Mushroom soup made from frozen champignon mushrooms. The best recipes for wonderful mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms

This year I froze a lot of mushrooms. I have , I have , . I usually don’t freeze champignons, as these mushrooms all year round present on store shelves. But it happens that during the holidays I buy much more mushrooms than I spend, and since champignons quickly spoil (turn black), I put the excess in the freezer and use it as needed. Here and now new year holidays passed, but the mushrooms were not completely used up. I immediately put some of them in freezer, and today I just decided to use it for soup.

How to make soup from fresh mushrooms, you can take a look, well, in this recipe I’ll tell you how to make mushroom soup from frozen champignons. To make the broth more rich, I will cook it on pork bones. While the champignons are defrosting, we will have time to cook the meat and bone broth.

Fill the pork bones with water sufficient quantity and let it cook. Depending on the quality of the pork, the cooking time can be from half an hour to an hour from the moment the water boils. As soon as the water boils, foam will begin to form. We will collect it and reduce the fire. Add salt to the broth and continue cooking with the lid closed.

Cut the defrosted mushrooms and wash them.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

Fry the carrots and onions in sunflower oil.

Add potatoes to the broth.

Let's immediately add the sautéing. The broth took the longest to cook. The rest of the ingredients will cook quickly, so we can add potatoes, sauteed vegetables and mushrooms at the same time.

Add the chopped champignons and continue cooking until the potatoes are ready.

Cook for about 20 minutes, then add Bay leaf and dill and parsley. Taste the soup for salt and add more salt if necessary.

Mushroom soup from frozen champignons is ready. Happy cooking!

Step-by-step recipes mushroom soup frozen mushrooms with noodles, tomatoes, rice, cheese, cream

2017-12-27 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 gr.

1 gr.


4 gr.

30 kcal.

Option 1: Classic mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms (honey mushrooms)

Honey mushrooms are very convenient to use due to their small size. Here classic recipe mushroom soup made from frozen fresh mushrooms that have not been cooked. We take them out in advance and let them thaw a little so that we can wash out any random grains of sand, remaining soil and other contaminants.


  • 300 g honey mushrooms;
  • 450 g potatoes;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 75 g carrots;
  • 25 ml oil;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 1.8 liters of water.

Step-by-step recipe for classic mushroom soup

We wash honey mushrooms in cold water several times. It's okay if the mushrooms are not completely thawed. If honey mushrooms have already been washed before freezing, then you can immediately plunge them into boiling water. Cook for about ten minutes. When the mushrooms boil, a foam forms, so be sure to remove it.

We clean, we do not cut small pieces potatoes. Add to the mushrooms and cook together for about a quarter of an hour. During this time it will almost be ready, but the pieces should not fall apart.

Peel one carrot, chop finely or use a regular kitchen grater. Cut the onion into cubes. Heat any oil in a frying pan on the stove, add vegetables, fry until tender.

Transfer the vegetables to the mushroom soup and add salt to taste. Let it simmer for another five minutes. Season with herbs, cover, turn off. Let it “rest” for about ten minutes on the stove and serve.

This basic recipe mushroom soup. You can add other vegetables (bell peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes) or various spices (dry seasonings, herbs) to it.

Option 2: Quick recipe for mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms (boiled)

If you already have boiled frozen mushrooms in the freezer, you can make soup from them very quickly. This recipe is suitable for all types: champignons, honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, etc. There is no need to thaw the mushrooms in advance, since the taste and aroma will come out of the food along with the water. This soup is prepared with noodles, but only a handful is added to thicken the mass. You can use other pasta, but then you need to add it about five minutes before the end of cooking, that is, let it simmer a little.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 250 g frozen mushrooms;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 30 g vermicelli;
  • onion head;
  • 3 tablespoons of oil;
  • spices, herbs to taste.

How to quickly cook mushroom soup

Immediately set the water to boil. Peel the potatoes, quickly chop them, put them in boiling water, and boil for about five minutes. Add the frozen mushrooms and turn the heat up to maximum so they boil faster. Then reduce, collect the foam, cook for another 7 minutes.

Simply chop the onion and fry it in oil, as they do for dressing soups. Transfer to a saucepan; as soon as the potatoes are cooked, add salt to the soup.

After the onion has boiled, add a handful of small vermicelli. Be sure to mix so that it does not stick together. Let the dish boil well again.

Now we throw in the greens, add any spices to your taste, you can add a bay leaf, and immediately turn off the soup. Leave it for about five minutes so that the vermicelli reaches its final readiness, then stir again and pour into plates.

If the mushrooms are already thawed, then you can not add them to the pan, but fry them together with the head onions, the aroma of the soup will be even better.

Option 3: Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms (cream)

For this soup, you can use any boiled mushrooms of your choice. There is no need to thaw or remove anything from the freezer in advance. This is a dish with fresh cream. If you want to reduce calories, you can use milk.


  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 300 ml cream 15-20%;
  • 50 g plums. oils;
  • 2 onions.

How to cook

Cut the potatoes into any pieces. But remember, the larger they are, the longer time cooking Immediately chop the carrots and pour them into a saucepan, add water so that it covers the vegetables by a couple of centimeters. Let's cook. After boiling, time it for ten minutes.

After ten minutes, add frozen mushrooms. They contain a lot of moisture, so we don’t add more water. Cook everything until the potatoes are soft.

While the vegetables are cooking, put the butter in a frying pan and let it melt. Chop the onion, add it to it and fry until golden brown. We shift fried onion with mushrooms and potatoes. Remove from heat, grind with a blender, and add salt to taste.

Add cream to the soup, but first heat it in a separate bowl. Cold dairy products can cause potatoes to darken. Beat everything together with a blender again. Put the cream soup on the stove, heat it up, let it boil and immediately turn it off.

All cream soups, regardless of their composition, go perfectly with crackers. It is best to cook them at home in the oven or in a frying pan; just cut the bread (loaf, baguette) and dry it. It is advisable to choose finely porous and not entirely fresh products.

Option 4: Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms with tomatoes and rice

The recipe for a very tasty and satisfying mushroom soup with tomatoes. With absence fresh tomatoes you can use paste. We take absolutely any frozen mushrooms. If they have not been boiled beforehand, then soak them in cold water, rinse them to remove sand and other contaminants, boil them for 25 minutes in a separate saucepan, and only then add them to the general dish.


  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 5 spoons of rice;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley;
  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Step by step recipe

We cut the potatoes and put them in boiling water. We start cooking, bring the vegetable almost to softness, but not to full readiness. Throw in rice. Since there is a lot of broth, it will quickly reach readiness; there is no need to add it too early.

If necessary, boil the mushrooms. In this case, you can pour a glass of broth and add it to the pan with the potatoes, the soup will turn out even better. Boiled mushrooms drain into a colander. If it's already in the freezer finished product, then just transfer it to the potatoes and add some salt to the soup.

Grate the carrots. Peel one onion. Fry them together in oil.

It is advisable to peel the tomatoes for soup. Fill with boiling water, after a couple of minutes put it under the tap with cold water, the skin peels off very easily. Cut the tomatoes into pieces. We're not being petty. Place the tomatoes and vegetables in a frying pan and fry for three minutes.

Add vegetables from the frying pan to the cooked rice and potatoes and stir. Cook everything together for another 5-7 minutes.

Chop the greens and add to the soup. Add to mushroom dish bay leaf, throw in a couple of pinches of black pepper.

It is not necessary to cook the soup with water. It is very tasty and aromatic using meat or chicken. By the way, few people know that mushrooms and fish also go well together. Maybe it's time to experiment with flavors?

Option 5: Mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms and cheese

The most delicious cheese soups are obtained from ordinary processed cheese in foil. Two pieces are enough to prepare a whole pan of food. Recipe for tender and aromatic soup with frozen champignons. Raw mushrooms are used.


  • 450 g champignons;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 cheese;
  • 70 g vermicelli;
  • 2 liters of broth or water;
  • carrot;
  • herbs, spices;
  • 40 g sl. oils

How to cook

Boil broth or just water, add chopped potatoes and make small cubes. Bring to a boil and after a couple of minutes add the champignons. Cook together for about a quarter of an hour, add salt.

Fry chopped onions and grated carrots in melted butter.

As soon as the mushrooms and potatoes are cooked, immediately transfer the vegetables from the pan, stir and begin preparing the cheese. You shouldn’t throw the whole cheese curds, it’s better to chop them. Usually they grate it, but you can just cut it into pieces.

After the vegetables boil in the pan, immediately add the cheese, stir for a minute until it dissolves, and then add the vermicelli. We continue to stir the soup and taste it.

After the vermicelli boils, add the greens, stir the mushroom soup and turn it off. Let it sit on the stove for a while until the vermicelli becomes soft.

You can prepare this soup with melted cheese from tubs; in this version, you simply spoon it into the pan. It is not advisable to take it for a dish sausage cheese, since it does not always dissolve in hot liquid, floating pieces may remain in the dish.

After a rich harvest of fruits or vegetables, many housewives prefer to save some of the products for winter period. This can be done by canning or freezing. The family will especially enjoy dishes with different types mushrooms This ingredient is perfect for many dishes, but a favorite among them is mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms. Amazing first courses with this ingredient are healthy, tasty, and help restore the body after illness. Read a few below detailed recipes, which make it easy to prepare lunch.

Classic mushroom soup


  • Half a kilogram of champignon mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula or others to taste.
  • Potatoes (2-3 pieces).
  • One bow.
  • One carrot.
  • Two types of oil: butter and vegetable.
  • Seasonings as desired.
  • 1.4 liters of water.

How to make nutritious mushroom soup from mushrooms:

  1. Before starting cooking, rinse the mushrooms, then pour them into a saucepan, pour in cool, clean water and place the container on the burner that is on. At the same time add bay leaf with a pinch of salt.
  2. Clean the skin well with potato vegetable, rinse. Cut into not very large strips or small cubes. Pour the resulting slices into a container on the stove.
  3. Cut the onion. Turn on the heat under the frying pan and melt the butter. Add it there in crushed form. Fry well until soft and golden brown.
  4. Grate the carrots or finely chop them. Heat the vegetable oil well in a clean frying pan, then fry this vegetable.
  5. As soon as vegetable ingredients will be ready (it is advisable to cook them before cooking), add them to the future soup.
  6. Cook the first dish until the potatoes soften, then add spice with black or red pepper.
  7. Bring a great meal to the table!

Frozen porcini mushroom soup in a slow cooker


  • Porcini mushrooms (200 grams).
  • 3-4 small potatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • 1 red pepper.
  • Sour cream.
  • Bulb.
  • Chicken leg small.
  • Greenery.
  • Oil.
  • 2 liters of filtered or boiled water for cooking.

How to make delicious mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms:

  1. Make chicken in a slow cooker, after cooking rich broth remove the leg and place it on a plate.
  2. Prepare the elements of the dish: defrost the mushrooms, peel and chop thoroughly, chop the onion, chop the pepper into thin strips, grate the carrots, cut the potatoes into cubes.
  3. Pour oil into the frying pan, let it warm up, then add chopped mushrooms, peppers, and carrots. Fry everything together, then add onions.
  4. While the vegetables are cooking, leave the broth and potatoes to simmer in the slow cooker. As soon as the root vegetable is cooked, add the prepared roast there.
  5. The first dish is ready. Serve mushroom soup with herbs and sour cream.

Recipe for mushroom soup with barley


  • Two and a half liters clean water.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • 300 grams of frozen mushrooms.
  • Half a glass of pearl barley.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • Seasonings.

How to cook aromatic mushroom soup with delicious cereal:

  1. Rinse the pearl barley well, steam with hot purified water and leave for several hours.
  2. Wash frozen mushrooms and chop. Boil water and add this ingredient. Once everything comes to a boil again, carefully skim off the foam and add the bay leaves. Cover with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, remove from hot water mushrooms, add pearl barley porridge instead. To make it work pleasant taste and consistency, it should be cooked for at least 40 minutes.
  4. TO pearl barley porridge add pre-cut potatoes (in small pieces), continue cooking the soup ingredients.
  5. Cut the onions and carrots into cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onion, and a little later the carrots. Vegetables for mushroom soup should be soft.
  6. After the vegetables are cooked, add the mushrooms and fry for about 5 minutes.
  7. When the frying is ready, add it to the pan and cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  8. Tasty soup ready! Serve with herbs and sour cream.

Mushroom soup with champignons and vermicelli


  • 200 grams of frozen champignons.
  • 60 grams of noodles.
  • 1 potato.
  • 2 medium onions.
  • 1 carrot.
  • Tomato paste (2 large spoons).
  • Oil for frying vegetables.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook delicious vermicelli mushroom soup:

  1. Fill in the cleaned or boiled water into a saucepan and let it boil. Then add frozen mushrooms to boiling water and cook for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Raw potatoes peel, rinse, rub on fine grater. Add to soup.
  3. Grind the onion and carrots - grate or cut into small strips. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry vegetables in it until golden crust. Add tomato paste, mix everything well and put the frying into the pan with the soup.
  4. Then cook the soup for no more than five minutes, then add small vermicelli to the pan. Start stirring the dish constantly for 10 minutes to pasta didn't stick together.
  5. Add seasonings, bay leaf, turn off the gas and let the soup brew a little.
  6. Serve ready mushroom first dish with herbs.

How to cook cream of mushroom soup with cream


  • Half a kilogram of mushrooms.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • A large spoon of butter.
  • Half liter heavy cream.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 onion.

How to cook gourmet creamy dish:

  1. Cut the skin off the potatoes, peel the vegetable well, cut into several pieces (not too small), and carefully wash the mushrooms. Place ingredients in a cooking pot.
  2. Finely grate the carrots and chop the onion. Heat a frying pan with butter(it is allowed to replace with vegetable), add vegetables there, let them fry and acquire a golden hue.
  3. Separate the mushrooms from the potatoes and fry them a little.
  4. Using a blender, puree the potatoes, gradually pour half a liter of cream into it. Transfer to a saucepan.
  5. Separately from the potatoes, lightly chop the roasted vegetables.
  6. Add frying to puree, vegetable broth dilute the resulting mixture to a kefir consistency.
  7. Cook for 4 minutes. Add spices and herbs to the finished dish to taste, cover with a lid and a warm towel, and let stand.
  8. Delicious soup is ready!

Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms is an amazing dish. It has unique aroma. This soup smells like autumn and forest. It is low in calories, but still filling. The proposed recipe for mushroom soup is as simple as anything perfect.

Frozen mushrooms contain a large number of fiber, vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which explains their high energy value combined with low calorie content. More than one diet recipe or Lenten dishes based precisely on these properties of “vegetable meat”.

Preparing mushrooms

Frozen mushroom soup begins to be prepared ahead of time. The recipe is based on the use of frozen forest delicacies, which should be prepared in advance, in season - in late summer and autumn.

For this it is best to take:

The golden rule of working with such delicacies from the forest: today we collect them, today we process them. For freezing, you need to select whole, strong specimens, but not rotten ones. A very beautiful mushroom soup from frozen honey mushrooms is obtained if you select small, neat mushrooms.

  • Recipe for frozen wild mushrooms:
  • raw materials should be cleared of grass and soil. Butter beans are freed from the skin;
  • the entire mass is washed in running water;
  • mushrooms are placed in a pan of water and boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes;
  • then the water is drained;
  • the contents of the pan are placed in a colander;
  • the mass is laid out on a napkin, where it has to cool and dry a little;
  • The mushrooms are laid out on flat plates separately from each other and placed in the freezer. Each piece should be frozen separately;
  • after an hour, the mass is divided into portions based on the volume required for one dish, placed in plastic bags and returned to the freezer.

At a temperature of -18ºС, such preparations are stored for up to six months. Afterwards, the water begins to destroy the mushroom fiber, depriving the product of its beneficial properties.

Preparing a semi-finished product for cooking involves defrosting the required volume naturally. Re-freezing impossible. Thawed mass cannot be stored in the refrigerator; it should be completely used the same day.


The recipe suggests that for frozen mushroom soup you need to prepare:

  • frozen mushrooms – 300 g;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • flour – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • water -1.5 l;
  • sunflower oil – 20-30 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • greenery.

This recipe yields 2 servings.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Sequence of work

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms is prepared as follows:

Cooking is complete. Delicious dish, the recipe of which is the pride of Russian cuisine, is ready to eat..

I would like to invite you to prepare mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms.

This aromatic dish will delight you and your family with its taste and add variety to the menu.

I have already talked on my pages about, as well as cooked ones, so if these recipes are interesting to you, you can read them.

If you don’t have your own frozen mushrooms prepared from last year, don’t worry, you can buy any frozen mushrooms that suit your taste in the retail chain.

Unlike dry ones, which need to be soaked in water before cooking, frozen ones need to be carefully defrosted. It is better to do this in cold water, followed by rinsing in running water and allowing excess liquid to drain.

You can prepare such soups with various vegetables, vermicelli, cereals, use meat, chicken and fish broths or just cook it in water.

So prepare everything you need and cook mushroom soup


  • Frozen mushrooms – 300 gr.
  • Potatoes – 4 – 5 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Vermicelli – 30 – 50 gr.
  • Salt pepper


  1. Peel, wash and cut potatoes, carrots, onions in any shape, carrots can be grated, cut into circles, potatoes into pieces for soup, onions finely or in half rings

2. Place the potatoes in a pan with water and put on the fire to cook

3. Pour mushrooms into a colander and under running water cold water rinse them so that they do not have time to completely melt

4. Fry onions and carrots on vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat for 2 - 3 minutes, add a little salt

5. Place the mushrooms in a frying pan and fry along with the onions and carrots.

6. If you have porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, then you must first boil them in salted water

7. Fry vegetable mixture 5 – 7 minutes

8. Place the mushroom mixture into the boiling potatoes and cook for another 10 - 15 minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked

9. Add vermicelli, if the soup turns out to be too thick, you can add a little water

10. Ready soup pour into plates and add herbs

Frozen mushroom soup


  • Honey mushrooms – 400 gr.
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk – 50 ml.
  • Salt, spices
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes for soup and put them in a pan with water, set to cook on the fire
  2. Pour the flour into a dry frying pan and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater
  4. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables until cooked for 8 - 10 minutes, then place them in the pan
  5. Defrost the mushrooms and fry them in vegetable oil
  6. Add them to the soup, where we add spices, bay leaves, and salt to taste.
  7. We dilute the sautéed flour with milk and pour it into the soup, stirring.
  8. Let the soup cook for another 2 - 3 minutes
  9. Add finely chopped herbs and let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes

Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms with barley and green peas


  • Mushrooms – 500 gr.
  • Boiled pearl barley – 250 gr.
  • Green peas – 1 tbsp.
  • Potatoes 2 – 3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Celery root – 120 gr.
  • Parsley root – 100 gr.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 2 – 3 pcs.
  • Dill – 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper sweet pea- 3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns – 3 pcs.
  • Water – 2.5 l.
  • Sour cream


  1. Peel, rinse and finely chop all vegetables
  2. Place green peas from the jar and let drain
  3. Boil the pearl barley, drain in a colander
  4. Carefully defrost the mushrooms, to do this, pour cold water over them in a bowl, let stand for 30 minutes, rinse under running water and drain in a colander to drain all the liquid.
  5. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until tender
  6. Add mushrooms to the onion and simmer for 10 - 15 minutes
  7. Boil water in a saucepan and add chopped celery and parsley roots for 10 minutes
  8. Add carrots and cook for another 10 minutes, then add potatoes to the pan
  9. Cook until potatoes are done, add stewed mushrooms
  10. Fall asleep boiled pearl barley And green pea, add garlic, herbs and mix
  11. Cook for 20 minutes; if foam appears, skim it off; add salt 2–3 minutes before it’s ready.
  12. Let sit for 15 minutes, serve with sour cream

Bon appetit!

Mushroom soup from frozen porcini mushrooms with semolina


  • Porcini mushrooms – 400 gr.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Water – 3.5 l.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Pepper
  • Sour cream
  • Greens (dill, parsley)


  1. Mushrooms must be thawed, washed, cut and cooked for 20 - 25 minutes
  2. Peel the potatoes, rinse, cut into small pieces and add to the mushrooms
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan in butter
  4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the onions and fry for 5 - 7 minutes
  5. Pour the roast into the soup, add salt, cook for another 5 minutes
  6. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add semolina, mix well so that no lumps form, add spices and bay leaf
  7. Let sit for 10 – 15 minutes
  8. Serve sprinkled with herbs and sour cream

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms with cheese in a slow cooker video recipe

I hope your first dish turned out delicious and you and your loved ones really enjoyed it.

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