

Contains 100 g hard cheeses contains:

  • 26 g of proteins.
  • 26.5 g fat.
  • 3.5 g of carbohydrates.

And also a lot of vitamins:

  • A - 0.4 mg.
  • C - 2.8 mg.
  • E - 0.3 mg.
  • PP - 0.2 mg.
  • B vitamins: thiamine (B1) - 0.03 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 0.3 mg, pyridoxine (B6) - 0.1 mg, folic acid (B9) - 19 mcg, B12 - 1.4 mcg.

There are also many useful substances in hard cheeses:

  • Macroelements: calcium - 1005 mg, sodium - 860 mg, phosphorus - 540 mg, potassium - 100 mg, magnesium - 50 mg.
  • Trace elements: zinc - 4 mg, iron - 0.9 mg, copper - 70 mcg, manganese - 0.1 mg.

Soft cheeses

calories in soft varieties less cheese:

  • 100 g of soft cheese contains - 332 kcal.
  • In the same amount of "Camembert" - 300 kcal.
  • In "Bree" - 291 kcal.
  • In "Tilsiter" - 340 kcal.

Compound soft cheeses significantly different from solids. They do not contain carbohydrates, but only:

  • 20 g of proteins.
  • 28 g fat.

And to the vitamins of hard cheeses added to:

  • Vitamin B5 - 1.2 mg.
  • Biotin (H) - 4.2 mcg.

Concerning useful elements , then their number is slightly different:

  • Macroelements: sodium - 1900 mg, calcium - 740 mg, phosphorus - 410 mg, sulfur - 200 mg, potassium - 180 mg, magnesium - 50 mg.
  • Trace elements: zinc - 3.5 mg, iron - 1 mg, copper - 60 mcg.

Processed cheese varieties

Consider the nutritional and energy value of processed cheeses.

Their calorie content far below the above varieties:

  • 100 g of processed cheese contains 300 kcal.
  • Cheese "Friendship" - 303 kcal.
  • In "President" - 242 kcal.
  • In "Almetta" - 266 kcal.
  • In "Hochland" - 193 kcal.
  • In "Maasdam" - 350 kcal.

The composition of processed cheeses differs from soft cheeses as they contain vitamin D and beta-carotene. They are also high in sodium and calcium.

Pickled cheese varieties

And for food and energy value pickled cheeses closer to hard.

Calorie pickled cheeses:

  • In 100 g of pickled cheese - 355.6 kcal.
  • In "Mozzarella" - 240 kcal.
  • In "Suluguni" - 290 kcal.
  • AT " Adyghe cheese"- 240 kcal.

In brine cheese- just like in solid - a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

The benefits of cheese - who is this product useful for?

Of course, the rich composition explains the benefits of all cheeses. Vitamins, minerals, fat and protein are vital for both children and adults. The benefits of cheese are priceless. They are easily absorbed by the body.

Listed below are the benefits of using different varieties cheeses

  • Hard and pickled cheeses reduce the risk of caries and have a beneficial effect on bone structure. They also soothe nervous system improve sleep and relieve stress. And these cheeses normalize blood pressure.
  • Soft and processed cheeses improve appetite and eyesight. In addition, they normalize metabolism and promote rapid growth (very useful for children).
  • Curd cheeses replenish required amount animal proteins.
  • Molded cheeses have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stimulate the reproduction of beneficial bacteria.

Harm of cheese and contraindications

Cheese is contraindicated

  • Pregnant women are prohibited from all varieties of blue cheese, as they contain bacteria that can cause listeriosis. This is a serious infectious disease that can lead to miscarriage or fetal illness. When choosing cheese, be sure to pay attention to the annotation indicated on the package.
  • Obese people. Cheese is contraindicated due to the fact that it is high in calories.
  • Allergy sufferers. Processed cheeses containing chemical and food additives can cause allergies.
  • Cheeses are also not recommended for hypertensive patients and those who have cardiovascular diseases.
  • People with high acidity or gastritis, as well as colitis and other diseases of the stomach.

Cheese in the diet of children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetics with allergies - SF answers all questions

At what age can a child be given cheese?

  • Cheeses are contraindicated for a child up to a year.
  • From 1-2 years old different dishes you can enter 3-5 grams of cheese, preferably low-fat hard. For example, "Russian", "Poshekhonsky", "Maasdam".
  • From melted and soft it is better to refuse.

What types of cheese and how much can diabetics eat?

  • Of course, cheese is good for diabetics.
  • Doctors allow the use of cheeses containing only 3% milk sugar. For example, Adyghe cheese.
  • In addition, you can eat cheeses intended for long-term storage. These include: "Russian", "Camembert", "Roquefort" and other hard varieties.
  • The daily dose of consumption is 10 g of fat, or 35 g of hard cheese.
  • Melted cheese too allowed for diabetics but not for daily consumption. It contains 2% lactose and essential protein.

Can children or adults be allergic to cheese?

  • Allergies can be caused by the components that make up this product. For example, protein or nutritional supplements.
  • Processed cheese is especially dangerous.

How much cheese can a pregnant woman eat?

  • The maximum amount of cheese that a pregnant woman can eat per day is 150 g.
  • Allowed: hard, soft and processed cheeses that do not contain harmful food additives.
  • Forbidden: blue cheese, unpasteurized, and also created on the basis of goat or sheep. Because of them, Listeria bacteria can develop in the body, which can cause miscarriage or malignant diseases in the unborn baby.

Cheese and dishes from it in the diet of a nursing mother

  • During the first months of breastfeeding breast milk reduce your cheese intake. It can cause abdominal colic in a child.
  • From 4-5 months, a mother can safely eat cheese, as it also has benefits: it improves the structure of milk, saturates the body with nutrients and vitamins, improves appetite and bowel function.
  • Note that processed cheeses, goat, sheep and moldy cheeses are contraindicated for mothers with GV.

Cheese in the diet - selection, preparation and storage rules for cheeses

Cheese can be eaten separately from everything, and as part of many dishes. The most common and simple dish - cheese with pasta. It is suitable for both adults and children. You can also add cheese to cutlets, soups or pastas.

The most delicious and popular dishes from cheese:

  • Pasta with cheese
  • Cheese soup
  • cheese biscuits
  • Khachapuri
  • Buns with cheese
  • Cutlets with cheese
  • Cheese casserole
  • Cheese Pizza
  • Pie "Three cheeses"
  • Pie with cheese and spinach
  • Cheese bowls for salads
  • Cheese pate
  • Cheese salad with nuts

How to choose the right cheese when buying?

When choosing cheese pay attention to:

  • Color. good cheese will be the same shade, without spots and white plaque on a surface.
  • Form integrity. There should be no cracks or other damage on the cheese crust; moldy fungi and bacteria can develop in them.
  • The elasticity of a head or piece of cheese. A properly cooked head will push through a little and return to its original shape.
  • Smell. Cheese should not smell like ammonia, even the one with mold has the aroma of sour cottage cheese and penicillin.

How to cook homemade cheese on one's own?

Here is a simple homemade cheese recipe:

  1. Mix 800 g of sour cream and 200 ml of milk.
  2. Heat the mixture to 70-75 degrees and do not boil it.
  3. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  4. As soon as the sour cream begins to curdle, turn off the heat and leave on the stove for 5 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth or a thin cloth.
  6. After 40-50 minutes, squeeze out the mass. Your Mascarpone cheese is ready!

fried cheese recipe

They say, fried cheese- exotic and very tasty dish. Hard and semi-hard varieties are suitable for frying.

To properly fry cheese, you need:

  1. Cut it into thick pieces.
  2. Roll in egg and breadcrumbs mixed with flour.
  3. Heat the pan and fry the pieces for 2 minutes on each side.

Note - so that the cheese does not spread, you can repeat the dipping procedure in batter several times.

How to store cheese at home and how long?

Let's look at the shelf life different conditions for common varieties:

  • Hard cheeses should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of -4 to +8 degrees. Shelf life at 90% humidity - 4 months.
  • Soft cheeses should also be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +8 degrees. They only keep for a few days.
  • Sour-milk cheeses are also stored for a short time - a maximum of 2 weeks. They should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +6 degrees.
  • Pickled cheeses should be stored in a saline solution at a temperature of +5 degrees. Under these conditions, cheese can be stored for 1 to 2 months.
  • Processed cheeses are subjected to heat treatment, so they are stored for the longest time. If you observe the temperature - from -4 to +4 degrees, their shelf life will be - 2 months.

Russian cheese is included in the group of popular varieties among consumers. It can be used to make pizza, sandwiches, mushroom or meat casseroles. How to determine the calorie content of a product?

Nutritional value and vitamin composition

Russian cheese contains rich chemical composition. The concentration of animal proteins exceeds fish and meat. The cheese of this variety has a large amount of amino acids, they help to resist many viral diseases.

Consider the nutritional value of the product per 100 grams

The nutritional value

Despite the high protein content, Russian cheese is not suitable for diet food because it has a high fat content.

Table of vitamin composition in the product, calculation per 100 grams

Russian cheese is rich in microelements and macroelements. Consider the content in 100 grams of the product.

Mineral table

Taste qualities

The flavor of the cheese is traditional, slightly sour, without pronounced outlines. The product belongs to semi-solid grades. The raw material for production is pasteurized milk. In the process of preparation, bacterial starter and a curdling rennet are added to the milk.

The finished product is yellow in color, there are small holes on the cut. High-quality Russian cheese has a high calorie content and fat content.

How to use in diet food?

Russian cheese is not suitable for consumption during the period of active weight loss. Do not get involved in these products with obesity, high calorie content and fat content contribute to rapid recruitment extra pounds. At the same time, one cannot completely reject this healthy cheese from the diet.

In order not to gain weight, Russian cheese is best consumed in the morning and in very small quantities. The recommended amount is 100-200 grams. The main time period for taking the product is from 8 am to 12 noon. It is during these hours that the metabolism is actively working, which will allow not to postpone the eaten pieces in the hips and stomach.

Experts do not advise to abandon the use of cheese in the diet. Due to high useful properties and rich vitamin composition it is suitable for breakfast and afternoon tea.

Beneficial features

Russian cheese belongs to the semi-hard form, this quality makes it a universal addition to any dish.
