The best way to dilute absinthe. What do you drink absinthe with? How to dilute it, and in what proportion

Absinthe is a strong alcoholic drink originally from Switzerland, which is popular among alcohol connoisseurs all over the world. When first getting acquainted with the drink, many people wonder: how to drink absinthe correctly, and is there a culture of drinking this overseas potion? From this article you will learn what ingredients are included in the tincture, and how to drink absinthe to enjoy the process.

The tincture has a high strength and a specific taste, so drinking it undiluted is quite difficult. Drinking absinthe has become a kind of ritual. The drink must be drunk carefully, knowing the limit, otherwise unpleasant consequences in the form of hallucinations will be impossible to avoid. Before drinking the tincture, it is necessary to neutralize its bitter taste. The following methods will help reduce the strength of the drink and reduce its bitterness.

How to drink absinthe or popular ways to drink the drink:

  1. IN pure form. Before use, the tincture must be cooled to zero temperature. The drink is served in narrow glasses. It is recommended to drink no more than 30 grams at one time.
  2. In French or the classic way. You will need a glass, a dessert spoon with holes, a piece of pressed sugar, and ice water. Preparation method: absinthe is poured into a glass, a spoon is placed on top, on which there is already a piece of sugar. Sugar is poured on top cold water in a thin stream (in a ratio of 1:5, i.e. 1 part tincture and 5 parts water) exactly until the drink becomes completely cloudy. Absinthe contains essential oils, which are precipitated by water. It is much easier to drink the tincture in this form. The process of preparing the drink is considered no less exciting than its subsequent consumption.
  3. In Czech. Place an absinthe spoon on the edge of the glass, put a sugar cube on it, and pass the tincture through the spoon. After this, set fire to the remaining sugar and add the resulting caramel to the drink. Then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3. This method is not only well-known, but also dangerous because the drink in the glass can easily catch fire, so it is better to entrust the preparation of the drink to an experienced absinthe.
  4. How to drink absinthe in Czech (second method). The ingredients for preparing the drink remain the same. First you need to heat a spoon, place it on the edges of the glass and add sugar. Next you need to pour the tincture onto a spoon. The result should be a mixture of heated absinthe and melted sugar.
  5. In Russian. It's simple and quick way preparing a drink that appealed to the taste of the residents of our country. You need to make syrup from sugar. This is done simply: add two parts water to one part sugar. The resulting mixture is added to absinthe.
  6. Gentle. You need to combine 2 parts absinthe with 1 part ice water. First, water is poured into the glass, after which the tincture is added. It is important not to mix the layers. When drinking the drink, its strength will be softened by the water following the absinthe.
  7. How to drink absinthe correctly using the “Two Glasses” method? You need to take a glass and fill it with tincture, then place it in a large glass. Next, you need to pour water into the glass in a thin stream. As a result, the liquids should mix and gradually pour into a large container. The drink will be ready for drinking when only water remains in the container instead of tincture. For many, this method may seem completely inconvenient, but you can correct the situation by pouring the drink into another container.
  8. How should you drink absinthe correctly with other drinks? You can neutralize bitterness not only with water and sugar, but also with other drinks. It is enough to dilute the tincture with orange, lemon, grapefruit or pineapple juice to reduce its strength. If you don't have juice on hand, you can use it as an alternative. sweet soda: cola, sprite, lemonade. There are no clear proportions here, do it as you like.
  9. Citrus absinthe. To prepare the drink, you will need a slice of tangerine or orange, peeled from the inner film. It needs to be rolled in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Pour the tincture into a thick-walled glass, set it on fire, take an orange slice with tongs and hold it over the flame. You can apply a little pressure on the fruit with tongs so that the juice drips into the glass. After the fire goes out, you need to drink the drink.
  10. Russian is harsh. This is an extreme way of drinking absinthe, so it is important to calculate your strength. It is not recommended to consume more than 3 servings in a row. Pour 100 grams of tincture into a glass, then drink half the portion in one gulp. We drink the remaining half in small sips. Next, hold your breath for 20 seconds so as not to get burned from the inside by alcohol fumes. Snack on a slice of lemon sprinkled with sugar.
  11. Korzhevsky is harsh. A spoon with holes is placed on the edges of the glass, and 2 sugar cubes are placed on it. 50 grams of tincture is poured into a glass through a spoon, after which one sugar cube is removed on a saucer. The absinthe inside the glass is set on fire, causing the sugar cube on the spoon to light up. It quickly dissolves under the influence of fire, turning into a syrup, which flows into the tincture and crystallizes. The flame is extinguished using a saucer on which there is another piece of sugar. It is also set on fire and left to burn for no more than 5 seconds. Hot drink drinks in one gulp, after which he snacks on a melted piece of sugar.

What to eat with absinthe?

Absinthe is a classic aperitif, so the drink is served before a meal and no appetizer is required. What is absinthe drunk with if it is served as a cocktail or main drink? In this case, you can use seafood, dark chocolate, fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, kiwi) as a snack.

Absinthe is a strong alcoholic drink made from wormwood extract. The color of this unusual drink bright green, the taste is very bitter, so absinthe is poured, straining it through a sieve or a special spoon with sugar into a glass of crystal clear water. After this process, absinthe turns into a cloudy white drink, as essential oils fall out of the standard alcohol composition. At one time, absinthe was widely popular among famous writers and artists; it was consumed by such great people as Baudelaire, Van Gogh and many other creative personalities. It seemed that it encouraged a more fruitful creative process, stimulated brain function and was a kind of “push” to the creation of new historical masterpieces.
This alcoholic drink has an extremely high strength, which is approximately 70-85 percent, and has the ability to cause hallucinations in humans. Therefore, if you decide to try it, you just need to know how to use absinthe correctly and in what proportions.
If you carefully follow all precautions, you will get an unforgettable pleasure from this drink.
The rich culture of drinking absinthe has made it possible to create a huge number of recipes, one might even say rituals, telling us how to drink this drink with Sprite, sugar, almost any juice, and also with ice. In addition, established traditions will tell you how to properly set fire to absinthe in a glass in order to drink it along with streams of hot vapors, which perfectly convey all the superiority of the rich bouquet of this drink and double its already strong effect.

Now let’s look at ways to drink absinthe in more detail. First of all, it’s worth talking about the Czech method. First, you need to take a special glass for absinthe, put a spoon on the edges, and a piece of refined sugar on the spoon. Strain one part of the absinthe through the sugar in small drops. Then use a lighter to light a piece of sugar soaked in this drink. It should burn until it completely drains from the spoon. sugar caramel. Then remove the spoon, mix and add three parts of spring water to the resulting mixture. But you need to be extremely careful with this drink. Absinthe can easily catch fire from sugar caramel dripping from a spoon. Experienced bartenders in such cases try to extinguish the burning mixture with water as quickly as possible, but in this case, of course, a large portion of the strength of the drink is lost.

There is another good way to drink absinthe, proposed by Czech masters. First you need to thoroughly heat the spoon and place it on the edges of the glass. Then place a piece of refined sugar on a heated spoon and slowly pour the absinthe through the sugar into the glass. This way you will get a warm absinthe with muted notes of bitterness.

In France, it is customary to drink absinthe using the following method: first, pour required amount absinthe Place a spoon with a piece of refined sugar on the edge of the glass. Then you need to slowly pour clean ice water over the sugar. The water will smoothly dissolve the sugar and form a cold syrup, which will serve as an excellent softener for the bitterness of wormwood in a glass of absinthe.

The Russian way of drinking absinthe is somewhat reminiscent of the culture of drinking sambuca. Before preparing the drink for consumption, you should stock up on a whiskey glass, a cognac glass, a straw and napkins. So, first, pour the required amount of absinthe into a cognac glass and place it sideways on the whiskey glass. Then we set fire to the drink and begin to rotate the glass so that it can withstand the temperature and not burst. Then, as the absinthe warmed up to desired temperature, pour it into a whiskey glass, lift the cognac glass and quickly cover the glass with warm absinthe with it in order to completely cut off the supply of oxygen, preserve the resulting vapors and extinguish the burning drink. Next, we pierce the napkin with a straw in the middle and cover the glass with absinthe with it so that the resulting perspiration does not disappear before the guest drinks the drink. After the absinthe is drunk, you need to inhale the remaining vapors from the glass through a straw, which will significantly increase intoxication. You can safely experiment with the order of drinking absinthe and inhaling vapors.

There is another one interesting way preparing absinthe in Russian, but it should only be performed by experienced bartenders. In addition to a whiskey glass, straw, cognac glass and napkin, you will need a tea saucer. Take a whiskey glass and pour about 50 grams of Sprite into it. IN cognac glass- 50 grams of absinthe. Then we put the glass on the glass, set fire to the absinthe and begin to smoothly rotate the burning liquid. Then you need to pour the burning absinthe into a glass and cover it with a cognac glass so as to extinguish the “nuclear” mixture. Place a couple of pieces of refined sugar on a previously prepared tea saucer and soak it pure absinthe and let's set it on fire. Next, take a glass of ready-made absinthe, hit it on the table and drink the contents in one gulp. Slowly pass the inverted cognac glass over the burning sugar and cover it. Then we inhale the resulting vapors in the glass through a straw and finally have a snack of refined sugar from the saucer.

It is not recommended to drink absinthe in its pure form, but still a way to drink it of this drink exists. Absinthe in its pure form can be drunk very chilled from glasses of no more than 30 grams.
The recipe for "citrus absinthe" is that this method uses the addition of citrus fruits. This method is quite original and has every right to exist, since it is quite popular at youth parties. First you need to roll a slice of lemon, or preferably an orange, along with the peel in a mixture of cinnamon and granulated sugar. Then you need to pour the required amount of absinthe into a special glass with thick walls and set it on fire. Then take a slice of orange or lemon with tongs and hold it over the fire for several minutes so that the sugar caramel along with the citrus juice flows into the glass with absinthe. For faster and more abundant juice release, you can lightly press down a slice of lemon or orange with tweezers.

And finally, all that remains is to put out the burning absinthe, let it cool a little and drink the resulting mixture in one gulp. Sometimes such a cocktail is consumed while it is burning, but you should be very careful not to accidentally burn your larynx and oral cavity. In this case, amateurs thrills It is best to use a special metal cocktail straw.
Be careful with open flames and remember that the most the best solution will drink absinthe small quantities. And only then will the drink bring you unique pleasure and unforgettable pleasure, and instead of a painful hangover you will be overtaken only by pleasant sensations. And who knows, maybe a muse will visit you, and you will create your first (or next) world masterpiece.

Almost every known alcoholic drink has a developed drinking culture; absinthe is no exception. This material will talk about how to drink absinthe so as not to harm your health and get maximum pleasure. You need to be very careful. High strength is not the only problem, in some cases " green fairy"causes hallucinations.

All methods boil down to reducing the bitter taste and high strength. The emphasis is also on the spectacle of the process itself, everything should be beautiful. The choice of shot glasses (glasses) depends on the method of consumption; in some cases you will need specific accessories.

Absinthe can be drunk in the following ways:

1. Classic (French). A special spoon with holes is placed on top of the glass of absinthe, then a piece of sugar is placed on it. Before drinking, ice water is poured over the sugar until the drink in the glass becomes cloudy (the French call this effect “Louche”).

absinthe with sugar

Water causes the essential oils contained in the alcohol to precipitate, making it easier to drink absinthe. It is also believed that sweet water enhances the effects of thujone (a narcotic substance in unrefined absinthe), but this hypothesis has not been scientifically proven. Water with absinthe is diluted in a 5:1 ratio (five parts water and one part absinthe). The preparation is no less exciting than the drinking itself.

2. Undiluted (pure). Absinthe is a classic aperitif that can be drunk neat in narrow glasses. But this method is not suitable for everyone. Only experienced absintheiers use it. Before drinking, they cool the absinthe to almost zero temperature, and then drink it in one gulp. The recommended single dose should not exceed 30 grams.

From the stacks in one gulp

3. Czech (fire) method. First, 1/4 of the glass is filled with absinthe. Next, moisten a piece of sugar in the stack and place it on a special spoon (as in the first method). After this, the sugar is set on fire, allowing it to burn for about one minute.

Burnt absinthe

The sugar melts, its hot drops fall to the bottom of the glass. When the flame dies out, place a spoon with the remaining sugar in a glass and stir the contents. Next, add ice water to taste, which softens the taste of the resulting drink.

This is the most spectacular, but at the same time the most dangerous way drink absinthe, since the flame from the glass can easily spread to surrounding objects. The main thing is to be able to do it, then problems will not arise.

4. Absinthe with syrup (Russian method). First prepares sugar syrup(sugar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2), then the resulting syrup is poured into a glass. This is how many Russians are accustomed to drinking absinthe. Simple and fast.

5. "Two glasses" method. A small glass is filled with absinthe and placed in a large glass. After this, water is slowly poured into the glass. The liquids are gradually mixed, pouring into a large glass. The drink is considered ready when only water remains in the glass.

There is an opinion that this is a very inconvenient method, since the glass in the glass gets in the way. But no one is stopping you from pouring absinthe diluted with water into a clean glass.

6. With other drinks. To reduce the strength and bitterness of absinthe, it can be diluted with cola, orange, pineapple, lemon juice, tonic, lemonade, Sprite or other drinks. Proportions depend on individual preferences. I also advise you to try strong ones, which have found their admirers all over the world.

7. "Bartender". The video shows green absinthe being drunk in a bar. You will need: two glasses, a napkin, a cocktail straw and a lighter. In fact, this is one of the most popular methods of drinking sambuca, and is also suitable for absinthe.

The bartender does everything, the client only has to drink the prepared drink. You can try this method at home, but I advise you to practice a little first.

Attention! When experimenting with different methods, it is important not to overdo it, calculating your dose correctly, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous.

Absinthe– an alcoholic drink based on bitter wormwood extract. It is also known as "green fairy" or "green snake", which refers to the fact that the drink has an emerald green color due to the presence of chlorophyll.

It got its name thanks to high content alcohol, from Greek the word “absinthe” is translated as “undrinkable.”

Absinthe is the strongest drink, if you do not take into account pure alcohol.

The first mention of absinthe dates back to Ancient Egypt, around 1500 BC. At that time, it was a drink made from wormwood leaves and flowers infused with alcohol or wine. It was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Absinthe has always been more than just alcoholic drink or a medicine. Thus, there was a tradition according to which the winner had to drink a glass of wormwood drink as a sign that even glory has a bitter taste.

The history of this drink in its modern form begins in Switzerland in 1792 in the city of Couvay. The Ernier sisters, who did the cooking medicines, worked on creating a wormwood-anise liqueur, which they called “Bon Extrait d’Absinthe”. Then they began to sell it as a medicinal elixir. According to other information, the absinthe recipe was invented by the doctor Pierre Ordiner. He recommended that his patients take this elixir for almost all diseases.

Then the recipe for the drink was bought by Henri Dubier, who established the production process together with his friend. Since the elixir sold very well, it was decided to expand its production. Soon, Dubier's friend, Henri-Liu Pernod, opened the Pernod plant. The drink has gained popularity both in France and around the world. Even French soldiers used absinthe as a preventative against malaria and dysentery.

Absinthe became increasingly popular not only among soldiers, but also among civilians. At the beginning of his history he belonged to the class of expensive drinks and was considered elite alcohol . This was the so-called “golden era” of absinthe. Thanks to special taste the drink quickly captivated the French women. Unfortunately, women drank it undiluted, which negatively affected their health. The taste of absinthe is quite pleasant; connoisseurs often compare it to the taste of menthol cigarettes.

Admirers of absinthe claim that even white wine seems “unclean” after it.

In the 60s of the 19th century, due to cheaper production and deteriorating quality, absinthe turned into a drink for the working class. Reducing the costs of its production was more a necessity than a whim of the manufacturers themselves. At this time, winemakers noted the infection of the famous French vineyards with diseases, which led to a rapid rise in the price of wine. Since absinthe was produced from wine alcohol, due to a poor grape harvest, it was decided to make it from industrial alcohol. This replacement made it possible to further reduce the cost of producing the drink by 7-10 times. So absinthe turned into “alcohol for the poor”; it was served in taverns, where workers, as a rule, ate.

Fortunately, the drink soon returned to its former glory. It began to be considered the most extravagant and dangerous alcohol. A whole culture of spectacular drinking has formed around absinthe. This drink quickly became necessary component youth parties. The hallucinogenic properties of absinthe began to bring great profits to its manufacturers.

At one time they tried to ban this drink because it had a very strong effect on human health. Absinthe addiction has been compared to drug use.

It has been proven that thujone, which is part of absinthe, is a highly hallucinogenic substance, and the drink itself has narcotic properties similar to the effects of marijuana.

In connection with this, health organizations in many countries became interested in absinthe. Thus, in the USA it was decided to sell exclusively purified drink. It has been proven that if absinthe is purified from thujone, it will lose its hallucinogenic properties.

Composition of the drink

Absinthe belongs to the group anise drinks. It contains wormwood, anise, fennel, mint, chamomile, hyssop and other herbs.

Thujone, considered the main component of absinthe, is a substance derived from wormwood. It has hallucinogenic properties.

Absinthe, which is also part of absinthe, gives the drink a noticeable bitterness.

Types of absinthe

Absinthe is usually classified by color. So, there is yellow, emerald, as well as brown or black absinthe.

There are also strong (70%-85% alcohol) and weak (about 55% alcohol) absinthe.

How to do it at home?

Absinthe can be made at home.

For this we need 1.75 liters of alcohol, 3 tsp each. wormwood and angelica root, as well as anise seeds, coriander, 16 cardamom pods. Wormwood is infused in alcohol for 48 hours. You can infuse it cold or hot. To speed up the infusion, the mixture can be heated in a water bath. Then the indicated spices and herbs are added to the wormwood tincture and infused for 7 days. Next, you need to distill the resulting tincture and filter. The result is approximately 1.25 liters of absinthe with a strength of 65%. Distilled absinthe has a transparent color, which is not entirely correct. It needs to be given an emerald color by adding a little crushed mint, wormwood, lemon balm, anise, and fennel to the drink.

Homemade absinthe is not specially purified, so it retains the thujone.

A drink prepared at home will be exactly as it was intended at the beginning of its history. But it is very important to carefully adhere to the recipe for making absinthe and in no case change the proportions. It is not recommended to replace alcohol with vodka or moonshine., as this will spoil the taste of the drink.

All ingredients are absolutely accessible, herbs can be bought at any pharmacy. Preparing absinthe does not require much time.

How to drink correctly?

Absinthe - very delicious drink, if you drink it correctly. All the rules for its use boil down to reducing bitterness, as well as providing the process itself with maximum entertainment. There are several ways of consumption that allow you to fully enjoy its taste.

Absinthe is often consumed undiluted, although this is not easy, since not everyone will like its specific taste. Before drinking, absinthe is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius and then drunk in one gulp. Absinthe, as a rule, is not eaten as a snack, but if desired, it can be combined with dark chocolate, citrus fruits and even seafood.

In what glasses is it customary to serve absinthe? The drink belongs to the aperitifs, it should be drunk from small narrow glasses.

French method involves using a spoon with holes. A piece of refined sugar is placed in a spoon, and then it is placed on top of the glass, and ice water is poured over the sugar. The taste of the drink becomes softer; it is also believed that water with sugar can enhance the effects of thujone, but scientists question this statement.

Czech method drinking absinthe is considered the most spectacular and exciting; it is also known as the “fire method”.

To begin with, a quarter glass is filled with absinthe, as in the French method, a spoon with sugar is placed on the glass, and then set on fire. How to properly set fire to absinthe? If a spoon is used, the sugar is set on fire with a match or lighter. In this case, it is necessary to use glasses with thick walls. Under the influence of fire, the sugar begins to melt, and its drops fall into the glass. After all the sugar has burned, the contents of the glass are thoroughly mixed with the same spoon, after which the absinthe is diluted with ice water to soften the taste.

The Czech method is considered both the most popular and the most dangerous. If you do not light the sugar correctly, the flame can easily spread to other objects.

In Russia people drink absinthe together with sugar syrup. Sugar is diluted with water 1:2 and then mixed with absinthe. This method allows you to soften the taste of the drink in a short time. Sometimes the Russian method also involves setting fires. Undiluted absinthe is set on fire and covered with a glass. After that, the absinthe is poured into another container, and the glass is turned over, pushing a straw under it. The whole point of the method is to first slowly inhale the absinthe vapor through a straw, and then drink it in one gulp.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of absinthe are due to the herbal extracts that make up its composition. Initially, the drink was intended as a medicine.

Even small doses of absinthe cause severe intoxication, so it is recommended to consume no more than 30 grams in one evening.

The drink stimulates digestion and also increases appetite. Sometimes a little absinthe was added to the wine to make it even more intoxicating.

In ancient times, absinthe was even considered a drink for all diseases.

Use in cooking

In cooking, absinthe is used to prepare alcoholic cocktails. “Green Fairy” goes well with cola, juices, and tonic.

A popular cocktail is " Sweet contrast" To prepare it we need absinthe, berry syrup, Apple juice, ice The juice is mixed with syrup and absinthe, and ice is placed on top.

Absinthe goes great with cappuccino. To make a cocktail with this coffee drink, you need to pour absinthe into a glass, add sugar to it. After which the glass of absinthe is set on fire, the burning drink is poured into a glass of cappuccino. The cocktail should be drunk in one gulp.

Very interesting drink counts cocktail based on gin or vodka. It is prepared from gin, rum, absinthe, cola, lemon juice. To begin with, pour 20 ml of rum, gin, absinthe into a glass, then pour 30 ml of cola into one side of the glass, and 30 ml of juice into the other. The cocktail is set on fire and a little cinnamon is added.

Absinthe is also used to prepare some dishes. Its bitter taste goes well with meat dishes. It is also used for cooking savory sauces. It goes well with poultry and game.

Absinthe benefits and treatment

The benefits of absinthe are rather dubious.

Today, the drink is not sold in its pure form due to its hallucinogenic properties.

As medicine it was used by Hippocrates. He recommended using absinthe to treat rheumatism, as well as jaundice and anemia. also in Ancient Greece Absinthe was used for menstrual pain and to stimulate labor.

Modern medicine does not recognize these properties of the drink and does not use it for medicinal purposes.

Harm of absinthe and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance, excessive consumption. Absinthe is not recommended for use by children, pregnant or lactating women.

According to one version, the birthplace of absinthe is Switzerland, although wormwood was infused in alcohol back in Ancient Egypt. Legends are written about this drink, it is feared, and banned in some countries. Thanks to the notoriety of thujone, some believe that its use leads to dementia and even schizophrenia. Just look at the color, and most often it is emerald. This is truly a “green serpent”, although absinthe is more often called the “green fairy”. The question of what absinthe is drunk with is of interest to many. It is worth highlighting the main points related to the drink.

Drink for bohemians

Representatives of bohemia loved to drink it: writers, artists, poets. The intoxication of absinthe was believed to promote creativity. The drink is very strong, most often containing about 75% alcohol. At one time it was thought that the psyche suffers from absinthe, and a person in a state of absinthe intoxication becomes extremely aggressive, capable of murder. The drink was later cleared.

In the 19th century, absinthe was very popular in France. They simply drank it in huge quantities. The quality of the alcohol was extremely low. And excess consumption actually led to personality disorders. Today absinthe has been completely rehabilitated, but a residue remains. The potion is still surrounded by mystery. So what do you drink absinthe with? To answer this question, it is necessary to discuss the methods that have been invented for its use.

A wide variety of ways to consume the drink

There are many in a variety of ways drinking absinthe. There are real connoisseurs who collect recipes from it. They know how to distinguish a fake, they know how to drink absinthe in such a way as to maximize the aroma of the herbs on which it was infused. These absinthe drinkers call themselves “absintheiers.” So how to consume absinthe?

Czech, French and Russian methods: using sugar

Here, for example, is the Czech method. Place a spoon for absinthe on the edge of a thick-walled glass. Place a piece of refined sugar on it. Slowly pour a portion of absinthe through the sugar, and then set fire to the refined sugar. You need to wait until the caramel flows into the glass. Then add three portions of cold water.

French method. This method is also called "sugar". Pour one portion of absinthe into a glass. Place an absinthe spoon on the edge of the glass. Place a piece of refined sugar on it. Pour three portions of water into a glass through sugar. The water should be very cold, almost icy. An absinthe spoon has many holes to allow the sugar syrup to flow smoothly into the glass. A glass for absinthe and a spoon are a very good gift for lovers of all kinds of culinary special effects.

What do you drink absinthe with according to the Russian method? It's the same with sugar. This method of drinking the drink is less effective than the French one. Sugar is mixed with water in another glass and then added to absinthe. The ratio of absinthe and water is 1:3.

Mix with water and use neat

The two-glass method is based on diluting the drink. What is absinthe diluted with? this method? Of course, with water. A small glass of absinthe is placed in a wide glass. Then we begin to slowly pour water into the glass. Water with absinthe is poured into a glass until the mixture becomes a uniform color.

Don't know what they drink absinthe with? You can drink it in its pure form if you are a brave person. First, you need to cool it thoroughly and drink it in 30 g portions. It’s a good idea to bite with a slice of lemon to overcome the bitter aftertaste. Absintiers treat this method with contempt. This is how French workers drank in the 19th century. Then alcoholism reached epidemic proportions. And since grape wines at that time they were a very expensive pleasure; workers got drunk on cheap, low-quality absinthe. Of course, drinking absinthe was not accompanied by any ritual back then, so this method is somewhat offensive to absintheists, who are accustomed to treating the drink with great respect.

Method of drinking the drink preferred by young people

"Citrus" method. What can you drink absinthe with? in this case? With lemon or orange. This method has become Lately very popular among young people. It is rightfully considered part of the club culture. First you need to prepare a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. A slice of lemon or orange ( better than orange) roll in cinnamon sugar mixture. Pour absinthe into a thick glass and set it on fire. In this case, the thickness of the walls is fundamentally important. Take a slice of orange with tongs and hold it over the fire so that the juice and caramel flow into the glass. To make the juice stand out more abundantly, the slice should be slightly squeezed. Then you need to put out the absinthe. Wait a little until it cools down so that there is no burn, then drink. Chew cinnamon sugar crystals.

Harsh and barbaric methods

Harsh method. Take four parts of chilled absinthe in a glass with thick walls. Let's set it on fire. Place a piece of refined sugar on an absinthe spoon. We hold the spoon over the fire. Melted and then crystallized sugar at the bottom should occupy a volume equal to one part. You need to put out the flames and quickly drink through a cocktail straw. The idea is to move from an ice-cold drink at the bottom to a scalding hot drink at the top. The volume of the glass is limited only by the courage of the consumer. But no more than 100 g is recommended. For this method, the thickness of the walls of the glass is important so that it does not burst, and the quality of the cocktail straw so that it does not melt. And, of course, moderation in consumption.

"Programmer" method. This method is a little barbaric. The absinthe in the glass is set on fire. You should wait until it burns out. Wait a bit for it to cool down. Drink in one gulp, snack on anything, wash down with water.

Parachute method. This method completely repeats the method of drinking sambuca, where after drinking a heated drink, you still need to breathe in the vapors of alcohol and essential oils.

Does the drink cause hallucinations?

Generally speaking, the hallucinogenic effect of thujone has not been proven. But still, absintheists believe that drinking absinthe slightly changes the perception of reality, causes excitement, and for some, hallucinations. Thujone itself, in high doses, can cause seizures. However, its content in absinthe is so low that it makes such an effect unrealistic. Absinthe - very Reviver, and the essential oils that it contains in a huge number, mask the taste of alcohol. Thus, it all again comes down to moderation of consumption. In other words, all of the above methods should be carefully considered.

Should I drink absinthe or not? What do people in France think about this?

In 2000, the French company La Fee provided the Senate with a complete package of documents, which outlined convincing evidence of the harmlessness of absinthe. The issue was considered for a year, after which the ban on production, sale and use in France was lifted. Before this, absinthe was banned for a hundred years. Now there is even a tradition of bringing back a bottle of the “green fairy” from a trip to France.

Now you know how to drink absinthe. I hope this review has helped clarify this issue. Everyone will be able to decide for themselves what is best to drink absinthe with, guided by the methods listed above.
