The most exotic dishes in the world - πάπυρος. The most unusual and strangest food in the world

The further you go, the more interesting things become. It is a fact. That's why today we decided to tell you about food. It’s hard to read about delicious food and look at delicious photos on an empty stomach. So grab yourself something from the refrigerator, pour yourself a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable... Although no, what are we advising you here. This article is a little different from the food we are used to presenting. Therefore, it is probably better to read it on an empty stomach. So, let's begin.

It's no secret that the main thing National dish Russia - vodka. Don't try to quibble with definitions. In Mother Russia, vodka is the food of choice. It’s not for nothing that the expression came from here "get drunk". Vodka for our northern neighbor is the basis, alpha and omega, beginning and end. Any celebration begins with vodka, and it ends with it to the accompaniment of snoring in Olivier. Vodka and Russian thought are inseparably connected. Therefore, in everything that concerns vodka itself, Russian ingenuity knows no bounds.

In St. Petersburg restaurant "Palkin" also believe that vodka- this is food. And they feed visitors sandwiches with Borodinsky bread, generously spread with frozen vodka liquid nitrogen. Optionally put herring, pickled cucumber or red and black caviar on top. You need to eat this miracle of culinary genius very quickly, because the vodka melts quickly and mercilessly. The taste is unforgettable, but! Don't try to repeat this experience at home, especially if you got a bad grade in chemistry.

It can easily compete with Russia in culinary perversions Kazakhstan. Here the horse is a symbol of the nation. At first the “symbol” runs across the steppe, and then he no longer runs, but sadly lies on the table in a plate. As in that song “Sausage, these are former horses, sausage, why are you rushing without looking back”... However, even Russian ingenuity languishes against the background of what the Kazakhs are doing. It was in Kazakhstan that they came up with 1000 and 1 cooking method horse meat. Only here they can feed you even the rectum of a poor foal. What can we say about traditional dish

consists of a piece of meat from the pelvic bone of a horse (Kazakh Zhanbas), a vertebra from the chest, lard from under the mane, salted in a special way, ribs with a strip of meat and fat from the belly, the horse’s colon turned inside out (fat inward). Also in “beshbarmak” they put traditional horse sausage, pieces of boneless meat, liver and pieces of offal. It tastes like something of a miracle, to put it bluntly. Perhaps it would really be tasty... But as soon as you start to imagine all those horse parts, it becomes creepy, and your appetite disappears instantly.


China is an evil culinary empire. No, really. The Chinese eat everything that moves and doesn't move. Gourmets in China can try fried brain monkeys, shark fin soup, cockroach pate and rat wine. IN big family They don’t click their beaks, so in China they don’t hesitate to eat even what we usually feed our pets. Chicken foot in glaze - mmm, isn't it delicious?

In the neighboring Laos The cuisine doesn't offer much variety. Main local dish- This sticky rice(sticky rice). After eating a few spoons of this insidious mess, you begin to feel how the walls of your stomach begin to stick to each other. Laos is a very poor country. Every day you eat the same thing: this terrible sticky rice... Can you imagine how much of it is eaten in a year? What about your entire life? And you say that salt is white death.

Business card Vietnam - This assorted cobra. They release a live snake in front of the guests, let it hiss a little and scare the people. After this, the head is cut off right in front of the audience. Blood flows like a fountain, ladies scream, men swagger, and the children are traumatized for life. The blood is poured into glasses, and the snake’s still living heart is thrown into one of them. Someone alone, the bravest one, must swallow it. Then the carcass is taken out and returned to about a dozen guests. different dishes from this snake: soup, springrolls, roasts, salads. The pleasure is relatively inexpensive: $40-60 depending on the size of the snake. It tastes very cool. But it's still sad that they make a show out of it.

Thailand known in Ukraine mainly for its cuisine. Housewives after an Asian holiday enthusiastically tell each other how delicious everything was there, master frying vegetables in a wok (a round deep frying pan) and try to repeat Thai masterpieces. However, not everything is so rosy.

Almost all Thai eateries have food generously spiced with monosodium glutamate. Thais use this flavor enhancer like salt. American neurophysiologist John Olney conducted a series of experiments that proved that monosodium glutamate can disrupt brain function in rats. Which means it’s quite possible that we do too. Glutamate often causes headache, nausea, numbness in the arms and legs, and its involvement in the development of Alzheimer's disease is now being revealed. And after a meal made with glutamate, you’re really thirsty. So I would not recommend getting carried away with such food in Thailand.

And here Indonesia will be remembered by everyone fresh fruit. There they are sold at every turn. A countless variety of fruits are mixed in all possible combinations and proportions. A large glass costs 6-8 hryvnia. Southeast Asia is now very popular as a place where you can cheaply and effectively improve your physical health. In Indonesia, this thesis applies one hundred percent. The food here is delicious, healthy and fresh.

IN USA, As you know, there are almost no national dishes as such. But here the cuisines of many countries of the world are collected and presented in all their diversity. However, the United States still made some contribution to the world heritage. This is the birthplace of fast food. One of the most striking cases is a burger, where a sweet donut is used instead of a regular bun. It looks very unusual, it’s scary to eat because of the terrible calorie content of the product, but Americans squeal with delight.

In each world cuisine There will be dishes that cause bewilderment. Our cuisine is also guilty of chocolate-covered lard, the very name of which brings sacred horror to foreigners. However, your own shirt is closer to the body. When traveling, exotic things quickly become boring, and you begin to miss your native dumplings with cottage cheese or borscht with pampushki more and more.

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Asia is known for its delicious dishes, delicacies, spices and aromas - but in some countries you can be offered very strange, if not creepy dishes, which you are unlikely to ever dare to try. However, some of the dishes presented can be found in both Europe and America.

Tuna eye.

This miracle of culinary art can only be found in Japan. This is probably the most gigantic fish eye you've ever seen. And, of course, there is no saliva in your mouth at the sight of this delicacy. The only way to eat this thing is to quickly swallow it and forget about it, otherwise the consequences are quite predictable.

Blood broth.

These bloody pieces are a common food in the culinary workshops of Laos, but if you still can’t wait to try some broth, you can always find it at the Phousy market in Luang Prabang.

Bull eggs.

This is the most common food in household in southern China; very often you can see how bull eggs hang in the butcher's shop along with other types of meat. As the Chinese say, we are open to any food.


Boiled bat is very valuable dish in Asia. And this dish is not cheap and is a real delicacy. You can try it in Fiji and other Asian countries; they say it tastes like chicken.

Pig brains.

Although this dish may not seem super unusual to you, you are unlikely to find it in every restaurant.
One company has even started producing canned pig brains soaked in milk, a product for those who want to experience the whole taste range asian cuisine. According to the label, one can contains 150 calories and 5 grams of fat. And also 3500 mg of cholesterol, which is 1170% of the recommended daily value.


A boiled duck egg in which a fruit with feathers, cartilage and beak has already formed. It is consumed mainly by the peoples of Cambodia.
Those who have tried this dish note a particularly crunchy taste (possibly due to half-formed bones)

Mice in wine.

This wine is made as follows: a bottle of rice wine is filled with young three-day-old mice and the wine is left to “languish” for a year to combine the flavors, so to speak. This wine is believed to be very beneficial and is a real medicine in some parts of Korea. The wine tastes like kerosene, they say.

Hakarl is rotten shark meat.

Hakarl is nothing more than the meat of a harmless Greenland giant shark, rotten to the last muscle cell. The amber of hakarl is reminiscent of the smell that reigns in unkempt public toilets. And hakarl looks like cheese cut into cubes.

Hakarl comes in two varieties: from rotten stomach and from rotten muscle tissue. For stores, hakarl is packaged like our squid for beer from a stall. Inexperienced eaters are advised to plug their nose when tasting for the first time, because the smell is much stronger than the taste. It looks like a very spicy whitefish or Jewish mackerel. In Iceland, this delicacy is included in the obligatory program of festivities at Christmas and New Year. Eating rotten shark meat means being persistent and strong, like a real Viking.


Kiviak - seal stuffed with seagulls. Here is a recipe for one super-delicious Christmas dish from the cuisine of the northernmost peoples living in the subarctic from Greenland to Chukotka. Take one headless seal corpse and stuff dead, plucked seagulls into its belly. Hide the dish for seven months in permafrost. During this time, the enzymes of the decomposing seagulls will properly work on the seal's intestines. Then the kivak is dug up and eaten, awaiting favors from Santa. The taste of symnecrosis of birds and pinnipeds resembles a very old and quite spicy cheese.


Popular in Norway and Sweden, the dish is prepared relatively simply: dried fish, most often cod or haddock, is soaked in a caustic soda solution for three days, and then in water for several more days. Thanks to chemical reaction, the fish flesh becomes almost transparent, acquires a jelly-like consistency and a rather unpleasant pungent odor. Famous food critic Jeffrey Steingarten described this dish as follows: “Lutefisk is not food, but a weapon of mass destruction. This is an example of food that tastes like nothing else, but at the same time evokes such strong emotions that it literally knocks a person out.”


Surströmming - (Swedish: Surstroemming) Swedish national product, which is canned fermented herring.

Casu marzu

Casu marzu is a type of cheese produced in Sardinia, best known for its content of live insect larvae. Translated from Sardinian casu marzu means “ rotten cheese", the expression "wormy cheese" is also used colloquially.

The larvae are small (8 mm) worms. When disturbed, they are able to jump up to 15 centimeters. For this reason, those wishing to try kasa marzu are advised to protect their eyes while eating. The taste burns the tongue, the cheese leaks a stinking liquid called lagrima - tears, and the larvae are not digested and can begin to multiply, causing vomiting and bloody diarrhea.


Haggis or lamb tripe. This is the name of the famous Scottish national dish, which consists of the heart, lungs and liver of an animal chopped and boiled in a lamb stomach.


National mexican dish- eggs of giant black lyometopum ants that live in agaves. The consistency of eggs is approximately like cottage cheese. They are usually eaten in tacos with guacomole.


Sannakji is a living octopus. In Korea it is considered a great delicacy. You can see and choose an octopus in large aquariums, which are usually located at the entrance to the restaurant.

The live baby octopus is still sliced ​​and served sprinkled with sesame seeds. At the moment of eating, the tentacles continue to move and, if the jaws do not work more actively, they can stick to the tongue and palate.

Roasted Guinea pig

Roasted Guinea pig (known as guinea pig). Guinea pigs were originally domesticated for food by the Andean people. Until now, they are an integral part of the diet of the inhabitants of Peru and Bolivia, especially in the Andean highlands. Fried guinea pig carcasses are also enjoyed with pleasure in some areas of Ecuador and Colombia. This breed of pigs takes up much less space than a regular breed, requires less nutrition and breeds faster, which means it is more profitable.

Guinea pig meat is rich in proteins, low in fat and cholesterol, and tastes like rabbit meat.


Silkworm on skewers. Beware of fakes, real silkworm is shown in the photo.

Deep-fried scorpions.

The most common product in Asian markets (China, Cambodia, Bangkok). However, scorpions are eaten not only in Asia. In elite restaurants in New York and Amsterdam, the public, spoiled by exotic delights, is treated to a scorpion appetizer on a cheese bed surrounded by lettuce.

Scorpion Recipe: Remove the stings and claws of the scorpions. Marinate for 30 minutes in white wine, honey and lemon. Roast in the oven at 250 degrees C for 5 minutes. Rub the carcasses with garlic, pepper and salt. Thread several carcasses onto a skewer and serve.

Fried tarantulas.

Spiders are like spiders, only fried and poisonous. Of course, the poisonous fangs are removed before cooking. Spider legs, abdomen and poisonous jaws are separately infused with rice wine - the result is a dark brown cloudy liquid that raises the overall tone. In Cambodia, by the way, fried tarantulas are considered a noble delicacy, almost like black caviar in the West.


In Cambodia, one of the most popular dishes is grasshoppers prepared in a special way. Grasshoppers are also adored in the USA, in the state of Missouri. Grasshoppers are eaten fried, preferably hot, in soy or fish sauce, generously sprinkling red hot pepper. It is better to immediately separate the head and paws along with the stomach. The paws are a food for everyone; they are edible, but they can be unusually long, so it is impossible to swallow them without first biting each one in half. It tastes something like fried potatoes with a peculiar creamy, slightly sweet aftertaste.

Deep fried cockroaches.
The same as grasshoppers, only cockroaches...

Bee larvae.

In China, beekeepers eat bee larvae. Therefore, beekeepers are distinguished by strength and masculinity. The larvae are eaten raw directly in the honeycomb. Fried with salt and pepper, they serve as an excellent beer snack. They also make pate from them. Taste: When raw they have a very refined sweet creamy taste.

Deer placenta soup.

Very good remedy For male potency and kidney function. If you can't find it in in kind, they say you can buy it in pills.

Lamb testicles.

They are also used to prepare sauté with spices and lemon juice.

Ox penis.

The main argument that makes food from animal genitals attractive to humans is testosterone, a sex hormone produced by the testes. Recipes of this kind are still widely used today, especially in Asia, where, in particular, the belief that tiger penis soup can transform intimate life has contributed greatly to the catastrophic decline in the number of this predator. The ox, unlike the tiger, is not yet on the verge of extinction. Om-Nom-nom)))

Monkey brain.

It's not just a tourist myth or a scene from Indiana Jones: there are people who regularly eat raw monkey brains. Although the famous story about restaurant dish“the brains of a living monkey” has little faith. In Cambodia, at the bazaar you can easily and inexpensively buy a kilo or two of monkey brains and eat them right there on the spot. No one will find it strange or ugly.

And finally - a crocodile.

Unusual food: the most disgusting dishes in the world

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Sometimes you can be horrified to find out what people eat. Man is a terrible omnivore. But what he sometimes chooses for himself as food is simply disgusting. We will tell you about the most disgusting dishes, which are prepared in some countries and served as a delicacy.

Kasu Marzu

It is also called “larval cheese”. Casu marzu is a cheese produced in Sardinia from goat milk. At the very beginning of cheese fermentation, cheese fly larvae are introduced into it. Over the course of weeks, the larvae grow and feed there. After the fats are destroyed, the cheese acquires special taste. When it comes time to eat the ripened cheese, the larvae are carefully removed, although some prefer to eat straight, believing that they add a savory note to the cheese.

You'll know you've been served a hard-boiled egg until you start peeling it. It's actually a hard-boiled duck embryo. Balut is considered a delicacy in many Asian countries. This dish is prepared like this. The fertilized duck egg is left in a warm place for eight days to allow the embryo to begin to develop, then it is thrown into boiling water and served with a pinch of salt and a slice of lemon.

Basically, these are offal, ground, salted, seasoned with spices and preservatives. This is not stew in our understanding, but most likely raw liver sausage.

Half-rotten salmon heads

Also called "stinking heads", these heads are up to full readiness should lie in damp soil for several weeks. They are dug up a few days before complete decomposition and they are used to prepare “jellied stinking fish.” Serve chilled.

This favorite dish North Americans. It’s not difficult to prepare: catch elk; you cut off his nose; scald it with boiling water to make it easier to skin it; and cook the meat with spices until it begins to disintegrate into a jelly-like mass. Pour this liquid into the mold, cool and serve.

This is another most disgusting delicacy in the world. A dish from Thailand, bat soup is a wonderful work of art that involves boiling the meat until tender. Then it is ground with herbs and the soup is ready. Bat soup came from Palau, United States.

You can enjoy its taste while the little head looks straight at you. This dish can kill you, or make you sick, as bats are known to carry a lot of diseases.

In China, this dessert is considered the perfect end to a meal. Khasma is prepared from the reproductive organs of reptiles. In water they swell 10-15 times, at fast cooking A little sugar is added there to add sweetness.


The traditional Scottish dish is nothing more than just a type of sausage. Haggis is made from sheep's lungs, liver and heart. And although all this does not look entirely appetizing, the Scots are confident that if you try haggis at least once, you will ask for more.

Chicken scallop dishes are very popular in France and Italy. They are being prepared savory sauces and broths.

The blood of pigs or cattle is collected and undergoes a coagulation process, then oatmeal or barley groats And sweet potato. It is stuffed into pork or cow intestines and boiled. The dish is served on the table laid out in a spiral. Many people prefer to eat this blood sausage along with the skin formed from the intestine during cooking.

Gastronomic tourism is a fashionable and growing trend. And even if you are not traveling to a new country to spend all your time in restaurants, getting to know any national cuisine- an integral part of immersion in a foreign culture.

Today the Top 10 features the most unusual national dishes different countries . Sometimes it takes special courage to taste such a delicacy. But the memories of such an acquaintance with local cuisine will certainly remain for a long time.

This popular Asian fruit is compared to many things. His smell, by different reviews, resembles a decomposing corpse, an athlete's socks, a public toilet. No wonder it is prohibited to carry durians on public transport in Singapore. But true gourmets claim that with corpses and rotten meat the fruit has nothing to do with it. Truly advanced taste buds allow you to feel the mixture vanilla pudding and onions.

9. Guinea pig (Peru)

These cute little animals are happily served for dinner in the South American Andes. The pigs are baked, fried, or grilled. Guinea pigs are called “kui” here, and their meat tastes like chicken.

8. Woodworm larvae (Australia)

Yellowish larvae, oozing a sticky secretion, have long been held in high esteem by local aborigines. Although they cause nausea among immigrants from Europe, so they won’t be able to taste the delicacy in Sydney and Melbourne. But they can be found during a trip deep into the continent.

7. Virgin eggs (China)

In the west of Zhejiang province, they came up with the strangest way to prepare eggs - they are soaked and then boiled in the urine of boys who have not yet turned 10 years old. Locals claim that the dish has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.

6. Lutefisk (Norway)

A rather strange method of preparation involves soaking dried fish in an alkaline solution of caustic soda. After three days in such an aggressive environment, the fillets are soaked in water. As a result, the meat acquires a jelly-like consistency and a pungent odor. Lutefisk is consumed after heat treatment - frying, baking or boiling.

5. Casu Marzu (Italy)

This cheese is almost impossible to find in a regular supermarket due to sanitary and hygienic rules. But in local shops in Sardinia they sell casu marza to real gourmets. home distinguishing feature cheese - the presence of cheese fly larvae that participate in fermentation.

4. Balut (Philippines)

They say that this delicacy tastes better than it looks. Balut is a duck egg with a formed embryo. Eggs are boiled in their shells and served with salt, vinegar and seasonings.

3. Snake soup (Hong Kong)

Hot and sour soup with tofu, mushrooms and snake meat improves blood flow and warms you up in cold weather. It is only served in traditional restaurants, where snakes are kept right in the main hall in special wooden boxes.

2. Chapulines (Mexico)

Under this exotic name the familiar grasshoppers are hiding. Mexicans fry insects with salt and chili pepper, and then enjoy using them as a crunchy and savory snack for beer.

1. Rocky Mountain Oysters (USA)

Naturally, there is no talk of seafood in the mountains. Rocky Mountain oysters are the deep-fried testicles of young bulls. This dish is especially popular among farmers during the spring castration season for bulls. By the way, original name It wasn’t just the Americans who came up with the idea for a dish made from bull eggs. The French call a similar delicacy “white kidneys.”

Snake and scorpion tincture

Local alcoholic tincture from cobra, ginseng and scorpion. Local residents use it more for the treatment of various diseases and as a powerful aphrodisiac.

In Southeast Asia, and especially in China, boiled duck eggs with an already developed embryo inside are very popular.

In the land of the setting sun you can try gourmet dish- Shiokara. This is fermented squid meat along with its entrails.

This dish is popular not only in Japan, but also in many European countries considered a delicacy. Caviar is eaten in fresh, and also used for making sushi and sashami.

Centennial eggs

A very popular snack in China is century-old eggs, which are kept in clay and ashes for several months before reaching your table. They eat like separate dish, finely chopped and added to salads.

Very popular in the Chinese province of Zhejiang chicken eggs boiled in the urine of little boys. If you try this delicacy, do not forget to lightly break the egg so that a little brine is absorbed into them.

Exquisite Chinese dish, most often prepared from pork blood.

Guinea pig

IN South America, and especially in Peru they love to eat fried guinea pigs.

A rather expensive and dangerous dish, common in Japan. If the fish is cooked incorrectly, you can die, which further increases the number of people who want to try it.

In Norway, it is customary to stew a lamb's head at Christmas. This exotic delicacy is served with potatoes.

In the Southern states of the United States (and especially in Missouri), sandwiches with beef brain are popular.

Enough popular dish in Asian cuisine. Nowadays you can even buy them canned.

Rather, monkey brain in Southeast Asian countries is not even a delicacy, but ordinary dish. Tastes like rice pudding.

Prohibited for sale italian cheese with live cheese fly larvae.

A popular delicacy in Southeast Asia, it is made from edible bird's nests dissolved in water.

Used in Mexican cuisine, How traditional ingredient in many dishes.

In Iceland, there is a popular national dish, which consists of dried fresh air shark meat.

IN South Africa Dried caterpillars of peacock moths are used to replenish protein in the body. They have almost no taste, so they are simply fried with onions and added to sauces, porridges or soup.

Very popular street food V South Korea. Silkworms are boiled or steamed.

In Eastern Indonesia local residents They like to cook barbecue for lunch using longhorned beetle larvae. The dish tastes like bacon.


Common street food in Southeast Asia. Deep-fried scorpions are prepared on a bed of cheese surrounded by lettuce. In addition, you can try this delicious dish in many restaurants in Amsterdam and New York.

Deep-fried spiders are popular in South Asian countries.

In many countries of Southeast Asia, as well as in the USA (Missouri), a popular dish is fried grasshoppers seasoned with fish or soy sauce, while not forgetting to sprinkle them generously with pepper.

These cute insects are deep fried. Popular street food in Southeast Asia.

Tarantulas are quite poisonous, so the poisonous fangs are removed before cooking. Deep fried. And from the abdomen, poisonous jaws and paws they make a tonic tincture.

They are eaten raw, and if they are fried with pepper and salt, they will great snack for beer. Pate is also made from bee larvae.

In Thailand, as well as in some countries in South Asia, you can try deep-fried water bugs. They taste like shrimp.

But in South Asia they can cook you grass bugs. To get rid of them unpleasant odor They are first soaked in water for a long time. They are consumed dried, and also added to sauces or fried with chicken pate.

This dish can be bought in Thailand, where Thais traditionally start their lunch with bamboo worms fried in oil.

This delicacy can probably only be bought in Japan. Used fresh.

If you are on vacation in Laos, ask them to prepare blood broth for you. This is a fairly popular dish in this country.

This dessert is popular in China. The main ingredient is dried frog fallopian tubes. The Chinese believe that this dish heals the kidneys, lungs, and also improves skin color.

Popular in Japan as a beer snack.

In Southeast Asia, you can also try boiled bat. Tastes like boiled chicken.

But in China, bull eggs are not a delicacy, but a common food for local residents.

It is also a popular dish in many countries. The eggs are sautéed with lemon juice and spices.

In some South Asian countries you can try cod sperm.

A soup that is healthy for men is prepared from deer placenta. You can also buy them in pills.

In Asia, it is believed that ox penis soup restores and enhances male strength.

Fine wine with mice. To make it, take a bottle of rice wine and fill it with young mice. After this, the bottle is sealed and left for a year. In Korea, such wine is considered a real cure for many diseases.

This unsightly delicacy is made from seal stuffed with seagulls. After that stuffed dish put away in the cold. And after seven months, the delicacy can be dug up and eaten. The taste is said to be very similar to a rather spicy cheese.

If you visit Scotland, be sure to try the national dish Haggis, which consists of the heart, lungs and liver of an animal chopped and boiled in a sheep's stomach.

In Sweden and Norway they love to cook lutefisk. To do this, they take dried fish (most often cod) and soak it in caustic soda for 3 days, and then a few more days in water. Thanks to this, the fish becomes almost transparent and acquires a jelly-like consistency.

Another national product from Sweden, which is canned fermented herring.

In Mexico, you should definitely try the eggs of poisonous ants. They are most often eaten in tacos with guacomole sauce.

In Korea, they like to treat themselves to eating live octopus. To prevent the octopus from strangling you, you should start eating it from the head, cutting it into small pieces. But this must be done carefully, since the octopus’s muscles contract and can block the access of air through the throat. There have already been cases of death in Korea due to this delicacy.

Fried rat is a very popular dish in Paraguay. Fans of this dish claim that it tastes like roast duck. The most delicious thing to cook is newborn rats, which are swallowed without chewing, washed down with a glass of milk.

In Southeast Asia, you can buy a fruit that has a very strong smell, but is sweet inside. The smell is so strong that the fruit is prohibited from being brought into a hotel or airport. It is also dangerous to consume this fruit with alcohol, as the consequences may be unpredictable.

The most famous and most expensive coffee in the world. The small rodent Luwak eats ripe coffee beans, which are then excreted along with excrement. Specially trained people collect these grains in bags, wash them and sell them all over the world. The price for such coffee starts from 500 US dollars per kilogram.

In many countries around the world you can try. Its meat is known for its nutritional qualities and pleasant taste.

Pretty too famous dish, which can be tried not only in Asia, but also in many countries around the world.

As a side dish, you can try cockscombs in France or Italy.
