Dietary first courses: recipes for soups for weight loss. Effective kefir soup with cucumber. Traditional Mayo Soup Recipe

Low-calorie first courses should definitely be in the diet of everyone who wants to get rid of. Soup allows you to quickly get satiated, but at the same time it does not overload the digestive tract. There are many different firsts meals approved by nutritionists.

Onion soup recipe for weight loss

This first dish helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and get rid of extra pounds ov.


  • cabbage - half a head;
  • onions – 6 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper- 3 pcs.;
  • celery – 1 stalk;
  • herbs, spices and salt.


Place the shredded cabbage in a saucepan along with chopped celery stalks and cook. You should immediately add a little salt. Cut the peeled onion and pepper into cubes and fry over large quantities onions for a few minutes. Add peeled and chopped tomatoes, as well as spices. Simmer for 5 minutes. and transfer the roast to the pan. After 2 min. add chopped herbs and serve.

Celery soup recipe for weight loss

Most famous soup, which helps burn fat is called Bonn. If desired, you can slightly change the composition of the products, for example, use tomato paste instead of tomatoes.


  • cabbage – 400 g;
  • onions – 5 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • celery – 4 stalks and 2 cm root;
  • a bunch of parsley and spices.


The recipe for soup for weight loss, which burns fat, is simple and even novice cooks can cope with it if desired. Vegetables must be peeled and cut in any usual way. Place these ingredients in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove. After boiling, add spices and chopped herbs. Boil everything for 10 minutes, and then reduce the heat to low and simmer until the vegetables are soft.

Cabbage soup recipe for weight loss

Another low-calorie option light soup, which can even be used for . The beans make the dish very filling.



To prepare vegetable soup for weight loss according to this recipe, you should prepare all the ingredients: peel and cut into small cubes. You can pre-soak the beans, but this is not necessary. Place the ingredients in a saucepan with water and cook until tender.

Eating soup is one of the great opportunities to lose weight. American nutritionists have developed an effective “soup” diet; it will allow you to lose up to 8 extra pounds in a week, and you will not experience a strong feeling of hunger. How does it work and how is it correctly applied in practice?

What is the point of soup for weight loss?

There is more than one recipe for soup for weight loss, but each of them is united by basic targeted actions. The basic components of the dish help:

  • burn body fat, which is achieved by consuming special ingredients - cabbage, avocado, ginger, onions, peppers, garlic, herbs and the like, which have an effect aimed at only one thing - losing excess weight;
  • prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits - these include peas, soybeans, carrots and apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage - their use is important in the case of preventing the accumulation of extra pounds.

The vegetable soup diet should be practiced for no more than a week, after which you should take a break for several days and pay attention to how your body reacts to a change in diet. If everything is fine and no significant negative changes in health are observed, the diet can be repeated after 3 to 5 days if desired.

Benefits of the Soup Diet

Why is the soup diet so popular? It has some undeniable advantages:

  • soup can be consumed in almost any quantity and at any time of the day or night, the more you eat, the more kilograms you will lose;
  • In addition to soup, you can also eat some of the other products listed below;
  • health does not suffer greatly with this diet, since the body receives a very large amount useful substances– vitamins and microelements;
  • vegetable soup not only allows you to lose weight - up to 8 kilograms per week, but also satisfies the feeling of hunger well;
  • a diet with a predominance of vegetable soups has a beneficial effect on the entire body - it normalizes the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, perfectly cleanses, helping to restore water metabolism in vital organs and tissues;
  • Even pregnant and lactating women can lose weight with this diet, as well as fat people before planned heart surgery.

Soup recipe that effectively burns fat

The soup called “Bonn” is the most effective for burning fat. The nutritional system, together with its use, was developed by American nutritionists and successfully put into practice. The principle of operation of such a diet is the effect of the ingredients included in the soup. They allow you to burn fat by using the body's internal reserves - with such a diet, much more calories are spent than enter the body and, accordingly, a weight loss regime is launched.

Ingredients needed to make Bonn soup:

  • fresh cabbage – 400 – 500 grams;
  • onions – 5 – 6 pieces;
  • tomatoes (canned can be used) – 4 – 6 pieces;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • bell pepper – 2 – 3 pieces;
  • celery – a bunch or root;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • salt to taste.

You can prepare Bonn soup as follows:

Pour about five liters of water into a six-liter saucepan and put on fire. While the water is boiling, prepare the ingredients. For this:

  • finely chop the cabbage;
  • peel and chop the onion;
  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them into large cubes;
  • peel and grate the carrots using a Korean carrot grater;
  • Wash the bell pepper and cut it into thin strips;
  • Wash the celery and parsley and chop finely.

When the water boils, throw all the ingredients into the water, bring to a boil again and reduce the heat. Cook until the vegetables are ready for half an hour. 5 - 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little salt. It is also possible to add some auxiliary “fat-burning” seasonings, such as ginger, garlic, curry, Bay leaf, coriander, turmeric. You don't have to add them all, just those that best suit your preferences.

When all the ingredients have been added to the soup, you need to close it with a lid and leave it to “simmer” for 15 – 30 minutes. In this case, more useful substances are preserved than when boiling.

The prepared amount of soup will be enough for about 2 days, although you can use it more often if desired.

Additional nutrition for fat burning soup

In addition to Bonn soup, you can and even should supplement your diet with the following products:

  1. First day of the diet. Only soup and fruit - any kind, except bananas, which have a high calorie content. The most preferred are the following: grapefruit, watermelon, melon, apples, pears, oranges.
  2. Second day of the diet. Only soup and vegetables - absolutely any and, naturally, better fresh than canned. Remember that you cannot fry them, only boil or bake them. It is best not to eat legumes and limit the consumption of potatoes - only baked ones are allowed.
  3. Third day of the diet. Only soup, fruits and vegetables, including greens, and exclude potatoes in any form, even baked.
  4. Fourth day of the diet. Only soup, fruits, vegetables and milk. Don't overuse high-calorie fruits and vegetables.
  5. Fifth day of the diet. Only soup, beef and tomatoes - you can eat as much as you want. Remember that beef can only be consumed boiled or baked.
  6. Sixth day of the diet. Only soup, beef and vegetables, greens are allowed and even recommended. Potatoes, even baked ones, are excluded from vegetables on this day.
  7. Seventh and final day. Only soup Brown rice, any vegetables and fruit juice sugarless.

What rules should you follow when eating fat burning soup?

In order for the diet to have the desired effect, the following rules should be followed when implementing it:

  • refrain from drinking alcohol, as almost any alcoholic drink very high in calories, if you cannot give it up, you should move the diet to a more convenient time;
  • completely eliminate all sweets and starchy foods, including bread, rolls, cookies, cakes, pastries and even honey;
  • it is prohibited to use any fried foods, you can only eat baked or boiled foods;
  • It is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks; it is allowed to drink coffee, black or green tea no sugar, low-fat milk, sugar-free juices and clean water;
  • You should drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day - this is a prerequisite for losing weight.

How does fat burning soup work?

Why is consuming this soup so effective and with the help of, in principle, a not very complicated diet, you can get rid of a significant amount of extra pounds? The point is in correctly selected ingredients, which make up the fat-burning Bonn soup that is so popular today, as well as correctly selected additional food products for a week of diet.

Particular attention is paid to celery - this unique product food that has so-called negative calorie content. It takes part in accelerating metabolism in the body, has a good diuretic effect, and is also quite long time digested in the stomach for a long time maintaining a feeling of fullness.

It should be remembered that for some people, after a few days of following the above diet, minor changes in the digestion process may begin. You should not worry about this - this is a normal state of affairs, since you are restructuring your usual principle of nutrition, accordingly, your body begins to respond adequately to this and function a little differently. If the changes are too noticeable and bother you, you should reconsider your diet - perhaps this diet is not suitable for you.

If this diet is too difficult for you, and you experience a strong feeling of hunger, you may not be able to stand it for a week, but only practice rare fasting days using exclusively Bonn soup. The body will also be able to cleanse itself and receive significant benefits.

If you are following a diet like this, you will enhance its effect if you additionally practice exercises to effectively burn fat.

In any case, remember that this diet is intended only for people who have previously consulted with their doctor. If you have a medical condition that could make your health worse when following this diet, you should not do it.

For a resident of Russia, soup is the main dish. First in kindergarten– milk with nasty foam, then mother’s rich borscht, chicken broth during a cold, amazing delicious fish soup from canned goods on a hike. And there is also a refreshing okroshka, fatty solyanka, aromatic pea soup... Who will be surprised that among this variety there is also a special fat-burning soup, the recipe of which is a real dream for those who watch their figure and health. This dish has many options and its own secrets of use. And we’ll tell you which ones now.

What is fat burning soup...

If you ask nutritionists and herbalists what fat-burning soup is, they will be sincerely surprised. After all, anyone diet soup- made from onions, cabbage, tomatoes and mushrooms - by definition, it is not fat-burning. This is not a fitness workout or pharmaceutical drug, soup alone will not destroy already accumulated fat cells.

But here’s the paradox: such soups really help you lose weight and look better. What is their secret?

Dietary soups are prepared from vegetables, herbs, legumes and mushrooms - foods with little or negative calorie. They fill you up perfectly, they are low-fat, you can’t eat too much: the liquid quickly fills your stomach, and you feel full and satisfied. And depending on the ingredients, such soups have amazing properties:

  • They block the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  • The body expends more energy to digest them than it receives from food. Calories are burned, and a “fat burning” effect occurs.
  • They lower insulin levels and help fight the obsessive desire to eat sweets.
  • They are low-calorie, fit perfectly into any diet and can become a diet in themselves.

...and what is it eaten from?

It’s clear what they eat from – from a beautiful deep plate or bowl. But what are they made of? To cook real healthy soup for weight loss, you can take different recipes. But it is necessary that they contain at least one (or preferably several) of these products:

  • cabbage (or less often white cabbage);
  • tomatoes;
  • onion and ;
  • leafy vegetables (lettuce, sorrel,);
  • greens and herbs;
  • mushrooms (and champignons);
  • seaweed.

The most popular dietary soups are tomato, onion, celery and Mayo (cabbage) diet soup. ABOUT onion soup and you can follow a diet based on it.

Tomato fat burning soup

Tomato diet soup is an ideal find for those who love ketchup, fresh tomatoes or tomato juice. It is especially good for summer residents and owners of personal plots - during the harvest season in September, losing weight on such soup is not only tasty, but also profitable.

Tomatoes have an amazing calorie content - only 20 kcal per 100 grams. It is impossible to get better from such a soup, even if you season it with a spoonful of butter or yogurt. Tomatoes also contain an antioxidant that heals the heart, strengthens blood vessels and normalizes digestion.

Fat-burning homemade tomato soup is not only healthy, but also very, very appetizing. Tomatoes go perfectly with spices, so you can endlessly vary the flavors by mixing marjoram, marjoram, and a bunch of other herbs. Basic Recipes tomato soup slimness is cold and hot.

Hot tomato soup

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes and 1 liter vegetable broth(you can use plain water), 500 g bell peppers, 2 cloves garlic, 1-2 tablespoons olive oil and basil

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for 3-4 minutes, then remove the skin. Cut into slices and simmer for a few minutes in oil along with garlic and pepper. Pour in the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour it in dried basil- and let it brew a little.

Cold tomato soup

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 carrot, a bunch of fresh onions and basil, a spoonful of unsweetened yogurt (to taste)

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skins. Then we wipe it with a blender, add grated carrots and chopped herbs. Mix everything, add yogurt if desired.

There are also such recipes:

Fat burning celery soup

100 g of rich celery contains about 15 kcal. This vegetable is generally dietary table the most valuable: increases immunity, cleanses blood vessels, stimulates metabolism. And how much low-calorie salads and there are too many smoothies made based on it!

Fat burning celery soup bright taste has three remarkable properties:

  • contains a lot of fiber, which satisfies hunger and cleanses the intestines of accumulated waste;
  • provides a mild diuretic effect and normalizes water balance in the body;
  • saturates with vitamins, tones and gives a great mood.

Simple celery soup

You will need: 1 onion and 1 carrot, 3-5 stalks of celery, 250 g of broccoli

Cutting onions and carrots large pieces, cook vegetable broth from them. While it's bubbling, chop the celery and cabbage into small cubes. Throw in ready broth and cook until done. Then puree with a blender, add a couple of spoons vegetable oil and keep on low heat for a few more minutes.

Vegetable fat-burning celery soup

You will need: 1.5 l tomato juice(ideally homemade), 200 g celery root, 6 tomatoes, 6 small carrots, 6 small (or 4 large) onions, 2 bell peppers, 400 g green beans, herbs to taste

Chop all the vegetables small pieces, put in a large saucepan and fill with tomato juice. Add water - the liquid should cover the vegetables. Bring to a boil, cook over high heat for 10 minutes, and over low heat for another 10 minutes. We throw in the greens at the very end.

Fat-burning oyster mushroom soup

Oyster mushrooms are another popular ingredient in slimming soups. Recipes from these mushrooms are very popular in Asia, and you won’t find any fat Chinese or Japanese during the day. Unless, of course, they are McDonald's regulars.

Nutritionists have long adopted these miracle mushrooms - they are tasty, safe (they are grown in special greenhouses), and contain many vitamins and valuable elements. The calorie content of oyster mushrooms is less than 40 kcal, but in terms of nutrition they will give a head start to any meat.

Fat-burning oyster mushroom soup is usually prepared with vegetables: it is light, flavorful, and a small plate can easily be replaced full lunch. These mushrooms fight constipation, improve digestion and ensure stable bowel function. And special mushroom antioxidants fill us with energy and relieve fatigue.

Regular oyster mushroom soup

You will need: 1-2 onions, 1 big carrot, green onions, 800 g oyster mushrooms

Thinly slice the vegetables, add water and set to cook. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, then add mushrooms and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Cook for another 10 minutes, longer if the oyster mushrooms are chopped coarsely. At the end of cooking, you can add ground black pepper.

Tomato oyster mushroom soup in a slow cooker

You will need: one leek, 3 tomatoes, 500 g oyster mushrooms, dry spices (basil, marjoram, thyme, etc.), a spoon of sunflower oil

Saute the onion on the “Frying” mode for 10 minutes, at this time we cut the mushrooms. Add to the onion, after another 10 minutes add the spices. Throw in the peeled tomatoes and add 400 ml of water. Cook on “Soup” mode for 40-50 minutes.

Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup

Fat-burning Mayo soup became famous thanks to the American Dr. Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, where the dish was first prepared. There are a lot of rumors, speculation and discrepancies about the methods and recipes of this clinic. But the main version is this.

The Mayo Clinic used a special soup during the war. They were fed to obese patients before surgery, when weight loss was required for medical reasons. So, in addition to the “fat burning” effect, classic soup Mayo has several more bonuses:

  • enriches the blood with hemoglobin and improves its composition;
  • strengthens physical strength;
  • provides a portion of valuable vitamins and minerals.

It is important to understand: this is not a medicinal diet pill. It won’t turn you into a charming slut and won’t help you lose 8-10 kg in a week. The main goal of the Mayo diet is to really eliminate excess weight and make you healthy, beautiful and strong. You don’t need to eat this soup on a schedule, but whenever you want. The minimum option is three servings per day.

The classic recipe is based on celery and cabbage. There are several options, we will tell you about the simplest ones.

Traditional Mayo Soup Recipe

You will need: 6 onions, 6 tomatoes, a small head of cabbage (you can take Chinese or broccoli), two green peppers, a small celery root, vegetable broth or water

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for a couple of minutes, peel off the skins. Wash all other vegetables, peel and cut into small pieces. Place everything in a saucepan (except the tomatoes), bring to a boil, and add the tomatoes. Cook for half an hour on the lowest heat.

Mayo soup for increased physical activity

You will need: 6 onions, 3 carrots, 200 g green beans, green pepper, 500 g any cabbage, 1 liter of tomato juice, 700 ml low-fat beef broth(if yours is oily, dilute with water)

We clean and chop all the vegetables, add juice and broth. You can add water if the soup is too thick. Then prepare as in the previous recipe.

Rules for losing weight

Making real fat-burning soup is an art. We are accustomed to borscht and solyanka, and our hands involuntarily reach out to add butter or cut potatoes. But if you want your soup to not only satisfy your hunger, but also make you slimmer, remember a few rules.

  1. Only vegetable soups made with water or vegetable broth are suitable for the diet. Same beef soup Mayo is a rare exception for athletes and manual workers. These people need energy, and there is not enough of it in vegetables.
  2. You can't sit on soup diet longer than a week. It is very tasty and varied, but vegetables will not give you a complete set of vital important elements. You need to eat for two weeks regular food, and then return to the liquid diet if desired.
  3. Avoid soup bases and pre-made seasonings. And forget about the existence of chicken and beef cubes altogether. For dietary soups choose only natural herbs and spices.
  4. During the diet, give up alcohol; it’s better to give it up forever. It is not only harmful, but also very high in calories. And your task is slimness and health.
  5. Eliminate from your diet all foods that can harm your figure. No bread, cookies, soda or meat. In between soups, you can snack on fruits that promote weight loss. These are citrus fruits.

What do the reviews say?

Among visitors to women's forums, fat-burning soup enjoys a good reputation - reviews about it are usually very good. Many girls honestly eat one liquid all week, many - by analogy with the onion soup diet - combine it with vegetables, rice and chicken breast.

“To be honest, it wasn’t easy to sit on soup for a week; after 4 days I got tired of the taste. But the result is worth it - 8 kg per week. I’ll definitely repeat it again as soon as I gather the courage.”

“Thanks to whoever came up with this diet! I don’t like sweets and fast food, so I calmly held out for a week and lost a well-deserved 7 kg. Only two of them returned after just a few days, so prepare for such a turn and don’t be scared.”

But this way of eating is not suitable for everyone. Reviews warn: to eat fat-burning soup, you must truly love celery. Otherwise, the diet will turn into a real nightmare.

“Girls, never throw all the vegetables into the pan at once! First add the celery and make sure you like the smell. As for me, it stinks terribly, I ruined all the vegetables, and even I couldn’t wash the pan out of this smell for a week. If you cook fat-burning soup, do it without celery!”

“As I understand it, greens and peppers are specially put in the soup to kill the “aroma” of the celery. Only it didn’t help me much - I endured this crap for three days and finished. The two kilograms lost are definitely not worth such torment.”

There is also a small nuance - this diet is designed for 5-7 days for a reason. Members of the forum warn: if you work in an office, and especially with clients, be careful with soups. They can do a bad job.

“It’s very inconvenient to take soup with you to the office - it takes a long time to heat up, and if you go to the microwave five times a day, people will start looking at you sideways. And after it you constantly run to the toilet, it’s simply impossible! To follow such a diet, you don’t need to leave the house at all.”

Soup for weight loss: basic rules

Weight loss soup is special in that it is brewed from... low calorie foods. In other words, its calorie content is not enough for the body to digest the dish. Therefore, the missing energy is taken from the body's fat reserves. Soups for weight loss include low-calorie first courses. The basic rule of such soups is the use of low-calorie foods. Vegetables perfectly meet these requirements. But, at the same time, there are those among them who have high calorie content. These include the following: corn, rutabaga, olives, potatoes, chickpeas, beets, soybeans, beans and lentils. Basic Rules preparations low calorie soups:

  • do not fry. As you know, frying vegetables increases their calorie content;
  • do not overcook. The cooking time is different for each type of vegetable. If you overcook vegetables, they will lose most useful properties. Therefore, the ingredients in the soup should be placed from the longest cooking time to the shortest;
  • Do not cook soups for future use. On the second or third day they lose everything taste qualities. Ideal - freshly brewed soup;
  • should only be added to soups natural seasonings. IN ready-made seasonings There should be no extraneous additives other than the spices themselves, not even salt. It is strictly forbidden to use cubes for broth and so on;
  • don't oversalt. Perfect Soup should be slightly undersalted, otherwise excess salt will lead to swelling. Instead of losing weight, you will experience weight gain.

It is important to maintain a drinking regime, both on a diet and when everyday nutrition. Required minimum purified still water– liter per day.

Fat burning soups for weight loss

Fat burning soups are not much different from weight loss soups. They usually consist of products that contain natural fat burners and at the same time are low in calories. Garlic and “hot” spices are added to such soups, which promote weight loss. In addition, the soup consists of vegetables that take a long time to digest, so the body, losing energy to process food, burns subcutaneous fat. Those losing weight should remember one simple truth: soup will not solve all problems. This is not a magic pill that will quickly and easily get rid of extra pounds. The problem of losing weight should be approached comprehensively: exercise and adjust the menu.

Fat burning soup for weight loss will be effective if you refuse:

  • fatty, salty, fried;
  • marinades, mayonnaise, store-bought sauces;
  • muffins and confectionery;
  • sausages and semi-finished products;
  • alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks.

The basic rules for preparing fat-burning and dietary soups are identical - the main thing is not to overcook the vegetables.

The effect of fat-burning soups will be maximum if you follow approximately the following menu:

  • breakfast: omelette cooked in the oven, or boiled eggs hard-boiled or soft-boiled, or a portion of porridge;
  • lunch: soup for weight loss;
  • afternoon snack: tea with a piece of cheese or low-fat natural yogurt without additives;
  • dinner: fish or any kind dietary meat with vegetables.

Fat burning soup recipes

To effectively lose weight, you need to know the most popular soups for weight loss that burn fat, recipes and secrets of their preparation.

Bonn soup. An excellent fat-burning soup that will help you lose a few kilograms. To prepare, you need to chop a small head of cabbage, 5 medium onions, 2 carrots, 5 tomatoes, 3 sweet green peppers and 3 celery stalks and throw into boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until fully cooked(usually 30 minutes). Before the end of cooking, add spices to your taste: cumin, curry, bay leaf, ginger, parsley. If desired, you can beat it with a blender to obtain a puree soup.

Celery soup. This fat-burning soup is easy to prepare and tastes amazing. First you need to cut 4 onions and one celery root into half rings, chop 4 carrots and two bell peppers into strips, chop 500g of cabbage and cut 5 tomatoes into cubes. The vegetables are placed in a pan and poured with 1.5 liters of tomato juice. If the juice does not cover the vegetables, then add required amount water. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to low and simmer for another 10 minutes. The pan must be covered with a lid. It is allowed to add spices to taste.

Gazpacho- a fat-burning, light and cold soup that will help you lose weight. Another nuance is that it does not require cooking, so all the necessary vitamins and minerals are preserved. To prepare, you need to chop (preferably in a blender) 500g of tomatoes, a large onion, a large bell pepper, and one cucumber. Then add half a liter of tomato juice, 50 g each wine vinegar and olive oil, finely chopped herbs, a few drops of Tabasco sauce. Salt and pepper to taste.

Cauliflower and celery soup. To prepare, you need to disassemble half a head of cauliflower into florets and chop half a head white cabbage. One onion is finely chopped, and one bell pepper, 6 stalks of celery and 2 carrots are cut into small cubes. Vegetables are poured with water so that the liquid slightly covers them, and cooked until tender. If the water boils away, you need to add more. At the end of cooking, pour the juice of half a lemon into the pan and add herbs to taste.

Shrimp and celery soup. Scald 2 tomatoes with boiling water, peel them and cut into small slices. Grind 200 g of broccoli, 2 stalks of celery and a clove of garlic. Cut one purple onion into half rings. Sauté the onion and garlic for small quantity olive oil for 4 minutes, add celery and simmer together for another 5 minutes. Then add one and a half liters of water or vegetable broth and bring to a boil. When the soup boils add broccoli. After 5 minutes, add tomatoes. After another 3 minutes, add salt and pepper, add peeled shrimp, add a few drops lemon juice and spices to taste. After 3 minutes, remove from heat. Shrimp and celery soup is ready.

Today, the variety of diets for weight loss is simply amazing. Anyone who wants to say goodbye to boring kilos has the opportunity to choose the optimal program for themselves. But each person requires a personal approach. If one can fast, then the other simply needs to adhere to a diet that is close to full, because the feeling of hunger is simply unbearable for him.

Anyone who is on strict food restrictions will be interested in a simple soup diet. This method losing weight consists only in consuming soups that are prepared according to certain recipes. Such soups contain a minimum number of calories. If you follow all the instructions and advice correctly, then in a week you can. And the secret of such soups lies in the content of essential minerals and vitamins. At the same time, the body burns its fats more quickly and breaks down unnecessary calories. And with the support of vegetable decoctions, your liver is cleansed of various wastes and toxins.

Diets in which vegetable soup is the main ingredient are considered convenient and also safe for humans. This method of losing weight does not require strict food restrictions and has a short duration. Weight loss soups that burn fat are suitable even for those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Soup for weight loss should be consumed very often, but in small portions. This prevents difficulties with gastrointestinal tract and speeds up the weight loss process itself. There should be no salt at all. The correct general psychological attitude is also important. You don't have to see this as a heavy duty. It is more correct to consider this as a chance to acquire the desired slimness and at the same time cleanse the body. Then you will become much more active in losing your weight. After finishing the diet, vegetable soup should not be immediately excluded from your diet. In addition, at first you should review your usual diet and eliminate foods that contribute to the return of lost pounds.

Soup for weight loss: the right diet at home

Here is a diet for you, where vegetable soup occupies the main place.

Day 1: soup for weight loss in any quantity, fresh fruits In addition to grapes and bananas, tea, but without sugar, you can also have freshly squeezed juices.

Day 2: various leafy vegetation, as well as green vegetables, water and soup.

Day 3: vegetables and fruits, water and soup.

Day 4: weight loss soup, vegetables and a glass of skim milk.

Day 5: you can use lean fish 450-500 g or chicken breast, but without skin, 4-5 tomatoes, water and soup.

Day 6: soup, boiled beef 400 g, water, vegetables.

Day 7: only fruits, and also freshly squeezed juices, soup, you can brown rice and vegetables.

For faster weight loss, you need 2-4 days to eat only weight loss soup. This way you will lose 2-3 kilograms.

How to properly prepare burning soup for weight loss: recipes

Recipes for various vegetable soups for weight loss include various vegetables, which can be divided into 3 categories:

  • foods that help burn fat cells. and various warming spices, and also cabbage;
  • products that prevent the appearance of fatty deposits. These are peas, carrots and soybeans, apples;
  • only low calorie vegetables- tomatoes and cabbage, cucumbers.

Recipes for various dietary soups for weight loss

Dietary onion soup for weight loss is an appetizing and nutritious dish.

This soup can be eaten throughout the day in large quantities. Onion soup contains 40-44 kcal per 100 g of product. Eating the dish helps improve activity digestive tract, reducing the number of fatty deposits.

To prepare the soup you need: 5 tomatoes, small white cabbage, 4-5 onions and 2 carrots, and 2 more green sweet peppers, maybe a bunch of parsley and also 4 stalks of celery.

We wash all the vegetables well, then chop them and fill them with water. Add pepper or salt to the soup. You can also season the soup with ginger, garlic and soy sauce or bay leaf. Boil the soup for 10-12 minutes, then cover it with a lid and leave to simmer until the vegetables are soft.

Tomato soup recipe for weight loss.

You will need to pour 1.5 water into the pan, put 300 g of potatoes and finely chopped potatoes and 450-550 g of veal. Cook for about 20 minutes. Then add 1 kilogram of grated tomatoes and 1 chopped onion. Cook for 30 minutes. After which we season the soup with parsley, bay leaf, as well as garlic and crushed bell pepper. Let the soup brew. IN tomato soup no more than 60 kcal

Recipe vegetable soup with celery for weight loss.

For the soup we need: 450-520 g, 1.5 carrots, 5-6 celery stalks, and 2 more onions, 2-3 tomatoes, 200-250 g of broccoli, 1 zucchini, one paprika, and also chili pepper and salt. Chop all the vegetables, then put them in a saucepan and fill with water.

Vegetables should be cut smaller, then your soup will cook faster and it will retain many more of the necessary elements. You need to add water so that it only slightly covers the vegetables. Salt when it boils. Cook for about 7-8 minutes. under a closed lid. After ready soup need to grind in a blender. IN ready dish add chili pepper.
