Make orange jam. Orange and gooseberry jam without cooking. Orange jam based on dried peels

Everyone, without exception, loves fruits, especially if you make sweet jam from them. Raspberry, cherry or apple delicacies can be found in every home, but to prepare exotic jam this selection of photo recipes will help you make oranges.

Orange jam is not only tasty and unusual, it is also very useful in winter period, because it contains the well-known vitamin C and many more useful substances. And if you add other fruits to it, you get a real vitamin cocktail.

To prevent the jam from burning during cooking, use enamel pan or a stainless steel cauldron.

For jam, only sweet, ripe oranges are selected, from which the seeds must be removed (they contain bitterness). If the recipe calls for using oranges with the peel, they must first be blanched for a few minutes. This will help get rid of the bitter taste of the skin. And dried orange peels are first filled with water for half an hour to soften them (see).

To give the delicacy a more fragrant aroma, add a couple of teaspoons of crushed zest to the peeled orange pulp.

A simple recipe for aromatic orange dessert

The most delicious jam It’s not difficult to make from oranges. For two liter jars of the finished product should be taken:

  • 4-5 large oranges;
  • sugar – 5 glasses;
  • water – 400 ml.

If desired, also add cinnamon or cloves.

Cooking instructions:

This jam is ideal as a filling for thin pancakes. You can also put it hot in sterilized jars and roll it up.

Tart orange dessert

Jam made from peeled oranges is especially tasty because it has a slight tart note. Due to the absence of water, this dessert turns out quite thick and is ideal as a filling for pies. For jam you will need oranges and sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

Wash the oranges thoroughly and boil for 15 minutes until the zest is soft.

Cool the fruits and cut into arbitrary medium-sized pieces.

Place them in a saucepan, cover with sugar and leave for 30 minutes to release the juice.

Cook for 1.5-2 hours until the jam thickens. The finished jam is spread over plastic containers with lids and stored in the refrigerator, or rolled into jars and lowered into the cellar.

If the oranges are too sweet, you can add lemon juice.

Orange “snack” with brandy for adults

You can make delicious orange jam for the winter if you add a little brandy and spices to it. This jam can be consumed not only by adults, but also by children, since the alcohol evaporates during the cooking process.

So, prepare:

  • oranges and sugar – 1 kg each;
  • water – 3 l;
  • 1 tsp each ground, nutmeg and cinnamon;
  • 2 cloves;
  • cardamom – 4 seeds;
  • brandy – 50 ml.

If you don't have brandy, you can take rum or cognac.

Cooking steps:

Readiness is checked as follows: drop a little jam on a saucer and tilt it. If a drop does not drain, it means the jam is ready.

Orange “Six” with coffee aroma

Not every housewife knows how to make orange jam with the aroma of coffee. There is nothing difficult about it, except that you need to cook it for two hours to bring it to the desired consistency. Coffee beans and clove buds will add unique notes to the fruity aroma!


  • 6 large oranges:
  • 6 glasses of water;
  • 6 glasses of sugar;
  • 6 coffee beans;
  • 6 cloves.

Recipe for orange jam with photo:

The finished jam is stored in the refrigerator for 1 month.

Orange zest in sugar syrup

If at home after New Year's holidays A lot of “orange waste” has accumulated; you shouldn’t throw it away. After all, you can make delicious jam from orange peels. To do this, soak 1 kg of peel (fresh) for a day in cold water, and the water must be changed three times during this time.

Cut the soaked skins into thin strips and blanch for 5 minutes.

Boil syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar and 2.5 glasses of water.

Dip the crusts into it and simmer until soft over low heat. At the end, add 30 g of chopped fresh orange peel (which was not soaked) and 3 g of lemon juice.

Beautiful curls from the zest

Orange peels are not only tasty, but also very beautiful jam. Its peculiarity is that the zest is beautifully rolled up in the form of a snail or curl. The only downside to this delicacy is that the process of preparing the crusts and cooking the jam will take several days. But the result will exceed all expectations! By the way, jam made from orange peel curls looks great as a decoration on various desserts (cake, jelly).

Required Products:

  • (preferably with thin skin) - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • water – 400 ml.
  • lemon juice (or citric acid) – 0.5 tsp.

Three oranges should yield 200 g of peels. If you use large quantity orange, then you need to take twice as much water, and one and a half times as much sugar.

Photo recipe for orange jam step by step:

Orange dessert from a slow cooker

To make orange jam in a slow cooker you will need:

  • thin-skinned oranges – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 1 tbsp.

In the evening, peel the fruits, divide them into slices and remove the film. Place the orange slices in a multicooker bowl, add sugar and leave for 12 hours to allow them to release their juice.

The next day, select the “Steam” mode on the multicooker and place the bowl without covering it with a lid. Bring the jam to a boil, stirring occasionally, and simmer for 5 minutes. Allow the workpiece to cool completely and repeat this procedure two more times. The finished jam can be used for food or stored for the winter.

To make it tender orange jam, after the first cooking procedure, the mass should be crushed in a blender.

Those who have never tried it before orange dessert, we lost a lot. The delicious aroma and bright sunny color of the jam will not leave anyone indifferent. Let inspiration come to you, and these photo recipes for orange jam will help you realize your plans! Bon appetit!

Oh, how tasty and fragrant orange jam can be if it is cooked correctly. What kind of recipes do our hostesses use to surprise and diversify the taste of sweet desserts? When preparing orange jam, the recipe for which can be modified by the composition of the ingredients. The vitamins found in citrus fruits help improve well-being, relieve fatigue, and give strength. Regarding useful and necessary minerals for improving the functioning of the body: in an orange they are present not only in the pulp, but also in the zest, so do not rush to throw away the peel after peeling the fruit; you can cook an excellent dessert from the peel of the fruit.

Orange peel jam – delicate taste

Orange jam, the recipe for which includes the addition of fruit zest, has a delicate taste characteristic of citrus fruits. Properly prepared jam from orange peels is unusually fragrant, and in terms of taste it is a leader among sweets, and the dessert is readily prepared for storage in the form of rolls for the winter.

To make jam from orange peels, the recipe for which is extremely simple, you will need:

  • orange fruits – 6 pcs.;
  • bottled (or filtered) water – 600 g;
  • sugar - standard dosage 400 g, but taking into account taste qualities weight can be changed in both directions;
  • juice from two lemons or limes.

Orange peel jam, the recipe for which includes others citrus fruit(lemon, lime) not only becomes tastier and acquires a more subtle taste, but is also enriched with the composition of vitamins, which are especially useful in their properties for children. Prepared fruits are washed with running water without using special detergents. It is no secret that the peel of the fruit is treated with a special compound that increases the shelf life of citrus fruits. When washing the peel, many housewives use detergents to remove the coating; in the case of making jam from orange peels, this is not necessary, you just need to wash the surface of the fruit well.

Peeling an orange is easy: probably everyone knows what a volleyball or a school globe looks like, divided by stripes and meridians. On the surface of the peel you need to make cuts from the place of the fruit inflorescence to its stalk, without being too carried away by the depth of the cut. Using a teaspoon or the same knife, pry up the skin and remove it from the fruit as carefully as possible. The resulting fragments need to be divided in the same order, you will get something like curls, which, poured into a bowl and filled with water, are placed in a cool place for a day (you can at the bottom of the refrigerator). It is best to do this before going to bed, at night, but there is one inconvenience: you need to change the water several times, then the orange peel jam will not taste bitter.

The curls need to be processed with a knife, removing the excess white part of the fruit from the inside so that only the peel remains, and soak again, but for three days, constantly changing the water. Only now can you begin to cook the product by pouring it required quantity sugar and fill with water. Before the mixture begins to boil, you need to reduce the heat to low and, adding lemon juice, cook until the mixture becomes slightly thick; this will be immediately noticeable when stirring. The process will take 7 - 10 minutes, by this time sterile glassware and a seaming machine should be prepared. The super dessert is ready, you can pour it, roll it up and wait for the New Year holiday to come. Then you can put a jar of dessert under the Christmas tree, and it will be a hundred times tastier than the purchased sweets.

Orange and lemon jam – tasty and tender

Orange jam, the recipe of which can be modified with the help of other citrus fruits, becomes tastier, more tender and, most importantly, healthier in terms of vitamin composition. One dessert option is orange and lemon jam, which has virtually no waste - the peel will also be used as an ingredient.

Orange jam with peel is not prepared at once, but the dessert is worth it: fragrant, tasty, with an irresistible smell, children really like the delicacy, and taking into account the composition of vitamins, it is also great benefit for the child's body.

To make jam from peeled oranges and lemons you will need:

  • 8 large oranges;
  • 2 medium sized lemons;
  • 500 gr. sugar (depending on individual wishes, weight can be modified);
  • liter of water (bottled or filtered).

To prevent orange jam with peel from being bitter, you need to carefully cut off the peel, fruit and skin from all the fruits and remove the white mass. The peels of oranges and lemons are crushed into cubes, filled with water and, changing it three times a day, soaked for three days, and the pulp is temporarily placed in the refrigerator. When everything is ready, the pulp of both citrus fruits is mixed with the peel, filled with water and added sugar, and put on fire. Having brought to a boil, the composition is boiled for 15 minutes, but by this time you should already have a ready-made glass container (sterilized). There is no need to wait until the mixture begins to thicken: the jam will acquire the required consistency after cooling.

Orange peel jam – swirls – a work of art

The curlicue orange peel jam is a real work of art: it’s a pity how beautiful everything looks in finished form. Orange jam, where the peel will be the main ingredient, will require few ingredients, but considerable patience and time: products for a long time will need to be soaked in water.

  • 7 oranges (choose large and ripe fruits);
  • 700 gr. water;
  • 450 gr. Sahara;
  • pulp or juice of two lemons.

Orange jam with zest can taste bitter if the fruit peel is not soaked properly. The fruits are peeled, cleared of the white layer, cut into strips similar to appearance For curls and pouring water, soak for three days. The water needs to be changed at least three times a day, and let the pulp await its fate in the refrigerator. When everything is ready, the peel curls should be placed in boiling water for a minute and immediately removed. In the future, basic sewing skills will be required: each curl is twisted into a spiral and, using a thread and a needle, each piece is pierced so that it looks like a garland.

The pulp of the fruit is ground in a blender, covered with sugar and placed on low heat, after boiling, boiled for 15 minutes, after which the curls are carefully added. The dessert is cooked for 15 minutes, after which you need to pick up the “garland” and pull the thread out of it. The jam is poured and can be either stored ready-made in rolls, or served for dessert, cooled until desired temperature. The cooled sweetness will have a consistency similar to jelly.

Orange jam in a slow cooker - simple and convenient

Orange jam in a slow cooker is good because the composition of vitamins present in citrus fruits remains practically the same as before heat treatment. This quality is highly valued: after all, oranges have many useful qualities, but the main thing is strengthening the health of children's bodies. Prepare the dessert as follows:

  • 4 large oranges.
  • ¼ lemon;
  • half a glass of water;
  • half a glass of sugar.

The fruits are washed and, by removing the skin, they get rid of the partition tissue and white layer as much as possible, removing any grains along the way. You can throw away the lemon peel, but orange peel, grind together with the pulp and, mixing with sugar, leave for an hour or a little more. During this time, you can prepare the container to eliminate the fuss before pouring the dessert into jars. Place the reserved mass in the multicooker for half an hour, turning on the “Cooking” function and after the mixture boils, cook for no more than 5 minutes. The boiling and cooking procedure is repeated 4 times, after which the dessert can be poured and rolled.

Five-minute orange jam - the fastest way

Five-minute orange jam is the fastest to make among desserts with similar recipes, although there is one caveat: you need to add more sugar, but what difference does it really make – it’s worth it. There are no difficulties in manufacturing:

  • glass of water;
  • 750 gr. Sahara;
  • two or three, depending on the size, of an orange fruit.

The skin is removed and, having been cleared of the white layer, crushed into squares. The pulp is crushed, discarding any stones along the way. Place everything in a bowl where the jam will be prepared, add water and bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 4 times, allowing the mixture to cool slightly, and then pour into glassware. Once set, the mixture will thicken, turning the treat into a jelly.

Noble and refined orange jam surprises with its unusual jelly-like consistency and pronounced citrus aroma.

Increasingly found in blanks modern housewives. With such an amazing dish it is easy to surprise the most sophisticated gourmets and delight friends and family. Despite the fact that citrus fruits are atypical fruits for our latitudes, many have already appreciated the extraordinary taste characteristics preserves and jams, which are quite easy to make from them. Opening a jar of this bright and healthy treats on cold winter days, sunny mood You're guaranteed. orange fruit gives a huge field for imagination to high-class cooks and novice housewives. Having chosen the jam recipe that suits you, you can be sure of an unsurpassed result. Thanks to detailed instructions, even a beginner can easily understand how to cook this wonderful dessert.

Variations of this dish They suggest making jam from citrus pulp or orange peels. In addition, orange harmonizes perfectly with a number of spices and spices, which are often added to jam. The most common additional ingredients, which are found in a duet with citrus fruits and give the dish a bright spicy aroma, are cinnamon and ginger.

7 orange jam recipes

Recipe 1. Classic orange jam

Ingredients: 1100 g oranges, 1250 g sugar, 260 ml water.

Wash the citruses. We use several fruits to separate the zest. Finely chop only the yellow part, trying not to touch the inner part. white, in an amount of 25 g. We peel the fruits, divide them into pieces, removing the seeds in the process. Citrus slices cut in half. Transfer sugar to an enamel cooking container and add water. Heat to dissolve it. Lay out the oranges. Boil for 1 minute. Leave to cool. After a couple of hours, boil again for 2 minutes. Cool for 3 hours. Heat again and cook until thickened. Pour boiling water over the zest, then transfer to the jam. Stir. After a couple of minutes, pour into a sterile container and seal.

Recipe 2. Orange and lemon jam

Ingredients: 620 g oranges, 140 g lemon, 430 g sugar, 55 g ginger root, 280 ml water.

Wash citrus fruits. Remove the zest from the lemons using a grater, without grating the white part. We peel the oranges and cut their skins as finely as possible. We remove the white veins from lemons; you can leave them on oranges, since thanks to the pectin contained in this part of the zest, the jam will thicken faster. We cut the peeled fruits into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Grate the ginger root. Transfer water to the bottom of an enamel-coated container. Lay out the oranges and sprinkle with a third of the sugar. Next we lay it in layers: lemon zest, ginger, 1/3 sugar, lemon, orange peel, remaining sugar. Heat slowly. Cook for 60 – 75 minutes, stirring until the jam thickens. Pour into sterilized jars. We form circles from parchment commensurate with the diameter of the neck. We moisten them with vodka, cover the jars with them, and then with plastic lids. Store in the cold.

Recipe 3. Apple and orange jam

Ingredients: 960 g apples, 480 g orange, 960 g sugar, 420 ml water, 7 g cinnamon.

We wash the fruits. We cut the citruses into four parts and finely chop each one along with the peel, removing the seeds in the process. Boil water. Place the chopped oranges in a container for making jam and add 190 ml of boiling water. Cook until the zest becomes soft. Add sugar to the citrus mass and boil until thick. Peel the apples and cut them into small slices. Place the apples in a separate container and pour in the remaining water. Cook for 6 minutes. Add to citrus fruits stewed apples, boil until the latter are ready. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon and stir. Pour the hot jam into the prepared container and roll it up.

Recipe 4. Peach and orange jam

Ingredients: 1550 g peaches, 960 g orange, 1300 g sugar, 420 ml water, 4 g vanilla.

We wash the fruits. Immerse the peaches in boiling water, peel them, and remove the pits. Remove the peel from citrus fruits. Cut the fruit into medium-sized pieces, remove if possible orange seeds. In a container covered with enamel, boil water and transfer sugar. Boil the syrup for 6 minutes. Add fruit. After boiling, boil, stirring, for about 40 minutes. Add vanilla. Transfer the boiling jam into sterile small jars. We seal it hermetically.

Recipe 5. Orange peel jam

Ingredients: 600 g orange, 320 g sugar, 450 ml water, 3 g citric acid.

We wash the citrus fruits and scald them with boiling water. Carefully separate the zest so that each fruit forms two even halves. Cut all halves of the peel into 6 parts. Lightly peel off the white part of the zest to make it thinner. We roll all the pieces of skin one by one into tight rolls. We secure the edges by piercing through with a needle and thread, with the help of which all the rolls are connected together. We pull the ends of the thread well and tie them. We place the sewn parts of the zest in cold water and let it sit for 4 days, regularly changing the liquid - 3 times a day. Cook the soaked zest in 4 batches of 18 minutes each. After each cooking, replace the water and rinse the zest. We weigh boiled peel. For every 50 g of zest we take 150 g of granulated sugar, 100 ml of water. Place all these ingredients in a container and lightly boil until it reaches the consistency of liquid honey. Let's fall asleep citric acid, cool. Remove the thread. Place the jam in a clean, dried container. Store in the cold.

Recipe 6. Moroccan orange jam

Ingredients: 960 g blood oranges, 1470 g sugar, 410 ml water, 3 cloves.

We wash the citrus fruits using a brush to remove wax from the surface. Dry, cut into thin, even rings without peeling. We take out the seeds. Let's fall asleep granulated sugar into an enamel-coated cooking container. Add water and boil for 6 minutes. Dip citrus rings into syrup. Remove the foam formed after boiling. Boil for about two hours, stirring, without a lid. Add the cloves 15 minutes before the end of cooking and remove at the end. Check the thickened jam for readiness by dropping a drop onto a plate. When it stops spreading, cool the jam. We pack in clean jars.

Recipe 7. Orange mix with raisins, nuts and pears

Ingredients: 950 g pears, 620 g oranges, 1250 g sugar, 180 g raisins, 340 g walnuts.

We wash the fruit. Cut the pears into quarters and remove the core. Scald the citruses with boiling water. Cut into rings. We extract the seeds. We combine all the fruits and turn them into a puree using a blender or passing through a meat grinder. The weight of the pear-orange mass should be equal to the weight of the sugar with which we combine it into deep container. We stand for 11 hours. Soak the raisins in boiling water until they cool completely. Pour the swollen raisins into the fruit. Heat quickly, stirring, until boiling. Cook for about 45 minutes. We clean the nuts and chop them finely. Place in thickened jam a couple of minutes before the end of the cooking process. Transfer the fruit and nut mix to a sterile container. We seal it.

Cook something amazing citrus jam You can use oranges alone or combine them with any other berries or fruits. Using sour variety orange or, if the recipe includes lemon, increase the amount of sugar. Density ready-made dish depends not only on the duration of cooking, but also on the presence of a white part in the jam orange zest. So, it is recommended to add it if you are going to prepare a thick jelly-like delicacy. When making jam with zest or from orange peels alone, you need to thoroughly rinse the citrus fruits using a brush. To avoid a bitter taste, be sure to remove the citrus seeds.

A wonderful treat for children and adults - orange jam captivates tasters with its interesting taste, attractive appearance and bright aroma, which can be successfully emphasized with the help of spices. By adjusting the cooking time, it is possible to change the consistency of the dish - from slightly thickened to thick, viscous. Another advantage of this type of preparation is that its production is not limited to any particular season. If it happened that in the middle of winter everything summer preparations suddenly ran out of other fruits, it is very easy to prepare delicious orange jam, which is served with tea, or will become part of homemade baking.

Sweet and juicy oranges are not just a storehouse of vitamin C, but also a wonderful product from which healthy jam is made for the winter. You can cook the product from peels, pulp or whole citrus fruits. At the same time, you can add other ingredients to it: ginger and lemons, for example. But even without such additives you can make an amazing sweetness that will have original taste and the view. A recipe in which the peel is rolled into curls and rolled together with the pulp will help you easily prepare an unusual orange jam. If housewives want to find simple photo or video instructions for preparing jam with oranges, then they should study the proposed five-minute recipes. They describe the process step by step quick procurement orange jam in large quantities.

Original orange peel jam step by step - recipe with photos

You can make orange jam not only from the pulp, but also from the zest. Proper preparation crust will help you easily create an unusual translucent jam with an amazing citrus aroma. The following recipe tells you step by step how to cook this dessert at home.

Ingredients for making orange peel jam

  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • oranges - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • drain butter - 25 g.

Recipe with photo of making orange peel jam

  • Cut the citruses, add water and put on fire. Cook for 1 hour with the lid closed. Then add sugar and simmer for another 1 hour.
  • Separate the finished citrus fruits from the peels. Remove the seeds and films, place in gauze and tie. Cut the peel into strips.
  • Pour the crusts into the syrup, put the seeds and films in gauze in a saucepan, and bring to a boil.
  • Cook the mixture over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  • Roll up the finished jam in sterilized jars.
  • How to make orange jam with pulp and peel for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe

    Quick preparation of orange jam allows it to be boiled together with the peel. At the same time, the oils released from the zest will help make finished product as aromatic and tasty as possible. The following recipe describes in detail how to make a simple jam from oranges with peels.

    List of ingredients for a simple winter orange jam recipe

    • sugar - 9 tbsp;
    • oranges - 1 kg;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • water - 6 tbsp.;
    • chili pepper - 1 pc.

    Step-by-step recipe for making winter jam with orange peel and pulp

  • Wash the oranges and cut into small pieces (you can put them through a meat grinder).
  • Place the oranges in a saucepan, add water, add lemon zest and juice. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. Then add chopped chili and stirring, cook for another half hour.
  • Gradually add sugar to the mixture and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars and lids.
  • Spill ready-made jam on the banks and roll up.
  • Unusual jam Orange peel curls - recipe with video instructions

    You can make a beautiful jam from sweet oranges with peel by folding them in an unusual curl shape. The following recipe will tell you step by step how to prepare such an original and delicious sweetness.

    Video recipe for making orange curls jam

    IN next video The author explains in detail how orange peels should be prepared so that they can be preserved in the form of curls. With simple instructions, it won't be difficult to learn how to make orange zest jam quickly and easily.

    Healthy orange jam with ginger for the winter - recipe with photo instructions

    Adding ginger root to any jam allows you to include the maximum useful vitamins and elements. This preparation for the winter will help to deliciously and easily support the immune system of both children and adults. You can find out how to make healthy orange jam with ginger in the following recipe.

    Ingredients for a recipe for healthy orange jam for winter with the addition of ginger

    • oranges - 6 pcs.;
    • water - 6 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp;
    • ginger - 2 tbsp;
    • lemon - 1 pc.

    Photo instructions for making winter jam from oranges and ginger

  • Wash the oranges and cut into pieces.
  • Place the oranges in a saucepan and add water.
  • Add lemon juice and zest and simmer the mixture over low heat for 40 minutes. Then add sugar and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Roll up the finished sweet.
  • Simple five-minute orange jam with lemon - step-by-step recipe

    If you sterilize jars of jam before sealing, then it is not necessary to boil citrus fruits for a long time. The five-minute recipe below will tell you how to prepare simple jam with orange and lemon step by step.

    List of ingredients for making five-minute jam from lemons and oranges

    • lemon - 2 pcs.;
    • orange - 3 pcs.;
    • pectin - 1 package (20-30 g);
    • water - 1.5 tbsp;
    • bourbon - 1/4 cup;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp.

    Step-by-step five-minute recipe for making orange jam with lemons

  • Peel oranges and lemons, remove membranes and seeds.
  • Place the citrus fruits and chopped peel into a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.
  • Add bourbon, pectin, sugar.
  • Boil the mixture over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the jam into jars.
  • Sterilize jars for 5 minutes.
  • Which orange jam goes with buttercream and crispy cantuccini - video recipe

    Many housewives are looking for unusual recipes orange jam, which is suitable as an additive to tea and baked goods. The following recipe tells you step by step the rules for preparing universal Italian jam with oranges.

    Recipe with video of making orange jam, combined with cantuccini and cream

    This video shows how to make orange jam with pumpkin. The combination of such ingredients allows you to obtain a healthy and tasty sweetness that will optimally complement Italian cantuccini croutons and will go well with butter cream.

    Sweet orange jam Curls from peels, simple sweets made from the pulp and peel of citrus fruits are excellent for preventing colds in winter. In addition, cook vitamin dessert possible with others healthy ingredients: lemon, ginger. For fans original additives For tea, we recommend watching the video instructions, which describe the process of making Italian jam, which goes well with both butter cream and crispy cantuccini. If the hostess does not have time to spend a long time preparing the zakatka, then a recipe that includes fast cooking ingredients. Five-minute instructions will make it easy to do useful preparations for the whole family.

    Post Views: 13

    Making orange jam is possible at any time of the year, since you can buy the ingredients necessary for jam at any time. You can cook at any time fresh jam and please your beloved household members.

    Orange jam can be prepared using several recipes. Considered the easiest this recipe, where the main ingredients are the oranges themselves.

    To make regular jam from oranges alone, we will need:

    • 1 kg of oranges;
    • 1.5 kg sugar;
    • 2 glasses of water;
    • 3 tbsp. l. orange zest.

    Before you start cooking, you need to thoroughly wash all the oranges, wipe, dry, peel and divide into slices. So that the seeds do not interfere with the jam when consumed, it is advisable to remove them. We also remove hard veins. After the oranges have been prepared, cut each segment into 2 parts.

    For the base of the jam you need to boil sugar syrup. It is prepared in an enamel pan using water and sugar, boiled until the sugar dissolves and the syrup is thick.

    After the syrup has been prepared, place the chopped orange slices and chopped zest into the pan. When the jam starts to boil, remove the film. Then cook for about another two hours without a lid, over low heat, stirring occasionally.

    Remove the jam from the stove, cool and repeat the cooking operation two more times. As soon as it has been boiled for the third time, remove the jam from the stove, cool well and pour into pre-prepared sterilized jars and seal with lids.

    You can add spices to this jam: cloves, black pepper, cinnamon or cardamom. A refined taste it will be enhanced by the addition of nuts, mainly almonds, but you can use any others.

    Just before adding nuts to the mixture during cooking, they should be washed and soaked overnight in cold water so that they become a little softer and you can feel the jam in the jam itself. pleasant taste and additional aroma. Nuts can be finely chopped and grated fine grater or grind in a blender.

    This jam turns out to be quite thick and is used as a filling for text products. It will also become tasty addition to cottage cheese and porridge.

    From the remaining oranges you can make a delicious homemade, which will give cheerfulness and good mood even on a cold winter day.

    Orange jam with ginger

    Ginger is very beneficial for our body. It contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins that saturate the body and make it resistant to various colds. Therefore, preparing orange jam with the addition of ginger will not only be healthy, but also very tasty.

    Preparing the following ingredients:

    • 1 kg of oranges;
    • 2 medium lemons;
    • 300 g ginger root;
    • 1.5 kg sugar;
    • 2 glasses of water, then the jam will not be too thick. For those who like a thicker consistency, one glass of water will be enough.

    First, prepare oranges, lemons and ginger root. We thoroughly wash and dry everything. Remove the zest from oranges using a vegetable peeler, the most quick way. It is most convenient to remove the zest from lemons using a regular grater. It is advisable not to remove the white pulp from oranges, since thanks to it, the jam turns out to be the thickest, but from lemons this pulp must be removed, as it is quite bitter and can ruin all the jam for you. Peel the ginger and finely grate it on the same grater.

    Finely chop the oranges, zest and lemons, and if you want jam instead of jam, use a blender to chop.

    Pour water into an enamel pan. Place oranges, lemons and ginger in layers, sprinkling sugar on each layer. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.

    Bring to a boil and cook over low heat. Then put the resulting thicken into sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

    This jam will be perfectly used to strengthen the immune system in winter and seasonal seasons, as well as in the prevention and treatment of colds.

    No less effective means to improve well-being and increase immunity in winter, serves, which can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

    Orange and gooseberry jam

    There are two types of making orange and gooseberry jam. The first is the so-called raw jam, which does not require cooking. Secondly, it is subjected to heat treatment. We suggest experimenting and making jam using one or another recipe.

    To make raw jam you will need:

    • 1 orange;
    • 1 kg gooseberries;
    • 1 kg sugar.

    Cooking process:

    Wash and dry the oranges, peel and remove any seeds. Wash the gooseberries, removing the stem. Grind the prepared ingredients using a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

    Transfer the crushed pulp into a deep dish, add sugar and mix thoroughly until the granulated sugar dissolves.

    After the sugar has dissolved, the jam obtained in this way is poured into sterilized jars, closed with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator.

    The shelf life of this jam is not long, so those with a sweet tooth will have to consume it first.

    Also, without a doubt, your family and friends will like it.

    Jam for long-term storage

    For long-term storage The jam must still be cooked. Therefore, the second version of the recipe is more convenient and practical.

    The following products will be needed:

    • 1 kg of oranges;
    • 1.5 kg gooseberries;
    • 1.5 kg sugar;

    Cooking process:

    Wash the oranges, cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds and grind together with the peel using a meat grinder. Also mince the gooseberries. Place everything in a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. It is necessary to stir periodically. As soon as the jam mass boils, reduce the heat, cook for another 10 minutes and remove from the stove.

    The jam should brew, and then you can continue cooking a second time for only 15 minutes.

    Pour hot into jars. The jam will be delicious and aromatic!

    Orange jam with apricots

    The apricot itself is very juicy, sweet and aromatic fruit. As a companion to orange jam, it gains even more bright aroma and indescribable taste.

    To make this jam, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 2 kg apricots;
    • 0.5 kg of oranges;
    • 1 kg sugar.

    For jam, you need to purchase ripe, but not overripe apricots. The bones should separate well.

    Cooking process:

    Rinse the apricots and dry them on a towel, then divide them into two parts and remove the pits. Do not throw away the seeds, as they will also be used to make jam. Place the apricots on the bottom of the pan and cover with granulated sugar.

    Wash the oranges thoroughly and cut into rings along with the peel, removing the seeds. Place the oranges on top of the apricots and also sprinkle with sugar.

    Chop all the apricot pits and remove the kernels. Despite the fact that the kernels are bitter when raw, when they are cooked they will taste like jam. unique taste. Grind the apricot kernels and add to the rest of the ingredients in the pan.

    Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a towel and leave for half an hour so that the sugar begins to dissolve and saturate the apricots and oranges.

    Once the apricots have released their juice, place the pan over moderate heat and stir occasionally, remembering to skim off the foam. The foam must be removed with a wooden slotted spoon.

    As soon as the foam disappears and the jam begins to bubble, remove from the stove and cool.

    Again, after 5 hours, put the pan on the stove. Cook over low heat for exactly an hour, remove from the stove.

    Pour the jam into jars, seal and turn the lid down until it cools completely.

    The jam turns out very tasty. It will become a wonderful addition for porridge, cottage cheese, sandwiches, you can also use it as a filling for sweet pies.

    Orange jam with young carrots

    To prepare such an unusual jam you need to prepare:

    • 750 gr. granulated sugar;
    • 600 gr. oranges;
    • 500 gr. young carrots;
    • 2 lemons;

    Cooking process:

    Rinse the lemons well and dry on a towel. Cut the zest from them and grind in a blender or using a meat grinder. Divide the lemons into several parts for convenience. Remove all seeds from the slices. Place the chopped slices in a bag made of gauze and carefully squeeze lemon juice out of them.

    Wash the oranges thoroughly, dry, peel, cut into slices, remove the seeds. Using a gauze bag, also squeeze out the juice, as you did with a lemon.

    Do not throw away lemon and orange pits. Place in the same gauze bag.

    Take young carrots, rinse under running water, peel and cut into thin slices. If desired, you can chop the carrots by passing them through a meat grinder or using a blender. This point is a matter of taste.

    After the carrots are cut, place them in an enamel pan along with the lemon zest.

    Pour lemon juice on top orange juice. Place the bag of seeds in the pan. Place everything on moderate heat and remember to stir constantly so that nothing burns. Cook until the lemon zest softens. Then take out the bag with the seeds and add sugar.

    Continue cooking for about an hour, stirring, remembering to remove the foam.

    As a result, pour the resulting tasty hot delicacy into jars. Seal with lids and place in a dark place, bottom up, until completely cooled.

    Such jam is less expensive in terms of cost, but at the same time it is not inferior to other types of jam in its taste.

    We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.
