How to make salted popcorn at home. Popcorn with cookies and chocolate. Your kids will love this homemade popcorn.

Try improving your favorite snack in at least one of the ways described below, and you will never eat regular popcorn again!

1. Popcorn with Oreos

For a large pack of popcorn you will need approximately 12 cookies and 200 grams of caramels. Crush the Oreos and melt the caramels. Mix popcorn with crumbs and top evenly with caramel. The delicacy will be incredibly tasty!

2. Popcorn Margarita

True, it is non-alcoholic. This popcorn will satisfy your craving for something spicy. Add a pinch of salt and a couple of pinches of chili powder to a serving of corn. Add a tablespoon of lime zest and the snack is ready. You can add a little cilantro to the dish for flavor.

3. Popcorn with hot sauce and pickle

Sounds like a ridiculous whim of a pregnant woman. But hot sauce and brine actually go great together. In a sealable container, mix the corn, a little hot sauce and three tablespoons of marinade. Give everything a good shake so that the seasonings are dispersed throughout the popcorn, and enjoy your meal.

4. Popcorn with chocolate shells and peanut butter

Peanut butter lovers will be delighted. As, indeed, do lovers of chocolate baskets. The following ingredients are needed for preparation:

8 cups popcorn; a pinch of salt;

  • ½ cup honey;
  • 1/3 cup sugar;
  • ½ cup peanut butter;
  • ½ tsp. vanillin;
  • ½ cup baked milk with melted chocolate chips;
  • ½ cup chocolates.

Season the popped popcorn with salt and spread evenly (preferably in one layer) on a baking sheet. Mix honey and sugar and bring to a boil in a small saucepan. Boil for a couple of minutes, remove from heat and add to mixture peanut butter. Stir thoroughly until the latter melts. Then add vanilla and quickly pour the mixture over the popcorn. Pour warmed milk and chocolate on top and wait until it hardens. Add chocolates at the end.

5. Sweet and salty popcorn

You can't go past this sweet, salty peanut butter treat.

Mix a portion of corn with 3 tbsp. l. coconut (or any other) oil. In a separate bowl, combine the chopped chocolate rice balls and peanut butter. Place the mixture in the microwave for a few minutes and then mix everything thoroughly. Add a little vanilla and pour the mixture over the popcorn. Voila!

6. Popcorn with a tasty mix

The big advantage of this recipe is that it can be customized. Combine different products. For example, crushed tortillas, pretzels and M&M's go well together. Popcorn with almonds, dried apricots and hazelnuts is also very tasty.

7. Popcorn with sugar and cinnamon

First, season the corn with oil. Then, in a resealable container, mix the popcorn with 2 tbsp. l. melted butter, 2 tsp. sugar and a couple of pinches of cinnamon.

8. Parmesan Garlic Popcorn

Quite spicy and interesting taste at this snack. To prepare it you need:

  • 4 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced;
  • 1 tsp. chopped rosemary;
  • 1/3 cup popcorn;
  • ½ cup grated parmesan.

Melt the butter and mix with garlic and rosemary. Cook for a couple of minutes over medium heat. Place warm popcorn on the surface in one layer, pour oil and garlic evenly over it and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste.

No establishment or manufacturer will make popcorn so cheesy. Although preparing it is easier than ever. You just need to melt 50 g of butter, pour it over warm popcorn, and sprinkle the cheese on top with crushed cheese to a powder.

It's a little tricky to prepare, but believe me, it's worth it!

Required ingredients:

  • 1 cup butter;
  • 2 cups sugar (preferably brown);
  • ½ cup corn syrup;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • 1 tsp. vanillin;
  • 5 glasses of popcorn.

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter and sugar. Add syrup and salt here. Bring to a boil, remembering to stir constantly. Then cook for another 4 minutes. Remove from heat, stir while adding vanilla. Pour the mixture over the popped popcorn on a baking sheet and place it in the oven. Cook for an hour, stirring the corn every 15 minutes. When the popcorn becomes brittle, it's ready.

This delicacy, among other things, can serve as an ideal decoration festive table. Especially in a house where there are children. It is prepared from melted white chocolate(about ½ cup, to taste) and multi-colored sprinkles. Liquid chocolate poured onto the popped popcorn, everything is mixed and sprinkled with powder.

12. Zebra Popcorn

The easiest way to make this dish is with caramel popcorn. But if there is no such thing, you can make it yourself - using melted caramel. Place the popped corn on parchment paper and pour over liquid hot chocolate – white and black. Wait for the chocolate to harden and enjoy.

13. Caramel Apple Popcorn

The dish is not so easy to prepare, but the result is simply amazing. You won't find popcorn like this from any manufacturer.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 pack apple chips(or thinly chopped dried);
  • 1 cup sugar (preferably brown);
  • 1 cup corn syrup;
  • ½ cup butter;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

Pop popcorn in the oven or microwave and mix with apples. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar, butter, corn syrup, and salt. Bring to a boil. Add condensed milk and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then pour the mixture onto the corn and apples (pre-arrange them on a baking sheet) and place everything in the oven for 45 - 50 minutes. Stir the dish every 10 minutes to ensure the popcorn bakes evenly. After you remove the snack from the oven, break it into pieces and let it cool slightly.

14. Popcorn with cookies and chocolate

Cookies with chocolate and fried bonfire marshmallows- This is delicious. Why not add this taste to your favorite movie snack? Take small cookies, popcorn, small marshmallows and chocolate buttons. Mix everything and put in the oven. Bake until the chocolate has melted.

15. Popcorn cake


  • 6 cups popped popcorn;
  • 1 bar of white chocolate (melted);
  • 1 cup baking mixture;
  • ¼ pack of margarine;
  • multi-colored sugar powder.

Mix hot chocolate with melted margarine and add baking mixture. Stir well, heating further in the microwave if necessary. Pour the resulting mixture over the popcorn, decorate with sprinkles and place the dish in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes.

16. Caramel Pecan Popcorn

To prepare it you will need:

  • 6 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 3 tbsp. l. corn syrup;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • ¼ tsp. vanillin;
  • ¼ tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 pack of black chocolate chips;
  • 1 pack of white chocolate chips;
  • ½ cup cashews.

Mix butter, syrup and Brown sugar and boil them, keeping them on low heat. After the mixture boils, stir it for another 4 - 5 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in baking soda and vanilla and pour over corn. Place the popcorn in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes. When you take it out, sprinkle it with chips and nuts while still hot. Stir until the chocolate melts.

17. Snickers popcorn

Make caramel according to the recipe described in the previous paragraph and pour it over the popcorn. Make mini Snickers and add them to the corn. Pour peanuts into the dish and pour melted chocolate on top - white, black or milk, to taste.

It is prepared in the same way as regular caramel. Just add half a pack of marshmallows to the mixture during cooking. And after pouring caramel on the corn, sprinkle it coconut flakes. Marshmallow makes the filling sticky. Therefore, it is advisable to eat popcorn warm. When it cools, the caramel will harden. But of course, this will not spoil the taste at all.

19. Marshmallow popcorn

If you like toffee, you can make popcorn with only marshmallow sauce. To do this, melt a pack of marshmallows over medium heat with ½ stick of butter and ½ cup of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until homogeneous mass medium thick and pour over corn.

And how can you resist this?!

Today we will tell you how to cook favorite treat cinema visitors - popcorn. To do this, you need to purchase or grow corn for popcorn on your plot, and devote very little time to preparing the product. Homemade popcorn is no less tasty than store-bought popcorn, and its ridiculous cost will be an excellent motivation for making it yourself.

How to make sweet popcorn at home in caramel in a frying pan?


  • – 60 g;
  • vegetable oil without aroma – 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 220 g;
  • purified water – 40 ml;
  • baking soda– 10 g;
  • – 4-5 drops.


First, let's prepare the popcorn itself. To do this, pour flavorless vegetable oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides and place it on the fire. Its intensity should be slightly above average. Now pour the popcorn corn into the pan and immediately cover it with a lid. After a few seconds, characteristic popping sounds will be heard, which will indicate correct flow process. The kernels open up and turn into popcorn. During the entire frying period, periodically shake the pan so that the unopened grains sink to the bottom and the opened grains do not burn. After the frying stops, remove it from the heat and begin preparing the caramel.

Pour into a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron granulated sugar, pour in just a little water and add lemon juice. We put the vessel on the fire slightly below average and leave it alone for a while, only observing the processes taking place from the side. When the sugar begins to melt, taking on a liquid consistency, we tilt the vessel little by little in one direction or the other, wetting the undissolved crystals to speed up the process. It is not recommended to stir the contents of the bowl at this moment until all the sugar has melted. Then we begin to stir the caramel carefully so that it does not burn, and heat it until a beautiful amber color is obtained.

Now very quickly pour soda into the caramel mass, also quickly stir the foamed substance and pour it onto the popcorn, trying to distribute it evenly. Mix everything quickly and carefully, quickly transfer it to a baking sheet lined with a parchment sheet and level it, spreading the caramel-covered popcorn in one layer.

We leave the popcorn in the caramel to harden for about seven minutes and we can try it.

The process of making sweet popcorn can be greatly simplified. Taste finished product V in this case slightly different from what is prepared using the technology described above, but in the absence of free time this method just a find. Pour the corn kernels into the pan, stir until the oil coats them evenly, then add the powdered sugar and stir again. After this, cover the frying pan with a lid and wait until the end of the cooking process and the opening of all the grains. When heated, the sugar will melt and give the popcorn a caramel flavor.

How to pop salted popcorn at home in the microwave?


  • corn for popcorn – 25 g;
  • vegetable oil without aroma – 25 ml;
  • fine salt “Extra” – to taste.


Starting to make popcorn in microwave oven, and when choosing dishes for this, we take into account that the corn will significantly increase in volume and from the proposed quantity you will get popcorn with a volume of approximately like one liter jar.

Place the corn in a glass bowl, sprinkle with vegetable oil, add salt to taste and stir. Cover the vessel with a glass lid or a second plate and place it in the device. We set it to 800 W and set the timer for five minutes. After the allotted cooking time has passed, leave the container with popcorn in the microwave for a couple more minutes. And only after that we remove it from the microwave and enjoy.

In a similar way you can prepare sweet popcorn in the microwave, replacing salt powdered sugar. It is necessary to generously sprinkle the oiled corn kernels with it.

Today, any place associated with public recreation is associated with popcorn. The caramel smell of warm puffed corn attracts not only children, but also adults, so retail outlets with special machines are never empty. Children can eat several servings at a time, so parents ask themselves the question: “Is popcorn healthy?” The benefits and harms of this product have become the cause of ongoing debate about how safe such food is, so it is worth understanding the issue in more detail and finding the answer.

What is popcorn?

Popcorn is a dish that is prepared by cooking individual corn grains a certain variety. Each grain contains liquid starch, which, heating up to 200 degrees, explodes the shell. The foamy mass instantly hardens, which is why the volume of popcorn is much greater than the volume of raw materials.

Properties of popcorn

If the grains are prepared without additives, then the calorie content of 100 grams will be about 300 kcal. The Indians fried popcorn in spices, and today many not quite healthy ingredients: salt, flavorings, dyes and flavor enhancers. The amount of salt or sugar that one grain may contain is undesirable even for an adult, let alone a child. And a product with caramel can be harmful children's body. When parents buy popcorn, the benefits and harms of it should be assessed by them from the point of view of the basics of proper nutrition.

What kind of popcorn should you eat?

Corn kernels cooked without harmful additives and an abundance of spices, sugar and salt - rather, useful product. It contains B vitamins and polyphenols, which help the body tissues maintain youth. A large amount of fiber helps fight overweight and also cleanses the intestines.

The dangers of popcorn that tastes too sweet or salty are undeniable. This product should be consumed in small doses and very rarely. In addition, after using it you are very thirsty. Large amounts of fluid can cause swelling, especially if it sweet soda. Such nutrition is the first step to obesity and diabetes.

What are the benefits of popcorn?

Many novice cooks are interested in what popcorn is made from. Roasted corn kernels are independent dish, which contains all the necessary elements and sufficient quantity calories. Therefore, in order not to get additional folds of fat, you need to eat popcorn not in large portions.

Thanks to vitamin B1, this snack is good for the condition of nails and hair. It also normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This product is especially useful for people of retirement age, athletes and those who receive physical activity.

Vitamin B2, which is contained in popcorn, is indispensable for stress and depression. It helps overcome these conditions and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. If you eat roasted grains in pure form, they will only bring benefits.

What's wrong with popcorn?

People need to remember that the effect of this product on the body depends solely on how it is prepared. In retail outlets it is offered with flavor enhancers, synthetic ingredients and caramel, and you can also try salted popcorn.

The buyer has the opportunity to choose a snack for every taste, but it is better to give preference to the one that contains minimal amount additives Otherwise, popcorn will turn into a rather dangerous product.

For those who are wondering whether to buy popcorn, the benefits and harms are important criteria for making a decision. American scientists have proven that consuming the product in large quantities provokes the development of many diseases.

The healthiest popcorn is homemade!

Buy today popcorn it won't be difficult. Retail outlets offer customers different kinds popcorn. But the benefits of such a product are very doubtful. It's much better to make popcorn at home. Some people think that this is very difficult process, but in reality everything is not like that. It is enough to purchase special dry grains that are used to make popcorn. The package should be placed in a microwave oven or the product should be fried in a dry frying pan. Of course, it is better to give up salt, sugar and seasonings completely, but if you wish, you can add salt or sweeten just a little so that the body does not experience stress.

By showing your imagination, you can give the dish a new and unusual taste, sprinkling it with something on top, such as powdered sugar or grated cheese. Italians add ready-made roasted grains tomato paste and basil.

Some experts believe that popcorn can be harmful to humans, since when diacetyl is heated, special substances are formed. These are flavorings in oil, they are used in cooking.

How to cook popcorn?

To please your family, you can cook at home healthy treat. What is popcorn made from and what raw materials are needed? You need to purchase natural corn, and before cooking it, you should put the grains in the freezer for several hours. Place it in the pan when it is very hot. It is important that there is a sharp temperature change, then the explosion of the grains will be very strong, they will practically turn inside out.

Making popcorn involves a little finesse. When the grains are laid out, it is better to remove the frying pan from the heat and then quickly pour in any oil, one spoon is enough. To ensure that they are all covered with a film, you need to twist the vessel.

Then you should immediately return it to the heat and cover with a lid. It is not removed until the cracking sound of popping grains stops. For the treat to be beneficial, you need to season it with a small amount of salt or sugar, without using chemical additives.

Another useful recipe

Many people worry about whether popcorn is safe. The benefits and harms are easily assessed if you make the snack yourself. It is better to cook the puffed grains correctly right away. For this you will need fine salt and frozen butter. It requires approximately 40 g per 100 g of corn. The dishes should be heated and the product and salt should be added there. After all the grains have fully opened, they need to be removed from the heat and sprinkled with shavings of butter while they are hot. It is worth remembering that even homemade popcorn must be eaten in small quantities.

In winter, it is especially tempting to spend the evening at home, wrapped in a warm blanket, and watching your favorite films. Well, what’s a movie show without popcorn?!

Simple and easy to prepare, popcorn is one of the most popular and beloved snacks around the world. In addition, it is very versatile and allows you to safely experiment with seasonings and spices, each time getting a new bright taste!

Let's start from the very beginning simple option popcorn - "dietary". All you need is corn and cooking utensils.

Heat a frying pan, ideally non-stick, over medium heat. Add the popcorn kernels, cover with a lid and continue heating for a few more minutes until the last of the popping sounds of the popcorn have stopped popping. For a microwave, this is 2-4 minutes at maximum power.

For your first experiments with cooking popcorn in a microwave oven, it is better to choose glass mold with a lid, so you can observe the process and stop heating when all the grains open. In the future, you will know exactly the ideal proportions and cooking times for your microwave oven.

The option, frankly speaking, is not the most impressive, but the simplest and most gentle on the figure.

Option "classical"- salted popcorn with butter. You will need: corn, salt and some vegetable oil.

Pour 1 tbsp into a preheated frying pan. vegetable oil and add enough corn to cover the bottom with a thin layer. Cover with a lid and wait until the claps stop.

You can shake the pan periodically to ensure even heating.

Sprinkle the finished popcorn with a few pinches of finely ground salt and mix well.

Popcorn can also be topped with a small amount (35–50 g) of melted butter.

We've got some amazing classic salted popcorn made at home!

Popcorn "caramel". My favorite, to be honest. Having tried homemade popcorn with real caramel, you no longer want to go back to popcorn with the “aroma” of caramel, as is now customary to write on the packaging.

Take popcorn, vegetable oil, butter, sugar, a pinch of salt and soda.

Combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves. If necessary, shake the pan to help the sugar dissolve faster.

Add butter, a pinch of salt and 0.25 teaspoon of soda.

Cook over low heat for a few more minutes until the mixture turns dark golden brown.

Prepare corn in any convenient way, adding small quantity vegetable oil. Add caramel to popcorn and stir quickly.

At this point, the popcorn is ready to serve, but to make it incredibly crispy, pop the popcorn in the oven or microwave for a few more minutes.

Home caramel popcorn ready!

Popcorn "Christmas". An unusual, sweet-salty, spice-rich version of popcorn according to Nigella Lawson's recipe - for connoisseurs of complex flavor combinations.

Combine vegetable oil and butter. Add spices, salt and sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat until it thickens and caramelizes. Usually about 8–15 minutes.

Cook the corn. Add the spice mixture and mix well.

Christmas popcorn is ready!

Choose an option to suit your taste and enjoy the crunch!

Popcorn is low in calories and very nutritious dish, but its main advantage is the ability to prepare it at home. To do this, you will need a frying container, corn and a few ingredients to taste. And in just a few minutes the dish will be ready.

Corn for popcorn

They showed the world popcorn, which hundreds of years before the discovery of the continent heated the grains on stones. After this kind of frying, delicious crispy flakes were formed. In Europe, this dish originated in Ukraine. Locals made popcorn out of homemade corn and they called it the Rams.

However, not all types of grains are ideal for roasting. Therefore, before you make popcorn from corn, you need to choose the right crop. Culinary experts advise frying only wild varieties, since their grains have a stronger and more elastic shell. Regular kettle corn is not suitable for popcorn. These types of grains quickly burst before they have time to roast properly.

It is recommended to make popcorn from the so-called “wild” popcorn. Uncultivated corn kernels have a tough shell that can withstand high temperature. They also contain a large number of fiber and starch. The advantage of wild varieties is that the water inside the grain has time to optimally heat up and turn into steam before the shell bursts. When the pressure reaches its maximum, the pulp is poured out and instantly fried. It is noteworthy that making corn popcorn at home is several times cheaper than buying it ready-made in a store.

Nutritional value

It is generally accepted that popcorn is a high-calorie food, which makes it unsuitable for diet. This is actually misleading, as 100 grams of roasted grains contain only 300 calories. Concerning nutrients, then three quarters of them are carbohydrates, the remaining share is divided between fats and proteins.

Popcorn from regular corn contains slightly more calories than wild varieties. This dish is up to 520 calories. Popcorn also contains iron, riboflavin and thiamine, but the main component beneficial to the body is fiber, which makes up approximately 15 percent of the total weight of the product.

Traditional popcorn does not contain harmful substances and ideal for dieting. It’s another matter when spices or oil are added to a dish, then you definitely can’t expect any benefits, and it can hardly be called low-calorie. Some people make popcorn for dessert by mixing it with sugar or syrup. Energy value Such a dish can reach up to 900 calories per 100 grams.

It is allowed to fry grains in butter or as it withstands heat treatment well. It is important that the cooking utensils are always covered with a lid. To heat the grains evenly, shake the pan (saucepan) slightly, if possible. And don’t forget: the more oil, the higher the calorie content and the lower the vitamin value of the dish.

Harm or benefit

There are various rumors about the effect of popcorn on the human body. For example, Madonna herself has repeatedly claimed that it was he who allowed her to bring herself into perfect shape. In addition, nutritionists around the world unanimously say that fried corn kernels do not have many calories, but are very nutritious. They also contain a lot of fiber, which significantly reduces the risk of stomach cancer and various diseases hearts.

On the other hand, before making corn popcorn, it is important to know the disadvantages of this dish. In itself, it is harmless, but not a single cooking option is complete without adding seasonings. For example, diacytyl flavoring is widely used, which is considered a very strong allergen and negatively affects the lungs. Another disadvantage is the chemicals that are used to fertilize the fields. This method of increasing productivity is especially in demand in a number of countries in Europe and America.

You should not risk eating popcorn on an empty stomach or in large portions at once. An excess of corn in the diet can worsen the condition of people prone to varicose veins. It is recommended to consume this dish no more than 2-3 times a week on a full stomach.

How is popcorn made?

You can fry grains in any heat-resistant container. Popcorn made from regular corn is typically popped in a skillet. To do this, heat it up, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt or sugar, and only then the grains. It is important that the lid is placed on the pan before the corn starts popping. Fry only on low heat. On average, preparing one serving takes up to 10 minutes.

Some people resort to help household appliances. How to cook with corn All you need is 2 teaspoons of oil. You should pour no more than a third of a regular glass of grains into the multicooker at a time. It is not recommended to use salt as it will corrode the coating of the bowl.

You can make popcorn even faster. It is important here that the container has high sides. This method gives the most high-calorie product, since all the grains must be covered with oil, and shaking the container will not be possible. Two minutes is enough to prepare one serving.

How to make popcorn from corn in a saucepan? This is the most popular method among housewives, as it does not require additional equipment or special skills. The only downside is that it takes a lot of time to prepare. To fry, fill the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of oil. Here you can safely add salt directly to the pan. You won’t be able to fry a lot of grains at one time, but there will be fewer unopened ones.

Making popcorn

Make it delicious airy treat You can do it at home without much difficulty. A tall saucepan with a lid is ideal for this. Before making popcorn from corn, you need to dry the kernels well. Avid cooks also advise keeping them in the oven for about an hour. freezer so that the pressure when opening on fire is stronger.

For 100 grams of corn use 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, preferably butter. Add seasoning or salt to taste. The grains are poured evenly onto the hot bottom of the pan, after which they are covered with a lid. Fry only on low heat. You need to shake the container slightly so that all the grains are saturated with oil. After 2-3 minutes, when the corn stops “exploding,” you can lift the lid and start frying a new portion.

Caramel popcorn

Many people prefer sweet treats to salty ones. But how do you make popcorn from corn so that it's caramelized and literally melts in your mouth? To do this you will need a small saucepan, or better yet a small cauldron. For a quarter cup of corn there are 4 tablespoons of butter, 2 tablespoons of water, 1/2 spoon of soda and a glass of sugar. It would also be a good idea to add a little lemon juice.

This popcorn is roasting traditional way in oil with the lid closed. To make caramel, you will need another pan in which water and sugar are mixed. Cook the mixture until it becomes a homogeneous viscous mass, stirring constantly. As soon as the caramel is ready, you need to quickly add soda to it. Then foam forms from the sweet mass, which must be mixed with popcorn. The dish will cool for about 5-7 minutes.

Spicy popcorn

Its peculiarity lies in long list ingredients. The recipe includes corn kernels, syrup, vanilla, salt, sugar, oil and chili pepper. To begin with, it is recommended to do spicy dressing. Mix 1/2 cup sugar, 25 grams of butter, 50 ml, 2 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of vanilla and a pinch of pepper in a vessel. This whole mass is cooked over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Only after preparing the dressing can you start popping the corn popcorn. Before serving, pour hot syrup over the opened grains.

Exotic popcorn sweets

In the East, fried corn kernels are usually eaten with raisins or sweet nuts. Such dishes turn out to be very appetizing and satisfying. Before making oriental popcorn from corn, you need to prepare the icing and other ingredients.

For 1 cup of grains you need 1/2 cup of nuts and raisins, 300 grams of chocolate and 2 tablespoons of butter. The corn is roasted at the same time as the nuts. Then the raisins are added and the popcorn is filled with melted chocolate. Served on small plates in the form of cakes.

To make popcorn from regular corn, you need to dry the grains well on a radiator and cool them in the freezer (about an hour) before cooking.

The lid of the saucepan (frying pan) should fit snugly against the edges of the container.

Popcorn cooks faster in the microwave, but on a regular stove it turns out fluffier.

You can season it with any spices and syrups, but all such additives will affect the calorie content of the dish.
