Pear puree for the winter without sugar. Pear puree - calorie content, beneficial properties and harm

Pear puree for babies is a multivitamin one-ingredient complementary food that can be prepared at home in a few minutes and included in the diet of a six-month-old child.

If your baby enjoys eating a variety of vegetable purees, then fruit purees are exactly the product with which you can not only diversify the children's menu, but also saturate the body with a whole range of necessary and important vitamins for the full development and growth of your child.

First fruit food

It is no coincidence that pear puree occupies a leading position among the “desserts” that pediatricians and nutritionists recommend to include in the baby’s menu. Mono-component pear puree is the first fruit complementary food your baby should try. This is due to the following factors.

  • Pear is a lightly colored fruit, which in its own way quality composition identical to the vegetables already consumed by the baby.
  • Pears are hypoallergenic.
  • This fruit is easily absorbed by the child’s body and does not cause fermentation in the intestines.
  • Pear has an antimicrobial effect, normalizes the activity of the baby's intestines, and accelerates metabolic processes.
  • Contains many vitamins, fruit acids and dietary fiber.
  • Effectively strengthens immune system, which is very important for infancy.

All these factors indicate only one thing: pear puree - important product baby food that you can make yourself. It has the power of growth and development.

Pear puree is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Pears are not only tasty, but also healthy. Enriched with vitamins and minerals, the fruit is one of the most important in children's menu, it promotes the proper development and growth of the baby.

Grated pears contain just the right amount of vitamins and beneficial nutrients, how many whole fruits.

Pear puree for babies contains many useful elements:

  • water-soluble vitamins: C, PP, group B (B1 and B2, B3, B5, B6);
  • fat-soluble vitamins (K, A, E);
  • folic acid;
  • pectins - they provide resistance to environmental problems by binding harmful substances and removing them from the body;
  • fiber (fiber improves the digestive process and is responsible for the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys);
  • mineral salts;
  • tannins.

So rich in mineral and vitamin composition helps normalize the process of children's digestion and acts as an important building material at the cellular level. Very often, pear functions as a natural mild laxative. Therefore, to the question “does the pear strengthen or weaken?” The answer is clear - it weakens. Therefore, for a baby who suffers from constipation, pear puree is a godsend; it is an absolutely natural laxative.

What is important to know and do?

An important condition for introducing pear complementary foods is compliance with the following rules.

  1. The baby must be at least 6 months old.
  2. The child must be absolutely healthy.
  3. The child's body should already have experience in eating pureed vegetables.
  4. Pears should only be given pureed.
  5. The first acquaintance with a pear is to use no more than 1 teaspoon of puree.
  6. The baby's consumption of pear complementary foods should be gradually increased.

To maximize the digestibility of the fruit, nutritionists recommend using pears in the children's menu that grew in the same area where the family and the child live. A pear “from a neighboring country house” is much healthier than a glossy fruit from far abroad. But despite this, fruits should still be washed thoroughly.

There is no escape from the environmental situation, so it is important to remember that everything harmful substances accumulate precisely in the peel of the fruit. For this purpose, when preparing puree, pear fruits should be peeled.

How to prepare pear puree?

Making pear puree is easy. The algorithm is simple and accessible to everyone. Recipes vary in technology and cooking time. And it depends on whether you are preparing baby puree for one-time use or can be preserved for the winter.

Pear puree recipe: cooked and eaten

  1. To prepare a delicacy, choose sweet varieties of pears. It is desirable that their peel is green and the pulp has a uniform structure.
  2. Wash fresh pears. This must be done carefully, because children's body very vulnerable to various kinds infections, microbes. Even particles of dust and dirt are sometimes harmful to children's digestive system. You can wash the fruit with a brush, or you can pour boiling water over it for a better effect.
  3. Trim the peel over the entire area of ​​the fruit, remove the core and seeds.
  4. Cut the fruit into cubes.
  5. Place the sliced ​​pears in a heat-resistant container.
  6. Fill the fruit pieces with water so that it hides the fruit.
  7. Warm the pear cubes over the fire for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough to soften the fruit while preserving its rich vitamin composition.
  8. Cool the poached pieces of fruit.
  9. Grind the entire mixture using a fork, blender, or meat grinder. The final product is a homogeneous mixture.
  10. The children's delicacy is ready - bon appetit.

If your baby loves pear puree, and his body easily and without problems digests this fruit, you can try introducing a fresh pear, grated on a medium-diameter food grater.

It is advisable to grate the fruit using a grater made of high-quality plastic or stainless steel. Metal elements react very actively with fruit mass, depriving it of nutrients and vitamins. Vitamin C completely destroys unprotected metal.

Well, when you become an adult and the baby’s first teeth appear in the baby’s mouth, the process of feeding a pear can be simplified even more. It is enough to scrape the fruit with a spoon and feed the resulting mass to the baby.

Stocking up for the winter

You are enterprising and care about vitamins for babies winter period? Right. Pear puree can be prepared for the winter.

  1. Cut the pear into small pieces.
  2. Add a small amount of water.
  3. Simmer over low heat until a soft consistency forms.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Divide into jars. It is advisable that the containers for preservation are small. It’s easier this way: I opened it and ate it. This eliminates the need to store the product in the refrigerator and reheat it before use.
  6. Sterilize containers and roll up with lids.

Puree can be made from frozen pears. Therefore, competent mothers, taking care of vitamins in the winter, prepare in advance the raw materials for pear treats for the baby.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Can be cooked pear delicacy and in a slow cooker. Multicooker recipes differ only in a few steps.

  1. Wash the fruits, pour boiling water over them, peel them and chop them.
  2. Place the cut cubes in the multicooker stand. The stand ensures the steaming process.
  3. Pour 700 milliliters of water into the bottom of the machine, and then place a bowl with sliced ​​fruit on top of the liquid.
  4. Next, select the “Steam” or “Steam” program and set the time to 20 minutes.
  5. We take the steamed fruits out of the multicooker and transfer them to a plate, where we use a blender or fork to puree until smooth.

Note to mom

  • You should not prepare pear puree for babies in advance, as this can reduce the concentration of vitamins and minerals.
  • To prevent the fruit from darkening over time, we recommend adding a couple of drops of lemon juice to the mixture, but provided that you are completely confident in your baby’s tolerance of citrus fruits.

Puree is a good alternative to jams and jams, which thrifty housewives prepare for the winter. It can be used as a filling for pies, cakes, pies and donuts. It has good combination with butter creams and ice cream. The puree can also be eaten simply as a dessert.

It is especially good to prepare puree for the winter if you have Small child. Pears differ from other fruits and berries in that they do not provoke allergies in a child.

Beneficial features

Many mothers worry that when feeding fruit purees The baby will have excessive colic and bloating. But pediatricians have There are many arguments in favor of pears:

  1. Pear is very well absorbed by the child’s body;
  2. The fiber this fruit contains serves as a wonderful preventative against constipation;
  3. You can introduce an apple into your child’s diet immediately after introducing it;
  4. Good for boosting immunity and essential oils contained in this fruit;
  5. Due to the fact that the pear contains more fructose than glucose, the pancreas will not receive unnecessary stress;
  6. The composition of the pear is hypoallergenic;
  7. It does not cause flatulence or fermentation in the intestines of infants;
  8. Normalizes metabolism in the baby's body.

Useful material which this fruit contains:

Pear puree for the winter - recipe

This recipe contains pear puree for the winter. prepared without sugar. You will need:

  1. Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon (can be replaced with lemon juice - 2 tablespoons);
  2. Ripe pears - 1 kg.

Step-by-step preparation puree according to this recipe:

  • Prepare the fruits: wash them well, cut them, remove the seeds and core;
  • Submerge pear slices into the multicooker bowl, set the “Stew” mode and cook until they become soft;
  • When the pears have softened, place them in a blender and puree until homogeneous mass;
  • Bring the pear mass to a boil again, adding lemon juice or acid to it;
  • While the puree is boiling, prepare the jars. Rinse them well with detergent or soda solution, then rinse well under running water warm water and sterilize. Place the lids also for sterilization or pour boiling water over them;
  • Hot billet put into jars and roll them up. Turn over and place under a warm blanket to cool. Then put it in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for making pear puree “Family Joy” for the winter

There are two options for preparing pear puree according to this recipe.

"Spicy pear"

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Purified water - 1 liter;
  2. Ripe pear- 3 kg;
  3. Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoons;
  4. Sugar - 100 g;
  5. Cardamom, cloves, star anise (optional).

Preparing for the winter consists of the following steps:

“Fruit tenderness” - apple and pear puree for the winter

This apple and pear puree for the winter can be prepared without the use of citric acid. In this recipe, the preservative is an apple, which already contains acid.

Products needed for this puree recipe:

  1. Apple sour varieties- 15 pieces;
  2. Medium-sized soft pears - 15 pieces;
  3. Cloves, cinnamon - at the request of the hostess;
  4. Water - 0.75 cups;
  5. Sugar - 5–6 tablespoons.

To prepare puree according to this recipe you will need go through the following stages:

  • Prepare the pears: wash them well, remove the seeds, cut into small slices;
  • Prepare the apples: Rinse them well, remove the core and cut into small cubes;
  • Pour all the fruits into the multicooker bowl, add water, sugar and cover with a lid. Set the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode for approximately 40 – 60 minutes. Cook until the signal sounds about the end of the process;
  • After the signal has sounded, open the lid and wait until the mass of pears and apples has cooled completely;
  • Grind the cooled mass in a blender until smooth. Bring the puree back to a boil;
  • Lay out ready mass from pears and apples into prepared jars and roll them up.

Recipe: “Children’s” puree from pears and apples

Nowadays there are many various purees and porridge for first baby food. It’s just their shelf life that makes think about the benefits of such a product. Most likely, they will contain preservatives, which can serve as a source of allergies for your baby. For any mother, the health of her baby comes first, so below is a recipe for self-cooking pear and apple puree.

To prepare you will need (for one serving):

  1. Ripe and soft pears- 4 pieces;
  2. Ripe sour apples- 4 pieces;
  3. Filtered water - 1/3 of a glass;
  4. Citric acid (if you are going to prepare puree for the winter) - 0.25 teaspoon. It can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method The puree recipe includes the following:

Today, stores are rich in an assortment of purees, baby formulas and cereals. The childhood industry is thriving, bringing enormous profits to well-known brands. However, many parents do not consider it necessary to spend money on ready-made purees and curds, growing vegetables and fruits in their beds, from which they then make food for their children. Apples, pears, plums, pumpkins, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and various berries can be grown on your own plot. It’s more difficult, of course, for city residents who physically cannot grow anything on their windowsill. An apple is a symbol of health. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for both sick and healthy people, both children and adults.

Puree for babies: do it yourself for the winter

IN Lately Pediatricians say that applesauce should be introduced into complementary foods after vegetable puree. After all Apple juice can harm the baby's fragile stomach. There is a deal of truth in it. Therefore, you need to start feeding your child with zucchini, then pumpkin, and only then an apple.

Some mothers do not want to prepare puree themselves, preferring store-bought pannoki. But in the store good puree it's expensive, so it's much easier and cheaper to do natural product on one's own. In addition, most manufacturers add starch, sugar and citric acid to the puree, and this is not always indicated on the packaging. All these products will not bring any benefit to a growing body, and can provoke intestinal upset or allergies.

Making baby puree for the winter with your own hands is not easy, because in order for it to be stored for a long time, you will have to add sugar, and this is not always suitable for the child. Pumpkin and zucchini can be peeled, cut into small pieces and placed in the freezer. In winter, vegetables can be taken out little by little, steamed, and then mashed with milk and fed to the baby.

For cooking applesauce, the apple needs to be peeled, cut and boiled in a saucepan in small quantity water over low heat. To make the puree truly tasty, you need to rub it through a sieve or grind it in a blender, and then add a little milk. It is advisable not to store such puree for a long time, but to prepare it for one time. In order to preserve the vitamins in the apple, you can make puree from a baked apple. If your child is not prone to constipation, you can prepare pear puree for him. Apricots and plums can cause loose stools, so you need to be careful with these fruits and not give too much at one time.

For the winter, puree is prepared in the same way as for one time, only after grinding the puree you need to put it back on the fire and boil it again, and then put it in sterile jars. If the jars are clean and well sterilized, then the puree can be stored even in the room. There is no need to prepare a lot of purees, because the child is growing and the number of foods he can eat is increasing. Most likely, a baby who ate puree in the summer will already be gnawing on apples in the winter.

Apple juice was previously recommended to be given to children from three months old, then studies began, and pediatricians unanimously shouted that apple juice is harmful at this age, and it can only be given after a year. At what age parents decide to give their child juice, the main thing is not to start giving it little by little, that is, a few drops at a time.

Puree for babies: recipe for the winter

If you feed your child correctly for the first three years, then he will not have problems with overweight and gastrointestinal diseases will not appear. What should you give your child first? It is better to start complementary feeding with vegetable puree, then you can introduce porridge, cottage cheese and then fruit puree.

You can buy vegetable puree at the store or prepare it yourself. This will require cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, turnips, beets, potatoes, carrots and spinach. Before cooking, vegetables must be washed and peeled. Then cook them in a double boiler or in a ladle with a small amount of water. Boiled vegetables need to be rubbed through a sieve, add milk and a few drops vegetable oil. Breast milk is best and must be expressed in advance. If the child is bottle-fed, then milk formula is added to the puree. Under no circumstances should you use cow's or goat milk, at this age they will not bring any benefit to the stomach. After a year, you can add sugar or salt to the puree.

Baby puree recipe for the winter can be found on the Internet or in a book about healthy eating infants. There are no special secrets in preparation, the main thing is to boil the puree again after preparing it and sterilize the jars in which it will be placed. In order not to worry about the safety of the puree, you can put it in the refrigerator. It certainly won't spoil there.

Recipe for applesauce for babies for the winter

In order to prepare puree you need to take ripe green apple, preferably of local origin, wash it, peel it and cut it into small pieces. Homemade apples, which are not always bright and have wormholes, are much tastier than their imported counterparts. Therefore, preference should be given to fruits, vegetables and berries from your own garden. After the apple is cut, it must be placed in a saucepan and boiled in a small amount of water (the level of water and apples should be the same). The fruit should be simmered over low heat for about ten minutes; there is absolutely no need to overcook it. After this, the apples are slightly cooled and mashed manually or using a blender. If the child is not prone to allergies, you can add a little fructose or sugar to the puree. Although it is better to do without any additives. The chemical compounds found in applesauce have a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system. After all, the apple is rich in polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, and we can talk endlessly about the amount of vitamins present in apples.

The recipe for applesauce for babies for the winter is simple. The apples are boiled, ground and placed in sterile jars. To prevent the puree from turning sour, full jars can be sterilized again in a closed pan.

Pear puree for babies - winter recipe

Pear is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. It does not cause allergies, speeds up metabolism, normalizes intestinal function and is well absorbed. A good multivitamin one-ingredient complementary food is pear puree. This puree can be given to children from six months.

Pear puree for babies - a recipe for the winter. To prepare the puree, you need to wash the pears, peel them and boil them in a small amount of water in a saucepan. After this, grind the resulting mass and boil it again. Next, the puree is placed in clean, sterile jars. After this, the jars are sterilized again and, after complete cooling, put in the refrigerator. In the summer it is easier to prepare puree, since there is fresh fruit either in the garden or in the store. In winter these are more difficult. There is nothing left in the garden and in the garden, and on store shelves there are fruits and vegetables stuffed with preservatives and unknown chemical compounds that allow them to be stored whole year. Therefore, parents have to buy expensive ready-made puree.

Pumpkin puree for babies - winter recipe

Pumpkin is considered a universal fruit. They began to grow it specially in North America, then it spread throughout the planet. Pumpkin contains vitamins PP, A, B, E, C, K, T, calcium, silicon, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and beta carotene. Vitamins are needed for the proper development and growth of a child, microelements allow bones to become stronger, phosphorus and magnesium develop nervous system, zinc prevents inflammation and strengthens the immune system, beta carotene improves vision.

Pumpkin puree for babies is a simple recipe for the winter. First you need to wash the pumpkin, then cut off a small piece, peel it and cook it either in a double boiler or in a ladle in a small amount of water. Then crush the vegetable, boil it again and put it in a sterile jar. It’s better not to make pumpkin puree in advance, but just freeze small pieces. In winter, just take out small pieces and boil them in a ladle.

The beauty of pumpkin is that it does not cause allergies, has a positive effect on the digestion process and improves stool.

Plum puree for babies for the winter

In order to prepare plum puree, you need to take several ripe fruits, wash them, remove the skin, remove the pit and boil them in a small amount of water in a ladle. Tender soft fruits of strawberries, peaches, plums and apricots can be ground and given to fresh, however, fresh fruits and berries can cause serious allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better, of course, to boil fresh fruits or steam them. Plum puree for babies for the winter is prepared as follows. When the plum darkens during cooking, the heat treatment can be stopped. After the plum has cooled, rub it through a sieve and boil again over low heat for five minutes. After this, the puree must be placed in sterile jars, closed with lids and turned over until completely cooled.

Zucchini puree for the winter for babies

The baby is growing and for normal development he needs a supplement to his mother's milk. From three months you can start introducing complementary foods. Zucchini puree Ideal for starting complementary feeding. Zucchini does not cause allergies, stimulates digestion and prevents constipation. This vegetable contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the development and growth of the baby.

Zucchini puree for the winter for babies is easy to prepare. Need to take one small zucchini, wash it and peel it; if there are seeds, remove them. After this, the zucchini is cut into small pieces and placed in a steamer or ladle with water. It cooks quickly - about 5-10 minutes. Then the vegetable needs to be crushed and placed in sterile jars, then the puree and the jars should be boiled.

Nowadays, women spend a lot of time at work, they have absolutely no time left for household chores. Apartment modern woman filled with electronic servants who take care of most of the household chores. But no matter what, a woman should remain a woman and at least sometimes do something for her family that is not related to money and work. It is important to leave at least two days a week for the family and devote them to creating home comfort, cooking and socializing. Cooking for your family is a pleasure. Therefore, you should not neglect home cooking. After all, it’s not at all necessary to work in the kitchen alone and then collapse on the bed from fatigue. All family members can be involved in cooking and cleaning the house. Together it is much faster and more fun, and in the evening there will be time for family games, watching TV or just talking.

The appearance of a small child in the house changes the way of life of the whole family. Mom can no longer run to the store and to work when she needs to. You have to devote a lot of time to cooking and caring for the child. Some mothers quickly finish breastfeeding, transfer the baby to artificial feeding, purchase ready-made purees in the store and leave the baby in the care of the grandmother. This happens because working mothers cannot afford to stay at home for one and a half or even three years; they feed the whole family and sometimes earn more than dad.

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 4

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Tender puree from fresh pears in a slow cooker

Vegetables and fruits are very healthy! Especially those who grew up with you summer cottage. Unfortunately, our “fruit season” does not last long, but we want to eat wonderful sweet fruits all year round!

It is impossible to keep apples or pears grown in the garden fresh for months, but there are many ways to preserve fruits and vegetables for the winter.

If you have collected a rich harvest of fruits or berries at your dacha and have already eaten your fill of fruits, I suggest making puree. For example, from pears. To simplify the process, we will cook it in a slow cooker.

Many housewives know how to cook apple or pear jam for the winter. But I suggest making puree!

First, let's find out how it differs from jam.

First difference:

Fruit puree is subjected to minimal heat treatment compared to jam, which needs to be boiled for several hours.

Second difference:

Much less sugar is added to puree than to jam or marmalade.

Third difference:

Although both types of sweets can be prepared for the winter, puree has a lighter, more delicate consistency. It has a natural taste fresh fruit, from which it is made. And the jam, like jam made for the winter, is thicker, viscous and sweet.

Fourth difference:

For jam or jam, you can use fruits with skins, while to make puree, the skins from apples or pears must be removed.

Fifth difference:

Puree retains more vitamins and microelements necessary for humans than jam or jam.

Pears, even grown by yourself, must be ripe, ripe and soft. Because it is from these fruits that the most delicious and aromatic puree is obtained. If your fruits had to ripen in the harsh conditions of the short Siberian summer, and they did not have time to gain required weight and the desired ripeness, it is better to use them for making jam for the winter.

Step 1

The pears must be washed and the skin removed. Cut out any damaged or darkened flesh.

Then remove the core and seeds from the fruit.

Step 2

Cut the fruit into pieces or slices. Do not chop, otherwise all the juice from the pears will turn into syrup, and the dessert will turn out liquid.

Step 3

Place the slices in a multicooker bowl and add sugar. If you are making puree from a very sweet variety, then you don’t need to use sugar. When you prepare for the winter, you need to take 200-250 years. sugar (depending on the natural acidity of pears) per 1 kg of fruit.

When making purees not intended for long-term storage, you can take 100-150 g sugar. Add citric acid. Its quantity also depends on the type of pear and your taste preferences.

Stir until the sugar crystals and lemon juice are completely dissolved. Be sure to taste and add sugar or acid to taste!

When you are preparing for the winter, lemon acid acts not only as a taste regulator, but also to a greater extent as a preservative. So you can’t do without it.

Step 4

To prepare, select the “stew” mode and set the time to 15 minutes. At the end of the specified mode, mix the contents of the bowl and repeat the operation again. After the end signal, turn the fruit again, and again charge the stewing mode for 15 minutes.

You can make pear puree steam method. But this method is not practical for preparing for the winter, since a very small amount of fruit is placed in the container for steaming, and steamed fruit is unlikely to be stored for a long time. In addition, the juice released from the fruit will flow into the water, and this will make the taste of the puree less rich.

To steam pears, place the fruit pieces in plastic container with holes. Pour a glass of water into the bowl and place a container with fruits on top. Activate the “steam” mode.

Step 5

While yours, prepare the jars properly. Glass containers and lids must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinsed with boiling water. Sterilize the jars in your usual way, and boil the lids in water for 3-5 minutes.

Step 6

When fruits are stewed or steamed required amount time, let them cool a little. Then put them in a saucepan, add a little vanillin and chop very thoroughly, beat with a blender. Vanilla will add to the dessert delicate aroma and will highlight the taste of natural fruits.

Step 7

If you were preparing pear puree just to eat, you can already start! When preparing it for the winter, the finished mass must be heated again in a slow cooker on the “stew” mode for 15-20 minutes. Then immediately pour the hot pear puree into sterilized containers and close with lids.

Wrap the jars in a warm blanket or fur coat and leave there until they cool completely. Then the jars must be moved to the refrigerator or cellar.

Pear puree is used as a dessert, filling for open pies, sweet additive for pancakes, pancakes or pancakes. It is also used as a topping for ice cream or ready-made yogurt. It's soft, light and healthy treat children love it very much.
