Beefsteak - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook beef steak, minced and minced. Delicious aromatic minced beefsteak


Beefsteak cooked in a frying pan does not have to be dry and hard. Quite the contrary, and our step-by-step recipe for its preparation with photos will clearly demonstrate this to you.

Each stage of cooking a beef steak in a frying pan is incredibly important and requires exact repetition of all the listed instructions.

We won't cook hamburger, but a piece of whole meat, so the process of frying it is very important.

You will learn all the intricacies of cooking beef steak at home directly from the recipe itself. The technique for properly frying meat in a frying pan is also described in detail.

A splash of olive oil on the beef will tenderize the meat and allow it to brown properly.

This dish should be served exclusively with fresh vegetables or as in our case with cooked cherry tomatoes.

Let's start creating a hearty and juicy steak from beef.


  • (800 g)

  • (taste)

  • (20 g)

  • (20 pcs.)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (for serving)

Cooking steps

    Select for cooking such a steak juicy piece beef tenderloin.

    Carefully cut out the flesh from the bone if you purchased such meat. If you took a ready-made piece of fillet, then simply cut it portionwise into four parts: the width of each piece is no more than 3 centimeters.

    Every portioned piece We remove the side film and all kinds of veins from the beef so that only the purest meat remains. After this, put the beef in cold water for a couple of seconds and place it on a clean and dry countertop. Brush the beef pieces on all sides with olive oil.

    Warm up dry cast iron frying pan and place the steak on it, fry until the first matte golden brown crust within 1-2 minutes.

    Using special kitchen tongs or ordinary wooden spatulas, we turn the meat over to the other side: this way we will not pierce or damage the surface of the meat with a sharp knife or fork. Fry each side for the same amount of time.

    Using the same tongs, we hold the meat and fry all its sides for about 30 seconds as shown in the photo. After this, we repeat all the above manipulations three more times, but do not touch the sides anymore. Fry each side for 1-2 minutes, turn over, repeat the process. Upon completion of these steps, reduce the heat and fry each side for another 2-3 minutes. Place the meat on a plate, cover it tightly with foil and let it sit for a while.

    During this time, you can prepare a side dish for the meat. We thoroughly wash the cherry tomatoes and string five of them onto wooden skewers. In the same frying pan in which we previously cooked the meat, fry the tomatoes, add salt to taste and add a couple of pinches of sugar.

    Place the finished pieces of meat on a plate, salt and pepper to taste, put fried tomatoes there, decorate the dish with fresh herbs and serve along with spicy tomato sauce. Now you know how to cook beef steak in a frying pan.

    Bon appetit!

What should the ideal steak be like? Novice housewives are unlikely to be able to accurately answer this question, much less describe the entire technology for preparing the dish. That's why useful tips And step by step guide how to cook beef steak (whole cut and chopped mass) according to all the rules presented in this article, will help them in the best possible way.

Stage one: choosing meat

How to ensure that a beef steak has a pleasant crispy crust on top and at the same time tender, slightly pinkish flesh inside? At the same time, it should be quite juicy, but not raw (even if with blood). All these characteristic signs of a perfectly prepared dish can only be present under one condition - the right choice of meat. We list the main recommendations and rules that need to be taken into account when purchasing a product:

  • the most tasty dish obtained from young beef or veal;
  • Do not use frozen pieces, the product must be fresh and chilled;
  • It is advisable to cook a steak from certain sirloin cuts with the most tender sections (ribs, etc. are not used);
  • stringy pieces are not suitable for cutting;
  • If possible, choose meat without films on its surface;
  • focus on the approximate thickness of the future steak - from 3 to 4 cm;
  • The cut pieces should be approximately the same size.

Stage two: preliminary preparation of meat

If beef steak will be prepared from not very young meat, you definitely need to properly pre-process it. To do this, cover each of the cut pieces cling film, and then lightly beat with a kitchen hammer on both sides. This is done so that the fiber structure becomes softer and more pliable to frying. After briefly beating, rub a mixture of pepper and salt into the pulp. This spice treatment is also recommended for young meat. Salt has the ability to retain moisture, making the dish even juicier when fried. Therefore, processed semi-finished products should be allowed to lie in a cool place for at least an hour and a half. Except ground pepper You can use any other spices, depending on your taste preferences: oregano, coriander, dried basil etc. There is no need to wash off the salt layer before frying. And if you follow the standards of the products used, this will not be necessary, since all the seasoning mass will be absorbed into the meat.

Stage three: frying the pieces

So, preliminary preparation carried out in full: the meat is cut, beaten (if necessary), seasoned with salt and spices. Now you can start frying. Since a beef steak is usually served immediately, as they say, “hot and hot,” the preparation of the meat pieces is carried out immediately before setting the table. For frying, it is best to use any refined vegetable oil without characteristic odor. Pour it into a frying pan with a thick bottom and put it on fire. Once warmed up, you can start cooking. Before doing this, be sure to blot each piece with a paper towel to remove excess juice. As soon as a slight smoke appears above the frying pan, place the cut pieces into the heated oil. Once browned, turn the steak over and continue cooking. The heat should be medium, as when reduced, juice will begin to release, which will make all the work problematic. Don't fill the pan with multiple pieces. It is better to fry two or three pieces at a time.

Cooking beef steak in the oven

Of course, the best option The use of an oven is the presence of a grill in it. Then you don't have to worry about turning the pieces over. In a simple oven, baking is carried out in stages, especially if the food on top is slightly browned. For better circulation, use a wire rack. Place the chopped and spiced pieces on it. Bake until lightly browned. Usually like this pre-treatment carried out with tough meat. It will be enough to just fry young beef in oil in a frying pan. To ensure that the baked pieces have a normal appearance, you can cook them after removing them from the oven. traditional way. This means frying in oil in a frying pan over high heat until nicely browned. In this way, you can prepare semi-finished products in advance, and then, if necessary, quickly bring them to readiness and serve them hot and delicious.

Is it possible to cook chopped beef steak?

There are situations when the available meat cannot be divided into portioned pieces, because it was cut from an inappropriate fragment of the carcass or consists of several separate parts. Then prepare chopped beef steak. Of course, at its core it turns out to be a completely different dish, but outwardly they are both very similar due to flat shape ready fried pieces. How to achieve not only an attractive appearance fried dish, but also the taste typical of steak? To do this, it is preferable to turn beef into chopped meat not with a meat grinder, but with a fairly sharp knife. Try finely chopping the product into a minced mass, and then adding some accompanying ingredients (onion, bread, egg, etc.). To ensure that the shape of the meatballs is preserved in the future during frying, the mixture must be mixed carefully, beating lightly. If desired, chopped steaks can also be dredged in flour.

Recipe for minced beef steak with mushrooms

One of original ways preparation is the addition of some kind of meat to the mass additional ingredient. This involves the use of mushrooms. Take 100 g of champignons, peel them and finely chop them. Chop beef (500 g) without streaks or films with a sharp knife until smooth and uniform. If the meat is a bit tough, grind it in a meat grinder with a medium grid. Combine the resulting minced meat with mushrooms, beat in one egg and season with salt and different spices. Then knead it thoroughly, slightly beating it. Form the mixture into flat round balls and lightly roll them in flour. Then fry each steak in hot oil until crispy on all sides. Serve hot, sprinkled with big amount greenery As a garnish, use fresh or boiled vegetables. You can pour some kind of water on top hot sauce and sprinkle with onions pickled in vinegar. Nourishing, tasty and delicious dish ready!

Beefsteak is a fillet steak made from a whole roasted piece of beef taken from the head of the tenderloin. One of the subspecies of this dish - the prototype of the cutlet we are all familiar with - is made from minced meat.

Features of cooking

Beefsteak came to us from the USA, where it is cooked on a barbecue or grill, and if on home kitchen– then definitely on a grill pan.

Over time, this dish has gained great momentum in our country, but it is not so easy to prepare, because beef is easy to spoil. First of all, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing meat. It must be without veins and cartilage, always fresh or chilled, but in no case frozen.

The fat layers should be white, and the color of the beef itself should be deep red. This is an indicator that the meat is not old.

The cutting should occur along the grain and nothing else; the thickness of the steak is from 2 to 3.5 centimeters. Small cuts are made on each side and after that the meat is beaten with a kitchen wooden mallet.

Cooks have invented many sauces and marinades in which the steak is soaked before starting the frying process. The steak is placed in a preheated pan with a small amount of oil and cooked to the desired degree of doneness. In any case, the meat is immediately served on the table.

Classic recipe

In the traditional version of this dish, the meat does not need to be marinated or coated. special sauces. It is enough to generously coat it with salt and spices before frying.

  • A classic beef steak is prepared as follows. We take any piece fresh meat, immerse it in boiling water and boil the clear broth over low heat.
  • Dry the washed beef for steak and cut it according to the principle indicated above - along the grain. Place it in a cellophane bag and beat it with a hammer until it becomes one and a half to two centimeters thick. Try to do it so that the piece has about round shape.
  • Place the grill pan on the fire, heat it up, add a piece of butter. Coat the beef with salt and set it to fry (no more than five minutes on each side). If you like rare meat, then two or three. Lubricate the steaks with horseradish.
  • Place the finished pieces on a plate lined with lettuce, with a piece on top butter and water meat broth from a spoon.

Beefsteak, minced beef with egg


  • tenderloin – 250 g;
  • salt, pepper - a pinch;
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 70 g.

Production: 25 minutes.

Energy value: 387 Kcal/100 g.

We cut off all the film and veins from the meat and use a sharp knife to make layers five millimeters thick, then cut them into long strips three millimeters wide, and then chop them into small cubes. This way you will get chopped minced meat. Season the shredded meat with salt and black pepper and knead thoroughly in your palms for at least seven minutes. This is done so that the steel fibers connect with each other, forming a homogeneous mass.

Ready minced meat beat on cutting board, applying as much physical effort as possible, then place it in a plastic bag, release the air and do the same for five minutes.

We start the electric oven at 200 °C. Place the frying pan on the fire and add a little oil. When it is hot enough, with wet palms we form a steak and lay it out to fry. If you put meat on cold frying pan, nothing will work. Fry the cutlet on both sides for three minutes.

Place the beef on a small baking sheet and place in the oven for five minutes.

While the meat is simmering, put a piece of butter in a frying pan and fry the fried eggs. Remove the meat from the oven, brush with butter and place an egg on top.

Beef steak "Flambé"

This restaurant dish came from us from France. This exotic name directly related to the cooking process - flambéing, that is, processing with open fire. For this, dry white wine is used.


  • meat – 350 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • cognac or brandy - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • spices - a pinch.

Production: 30 minutes.

Energy value: 423 Kcal/100 g.

Cut the prepared piece of meat into pieces two centimeters thick. Wrap with film and lightly beat with a hammer. Lubricate generously with spices and let sit for a few minutes. Grate the cheese. It's best to use Parmesan, but if you don't have it, any of them will do. durum varieties. Place the oil in a saucepan and heat it up. Bread the marinated steaks in cheese shavings, immediately place them in a frying pan and fry for three minutes on each side.

Place the half-cooked meat on a flat dish. It is better to perform flambéing in front of guests and in the twilight - it will be more impressive. Heat the brandy in a metal bowl over a candle flame, pour it over the steak and set it on fire. We wait until the alcohol burns out completely and put it on the table.

Attention! The flames can be quite high, so be careful of your face, hands and hair. It is advisable for guests to move away from such a culinary performance.

How to cook baked beef steak with sauce

Under beef steak Almost any sauce will do: creamy, tomato, garlic sour cream. This dressing makes the meat even juicier and complements its taste and aroma.


  • beef pulp – 300 g;
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • red wine – 150 ml;
  • tofi cheese – 1 pack;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • ketchup – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • meat broth – 200 ml;
  • parsley, pepper, salt - a pinch;
  • unrefined oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Production: 45 minutes.

Energy value: 445 Kcal/100 g.

How to cook a delicious baked beef steak with sauce? We cut the pulp into pieces and pass through a meat grinder twice. Finely chop both onions and sauté one of them in a saucepan in oil. IN Ground beef put fried and raw onion, egg, cheese, ketchup, garlic, sauce, parsley and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. Let's dive into food package and beat it so that the mass is as soft and homogeneous as possible. It is believed that after this procedure the steak turns out incredibly tender and juicy.

Form small cutlets with wet palms and fry them in the same pan where the onions were cooked. But not until full readiness, but only to brown it. Transfer the semi-finished products into a glass roasting pan and cover with a lid.

Remove the remaining fat from the frying pan, pour wine into it and evaporate for two minutes, then add broth and the remaining ketchup, simmer for about ten minutes.

Pour over the cutlets ready-made sauce and bake in the oven for twelve minutes at 180°C. Ready-made steaks are served with pasta or mashed potatoes, topped with sauce.

Baked meat with mushroom sauce

Beef steak is not only fried in a hot frying pan, but also baked at high temperature in an electric oven with mushroom or onion sauce.


  • meat – 200 g;
  • mushrooms – 50 g;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • seasonings - a pinch;
  • egg – 1 pc.

Production: 20 minutes.

Energy value: 373 Kcal/100 g.

Cut the beef into layers along the grain three centimeters thick, fry in butter and place on a baking sheet. Start the electric oven at 195 °C. Boil the egg hard, cool and cut into cubes. Peel the onion and fry in a meat frying pan with chopped mushrooms. Any type is suitable: greenhouse and forest. Combine the frying with the egg, pour over the meat and bake for eight minutes. You can check the readiness of the steak by pressing your finger. If the beef is firm, it’s ready; if it’s soft, bake it some more.

  1. It is not recommended to cook a rare beef steak; it is not safe for health; if you really want such a dish, you need to use pork;
  2. Before frying the meat, you need to remove the moisture with a napkin or towel; when dry, the beef will immediately begin to cook and a beautiful crust will appear;
  3. Place no more than two pieces at a time in a saucepan; steak likes distance, otherwise it will begin to steam rather than fry;
  4. Don’t save time; pass the minced meat at least three times through a meat grinder, this will make it more likely that the steak will not fall apart when frying;
  5. For the meat to acquire pleasant aroma, before cooking, sprinkle it with lemon juice;
  6. The steak is even cooked in batter. To do this, mix the egg, flour and a little water. Dip the meat and cook in a hot pan;
  7. It is not recommended to fry steaks in vegetable oil, only in butter or margarine. This is how the meat will turn out golden color, not brown.

Bon appetit!


Do you like meat? Prepare delicious ground beef steak this easy way step by step recipe with photos, videos, as well as all the secrets of cooking.

15 minutes

179.2 kcal

5/5 (3)

Beefsteak is excellent dish originally from England. In the US, this dish is so popular that grilling it is associated with the holiday. Today, many countries have moved away from traditional recipe and added their own twist to the recipe for chopped beefsteak.

Preparation and highlights

Kitchen appliances: frying pan, knife, board, bowl, saucepan.


For Dorblu sauce you will need:

  • cream – 200 g;
  • Dorblu cheese – 100 g.

Chopped steak in classic version It is made from beef, which must be manually chopped with a knife. This is very interesting process, but it takes a lot of time. I decided to go more in a simple way and cook a steak from ground beef.

Many will say that a minced steak is an ordinary, familiar cutlet, but you shouldn’t rush to conclusions. There is a considerable difference between the cutlets and steak we know, but more on that later.

Recipe with photo: chopped beef steak

There are many recipes and options for preparing this dish. I settled on one that I like best.

  1. Add salt, cream and spices to taste to the finished ground beef. I can't live without pepper, so I add a little fresh dill for flavor. But this is optional.

    Did you know? Cream makes the meat more tender and prevents it from falling apart.

  2. After all the ingredients are mixed, the minced meat needs to be beaten a little. This is necessary to ensure that the steak does not fall apart during cooking. Just pick up the mince in your hands and throw it into the bowl like a ball. If you are afraid that you will smear everything around, you can place the minced meat in a bag and feel free to throw it into a bowl.

  3. After you have beaten the minced meat for 5-7 minutes, form round cutlets. To make beautiful smooth edges, like cooks in restaurants, I use an Easter cake pan.

  4. Next, you need to heat the frying pan on maximum heat. You can pour a little oil right away or brush it over your steaks.

  5. Heat some butter in a saucepan and add garlic. You can use rosemary and thyme leaves for flavor.

  6. After this, take several small onions, cut them in half, add a teaspoon of vinegar and pour in oil with spices.

  7. Place the prepared cutlets on a hot frying pan (or grill) and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Place the onion in the pan next to the meat.

    Did you know? The cutlet should be 1.5-2 cm thick, and you can make it thicker, but in this case you will need to fry the steak longer.

A classic steak should be rare inside. But it depends on what you prefer. The main thing is not to dry out the steaks. If you want to sear the steak, leave it on low heat for another 5-7 minutes after searing.

Sauce for chopped beefsteaks

I have tried many options for meat sauces. It is for this recipe that I recommend trying Dorblu. The first thing I love about this sauce is that it's easy to make. Secondly, the cream for the sauce is also used in the steaks themselves.

Take 100-150 grams of Dorblu cheese and mix with cream in the proportion that you like best. I always add a lot of cream, then the sauce turns out very tender and soft.

Important! It is better to use the thickest cream, then the steaks will be more tender and the sauce will be thicker.

Details and trifles: how to serve steak

I love when everything is simple, but at the same time beautiful, as in expensive restaurants. Once my steaks are done, I place them on a plate to rest while I work on the rest.

The simplest option– place the steak on a plate, put a few onions and decorate everything with herbs. I most often place the steak on a piece of lettuce and place a few slices of tomato near the onion. It turns out to be a very pleasant picture, and an equally tasty side dish.

In the classic version, chopped steak is served with an egg.. It can be fried and placed on top of a steak, or boiled and cut in half.

Don't serve steak with potatoes.. We are used to this best side dish for any meat, but this is not entirely true. Potatoes are very hearty side dish, as well as meat dishes. After this combination, heaviness in the stomach may appear.

Vegetables and even fruits go best with steak. When choosing a side dish, you can afford whatever you want.

Features and little things: how, what, why, how much?

I said earlier that a steak is not the same as a cutlet. They have several differences, although they can be called related dishes. The main differences are as follows:

  • There is no bread added to steak, potatoes and other ingredients that bind the minced meat.
  • Ideally, a steak is prepared not from minced meat, but from hand-chopped meat.
  • Chopped steak is cooked at maximum heat to create a dark crust and, most often, remains uncooked inside.
  • For steak, no breading or eggs are used., although after they appeared various recipes, even mushrooms and artichokes are added to this dish.
  • Cream or milk is added to the steak.

Today, beefsteak has become very popular in different countries, and each of them has its own special details for preparing this dish. For example, in Switzerland, steak is rolled in flour and stewed with peppers, zucchini and other vegetables. In Tatar style, this dish will be with raw egg yolk.

Important! It is best to cook steak in a thick pan. A grill pan also works well.

Video recipes for chopped beefsteak

Other recipes

Chopped steak can be cooked not only in a frying pan or grill. You can quite successfully make it on a fire using a grate.

My friend is obsessed with proper nutrition and refused to eat barbecue outdoors. One day she surprised everyone by bringing chopped beefsteak for a holiday. Then the whole crowd ate it; on the grill it turned out to be very fragrant. This option is perfect for those who cannot eat spicy or fatty foods.

Meat can be lean, dietary and light. It all depends on the cooking method. You don't have to add spices to the steak. Use olive oil, dill and parsley.

Step 1: Making minced meat.

We wash the piece of meat and use a knife to cut off the rough film and tendons, if any. We cut the prepared meat into thin slices, which, in turn, are cut into strips, and the strips are chopped into small pieces. Then we chop the meat additionally with a knife. 5 minutes. The result is hand-chopped minced meat. We do the same with beef lard. Peel the onion and garlic and cut into small cubes. Mix the finished minced meat with chopped lard, onion and garlic. Break the egg into the minced meat, pour it in and mix thoroughly. Then pepper and salt the minced meat, add spices and stir again. Now you need to beat the minced meat. To do this, we take it in our hands and forcefully throw it into the bowl. Let's repeat this three times. We do this so that the minced meat is compacted and does not fall apart during frying.

Step 2: Grill the steak.

From the resulting minced meat we form steaks. They should have a round shape and a thickness of about 1.5 cm. To prevent the minced meat from sticking, wet your hands with cold water from time to time. Heat the frying pan and grease it vegetable oil and lay out the steaks. Fry them over medium heat. After the steak is cooked on one side, use a spatula to carefully turn it over to the other side. On average, one side is cooked through 10 minutes. Make sure that the heat is not too high, otherwise the steak will cook on the outside and remain raw on the inside.

Step 3: Serve the chopped steak.

Serve the steak hot, sprinkled with herbs, with any side dish and sauces. Bon appetit!

Traditionally, steaks are made from beef, but you can use pork if you prefer.

If you don't have time to mince meat by hand, you can grind the meat and fat in a meat grinder.

If the steaks are large, sear them on both sides over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low and cook until done.

Particularly popular are rare steaks with slightly pinkish meat inside. But they need to be made only from the freshest meat, the quality of which you are sure of.
