Roll up crispy cucumbers into a 3-liter container. Recipe for pickled crispy cucumbers with citric acid. Let's look at some wonderful recipes for preparing our cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers with vinegar- This is one of the most common options for canning everyone’s favorite vegetables. Our following recipes will help you prepare them this winter.

Cucumbers for the winter with vinegar

You will need:

Dry dill – 2 tablespoons
- grated dill root - tablespoon
- garlic clove – 2 pcs.
- allspice peas – 10 pcs.
- a piece of hot red pepper
- acetic acid – 2 tbsp. spoons

For filling:

Sugar, salt - 2 tbsp. l.
- water – 1 liter


Strong fresh cucumbers soak in a bucket of cold water for one day. Rinse, place in three liter jars. Pour boiling water over jars of vegetables and spices and leave until all air bubbles are released. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan. For each liter add 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar, boil. Add 2 tbsp to each container. l. vinegar, pour boiling sauce on top. Cover with metal boiled lids and sterilize for 10 minutes. Take out the containers, immediately roll them up, wrap them in paper, unfold them, cover them with a blanket, and let them cool completely.

Cucumbers in jars with vinegar

Required Products:

Fresh dill – 30 g
- pickled cucumbers – 1 kg
- tarragon greens – 5 g
- garlic clove – 2 pcs.
- horseradish root – 5 g
- black pepper – 1 g
- red hot pepper – 1 g
- mustard seeds – 5 g
- allspice– 0.5 g

For filling:

Pickle for cucumbers
- acetic acid – 65 g


Wash the pickled cucumbers thoroughly and place in a container with fresh seasonings (pepper, tarragon, horseradish, garlic, dill). Strain the brine, bring to a boil, add allspice and black pepper, vinegar, mustard, and pour in. Pasteurize, twist, turn the top upside down, cover with a blanket, let cool. Place in a cold pantry.

Cucumbers in a jar for the winter with vinegar

Rinse fresh cucumbers in advance, dry on a towel, cut off the “tips”. Place in a jar with fragrant herbs, pour hot marinade with the addition of 175 ml of vodka and 1 tbsp. acetic grape acid. The next day, add cold brine (1/2 kg of salt per 10 liters of water). Fill the containers tightly with vegetables, cover the top with a seaming lid, and put them in a cold place for the whole winter.

Recipe for cucumbers with vinegar

Required Products:

Tarragon sprigs
- horseradish leaves – 2 pcs.
- onion – 2 pcs.
- garlic cloves – 5 pcs.
- fresh cucumbers – 2 kg
- mint, cherry and currant leaves - 3 pcs.
- parsley and basil leaves - 2 pcs.

For the marinade:

Granulated sugar, salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
- water – two liters
- cloves – 3 pcs.
- apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.
- a pinch of ground cinnamon


Select good and strong cucumber fruits, wash them, leave them in cold water. Place spices, garlic, onions, and chopped herbs into clean jars. Fill the jars with vegetables. Place garlic and onion in between. Proceed to preparing the marinade: combine all the ingredients for its preparation in a ladle, place on the stove, and boil. Fill the jars with hot solution, cover with lids, and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up the lids and move them to the cellar for storage.

What do you think?

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar.

Take 1 kg of fresh cucumbers, wash them, place them on a towel. Sterilize the lid and bottle in the steamer, tamp the vegetables into it. Fill twice fresh boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, carefully pour in some water. Rinse the horseradish leaves and garlic. Sprinkle the garlic, dill and peas on top of the vegetables. Add a little salt granulated sugar, pour in boiling water, sterilize, screw on the seaming lids, turn the top upside down, wait until the jars have cooled completely. Carefully transfer the workpiece to a cool room and leave it for the whole winter.

Prepare and.

Cucumbers for the winter recipes with vinegar.

Recipe with mustard.

Select 1 kg of hard pickled cucumbers, wash them thoroughly, put them in containers, sprinkle with pepper, horseradish and garlic. Strain the remaining brine, place on the stove, and boil. Add allspice, black pepper, pour in 65 ml table vinegar, add 5 g mustard seeds. Pour vegetables into containers, sterilize at 90 degrees. Seal with lids.

They are also very popular.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter with vinegar.

Select the smallest cucumbers and soak them in water for a couple of hours. Prepare the container: wash it with water and added baking soda, rinse. Place cherries on the very bottom, currant leaves, laurel leaves. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, carefully and beautifully place them in containers. Place black pepper and garlic in the middle of the jar, add dill umbrellas on top. Pour boiling water over the cucumbers twice (wait 10 minutes between each pour). During this time, the vegetables should warm up well. Brew the marinade a third time. To do this, use the water that remains after pouring the vegetables. Pour 2 tsp into boiling water. salt and sugar, pour 2 tsp. acetic acid. Pour over the cucumbers and screw on the lids. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely. Store the workpiece in the basement.

For dinner you can cook.

Cucumbers with vinegar per liter jar

Select the gherkins and soak them for half an hour in water at low temperature. Prepare containers and marinade. Pour 1 tbsp into the water. sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 8 tbsp. spoons of ketchup, stir thoroughly. Wash the vegetables thoroughly. In each container, place one clove, a pea of ​​allspice, and 3 black peppercorns. Fill the container beautifully with cucumbers, pour in the marinade. Turn the top upside down and wrap thoroughly until completely cooled.

Pickled gherkins.

Peel a couple of onions and chop into thin rings. Peel 5 cloves of garlic, finely chop. Wash the pod hot pepper, cut lengthwise, remove seeds, chop finely. Rinse the gherkins in running water, place them in a thick layer in half-liter jars, sprinkle with onions, garlic, and pepper. Boil 1 glass of water, add 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. vinegar, let the marinade cool. Pour the resulting filling over the gherkins, sterilize them in jars for 10 minutes, and twist.

It turns out quite tasty too.

Crispy pickled cucumbers.

You will need:

Acetic acid– 2 tbsp. l.
- salt - tablespoon
- small cucumbers – 720 g
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
- dill umbrella
- Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
- cherry and black currant leaves - 2 pcs.
- black and allspice – 2 peas each
- garlic clove – 3 pcs.


Select suitable fruits, wash them thoroughly, cover with cold water, and let stand for 8 hours. During this time, periodically change the water in the basin. Rinse the fruits, carefully cut off the “tails”. Place the vegetables in prepared liter jars, add an umbrella of dill, a sprig of celery, cherry leaves, currant leaves, garlic clove. Add the greens, pour boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, carefully drain the water, and put on fire. Start preparing the marinade: pour in vinegar, add salt and sugar. Pour over the vegetables, roll up the lids, turn the top upside down, place in a secluded place, wrapped in a blanket.

What do you think?

Try also the version with mustard seeds:


Cucumbers – 3 kg
- horseradish – 100 g
- small onion– 220 g
- mustard seeds – 5 g
- black peppercorns – 15 g
- bay leaves – 3 leaves
- acetic acid – ½ liter
- water - a couple of liters
- salt – 65 g
- sugar – 155 g

Cooking steps:

Wash the vegetables thoroughly and place them in a thick layer in prepared jars. Arrange the vegetables with dill stems, horseradish slices, and peeled onions. Pour boiling marinade over the contents. Close the container and leave until next day. Carefully drain the filling, boil, pour in the cucumbers again, tie the jar, and place in a cool place.

Be sure to prepare and.

Pickling cucumbers with vinegar.


Coarse non-iodized salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
- water – 1 liter
- small cucumbers – 4 kg
- cherry leaves – 10 pcs.
- black currant leaves – 20 pcs.
- horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.
- dill sprigs – 4 pcs.
- oak leaves – 10 pcs.
- hot pepper pod – 3 pcs.
- horseradish root

How to cook:

Before you start cooking, we want to give useful advice. To ensure crispy cucumbers, select only dark varieties with "pimples". In addition, you need to add oak leaves, walnut leaves and horseradish root. Chop large leaves with scissors. Take only old dill, along with the seeds.

Dip cucumber fruits in cold drinking water and soak overnight. Drain the water and wash them. Chop the peeled horseradish root and hot pepper into pieces. Place all the leaves and a few pieces of horseradish and pepper in the bottom of a large saucepan. After this, add a layer of cucumbers and more spices. Arrange all the vegetables in the same way. The last layer should be leaves. Stir salt in cold water. Pour the resulting brine over the cucumbers. Place a flat plate on top and a three-liter jar on top. Leave to pickle for three days. A white foam will form on the surface of the brine - this is lactic acid bacteria. Ready cucumbers should change color.

Drain the brine and set aside for now. Throw away the spices and herbs, wash the vegetables in water. Place in washed containers. Boil the brine, pour it into the jars to the very top, and cover with lids. Leave for 10 minutes. Pour the brine back into the pan and boil. Cover the jars with lids. Pour boiling brine over the cucumbers. The filling should overflow a little over the edge. Roll it up with a machine, unfold it, wrap it in a warm blanket, let it cool. After complete cooling, transfer the storage containers to the cellar or basement.

Acetic acid allows you to store cucumber preparations long time. At the same time, it makes them crispy and retains good appearance. Cucumbers can be preserved whole or as a salad. Housewives often use fruit leaves, dill, parsley, bay leaves, garlic, onions, etc. as additional ingredients.

An absolutely irreplaceable piece of equipment that no housewife can do without - recipe The preparation of which is unique to each housewife and, at times, is passed down in the family by inheritance. And how can our dear ones manage without them? After all, neither vinaigrette nor traditional Olivier, and many other salads cannot be prepared without cucumbers.

It's not only great snack on festive table, but also in weekdays ordinary fried potatoes with cucumbers are wonderfully good. If earlier cucumbers were mainly salted, now they are also pickled and preserved according to your taste: some sweeter, some spicier. And in liter jars It’s very convenient to prepare them: we eat them right away, and we don’t clutter up the refrigerator with a three-liter hulk.

How to prepare crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars

The most important thing when pickling or canning cucumbers is to choose the right raw materials. Those who grow them themselves in the garden probably know such subtleties and plant varieties that are universal or specially designed for pickling. The pimples on their fruits have black spines. Varieties with white thorns and smooth long-fruited ones are not suitable for canning. They are intended for fresh salads, but in the jar they can simply spread out, and you won’t get any crunch from them.

In addition, the fruits should not be overgrown. The ideal size is 10-12 centimeters. From smaller ones - pickles - they are obtained.

The fruits should be fresh, ideally picked on the same day, but if you buy cucumbers at the market and are not sure about this, it is better to soak them, thoroughly washed beforehand, for 3-4, or up to eight hours.

But in the latter case, the water will need to be changed 1-2 times. After soaking, the fruits are washed and their ends are usually cut off for better penetration of the brine or marinade. On this preliminary preparation, common to most recipes, ends. Now let's see how to prepare crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars,golden recipes the preparations for which will be given below.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars: recipe

First, let's look at pickled cucumbers, because it is with them that the best results are obtained. delicious vinaigrette, pickle or solyanka. But it is almost impossible to preserve pickles without sterilization in a city apartment. For this you need a cellar, but not everyone has one. Therefore, first we pickle the cucumbers in a large container: a bucket or pan with a capacity of 10 liters or in jars with a volume of 3 or 5 liters.

Preliminary preparation of fruits is described above. In addition to the cucumbers themselves, you will need a so-called pickling bouquet. Grandmothers at the market often sell stems with dill inflorescences, twigs of cherries and currants, and horseradish leaves. Also, it's a good idea to add to this Oak Leaf or grape, if possible, as well as peeled horseradish root.

If desired, you can use fresh dill, parsley, celery, and tarragon. And of course, spices: black pepper or a mixture of peppers, allspice, garlic.

The containers in which salting will be carried out must be washed with soda and dried. Place a layer of prepared herbs and spices on the bottom of the container, then fill it halfway with cucumbers, more greens, then cucumbers and the remaining greens on top. Fill with pre-boiled and cooled to about 40 degrees brine. Cover the container with a plate of a suitable size, and place a two-three-liter jar of water on top.

It should be thoroughly washed outside with baking soda and dried beforehand.

It is good to place the bucket or pan in a basin, because the brine will leak out during fermentation. Important: in a city apartment, you can pickle cucumbers if the room temperature does not exceed 20-22 degrees, and ideally even lower. The fact is that we need lactic acid fermentation, during which lactic acid is formed in the pickling.

At high temperature air, lactic acid bacteria are inhibited, and actively developing are not at all what is needed, which leads to the appearance unpleasant odor and ruins the taste. In hot weather, it is better to prefer canning or pickling.

If salting is done in three-liter jars, then for each you need:

  • approximately 1.8 kg of cucumbers (the quantity depends on the size of the fruit and placement);
  • dill inflorescence with stem;
  • 3-4 currant leaves;
  • 3-4 cherry leaves;
  • oak or grape leaf;
  • several sprigs of green dill and parsley (you can also take celery and tarragon);
  • 4-6g garlic ( a large number of garlic softens the fruit);
  • a leaf and a piece of horseradish root about 2 cm;
  • 5-6 peas of black pepper or a mixture of peppers;
  • a few rings of hot pepper, optional.

The brine is prepared at the rate of 60-80g of rock salt per 1 liter of water. The pickling should ferment for 4-6 days.

Then drain the brine and arrange crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars, pre-sterilized. Used herbs and spices can be left out. Boil the brine, pour the cucumbers into jars, put the lids on top and let them sit under a towel for about ten minutes. We repeat the procedure. After the second filling, seal the jars.

Turn over onto lids and let cool, covered with a towel. In this form they can be stored at room temperature. If the family is large, then they will be appropriate, but keep in mind that there will be fewer cans than originally installed.

Delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars

Now let's preserve it delicious cucumbers crispy for the winter in liter jars. Older housewives still remember how wonderful Bulgarian and Hungarian canned food was. They had everything in moderation - salt, acid, and sugar. But no one will stop us from preparing the most ourselves. Usually vinegar is used for preservation, but with citric acid The preparations are no less tasty and are perfectly stored. Prepare the cucumbers as described above. In addition to them, we will need:

  • dill inflorescences and stems (cut into 5-6cm pieces);
  • peppercorns (black or mixed, allspice);
  • mustard seeds;
  • bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • salt for pickling;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon acid.

We sterilize jars and lids. In each jar we put a little dill, a couple of bay leaves, 5-6 black peas and a couple of allspice peas, half a teaspoon of mustard seeds, 3-4 cloves of garlic, cut into slices. We first lay the cucumbers vertically, and at the top as it turns out. Cut the top one in half if it doesn’t fit.

Pour boiling water into the jars almost to the top, cover with lids and let stand for 10-15 minutes, then pour the water into the pan, boil and add two tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water. rock salt and granulated sugar without a slide and 1 teaspoon of citric acid, also without a slide.

Boil for a couple of minutes and pour into jars. After this, they can be rolled up, turned upside down and wrapped for a day.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars

To prepare crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars, you can use vinegar filling. For example, pickled gherkins with onions and carrots in a sweet and sour sauce are very tasty. To prepare this preparation, take 10 kg of gherkins

  • 10 peeled carrots;
  • 50-60 onions;
  • In addition, for filling we will need:
  • 6.5 liters of water;
  • granulated sugar 400g;
  • salts for preservation 400g;
  • acetic acid 9% 350 ml;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • mustard seed 20-30g;
  • 12 bay leaves

The carrots are peeled and cut into circles, the peeled onions are chopped into half rings no more than 0.5 cm thick, the gherkins prepared as indicated at the beginning of the article are placed in liter jars, sprinkled with carrots and onions.

For the marinade, boil all ingredients under a closed lid for about 4-5 minutes. The filling is poured into jars, covered with lids and sterilized for 12-15 minutes in boiling water. Seal and cover with a towel. And spicy food lovers will love it.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars: golden recipes

If you like to snack on sandwiches, then you will probably be interested in how to prepare crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars, cut into circles. Sweet and tangy at the same time, they go well with many fillings, be it bread and butter, sausage, cheese or slices of fish. This preparation is very popular in America, and it appeared in its simplest form there in the difficult twenties of the twentieth century, as an additive to ordinary bread. We will need:

  • 4 quarts (about 4.5L) sliced ​​cucumbers (packed fairly tightly);
  • 4 medium-sized white onions, quartered lengthwise and thinly sliced ​​crosswise;
  • 2 large sweet red peppers, cut into strips;
  • 1/2 cup rock salt;
  • 4 cups apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 cups granulated sugar;
  • 2 cups brown sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons mustard seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons celery seeds;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric;
  • crushed ice

How to do:

1. Place the chopped cucumbers, onions and peppers into strips in a suitable enamel bowl or pan. Add salt, a few crushed ice cubes and mix gently, cover with a towel and leave at room temperature for 3 hours.

2. Prepare your workspace, sterilize jars and lids.

3. Drain the vegetables in a colander and rinse under running water.

4. In a large stainless steel saucepan, combine vinegar, white and Brown sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds, cloves and turmeric. Bring to a boil. Add the cucumber mixture without liquid and let it boil again.

5. Immediately fill the jars with the boiling mixture, leaving 1 cm of empty space, wipe the necks of the jars, cover with lids and transfer to a saucepan of boiling water to sterilize. 8-10 minutes is enough. Seal and let cool. Makes approximately 4 liter jars.

This preparation can be made without bell peppers, then slightly increase the number of cucumbers.

Another recipe allows you to use slightly overgrown cucumbers, but not severely overgrown ones. Fruits 12-14 cm long are suitable, but always with small seeds. We will need:

  • cucumbers 4-5 kg;
  • a good bunch of parsley and dill;
  • a couple of heads of garlic;
  • hot pepper 1-2 pods (the degree of its spiciness to your taste);
  • peppercorns 20 pcs.

For pouring: 2 liters of water, a glass of table vinegar 9%, a glass of sugar, 100-120 g of salt, a glass or a little less of refined vegetable oil.

Wash the cucumbers as usual, soak them and wash them again after soaking. Why do I wash it twice: if the dirt on the cucumbers is not washed off, then in hot weather bacteria immediately begin to multiply in the water, mucus forms on the cucumbers and appears bad smell. Therefore, if you soak for 6-8 hours, you must definitely change the water at least once, or even twice. We cut each fruit into eight parts: 4 parts lengthwise, and then crosswise. We cut the greens not very finely, into 1.5-2 cm pieces, peel the garlic, cut the cloves in half. Hot peppers cut into circles. At the bottom of the jars we put greens, garlic, 4-5 peppercorns and a few rings of hot pepper, and then we lay the cucumber slices vertically.

To make the filling, mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour boiling brine into the jars, put the lids on top and send for sterilization for 10-12 minutes in a saucepan with hot water(time is counted from the moment the water boils in the pan), then roll up or screw on the lids and set to cool under a towel.

There is no need to add oil to the brine, because when the water boils strongly in the sterilization pan, if you do not have time to turn down the heat in time, it can splash out of the jar, which creates considerable inconvenience.

Heat it in a clean frying pan, let it cool slightly and quickly pour a couple of tablespoons into the jar just before rolling, slightly lifting the lid.

you can find some more simple and original recipes preparing vegetables for the winter.

A friend called me today and said: “Urgently give me the recipe for pickled cucumbers, without sterilization only! I don’t want to bother with scalding jars, I’m afraid!” Well, I don’t feel sorry if a person asks. I have such recipes! And today I will be happy to share them with you.

I will also reveal some secrets: how to pickle cucumbers without sterilization so that they are stored well and do not explode. And what to do if, despite all the precautions, the brine still becomes cloudy. To be fair, it must be said that this happens extremely rarely. But we still must be prepared for any situation in order to meet it fully armed. So let's get started.

Pickled cucumbers without sterilization - recipe for 3 liter jar

Ingredients (based on one 3 liter jar):

  • 1.5-1.8 kg of beautiful cucumbers with pimples;
  • 1-2 pcs. dry dill with umbrellas;
  • Half a horseradish leaf;
  • 3-4 cloves young garlic(or 1-2 regular cloves);
  • 2-3 pcs. cherry, black currant or oak leaf (optional);
  • 0.3-0.5 pcs. hot red pepper (also optional if you like it spicy).
  • For the marinade (for one three-liter jar):
  • 1.5 liters of clean drinking water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt (without slide);
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 60 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 1-2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 5-6 black peppercorns.

what kind of cucumbers to take

One of the most important conditions is that the cucumbers must be perfect: beautiful, even, fresh, small in size, with pimples. Smooth greenhouse ones will not work! A little damaged - even more so. Since we will be rolling cucumbers without sterilization, we need to pay special attention to their quality.

how to prepare them

Also, cucumbers must be cleanly washed. There should not be a drop of earth or dirt left anywhere. If you have time, it is better to pre-soak the cucumbers in very cold water for a couple of hours. Then they will turn out crispier and without voids inside.

about dishes and lids

The second condition is the cleanliness and quality of the jars and lids. The jars must be washed with hot water, preferably with soda, and then scalded with boiling water. Or pour boiling water over it for a short time and then pour it out. We also scald new, clean lids with boiling water.

We have prepared the dishes, now let’s directly prepare the pickled cucumbers without sterilization:

  1. Place a pan of water for the marinade on the stove and let it heat up. In the meantime, cut off the “noses” and “butts” of the cucumbers.
  2. At the bottom of each jar we put dill umbrellas and half a horseradish leaf. Or you can divide the horseradish in half again and put the second part on top when we fill the jars with cucumbers. You can also alternate the cucumbers with dill and horseradish stems, placing them in a jar.
  3. Next, add the cucumbers. First, we will place them vertically, and closer to the neck of the jar we can place them horizontally so that more cucumbers can fit. Let's add hot pepper(optional).
  4. When the water in the pan boils, pour it into jars with cucumbers, cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes. Then carefully pour the water back into the pan. To do this, it is convenient to use a special lid with holes. Be sure to handle the jars with a towel or oven mitts to avoid getting burned. Although the water in them has cooled slightly, it is still hot.
  5. Bring the water in the pan to a boil again and pour it over the cucumbers in the jars. We leave, as you may have guessed, for the same 15 minutes. Next, pour the water into the pan again. And put the peeled and washed garlic cloves into the jars.

Preparing the marinade:

  1. Heat the water, dissolve salt and sugar in it, add bay leaf and peppercorns.
  2. At the very end, add vinegar, stir well and pour the boiling marinade into jars.
  3. Screw on the lids. If the covers are ordinary, we do this using a special key. If they are screw-on, then screw them in very tightly.
  4. Let's turn the jars over and check if air comes out of them. If you hear even the slightest hissing, return the jar to its original state and tighten the lid. Or exchange it for another one and roll it up again. Perhaps you got a defective lid, the rubber band is coming off somewhere, because of this the jars will not be airtight and may become cloudy and even explode. It's better not to take risks.
  5. After we roll up all the jars, turn them over, cover them with something warm and leave them until they cool completely.

It is better to store pickled cucumbers prepared without sterilization in a cool place.

Not everyone likes to roll cucumbers in large jars, like my friend. Personally, I prefer liter jars. Perhaps you too. So I’ll share one more with you good recipe. It is very tasty, and we will enrich it with other vegetables besides cucumbers.

Easy recipe for a liter jar

Ingredients (based on one 1 liter jar):

  • 0.5 kg of small cucumbers (about 10 cm long);
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 1 medium sized carrot;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 sprig of parsley;
  • 1 small dill umbrella;
  • 1 tsp. vinegar essence (or 7 tsp 9% vinegar).

Marinade (based on two liter jars):

  • 1 liter of drinking water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt (heaped);
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar (without a slide);
  • 4-5 pots of black pepper;
  • Optional – 1 clove bud, cherry leaf– 1-2 pcs.


  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and soak in cold (preferably well or spring) water for about two to three hours.
  2. Wash the liter jars thoroughly with soda, pour boiling water, cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the onions and cut them into half rings. Peel the carrots and cut them into cubes or strips. Peel the garlic and divide it into cloves. All vegetables, of course, must be well washed, including parsley.
  3. Drain the water from the jars and put an umbrella of dill in each, then clean cucumbers, put chopped onions and carrots, a clove of garlic, and a sprig of parsley on top. Scald the lids for rolling with boiling water.
  4. Then boil in a separate pan clean water(you can use melted water) and pour it over the cucumbers in the jars. Leave for 10 minutes, then pour the water back into the pan. Let's repeat this procedure again: boil, pour for 10 minutes, pour into the pan again.

Now you can prepare the marinade:

  1. Add sugar and salt to a bowl of heating water and stir.
  2. Then throw in peppercorns, cloves, and cherry leaves.
  3. Bring water to a boil and pour it into the jars of cucumbers.
  4. Then pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence (70%) into each jar.

Roll up the jars with lids, turn them over, wrap them up and leave to cool. However, if you want the cucumbers to be very crispy, then you don’t need to wrap the jars. Store the prepared pickled cucumbers in a cool place.

preparing melt water

If you are fond of melt water, it is also perfect for soaking cucumbers and for preparing marinade. Cucumbers made with melt water turn out amazingly tasty. The easiest way to make such water is to use drinking water. Pour water into plastic bottles, screw the lids on well and put them in overnight freezer. In the morning, take it out, unscrew the caps and let it thaw at room temperature. It is best to place the bottles in the sink, as the water may spill a little during the thawing process. When the ice in the bottles has completely melted, you can soak and then pickle the cucumbers.

What to do if the brine in pickled cucumbers becomes cloudy

If you did everything correctly, this is unlikely to happen. After all, why does the brine become cloudy? Most often - due to the fact that the cooking technology is broken in some way. Perhaps the jars are of poor quality, there is a crack somewhere near the neck, so the seal is broken. Or the lids are of poor quality, the rubber comes off in places, and you forgot to scald them with boiling water. Or they were too lazy to fill the jars of cucumbers with boiling water twice before pouring the marinade into them.

Perhaps the lids were not screwed tightly enough, or the cucumbers were not washed well, or there was dirt left somewhere. Or they didn't put in enough vinegar. Use finely ground or iodized salt. There can be many reasons.

Question: can cucumbers be saved? I answer: you can! How to do it? The main thing is that the lids are not swollen, otherwise such cucumbers are only suitable for the trash.

In all other cases, the algorithm is simple:

  1. Open the lids, take out the cucumbers, rinse them with boiling water or very hot water.
  2. Rinse the jars again and scald with boiling water.
  3. Let's put cucumbers in them.
  4. Then boil clean water, pour it into the jars for about 5 minutes, then pour the water into a saucepan and cook new marinade. You can add citric acid to the marinade instead of vinegar. It has already been noted that cucumbers with citric acid rarely become cloudy.
  5. Pour the marinade into jars and roll up the lids, scalded with boiling water. We make sure that the seaming is airtight and the jars do not “hiss” when turned over. That's all! I hope that this time everything will be fine and the brine will not become cloudy.

As you can see, preparing pickled cucumbers without sterilization is easy and simple, much faster and more enjoyable than with sterilization. I hope my recipes and tips will be useful, and you will enjoy delicious and crispy cucumbers with your whole family more than once. Enjoy your meal!

Every housewife's dream. To achieve the desired result, many of them have to go through the difficult path of trial and error. But in fact, preparing crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter is not at all difficult, you just need to know a few important secrets.

For example, in order for pickled cucumbers to be tasty and crispy, they must be young, with thin skin and dark pimples, small in size (7-8 cm) and collected no later than a day before pickling. It’s better, of course, if these are cucumbers from your own garden. But if this is not possible, take proven cucumbers on the market. Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for 2 to 6, or even up to 8 hours (depending on the recipe) in cold water, changing it often. Moreover, the colder the water in which the cucumbers are pre-soaked, the crispier the result will be.

Proven recipes for pickled cucumbers

Spices also need to be treated with due attention. For example, you shouldn’t add a lot of garlic; the cucumbers will turn out soft. But cloves, allspice, leaves black currant and add bay leaves as desired, they will not affect the result. You can add other spices if they are provided for in the selected recipe. That's all. Choose a recipe, fortunately we have found a lot of them for you, follow all the steps indicated in the recipes, and delicious pickled crispy cucumbers will dilute with their presence your cozy “cellar” with all kinds of preparations.

Pickled crispy cucumbers (method No. 1)

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
2 kg small cucumbers,
2 clove of garlic,
1 carrot,
1 dill umbrella,
1 sprig of parsley,
1 tsp vinegar essence.
For the marinade:
1 liter of water,
1 tbsp. salt (heaped)
2 tbsp. Sahara,
5 black peppercorns,
3 cherry leaves,
3 buds of cloves.

Soak the cucumbers in water for 6 hours, then put them in jars along with garlic, carrots, dill and parsley. Pour boiling water over the jars of cucumbers and leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water and pour boiling water again, then add sugar, salt, spices, leaves to the drained water and let it boil. Pour the prepared marinade over the cucumbers, add 1 tsp to each jar. vinegar essence, roll up and wrap until completely cool.

“Fragrant” cucumbers (method No. 2)

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:
1 onion,
1 clove of garlic,
5 peas of allspice,
1 bay leaf.
For the brine:
500 ml water,
4 tsp Sahara,
2 tsp salt,
4 tsp 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, trim the ends and soak for 3 hours in cold water. Place spices, onion and garlic cut into rings at the bottom of the jar. Then place the cucumbers tightly in the jar. Boil the brine, pour it over the cucumbers and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. Then roll it up, turn it over and wrap it up.

Pickled cucumbers (method No. 3)

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
1.8 kg cucumbers,
2 dill umbrellas,
1 horseradish leaf
3-4 cloves of garlic,
6-7 black peppercorns,
2 currant leaves,
6 tsp Sahara,
3 tsp salt,
5 tbsp. table vinegar.

Wash the greens and cucumbers under running cold water. Place herbs, garlic and pepper cut into small pieces at the bottom of the prepared jars. Then pack the cucumbers tightly into the jar, add salt, sugar and vinegar directly into the jar and fill with cold water. Then place the jar of cucumbers in a saucepan with cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. After 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling, roll up the jars. Cucumbers must remain green at the time of rolling. Turn the jars over, cover and leave to cool.

Crispy pickled cucumbers with grated horseradish and tarragon

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
small cucumbers,
2-3 sprigs of parsley,
2 cloves of garlic,
2 cherry leaves,
1 ring of sweet pepper,
horseradish leaves, dill, tarragon, hot pepper - to taste.
For the marinade (per 500 ml of water):
30 g sugar.
40 g salt.
Bay leaf,
70 ml 9% vinegar.

For this recipe, choose small cucumbers (no more than 7 cm) without defects, bitterness or voids inside. Wash them and soak them for 3 hours in cold water, then rinse under running water and cut off the ends on both sides. Place cherry leaves, horseradish, dill, parsley, peppers, garlic and tarragon at the bottom of 1 liter jars. Fill the jars with cucumbers, pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes, then repeat this procedure. Prepare the marinade by adding everything to the water except vinegar (add it when the water boils). Pour the boiling marinade over the cucumbers and roll up the jars.

Lemon cucumbers

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
1 kg cucumbers,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
1-2 bay leaves,
2 tbsp. dill with seeds,
1 tbsp. chopped onion,
1 tsp grated horseradish
1 liter of water,
100 g salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. citric acid,
a few black peppercorns.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends and soak in cold water for 3 hours. Place dill, bay leaf, horseradish, onion, garlic and peppercorns at the bottom of a 3 liter jar. Then place the prepared cucumbers tightly in the jar. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, citric acid, bring to a boil and pour this boiling marinade over the cucumbers in the jar. Cover the top of the jar with a pre-sterilized lid and sterilize the jars of cucumbers in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Roll up and leave to cool at room temperature.

Crispy pickled cucumbers in apple juice

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
small cucumbers (how many will fit in a jar),
2-3 black peppercorns,
1 dill umbrella,
1 sprig of mint,
1 currant leaf,
2 buds of cloves.
For the marinade:
Apple juice,
salt - 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of juice.

Scald the cucumbers with boiling water and trim the ends. Place a currant and mint leaf at the bottom of each jar, add spices and fill the jars with cucumbers, and then fill them to the top with boiling marinade prepared from apple juice with salt. Sterilize the jars by almost completely immersing them in boiling water within 12 minutes from the moment of boiling, but no more, otherwise your cucumbers will not turn out crispy. When the time is up, roll up the lids of the jars, turn them over and wrap them, and leave them like this until they cool completely.

Pickled cucumbers with bell pepper, basil and coriander “Hrum-khrumchiki”

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
500-700 g cucumbers,
3-4 sweet peppers,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 dill umbrella,
1 horseradish root,
2-3 sprigs of basil,
1 tsp coriander seeds.
4 peas of allspice,
3 black peppercorns.
For the marinade (per 1 liter of water):
4 tbsp. salt,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers and trim the ends, remove the seeds from the peppers and cut into 4 pieces. Place dill, garlic, basil and peeled horseradish root at the bottom of the prepared jar. Then pack the cucumbers and peppers tightly into the jar. For the marinade, add salt and sugar to the water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add vinegar and pour it into the jars of cucumbers. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. When the time is up, drain the marinade and bring it back to a boil. Add coriander, peppercorns to the jar and fill the contents of the jars with hot marinade. Roll it up, turn it upside down, and the next day put it in a cool place.

Crispy cucumbers marinated with mint leaves, onions and carrots

2 kg cucumbers,
1 small head of garlic,
1 small onion
1 medium carrot
4 leaves each of horseradish, cherry, currant,
1 sprig of dill along with an umbrella,
3 sprigs with young fresh mint leaves,
1.2 liters of water,
3 tbsp. salt (without top),
2 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. fruit vinegar.

Select cucumbers of the same size, wash them, cut off the ends and soak in cold water for 5-6 hours. Place cherry, currant, horseradish and mint leaves, garlic cloves and carrots cut into slices at the bottom of dry sterilized jars. Place the cucumbers there, in the jar, tightly, to the very top. Place onion, cut into rings, over the cucumbers, and dill on the onion. Dissolve sugar and salt in water, let the water boil and pour this brine over the cucumbers twice, and the third time pour vinegar into the drained brine, let it boil and add a little water. Pour this brine over the cucumbers, roll up the lids, turn over and leave for 5-6 hours. And only then put it away for storage.

Sweet and sour cucumbers “Bulgarian style”

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
1 dill umbrella,
1 horseradish leaf
1 sprig of carrot tops,
5 peas of allspice,
1 clove of garlic,
1 tsp salt,
2 tsp Sahara,
50 ml 9% vinegar.

Soak the cucumbers for 1-2 hours in cold water. In each jar put dill, horseradish leaf, carrot tops, black peppercorns and a clove of garlic. Add vinegar. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and place them in jars. Fill the jars with cucumbers with cold water (preferably filtered). Add salt and sugar to each jar. Place the jars in a container and fill it with cold water up to the hangers of the jars. Place on the fire, bring the water to a boil and sterilize the jars for 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling. Loosely cover the jars with lids during sterilization. After this, roll up the jars, turn them over and, without wrapping them, cool until room temperature. After cooling, place the jars of cucumbers in the refrigerator for several hours (overnight is possible), and then store.

Marinated crispye cucumbers “Pine aroma”

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
1 kg cucumbers,
4 young pine branches (5-7 cm).
For the marinade (per 1 liter of water):
2 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ cup 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends, pour over boiling water and then ice water. Place half of the pine branches on the bottom of the prepared jar, then place the cucumbers tightly, and place the remaining pine branches between them. Pour sugar and salt into the water, bring it to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Fill the jars with cucumbers to the brim with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. After this, pour the marinade back into the pan, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar, stir and pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them up and leave for 2 days. Then store in a cool place.

Crispy cucumbers with oak leaves

Ingredients (for 10 1 liter cans):
5 kg of fresh small cucumbers,
10 cloves of garlic,
10 dill umbrellas,
10 black currant leaves,
10 oak leaves,
5 small leaves horseradish
30 black peppercorns,
30 allspice peas,
10 tsp grain mustard,
2.4 liters of water,
3 tbsp. salt,
5 tbsp. Sahara,
150 ml 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers well and soak in cold water for 4-6 hours. Place spicy herbs, black and allspice, garlic cloves and mustard into clean and sterilized jars. Place the cucumbers tightly and neatly on top. For the marinade, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, let it boil, turn off the heat and add vinegar. Pour the prepared marinade over the cucumbers in the jars, cover them with lids and sterilize for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then roll up, turn over and let cool slowly.

Marinated crispy cucumbers with oak bark

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
small cucumbers,
2 cloves of garlic,
½ horseradish leaf
1 dill umbrella,
2 cherry leaves,
1 black currant leaf,
3-4 black peppercorns,
3-4 allspice peas,
½ hot pepper
⅓ tsp. oak bark,
1.5 tsp. salt,
1.5 tsp. Sahara,
30 ml table vinegar.

Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 5-6 hours. Place spices in jars oak bark and cucumbers. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water, let stand until the next water boils. Drain the first water and fill the cucumbers with the second water, and again let them stand for a while. After the second time, drain the water, add salt, sugar and vinegar directly to the jars, fill the jars with fresh boiling water and roll up.

Pickled gherkins with cinnamon

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
cucumbers - how many will fit into the jar,
15 clove buds,
6 bay leaves,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
black and allspice peas,
1 small pod of hot pepper,
1.2-1.4 liters of water,
2 tbsp. salt (without top),
2 tbsp. sugar (without top),
1 tbsp. 70% vinegar.

Soak the cucumbers for 6-8 hours, cut off the ends, scald with boiling water and, placing them in sterilized jars, pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Then drain the water and bring to a boil again. Pour salt, sugar, cinnamon, spices, garlic, hot pepper into a jar of cucumbers, fill with boiling water, add vinegar to the jar, roll up and wrap.

Prepare crispy pickled cucumbers according to our recipe and enjoy crunching in winter not only with snow outside, but also delicious cucumbers at the table.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Finding a recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers means finding a real treasure. Many housewives dream of fragrant, strong and crispy “well done”, which they could put on the table year after year. The quality of cucumbers largely depends on the brine. After all, he is the one who is able to make a real culinary hit out of even the most ordinary preparations. Everyone’s taste preferences are different, which is why it is so important to find that “ideal” marinade recipe for cucumbers for 1 liter of water. You can go through trial and error or use time-tested recipes.

Easy to prepare

Historically, it was cucumbers that became the most popular product for marinating. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the vegetable was considered too bland to taste, so they began to pickle it. Later, the technology of canning appeared.

Recipes for marinade for cucumbers for 1, 2 and 3 liters of water

To prepare a marinade for cucumbers, you need to stock up on essential ingredients such as sugar, salt, and vinegar. In addition to vinegar, it can act as a preservative vinegar essence, citric acid, alcohol. As for spices, they are added to the preparation at will and based on the taste preferences of the cook. The “usual” set includes:

  • garlic;
  • currant and horseradish leaves;
  • dill umbrellas.

Specific flavor and aroma notes are created with the help of additional products.

Marinating “greens” is carried out using hot and cold methods. In the first case, vegetables are “warmed up” with boiling water or brine up to three times, depending on the recipe. The second option is pouring cold marinade. Filled containers are sealed with plastic lids without sealing. Such preparations will have to be eaten within two to three months.

  • liter - 20 minutes;
  • two-liter - 25-30 minutes;
  • three-liter - 30-35 minutes.


Peculiarities . This universal marinade Prepared for both small cucumbers and medium-sized fruits. The volume of spices and herbs determines how they turn out - less or more spicy, hot, sour.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 60-75 g sugar;
  • 40-50 g salt;
  • 5-10 ml of essence (70%).


  1. Cucumbers are “warmed up” with boiling water. We keep them for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Drain the liquid from the cans. Boil it, add salt and sugar. Stirring, cook for another five minutes.
  3. Pour the essence into the container with the contents and fill it with brine.
  4. Roll it up, turn it over onto the lid, and insulate it.

If you prepare a marinade for cucumbers for 1 liter of water with 9% vinegar, then its quantity is 20-25 ml, and if with 6% vinegar - 40-50 ml. As for salt, when using sea salt, the amount is reduced to a dessert spoon.

With citric acid

Peculiarities . Great option for those who do not like the taste of vinegar or suffer from diseases for which vinegar is prohibited. Cucumbers may be included in children's menu. Despite repeated filling, vegetables practically do not lose their bright color.


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 40-50 g salt;
  • 60-75 g sugar;
  • teaspoon of citric acid;
  • spices.


  1. Fill the container with vegetables with boiling water and wait 15-20 minutes. Drain, boil again and refill for the same amount of time.
  2. For the third time, add the ingredients according to the recipe to the water. Boil for five minutes.
  3. Pour citric acid into a container. Fill the “greens” with brine, seal it, and insulate it.

Marinade for cucumbers with citric acid is good because it combines harmoniously with many spices and seasonings. Strengthen it taste qualities maybe some black peppercorns, a bay leaf, which can be thrown in during the final boiling of the brine. A little clove would be helpful, but not much.

With vodka

Peculiarities . “Zelentsy” turns out dense and crispy. The presence of alcohol in the brine provides long-term storage. Cucumbers can last in the pantry or cellar for an average of three years. Alcohol blocks fermentation processes and kills mold fungi.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 50-60 g sugar;
  • 20-25 ml of vodka.


  1. “Zelentsy” are heated with boiling water. If they are overripe, then we do two or three approaches.
  2. Add salt and sugar to the liquid drained from the vegetables. Boil for about five minutes until the “crystals” dissolve.
  3. Pour vodka into the container. Fill it with brine. We seal it, insulate it.

Determining how much filling is needed is quite simple. Glass containers with vegetables should be filled with regular cold water up to the neck. The liquid should completely cover the food. Then it is poured into measuring containers. The alcohol content in the product is minimal and does not affect the taste in any way. Also, motorists need not be afraid that the concentration of alcohol in the blood will increase.

With mustard in its own juice

Peculiarities . These cucumbers cannot be called simple. Spicy and refined taste The filling provides a combination of mustard seeds with other herbs and spices. The number of components is calculated for 2 kg of the main ingredient.


  • one onion;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 20-25 g mustard seeds;
  • five to six garlic cloves;
  • 5 g ground black pepper.


  1. Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic.
  2. Mix all the ingredients. Season the cucumbers cut into slices with the resulting mixture. Let it sit for an hour and a half.
  3. Over time, the amount of marinade will increase as the vegetables release their juice.
  4. The cucumbers are placed in jars and filled with brine. Sterilize for 20 minutes, seal and insulate.

The marinade, quite quick to prepare, is distinguished by the fact that it does not include water, which is usual in other recipes. Liquid is added only if there is not enough to fill all containers. A deficiency indicates that the fruits were poorly soaked and did not release enough juice.

With ketchup

Peculiarities . The recipe is suitable for making gherkins. If desired, the marinade can be made spicy or sweet by using the appropriate ketchup.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 40-50 g salt;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 160 ml ketchup (“Chili” or “Tomato”).


  1. Mix water with salt, sugar, ketchup. Boil for five to ten minutes.
  2. Remove the brine from the heat and pour vinegar into it.
  3. Pour in the greens. Set to sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  4. We roll up the containers and insulate them.

You can make a marinade for cucumbers using either homemade or store-bought ketchup. When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to its composition. Quality sauce should not contain “chemicals”, for example, flavor enhancers, dyes. It should also be taken into account that in finished product There will already be some salt and sugar content.

With carrot tops

Peculiarities . This unusual recipe marinade for cucumbers tends to “open up” not immediately. The fluffy tails of carrots release their aroma and taste within two to three months. If you open the jar earlier, you may be disappointed, as the “green stuff” will be bland.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 40-50 g salt;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 120 ml vinegar (6%);
  • carrot tops.


  1. Place the greens from the carrots directly into containers at the bottom or between the cucumbers. Two or three tails are enough.
  2. “Warm up” the vegetables with boiling water for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Boil the cucumber-carrot infusion with salt and sugar for five minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and pour vinegar into the brine.
  5. Pour into containers, roll up, and insulate.

To prevent pieces from getting into the brine different ingredients When draining, it is better to use special plastic lids with holes. Protective gloves will help protect your hands from burns. If you need to prepare a marinade for cucumbers with 6 liters of water, then increase the number of components three times.

9 signs that you shouldn’t buy a jar

It’s good when you have the opportunity to stock up on tasty and juicy cucumbers for future use. But the shelves in the cellar became empty, and I really wanted pickles. I have to run to the store. The following nine signs will tell you that the selected product is of poor quality and even dangerous.

  1. Cloudy brine. Indicates that the cooking technology has been violated.
  2. Deformed fruits. Wrinkled and stained indicate the dishonesty of the manufacturer, who decided to skimp on the contents.
  3. Too bright color. Indicates the presence of “chemicals”. At heat treatment The “greens” fade a little.
  4. Marking. ABOUT poor quality The product is told by its expiration date, which is indicated not on the lid, but on a sticker or decal.
  5. Date of manufacture. If these are the winter months, it means that greenhouse vegetables were used in the preparation. They may contain large amounts of nitrates.
  6. Bloated lid. This indicates that fermentation processes are already in full swing in the container and the product is spoiled.
  7. Suspicious composition. Presence of preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives not good for the body.
  8. Popping sound when opening. If there is no characteristic pop when opening the lid, the container was not sealed tightly.
  9. Unpleasant smell. An unpleasant and sharp “amber” from the jar indicates damage to the product.

Housewives must regularly reinforce their skills with a theoretical and practical basis. Marinade for cucumbers for the winter is the most important component of preparations and provides ample opportunities for experimentation. Trying different variants recipes, you can find one that will become a family treasure in the future and will be passed on from generation to generation.

