Barrel tomatoes: pickling recipes. Barrel tomatoes in a jar with cold brine

It is always convenient to roll up tomatoes for the winter. Firstly, tomatoes are very cheap in season. And if you compare the cost of store-bought canned tomatoes and homemade ones, you will immediately feel the difference in your wallet. At any time you can uncork a jar or two to treat everyone gathered at the table. Secondly, banks with canned tomatoes will always be at your fingertips. There will be no need to waste time going to the store. Thirdly, tomatoes rolled at home are always much tastier than similar store-bought ones. You can independently adjust the taste of tomatoes by adding the spices that you like best. You can also add homemade tomatoes different taste: sweet, pickled or simply pickled. Today I offer you mine new recipe - pickled tomatoes for the winter in jars, they come out straight out of a barrel. I used this recipe only once last year, but now I will definitely cook it this way this year too. You can also - it's very tasty!

For 5 liters of water:
- 1.5 tables. l. salt,
- 5 kg tomatoes,
- 2-3 heads of garlic,
- 10-12 pcs. peppercorns,
- 6-7 pcs. bay leaf,
- 10-12 sprigs of dill.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Let's immediately prepare the jars for preservation: steam them over a kettle or over a pan of boiling water. The jars must cool completely, then put all the necessary spices in them at the bottom. I used garlic, peppercorns, and Bay leaf, and a little dill. We put the spices in the jars equally so that everything is approximately the same.

Now fill the jars with medium-sized tomatoes, tamping them lightly so that the tomatoes and peels do not burst.

Dissolve salt in cold water: Stir at the bottom until the grains of salt begin to melt.

Filling jars with tomatoes saline solution, fill up to the neck.

We leave the jars in the room for a day, but remove them from sun rays. Then we put the tomatoes in the cellar, where they will be stored for 2 winter months. The tomatoes really look like pickled tomatoes, sour and with a strong aroma. If you like this kind of snack, be sure to repeat my recipe and I’m looking forward to your feedback!
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My mom is an expert on pickled tomatoes, and I’m an expert on eating, I love it 🙂 . Of course, she does this in a barrel and a cool cellar, observing traditions. But mom is far away and so are the tomatoes, so I adapted the recipe for the city. It turns out very tasty.

Fried potatoes and salted tomatoes take me back to my childhood. Memories cover and we are already at fresh air having dinner with the family. It's so nice to go back to childhood.

Preparing vegetables:

Tomatoes 1.5 - 2 kg I use dense (hard), medium size, without cracks. I'm pouring cold water for 10 minutes to remove dust. I don’t remove the tails, I like them. I drain the water and rinse again.

I wash 2-3 peppers with water. Bell pepper I cut it lengthwise into 4 parts, leaving the seeds and tail. The pepper will be crispy and tasty.

Pickling bouquet, I can’t call it a broom :-), I use only ⅓ of it - I wash it with water and cut it with scissors.

How to cook pickled tomatoes?

At the bottom of the jar I place the prepared pickling bouquet + 2 cloves of garlic (without peel) + ½ hot pepper + tomatoes (larger ones at the bottom, as they take longer to salt) + sweet pepper and the rest of the tomatoes.

I dissolve 2 heaped tablespoons of salt in 1.5 liters of cold water.

I pour the brine over the tomatoes, cover with a nylon lid and leave at room temperature for 3 days (not in the sun). I put a plate under the jar, liquid will leak. During this time, the brine will become cloudy.

After 3 days I put the tomatoes in the refrigerator. After 7 days they have already become lightly salted, I’m starting to take them out of the jar :) The smell has already formed, but there is still not enough salt, I love these. But the pepper is ready. After 14 days, the tomatoes are ready.

Pickled tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months, then the brine begins to acidify and they are no longer as tasty. This is not a recipe for the winter - this is a recipe to eat in the coming weeks and store only in the refrigerator.

Preparations for the winter - great way preserve the harvest and enjoy it all winter. Sauerkraut Many people have it in stock, but the fermented ones green tomatoes not that popular. And in vain, because they are good for health and rich in vitamins, which are so necessary in winter.

Unripe tomato fruits are not edible fresh, as they contain solanine, a substance hazardous to human health. So place the fruits in salt water before cooking. By the way, choose medium-sized tomatoes without damage to reduce the likelihood high content they contain solanine, and this size is the most convenient for cooking. It’s good if they are a little white or yellowed, which indicates a low solanine content. It’s just that fermented green tomatoes cannot be eaten earlier than a month after harvesting.

Before cooking, you need to select a suitable container. In this case, you need to take into account:

  • how many fruits do you plan to ferment;
  • how many people is the recipe for?
  • shelf life of the workpiece;
  • storage conditions.
  • If the prescription is for a large number of man, it is most convenient to use a barrel.

Remember! Wooden barrels require disinfection before use

Plastic ones are generally not very suitable for food storage.

An excellent and safe option for all times - known to everyone glass jars, they should be sterilized before fermentation. The finished product should be stored in a cool, dark place, in a cellar, pantry, or basement.

To extend the shelf life and give the product a special aroma, place a sprig of bird cherry in a container with tomatoes.

Pickled green tomatoes for the winter in jars

Pickled green tomatoes in barrel-style jars are very tasty. Before cooking, be sure to sterilize empty containers. The easiest way to do this is to use a microwave.

Pour a few tablespoons of water into a jar and microwave for 2 minutes. Place the can horizontally if it is large and cannot be placed completely.

  • Remove the jar and pour out the water if it has not boiled away.

For the preparation you will need:

  • 3 kg green tomatoes
  • 4 large carrots
  • 4 sweet peppers
  • 0.5 kg onions
  • 1.5 heads of garlic
  • chili pepper pod
  • 1/4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1/4 tbsp. salt
  • 1/2 tbsp. vinegar
  • 1/2 tbsp. rast. oils

How to cook:

  • Wash and peel the vegetables. Sweet peppers and tomatoes and cut into equal size cubes. Grate carrots, onions, garlic and chili.
  • Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, add oil and boil. If necessary, add a little water.
  • After the vegetables boil, add vinegar, salt, sugar. Simmer over low heat for another 20 minutes. Remove from the stove and roll into jars.

Recipe for cooking in barrels

A time-tested recipe. Wooden barrel will add to the dish special taste and aroma.

According to the traditional recipe you will need:

  • 10 kg green tomatoes
  • 300 g dill along with umbrellas
  • 40 g tarragon (tarragon)
  • 50 g parsley
  • 100 g cherry leaves
  • 100 g currant leaves
  • large head of garlic
  • 3 chili pods
  • 70 g salt per liter of water


  • Line the bottom of the barrel with 1/3 of the leaves and herbs. Fill the barrel with tomatoes to the middle, distributing garlic cloves and chopped hot peppers.
  • In the middle of the barrel, cover the tomatoes with another third of the greens and leaves. Place the rest of the tomatoes and cover again with leaves and herbs. Dissolve salt in cold water and pour over tomatoes. You can put horseradish roots on top to extend shelf life.
  • Place the weight on top of the workpiece and put it in the cold for 1.5 months.

How to ferment in a bucket

You can easily cook tomatoes in a bucket with this recipe. Moreover, the process will take no more time than the recipe for a jar.

What will you need?

  • 1 bucket of green tomatoes, not filled to the brim
  • 125 g dill with umbrellas
  • 100 g bay leaf
  • 50 g currant leaf
  • 20 g each of allspice and red pepper
  • 50 g horseradish leaves
  • 50 g salt
  • 3 liters of water

Cooking process:

  • Wash the vegetables, place horseradish on the bottom and currant leaves. Fill the jar with tomatoes, mixing them with herbs, peppers, and bay leaves.
  • Thoroughly dissolve the salt in 3 liters of water and pour over the vegetables.

After a month, you can already enjoy the resulting pickles, which will turn out to be appetizing and piquant in taste.

Pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan

Even if you don’t have the opportunity to keep tomatoes in the cellar, you can prepare an equally tasty preparation in a pan; for this you need:

  • 1 kg green tomatoes
  • 4 dill umbrellas
  • 50 g currant leaves
  • 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt

How to cook pickled tomatoes in a saucepan:

  • Rinse the vegetables and carefully pierce the tomatoes with a fork.
  • Place dill and leaves on the bottom, place tomatoes tightly on top, adding garlic.
  • Dilute vinegar, sugar, salt in three liters of water, pour over the vegetables and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 days.
    As you can see, preparing them is very simple, and the taste of the resulting preparation will surprise you and your guests.

Tomatoes stuffed with garlic for the winter

This variation of the recipe is not so difficult to prepare, and a pleasant spice will add piquancy to any meal.


  • 2 kg green tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic for each tomato
  • 100 g dill with umbrellas
  • 1 liter of water
  • 70 ml vinegar
  • 15 g bay leaf
  • 3 tsp. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara

How to cook:

  • Wash the tomatoes and carefully cut them. Place a clove of garlic into the cut. Line the bottom of the jar with dill and half the leaves.
  • Boil the brine from vinegar, sugar, salt and part of the laurel diluted in water, remove from heat.
  • Place the tomatoes in a container and pour in the brine. In about a month the tomatoes will be ready.

Express cooking method

It happens that guests suddenly appear on the doorstep, and you don’t have any homemade treats. In this case, this recipe will save you; in just two hours the appetizer can be served.

What do you need:

  • 3 large green tomatoes (1 kg)
  • 0.5 l water
  • 300 ml vinegar 9%
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 200 g dill without umbrellas
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. salt

Cooking method:

  • Cut the tomatoes and garlic into neat slices, chop the dill stems.
  • Boil water with salt, pour in vinegar. Immediately pour over the tomatoes. This is necessary in order to neutralize solanine.
  • When the workpiece has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Serve the appetizer on the table and treat your guests!

What do you need:

  • 3 kg tomato
  • 4 chili peppers
  • 6 bell peppers
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 1 liter of water
  • 150 ml vinegar 9%
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 100 g dill
  • 150 g sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt

How to cook tomatoes “Korean style”:

  • Cut the tomatoes into quarters bell pepper, chop the dill and garlic, chop the hot pepper into cubes.
  • Combine everything in one bowl. Season and mix thoroughly.
  • Dilute the vinegar with boiled water, pour it over the tomatoes, add vegetable oil and stir.
  • Place the tomatoes in a jar, and you can put a couple of dill umbrellas on top. Put it in the refrigerator.

Pickled green tomatoes – great snack, which goes well with many dishes. Using our recipes, you can prepare tomatoes for the winter or pleasantly surprise your loved ones.

Almost any seasonal product Available on store shelves today all year round. It would seem that, winter preparations are no longer a necessity. But pickles have special taste qualities high value still. After all, for example, knowing the recipe barrel tomatoes, you can prepare such an appetizer that even overseas ones cannot compete with gourmet dishes. Fragrant aroma and fantastic taste - this is what distinguishes homemade salted tomatoes and makes them “favorites” of the winter feast.

Medium difficulty

Initially, only cabbage and cucumbers were fermented. Several centuries ago they did this without using salt. The fermentation process started, but the preparations were not stored for long. Some researchers believe that the Byzantines were the first to learn how to pickle vegetables, and the Slavs already adopted their methods. Over time, they began to harvest mushrooms, berries, fruits, different vegetables and even legumes.

During the reign of Catherine Great tomato It was considered an ornamental plant, so it was grown in flowerpots. IN European countries thought that the tomato was a poisonous fruit. It was even used in coups d'etat and they tried to poison enemies with it. But such actions were unsuccessful.

Preparing the cooper's product

Containers such as barrels and tubs are the most common options for storing pickles. Vegetables from them get a special taste and aroma of wood. Barrel method The good thing is that the process of lactic acid fermentation occurs actively, as it should. The containers are made of environmentally friendly and natural material, which is absolutely harmless. It is also able to prevent the premature appearance of mold, as it has powerful antibacterial properties.

The shelf life of pickles largely depends on how correctly the container was prepared. There are a number of events that are mandatory.

  • Soaking. The process is necessary for new products. But old tubs that are for a long time were not used. The container needs to be soaked so that the boards swell and the small cracks are sealed tightly. This way the walls will gain the required density and reliability. The container is filled with water and stands until it swells. If this takes a long time, then the liquid in it changes periodically.
  • Disinfection. Both new and old containers need disinfection treatment. This is done by rinsing with boiling water. Additionally, salt or soda can be used. They are used to clean the internal and external surfaces of the tree, and then rinse thoroughly.

Containers with pickles are stored in a cool, dry place. There should be no negative temperatures in the room, as frost will lead to damage to the workpiece. It is not recommended to place the container on the floor. It is better if it is on a wooden lattice or bricks.

Old fashioned barrel tomato recipes...

In recipes for tomatoes in a barrel for the winter, it is often used cold method preparations. What does it mean? Not here heat treatment vegetables The ingredients are poured with cold water with spices, although sometimes pre-boiled.


Peculiarities. Vegetables have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, so they are suitable for children's menu. Tomatoes do not burst and remain presentable appearance. Thanks to " grandma's recipe", they turn out spicy, salty with a touch of sourness.


  • 20 kg of tomatoes;
  • 900 g salt;
  • ten blackcurrant leaves;
  • seven dill umbrellas;
  • one head of garlic;
  • 15 liters of water.


  1. We throw some of the spices to the bottom.
  2. Fill the barrel with tomatoes, put garlic cloves, dill, and currant leaves between the layers.
  3. Dissolve the salt in water and pour the brine over the vegetables.
  4. Cover with gauze and leave in the cold under pressure.
  5. We take a sample after three weeks.

When deciding to pickle barrel tomatoes for the winter, it is best to choose an oak tub. It is this type of wood that provides the necessary access to oxygen, is a strong antiseptic, and prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria. It also enriches vegetables with tannins, which extend their shelf life. But coniferous wood can give pickles an unpleasant “bitterness.”

In its own juice

Peculiarities. Barrel tomatoes are prepared in a cold way with mustard, but instead of brine it is used tomato paste. This approach produces soft, salty vegetables with a sweet flavor. Pairs perfectly with meat dishes.


  • 20 kg of tomatoes;
  • 250 g grape leaves;
  • 400 g salt;
  • 20 g dry mustard;
  • dill.


  1. Grind half the vegetables in a meat grinder.
  2. Add salt to the puree and mix well.
  3. Filling the bottom of the container grape leaves, dill.
  4. We add vegetables, supplementing them with spices.
  5. The last layer is grape leaves and filling from tomato puree, mustard.
  6. Leave it in the cold under pressure.
  7. After two or three weeks we taste it.

Mustard is used to prevent the workpiece from becoming moldy. You can avoid its appearance if you pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil on top of the vegetables. Ordinary gauze, which is placed on the tomatoes, also helps.


Peculiarities. The Slivka variety is best suited for this recipe. The vegetables are quite dense and salted well. The preparation turns out to be spicy, so it is not recommended for children's menus.


  • 10 kg of tomatoes;
  • 50 g capsicum;
  • head of garlic;
  • two to three tablespoons for every liter of water;
  • 8-10 liters of water;
  • leaves of horseradish, mint, black currant, grapes, cherries.


  1. Place a third of the leaves on the bottom of the tub.
  2. Fill the tomatoes up to half the container. Sprinkle leaves, half the pepper and garlic on top.
  3. Add vegetables to the end. We make the last layer from the remaining seasonings and spices.
  4. Fill with saline solution.
  5. Place the container with pressure in the cold.

The placement of vegetables must be done as densely as possible. Otherwise they may turn out too salty. Therefore, it is very important to choose the capacity of the required displacement.

Stuffed green tomatoes

Peculiarities. Excellent taste qualities possess not only ripe, but also unripe vegetables. Unlike red tomatoes, green tomatoes do not become deformed. The appetizer turns out to be quite spicy and is suitable for those who like “hot” dishes. Whole stuffed fruits look beautiful on the holiday table.


  • 8 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 400 g garlic;
  • 1.5 bunches of celery greens;
  • 400 g white cabbage;
  • eight pods of hot pepper;
  • 8 liters of water;
  • 160-180 g salt;
  • 300 g dill;
  • 50 g bay leaf;
  • allspice peas.


  1. We start with the filling: chop the celery into small pieces, finely chop the cabbage, cut the garlic into thick slices, and the hot pepper into thin rings.
  2. Mix the products and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
  3. Prepare the brine: add salt, bay leaf, a little dill to boiling water, sweet pea. Keep on fire for seven minutes. Strain the marinade and cool.
  4. We make cuts in the tomatoes and put the filling in them.
  5. Fill the barrel with vegetables, layering with the remaining dill. Fill with marinade.
  6. Close the lid and put pressure on top. Leave it in the cold.
  7. The pickles will be ready in 25 days.

When using recipes for barrel green tomatoes for the winter, you need to choose the right vegetables. These should be tomatoes of the same variety and approximately the same size. An important parameter is the degree of maturity. One container should contain only red, green or brown tomatoes. Do not forget that before placing them in a barrel they should be washed thoroughly. We do not use products with signs of disease.

...and what apartment residents should do

In conditions of limited space in the apartment, it is not possible to install a barrel. Other utensils come to the rescue - pots, buckets, jars. Pickles in such containers are no less tasty than in wooden tubs.

In a saucepan

Peculiarities. This is a way to cook salted tomatoes in a saucepan like barrels. If there is no space in the refrigerator, then we put the container on the balcony. You will need a saucepan of 18-20 liters.


  • 12-13 kg of tomatoes of any degree of maturity;
  • three garlic heads;
  • three onions;
  • three hot peppers;
  • a tablespoon of sugar per 3 liters of water;
  • four tablespoons of salt per 3 liters of water;
  • a bunch of celery;
  • two bunches of parsley;
  • blackcurrant, cherry and horseradish leaves, dill.


  1. Cut the onion and pepper into rings.
  2. Fill the container with tomatoes. Between them we form three layers of seasonings and herbs: bottom, middle, top.
  3. For pouring: dilute salt and sugar in water (18-20 liters depending on the volume of the pan). We taste it, as the marinade should be quite salty.
  4. Pour the brine over the vegetables until it completely covers the tomatoes.
  5. Cover with a lid and place a weight on it.
  6. You can try after two to three weeks.

Suitable for pickling enamel pan. It is recommended to check it first for damage. If there are traces of rust or small holes, then it is better not to use such a container. The coating must be solid, without scratches or chips. Otherwise, the oxidation process will begin and harmful components will be absorbed into the vegetables.

In a bucket

Peculiarities. Making barrel tomatoes in a plastic bucket is not difficult if you prepare the container correctly. First you need to wash and dry the container well. We prepare pickles in a transparent plastic product with a volume of 4-5 liters. This way you can monitor the fermentation process. It is recommended to consume the vegetables as quickly as possible after the lid has been removed. They very quickly lose their elasticity, turning into mush.


  • 2.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 150 g salt;
  • one bow;
  • one horseradish root;
  • one bell pepper;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • peppercorns;
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. IN warm water dissolve salt and sugar. Let the brine cool.
  2. Cut the pepper into large slices, onion into rings, horseradish into shavings.
  3. We arrange the vegetables in layers: alternate the tomatoes with the other ingredients.
  4. Pour in the marinade, close the lid and press down with something heavy.
  5. After two weeks we try the preparation.

For pickles, it is recommended to use water from a well or spring. But in urban conditions this is not something you can dream of. Therefore, we first boil the liquid from the water supply and filter it. An alternative is sparkling water from the store. Before use, you need to let it dry out.

In banks

Peculiarities. Barrel tomatoes in a jar, prepared in the fall, can last until April. Long term storage is provided by aspirin, which prevents bacteria from multiplying. Vegetables in glass containers ferment and turn out sour and a little sharp.


  • 5-6 kg of tomatoes;
  • five aspirin tablets;
  • 200-250 g salt;
  • 400-500 g sugar;
  • 350-400 ml vinegar;
  • garlic, bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill;
  • 7 liters of water.


  1. IN boiled water add sugar, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns. Remove from heat and pour in vinegar.
  2. We start laying with herbs and spices. Next, fill it with tomatoes, throw crushed aspirin on top.
  3. Fill with brine and close nylon covers, leave in the cold.
  4. We try vegetables after two to three weeks.

Aspirin is medicine, so it can cause side effects. It is not recommended to consume pickles without sterilization with medication for those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract, has individual intolerance.

What to do if you only have a bucket with chips and rust stains? You can prepare barrel tomatoes at home even in seemingly inappropriate containers. For this purpose, stores sell special plastic bags for pickling. First, the tomatoes are placed in a bag, and then the bag is filled and placed in a pan, barrel or bucket. Thus, vegetables do not absorb harmful components, foreign odors or tastes, since they do not come into contact with the walls of the container.


Most housewives store tomatoes mainly in jars. They turn out salty, aromatic and original, depending on what spices are added to them. But in addition to jarred tomatoes, you can also prepare barrel tomatoes. It is in the barrel that the fruits acquire unique taste And unique aroma. And if you want to make a preparation of green tomatoes for the winter, it will be even more original.

In order to ferment tomatoes for the winter, you need prepare water, coarse salt, as well as spices. Their list depends on the recipe for barrel tomatoes. This could be horseradish root, dill, hot pepper, etc.

  • to pickle vegetables, take tomatoes of the same variety, approximately the same size and the same ripeness. Don't forget to wash them well;
  • It is recommended to steam the container for salting first with juniper, then rinse it in cold water and dry well;
  • To prepare the brine, use a coarse rock salt and spring water. They should be cold and set for at least an hour. Proportion – approximately 600 g of salt per 10 liters of water;
  • You must first place a layer of washed and dried spices on the bottom of the barrel, and then tomatoes. Shake it periodically so that the vegetables can fit tightly. Place vegetables and spices in layers one at a time. At the end, fill the container with brine and cover the barrel with a lid;
  • homemade pickles are recommended to be stored in the cellar and try about a month and a half after closing.

Green Tomato Recipe

You can salt not only ripe tomatoes, but also green ones; the taste of the dish will be even more interesting, and preparation for the winter will be more piquant. Green barrel tomatoes are incredible delicious snack for any table.

For the preparation you will need the following ingredients:

First, peel and cut the horseradish root into thin strips, peel the garlic and cut into slices. Some spices need to be crushed to release juice, then put the greens on the bottom of the barrel. Alternating with spices and leaves, place the tomatoes in the barrel.

To make the brine, boil water and add cherry and currant leaves to the boiling water. Take them out after 10 minutes and add salt and sugar to the brine. Then remove the liquid from the stove, let it cool, add mustard powder at the end.

Pour the brine into a barrel so that it completely covered the vegetables, then cover it with leaves, cover it with a wooden circle and place a weight on top. Cover the barrel with gauze and transfer to a warm place for 3-4 weeks.

In a jar of mustard

This recipe will appeal to those who love tomatoes with a sour and salty tint. For 3 liters of liquid you need the following amount of ingredients:

Rinse the jar with boiling water and soda and place peppercorns, dill, bay leaves, horseradish and hot peppers on the bottom. We clean the tomatoes and make cuts near the stalk, where pieces of chopped garlic are inserted. We put them in a jar.

Mix some water with salt and sugar and also pour it into the jar. Fill it with cool water and place scalded and wrung out thick fabric on top. On her sprinkle mustard to protect against mold and mildew. We leave the workpiece for several weeks, then put a leak-proof lid on the jar and place it in the refrigerator. After a couple of weeks, tomatoes can be consumed. This preparation will withstand the winter well.

An ancient method of salting

This recipe was passed down from generation to generation in Russian villages. The ingredients are as follows:

Cut out the core of the tomatoes and place garlic cloves or parsley in the resulting void. To make the brine, bring the water to a boil, add salt and bay leaf. When it cools down , pour it over the whole tomatoes. Put mustard on top. Transfer the tomatoes to a warm place and taste them periodically until a sour taste appears. After that, we put them in the refrigerator, removing the cloth and mustard. Tomatoes prepared in this way retain such useful material, How:

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • sodium, etc.

Also Tomatoes contain quercetin, which helps protect the body from diseases in winter.

It is important to know that your beneficial features During the winter, tomatoes will only be preserved when you use them. natural ingredients without preservatives and chemicals.

Tomatoes in a bucket

There is information that if you make tomatoes in a bucket, they, like barrel tomatoes, will retain their beneficial properties to the maximum during the winter. There are several cooking options, let’s present just one of them.

In a bucket (or large pan) at the bottom you need to add horseradish leaves, peppercorns and dill sprigs. We place tomatoes on top of them; they can be either entirely green or slightly pink. Sprinkle the previously peeled garlic, cut in half, on top. If desired, add hot pepper (one or two pods) and cut them.

For brine, per 10 liters of water you need to take a glass of sugar, salt and mustard powder in dry form. Mix everything and pour the brine over the tomatoes. Cover the top of the bucket with horseradish leaves, put pressure on it and cover with a lid. Place in a cool place for about a month. How to ferment green tomatoes at home

Very popular recipes tomato starters as in jars, as well as barrels and other similar containers.

For the recipe below, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • water – 900 ml;
  • green tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot pepper - half a piece;
  • fresh parsley - half a bunch;
  • fresh dill - half a bunch;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • garlic – 6 cloves.

Compared to many other recipes, in this case you can try the preparation within a couple of weeks. She is undoubtedly will delight you with its taste, even if you make it in a regular jar, and will resemble a barrel one. And this recipe is also very original taste brine.

If possible, it is better to ferment tomatoes in a barrel or other large container and store them in the cellar. But a jar and a refrigerator will do just fine.


  • take green tomatoes so that they are without damage and have a dense consistency;
  • remove the stem of the tomatoes and crosswise and do not make cuts completely;
  • chop the dill and parsley finely, add chopped garlic and hot pepper and mix everything well;
  • Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture and place them in a jar or other container;
  • For brine, dissolve salt in water, then pour it over the tomatoes and leave them for a couple of days in a warm place, and then put them in the refrigerator for two weeks. In winter or two weeks later, you can serve these tomatoes with any dish.

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