Pineapple juice: benefits and harms, composition, properties, recipes. Useful and pleasant properties of pineapple juice for health and figure

Pineapple has long migrated from rare exotic shops to the shelves of ordinary supermarkets. But this does not mean that its value has fallen, on the contrary - now the properties of the fruit are available to the maximum number of the population. Reviews of nutritionists and scientists give an unambiguous opinion about the fruit - pineapple and its derivatives should be eaten as often as possible. What you need to know about the fruit itself and freshly squeezed juice, can it be consumed by all categories of the population, and what are the nutritional benefits / harms of the product?

General characteristics of the product

Pineapple is a genus of herbaceous plants from the Bromeliad family that originate from tropical America. There are many types of plants, but only crested pineapple has become a valuable fruit crop. Today it is widely cultivated in all tropical countries and exported to almost every corner of the world. Brief history reference: the first mention of the fruit dates back to 1553 in the book "Chronicle of Peru" by Cies de Leon. But the history of pineapple began much earlier than the first recorded source.

Biological description

It is a tropical perennial herbaceous plant reaches 60 centimeters in length. At the top, a rosette of long, narrow, coarse leaves is formed. Each leaf is dotted with dense teeth along the edge and hides inside juicy pulp. Flowers are formed at the top of the flowering column. They develop in a spiral and form a dense inflorescence - an ear. Each flower gradually fuses with each other, leaving only the tops of the leaves free. In the phase when pineapple is used as a food product, it reaches 2 kilograms of weight and becomes like a large cone of a coniferous tree. The fruit is protected by a dense crust golden color and dotted with short leaves at the top. The infructescence consists of a juicy, but rough axis, and fused fruits. The top of each fruit consists of the coarsening part of the flower that covers the leaf - this is how the crust forms on the pineapple. The cultivated plant does not form seeds. The unripe fruits are characterized by a pungent taste that burns the lips, irritates the gastrointestinal tract and has a laxative effect. As they mature, these properties change, and the fruit becomes tasty, juicy and sweet.

Features of cultivation

The fruits are grown in many tropical countries. Cultivars are distinguished by a mild aroma, sweet and sour taste palette, lack of seeds and weighing from 2 to 16 kilograms. The flesh is colored yellowish or white. It contains more than 80% liquid, 4% invert sugar, 7% sucrose.

Homeland of pineapple, which is cultivated for Food Industry, considered Brazil. It was from there that the culture spread throughout the world. The popularity of the pineapple is also closely linked to Magellan's voyage. In 1519, one of the participants in the voyage called the fruit the most delicious fruit that only exists on earth. Immediately after the discovery of America, the Portuguese transferred the pineapple culture growing there to Africa and India. The first journey of the fetus to Europe became possible only in 1650. Since the middle of the 19th century, pineapples began to be delivered by steamboats directly from tropical plantations. World leaders in growing tropical fruits: Costa Rica, Thailand, Philippines, Hawaiian Islands. In order to start the flowering process, a specific substance acetylene is used. It is obtained by mixing calcium carbide and plain water. Minimal amount the mixture is poured into the axils of the upper pineapple leaves. It stimulates flowering and rapid fruit ripening. Without the use of acetylene, year-round cultivation of tropical fruits would not be possible.

How is pineapple juice extracted?

Extraction of pineapple juice is put on industrial production but anyone can make their own natural drink. Important: the production process of concentrated pineapple juice will be described below, and not store-bought. carton bag or a bottle. Their composition, recipe and useful properties differ significantly. Industrial enterprises buy concentrated juice(or make it yourself) and prepare a drink based on it. What will be the content of water / sugar / chemical components / calories - depends on the policy of the manufacturer. First, the fruit harvest is washed in huge vats of water. After that, they are dried on a conveyor, the quality of each individual fruit is checked and the upper inflorescences are cut off. Once all the pineapples have been checked, they are sent to a specially designed machine. She separates the pulp from the rough part of the plant and cuts it into small strips. The fruit crust is disposed of, and the pulp strips are sent under the press. There, juice is squeezed out of them, and the cake is thrown away or given to livestock feed. This whole mechanism can be repeated at home with one or more pineapples. You'll need a sharp knife cutting board and gauze to squeeze the juice. Want to speed up the process? Just smash the peeled pieces of pulp in a powerful blender.

Chemical composition of the product

Features of the chemical composition

The pulp of the fruit is more than 80% water. The product contains many simple sugars(mainly sucrose), organic acids (mainly citric and ascorbic (C), vitamins and minerals. In addition to the standard set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, bromelain is included. This is a complex of highly active proteolytic enzymes. They destroy protein structures and help the human body to lighten to assimilate them.Important: the abuse of fruit is fraught with damage to the oral mucosa.As soon as you feel a burning sensation and discomfort in oral cavity- stop eating pineapple.

Useful properties of the drink

Activation of collagen synthesis and saturation of the body with ascorbic acid

Collagen - protein fibers on which it is built human body. The quality and structure of the skin, muscles, joints, teeth, hair, tendons, ligaments, cornea of ​​the eye depends on the abundance of the substance, blood vessels and internal organs. The specifics of the work of collagen can be compared with glue - it glues tissue cells, gives them a shape / volume and further strengthens them. Collagen also protects the liver, improves sleep and stimulates blood circulation. Ready-made collagen is always of animal origin. To speed up the synthesis of a substance, you need to eat / drink specific food product containing an abundance of amino acids / minerals / vitamins. They stimulate the body's natural protein synthesis and, accordingly, increase the amount of collagen. Pineapple is also included in the list of these products, since it contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Important: the daily dosage of vitamin C is 2 grams.

Starting the process of natural weight loss

Pineapple pulp and juice are recommended to be included in the diet of overweight people. What is it good for weight loss? Firstly, the fruit contains only 53 kcal / 100 grams. Secondly, the composition of the product includes potassium salts. They contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which provokes sharp jumps in weight, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. Thirdly, juice accelerates metabolic processes in gastrointestinal tract, additionally irritates the mucous membranes, stimulates salivation and the desire to eat. If your child suddenly lost his appetite - give him some pineapple juice before the main meal. Also, the product affects lipid metabolism and stimulates the rapid breakdown of fats. Pineapple juice can also help with digestive disorders. It enhances enzymatic activity, helps food to be absorbed faster and better by the human body. Also, a glass of juice can prevent nausea/vomiting during air travel or long boat trips.

Impact on the acid-base balance of the body

Acid-base balance is an indicator of the content of acid and alkali, which affects the performance of the human body. Balance is characterized by pH - the strength of hydrogen. The normal pH level of blood and other fluids in our body ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. Despite the abundance of acid, pineapple is classified as an alkalizing product. It blocks the effects of acidic microflora and restores a harmonious balance. The German Nobel biochemist Otto Warburg argued that all diseases and infections originate only in an acidic organism; they simply could not survive in an alkaline one. Indeed, to maintain health, a person's diet should consist of 60% alkaline foods and 40% acid-forming foods.

Use during pregnancy

The medicinal properties of the fruit are not suitable for everyone, but is it possible for a pregnant and nursing mother to drink Pineapple juice? Pineapple is a powerful allergen. In order not to provoke allergies either in yourself or in your baby, limit the use of fruit. How many grams of pineapple is acceptable to eat? Doctors recommend consuming no more than 50 grams per meal. During pregnancy, it is better for a woman to refuse pineapple juice in the first and last trimesters. In the first - to avoid the development of allergies, in the third - so as not to provoke premature birth and a reduction in uterine tone. Regulate the diet breastfeeding you need to independently, based on the individual reaction of the body of the mother and baby. If, after drinking pineapple juice, the child’s mood deteriorates sharply (due to pain), spots or a rash appear on the skin, stop drinking the exotic drink. To clearly track the allergen - introduce one new product over several days so that it remains the only one correct option irritant.

The impact of the product on the reproductive function of men

Pineapple juice improves the reproductive health of men, strengthens libido and potency. Active vitamins and minerals have a stimulating effect on all age categories of men. Pineapple improves the composition of sperm, affects the functionality of the endocrine glands and simply helps the guy relax (due to the beneficial effects of nutrients on the nervous system).

Minimal risk of pesticides

Pesticides are chemical/biological agents that kill weeds and harmful insects. They are also used to enhance the growth and fruiting of plants. Pesticides do not have an immediate pathological effect on the human body, but their accumulation can cause serious harm to health. Degree side effects starts with dull hair color and ends with genetic mutations or cancer. Interesting: the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study involving 5,000 subjects. 96% of them had pesticides in their blood and urine. Pineapple is in 3rd place in the top most clean products. In front of him is only avocado and corn. It is absolutely safe to buy non-organic hard-skinned fruits and vegetables (like pineapple, banana, or coconut). It is the peel that protects the fruit from pesticides and guarantees safety.

Ingredient use in cooking

Fruit juice acts both as an independent aperitif dish and as an addition to a meal or a specific recipe. Pineapple juice can be diluted with almost any dish. A concentrated liquid goes well with both meat products (a typical example is Hawaiian pizza), as well as sweets. On the basis of juice, jelly, soufflé, ice cream are prepared, various pastries or so-called raw cakes. But fruit juice gained particular popularity in the alcohol industry.

Pineapple and alcohol card

Pineapple juice goes great with alcohol, makes the taste ethyl alcohol less noticeable and favorably sets off alcohol. Concentrated or diluted juice is combined with whiskey, vodka, liquor, rum, champagne and others. alcoholic drinks. Important: fruit juice softens the pronounced alcoholic shade of alcohol. If desired, it can be replaced with any other drink - it's just a matter of taste. But there is a certain range of alcohol with traditional recipe, for the preparation of which it is best not to change the composition and add pineapple juice. Most popular cocktail with fruit juice - Pina Colada. This is a good old beach cocktail based on light rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice. Pina Colada is recognized as the official drink of Puerto Rico. It is classified as a long drink. The drink is one of the official cocktails of the International Bartenders Association in the Contemporary classics category (modern classics).

Cocktail recipe from the International Bartending Association:

  • 30 milliliters of light rum;
  • 30 ml coconut milk (can be substituted coconut cream and adjust their amount based on the consistency of the drink);
  • 90 milliliters of pineapple juice.

All components are mixed together with ice and passed through a blender. Ready drink served in a large hurricane or goblet glass, where a straw is first inserted, garnished with pineapple slices and cocktail cherries. The cooking process is quite simple, so you can stock up necessary ingredients and make Pina Colada's home bar. Interesting: one of the first Pina Colada recipes was published in 1950 in the New York Times. The recipe was radically different from the version of the drink known to us. Lime juice was used instead of pineapple juice, and the light rum was replaced with a combination of light and dark. But time and customer reviews put everything in its place, and the modern version of Pina Colada is recognized as the best. Some establishments replace the coconut milk/cream with coconut liqueur. This adds strength to the cocktail, more sweetness and makes the preparation process as easy as possible.

Pineapple is a berry. That's right, although we are used to considering it a tropical fruit - this fruit is very large and heavy to be called a berry.

Christopher Columbus finding a pineapple in South America, called it "Indian cone" - indeed, it is very similar - and in Europe they began to call it "pine apple" - pineapple, and we still see this name on pineapple juice packages. Today we will talk about pineapple juice, as it is very useful and is often used for weight loss.

Useful vitamin and mineral composition

Pineapple juice is very useful and valuable, especially juice from fresh fruit. Pineapple juice is rich and useful composition for the body - it contains a lot of vitamin C, and most of the minerals are potassium and sodium. In addition, pineapple juice contains proteins and fats, although there are very few of them; carbohydrates, plenty of good water; beta-carotene, vitamins A, PP, group B; minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Bromelain for weight loss

However, the most attractive substance in pineapple juice is considered to be bromelain, and it is of particular interest to women. Bromelain is an enzyme, or rather a complex of enzymes, that is highly biologically active: it improves digestion, promotes the breakdown of proteins and burns fats - at least it is believed so, and the results of eating pineapples and juice confirm this. Therefore, pineapple and its juice are considered an excellent tool for weight loss, and are part of many diets.

Bromelain is also called the fountain of youth, and a miracle enzyme that helps digest food no worse than the advertised mezim. If it happened that you ate too much big portion fish, meat or dairy products - do not rush to drink pills, but eat a slice of pineapple or drink some pineapple juice.

In the intestines, bromelain also puts things in order - it destroys pathogenic bacteria; promotes muscle relaxation and relieves spasms, so that under stress, the benefits of pineapple juice are very high.

However, claims that bromelain breaks down huge amounts of subcutaneous fat do not have sufficient grounds. Bromelain perfectly breaks down proteins - that's right, and promotes better absorption of food, and also dulls the feeling of hunger, improves metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body - that's why it helps to lose weight.

In addition, there are very few calories in pineapple - and this is very important for those who want to lose weight and quickly get rid of excess weight. If you arrange at least one pineapple fasting day every week, then you can lose up to 700 g of weight on this day.

The famous star of world cinema, the beautiful Sophia Loren, said that pineapples help her maintain beauty and youth - every day she eats one, and remains healthy and beautiful - both outside and inside. Of course, healthy heredity and lifestyle in general play the main role here, but pineapples also do their job.

The benefits of pineapple juice

What are the health benefits of pineapple juice medicinal properties does he possess? About everything in order.

Pineapple juice improves memory - for this you need to drink it at least 2 times a week. Recommended for people involved in mental work, as well as dealing with numbers and large amounts of information - economists, programmers, owners of large businesses, etc.

To avoid the formation of blood clots and swelling will help 200 ml of pineapple juice every day. The same amount of juice should be drunk with a tendency to atherosclerosis, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, increased blood pressure: pineapple juice perfectly cleanses blood vessels, preventing the development of these diseases.

Prevents pineapple juice and the development of cancer - researchers have found that the likelihood of tumor growth and the occurrence of metastases is reduced in those patients who like to drink it, by as much as 65%.

Benefits of pineapple juice for colds

Pineapple juice can treat a cold - it contains so much vitamin C that it acts no worse than aspirin, only without side effects, strengthens the immune system and eliminates hypovitaminosis.

Can be prepared from pineapple juice tasty and healthy vitamin drink: 100 g of fresh pineapple is crushed in a mixer, mixed with homemade kvass (100 ml) and a little lemon juice is added. If you drink such a drink 3 times a day, then in a couple of days a cold will lag behind you.

Pineapple juice helps with sore throat and kidney disease, improves the functioning of the pancreas and blood circulation, strengthens the structure of bone tissue and removes decay products from the body, ensuring the prevention of joint diseases.

For arthritis, injuries, sprains, you can make compresses based on pineapple juice. 100 g of dried mint leaves should be poured with hot juice, insisted for 2 hours, strained and applied to the sore spot.

You can drink pineapple juice not only to improve digestion, but also when traveling, sea travel, air travel - it relieves nausea. This property of it can be used even by pregnant women with toxicosis, but you need to be sure that the juice is obtained from ripe fruits - unripe pineapple fruits can provoke a miscarriage.

How to drink?

Best of all, in order not to doubt the usefulness and safety of pineapple juice, prepare it yourself, at home. You need to take a ripe, good and intact pineapple, peel it, cut the flesh into pieces, put it in a juicer and squeeze out the juice.

You can add one fresh carrot to the pineapple - it will be even more useful, and put a few ice cubes in a glass.

Such a drink will help not only with poor health or toxicosis of pregnant women, but also allow those who are on a diet to enjoy amazing taste and successfully cope with the rebellious appetite.

Pineapple juice for weight loss

By the way, pineapple fasting days for weight loss, you can carry out 2 times a week - nutritionists allow this. On such days - they cannot be arranged in a row - you can drink 1 liter of juice and eat 2 kg of fresh fruits, dividing them into 4-5 servings. You can no longer eat anything, as well as drink - except pure water, just do not drink it with pineapples. After spending 2 fasting days a week, you can get rid of 2 kg of weight.

Application in cosmetology

Pineapple, like its juice, has found quite a wide application in cosmetology. Pineapple juice is very beneficial for the skin. However, since pineapple juice contains acids, you should not keep the masks longer than 10-15 minutes, and if your skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, then it is better to refuse such masks. Also, you should not allow the juice to get into your eyes, and you should quickly rinse them with water if this happens.

Recipes for masks with pineapple juice

Masks with pineapple juice help restore skin elasticity, smooth it and refresh it.

For any skin type, a mask of pineapple pulp (2 tsp), its juice (the same amount), heated liquid honey (1 tsp) and oatmeal (1 tbsp) is suitable. We dilute oatmeal with pineapple juice, and mix the crushed pulp with honey, then combine everything and mix thoroughly. The resulting mass is applied to the face and neck, no more than 10 minutes. It is better to protect the area around the eyes - put cotton pads moistened with warm infusion of green tea on the eyes.

Do not be alarmed if you feel that the mask slightly pinches your skin - this is how pineapple juice acids work. Under their action, the skin is cleansed and smoothed, cells are released from toxins, metabolic processes are normalized.

The following mask gives a pronounced effect, so it should be done only once a week. You need to take the same ingredients as in the first recipe, only instead of oatmeal - coconut milk (2 tsp). Grind warmed milk and honey with pineapple juice, add crushed pulp, mix everything and apply while warm on the face and neck. On the face, the mask will gradually thicken; wash it off with warm milk, and then with cool water. It is desirable to repeat this mask 10 times.

Hundreds of years ago, Indian beauties took care of their skin with the help of pineapple pulp and juice, cleansing the pores and freeing the skin from dead cells.

Juicy pulp of pineapple helps to get rid of calluses. The pulp is applied to the corns at night, and in the morning they steam the skin and easily remove them.

Pineapple juice can be mixed with other juices - both fruit and vegetable, to make cocktails from it, delicious jellies and kissels. However, it is best, if possible, to drink pineapple juice freshly squeezed, without heat treatment.

And of course, pineapple juice remains the best for those women who want to preserve their slim figure, easy gait and good mood.

Who is contraindicated in pineapple juice

With gastritis with high acidity, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, it is impossible to drink pineapple juice and arrange fasting days. And do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating a piece of pineapple or drinking pineapple juice - otherwise, tooth enamel may suffer, as these fruits contain active acids - ascorbic and citric.

The practice of nutrition has long included the use of vegetable and fruit juices. In freshly squeezed juice, all the most useful things are concentrated in a small volume, which is what the product is rich in. Sometimes liquid is the only form of nutrition. In other cases, a glass of juice is the source daily allowance vitamins. Pineapple juice is precisely a multivitamin complex with a special substance bromelain, which helps to speed up the metabolism in the body.

The right choice of pineapple

Only juice made from ripe healthy fruit is useful. Therefore, choosing a ripe pineapple, an overseas berry, is not easy. However, there are signs by which, with a high degree of probability, you can choose a suitable fetus:

  • visually;
  • tactile;
  • by sound;
  • according to the state of the tuft;
  • by smell.

During external examination, you need to pay attention to the color, it should be yellow-brown. The crust should be intact without dents or damage. You should not examine the fruit further if brown spots are found on it, the pineapple has begun to rot. Taking a pineapple in your hands, you need to determine the condition of the peel, it should be soft and springy when pressed. If this does not happen, the pineapple is not ripe, and the juice from it will not be useful. The green fruit may turn yellow after lying down for a while. He certainly won't be ripe.

If you hit the crust with your palm, you will hear a sound. A deaf person speaks of maturity, a voiced one warns that it is better to refrain from buying. The crest on the top of the berry will say a lot. In a ripe pineapple, the leaf quietly twists and comes off. The fresh foliage says the fruit is freshly plucked. A dry withered crown with a small number of leaves is a sign, the fruit was plucked green, traveled for a long time by sea, through bases, and has long been put up for sale.

When choosing a pineapple, you need to smell the fruit. The smell with prevailing spicy sweet notes speaks of the fermentation that has begun inside. The fruit is overripe. If the purchase is made in company store with a good reputation, then the high cost may be associated with the delivery of goods by air from the place of growth. Then a ripe pineapple , Definitely will delight you with your taste. Although the price does not always correspond to the quality of the product.

The tropical fruit pineapple is a very valuable product, since with a low calorie content, the composition of substances useful to humans is huge. Suffice it to say that it has more than a lemon. The calorie content of 100 g of juice is 48 kcal, but prevail in energy composition carbohydrates. Juice contains:

  • water - 86%;
  • sugar - 11.5%;
  • citric acid - 0.4%;
  • ascorbic acid or vitamin C - 50 mg;
  • group of vitamins B, A, PP.

The vitamins in pineapple are enhanced by the action of organic enzymes, some of which are unique in their action. Trace elements are represented by 16 items, the most important of which for humans are salts of potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and copper. Such a complex of useful components of the juice is enhanced by the unique substance bromelain and volatile ethers giving a unique smell to the fruit.

Present in pineapple, bromenine is a substance capable of promoting many processes in the body. This component is unstable, decomposes during heat treatment and storage. In canned foods and juices industrial production bromelain is not included.

The action of bromelain is multifaceted:

  • participates in the breakdown of proteins;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • promotes blood thinning and dissolution of deposits on the vessels;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

The benefits of freshly squeezed juice are greatest when taken on an empty stomach. Then the healing bromelain has the most active effect on all body systems. When using juice as a dessert, its benefit is to enhance the action of gastric juice enzymes. digestion of heavy fatty foods will be more successful after drinking pineapple juice. That is, juice is always useful, but its action in various cases is selective.

Who needs pineapple juice

Knowing the benefits of the product, we can say that the juice has no contraindications for taking, except for a few cases due to the increased acidity of pineapple and other points:

  • intolerance to any of the components;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage and gastritis with high acidity;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For those who have entered adulthood, after 40 years, a glass of juice twice a week will prolong health for years to come. This is facilitated not only by bromelain and pineapple vitamins, but a large number of others active substances. Yes, potassium is essential for work. circulatory system including heart muscle and brain activity. From the intake of juice systematically, the pressure decreases to normal, the vessels are cleaned of cholesterol and the risk of thrombosis decreases.

Memory improves, joints and muscles stop hurting, colds are easier, and stress is relieved. In this case, you should know the rules for using a healing product.

For those who want to get a quick result with the help of pineapple juice, we remind you that useful substances can become poison if used excessively. An overdose of vitamin C - cause diarrhea, heartburn, insomnia. An overdose of bromelain will lead to skin rashes, diarrhea, menstrual bleeding in women up to and including miscarriage. Bromelain interacts with medicines. For chronically ill patients, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The difference between freshly made juice and an industrial product

Everything said about the benefits of pineapple juice refers to making at home. Factory-prepared products use dry ingredients that are dissolved in water, flavoring, sugar and preservatives are added. Nowadays, even sugar is being replaced by other flavor enhancers, which is even more dangerous for the body. Even if the label says 100% pineapple juice, it is reconstituted and no longer contains bromelain. And nectars do not even have this composition, it is allowed to have only 30% juice, the rest is water.

Therefore, for benefit, you need to make fresh juice at home and store it in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. Before preparing the product, you need to wash the pineapple and peel it. Cut the peeled fruit into pieces and pass through a blender or juicer. It is not necessary to clean the juice from the pulp, you can dilute the mass with a little water or other natural juice.

You can consume such a product with health benefits one glass twice a week. The acidity of pineapple is active, the frequent inclusion of juice in the menu can cause gastritis. After drinking the juice, be sure to put your mouth in order. Juice corrodes tooth enamel. Those who drink are doing the right thing. fruit juices through a tube.

Making pineapple juice with a juicer - video

last few years tropical fruits and berries are no longer a curiosity for us, because they can be purchased in the vegetable department of any large supermarket. So fresh pineapples, which, despite their weight and size, are just berries, will not surprise anyone. They are very useful and delicious juice, about the properties of which we want to tell you today.

Pineapple juice is a source of many useful substances.

Health benefits of pineapple juice

In fact, most freshly squeezed fruit, vegetable, or berry juices are renowned for their health benefits. The pineapple drink is no exception. Indeed, in addition to the standard set of vitamins ( C - 10 mg in 100 ml. which corresponds to - 12% of the daily value, A, B and RR), carbohydrates, minerals ( potassium - 135 mg, sodium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), proteins and fat, it also contains unique substance entitled bromelain .

The existence of this enzyme must have been heard by those who have ever been on a diet and who have been recommended by nutritionists to include pineapple juice in their diet. The whole point is that bromelain has increased biological activity, which helps to improve digestion processes, as well as the breakdown of proteins and the burning of fats. That is why after a hearty lunch and dinner it is absolutely not necessary to use tablets that help digest food faster. With the same success, you can just drink a little pineapple juice - the effect will be identical.

Among other things, bromelain successfully fights pathogenic bacteria that have settled in the intestines, and rids the body of excess fluid. And all this with an exceptionally low calorie content of the product itself. That is why pineapple and the juice made from it are part of many diet programs. Sophia Loren herself in an interview admitted that she is always in great shape precisely because she eats one pineapple every day. Naturally, this does not mean that just by eating pineapples, you do not need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, because, although pineapple juice is considered the elixir of youth, it is by no means magical, but only an aid to gaining health and attractive appearance.

How many calories are in pineapple juice?

calories - 50 kcal in 100 ml. juice.

The benefits and harms of pineapple juice

Beneficial features:

  • Thanks to the unique combination of numerous useful substances, which we mentioned earlier, pineapple juice can improve memory, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, provide positive influence for the entire cardiovascular system.
  • It is indicated for use by patients with diagnoses such as atherosclerosis, stroke and high blood pressure.
  • It should also be drunk to prevent all kinds of oncological diseases and strengthening of bone tissue, in diseases of the kidneys, pancreas and joints.
  • In addition, pineapple juice can save you from such troubles as an elementary cold and sore throat, which is due to the high content of vitamin C.
  • By the way, if you are going on a trip by plane, boat or train, be sure to bring fresh pineapple juice with you, which will help you fight nausea.

Harm and contraindications:

Compared to all the above beneficial properties of pineapple juice, only one item is included in the “harmful” list - hyperacidity.

  • First of all, it can harm tooth enamel, so doctors recommend rinsing your mouth thoroughly after each drink.
  • For the same reason this product contraindicated in ulcers. For everyone who does not suffer from this disease, pineapple juice can harm only if you drink it too often.

Experts say that even for people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in hard mental work, 200 ml of a drink a day is enough to feel cheerful and full of energy.



If you start with cooking, then cooks appreciate pineapple juice for its pronounced tart-sweet taste and rich aroma. Therefore, they are happy to include it in the composition of sauces for dishes from any kind of meat and poultry. Bartenders do not stop experimenting, adding pineapple juice to all kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails and mixes. And confectioners invent new recipes delicious desserts based on this amazing drink.

Zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter

Very popular in recent times, winter zucchini recipe with pineapple juice. unusual canned zucchini turn out very tasty. Ready for use in a few days.


  • pineapple juice - 1 liter;
  • fresh zucchini (squash is also suitable) - 2 kg;
  • half a lemon, or 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • sugar - 300-400 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash young zucchini well. warm water, remove the skin and seeds.
  2. Cut into any shape (cubes, rings, etc.).
  3. Place the prepared zucchini in a saucepan or cup - pour over the juice and mix.
  4. Put on high heat, bring to a boil. Turn down the fire.
  5. In a boiling mixture of zucchini with pineapple juice, add the remaining ingredients: lemon juice (citric acid), sugar. When adding, mix thoroughly.
  6. Leave to simmer over low heat - 30-40 minutes.
  7. sterilize required amount jars and lids.
  8. Arrange the dessert of zucchini with pineapple in jars, tighten the lids tightly and leave to cool.
  9. After a few days, canned zucchini can be tasted or stored before winter.


In folk medicine there is great amount ways to use pineapple juice for the treatment of various ailments.

For example, to get rid of a cold quickly, you need to prepare and drink the following mixture three times a day: grind 100 g of pineapple in a blender, mix it with the same amount of homemade kvass and a few drops of lemon juice.

If you received severe bruising or sprain, such a compress will surely help you: dry mint leaves are poured with hot pineapple juice, infused for a couple of hours, filtered and applied to damaged areas.

And when fatigue and poor health the simplest vitamin drink made from freshly squeezed pineapple-carrot juice will help.

wishing lose weight nutritionists prescribe special fasting days, which are recommended to be arranged once or twice a week. These days, food should be taken 4 or 5 times, and the entire diet should consist of only 2 kg of fresh pineapples, 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice and water.

Many modern beauty salons offer procedures such as masks and wraps based on pineapple juice. They miraculously tighten the skin and give it a fresh glow. In principle, all this can be done at home: 2 teaspoons of pulp must be diluted with the same amount of fresh juice, add 1 teaspoon warm honey and the same amount of oatmeal.

Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and apply on the face and décolleté for about 8-9 minutes. This procedure is suitable for all types of skin, except for those that are prone to allergic reactions and are too sensitive to the acids contained in pineapple. Therefore, before starting it, you should check the effect of the mask on a small area, for example, the skin of the hand.

If replace oat flour for 2 teaspoons of coconut milk, then you will get a mass that, in its properties, is a bit reminiscent of scrub. Such a mask can be done only once a week, and rinse first with warm milk and then with water. room temperature. But it perfectly cleanses the pores and removes dead cells.

Lotions from pineapple juice will help you get rid of from corns and make your legs smooth and beautiful. To do this, you need to attach them to the calluses for the whole night, and in the morning thoroughly steam your feet.
By the way, these recipes are far from the latest invention.

In India, pineapple juice has been used by local beauties for a very long time. With it, they maintain their face and body in perfect condition so that men do not cease to like it. So why shouldn't we follow their example?

Making juice at home

To get high-quality pineapple juice at home on your own, you need to start by choosing the pineapples themselves. If you buy unripe berries, you will not get any benefit from the drink. Therefore, when you come to the market or to the store, pay attention to the soft fruits of the saturated Brown color. Rigidity and a greenish hue of the peel will indicate the immaturity of the product.

Bringing pineapples home, they must be thoroughly washed with warm water, freed from the peel, cut into small pieces and pass through a juicer, blender or mixer. Ready drink is better to drink immediately, as it belongs to the category perishable products and you can store it in the refrigerator no more than one day.

If you do not want to burden yourself with such manipulations, just buy a jar of pineapples in the store own juice. In fact, in their properties, they do not differ much from freshly squeezed juice.

Pineapple juice during pregnancy

Possessing immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, pineapple juice very moderate amounts useful for pregnant women. It prevents weight gain and relieves toxicosis, heartburn, which many women suffer in the last months of pregnancy. It is able to treat colds, which is especially important for this condition of the body, when most medicines are contraindicated due to the risk of harming the child.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by swelling of the hands and feet, and pineapple juice, with its ability to remove excess fluid from the body, minimizes them. And finally, pineapple juice simply cheers up, keeps the body in good shape and rejuvenates it. And this is very significant for the mental state of a pregnant woman.

And yet, despite the many advantages, we must not forget about caution . After all, firstly, pineapple can cause allergies in both the fetus and the mother. Secondly, increased acidity can provoke diarrhea and destruction of tooth enamel. Last but not least, juice from unripe fruits can lead to miscarriage.

Pineapple juice for kids

For the same reasons - hyperacidity and allergenicity - pineapple juice pure form children under 3 years is strictly contraindicated . Starting from a year old, it can be given to a child, but only as part of specially designed for baby food multifruit juices.

Thus, as with any product, one thing must be applied to pineapple juice. Golden Rule- always remember the sense of proportion. And before including it in your daily diet, it will not be superfluous to consult with an experienced nutritionist or your doctor.

Pineapple juice prepared by squeezing the pulp from the fruit. Ideally, pineapple juice should not contain sugar. Pineapple juice is a light yellow liquid, sometimes it can contain a small amount of fruit pulp.

Pineapple juice is divided into two types:

  1. restored
  2. Natural

Let's consider each separately. Reconstituted pineapple juice is obtained by diluting the concentrate drinking water. The concentrate is extracted directly from the pineapple, then plunged heat treatment which removes water. The result is a concentrate - a jelly-like viscous mass.

Natural fruit juice is best prepared at home. Freshly squeezed juices are very healthy. And of course they do not have a number of advantages.

It should be noted that on the shelves of the store, in most cases, reconstituted juices are sold. That is juices received from a concentrate.

What is the difference between freshly squeezed and reconstituted juice, it turns out that both can be attributed to natural juice? The thing is that freshly squeezed juice vitamins useful substances are stored for half an hour after its preparation. Therefore, freshly squeezed juice must be consumed within half an hour after preparation. The amount of vitamin content in such juice is much higher than in reconstituted juices.

Most often, juice producers, in order to supplement the composition of vitamins, add a certain complex of vitamins to the reconstituted juice, which ones can be found out by reading the information on the package. And the thing is that when preparing such a juice, part of the vitamins is lost during pasteurization.

And of course, the quality of the fruit also affects the quality of the juice. The better quality and riper fruit the more vitamins and minerals it contains. And one more important detail, freshly squeezed juice and reconstituted juice differ significantly in taste.

The benefits and harms of pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is a very healthy product, especially if it is freshly squeezed. It contains a large amount of vitamins, as well as potassium and phosphorus.

This drink helps fight obesity. The most interesting substance in pineapple juice is bromelain. This is a complex of enzymes, which is characterized by increased biological activity, namely:

  • improves digestion
  • promotes the breakdown of proteins
  • burns fat
  • restores order in the intestines
  • promotes muscle relaxation
  • relieves spasms
  • helps to support the body during the off-season

In addition, pineapple juice is low in calories, which in turn allows you to get rid of excess weight when you use it. Therefore, pineapple juice is very popular among women.

The advantages of pineapple juice include the fact that it is able to improve memory, for this you need to use freshly squeezed pineapple juice 2 times a week. Also regular use freshly prepared pineapple juice helps to avoid the formation of blood clots and swelling. It is recommended to consume pineapple juice daily for people with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases. vascular diseases suffering from hypertension, having had a stroke.

Thanks to high content vitamin C, it can be taken during a cold. It has the effect of the action of aspirin. And boosts immunity.
And this is not the whole list. useful properties freshly squeezed pineapple juice.

It also helps with kidney disease, tonsillitis, helps to remove toxins from the body.

The harmfulness of pineapple juice can only be attributed to the fact that it has high acidity. If you use freshly squeezed pineapple juice very often, you can damage the enamel of your teeth. To avoid this, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after drinking pineapple juice. It is also not recommended to take pineapple juice for nursing mothers and the reason is also increased acidity.

Making pineapple juice at home

To make juice at home, you need to choose a high-quality, ripe pineapple. The usefulness of the resulting juice depends on this. Ripe pineapples can be identified by their softness.

The fruit must be thoroughly washed and dried a little. Pineapple needs to be peeled and cut into small cubes, for this it is better to use a very sharp knife. Next, we send the resulting cubes to the juicer and as a result we get 100% natural juice. Which by the number of useful substances can be safely compared with the packaging of multivitamins.

Pineapple juice and its usefulness for the child's body

For the child's body, pineapple juice also brings many benefits. It can be taken as a prophylaxis against colds. And as you know, children's body more susceptible to these diseases.

If you regularly give your child freshly squeezed pineapple juice, then the child's immunity will grow stronger. Also in the spring and autumn periods, the use of pineapple juice will allow your child to avoid the development of beriberi.
