How to brew beer at home: brewing technology, recipes. A simple classic recipe and ingredients for homemade beer made from hops and malt, dark grain, and barley with your own hands: brewing secrets. How to brew homemade classic beer without

Beer recipes for home brewing. It is no secret that the taste, strength, level of bitterness and many other indicators depend on the beer recipe. Recipes homemade beer can be found in abundance on the Internet, but I will try to collect only proven recipes for homemade beer. Brewing beer at home is not difficult if you strictly follow the recipe. Very strong taste ready drink depends on malts, hops and temperature pauses. Naturally, in this section of the site, I will indicate such important and necessary the right recipe beer, data.

First beer recipe.

In Ancient Armenia, beer was usually made from barley. In ancient China, beer was brewed from sprouted rice, as well as from rice and fruit. European monks improved brewing technology by using hops as a preservative. If you have your own recipe, be sure to send it to me.

March 26th, 2018 | admin

March 23rd, 2018 | admin

Classic mead recipe for homemade. I can immediately say that this mead recipe is not only classic, but also basic. This means that based on it you can create any other variations. So, the mead is classic.

“Beer is another proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!” Words by Benjamin Franklin. American Founding Father, politician, inventor, scientist, writer, diplomat, musician and talented businessman.

In a word, you can trust him!” Beer is another proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!” Words by Benjamin Franklin. American Father is a founder, politician, inventor, scientist, writer, diplomat, musician and talented businessman. In a word, you can trust him!

Beer is a unique drink with a rich history. This drink is loved everywhere. IN different countries the world has its own unique recipes its preparations. There is reason to believe that beer is the oldest alcoholic drink in human history. The first mentions of it go back ten thousand years.

It is truly known that the Sumerians and Babylonians drank beer. This drink has gone through history and has only become more popular in our time.


  • enamel saucepan minimum 30 liters
  • thermometer
  • 5 meters of gauze
  • grain mill
  • iodine and white plate
  • special container for fermentation with a water seal
  • hydrometer (device for measuring sugar levels)
  • glass or plastic bottles made of opaque material with stoppers for the finished product

Real living beer is a substance that is constantly in the fermentation stage; as soon as it ends, the beer dies. The initial stage of fermentation occurs in the same way as with any other alcoholic drinks It is during this period that beer is “born”, its aroma and taste are established.

At this stage it is necessary to take care of ideal conditions, in which the characteristics of the drink will be laid down, the fundamental one being temperature. Ideal indicators are +18-20°C. In a warmer room atmosphere, intense fermentation will not allow the beer to mature properly, and at temperatures exceeding +36°, the yeast cultures (and with them the beer) die.

Traditional recipe with malt and hops


The first step is to thoroughly wash all equipment.

IMPORTANT! If you approach the issue of sterilization carelessly, all further work will simply go down the drain, since so-called “wild yeast” or other pathogenic organisms may get into the wort. Ultimately instead divine drink It will turn out to be a tasteless mash.

Then you need to prepare dry yeast. To activate the fungus, it is necessary to pour the entire volume of the package into a small amount of water with a temperature of 25-28 degrees for 15-30 minutes. Various manufacturers Yeast is pressed and packaged differently, so it is better to adhere to the information on the packaging.

Malt crushing

Crushing the malted grains is a very important step in the brewing process. Ideally, the grain should be divided into 5-7 pieces. It is important that the pieces retain parts of the peel. It is simply not possible to filter malt that has been ground into flour.

For correct process When grinding, it is best to use a special grain mill, with which you can obtain malt of the desired grind. Can be used a simple meat grinder, however, there is a risk that the grains will be crushed too much, or simply crushed.
You can buy ready-made crushed malt in the store, but often unscrupulous manufacturers add flour or starch to increase the volume.

Preparing for brewing and mashing the wort

It is necessary to prepare a bag made of 3-4 layers of clean gauze. You will need pieces no smaller than one meter by one meter. Place the ground malt in a bag so that it does not spill out.

  1. Pour into a 25 liter pan, place on fire, heat to 80 degrees.
  2. Place the bag of malt in the pan and close the lid.
  3. The water temperature during the brewing process should be 67 degrees - it is at this temperature that beer is obtained with a strength of about 4%, quite dense, with a mild taste.
  4. After an hour and a half of continuous cooking, you need to do an iodine test.
  5. It is necessary to determine whether starch remains in the wort.
  6. Take a few tablespoons of wort and place them on a clean white plate.
  7. Add a couple of drops of iodine. If the color has not changed, then the malt is ready for the next stage.
  8. If the malt turns blue, you need to continue brewing for another 15 minutes.
  9. After additional time, there is no need to test again.

It is necessary to brew malt so that the natural processes of fermentation of the ingredients begin. Once all the starch has been broken down, this process must be stopped. To do this, raise the temperature of the water in the pan to 80 degrees and cook for another 5 minutes.

Then remove the bag of malt from the pan and thoroughly rinse it in 2 liters of water at a temperature of 78 degrees. Add wash water to the wort. In this way, the remaining extractive substances are washed out of the malt.

The described method of mashing wort is called “in the bag.” When using it, there is no need to use a complex filtration system and multiple transfusions.

Boiling the wort

Place the pan with the wort on the fire, bring to a boil, add 15 grams of wort. Cook for 30 minutes over high heat. Next, add another 15 grams of hops, continue to actively boil for another 40 minutes, and then add the remaining 15 grams of hops and cook for 20 minutes. In total, the entire boiling process lasts one and a half hours.

IMPORTANT! Throughout this time it should boil quite actively.


At this stage you should try to cool beer wort as quickly as possible to a temperature of 24-26 degrees. If cooling is slow, there is a risk of contamination of the wort with bacteria or wild yeast. Perfect option- cooling in 15-30 minutes. You can use a special immersion cooler consisting of a hollow tube twisted into a spiral and two plastic hoses at the ends. They pass through the cooler cold water for 15 minutes.

If there is no cooler, the pan with wort can be placed in a bath with very cold water. It is best to pour ice into the bath. This method is simpler, but there is a risk of overturning a heavy container, resulting in serious burns.

Adding Yeast

Depending on the type of yeast, fermentation can be top or bottom. You must carefully study the instructions on the packaging. Top fermentation occurs at a temperature of 18-22 degrees. For bottom fermentation, it is necessary to cool the wort to 5-10 degrees.

  • Add the diluted yeast to the wort and mix well.
  • Place the container in a cool, dark place and install a water seal.
  • It is necessary in order to avoid the intake of excess oxygen.
  • It is necessary to follow the temperature recommendations indicated on the yeast packaging.
  • Conditions may differ for different crops.

Within 8-12 hours, the active fermentation process begins, which lasts 2-3 days. Then the process slows down a bit. After another 5-7 days, you need to check the beer preparation - if everything goes as it should, the beer should become light. Using a hydrometer, we measure the sugar level: we take a measurement, and after 12 hours we repeat the measurement. If the difference in readings differs by hundredths, you can proceed to the next step. If there is a big difference, let the liquid stand for another day, and then repeat the measurement procedure.

Carbonation is the process of saturating a future drink with carbon dioxide. In addition, this process improves the taste of the product and ensures the presence of thick foam. Add sugar to the prepared bottles at the rate of 8 grams per 1 liter. During the transfusion process, you must not disturb the yeast, which, depending on the type of culture, can accumulate either from below or from above. It is convenient to pour using a plastic tube, one end of which is placed in the middle of the container, and the other at the bottom of the bottle.

EDIT. If yeast does get into the bottle, it will make the beer cloudy, change the taste a little, but overall will not spoil the drink.

Fill the bottles so that there is a distance of 2 centimeters between the liquid and the cork. Sugar starts the process of additional fermentation in beer, so we place the bottles in a dark, dry place for 3 weeks. The temperature should not be higher than 24 degrees. Once a week, bottles should be shaken thoroughly.

After 3 weeks the beer is ready! When sealed in the refrigerator, the drink can be stored for 6-9 months, depending on the settings. temperature regime refrigerator. Once the bottle is opened, the beer can be stored for up to 3 days.

REFERENCE. During the first 30 days of storage, the taste of the drink improves significantly, so it makes sense to let the beer rest for another month.

A simple recipe without equipment for home brewing

In addition to a fairly long traditional technology brewing beer, there are many simple and quick recipes preparations.

For the simplest things you will need:

  • barley malt – 6 kilograms
  • water - 22-24 liters
  • hops - 6 glasses
  • molasses or jam - 1.5 cups, or sugar - 200 grams
  • salt - 1 teaspoon

Pour cold water into a clean large saucepan and add crushed malt. Leave for 12-16 hours. Put the mixture on the fire, add salt, and boil for 2 hours. Add hops and cook for another half hour. Carefully pass the beer through cheesecloth, add diluted brewer's yeast, molasses, jam or sugar, and mix. The beer should sit for 6-9 hours, then pour the drink into bottles and leave for another 8 hours - the beer is ready!

The drink should be stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade dark beer

To prepare it take:

  • Grains of rye, barley, wheat, oats - 0.5 kg (total).
  • Chicory – 30-50 gr.
  • Dry hop cones – 50 gr.
  • Purified water – 10 liters.
  • Lemon zest - from 1 fruit.

Before cooking, the mixture of grains is fried in a dry frying pan until the grains turn brown, then crushed.

  1. Boil 3 liters of water in large dishes, throw in the prepared grain and chicory.
  2. Add all the remaining water, add hops, sugar, zest and remove from heat; this is the beer wort.
  3. After 4-5 hours it will ferment, for this the room must be warm, no colder than 20°C, but you should not place it near a radiator so that the yeast does not die from the heat.
  4. The liquid is filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze and bottled, which are kept in the cold for at least 3-4 weeks.

After the specified time, you can conduct a tasting; if necessary, the dark beer is given additional time to brew. This drink can be stored sealed in the refrigerator for up to six months. open bottle no more than a week

Honey beer recipe


  • Overripe strawberries – 2 kg.
  • Dry hop cones – 25 gr.
  • Purified water – 25 liters.
  • Natural honey -5 kg.

Cooking technology:

  1. Dissolve honey completely in water.
  2. Add hop cones and berries
  3. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Tie the neck of the dish with gauze or a thin cloth (so that air can circulate easily) and leave to ferment for 4-7 days.
  5. After this period, the container is closed with a lid and the drink ferments for another 30-40 days; it should be stirred daily.
  6. At the end of the second week, the beer is tasted for sweetness; if necessary or if fermentation is weak, another kilogram of honey is added.
  7. The fact that the beer has fermented is signaled by the berries falling down. You need to wait another week, strain the liquid through 2-3 layers of gauze and pour into 3-liter jars, which are stored in a cold room for 1-2 months.
  8. During this time, a sediment forms in them, from which the beer is carefully poured into bottles, corked and stored in the basement or refrigerator.

Berries should not be washed before cooking. On their surface there are natural yeasts, without which the fermentation process will not begin.

The best snacks

Different countries prefer beers with their own characteristics, which is why snacks to go with them also differ. For example, the Germans are especially fond of strong, rich types of beer, which go well with hearty and fatty dishes:

  • Veal sausages with lard and spices.
  • Salty pretzels.
  • Baked knuckle.
  • Various types of cheese and crackers.
  • Stewed in duck fat, sauerkraut.
  • Obazza ( spicy mixture cheese, butter, onion and paprika).

In our country, it is customary to serve beer with:

  • Rye crackers, white bread, loaf with various sauces, garlic, salt.
  • Crayfish, shrimp.
  • Various types of croutons.
  • Salted fish (dried, smoked, dried).
  • Salty varieties of hard cheese.
  • Raw smoked sausage, balyk.
  • Salted nuts (peanuts, pistachios)
  • Smoked pig ears.

Beer experts are amazed by our habit of drinking beer with a ram; they believe that such a snack is the least suitable for this drink in their own way taste qualities. However, this tradition developed back in Soviet time, when salted and dried fish was most accessible due to the fact that they prepared it themselves from their own fishing catch. Other, more refined products for beer were scarce and expensive.

Among Americans, “junk” food is popular as a complement to an intoxicating drink:

  • Chips.
  • Packaged crackers.
  • French fries with sauces.
  • Fried chicken wings.
  • Nuggets.

Experts consider this assortment to be the most unsuccessful, firstly, because high content in snacks there are preservatives, calories and hidden fats, and, secondly, that too hot spices and an abundance of enhancers do not allow you to feel the taste of the beer itself, not to mention successfully highlighting it with food

Of course, to make beer at home, you will have to tinker. You need to carefully approach the issue of choosing ingredients; you will have to buy additional equipment. But the result is worth it! After all, in the end result, instead of store-bought beer with preservatives and dyes, you will get high-quality natural product. Real craft beer made with your own hands!

Cooking video recipe

Look simple step by step recipe making beer at home:

1. Pour 25 liters of water to 38°C, add all the malt -> 55°C

2. Raise the temperature to 63° C —> 63° C

3. Raise the temperature to 72° C —> 72° C

4. Raise the temperature to 78° C —> 78° C

5. Rinse with 8 - 10 liters of water. —> 78° C

6. Boil for 90 minutes:

6.1. Slavyanka hops - 30 grams 60 minutes before the end.

6.2. Zhatetsky hops - 20 grams 5 minutes before the end.

7. Cool the wort to 25° C

8. Rehydrate and add T-58 yeast

Beer Bavarian Fruit Wheatbeer


  • 2.5 kg Wheat malt;
  • 3.5 kg Vienna malt


A total amount of malt of 6 kg is poured into water (19 liters) at a temperature of 38° C.

1. pause 35-38 ° C – 10 minutes

2. pause 43-46 ° C – 10 minutes

3. pause 50-55 ° C – 10 minutes

4. pause 64-66 ° C – 20 minutes

5. pause 72 ° C – 30 minutes

6. pause 78 ° C – 5-10 minutes.

Beer Koenigsberg Alt Schwarzbier (dark ale)


  • 3 kg - Kursk light barley;
  • 1.5 kg – Munich malt;
  • 0.2 kg - Burnt Black;


  1. Pour the total amount of malt (without burnt) into 19 liters of water at a temperature of 54°C.
  2. Maintain a pause of 52°C for 30 minutes, while the mash must be stirred periodically.
  3. Heating to 72°C, pause 60 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes from the start of the 72°C pause, add the roasted malt and mix the mash thoroughly. Continue pause.
  5. Heat to 78° C, pause 10 minutes.

Boiling with hops:

  1. Hopping: (introduction time - before the end of boiling) 60 minutes. - 20 gr. El Dorado, 20 min. – 20 gr. Saaz
  • Initial density – 13 – 13.5%
  • Final density (after fermentation is complete) 5 - 5.5%
  • Estimated alcohol 4.6%

Beer IPA (Indian Pale Ale)


  • 4 kg - Latvia Pilsen;
  • 1 kg – Latvia Munich 25;
  • 0.5 kg – Germany Aromatic


  1. Pour the total amount of malt into 19 liters of water at a temperature of 70° C.
  2. For 90 minutes, the descending pause is 68-64 ° C, while the mash must be stirred periodically.
  3. Heating to 78-80° C and filtration.
  4. Filtration is carried out until the amount of wort reaches 27 - 28 liters.
  5. The amount of rinsing water at a temperature of 78 - 80 ° C is 14 - 15 liters.

Boiling with hops:

Hopping: (time of application - before the end of boiling)

  1. 60 min. - 15 gr. Hercules
  2. 20 minutes. – 15 gr. Hercules
  3. 10 min. – 10 gr. El Dorado
  4. 5 minutes. – 10 gr. El Dorado
  5. 0 min. – 5 gr. El Dorado
  1. After boiling, cool the wort to 80 degrees and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  2. For better work yeast 40 minutes before adding it to the wort, it should be poured into a clean boiled water with a temperature of about 20 degrees and stir vigorously periodically.
  3. After rehydration, pour the yeast into the wort cooled to 20 degrees (for ale yeast).
  4. Fermentation at a temperature of 20 - 22° C.
  5. After the end of the main fermentation (3-4 days), you need to add 10 grams of Ella HPA and 25 grams of Eldorado hops to the beer (for dry hopping) (put it in a bag and hang it in a container).
  6. After 7-10 days of dry hopping - transfer to another container for post-fermentation and clarification (secondary)
  7. After carbonation, it is best to age the beer for a couple of weeks in a cool place with a temperature of 10-12 ° C

Recipes for real beer made from malt and hops at home.

The Factoria store offers you ready-made malt and hops for brewing beer according to these recipes.



Hobgoblin is an English dark ale with a fairly pronounced taste of roasted malt, as well as a slight note of bitterness. The fruity aftertaste adds its uniqueness to the beer. The rich ruby ​​color of the ale clouds the mind and attracts the eye. Hobgoblin is a dark ale recognized in England as the official beer of the Halloween holiday. Please note that Hobgoblin is sold in glass bottles, passed heat treatment. Its body and body will be weak in flavor compared to Hobgoblin Ale, which is sold in pubs and bars in the UK.

Fill 25 liters.
Pale Ale - 4.2 kg
Melano - 0.7 kg
Kara Blond – 0.6 kg
Chocolate - 0.3 kg

Fuggle hops - 25 g per 60 min.
Cascade hops - 20 g in 15 minutes.
Goldings hops - 30 g in 15 minutes.
Yeast Safale S-04 or T-58

all malt at 67°C - 60 min.
78°C - 5 min.

Boiling: 60 min

At 20-22° C

Wheat Bavarian

Wheat Bavarian

Quickly ripening, with a slight hop bitterness and a soft clove aroma. Recommended to be consumed young and fresh.
4.0 kg Wheat malt
1.9 kg Pislner malt
30 grams of Hallertau or Hersbrücker hops in 60 minutes
Yeast WB-06

at 45°C - 10 min.
55°C - 30 min
67°C - 45 min.
72°C - 15 min.
78°C - 5 min.

Ferment at a temperature of 20 degrees for a week, transfer to secondary fermentation for another 7-10 days, drain from the sediment, add primer at the rate of 11 grams per liter of beer, mix and bottle. Carbonate for a week


Wheat beer

Wheat beer with fruity tones. This beer, which has a creamy head, has particularly pronounced aromas of spicy cloves and banana. 6-12° C.
Density: 1.050-1.055
Alcohol: 4.8-5.5%
Color: 6-12 EBC
Bitterness: low

Wheat malt - 60%
Pilsen - 27%
Carahell or similar - 10%
Sour – 3%
Hops Tettnanger, Herbrucker, Saaz -2-4%

Yeast Sawbrew US-05 – 11 g

at 45°C - 10 min.
52°C - 10 min
62°C - 30 min.
72°C - 30 min.
78°C - 5 min.
Evaporate by 8-10%

First boil 90% of all hops
10% in 5 min. until the end of boiling

At 20-22° C

For a week at 20°C

Light Belgian

Light Belgian

Strong beer with rich taste, long aftertaste and usually lower carbon dioxide content. Serve chilled to 6-12° C.
Density: 15-16° Plato
Alcohol: 6-7%
Color: 8-12 EBC
Bitterness: 26-29 IBU

Pilsen 2RS – 6 kg
Saaz hops – 25 g
Hallertauer Aroma hops – 15 g
Yeast Sawbrew T-58 – 11 g

Mash the malt in 20 liters of water at 45°C
Heat the mash to 63°C - 55 minutes
Heat the mash to 70°C - 20 minutes
Heat the mash to 78°C - 2 minutes

1 hour 30 min

After 15 minutes add Saaz

At 20-22° C

Two weeks at 4°C

Belgian Amber

Belgian Amber

Belgian amber beer has the warmth of wine and the freshness of beer.
Density: 14-16° Plato
Alcohol: 6-7%
Color: 10-15 EBC
Bitterness: 18-22 IBU

Pilsen 2RS – 4 kg
Munich - 1.8 kg
Cara - 0.2 kg
Saaz hops – 25 g
Hallertauer Aroma hops – 15 g
Yeast Sawbrew S-33 – 11 g

Mash the malt at 65° C, leave for 60 minutes
Heat the mash to 72°C - 15 minutes
Heat the mash to 78°C - 2 minutes

1 hour 30 min
Wort volume is reduced by 8-10%
After 15 minutes add Saaz
After 85 minutes add Hallertauer Aroma

At 20-22° C

Two weeks at 4°C

Wheat Light

Wheat Light

Light wheat beer with clove-banana aroma. Fill up to any volume.
Wheat - 60%
Pilsner - 35%
Cara Hell - 5%
Mandarina Bavaria hops - 30 g (optional additional dry hopping - 10 g)
Pauses: 52 - 30 minutes, 62 - 20 minutes, 72 - 20 minutes.
Carbonation 5 days at 20-25° C.

Rye Light

Recipe for light light beer with rye flavor and aroma. Fill up to any volume.
Pilsner - 40%
Munich - 25%
Ray - 25%
Cara Hell - 10%
Saaz hops – 30 g

Pauses: 45°C - 30 minutes, 52°C - 20 minutes, 62°C - 20 minutes, 72 - 30 minutes.
Carbonation: 5-8 days at 20-25° C.




Unlike budget store-bought beers, beer made at home from hops, malt and yeast itself has a sharper taste and thick foam. Also, this beer does not contain preservatives that extend the shelf life of store-bought beer. In this article we will look at a recipe for making homemade beer without unnecessary ingredients. As components of such low alcohol drink will only be used:

  • hops (45g.)
  • barley malt (3 kg.)
  • brewer's yeast (25g.)
  • water (27l.)
  • sugar (200g)

Traditionally, there is an opinion that to make beer at home you need to buy a mini-brewery. However, you can make delicious beer without expensive equipment. We will only need available materials, such as bottles, pots, etc.

You can grow all the above ingredients at home yourself and complete the entire production process yourself. We'll buy them in the store.

To make homemade beer you need the following equipment:

  • an enamel pan with a volume of at least 30 liters in which the wort will be boiled
  • any fermentation container
  • thermometer for precise control of liquid temperature
  • gauze
  • beer bottles

Homemade beer recipe

Let's look at the process of making beer step by step.

1. At the first stage
needs to be prepared necessary ingredients in the above proportions, as well as the equipment used in the preparation process. All containers must be clean and dry. Before cooking, we also recommend washing your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid contaminating the wort with yeast other than store-bought beer yeast.

If tap water is used, it must be allowed to sit for 24 hours. It is advisable to use spring water or buy still water in bottles.

Activate the yeast according to the instructions on the package. Usually yeast is simply diluted with warm water.

2. The wort is grouted. Mix crushed malt and hot water. If the malt was not purchased in crushed form, then it must be minced through a meat grinder. In this process, the main thing is not to overdo it. You should not grind malt into flour using a coffee grinder. It should work out small pieces with peels, which will help further filter the wort.

Fill 25l. prepared water into a pan and heat it to a temperature of 80 degrees. The malt is poured into a bag made of gauze in several layers, placed in water, closed and left to cook for one and a half to two hours, maintaining a temperature of 60-72 degrees. It is necessary to control the water temperature using a thermometer. It is necessary to maintain the required range. So, at 60-63 degrees, sugars are better removed, increasing the strength of the future drink. At 68-72 degrees, the density of the wort increases. For a more optimal result, you can stick to an average temperature of 65 degrees.

After 1.5-2 hours of cooking, quickly raise the temperature to 80 degrees, and cook in this mode for another 5 minutes. With this procedure we completely stop the fermentation process. Next, the gauze bag with the malt remaining inside is removed and washed with 1.5-2.5 liters. water of the same temperature, washing away the remaining extractives. This water also subsequently added to the wort.

We looked at the "in the bag" mash method, which eliminates the need for filtration during the wort preparation process.

3. The next step is to bring the wort to a boil. After boiling, add 15g. hops, after half an hour the same portion, an hour after the start of boiling, the remaining portion of the hops, then cook for another half hour. In total, boiling lasts 1.5 hours.

4. Next, the wort must be cooled. Over a short period of time (no more than half an hour), cool the wort to 25 degrees. To quickly cool beer wort you can use home bath with ice water. After cooling, the wort is poured into a fermentation container. It is advisable to pour the wort several times beforehand, saturating it with oxygen, which is not left after long boiling.

5. Fermentation process. After pouring the wort into the fermentation container, add brewer's yeast. The fermentation container is left in a dark place at room temperature, and a water seal is installed.

6. Fermentation. Diluted brewer's yeast is added to the wort and mixed well. In this case, it is very important to follow the temperature and proportions indicated in the instructions on the bag label. Yeast can be top-fermenting, which is introduced at a temperature of 18-22°C, and bottom-fermenting, which works at 5-16°C. From these two types we get different varieties beer.

After 10 hours, the fermentation process will begin, accompanied by abundant release of bubbles. It lasts for several days. The completion of the fermentation process can be determined by the water seal, or by using a saccharometer (hydrometer). Missing bubbles and clarification of the wort also symbolize the completed fermentation process.

6. Carbonation of beer. At the final stage, homemade beer is artificially saturated with carbon dioxide. Carbonation at home is quite easy. A little sugar (8 g per 1 liter) is added to the bottles into which the beer will be poured. Sugar activates secondary fermentation, as a result of which carbon dioxide will be released. The beer is drained from the sediment and poured into bottles with sugar. This procedure must be followed carefully to ensure that the beer does not become cloudy. You can use a silicone tube as an additional device.

After the beer is bottled, they must be sealed with a lid so that the carbon dioxide produced during secondary fermentation does not evaporate. Bottled beer is also left in a dark place. room temperature for a couple of weeks. Periodically (every few days) it needs to be shaken. After 2 weeks, put the bottles in the refrigerator.

Homemade beer made from hops, malt and yeast is ready to drink. You can check the quality of homemade beer by reading this article. The shelf life of this drink is 6 months. We recommend that you do not drink the beer immediately, but let it sit for a couple of weeks in the refrigerator to improve the taste.

Video: Making beer at home

Video 2: Making beer at home

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