How to brew da hong pao. Da Hong Pao tea - the pearl of Chinese tradition

Da Hong Pao (Dahongpao) is Chinese tea with a sweetish aroma and characteristic unique fruity and woody notes. This is very strong tea, but as a rule, without the bitterness inherent in such tea.

Da Hong Pao is the most expensive Chinese tea, which is sold all over the world and is served to honored guests in China itself. It is known for its long history with imperial roots. Today there are only a few real old bushes of this tea left, which are protected by the state. Most tea bushes are grown from cuttings taken from old tea bushes. What kind of tea is this, how is it useful, what are the benefits of drinking it.

What is Da Hong Pao tea description

China is the birthplace of many tea drinks. We are accustomed to tea from different parts of the world, black or green, as the most popular of all types of tea. But China boasts several exclusive types of tea, among which Yes tea occupies a special place hong pao.

The tea bushes from which the leaves for this drink are collected grow in Fujian province, more precisely in the Wuyi Mountains. It refers to semi-fermented oolong tea.

Mount Wuyi is famous for its tea plantations located in the valley along the river and on the mountain slopes. In fact, Da Hong Pao tea is the one whose tea bushes grow on mountain cliffs. This tea is processed according to traditional technology, which includes fermentation and roasting, which allows you to reveal the full aroma and taste of this tea.

To obtain this tea, young branches with several developed leaves, which are tightly curled along the axis, are collected. This is the main distinctive feature Wuyi mountain tea, for which it is also called “dragon tail”.

As a result of fermentation, the dark green leaves take on a brownish-green hue.

Da Hong Pao is a fairly strong tea with moderate astringency and velvety taste. Tea can be brewed several times. After each brewing, its leaves return to a dark green color.

Brewed tea has a dark brown or bright amber color. The aroma of tea is deep and varies depending on the frequency of brewing. It usually lacks bitterness and excessive astringency, but notes of roasting are clearly felt.

Many call it tea for men, but women also drink it with pleasure.

Benefits of Da Hong Pao tea

When researching chemical composition About 400 teas were found in it nutrients, among which stand out:

Vitamins: C, E, K, group B, D;

Micro and macroelements: iron, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium and some others;

Polyphenolic compounds;



Polyphenolic compounds help break down fat and remove it from the body, which improves metabolism. In turn, this affects weight and allows you to maintain it at an optimal level.

Flavonoids, as antioxidant compounds, prevent premature aging, improve tissue regeneration, and neutralize the oxidative effect of free radicals.

Da Hong Pao tea beneficial properties

As a drink rich in natural polyphenols and antioxidants, it has many beneficial properties. Its use may bring great benefit for the body and human health.

Here are some of the properties of Da Hong Pao tea.

Improves digestion

Excessive overeating, poor digestion, and sluggish intestines can lead to various digestive system disorders: constipation, bloating, stomach and intestinal problems. Nice cup warm tea may come to the rescue. Antioxidants and caffeine help improve metabolism, promoting better digestion of food. In this case, nutrients are better absorbed in the intestines, and harmful ones are removed from the body.

Heart Health

Regular consumption of this tea drink will have positive influence on cardiovascular system. The polyphenols present in the drink will help lower blood cholesterol levels. In turn, this can prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and many associated diseases, including stroke or ischemia.

Important! If you have heart problems or have had surgery on this organ, you should first consult a doctor, as tea contains caffeine.

The immune system

Why do we drink a cup of hot tea when we are sick? Right! After a warm delicious tea we start to feel much better.

But hot tea It doesn’t just warm us up when we have a cold, but gives our body a portion of useful nutrients that help us cope with the disease faster.

Antioxidants, in addition to the vitamins and minerals contained in tea, can restore and strengthen our immune system, protect in the future from diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

There are suggestions that Da Hongpao tea may prevent damage to the body at the cellular level. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which can cause cancer cell growth.

Healthy skin

The antioxidants present in this tea are essential to counteract the effects of premature aging. Drinking Da Hong Pao tea on a regular basis can help get rid of dark spots, rough skin, even a few wrinkles.

This tea is said to be beneficial for reversing the aging process because a large number of Antioxidants, which are especially high in oolong tea, help fight environmental stress and pollution that can damage the skin.

Da Hong Pao tea for weight loss

Tea improves metabolic rate and can become in a great way for weight loss. Use healthy food with simultaneous regular use tea improves the functioning of the digestive system, promotes the breakdown of fats and rids the body of harmful substances.

At the same time, the presence of caffeine increases energy potential. Performing physical exercises to supplement proper nutrition, will help normalize weight faster.

Da Hong Pao tea effect

Compared to other teas, this tea contains a moderate amount of caffeine, which will help you stay alert and focused throughout the day. The caffeine in this tea is released into the bloodstream more slowly and its effects last longer compared to coffee.

At the same time, it contains L-theanine, which has a calming effect. nervous system. In general, this is a type of tea that is both calming and energizing.

How Da Hong Pao tea is made

To obtain semi-fermented Da Hongpao tea, it must go through several stages of processing in order to be considered high-grade. aromatic drink with wonderful taste.

To obtain tea leaves premium it meets only a few days a year, between 1 and 15 May. They pick a young twig with one or two leaves, but no more than four.

After collection, it is unfolded and left to dry in the sun or in a well-ventilated area.

The leaves are then slightly crumpled, in most cases by hand. Sometimes rotating drums may be used for this purpose.

At this stage, the leaf releases some of its moisture, which speeds up the fermentation process.

Crinkling also helps remove some of the bitterness and produces a balanced aroma from the tea leaves.

Tea leaf oxidation occurs to approximately 40 percent. The leaves begin to change their color from green to reddish, and a floral and fruity aroma begins to develop.

After going through the fermentation process tea leaf squeezed out and sent for frying. Roasting stops the fermentation process.

After roasting, rolling occurs, which helps further enhance the taste of the tea.

After twisting, it is sent to dry. Previously, it was dried in the sun. Today technology came to the rescue. This step finally stops any oxidation.

The last stage is roasting the tea leaves charcoal. Today, electricity can be used at this stage. This treatment gives the tea a smoky, fruity aroma that lasts for a long aftertaste.

How to brew Da Hong Pao tea correctly

Brewing this tea is no more difficult than any other. But you still need to observe and adhere to several rules.


Traditionally, this tea is brewed in a small teapot. This allows you to drink all the tea throughout the day.

Buy cups white to fully enjoy beautiful color brewed drink.

The best water temperature for brewing tea is 90-95 degrees. Take one and a half to two teaspoons of tea leaves per 250 ml of water.

Pour over the tea a small amount boiling water and hold for about 5 seconds. Then drain this water. The purpose of this procedure is to wet the tea leaves, not to brew them.

Now bring the water temperature to the desired temperature and pour in the tea.

As already noted, this tea can be brewed several times. For the first and second brews, leave for about 1 minute.

To brew again, you need to completely use the previous brew.

For each subsequent brew, add a 30-60 second dwell time.

Once you become more familiar with the taste of this tea, you will be able to regulate the amount of tea leaves and brewing time yourself, depending on whether you want a stronger or weaker drink.

This tea has a beautiful bright orange color, similar to peach, and has a characteristic floral-woody aroma with a slight bitterness and sourness. It leaves behind a long aftertaste.

How much caffeine is in Da Hong Pao

The level of caffeine in tea varies depending on the year of harvest and growing conditions. tea bush. It may also depend on what leaves the tea is made of, whether it contains more young buds or leaves. All these aspects must be taken into account when brewing.

In general, it is believed that this tea has less caffeine than traditional black tea and even coffee.

While caffeine can be beneficial, too much caffeine can cause some unwanted side effects.

People sensitive to caffeine may experience headaches, nervousness, and trouble sleeping.

Too much high content caffeine or even moderate amounts may be harmful to pregnant women. If you are breastfeeding, you should also consult your pediatrician about how many cups of tea you can drink per day.

Da Hong Pao tea history

In China, most branded products have their own mysterious history. Da Hong Pao tea is no exception. Translated from Chinese name tea may be like “Big Red Robe.” You can also find other versions: “Red Hood”, “Big Red Robe”, “Big Red Cloak”.

There are two legends associated with the name of this type of oolong. One is with a sick scientist. The other is with the emperor’s sick mother.

According to the first legend, a young scientist heading to the capital to take the imperial exam became seriously ill on the way. In this regard, he was forced to stay in a monastery. The monks gave him their tea so that he could get better.

Having successfully passed the exam and received a position that gave him the right to wear a red robe, the scientist returned to the monastery to thank the monks and give them a large red robe. But the monks refused such a generous gift, and then the scientist covered the tea bushes with a mantle.

The second legend says that the emperor’s mother fell ill and could only be cured with this tea. In gratitude for this, the emperor sent large red robes to cover the bushes from which the tea was collected.

Whatever the history, one thing is for sure, the original tea bushes date back several centuries and the tea leaves were originally collected by monks to prepare their tea. healing drink. They continue to grow today, delighting us with delicious tea. And not only. It is also a tourist attraction that many people want to see with their own eyes.

Since 2006, picking tea from these old bushes has been prohibited in order to preserve them. All Da Hong Pao tea comes from tea bushes grown from cuttings of real bushes. This tea is more affordable than real tea, which can be worth its weight in gold. For example, tea from original old bushes can cost up to a million dollars per kilogram.

In 1998, 20 grams of this tea was sold for 156.8 thousand yen.

Many companies invest their funds in growing this tea, since initially there was always a high price for it. This is explained not only by the promotion of the brand, but also by the high cost. After all, most operations are carried out manually.

Of course, tea grown even from real cuttings, but in different conditions, with different soil, differs in its taste from the original one obtained in the Fujian region. But it still remains the most expensive variety tea all over the world.

Another legend about tea, where it grows and how it is produced

How to brew Da Hongpao tea correctly

According to the class of tea, “Big Red Robe” belongs to oolong, so when preparing this drink, the rules for brewing oolong are taken as a basis.

Features of brewing Da Hong Pao

To brew this noble drink It is recommended to use filtered or spring water: plain water from the tap will not work, as it will ruin the taste of even the most quality tea. The taste and beneficial properties of tea directly depend on the water used to brew this drink. The optimal water temperature is 90°C - 93°C. Under no circumstances should you use boiling water to brew tea leaves: too much heat will destroy most of useful properties oolong

Da Hong Pao is usually brewed in a porcelain, clay or glass teapot, or in a gaiwan. It is advisable that the volume of the brewing container be 180-200 ml (it is recommended to take 5-7 g of dry tea for the amount of water). Before brewing, the teapot or gaiwan should be warmed up well: to do this, fill the bowl with hot water and drain it after 40-50 seconds.

Tea brewing process

Brew the “Big Red Robe” 5-7 times. Zero brewing awakens the tea and cleanses it of all sorts of unnecessary impurities that can get into the raw material during tea production and storage. This procedure is performed as follows: dry raw materials are poured hot water and immediately drain the tea leaves. This drink does not need to be poured into the sink: it is used to warm tea bowls and Cha Hai.

After zero brewing, you should wait 2-3 minutes: during this time the tea leaves will “open” a little. Then Da Hong Pao is poured with hot water, kept for 30-40 seconds and the drink is poured into Cha Hai, and from there the tea is poured into bowls. As a rule, the first infusion is different spicy aroma And mild taste.

The time for subsequent spills is increased by 20-30 seconds. Moreover, after each such brewing, the “Big Red Robe” will appear with new notes of aroma and amazing flavor shades (there will be sweetish notes of vanilla, and a fruity aroma, and the fragrance of flowers, and honey shades). If after the next brew it seems that the drink has become weak, you can try increasing the time of the next brew by 1-2 minutes.

Undoubtedly, with such tea drinking, the energy of Cha Qi tea will pleasantly envelop every cell of the body, relieving stress and giving peace and tranquility.

Dried leaves Brown in color with a hint of green and red, the rich taste changes with each new brew from tart to sweet taste with fruity undertones: Da Hong Pao has charmed the hearts of millions of people. Where did this wonderful drink come from, what are the traditions associated with it, and how to drink Da Hong Pao tea correctly?

Origin story of Da Hong Pao

The history of the origin of Da Hong Pao tea is shrouded in mystery. There are many legends about him. One of them says that Da Hong Pao tea is a tea bush with the help of which the mother of a certain emperor from the Ming dynasty was cured. Translated from Chinese, Da Hong Pao is a big red robe. After the mother was cured, the emperor ordered the four tea bushes to be wrapped in red robes as a sign of gratitude. After this story, Da Hong Pao tea gained wide popularity not only in China, but throughout the world.

The second legend is associated with the name Ding Xian. As a student, Ding Xian walked past the Tian Xin Si Monastery to take exams in 1385. It was very hot and the student suffered sunstroke. The monks from the monastery prepared tea and treated the student with it. He set out again, and subsequently successfully passed the exams and received an important position, which corresponded to a red robe with an image of a dragon. Ding Xian gave this robe to the monks, but according to the traditions of Buddhism, they could not accept the gift. Then the official put a robe on the tea bush, which is why the tea received the name Da Hong Pao.

Other legends are not widespread.

How to drink Da Hong Pao correctly

There are several rules on how to drink Da Hong Pao tea correctly. The tradition of drinking tea with the Big Red Robe is somewhat different.

  • Da Hong Pao tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, as it can cool the spleen and stomach;
  • Unlike other types of tea, Da Hong Pao cannot be drunk hot. But they don’t drink it cold either. Ideal temperature for tea drinking - 56 degrees;
  • Da Hong Pao tea should not be brewed for a long time. The brewing time is counted in seconds;
  • The first brew of tea is not drunk; tea drinking begins only with the second brew.
  • It is customary to drink Da Hong Pao only in good mood. They say that you cannot drink it “on an empty heart.” Pour the drink into cups that are kept in right hand. Tea drinking is a real ceremony. It is customary to drink tea without haste, in small sips, to enjoy the delicious taste and wonderful aroma.

Da Hong Pao is a tea to which it is not customary to add sugar or lemon, because the drink already has a pleasant rich taste. But if you do drink tea with sugar, then you need to do it correctly. To stir the sugar, use a teaspoon. It is indecent to scrape sugar from the bottom of the sugar bowl. After the sugar has dissolved in the tea, it is customary to place the spoon on the table.

While drinking tea, you should not watch TV or read. A quiet, calm melody is ideal to create a cozy atmosphere for a tea ceremony.

Initially, Da Hong Pao was drunk only in China, which is considered the birthplace of this tea. Thanks to its unusual, changing taste and aroma, the drink gradually spread throughout all countries, and in China, extensive tea plantations began to be created for the cultivation of Da Hong Pao.

Varieties of Da Hong Pao tea

The taste of Da Hong Pao may vary. Varieties of tea are distinguished by the taste of the drink. And the taste depends on the climatic conditions in which it grows. tea taste, and on the type of processing of tea leaves.

Tea leaves provide a variety of taste sensations due to their composition, which differs depending on the region where the bushes grow. Soil, humidity level, temperature - everything affects. The more leaves contain microelements found in the soil, the higher the grade of tea.

Tea experts in China claim that the Da Hong Pao tea bush does not exist as such. They say that Da Hong Pao is a mixture of other teas. There are the following types of this drink:

  • Qingxiang Da Hong Pao;
  • Nunxiang Da Hong Pao.

The first type of drink has a deep taste, while the second is lighter. Tea experts say that in the first case, the tea collection contains more Shuixian, and in the second - Zhougui.

Useful properties of Da Hong Pao

Da Hong Pao tea is good not only exquisite taste, but also how it affects the body. Already from the legends about the origin of this tea it is clear that it has healing powers. This is true, Da Hong Pao:

  • Increases the body's resistance to pathogens by stimulating the proliferation of spleen lymphocytes;
  • Tea leaves are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that turn back time. By improving blood composition and neutralizing the effects of free radicals, Da Hong Pao delays the human aging process;
  • Powerful antioxidants, when entering the body, prevent the development of malignant tumors. Tea drinkers are less likely to get cancer;
  • Da Hong Pao makes the body more beautiful by improving the health of the whole body. The content of cholesterol, lipids and triglycerides in the blood decreases;
  • Tea has a beneficial effect on dental health. Diseases oral cavity prevent fluorides contained in Da Hong Pao tea leaves.

Fans of Da Hong Pao tea claim that it has helped them reduce excess weight and normalize metabolism.

How to brew Da Hong Pao

Before brewing tea, you need to ensure the quality of the raw materials. Dried leaves should be brown in color with hints of red and green. It must come from them pleasant aroma, they must be dry, without traces of mold. To enjoy the taste and aroma of Da Hong Pao, you need to know how to brew it correctly:

A kettle of water is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees. It is very important not to overheat the water, otherwise the taste of the drink will greatly change. But tea will not be able to transfer its properties to water with a lower temperature. unique taste and aroma. The water should not be tap water (it contains many impurities that change the taste of the drink), but spring water;

To brew Da Hong Pao, you must use a clay or porcelain teapot with thick walls. It is desirable that the cups are made of the same material. The teapot and cups are rinsed with boiling water to warm them up: due to temperature changes, Da Hong Pao changes its taste;

The tea leaves are poured into the teapot at the rate of one teaspoon of leaves per cup of drink. If there are broken and shredded leaves, they are laid down and covered with whole leaves on top. In this case, small leaves will not spill out of the kettle;

Heated water is poured into a teapot with tea leaves and exactly 5 seconds are counted, then the water is drained;
When re-infusion, water is poured a little over the edge and the leaves are left to infuse for three minutes;
When the tea is steeped, it is poured into cups and drunk;

You can brew Da Hong Pao up to 7-8 times. Each time the drink will change the taste, color and aroma for which it is so valued. But with each subsequent brew, the infusion time is increased by 20 seconds.

Da Hong Pao tea is rightfully recognized as the pearl of the tea tradition in China. It is created to warm the soul in any weather. The drink relaxes well, improves health and gives a slight feeling of euphoria.

Enjoy your tea!

  1. 1. Tea – only necessary fresh tea, which was stored correctly - in airtight, non-transparent packaging! Old tea may not give a complete picture of the taste sensations from drinking tea.
  2. 2. Pure water– It is advisable to use bottled or filtered water. Using tap water can kill the taste and aroma of tea.
  3. 3. Utensils for brewing - of course, special tea utensils will be a plus, but if you don’t have one, you can get by with an ordinary mug.

Dahongpao can be brewed different ways using: gaiwan, flask, teapot or mug.

When brewing using any of the above methods, it is advisable for you to adhere to a few simple recommendations:

  1. 1. Use 7-10 grams of tea per 150-200 milliliters. For one-time brewing in a mug, use 1 teaspoon of tea.
  2. 2. Water temperature 90 degrees.
  3. 3. Zero brewing - the tea must be rinsed before the main brewing.
  4. 4. With each brew, the brewing time increases until the tea leaf stops giving off color and taste.

How to brew the Big Red Robe in a mug:

Not everyone has the opportunity to always use special tea utensils for brewing; for example, at work or friends may simply not have it. Therefore, we will describe point by point how to properly brew Da Hong Pao in a mug.

  1. 1. Boil the kettle and leave to cool to the required 90 degrees, just wait a few minutes.
  2. 2. Warm up the mug, just rinse with boiling water.
  3. 3. Pour 1 teaspoon of Dahongpao tea into a mug.
  4. 4. Rinse the tea, simply add hot water, wait a few seconds and drain. All tea is ready to brew.
  5. 5. Pour hot water over the tea, wait about 2-3 minutes.
  6. 6. Enjoy your tea!

How to brew Da Hong Pao correctly:

By correct brewing, you need to understand the use of special tea utensils.

Water preparation:

Boil the kettle and leave to cool to 90 degrees. While it's cooling, let's prepare the dishes...

Preparing tea utensils:

Before brewing, warm up the dishes, just pour boiling water over them. In addition to heating, you will remove dust particles that have settled on the bottom of the dish.

Preparing tea - zero brewing:

Pour the tea into a brewing container and fill it with hot water (90 degrees). Wait 30 seconds and drain every last drop. We don’t drink zero brew! It is designed to open and wash the tea leaves.

First brew of Dahunpao:

You can already feel how deep the aroma of this legendary tea fills space? Lift the lid of the teapot and inhale the aroma, enjoy it. Of course, in order to fully enjoy and understand the aroma of Da Hong Pao, you need to buy fresh and high-quality tea.

When brewing for the first time, fill the container with hot water and wait about a minute, then pour into bowls or mugs. It is advisable to use miniature dishes, so you can feel the full value of the product. It’s not for nothing that Da Hong Pao tea is considered the most expensive tea in the world!

Second brew of Da Hong Pao:

With the second brew, you don’t need to do anything new, everything is the same as with the first. Hot water, a minute of time and tea drink ready. It's up to you to decide how long to brew. A minute is just a guideline. If you decide to brew Dahongpao for thirty seconds, it won’t make it any worse. The strength, taste and aroma of the tea will change slightly.

Third brew:

For the third brew, we repeat everything the same as for the first and second. During the third brew, the Big Red Robe should show itself in all its glory. Enjoy the drink, inhale the aroma, try to catch the different notes of the aftertaste.

Fourth brew:

Everything is the same... You have already learned how to brew Da Hong Pao correctly! Invent your own perfect way brewing! Decide on the amount of tea, use time and experiment. And soon you will discover perfectly cooked Da Hongpao!

The fifth brew and all subsequent ones:

It may be worth increasing the brewing time, or perhaps not. While the tea gives off color and taste, don’t stop.

A variety from the oolong family with centuries-old history. The name translates as Big Red Robe, the raw materials for tea are collected exclusively on the slopes of Mount Wuyi in Fujian province. The taste of the drink is soft, with a fruity and slightly sweet aftertaste. A real delight for connoisseurs elite tea- Da Hong Pao variety. How to brew it correctly and what are the features of this tea, we will consider further.

History of the appearance of the variety

The unusual name of the drink is associated with a legend. At the end of the 14th century, a Chinese graduate of an elite school was on his way to an imperial test in Beijing, but on the way through the mountains he felt ill. The monk he met calmed the young man, made him tea, and soon the signs of illness disappeared. The young man arrived for the exam on time and took an important post, receiving the attribute of an official - a red robe. In gratitude for the miraculous healing, he presented his robe as a gift to the monk, but he refused. Then the guy wrapped his robe around the bush from which the same tea was plucked.

Now there are only 6 left, from which we received legendary drink. However, it was decided that all representatives of the tea culture on the slopes of Mount Wuyi Shan have the right to be called Da Hong Pao.

Characteristics of Da Hong Pao

Big Red Robe belongs to the category of elite teas; its price in stores starts from $20 per 100 g, and leaves from the legendary, oldest bushes are not allowed for sale at all. The price of this variety increases if the leaves were collected from mature plants: it is believed that over the years the raw materials become more saturated and useful.

Tea leaves are collected by hand and spread in a thin layer to dry. After a day, the excess moisture evaporates, the raw materials are fermented, the juice is squeezed out of the leaves, and they are allowed to sit for a while. Then the oolong is fried in a cauldron and kept slightly warm over the coals. The last stage before packaging is “resting” for a month, after which Da Hong Pao acquires a slightly sweet taste with smoky and nutty notes. Tea leaves of high-quality tea have the shape of a naturally twisted leaf and a greenish-brown color with a characteristic aroma.

Brewed tea of ​​this variety has the following properties:

  • tones the body, quickly relieves fatigue;
  • normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on internal organs and systems;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, promotes the removal of waste and toxins;
  • a slight diuretic effect is noticeable;
  • improves digestion, useful for complex weight loss;
  • prevents oncological tumors;
  • strengthens the immune system.

It is recommended to drink Da Hong Pao in a calm environment, as its use relaxes the nervous system and causes a feeling of mild euphoria, similar to the superficial effect of intoxication. Due to this feature, people sometimes wonder how to brew Da Hong Pao so that it sticks. Frankly speaking, in relation to such noble tea this question sounds rude, even blasphemous. The Big Red Robe variety provides exceptional spiritual pleasure, distracting from everyday worries.

In order for Da Hong Pao to fully reveal itself, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Always use good water. Ideal option Melt or spring water is considered, but bottled water is also suitable. Filtered water can be used if it does not have a bitter taste after purification. The main thing is not to use tap liquid, as it will significantly distort the bouquet.
  2. Tea is brewed with almost boiling water, the water temperature should be within 90-95 o C. Repeated boiling is unacceptable, since the water will cease to be “alive”, the effect and taste sensations from the tea will not be the same.
  3. Use clay, glass or porcelain dishes that retain heat well. After brewing, it is recommended to rinse the kettle with running water without using detergents. For each type of oolong, it is advisable to purchase a separate brewing vessel.
  4. For one tea ceremony for two people, 3-5 g of dry tea (equivalent to a full teaspoon) is enough.
  5. Improper storage affects the effect and taste of the product. Basic storage conditions - dense clay, glass or can with a lid and a dark place.

We drink the drink slowly from small cups or bowls in order to fully appreciate the aftertaste of the tea and its healing effect on the body.

How to brew Da Hong Pao

If you have already purchased Da Hong Pao and are looking for how to brew this noble oolong, we will tell you about the preparation procedure magic drink. Of course, we are not talking about a tea ceremony, which requires several hours of free time. But to create a peaceful mood in the company of a loved one and reveal the full spectrum of taste of the Big Red Robe, it will be enough to carry out the following actions:

  1. Prepare the dishes required amount tea (3-5 g) and boiling water.
  2. Pour boiling water over the teapot to warm it up.
  3. Place the tea leaves in a brewing container and pour boiling water over it for just a few seconds. We immediately pour out the liquid, since this stage is needed to wash the leaves from dust and dirt.
  4. Now you can brew tea directly for drinking. Fill the tea leaves to the top with 100 ml hot water, to begin with, just infuse the drink for 10-15 seconds. The aromatic liquid is poured completely into the cups, the lid on the container with the tea leaves is slightly opened.
  5. In total, the Big Red Robe is brewed 7-8 times, with each subsequent brewing the infusion time should be extended by 10-15 seconds. The taste will change slightly after each repetition, revealing new facets.
