Dried fruit compote for babies. Dried fruit compote for infants

Except breast milk, small child It is recommended to gradually introduce other drinks into the diet - as plain water, as well as juices with compotes, which contribute to the development of the digestive system and satiation useful substances. One of the most popular drinks is dried fruit compote, which is quickly prepared from available ingredients.


Dried fruits are known to help replenish vitamin deficiencies in the body, especially in winter and autumn, when it is very difficult to get fresh and safe fruits. However, you cannot offer such a product in its usual form to a child under one year of age, but you can cook a wonderful compote. You can pre-dry the fruits yourself or purchase a ready-made mixture.

Benefits and harms

The main advantage of dried fruits is that consuming them allows you to quickly get enough of vitamins, which is especially important in childhood. Usually, dried fruits contain large amounts of calcium, potassium, iron and other elements responsible for the normal formation of the child’s body and the functioning of various systems. Compote will also be especially useful for infants, since the enzymes and pectins contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

If we talk about individual elements, we can note the following qualities:

  • banana is called a quick source of energy, and dried apricots are responsible for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body;
  • cherry fights bacteria and viruses and improves the functioning of the brain system;

  • prunes help relieve constipation and strengthen blood vessels;
  • pear removes from the body harmful substances, and also improves digestion;
  • apples can prevent the flu and help with food digestion;

  • raisins and figs have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and the latter also delivers Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids to the body;
  • dates increase endurance and promote a surge of strength.

Store-bought compotes made from dried fruits cause the most harm. Commercial fruits are often treated with sulfur to extend shelf life and improve appearance. Thus, the child may develop allergies or disorders respiratory system.Under no circumstances should you take those packages that are marked E from 220 to 226. Markings from 200 to 202 are less dangerous, but it is still better to buy those dried fruits that do not look tempting and have a short shelf life. In addition, you should definitely check for mold and mucus on the fruits.

Speaking of babies, harmful compote may find itself in situations where the child has an ulcer, gastritis or diabetes. You should also be wary of taking it if you are highly sensitive to the composition. Finally, you should not drink compote if you have diarrhea.

How to properly introduce it into complementary foods?

One month old baby Of course, you should not give anything other than breast milk and warm boiled water. However, at 6 months it’s time to think about compote. Of course, different children interact differently with new foods, so this time period is not constant.

Such complementary foods are allowed to be introduced when the age ranges from 3 months to 1 year. If the child is bottle-fed, then you can start giving him compote earlier than with breastfeeding. And of course, it is better to consult a specialist first. Dr. Komarovsky, for example, believes that complementary feeding should not be started earlier than six months.

Dried fruit compote should definitely be included in the menu when the child turns one year old. It is recommended to do this in winter, since there are no fresh fruits during this period. When preparing the drink, there is no need to add sugar, since the dried fruits themselves are quite sweet.

In the first days, the compote will have to be diluted drinking water(one part compote will require two parts water), and then, when children's body Once she gets used to it, her concentration will have to be gradually reduced. Sweet drink Usually they drink either during feeding or after it, using a tablespoon or a bottle of liquid.

It is better to start introducing the drink from one teaspoon in the morning. If no negative reactions appear during the day, then next time the volume can be increased.

By the way, compote of prunes and dried apricots is allowed only when the child is 5 months old. These dried fruits, especially in combination with raisins, will help improve the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines and relieve the child of constipation.

Of all possible dried fruits Dried apple is considered the best for beginnings, followed by pear. It is optimal to give a collection of dried fruits from 7 or 8 months, and after 9 months - with almost all fruits, with the exception of those to which allergic reactions are possible.

The drink is always served warm. Cold will not be so beneficial, and hot will simply burn the intestines. It is better to drink compote only once a day with a maximum volume of 180 milliliters. In addition, it is important to mention that for each meal the drink must be fresh, which means it will have to be brewed again. Therefore, you should not initially work with big amount dried fruits and volume of water.

It is important to mention that this drink will be very useful for vomiting, high temperature and intestinal disorders. It must be made from raisins and dried apricots or dried grapes and other types dried apricots. In the case when the baby pees often, an infusion of dried fruits will also come to the rescue.

How to cook?

When you are preparing dried fruit compote for a child for the first time, it is better to limit yourself to one type of ingredient. It’s correct when a child’s body gets used to first one new product, then another, and then to a mixture of them. In addition, you should immediately understand that you need to continue preparing the drink only if the baby does not have any allergic reactions or digestive problems.

In the case when compote needs to be made from fresh fruits, just ten minutes of boiling over low heat is enough. However, cooking from dried fruits requires more time - about thirty minutes. If children's drink If it turns out not sweet enough, you can use fructose, but only when the doctor approves of such an innovation.

As for proportions, usually about half a liter of water per 50 grams of dried fruit. You should be prepared that dried fruits will increase in volume during cooking. Cooking time depends on the fruit chosen, but they should always be immersed in boiling water. If you use pears with apples, then you will have to cook for half an hour, if you use raisins - only ten minutes. For all other fruits, as a rule, a third of an hour is enough. Upon completion of cooking, the drink is usually infused under the lid for about an hour.

Before serving, you will have to cool it and strain through a strainer.

Step-by-step cooking recipe apple compote The baby begins with proper washing of the fruit. At that time drinking water is brought to a boil, and pieces of apples are poured into it. You can brew the drink in a third of an hour.

You can also prepare a delicious compote using a thermos. To do this, the dried, washed slices are placed in a bowl and poured with a glass of boiling water. The thermos should be left closed overnight, and in the morning add another glass of just boiled water, and the total volume should be poured into the saucepan. At the next stage, the compote is brought to a boil and cooked for about ten minutes.

Sometimes a mixture of dried and fresh fruit is used, for example a few pieces fresh apples and pears, as well as prunes with dried apricots. In this case, the processed fruits are immersed in boiling water for ten minutes, and then the drink is infused and filtered. If the compote is made only from dried apricots, we must not forget about it pre-soaking. The washed pieces are immersed in heated water for five minutes. At this time, clean water is brought to a boil, and 100 grams of dried apricots should contain about a liter of water. The prepared dried apricots are placed in boiling water and cooked for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

Prunes are processed in a similar way, but in addition they must be chopped into halves. It stays in boiling water for about ten minutes, after which it is infused for thirty minutes.

When compote is made from raisins, two tablespoons of washed berries are added to a liter of boiling water. After ten minutes of active heat treatment the fire can be turned off. It is also possible to replace this procedure by infusing the drink overnight.

Finally, a handful of finished compote mixture first washed and soaked. At this time, a liter of water is brought to a boil, and dried fruits are poured into it. After cooking for about fifteen minutes, you can turn off the heat under the pan.

Dried fruits must first be soaked in cold water. Firstly, this is how they swell, and secondly, all harmful impurities and debris go to the bottom of the container. The fruits must be washed until the liquid used becomes clear.

The preparation of compote from dried apricots, raisins and prunes begins with the fact that 200 grams of fruits are poured hot water for five minutes. Then, in cooled water, the ingredients are carefully washed with your fingers so that all dust and debris are at the bottom. At this time, there is a quarter cup in the pan granulated sugar filled with a liter hot water, and everything is carefully mixed.

The washed dried fruits are poured into water, after which the compote is brought to a boil. The fruits will need to be boiled for a third of an hour. If the drink is being prepared for a baby, it can be diluted fruit mixture plain water so that there are two parts of water per part of the broth. In addition, it will be necessary to strain the resulting sediment.

To learn how to cook dried fruit compote, see the following video.

Compote will not only help diversify a child’s diet, but will also become a source of vitamins for the baby’s body.

At what age can an infant be given compote?

A baby's first acquaintance with compote can be made when he reaches six months of age. That is, at the same time when the first complementary foods are introduced.

If the child is on artificial or mixed method feeding, you can give him compote diluted with water a little earlier - at five or even four months.

For the first time, let the baby try a teaspoon of compote, then monitor the body’s reaction: are there any allergies, is everything okay with the tummy (is there constipation, diarrhea, bloating, colic).

If the baby’s body accepts the drink normally, you can gradually increase the portion to 30-60 ml at a time.

What is the best way to make compote for babies?

The first compote in a baby's life is best made from apples. To do this, you need to choose green varieties - they pose the least threat of allergies.

Later you can add a pear to the compote.

You can also make compote from dried apples. In the future, the compote can be diversified with other dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

You should avoid red fruits and berries (especially strawberries), as they are considered foods with a high likelihood of developing allergies.
For the same reason, you should not experiment with exotic fruits, especially with citrus fruits.

Compote for babies, recipe

The best option for preparing the first compote for a baby would be green apple.

Select quality fruit big size. Wash the apple thoroughly under running water.

Remove the core and cut the apple into slices or cubes - whatever you like.

Some experts also advise peeling the fruit, but in some recipes it is retained.

Place the chopped fruit in a saucepan, pour in 250 ml clean water, put on fire, covering with a lid.

After the water boils, wait five, maximum ten minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and, without removing the lid, leave the drink to infuse and cool.

Strain the cooled compote, after which you can safely give it to your baby.

After a couple of weeks, you can add, for example, a pear to the compote. In this case, take half a liter of water for one apple and pear.

Compote for a six-month-old baby does not need to be sweetened with sugar. For this purpose, you can add raisins to the drink. To do this, first wash it and then soak it in water for a while. You need to add it to boiling water.

In winter, you can cook compote from dried apples. Wash them first and soak them in water until they soften and swell. You need to throw dried fruits into boiling water, and cook this compote for at least 20 minutes, then leave to cool and infuse.

After successful experience With dried apple compote, you can add the same raisins and dried apricots to the recipe.

If your child suffers from constipation, you can prepare compote with prunes. But don't overdo your concentration.

Drinking liquids other than milk or formula is mandatory for a six-month-old child. At this age, the baby’s need for additional microelements and vitamins increases, which means it’s time to offer apple compote, cooked for babies, according to a simple recipe.

Why apples, you ask? It’s just that children’s bodies digest these fruits best and are less likely to experience

How to properly cook apple compote for babies?

If you still don’t know how to cook a simple apple compote for a baby, then we will teach you this simple task. It is advisable to buy ordinary, nondescript apples grown somewhere nearby, but not imported ones that fill supermarket shelves.

There are many recipes for making a baby’s first compote, which is easy to prepare from both fresh apples and dried fruits. A little later, when the child gets used to the new taste, it will be possible to add vitamin drink other fruits and berries.

The answer to the question of how long to cook apple compote for a baby also depends on the choice of raw materials. So, fresh fruits boil for no more than one minute, because otherwise all the vitamins will simply disappear under prolonged exposure to temperature. Dried apples will cook a little longer - about 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for fresh apple compote for babies

Very easy and quick to cook vitamin compote from fresh apples, which are on sale at any time of the year, although closer to spring the amount of vitamins in them decreases significantly, and then other types of compotes should be prepared for the baby.

  • apple – 1 piece;
  • water – 250 ml.

The apple should be washed thoroughly, and after cutting into slices, remove the core; it is not necessary to peel the skin. After pouring a glass of clean, cool water over the cut apple, bring it to a boil under a closed lid, boiling for about half a minute.

After that apple slices infuse and release their beneficial components into the drink. Sugar should not be added to compote for children under one year old. If you grind the cooled slices with a blender, you will get an excellent compote with pulp, which will be useful for children suffering from constipation.

Dried apple compote

Very rich in various microelements dried fruit, including apple. During periods of spring and winter vitamin deficiency, compotes made from it will be useful for the smallest children.

Ingredients: Preparation

To cook a compote of dried apples for a baby, you will need about a handful of dried apples. It must be rinsed thoroughly under running water, and then poured in for 15-20 minutes to swell. Pour water into a saucepan and add prepared apple slices, which should be cooked for 15 minutes, and then allowed to brew for at least half an hour.

We also suggest that you prepare such a healthy drink as for a child.

In the first year of a child's life, the foundation of his physical health is laid. One of the most important milestones during this period is organization. Experts have long been saying that until 4-6 months of age, it is advisable to feed a baby exclusively with mother’s milk, since it is best absorbed by immature milk. gastrointestinal tract newborn, contains all the vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for him required concentration, as well as maternal antibodies that protect the baby from external infections.

But the child grows quickly, actively develops, his body begins to produce new enzymes, so after 6 months it is not only possible, but also necessary to introduce new products into the baby’s diet, including drinks - teas, infusions, juices and compotes. In our article we will figure out when you can give compote to a child and how to cook it correctly.

When is it allowed to be included in the diet?

Many mothers are interested in how many months they can start giving infant compote? Healthy full-term babies can start giving compotes as early as 4 months. If a child suffers from a digestive disorder, for example, regurgitates a lot, poops frequently (more than 3 times a day), or his stool is too runny and green, then new drinks should be introduced into the diet later.

When creating a menu for premature or low birth weight infants, you need to approach it with extreme caution, and it is better to introduce compotes into their diet no earlier than 6 months.

For the first time, give your baby a teaspoon of fruit infusion. Wait a day. If the disorder does not appear and does not manifest itself allergic reaction, then you can increase the dose to 50 grams, and after a week, feel free to pour 100 grams of the drink into the bottle.

Pediatricians allow babies under one year to be given compotes 2-3 times a day, 100-150 grams, and after one year - in unlimited quantities

Important! You cannot completely replace water with compote, juice and tea.

What kind of compotes can you cook?

Now that you know at what age you can give your toddler compote, let’s look at the possible range.

First of all, apple ones. This best option for the baby. The first compote for a child under one year old should be made from green apples to prevent allergic rashes or diathesis.

Fruit decoctions from pears, quinces, and apricots are good. They are aromatic and very tasty. Children drink them with great pleasure.

You need to be careful with plum, as it is very weak, so plum compote For infants it can cause digestive upset.

Dried fruit compote is also very useful for an infant. Just no exotics! Use standard set- the same apples, pears, dried apricots, prunes, raisins. In this case, you first need to brew the so-called monocompote, that is, a drink based on one type of dried fruit (berries). And only when you are sure that none of the components cause allergies, you can safely brew compote from a set of dried fruits.

Many mothers believe that the healthiest thing is berry compote. Really, berry infusions saturated with vitamins, including vitamin C. But cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherry plums, and cranberries are strong allergens for the infant’s fragile digestive system. Therefore, in order not to provoke hives, it is better to cook berry compotes for a child aged one and a half to two years.


We'll tell you how to properly prepare fruit compote for babies.


Compote for a child under one year old should not be strong, so take one large green apple (or two medium-sized ones), peel it, cut out the core, cut into slices and pour 0.5 liters of clean filtered water. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes after boiling. Cool, strain through thick cheesecloth, and the compote is ready! As a rule, children are happy to drink this decoction without sugar, but if your baby likes sweetened drinks, then add a teaspoon of sugar to the ready drink. By the way, you can grind it in a blender boiled apples, add vanilla sugar and offer the infant applesauce.

Important! You cannot use honey as a sweetener, since all beekeeping products are strong allergens, especially for toddlers. Pediatricians strongly recommend starting to give honey to a child no earlier than two years of age! The first time the dose should not exceed the size of a pea.


The scheme is the same: peel the ripe juicy pear, remove the core, cut the fruit into slices. Pour in 0.5 liters of water and boil for 12-15 minutes. Cool, strain and delight your baby with this new product.


For 0.5 liters of water you will need 3 ripe apricots. Remove the seeds from the fruit and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. After straining and cooling, you can give the compote to your baby.

For the most part, children enjoy drinking dried fruit compote.


Peel one large quince and cut into small slices. Boil in 0.5 liters of water for at least half an hour. Strain through thick cheesecloth. Fragrant and very delicious compote Ready for baby!

Classic dried fruit

Pour a handful of dried fruits cold water for an hour. During this time, they will swell and be cleared of small debris. Then drain the water and rinse again under the tap. Fill 0.5 l cold water and place on high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Strain the liquid from the boiled fruit and give the drink to your baby.

From dried fruits in a thermos

You will need a 200 ml thermos. Place 5-6 large slices of dried fruit in it, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight. In the morning, pour the infusion with swollen dried fruits into a saucepan, add another glass of water and boil. The compote is ready! Don't forget to cool it down.

Advice. It is better to buy packaged dried fruits of a pale shade, since bright colors indicate the addition of dyes.

From prunes

You will need ingredients such as dried prunes– 200 grams, sugar – 1 heaped tablespoon, filtered water – 1 liter. Pour hot water over the berries for about 5 minutes, rinse them several times, put them in a saucepan, add sugar and pour in water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn on the burner and cook the compote over low heat for half an hour. Cool, strain and offer to your baby.

Just remember that prunes are quite weakening, so a large dose may cause a child’s tummy to turn.


For 0.5 liters of water you will need half a regular glass of washed and peeled fresh or frozen berries. Cooking time: 15 minutes after boiling. But it is better to cook berry decoctions for a baby at 9-10 months.

Each recipe above is designed for a 6 month old baby. As you get older, you can cook more concentrated compotes.

Brief summary

Compotes are an important component of a baby’s diet. They are healthy and quench your thirst well. To avoid problems with digestion and allergies when introducing them into your baby’s diet, follow the following advice from your pediatrician:

  • you can introduce compotes into the diet of a healthy baby from 4-6 months,
  • the first compotes should be cooked from green apples at the rate of 1 large apple per 0.5 liters of water,
  • for the first time, give 1 teaspoon of the drink and observe the child’s reaction throughout the day,
  • up to one year, it is allowed to feed the baby three times a day with decoctions of fruits, 100 g at a time. After a year, compotes can be given in unlimited quantities, but without replacing water with them,
  • Berry decoctions can be offered to a child no earlier than 1.5 years.

Do everything right, and your baby will delight you with good health!

Juices and compotes from dried fruits are very healthy drinks for both the nursing mother and the baby. Dry fruit is easier to digest than fresh fruit and retains beneficial features. This is very important for babies, because their bodies are just beginning to get used to new adult food.

The benefits and harms of dried fruits

Dried fruit compote: will such a drink be beneficial or harmful for a baby? If you prepare compote correctly without or with a minimum amount of sugar from quality dried fruits and use products to which the baby is not allergic, such a drink will only bring benefits. It performs a lot of useful functions:

  • Saturates the body with vitamins and beneficial properties;
  • Improves stool and digestive function, effectively helps with constipation;
  • Strengthens the immune system and fights viral diseases;
  • Gives vigor and strength;
  • Regulates material metabolism;
  • Gently cleanses the intestines and body, removes toxins and harmful elements;
  • Helps with liver and kidney diseases;
  • Replenishes iron deficiency.

Despite the benefits of compote, be careful about the choice of products and the cooking process. Remember that a baby may have a food allergy to some ingredients; excess sugar leads to weight gain, increased hemoglobin and provokes diabetes.

How to give a baby compote

  • The first time you can give compote to a baby is at 6-7 months of age. Dilute the drink boiled water(one part compote – two parts water). Start feeding your baby with a few teaspoons. Then gradually reduce the concentration of water and increase the dosage;
  • Give the drink only warm. Hot juice or compote can burn the intestines, and cold juice will not bring as much benefit as warm juice;
  • For the first two weeks after introducing compote, give drinks from the same fruit. It’s better to start with a dry apple or pear. Then you can add dried apricots, prunes and raisins;
  • It is better to give mixed drinks from several dried fruits to a baby no earlier than 10-11 months. In this case, you need to cook from ingredients that are already included in the diet;
  • When introducing a new product, carefully monitor your baby's reaction so that food allergies do not appear. If you experience symptoms of allergy or poisoning, deterioration in health, or digestive disorders, immediately eliminate the drink from your diet and contact your pediatrician;
  • If you discover an allergy or poisoning, do not give your child medicines without consulting a doctor!;
  • If the reaction is normal, compote can be given to the baby no more than once a day. Maximum daily norm– 180 ml;

  • Choose your dried fruits carefully before cooking. They should be a natural, not too bright color. It is better to take packaged rather than loose products. Better yet, dry fruits at home;
  • Do not buy ready-made compotes and juices, but prepare them yourself. Store products often contain preservative E202 and other harmful substances that are dangerous for an infant;
  • Before cooking, carefully select, wash and soak dried fruits for a while;
  • For each drink it is better to brew new compote, so take it for cooking a small amount of dried fruits

How to properly prepare compote for babies

The preparation of dried fruits is of great importance during cooking. The ingredients are thoroughly washed, and stalks, leaves and other debris are removed. Then soak for 10-20 minutes in hot water and then rinse again in clean water.

Dried fruits are placed only in boiling water. For two liters take 0.5 kg of products. Frozen foods are not defrosted, but added directly to a pan of water. When cooking, do not use spices and take minimal amount Sahara. A large number of negatively affects weight and digestion, blood and teeth. Sugar provokes diabetes and diathesis. Until one year, it is better not to use sugar at all or replace it with fructose.

It is important not to overcook the compote, otherwise the dried fruits will lose their beneficial properties and vitamins. How long to cook dried fruit compote depends on the type of product. After soaking, dried apples and pears are cooked for 30 minutes; the rest of the fruits need only be cooked for 15-20 minutes. For more information about the properties and preparation of each type of dried fruit, see.

When the dried fruits are cooked, remove the compote from the heat, cover the pan with a towel and leave for an hour. The ingredients will steam completely, and the drink will acquire pleasant aroma. Many people add a slice of orange or lemon when cooking. Pediatricians do not recommend doing this because citrus fruit most allergenic and dangerous for babies. Next we offer step by step recipe how to cook compote from dried fruits.

Recipe for dried fruit compote for infants

  • Dried fruits of one type – 200 grams;
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Sugar optional - one teaspoon.

Wash dried fruits, prepare for cooking and cut into slices. Pour into boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and place on low heat. Cook apples and pears for no more than half an hour, raisins, dried apricots or prunes for 15 minutes. At the end you can add a little sugar or fructose. Infuse the drink for 1-2 hours, cool until room temperature and give it to the baby.

A drink made from dried fruits is also very useful for nursing mothers. A safe and hypoallergenic compote will improve mood and sleep, fill the body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system. In addition, it has a positive effect on lactation and stimulates the production of breast milk, relieves fatigue and stress. This is an excellent remedy for colds and flu.

Therefore, pediatricians recommend that you drink natural drinks from dried fruits with breastfeeding, especially if the nursing mother is sick, has problems with lactation or is very tired. A recipe with a photo on how to cook dried fruit compote for nursing can be found at the link.
