Crackers in the oven. Bread crumbs for salads and soup: recipe

Crackers presented in the store various tastes. A significant disadvantage of a product manufactured in an industrial environment is flavorings and preservatives. To enjoy your favorite food without harm to your body, prepare your own crackers in the oven. If you know how to dry it correctly and what seasonings to add, the product will turn out even tastier than store-bought.

How to cook crackers correctly

At what temperature? It is important to consider the quality and type of bread, as well as the features of the oven, gas or electric.

The temperature for preparing crackers from black bread is a maximum of 180˚ C, white bread - no higher than 170˚ C, pieces wheat bread- 160˚ C. Butter crackers should be baked at low heat, up to 150˚ C. Savory crackers with spices are prepared at 200˚ C, but the baking period is very short.

How long. Please note that the maximum period in the oven for butter croutons is 10 minutes. From black bread and rye crackers cook in approximately 20 minutes.

Food must be placed in a preheated oven.

Recipe 1. From black or rye bread

Homemade fragrant bread crackers are an excellent component for first courses and salads, as well as an excellent snack.


  • black bread;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • spices (Provencal herbs are best);
  • salt.


  1. Cut the bread into cubes no more than 1 cm thick. Larger crackers will be difficult to chew.
  2. Combine seasoning, salt and oil in a bowl.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with foil or special baking paper, place the bread sticks on it and pour in a mixture of butter and herbs de Provence.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.
  5. As soon as the crackers turn golden, remove them from oven, pour onto a plate and let cool.

Recipe 2. For salads

Crautons prepared according to this recipe are perfect for Caesar salad.


  • 1 loaf ( White bread);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dried herbs or spices;
  • butter.


  1. Cut white bread into small cubes.
  2. Pour pre-melted butter into a bowl and combine it with spices and chopped garlic.
  3. Pour the mixture over the bread cubes. They should be soaked evenly.
  4. After this, pour the bread onto a baking sheet.
  5. Preheat the oven to 150-170˚ C, place future crackers in it.
  6. Dry the bread in the oven for no longer than 10 minutes, checking periodically for readiness.
  7. Indicates that the dish is ready golden brown crust appeared on pieces of bread.

Recipe 3. For “Kirieshki” beer

To prepare this recipe you will need slightly stale white bread or a loaf.


  • 1 loaf (white bread);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of paprika;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • pepper or a mixture of peppers.

Advice! To those who don't love spicy dishes, it is not necessary to add pepper, the crackers will not lose their taste.


  1. Cut the bread, you should get neat cubes of the same size. Place them in a bowl.
  2. Mix salt, paprika, oil and a little pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the spice mixture over the bread cubes.
  4. Place the bread pieces on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven.
  5. Cook at 170 degrees until a crust appears on the surface of the crackers golden color.
  6. Remove the finished product from the oven and pour onto a plate to cool completely.

Advice! If your oven has a convection function, be sure to turn it on. This will ensure more even drying.

Recipe 4. For beer with garlic

This option will appeal to lovers of garlic flavor. The minimum cooking period and the addition of spices at the very end - the aroma and taste are even more intense.


  • 1 loaf of black bread;
  • 200 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • salt.


  1. First cut the loaf into slices, and then each of them into cubes.
  2. Line a baking tray with foil or baking paper and pour out the pieces of bread.
  3. Place in a hot oven and bake until the crackers form a golden crust at a temperature of 160-170˚ C.
  4. Grind the garlic, passing it through a press (“garlic press”), combine with vegetable oil.
  5. When the croutons are ready, remove them from the oven, transfer them to a plate and cover with oil and garlic. Stir quickly.

Advice! Crackers prepared according to this recipe will be especially tasty with tomato sauce. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon tomato paste with 3 chopped garlic cloves, 100 ml water and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil. Add salt and mix well.

Dip the crackers in homemade sauce and enjoy!

  1. Don't try to cut small pieces porous bread, nothing will come out of it except a mountain of crumbs. For this reason, if you want to get small crackers, then choose loaves and loaves with a dense crumb.
  2. Slightly stale bread is ideal for making croutons. This is because it is easier to cut it as needed.
  3. Seasonings and spices can be absolutely anything; through trial and error, you can create your own uniquely delicious culinary masterpiece.

Crackers- crispbread different sizes. Adults and children adore them, and skilled housewives cooks quickly and tasty. As you may have guessed, we will talk about how to prepare crackers correctly. What is needed for drying, what to dry with and how? Today we will tell you the most interesting ways preparing various crackers and croutons.

The main thing in the article

How to dry crackers correctly?

Rusks are not only a simple dish, but also healthy. After all, when drying beneficial features bakery products do not disappear. After drying, bread still contains a number of vitamins, microelements, fiber and amino acids. But you need to dry it correctly and consume it in moderation. And every housewife has her own proprietary secret for drying crackers correctly. We will look at the most basic ones:

  • To make the crackers faster, the bread should be cut into thin slices.
  • If you use fresh bread, you will get crispy crackers.
  • From stale bread The croutons will turn out tough, which is more suitable for soups.
  • When cooking, the main thing is to maintain the time according to the type of baked goods.
  • If you don’t hold it too long, you’ll end up with bendable crackers that look more like toasted bread.
  • And if you overdo it, they will become too brittle and will crumble.
  • The use of seasonings is also important, each plays its role.
  • Seasonings should be used depending on the purpose of the crackers.

Which bread is best for drying crackers?

Each type of bread makes delicious and appetizing crackers. The only thing is there is one caveat. It lies in the fact that each variety corresponds to its purpose and dish.

  • For example, buns make sweet, pleasant-tasting tea crackers. And from rye bread Suitable for soup, broth or borscht. White bread crumbs fit perfectly into Caesar salad.
  • In addition to the purpose of the crackers, the cooking time also plays an important role. The time spent on the baking sheet depends on each variety. So, for example, butter crackers bake faster, and rye crackers take longer.
  • The cooking temperature for each type of bread is also different, and if this condition is not met, then a fiasco is possible. Butter products160°С, rye - 200°C, white - 180°С, and for dessert - 130°С.

How to dry crackers in the oven from white bread?

Need to:

  • White bread;
  • Spices - optional.


  1. Chop the bread slices into small squares.
  2. Sprinkle with spices as desired.
  3. Place them on a baking sheet and into the oven.
  4. Leave them on 15 minutes at a temperature 180°С.
  5. Afterwards, leave them on 10 minutes in a switched off oven.

In wartime, crackers were used instead of bread, since they did not spoil longer. The soldiers themselves dried the slices of baked goods for further use.

At what temperature should you dry crackers?

Rusks are a simple treat that is easy to eat. But to get tasty, airy slices you need to try hard and know some nuances.

  • White crackers should be placed in preheated 150°С oven.
  • Rye bread crackers are best made when 180-200°С.
  • Products made from butter flour are dried at 150-170 degrees.
  • Savory crackers are prepared at 180 degrees.
  • And sweet dessert crackers for tea - with 130-150°С.

Interesting fact- for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic ailments, diseases circulatory system For cardiovascular problems, doctors recommend replacing bread with crackers. But when various diseases recommended different varieties crackers.

How long does it take to dry crackers in the oven?

  • White and rye crackers will be more tender if cooked for hours.
  • Black bread for kvass is baked 40 minutes and turns over 2-3 times during cooking.
  • Butter slices are baked 10 minutes, then stand in hot oven more 20 minutes.
  • To make savory slices, you need to preheat the oven and only then send them to the oven. 5 minutes.
  • Rusks for tea for dessert are prepared within 30 minutes.

How to dry crackers from white bread with garlic?


  • White bread;
  • Garlic;
  • Olive oil;
  • Spices.


  1. Chop slices of bread into thin bars.
  2. Pour olive oil, grated garlic puree, and spices into a separate vessel.
  3. Connect everything well.
  4. Moisten the crackers with the mixture you created.
  5. Place them on a baking sheet, placing them close to each other.
  6. Then transfer to the oven for hour at a temperature 150°С.
  7. Periodically look in the cupboard and make sure that the bread is not burnt. If necessary, turn over to the other side.

How to dry crackers with cheese?


  • Bread;
  • Cheese;
  • Spices;
  • Olive oil.


  1. Chop the baked goods into cubes.
  2. Spray a baking sheet with oil.
  3. Place bread cubes on surface.
  4. Spray some oil on them.
  5. Sprinkle with spices.
  6. Preheat oven to 150°С.
  7. Move the baking tray with croutons to hour into the oven.
  8. Wipe on fine grater cheese.
  9. Take out the crackers and sprinkle with cheese.
  10. Place the crackers and cheese in a switched off oven. 15 minutes.

How to dry crackers from black, rye bread in the oven?

Need to:

  • Rye/brown bread.


  1. Cut the bun in half.
  2. Scoop out the crumb and turn into fine crumbs.
  3. Chop the hump into small pieces.
  4. Preheat oven to 160°С.
  5. Transfer the chopped and shredded parts of the loaf to a baking sheet.
  6. Place in the oven for 5 minutes.
  7. Then the crackers can be used to create delicious homemade kvass.

How to dry crackers in the oven from a loaf?


  • Loaf;
  • Spices;
  • Butter.

Process progress:

  1. Chop the loaf into slices no less than 2 centimeters.
  2. Place on a baking sheet.
  3. Grate each slice big amount oils on both sides.
  4. Sprinkle with spices.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Afterwards, turn off the oven and leave the crackers to cool for 20 minutes inside.

How to dry sweet crackers from a bun?


  • Butter bun;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Vanilla in sachet;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Butter.


  1. Chop the bread into medium-width slices - 1.5-2.5 cm.
  2. Grease the surface of the baking sheet with oil.
  3. Place the pieces on a baking sheet.
  4. Separately, combine vanilla in a bowl. powdered sugar and cinnamon.
  5. Sprinkle on top of the bread.
  6. Preheat the oven to 140°С.
  7. Transfer the baking sheet with the bread slices inside.
  8. Cook within 25-30 minutes, periodically looking at the process.
  9. The finished sweet crackers will be golden brown.

How to dry crackers in an electric oven?

Cooking crackers in an electric oven takes the same amount of time as in a gas oven. The same temperature is used. There are no special differences in ovens, so keep the time and temperature the same. Among other things, there are some secrets:

  • For bread that is too wet, you can open the cabinet door slightly while drying.
  • When seasoning slices of bread, you don’t need to get carried away, as it is important to emphasize taste characteristics, and not drown them out.
  • It is important that you do not need to use dry dill with the addition of garlic - they do not harmonize.
  • For crackers used in soups, borscht and salads, it is important to choose the right combination spices
  • Oil plays an important role, since when absorbed, it fills the product with its unique aroma. Therefore, experiment not only with olive, but also with sesame, sunflower, peanut, garlic, coconut and mustard.
  • It is important to know that bread crumbs seasoned in oil should be used immediately. They should not be stored for long.
  • For long storage will do glass vessel with a tight-fitting lid.

How to dry crackers in the microwave?


  • Bread;
  • Spices;
  • Oil.


  1. Chop the baked goods into strips.
  2. Season with spices.
  3. Grease the dish in which you will bake with oil.
  4. Drizzle a little oil onto the bread.
  5. Place in the microwave oven on "Bakery" at maximum power at 2 minutes.
  6. After - check the readiness, if they have not yet reached the desired condition, then repeat the baking for 2 minutes.

Sushi crackers in microwave oven, it is important to remember that in this equipment it is very easy to fry them, and thereby spoil them. Therefore, there is no need to immediately bet on a large number of time. Better slowly but surely. Then your crackers will melt in your mouth and give you unforgettable pleasure during your meal.

How to dry crackers on a hike?

When going on a hike, you need to remember that crackers should be stored for a long time, which means they need to be properly prepared and hermetically sealed. To you required:

  • Bread;
  • Spices;
  • Oil.


  1. Chop the product into medium-width slices.
  2. Sprinkle with spices if necessary.
  3. Preheat oven to 180°С.
  4. Grease a baking tray with oil.
  5. Place the slices close together on the baking sheet.
  6. Place future crackers in the oven for 50-60 minutes, periodically looking into the closet.
  7. Products must be purchased golden crust, but don't burn.
  8. Turn off the cabinet after the specified time and leave the crackers to dry for another 20-30 minutes.
  9. Afterwards, cool and place in a glass container with an airtight lid for travel.

How to dry crackers in a frying pan?

Need to:

  • Bread;
  • Spices - optional.


  1. Chop the bread product into small cubes.
  2. Preheat the frying pan until high temperature over high heat.
  3. Place the cubes on the surface and season as desired.
  4. Fry on one side for 2-3 minutes, then turn over to the opposite side for the same time.
  5. Leave to cool for hot frying pan, but with the burner turned off.

Secrets of making delicious homemade crackers

Preparing crackers is simple, the main thing is to follow the technique of performing the actions. But of course, use little tricks that will help achieve a crispy and airy texture, delicate taste and seductive aroma.

IN Food Industry Rusks are rolls, white or rye bread, cut into even pieces and dried in special ovens. This method increases shelf life bakery products, allowing you to avoid financial losses in the process of selling products.

Help: Due to long term storage, dried slices are traditionally included in the diet of military personnel.

What kind of bread is used to make crackers?

All crackers that exist today are divided into two categories: simple and rich. Simple croutons made from any type of bread. In recent years, many varieties of rye bread beer have appeared on sale. There is a small assortment of beer snacks made from white bread. Crackers for soups and salads are usually made from large-pored varieties of bread.

Butter crackers are prepared from sweet buns, Easter cakes and other baked goods. For about 15 years, stores have been selling miniature dried blocks of white bread. This product is great for an afternoon snack.

Why is bread dried?

It would seem, why turn such wonderful fresh and soft bread or buns into hard crackers. For a long time There was an opinion among the people that only old ones need to be dried stale bread. However, in our time, a lot of recipes have appeared that use crackers made from fresh baked goods.

If you decide to try making them yourself, then knowledge of cooking will come in handy in the following cases:

  • if there is a lot of bread or rolls in the house that are at risk of spoiling;
  • when you need dried cubes of wheat bread to supplement broth or soup;
  • as an ingredient for salad;
  • when urgently needed good snack for beer. Rye crackers with garlic or tomato filling fit perfectly;
  • if you want something simple and quick for tea, for example, sweets vanilla crackers;
  • are over breadcrumbs, which are easy to make from ordinary white bread;
  • I want to add an unusual addition to banal dishes, for example, crumbs fried in oil with spices and garlic, you can sprinkle pasta, boiled potatoes or stewed vegetables.
  • We are planning to make homemade kvass, which means we need to dry strips of rye bread.

Important: Dried bread is much healthier than fresh bakery. Rusks help many people with intestinal disorders, because they have a strengthening effect.

Variety of forms

When cooking, you can give your products any shape you want. The most common options are:

  • Sweet crackers, as a rule, repeat the shape of the baked goods from which they were made. These can be oval or round large pieces.
  • Medium-sized cubes are used for soups.
  • Rectangular croutons can be used in salads and beer.
  • Dried long crackers (7-10 cm) are also very suitable for beer gatherings.
  • Oval-shaped crackers cut from white bread sticks.
  • The products can also be given a triangular shape.

Craut recipes

Despite the simplicity of making dried bread pieces, there are many recipes. The result depends on even the most insignificant nuance. I'll tell you about my favorites.

Homemade white croutons in the oven

This recipe can safely be called a classic - this is the cooking principle that is most often used when you need to make a portion of crackers.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: appetizer
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings: 10-12
  • 30 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content: 350 kcal


  • white bread - 1-2 loaves.

Cooking method:

Cut the bread into slices about 1 cm thick.

Cut each of them lengthwise into equal parts.

Cut the resulting long pieces of bread into short strips or cubes.

Spread the bread evenly on a dry baking sheet and bake at 140 degrees for about 35 minutes. The baking time can be reduced by increasing the temperature, but then you will have to watch the bread crumbs more carefully so that they do not burn.

An excellent addition to homemade crackers will be various sauces: garlic, and so on. Well, if you couldn’t eat all the prepared crackers at once, then grind them into crumbs and use them as breadcrumbs.

  • Bread for making crackers can be used either fresh or stale, the main thing is that it is not moldy and does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • The taste can be varied by adding certain spices to them before baking. The choice of spices depends on personal preference. You can use Italian herbs, suneli hops, paprika, ground dry garlic, or you can do without any at all. flavorful additions and limit yourself to just salt.
  • You need to cut the bread for crackers into fairly small pieces, since large pieces can remain soft inside. If you plan to serve them with the first course, it is better to cut them into cubes, and if with sauce, then into long strips.

Simple brown bread crackers

This simple product is very good to prepare for children. They will happily crunch on healthy cubes or bars. You will need a loaf of rye bread. It is necessary to cut off the entire crust, as it becomes very hard when dried.

Cut the bread into small pieces of the desired shape. If the bread is large-pored, then do not try to make cubes or bars that are too small, as you will end up with nothing more than a mountain of crumbs. It is advisable that the thickness of the products does not exceed 1 cm.

Features: Yesterday's bread is cut much easier than fresh bread.

Place the prepared bread slices in one layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment and lightly sprinkle with water. Preheat the oven to medium temperature, and then place the baking sheet with bread in it. Bring the crackers to the desired degree of crunch, stirring occasionally.

Crackers with garlic

Garlic flavor makes regular rye or wheat crackers incredibly delicious!


  • 1 loaf of black or white bread
  • garlic - 7-8 medium cloves
  • refined vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste.

Squeeze the peeled garlic through the garlic press and combine it with sunflower oil and salt. Let the mixture sit for 20-30 minutes. At this time, cut the bread into small slices. After the specified time has passed, place the bread in a clean plastic bag, add the prepared garlic mixture and shake well until the dressing is evenly distributed.

Dry the crackers in the oven at 100-120 degrees until crispy.

Crackers with salt

It is convenient to prepare such crackers from a baguette. Chop it into 1 cm thick slices and place in a baking dish. Sprinkle the pieces thoroughly with vegetable oil and salt to taste. Then place the pan in an oven preheated to medium temperature and wait until browned. The dish is ready.

For the Caesar salad

If you want to prepare your favorite Caesar salad yourself, then it is advisable that the croutons for it are also homemade.


  • loaf or white bread - 1 pc.
  • Sesame oil- 1 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • onions - 1/4 pcs.
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • garlic - 3 pcs.
  • curry seasoning - 1/3 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • ground black pepper
  • Italian herbs.

Cut the bread into equal, even cubes. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Place the bread slices on a clean, ungreased baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, pour olive and sesame oil into a preheated frying pan and add vinegar. Grind the garlic and onion in a blender or press through a press. Place them in a frying pan and cook until light golden brown. In a separate bowl, mix salt and all seasonings. Add this mixture to the pan with the onions and garlic. Place the sliced ​​bread in a deep bowl and pour over the hot sauce from the pan. Stir. Then put the crackers back on the baking sheet and bake them for another 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Crackers for beer made from black bread

It is very tasty to serve beer with salty homemade crackers made from rye bread with a spicy flavor.


  • black bread - 1 loaf.
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • red pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • dill, parsley - to taste.

Cut the bread into small cubes or squares. Mix vegetable oil, chopped garlic, red pepper, salt and herbs. Place future crackers in a new plastic bag and pour spicy mixture. Tie the bag and shake vigorously so that the bread absorbs the dressing. Place the slices on a dry baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Crackers with cheese

Cheese crackers are a real delicacy. They can be made from any type of bread. The main thing is to choose a tasty one hard cheese- this is what determines how appetizing the appetizer will be.


  • black or white bread - 9 slices
  • hard cheese - 80 g
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • mayonnaise - 100 g.

Cut the bread into small cubes or bars.

The mixture of pieces from different breads. Mix mayonnaise, oil, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting sauce into a large bowl and roll the sliced ​​bread in it. Place the slices on a baking sheet and sprinkle finely grated cheese on top.

Sweet crackers for tea

To create sweet crackers, white bread or a loaf is suitable. And it’s even better if you have some in stock buns With various fillings, because they can simply be cut into small pieces and baked without additional additives.

There is also a very simple recipe delicious delicacy from bread. For sweet crackers, take a loaf, 250 g of sour cream and 2 tbsp. sugar. Cut the loaf into strips of medium thickness, and then into squares. Place sour cream and sugar in two separate bowls. First dip each piece of bread in sour cream and then roll in sugar. Place the prepared product on a dry baking sheet so that the slices do not touch each other. Bake sweet crackers in the oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Features of preparing crackers in the microwave

Delicious crackers can also be prepared in the microwave. But without certain skills and knowledge, you risk getting “pebbles” from bread or rancid coals. Use the following tips to ensure that your croutons have an unsurpassed taste:

  • Try to cut equal pieces, otherwise they will lose moisture unevenly.
  • Don't be alarmed if your crackers have more dark color than outside. In the microwave during cooking, they lose moisture first from the inside, and then around the edges. Take this into account when checking the degree of readiness.
  • In a microwave oven, crackers are prepared in stages and at maximum power, turning the oven on and off and turning the slices over.
  • While you have not yet mastered cooking crackers in the microwave, carefully observe the process without leaving the dish.
  • Rusks can be greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with seasonings.

Recommendations for making the most delicious homemade crackers

You can try different recipes creating dried bread slices: sweet, salty, spicy, and sour. Do not forget to adjust the spiciness and saltiness, depending on the intended purpose. For example, you can add hotter crackers to the soup.

So that everyone new experiment ends in success, you need to remember a few general rules:

  • It is very difficult to determine the exact cooking time for crackers, because it all depends on the thickness and porosity of the bread. While cooking, periodically look at the crackers so that they do not burn.
  • This is a product with which even a “stale” bun can be transformed into delicious snack. But, of course, it should not be moldy or rancid.
  • If you sliced ​​bread relatively large pieces, do not be lazy to stir them regularly during cooking so that all the slices are evenly baked.
  • To ensure that the crackers are evenly and completely covered with seasonings and sauce, it is better not to sprinkle or pour it all on them one by one, but to mix all the ingredients with vegetable oil, and then stir in the bread pieces into the mixture.
  • Before serving, croutons must be cooled to room temperature so that their crispiness is at the highest level.

How and for how long should you store dried bread?

A few tips on how to store homemade crackers:

  • This product is stored in a dark and cool place (from 0 to +15 degrees), in any container.
  • If during storage you notice insects in a bag or box of crackers, it is better to throw everything away immediately.
  • If you store crackers next to fresh bread, then the shelf life of both products will be significantly reduced.
  • The quality of crackers is best preserved when placed in fabric bags or paper rolls.
  • Dried pieces of bread with the addition of raisins, caraway seeds, sugar, etc. cannot be preserved for a long time.
  • If you did not dry the crackers, but fried them in a frying pan, then they will not be stored for long, because hot oil significantly reduces the shelf life bread products.
  • Butter crackers can be stored and eaten for 15 days.
  • Crackers spoil faster in a bread box.
  • Crumb crumbs room temperature Suitable for use within a month, but if you place it in the freezer, the shelf life will increase significantly.

Crackers without additives can be stored for several months, and the maximum shelf life of crackers with any inclusions is 7 weeks.

Making homemade crackers is even easier than buying them in a store. Moreover, you will be 100% sure that the created crispy culinary masterpiece there are no harmful additives. Well, while I was describing all the recipes, I started thinking about the taste of crackers so much that I went and made some garlic croutons in a frying pan, as in this video:

Incredible deliciousness!

Every inhabitant of our planet has at least once found pleasure in the simple crunch of fresh crackers. Moreover, there is absolutely no problem in purchasing them - they can be bought at almost every step, however, crackers prepared at home will always have more pleasant taste, rather than purchased ones.

That is why many housewives keep recipes for making delicious crackers for every occasion.

About what wisdom and worldly tricks you need to use to prepare crackers with different tastes at home, fast and tasty and, moreover, to please discerning taste any gourmet will be told in this article.

The subtleties of making crackers at home

To get truly tasty crackers, you just need to resort to some tips that have been created by entire generations of culinary experts:

If you use day-old, slightly dried bread to prepare crackers, then working with it will be much easier: it practically does not crumble and cutting it is easy and pleasant, while maintaining the intended shape. If the bread is fresh, crumbly, and you have as many croutons as you want, put the bread in the refrigerator without a bag or film, in two hours it will be an ideal candidate for preparing the most delicious crackers in the world.

The most important thing when choosing bread is its shelf life. Never use bread with unpleasant smell or mold. This type of bread is not suitable for human consumption and may cause irreparable harm your health;

  1. The shape and size of crackers must meet two main criteria: ease of consumption and high-quality comprehensive drying. If you intend to serve croutons in combination with sauce or puree soup, then it is best to give them an elongated shape that will be convenient to hold with your fingers. And for chicken broth a great addition will become homemade crackers in the form of cubes;
  2. A responsible approach to choosing spices for future crackers is half the success. You can mix several spices at once or use only one - it all depends on your taste preferences and the availability of certain spices on hand, as well as on your wildest imagination. You can safely use garlic, salt, black pepper, Italian herbs, basil, oregato, paprika and other spices. The surest way to soak bread with them is to dissolve them in water and sprinkle future crackers from a spray bottle;

Depending on what kind of crackers you want to get, the oven temperature should be adjusted. At a temperature of 120 degrees, the crackers will be ready in half an hour, they will not need to be turned over, they will not burn and will dry evenly. If you do not have such a reserve of time, then increase the temperature, but do not forget to monitor the crackers and turn them over in time.

Crackers in the oven with an interesting taste

It is impossible to imagine preparing these crackers without using a special dressing, which can be prepared in several ways:

  1. Tomato paste + salt and pepper;
  2. Olive oil + finely chopped herbs + salt and pepper and other options known to your imagination.

Generously grease the bread with the prepared dressing; for convenience, you can spread large pieces, then cut it and put it in the oven.

To make it easier to apply the dressing to the bread, you can use a pastry brush or a kitchen sprayer, depending on the consistency of the dressing.

The taste of these crackers will pleasantly surprise you and will make you cook according to this recipe again and again. Moreover, in this interpretation they are much tastier and not as harmful as store-bought ones.

How to make crackers with garlic in the oven

To prepare you will need:

  • One bun of black rye bread;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • One head of garlic.

The garlic needs to be chopped, use a press or grater to do this. Add salt, oil and leave for 20 minutes to brew. You will get a liquid garlic mixture, into which you will then need to dip the sliced ​​bread. It is important to stir quickly because best effect It will work out if the garlic mixture is distributed evenly and there is enough for each future cracker.

Place the crackers prepared in this way in the oven for 2 hours at 100 degrees. You need to be especially careful that they do not burn, so turn them over more often during the drying process.

Ready-made crackers will delight you and your family with a delicious aroma and taste. They are good both hot and cold. You can serve them with various soups and sauces, and also as a pleasant addition to a glass of beer.

Homemade croutons for foam in the oven

To prepare these crackers we will need:

  • One loaf of slightly outdated but usable bread;
  • Salt to taste;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Spices and herbs as desired.

How to make crackers in the oven from bread for beer? Just! We describe the process.

Bread should be cut in such a way that it is convenient to eat - these can be elongated thin sticks, cubes, plastics and other shapes at your request. The drying process will work best if they are no thicker than one centimeter.

Add salt, spices and herbs to the vegetable oil, and then pour the resulting oil mixture into a plastic bag, and place the chopped pieces of bread there. There should be some air left in the bag before you seal it.

In this position, mix the crackers there, turning the bag in different directions for several minutes until the crackers absorb the oil. It is with this approach that all crackers will be equally soaked in oil.

This beauty should be dried in the oven for no more than 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. And once they have cooled down they will become extremely fragrant and nice snack for beer and more.

How to make croutons with cheese in the oven from a loaf

For lovers of cheese and croutons, this recipe will be simply irreplaceable. Delicious, satisfying and crispy croutons with cheese will win the hearts of even the most convinced gourmets.

So, to prepare them you will need a completely unoriginal set of products:

  • Delicious loaf;
  • A small piece of cheese;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Spices and herbs as desired or on hand.

Cut the loaf into small cubes and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper, as well as spices. Cheese is best to use durum varieties, since it will have to be grated, at this point you can add to grated cheese finely chopped greens (for example, green onions, dill or parsley).

Now sprinkle our salted and peppered croutons with plenty of cheese and mix.

Before full readiness It is recommended to bake crackers in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 150-200 degrees. They not only smell tempting, but also look very appetizing. The golden crust and aroma of cheese will not let you fall asleep on an empty stomach.

Sweet crackers for tea

For cooking you will need:

  • One fresh loaf (or not so much);
  • A glass of milk;
  • A little sugar (you can add vanilla);
  • A little bit of vegetable oil.

The presented cooking method can rightfully be considered the simplest. So, cut the loaf into thin slices of oval or round shape(whatever you like). Dip each piece first into a prepared bowl with milk, and then in the same way into a bowl with sugar and reverse side Place with gentle movements on a baking sheet greased with a drop of vegetable oil.

When choosing the shape of croutons, pay attention to the color of the bread: black bread is usually cut into cubes or bars, and white bread is usually cut into slices.

Crackers prepared without adding oil have a longer shelf life. And salt and spices make them practically a dietary product.

It is best to store them in fabric bags or paper bags. Because without air access, homemade crackers will quickly become damp and will not be as crispy as before.

Always use only usable bread and natural spices, then your product will not only have pleasant aroma and appetizing taste, but can also guarantee the safety that, alas, store-bought crackers do not have.

Any housewife has at least once thought about making crackers, which can then be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen. In the age of multicookers and microwaves, some have even forgotten how to dry crackers in the oven.

Time to remember this simple cooking step, as well as some tricks that will allow you to prepare delicious and original product complementing any dish.

Oven drying

The best option for producing crackers is the oven. You can burn bread in a microwave, but in a regular dryer. crispy crusts It just won’t work, the procedure will take a lot of time near the stove or in the sun. Also, there is often stale bread at home, which is a shame to throw in the trash. But it can be revived by drying it on breadcrumbs.

Where can dried bread come in handy?

It was once believed that crackers could be made from stale or half-eaten bread products. Modern housewives vote for tasty and safe homemade food products. Not everyone trusts store-bought crackers. Here's what you can do with home-dried bread:

    1. A handful of dry cubes is served with soups or broths.
    2. Tea lovers will also appreciate the not cloying taste of vanilla crackers.
    3. Crackers serve as an excellent addition to various salads.
  • Dried pieces of rye bread, especially with sauce dressing, are suitable as a snack for beer.
  • Homemade kvass is prepared using rye bread dried in a microwave or electric oven.
  • Strong tea with breadcrumbs will help if you have problems with the intestines; this is a well-known fixative.

    • All crackers, depending on their purpose, should vary in size and shape. Soup and salad products should be cubed, beer and kvass products should be cut into cubes, etc. Mixing different figures is not allowed.
  • Bread drying is carried out at different temperatures, and 100 and 200 degrees. Each housewife chooses for herself which of a couple of basic methods of how to properly dry crackers to choose:

I. The bun is cut into cubes or sticks, which are laid out on a dry baking sheet. The oven is heated to 120 or 140 degrees, then a sheet is placed there. If each cube is cut 1*1 cm, then 20 minutes will be enough. For one-centimeter blocks, a time of 35 or 40 minutes is suitable. After 10 minutes of drying, the cubes are mixed and waited for complete readiness. During the procedure with cubes, they are periodically stirred about 4 times until the end of cooking. This way you can dry rye and stale white bread and products made from coarsely ground flour. The buns are toasted for no more than 10 minutes. When it is noticeable that the bread has begun to dry out and its hardness is felt, turn off the oven, leaving the crackers in the oven until it cools down.

II. For crispier breads, baking at 180 or 200 degrees is suitable. It will only take 10 minutes. In this case, it is more dangerous to perform drying manipulations than in the first case. But evenly cut pieces turn out more fried.

    • For storage use a cotton bag or plastic container. To prevent the bread from becoming moldy, they are placed in a container, well dried, and left in a dry, dark place, where there should not be any distinct odors, otherwise the crackers will become saturated with them.
  • Breading crumbs are obtained from broken, crushed and dried white bread.

Confectioners' tips on how to achieve delicious crispy croutons

    1. Before baking crackers in the microwave or oven, they are sometimes salted, sprinkled with spices or chopped herbs, small pieces of garlic, salted or sugared.
    2. Scatter the pieces of bread over the sheet in an even layer.
  • If you want to take crackers with you on a hike, you will need pieces about the size of a quarter of a regular piece of loaf. How long to dry them depends on the desired result. But no longer than 25 minutes. in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. If in the microwave, it will take about 2 or 3 minutes at high power.
  • Any baker knows how to dry crackers from bread in the oven to get a golden crust. To do this, lubricate the sheet with vegetable or butter, and get the desired effect.
  • Crispy and tender medium slices of wheat or rye quality will require an hour of drying in an oven preheated to 150 degrees.
  • Kvass crackers from black bread are fried in the cupboard for no more than 50 minutes.

Advice: If you don’t know how much baking you need to put in the oven, you should base it on what product is used. If the slices of bread are 2 cm thick, then they are fried in the oven at 150 or 170 degrees for ten minutes, then they are in the oven for another 20 minutes. Pieces of loaf, coated in butter, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, then they are placed for 30 minutes at 130 or 140 degrees.

Bread or loaf dried in the oven will be healthier than one cooked in the microwave. This is more troublesome, but less dangerous. At different nuances There will be a different result, which will definitely please the household.
