Russian folk party: having fun in the best cultural traditions. Menu for a wedding in Russian style: traditional dishes and drinks for the feast

The offers of event agencies are replete with all kinds of events, the topics of which relate to cultures and traditions unfamiliar to us. Russian folk style undeservedly relegated to the background. So why not recreate ancient traditions and have fun in the images of brave guys and Russian beauties?

How to invite guests in Russian style?

For any holiday whose theme is Russian traditions, ideal option the invitation will be a postcard decorated with Khokhloma and Gzhel painting. Or you can put text into a matryoshka doll - you’ll get both an unusual invitation and an excellent souvenir that can set your guests in the right mood.

Where and how to organize fun?

The basic rule for a Russian party is that the larger the room, the better. Ideally, such celebrations should take place outdoors in nature or on the territory of a country cottage.

To recreate the picture of past years and imbue the atmosphere with the real Russian spirit, you need to add a certain amount of details to the decor of the room: tufts of straw, bear skins on the floor and on the walls, beautifully arranged wicker baskets, nesting dolls and boxes. Dishes on the tables should be wooden and clay. Tables and chairs can be covered with burlap, canvas, and wooden lampshades can be hung from the ceiling.

Don't forget to highlight the style of your party with fabrics with patterns in the Russian folk style.

Chairs can be decorated with such patterns, festive table, the walls are decorated, even waiters can have uniforms with elements of such a pattern, however, do not overdo it with patterns! There should be one leader, the others can only partially complement him in the design details.

What outfit to choose for a Russian folk party?

There are two ways to decide the dress code for a Russian-style party. The first is an authentic outfit, which refers to folk costumes, recreated in its original form. The second is to dress in modern clothes, stylized as folk ones. Today, many fashion designers offer quite stylish and comfortable things that will be appropriate not only for a themed event, but also for everyday life.

Girls should pay attention to sundresses and shirts with puffy sleeves. The head is decorated with a kokoshnik or ribbon. You definitely need to put your hair in a braid; those with short haircuts can think about extensions.

The approximate composition of a suit for guys looks like this: wide loose pants, a satin shirt with embroidery and a scarlet sash. A cap with a flower on the head will complement the image.

What to serve on the table in Russian style?

Russian cuisine has always been distinguished not only by its unique flavor, but also by its delicious and hearty dishes. Serve baked poultry or roast suckling pig. You can cook potatoes and mushrooms with the meat. All kinds of pickles must be present on the table: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. Sweets: gingerbread, bagels, cranberries in sugar, jam.

Drinks that were popular in Rus': kvass, mead. The “stronger” option is vodka, of course. Organize a real tea party at the samovar.

For table setting, tablecloths with Russian folklore patterns are perfect, the dishes can be wooden, and in the middle of the table there is a huge samovar; all this will certainly complete the interior design of your evening.

What music to dance to and how to have fun?

The musical accompaniment of the evening is Russian folk songs, which can be found in the recording (ensemble " Golden ring", for example), or invite a folk group that will perform several numbers live. If the guests of the holiday are young people, then order a DJ who will make excellent dance hits based on folk songs.

Russian people love to have fun, so the entertainment should be appropriate. Organize a tug of war, and, despite the fact that this is a purely male entertainment, involve girls in the exciting action - it will be a lot of fun!

Another interesting competition about the bathhouse! To carry it out, you need to prepare all kinds of equipment that you need for going to the bathhouse: brooms, basins, sheets, hats for the steam room. Several players must dance to a fiery melody, but at the same time “steam” with a broom. At a certain moment, the music stops, and then the players must very quickly pull on their hats, wrap themselves in a sheet and plop down into the basin. Whoever is faster wins!

For quiet entertainment, a quiz on knowledge of Russian culture and traditions is suitable - an excellent break between music and dance marathons. In addition, guests will also enjoy competitions in which they need to remember Russian folk ditties and songs. Give prizes to the winners and let them be items of Russian folk art.

A party in the Russian style is not only fun, joy and dancing, it is a kind of tribute to the traditions and culture of our country. So let's popularize something that is so often forgotten. Our ancestors knew how to have fun, let's learn from them?

A short plan for preparing for a disco party

If after this article you feel that the party will definitely be in Russian style, we suggest moving from words to actions.

Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or we will order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very pressing, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything during preparation. Copy it, print it in Word and go! Disco-disco!

  1. If the decision about the party was made by the company, determine who will be responsible for preparing the party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet with everyone to clarify the preliminary list of participants.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on the party (the solution to all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  6. Resolve the issue of financing (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparation and implementation)
  7. If you are planning a full party style, the question of Russian folk dress becomes one of the important preparation points on the list of each participant. Find costume rental companies and give each party participant a handout with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find the right outfit...”)
  8. Decide where you intend to hold the party (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue more easily, leave a request on the site indicating that you are planning a party in the Russian folk style. Surely, you will be answered by venues that not only have experience in organizing such a style, but were also originally conceived as establishments in the Russian style, and therefore in interior plan 100% meeting your requirements. Or maybe someone will organize a similar party in the near future, then from the entire to-do list you will only have to remember to come to the address on the day of the party.
  9. What dishes/drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  10. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  11. Decide who will do the decoration of the room. If you plan to do everything yourself, decide on the decoration elements; it is best to have them ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site; they will offer you not only design options, but will also demonstrate existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer based on quality and price.
  12. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which ones don’t? Use our competitions section to quickly solve this problem.

eventspro sincerely wishes you a super disco drive!

Unfortunately, under the influence of Western culture and the Eastern calendar, we gradually began to forget about our holidays. culinary traditions. If you want to surprise your guests and make New Year's celebration truly unusual and unforgettable, then you can set the table in the traditional Russian style.


For table setting in a traditional Russian style, a natural-colored linen tablecloth with ethnic embroidery is best suited. It would be great if the dishes corresponded to the intended style, or at least some serving elements would create the impression of traditional Russian life. For example, wooden or clay bowls and plates, small wicker baskets for bread, a decanter or bottles for drinks made of rough glass.


Russian cuisine is famous for its pickles, so the following would be appropriate on the table: all kinds of recipes from cabbage, such as sauerkraut, as well as mushrooms salted in sour cream, pickled cucumbers, pickled onions. There must be sturgeon or sturgeon caviar on the table salmon fish. Caviar is served in a glass caviar bowl. You can stuff boiled eggs with caviar, which are placed on a flat plate covered with shredded green onions, fresh herbs, diced butter is served on the same plate.

Fish snacks

The salted herring is peeled from skin and bones, cut into small pieces and placed in a herring bowl on a bed of onion cut into rings, poured over with oil and a small amount vinegar. Separately, the herring is served hot boiled potatoes, with chopped onions fried in vegetable oil.

Any small-boned fish is suitable for aspic: pike perch, pike, sturgeon, burbot, etc. The fish is thoroughly cleaned of scales, skin and bones, and the head and fins are removed. Fish fillets are cut into pieces. Washed scales, heads without gills and eyes, bones and fins are poured cold water and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours.

Pour the resulting broth over the fish fillet, add the onion, Bay leaf, black pepper and cook for another 30-40 minutes. The fish is removed from the broth and placed in one large or several portion forms, decorated with chopped carrots, fresh herbs and lemon slices. The fish is poured with concentrated fish broth(1 kg of fish waste per 400 ml of water). If the broth is not concentrated, gelatin should be added to it. The aspic is put in the refrigerator until it hardens. Serve the aspic cold, with mustard, mayonnaise or horseradish dressing.
Prepare the aspic at the rate of 75 g boneless fish fillet and 125 g of filling per serving.

Peel the salted herring from skin and bones, remove the head. Finely chop the fillet with a knife or pass through a meat grinder, add egg yolk, butter and fresh herbs. Mix the mass. The fish mass can be served on bread, or you can give it the shape of a fish and garnish with herbs, boiled eggs, pickles, and pickled onions.
As meat snacks In traditional Russian cuisine, offal and offal (tongue, liver, kidneys, legs) are widely used. But still, the main decoration of the table has always been considered a suckling pig.

The pig carcass is scalded and the bristles are scraped off, rolled in flour and singed. The pig is dried. The pig's spine is cut from the inside and the surface is rubbed with lemon. The carcass is immersed in ice water for 2 hours. In a large saucepan, fill the pig completely with water and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. Cool the piglet in the same pan. The cooled pig is cut into portioned pieces and place it in a dish and decorate with herbs. Can be garnished with boiled or baked vegetables.

The pig should be served with horseradish and sour cream. Glass finely grated horseradish(ground in a meat grinder) mix with one glass of sour cream, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt. 1 tablespoon vinegar (3%) or lemon juice.

The tongue is thoroughly washed, cleaned, immersed in a cold salt water and boil over low heat. Hot tongue dipped into cold water and peel before it cools down. The purified product is sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried in fat with onions, carrots, parsley root and celery. Ready language cut into slices and garnish green peas, pickles, herbs or boiled vegetables.

On the New Year's table you can include dumplings, dumplings, roasts or offal dishes.

The lung and heart are washed, boiled for 40 minutes and passed through a meat grinder. At the same time, finely chopped onions and mushrooms are lightly fried in butter. Liver is added to the mushrooms and fried a little more.
To make dumplings, yeast-free dumpling dough is used.

The kidneys are cut in half lengthwise and soaked in cold water for three hours, constantly changing the water. The soaked kidneys are transferred to a saucepan and filled with cold water at the rate of 4 liters of water per 1 kg of kidneys. The water is brought to a boil and then drained. The second decoction is also drained. Only in the third decoction are the kidneys brought to readiness. Boiled kidneys are cut into thin slices and fried. At the same time, slices of potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, turnips and onions are fried. Kidneys and vegetables are placed in a pot or stewpan with high walls, chopped garlic, chopped tomato, spices are added, poured with sour cream and simmered over low heat.

For 1 kg of kidneys you need to take 0.5 kg of potatoes, 200 g of carrots, 200 g of turnips, 200 g of rutabaga, one onion, one tomato, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 0.5 kg of sour cream.

The gutted and washed goose carcass is rubbed with salt outside and inside, tied with twine and placed on a baking sheet with its back down. The carcass is fried until golden brown crust, periodically pouring melted fat. Then add 0.5 cups of water to the baking sheet and continue to fry, pouring over the juice, for 1-1.5 hours. 15 minutes before readiness, place the apples cut into quarters, peeled from the core, onto a baking sheet.

The finished goose is freed from the twine, chopped into pieces and placed on a dish with baked apples.

After a feast with libations, it will be good for the morning chicken pickle- kalya.
The chicken is immersed in cold water and brought to a boil. The first broth is drained and the chicken is filled with water a second time. Boiled chicken is cut into portions. Sauteed onions, parsley and celery are placed in the broth, finely chopped slices of ham and peeled pickled cucumber are added. At the end of cooking, add spices and brine to taste.
For one chicken you need to take 400g of pickled cucumbers, 400g of parsley roots, 150g celery root, 300g onions. Sour cream is used for dressing.

There is no doubt - the festive table should be bursting with food! But every zealous housewife understands that this year it is somehow unprofitable to put foie gras, black caviar and filet mignon on the table. marbled beef. As for Olivier and “shuba”... With all the advantages of post-Soviet cuisine, during the holidays you will encounter it a good dozen times, visiting all your relatives and friends. Do you want to set the New Year's table in an original way, surprise guests with new dishes and at the same time save family budget? A super idea from Domovenka - a New Year's table in the Russian traditional style!

As is known, New Year They didn’t celebrate in Rus'. But our ancestors had Christmas, Epiphany, Christmastide, Candlemas, Maslenitsa... Of these and others holiday traditions we will get ideas for our New Year's table.

Unlike modern housewives, Russian peasants did not buy any Turkish cucumbers, nor Dutch tomatoes (which, however, by the end of December have neither taste nor smell - only nitrates). Therefore, traditional Russian cuisine is rich in all kinds of pickles, fermentations and urines. Crispy pickles, delicious tomatoes with juicy pulp and cracked skin, with snow-white cloves of garlic, sauerkraut, strong saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms in sour cream - all this is affordable and completely delicious snacks for the New Year's table. With one condition: the quality must be first-class. No store-bought marinades, only real homemade ones!

Big pies and small ones rosy pies, shaneshki and wickets, pies and kulebyaki, with cabbage, mushrooms, fish - this is an aroma for the whole house and the childish delight of your guests. Believe me, the result is worth the effort, because after homemade cakes you can convey to your loved ones the enormous energy of your love and care.

Do you know what is tastier, more natural and much cheaper than the usual store-bought sausages and hams? Homemade boiled pork on the bone, marinated overnight sour kvass with honey and spices and baked in the oven. Buy meat from the market, never frozen. And you don't have to spend exorbitant amounts of money on a Christmas goose!

Guryevskaya porridge
Surprisingly, in Russian traditional cuisine you can find desserts no worse than “all kinds” of cheesecakes. It's luxurious semolina, layered with foam from homemade heavy cream simmered in the oven, decorated with nuts and stewed in caramel syrup fruits. Peaches, grapes, pineapples, kiwi will add notes of exoticism without destroying the folk flavor of the dish. Your loved ones have never tried this before!

Intoxicating honey
Set drinks are another wonderful folk tradition that has been lost over the last hundred years. You can prepare intoxicated honey in just 5 days. One part of honey is diluted in five parts of water, boiled for at least an hour, and after straining it is fermented with starter or yeast. Berries and hops are added for taste. Here it is, our answer to mulled wine and grog!

It sounds proud, it looks impressive! And for some reason, tea from a samovar always seems much tastier...

This is the morning salvation for those who celebrated too hard. Good, rich Russian fish soup is praised by everyone, from the first Russian princes to the presidents of the 21st century. To make your fish soup festive but economical, combine noble varieties of fish (sturgeon, salmon) with more affordable fish, such as crucian carp, ruffe, whitefish and burbot. You won’t believe it, but in Rus' the ruff ear was valued so highly that they lightened it with pressed black caviar. The caviar was thrown away, and the fish soup was eaten with pleasure.

Stylized table setting
Of course, not every home will have wooden spoons, painted ladles, Khokhloma tubs, bowls and tubs. However, it is entirely within your power to create the atmosphere. Table setting should be simple and rustic: linen tablecloth and napkins, as many clay or wooden dishes as possible. Fluffy fir branch and more candles. Beauty!

And a good mood!
It was also said in Domostroy that at any feast, sweetness can turn bitter, since the behavior of the participants in the feast affects the taste of the prepared dishes. Mutual respect, gratitude, a sincere desire to rejoice and please others are the key to a good holiday!

These are the Russians!” - the foreigners who were lucky enough to be at the festive dinner hosted by the Russians were surprised. For example, in the summer of 1866, the American delegation at the Moscow Naval Assembly was treated to sterlet fish soup, kulebyaki, English roast beef, Gatchina trout, stuffed great snipes, punch a la Victoria, artichokes a la Lyonnaise, young grouse, quail and hazel grouse, pudding from fruits and a dozen more gourmet treats. It is unlikely that you will be able to reproduce a similar historical menu in detail, but try to cook an ordinary holiday dinner XIX century is quite realistic. Usually it consisted of 7-8 dishes, which were laid out on the table one by one. The first course was soup, then something cold (okroshka, jelly), then roast meat or poultry. After the hot one came the body ( hot fish), savory pies like kulebyaki, porridge (usually Guryevskaya), and the meal ended with “snacks” - pies, ice cream and fruit desserts.

“Shti and porridge is our food”

Today we rarely eat soups on holidays, but in the 19th century, a liquid hot dish was a mandatory treat. Guests were offered fish soup, beetroot soup, cereal soup or real Russian “shti”. The latter were prepared in different ways: from fresh or sauerkraut, lazy - without potatoes, empty - without meat, green - from sorrel, nettle or spinach, Ural - with pearl barley, Don - with fish, Neva - on mushroom broth. If you want to arrange a proper historical evening, serve cabbage soup, for example, merchant cabbage soup for the first course. First, pour cold water over 300-400 g of beef on the bone and 300 g of smoked pork ribs and cook for about an hour along with black pepper and bay leaf. When the meat becomes softer, put 0.5 kg of sauerkraut, chopped into strips or checkers, into the pan and cook for about 30 minutes. Then add fried carrots, celery, onion, 4-5 tomatoes per own juice and add the chopped potatoes. As soon as the last one is boiled, add the greens. Then pour the cabbage soup over clay pots and cover with dough - to do this, mix 50 g butter, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and flour. Make a cake, cover the necks with it (don’t forget to grease the pot with vegetable oil) and bake in the oven.

Taste-tasting punch

For the second course in Rus', cold treats were served - okroshka, botvinya, jellied fish or corned beef. After this, guests were offered frozen punch - it was believed that it perfectly cleanses the mouth's receptors, takes away the taste of the previous dish and prepares a person for a new treat. The drink “Imperial” was often made for ceremonial receptions. To prepare it, grind 1/2 kg of apricots with 2 cups of sugar, dilute the mixture in 1/2 bottle of white table wine and shake with crushed ice. After guests have drunk the punch, you can offer them roast meat, such as pork. Cut the pig fillet into pieces, first boil until done, and then add to the sauce. To make it, mix 2/3 cup of flour, 3 cups of broth and 1 cup of sour cream, bring to a boil, add salt and at the very last moment add a glass of semi-dry white wine.

Sturgeon in Russian

The main event of the Russian dinner party was the ceremonial removal of a dish with gigantic sturgeon. For example, guests at one of the receptions of the famous rich man Vsevolzhsky recalled how “a huge fish was dragged on some platform by four hefty kitchen men.” If you can’t find elite royal sturgeon, you can cook its relative – sterlet. The main thing is to bake it whole and serve it that way. First, clean the fish of mucus, remove the gills, entrails and spinal cord. Then rub the carcass with salt and pepper, generously lemon juice and put dill, parsley and basil in the belly. After this, place the sterlet on a baking sheet filled with dry white wine and bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Ready fish place on a plate and decorate with slices boiled egg and lemon, olives, capers, cherries and plums.

Without kulebyaki - nowhere

In addition to cold and hot dishes, the Russian dinner party included a lot of baked goods: pancakes with black caviar, cheesecakes and the famous kulebyaki - closed pies stuffed with eggs, fish, chicken, meat or several layers at once different minced meat divided by pancakes. Typically, this kind of delicacy was made in an elongated shape or sculpted taking into account the contents - if there was pork inside, the pie was given the appearance of a pig. To prepare fish kulebyaka from salmon and mushrooms, first knead the dough - sift 600 g of flour, add 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 70 g of melted butter, a pinch of salt and 10 g of yeast, diluted in a glass warm water. Mix everything and let rise for about an hour. In the meantime, prepare the filling: fry pieces of salmon fillet in one frying pan, soaked mushrooms with onions and olives in another, then mix everything and season with mustard, salt, pepper and sour cream. When the dough has risen, roll it out into a layer about 5 mm thick, place the minced meat in the center and pinch the edges on top, closing the kulebyak. You need to bake it for about 25 minutes.

Ice cream made from... bread

The perfect dessert for a party XIX style century can be ice cream served on a bed of shortcrust pastry With fruit and berry jelly. True, in ancient times the ice dessert was completely different from the modern one. For example, the famous St. George ice cream, which was served to the military at an official reception in the Winter Palace in 1889, was made from black bread whipped with butter. Another dessert option described in cookbook 1794, more familiar. Take it heavy cream and put jam in them (one to one). Whisk the mixture thoroughly and put it in the freezer - after a couple of hours the ice cream can be served.

Expert opinion

Sergey Khomyakov, chef of the restaurant-museum “Red Square, Building 1”

If in England of the 19th century it was customary to put all dishes on the table at once, then in Russia, treats at receptions were served in turn - a plate was brought out and the name of its contents was loudly announced. The Russian form of presentation was recognized as the best, so many countries borrowed it. Our restaurant regularly hosts historical evenings and dishes for them are prepared according to recipes preserved in the collections of the State Historical Museum. For example, last year we restored the State Dinner in honor of the coronation of Alexander II and Maria Alexandrovna, which took place on September 4, 1856. Then the royals ate hazel grouse soup à la reine, truffle poulards, steamed sterlet, quail in gratin, Milanese artichokes, roast turkey, fruit jelly and ice cream.

Menu for seven people

French chicken soup

Brew chicken bouillon, strain liquid. Add soaked peas and beans to it and cook for about 40-50 minutes. Cut carrots and turnips into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Separately sauté the onions. Then put the vegetables in the broth, add chopped sorrel and parsley and cook the soup for another 5 minutes. Serve it with sour cream.

Pie with cabbage

Prepare yeast dough and make him thin flatbreads. Then place the filling in the center of each - fried cabbage with chopped boiled eggs, sautéed onions and carrots. After this, fold the edges of the dough (pie - open pie), let it stand for 15 minutes, brush with a lightly beaten egg and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Roast beef

Prepare the marinade: finely chop 1-2 onions, 2-3 carrots, 80 g each of celery root and parsley, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil, bay leaf and a pinch of black pepper. Put it in this mixture beef tenderloin and put it in the refrigerator for a day. After 24 hours, bread the meat in flour and fry for pork fat. Then for 15-20 minutes. Place the frying pan with the beef in the oven.

Sterlet in champagne

Gut the fish, remove the spinal cord, scald it with boiling water and remove the skin. After this, put in a saucepan, pour in 2 glasses of champagne, salt, add leeks, carrots, dill and parsley, allspice and simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. Remove the carcass and prepare a sauce based on the broth. Evaporate it by half, add a glass of cream and 20 g of butter.

Cherry pudding

Beat 50 g butter, 1/2 cup sugar and 4 yolks. Then add a glass of sweet ground crackers, a glass of melted fresh frozen pitted cherries, mix everything and combine with the beaten whites of 4 eggs. Bake the pudding in a greased pan for 30 minutes.

Material provided by the magazine "AiF PRO Kitchen" No. 1-2

Party in Russian folk style – great choice for those who want to have a lot of fun and be transported back several centuries. This evening, which is sure to be remembered and enjoyed by everyone, can be organized with your own efforts, you just need to take into account some points.

Decorating a room in folk style

To create an atmosphere of ancient times in the room and turn it into a semblance of an old hut, the room should have a minimum of modern furniture and equipment. You can lay a patterned carpet and bear skins on the floor. The walls should be decorated with embroidered towels, items made from Vologda lace, and pictures depicting scenes from folk life. There may also be shelves with clay figurines and pots on the walls. In one corner of the room you need to place a model of a Russian stove, which can be easily made from ordinary cardboard and then painted with patterns. In another corner of the room you should hang an iconostasis and place a large table next to it. It should be covered with a beautiful tablecloth and dishes decorated with decorative patterns in the style of Khokhloma or Gzhel painting should be placed on it. There must be a samovar on the table.

Traditional Russian costumes

Girls invited to a party in Russian folk style must dress up in traditional clothes of those times. This could be a white loose shirt with embroidery on the sleeves, a bright spacious sundress, and red or dark shoes or boots on the feet. You should put a colored ribbon or kokoshnik on your head, which you can cut out of cardboard and cover yourself beautiful fabric. Hair should be neatly pulled back or braided. Accessories should be bright and catchy: large beads, earrings, bracelets and brooches made of wood, stones and beads. It is best for men to wear white shirts with red ornaments, tied with scarlet belts with tassels at the ends, dark trousers and shoes. The head should have a cap decorated on the side with a bright live or artificial flower.

Folk foods and drinks

The menu for a party in Russian folk style should include many delicious traditional dishes and drinks. Serve cabbage soup, rassolnik or okroshka as a starter. As snacks and meat dishes Homemade pickles, mushrooms, herring, jellied fish, and baked meat are suitable. For the main dishes you can prepare dumplings, potatoes, baked goose with apples or suckling pig. There should also be a lot of pies on the table with different salty and sweet filling, pancakes with cottage cheese and red caviar. For drinks, it is better to choose compote, kvass and beer. After guests have tasted these dishes, they can be served dessert: aromatic tea from a samovar with honey, jam, dried bread, gingerbread and pancakes.

Entertainment and festivities

As entertainment, you can arrange merry dances for your guests to folk music. All guests will enjoy performing traditional dances: “Barynya”, “Kamarinskaya”, “Yablochko”, “Cossack”. You should also organize a competition for the best performance of folk songs and ditties, and the winners should be awarded sweets or other interesting prizes. Guests can also play funny traditional Russian games: forfeits, brook, cat and mouse, burners and others. Men can show off their heroic strength by taking part in arm wrestling and tug of war.

A party in Russian folk style will definitely please your guests delicious dishes and drinks, casual communication and fun games and activities.
