Dumplings with cottage cheese - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook traditional and lazy dumplings with cottage cheese at home

Dumplings are a very famous dish loved by many gourmets. For most housewives, they are valuable for their uniqueness, because they can be prepared with any filling: meat, vegetable, fruit. But the most delicious and healthy filling is considered to be the filling for dumplings made from cottage cheese, which is liked by everyone - both adults and children.

Curd version of dumplings - perfect dish for those who do not like to use this product in pure form. It is very useful, especially for children, because it is rich in protein and harmoniously combines fats and carbohydrates. Cottage cheese should be consumed at least twice a week, and so that dishes with it are not monotonous, you can prepare delicious dumplings with a sweet or salty filling.

3 secrets of delicious curd filling

  1. The most important secret is, of course, high-quality cottage cheese. It should be fatty, crumbly and well pressed, have a soft and uniform consistency and not be too sour in taste. Low-fat curds and curd masses or curd products should not be used, because when mixed with salt or sugar, the filling becomes too liquid, and the dumplings begin to fall apart during the cooking process.
  2. If you want the filling to be very tender, melting in your mouth, beat the cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a sieve 3 times.
  3. If the cottage cheese seems too dry, add one tablespoon of heavy cream to it.

How to make a sweet filling from cottage cheese for dumplings?

The sweet filling is sure to please those with a sweet tooth. For greater aroma, you can add vanilla sugar, and for piquancy, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, etc.).


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • vanillin;
  • 50 g softened butter (add it if you use low-fat cottage cheese).


Read also:

  • Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese: recipes with photos
  • How to make delicious dumplings?

Sweet filling with dried berries

The finished products are extremely tasty and nutritious - thanks to the amazing harmonious combination cottage cheese and dried berries.


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g dried cranberries;
  • 40 g dried cherries;
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • vanillin (optional).


  1. Soak the dry berries in boiling water for 5 minutes and place them in a colander to drain, or even better, then place them on a paper towel so that it completely absorbs the remaining liquid on the fruit. This is necessary so that the filling is thick enough, otherwise the dumplings may fall apart during cooking and all the filling will leak out.
  2. Add soft berries to the ground or mashed cottage cheese with a fork and mix everything well.
  3. Separately, beat the egg with sugar and vanilla. Beat for at least 5 minutes to form a strong foam. Add the beaten egg to the cottage cheese, mix again and form dumplings.

Filling for dumplings from cottage cheese with herbs

These dumplings are perfect for those who are watching their figure or don’t like sweets. The greens in the filling add ready-made dish amazing aroma and spicy taste.


  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a small bunch of parsley and dill;
  • salt.


  1. Squeeze the cottage cheese well to remove excess whey (if this is not done, the dumplings will fall apart during cooking), and grind with a blender. The filling mixture should be homogeneous.
  2. Stir chopped herbs and garlic through a press into the cottage cheese, add salt.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and add to the dough for dumplings.

Original filling with cottage cheese and feta cheese

This dish will be appreciated by those who love savory, slightly savory dishes.


  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 250 g cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g soft butter.


  1. Gently mash the cheese with a fork and mix with the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve and butter.
  2. Beat the egg into the resulting mass, knead well again until smooth and add to the dumplings.

Recipe for dumplings filling with cottage cheese and spinach

This is unusual and very healthy dish, rich in a lot of vitamins. Dumplings with this filling will be an excellent nutritious breakfast for the whole family.


  • 150 g spinach;
  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt.


  1. Mix the grated cottage cheese with spinach and grated fine grater, which you have, cheese.
  2. Boil the eggs and also grate them on a fine grater, then add them to curd mass, salt and fill the dumpling dough with filling.

Greetings, dear friends! Today we will prepare delicious dumplings with cottage cheese, which thin dough And juicy filling. You will not buy such dumplings with cottage cheese in any store, and you will not order them in any restaurant; they can only be prepared at home, investing a piece of your soul and the warmth of your hands.

Preparing dumplings with cottage cheese is much easier than, for example, dumplings with potatoes, or. And all because there is no particular need to prepare the filling for dumplings with cottage cheese. Simply mix cottage cheese with an egg, add salt, and the filling for dumplings with cottage cheese is ready!

Of course, it’s much easier to cook, and that’s what I do most often. But believe me, not alone lazy dumplings with cottage cheese cannot be compared in taste to real dumplings stuffed with cottage cheese! Thin pasta dough and juicy salty cottage cheese filling... topped with butter and sour cream... no tastier than food in the world!

Make dumplings with salted cottage cheese My grandmother taught me. As a child, she did not cook us lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, for one banal reason - no one knew such a recipe.

And how delicious dumplings with cottage cheese turn out when heated in a frying pan! Mmmm...with a crispy crust, fried in butter - a real delicacy! My grandmother fried dumplings with cottage cheese for us, also for a banal reason - it was the only way to heat up ready-cooked dumplings with cottage cheese, because there were no microwaves then J

So, meet - dumplings with cottage cheese - a step-by-step recipe with photos, at your service!


Dough for dumplings with cottage cheese:

  • 3 cups flour + 100 gr.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml.)
  • ½ cup milk (100 ml.)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt

Filling for dumplings with cottage cheese:

  • 600 gr. cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt

To submit:

  • butter
  • sour cream

* glass 200 ml.

Prepare the dough for dumplings with cottage cheese:

As with homemade dumplings, I highly recommend you use flour premium, marked “for dumplings and pasta", it is also called “strong flour” with a high% gluten content. It is advisable to sift the flour.

Pour two cups of flour into a spacious bowl and beat in the egg.

Heat the water and milk to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Then pour in warm water with milk and add salt. We begin to stir the dumpling dough with a spoon or spatula.

When the egg and milk are mixed until smooth, add a third glass of flour and knead a soft, loose dough.

At this stage, you need to knead the dough with your hands to feel the elasticity and homogeneity of the dough.

You should get such an even and smooth “bun” of dough, which we cover with a cloth napkin and leave alone for 30-40 minutes.

Prepare the filling for dumplings with cottage cheese:

In a deep plate, mix cottage cheese, egg and salt. Next we need to achieve maximum homogeneity of the curd filling for dumplings, so I always mix the cottage cheese and egg with my hands.

The end result is thick homogeneous filling for dumplings with cottage cheese, which holds its shape and will never leak out of the dumplings. If it so happens that the cottage cheese you came across is too soft, or the egg is too large, or the cottage cheese was measured by eye, and the filling turned out to be too liquid, do not rush to get upset.

In this case, you need to add a few tablespoons of semolina to the filling for dumplings with cottage cheese, mix and let stand for a couple of minutes so that the semolina absorbs excess moisture. We've sorted out the filling. Let's start preparing dumplings with cottage cheese.

While infusing under the towel, the dough for dumplings with cottage cheese will float a little and become sticky. Add a little more flour and knead the dough on the countertop with your hands until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Roll out the dough using a rolling pin into a thin layer, no more than 3 mm thick. While rolling, the dough will need to be turned over several times, and the work surface should be dusted with flour all the time.

If, when rolling out, the dough returns to its original position, it means there is not enough flour. Sprinkle flour on top of the dough and rub it in a circle with your hands until you see that the circle of dough on the table remains in place.

Next is the most interesting part of the process of making dumplings, which children especially like - we squeeze out round blanks for dumplings using a glass. Experienced way I found that for the ideal size dumplings, a glass or cup with a diameter of 7.5 cm is best.

We remove the remaining dough from the countertop back into the bowl under the towel.

How to make dumplings with cottage cheese:

We take in left hand a round piece, and spread about 1 teaspoon of curd filling.

We bend the round piece with the filling and make a tuck in the middle, as in my photo.

Next, we pinch all the edges of the dumpling with cottage cheese, as in my photo. Curd filling It should not get on the edges that we pinch, otherwise the dumplings will boil, so make sure that there is not too much filling.

Place the finished dumplings with cottage cheese on a plate or board, which we first sprinkle with flour, cover with a cloth towel and put in the refrigerator. Or in freezer, then there is no need to cover it with a towel.

Listing iconic dishes Ukrainian cuisine: borscht, cabbage dumplings, dumplings, krucheniki, kartoplyaniki, tsybulniki, dumplings are always called, but with cottage cheese - one of the first. Unleavened or quick dough with whey, milk, yogurt, with or without eggs, with buckwheat, wheat or oatmeal, goes well with both salty and sweet curd filling.

For adult eaters, prepare dumplings with cottage cheese, adding hard or pickled cheese, fragrant herbs, garlic, hot peppers. Let's mix it up for the kids healthy dried fruits, seasonal fruits and berries, boil or keep on steam bath, flavor with gentle butter and sour cream.

Previously, dumplings with cottage cheese, meat, vegetables or cereals were served on holidays and Sundays, but today we are not limited. Feel free to change the filling, the version of the dough, get creative with the modeling, throw it in boiling water, cook it immediately or freeze the semi-finished product for future use! And if you don’t have the time and/or desire to cook, classic dumplings with cottage cheese we replace them with lazy ones - universal for the whole family.

Cooking time: 40 minutes / Number of servings: 27 pcs.


  • cottage cheese from 5% 200 g
  • sugar 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • milk 200 ml
  • butter 50 g
  • egg 1 pc.
  • wheat flour approximately 450 g
  • salt a pinch

How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese

The filling consists only of fat cottage cheese and sugar. For contrast, add a little salt and flavor vanilla sugar, some beat in an egg to achieve a softer, silkier texture. But if the cottage cheese has a high percentage of fat content, is fresh and fine-grained, the egg can be omitted. It is easier to work with a dense mixture that does not release liquid. The crumbly, dryish stuff is pressed through a sieve. For variety, add raisins, blueberries, currants, raspberries, and other berries.

The next step is kneading the dough for our future dumplings with cottage cheese. I must say that such a flour shell is also suitable for mushrooms, meat, cereals, stewed cabbage, potatoes. Pour about 150-200 g of flour into a wide basin, throw in a pinch of salt, an egg, mix, forming flakes.

Separately, heat the milk with a piece of butter (30 g is enough), pour in, first mix with a fork/spatula/spoon. We continue to increase the amount of flour and collect a lump.

Dump it onto the countertop and thoroughly knead, stretch, and knead into a soft, pliable, smooth dough for dumplings. If you plan to sculpt later, wrap the bun in a damp towel or plastic bag, protecting from dryness.

For convenience, divide a large lump in half or into three parts. We “powder” the work surface with a thin layer and roll out a layer with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 3 mm. Using a glass or other cutting template, we cut out circles of the same diameter (mine are 8 cm). We pull together the scraps and roll them out again along with the remaining dough.

Place the sticky curd mixture in a mound in the center of each mini-cake. For delicious dish generous filling is required, we don’t regret it.

We connect the opposite edges of the base, form a semicircle, hide the curd without leaving any holes. We press the joints tightly with our fingers, pull out a small edging, from which we create something like a frill or “braid”, some kind of decorative trim. Placed on a board or flat plate, the semi-finished dumplings are frozen and, after final hardening, packaged in food bags, containers. Boil without thawing, like dumplings, immediately immersing them in boiling water with salt.

Boil dumplings with cottage cheese or any filling, placing them in salted boiling water. We turn it, not allowing it to stick to the bottom and to each other. After floating to the surface, cook for another 1-2 minutes (depending on the size), catch one at a time with a slotted spoon and shake off the liquid or throw it all together in a colander. Add a cube of butter - the last 20 grams to soak up delicate aroma, were shiny, shiny and inviting at first sight.

Serve warm homemade dumplings with cottage cheese under a spoon or two of sour cream, thick cream, jam or honey. Have a hearty lunch and Bon Appetit!

Range store-bought semi-finished products allows you to choose products to suit every taste and budget. But, nevertheless, most buyers are still convinced that they cannot replace homemade dishes prepared with soul.

For example, the taste of homemade dumplings with cottage cheese cannot be compared with store-bought ones. Moreover, preparing them is extremely simple, and you can make the filling based on your preferences, sweetened, salted, with or without the addition of other products.

Benefit of this dish there is no doubt, since cottage cheese is a valuable dietary supplement necessary in the diet of adults and children. It contains amino acids, phosphorus, iron and, of course, calcium.

Dumplings with cottage cheese - step-by-step photo recipe

Dumplings with cottage cheese can be eaten by both adults and children. They can be included in children’s menus from the age of three. At that time children's body needs calcium, which is quite abundant in cottage cheese. Not all kids love cottage cheese. Perhaps feeding them dumplings with curd filling will be much easier, especially if the filling is sweetened a little.

Cooking time: 1 hour 25 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Cottage cheese 5-9% fat: 250 g
  • Sugar: 50-70 g for cottage cheese + 20 g for dough, optional
  • Eggs: 1 PC. in the dough and 1 yolk for filling
  • Milk: 250 ml
  • Flour: 350-400 g
  • Salt: a pinch

Cooking instructions

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

This dish is one of the simplest, but surprisingly, not every housewife has it in her arsenal. We decided to correct this shortcoming and introduce you to lazy dumplings that can become perfect hearty breakfast or element baby food. Kids eat these dumplings on both cheeks, especially if you use the trick that will be discussed at the end of the recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 40 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 cold egg;
  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese.

Proper lazy dumplings prepare like this:

  1. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, beat in the egg and add some salt. Mix.
  2. Next comes the turn of sugar - add and mix again.
  3. Pour the sifted flour into the curd mass and stir thoroughly with a fork.
  4. Sprinkle the surface of the work table with flour, spread the resulting curd and flour mixture on top, knead a soft, slightly moist dough that slightly sticks to the palms.
  5. Divide it into 3-4 parts, roll each into a sausage, and cut into arbitrary pieces. We recommend flattening each of the pieces a little and making a small depression in the center with your finger, in which the oil and topping will then be perfectly retained.
  6. If you end up with more than your family can eat at one time, you can freeze the excess.
  7. Boil in salted boiling water for about 3 minutes or until they float.
  8. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on a greased plate. An excellent addition would be sour cream, honey, chocolate, caramel or fruit syrup.

How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes

Despite the fact that the combination of potatoes and cottage cheese may seem strange to many, by making dumplings filled with these two products, you will get a surprisingly tasty result.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.35-0.4 kg flour;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • a pinch of granulated sugar;
  • 0.3 kg of potatoes;
  • 40 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 tbsp. cottage cheese;
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking procedure unusual dumplings with cottage cheese:

  1. Heat the milk, dissolve sugar and salt in it, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, pour in sunflower oil, add flour little by little, and knead thoroughly.
  2. Let the dough cool, add the egg, evaluate the thickness, if it seems liquid to you, add more flour.
  3. For at least a quarter of an hour, and preferably 30 minutes (with breaks for proofing), knead the dough by hand.
  4. Boil the potatoes without peeling and salt, add butter and mash until pureed.
  5. When the puree has cooled, add cottage cheese, add salt and spices to taste.
  6. Divide the dough into several parts, roll each into a sausage, cut into pieces, which we roll into round cakes. Place the filling in the center of each and connect the edges.
  7. We lower the workpieces into boiling water until they float (3-5 minutes). The best way to eat them is hot with fresh sour cream!

Recipe for dumplings with cottage cheese and semolina

Do you want the dumpling dough to be airy and the filling to be juicy? Then you simply must take note of the recipe below.

Required ingredients:

  • 2/3 highly carbonated mineral water;
  • 0.1 l sour cream;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 550-600 g flour;
  • 1+1 tsp. salt (for dough and filling);
  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g semolina;

Cooking steps dumplings on carbonated sour cream dough filled with semolina and cottage cheese:

  1. Mix the egg, cottage cheese and semolina thoroughly and set aside, allowing last time swell.
  2. After mixing mineral water with sour cream, add salt and egg yolk, add sifted flour in small portions, knead the soft dough.
  3. Cover the dough with a napkin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Dividing the dough into several parts, roll each into a fairly thin layer. We cut out circles with a glass, put the filling in the center of each, and seal the edges.
  5. Boil in boiling, salted water, remove after floating with a slotted spoon, brush with butter or sour cream.

Delicious dumplings with cottage cheese and kefir

Adding kefir to the dough will make your dumplings really fluffy, soft and tender.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 glass of non-cold kefir;
  • 0.35 kg flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1+2 tsp. granulated sugar (for dough and filling);
  • 1/3 tsp. soda;
  • add a pinch of salt to the dough and filling;
  • 0.3 kg cottage cheese;
  • 1 yolk.

Cooking steps lush dumplings on kefir dough:

  1. Mix warm kefir with chicken egg room temperature, quicklime soda, sugar and salt. Mix thoroughly with a fork. Leave for five minutes so that the soda and kefir begin to interact.
  2. Add flour in small portions, adjusting the amount yourself. Knead the non-sticky dough; it is advisable to beat it on the table about fifty times.
  3. Cover the dough with a napkin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add cold yolk, granulated sugar, table salt, mix.
  5. Divide the dough into 4-5 parts, from each we form a sausage, which we cut into small cubes. We roll them out into thin flatbreads, place a little filling in the center of each and seal the edges.
  6. Cook in salted, boiling water until it floats, remove with a slotted spoon, generously grease with butter or sour cream.

Lush dumplings with steamed cottage cheese

Fans of especially fluffy dumplings should definitely master steaming them.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 kg of kefir;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 0.75-0.9 kg flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 2 yolks;
  • granulated sugar.

How to do steamed dumplings:

  1. Mix the flour sifted and thus enriched with oxygen with soda and salt.
  2. IN flour mixture add kefir, mix them with a spoon to distribute the ingredients evenly, when this becomes difficult to do, start kneading the dough by hand.
  3. To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with non-cold egg yolks and sugar, add vanilla if desired.
  4. We roll out the dough into the thinnest possible layer, cut out circles using a glass, put our curd filling in the center of each, and mold the edges.
  5. Boil in a double boiler, multicooker or on double-layer gauze wrapped around a pan and secured with an elastic band. If the latter option is chosen, then place the dumplings on cheesecloth and cover them with a bowl on top.
  6. Cooking each batch takes about 5 minutes; while the first ones are cooked, you can successfully make the next ones by organizing a kind of conveyor belt.
  7. Serve topped with butter or sour cream.

Children's dumplings with cottage cheese like in kindergarten

Dumplings prepared exactly according to this recipe from unleavened dough feed children in kindergarten. The quantity of ingredients can be adjusted proportionally at your own discretion.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.45-0.5 kg of flour;
  • ¾ tbsp. milk;
  • 1+1 egg (for dough and filling);
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • 0.35 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking steps children's dumplings:

  1. Combine salt with granulated sugar and egg, mix with a fork, add milk, it tastes better, or distilled water. Combine the resulting mixture with sifted flour. While kneading, add a spoonful of oil. Knead thoroughly for at least 10 minutes. Cover with plastic and let stand.
  2. To ensure that there are no grains left in the cottage cheese, grind through a large sieve, add melted butter, egg and sugar, and mix. Optional vanilla. This process does not have to be done manually; a kitchen assistant - a blender - will cope with this task perfectly.
  3. We divide our dough into parts for ease of rolling, roll out each of them as thinly as possible. Use a glass to squeeze out circles or cut into arbitrary squares. Place the filling in the center of each piece and carefully seal the edges.
  4. The cooking process is traditional.
  5. Children's dumplings are served sprinkled with sour cream and butter, which especially for those with a sweet tooth can be supplemented with jam, honey, and yoghurt.

The quality of the dumplings obtained after cooking largely depends on the curd mass used. If you bought a homemade, fatty and crumbly product, we recommend adding an egg yolk or semolina to it to bind it together. However, for dumplings it is better to choose low-fat store-bought cottage cheese, which should be removed from lumps by rubbing through a sieve or passing through a blender.

Dumpling recipes

A step-by-step recipe for delicious dumplings with cottage cheese: how to choose cottage cheese, how to make the dough and the dumplings themselves, cooking options, as well as photos and videos.

1 hour

190.5 kcal

5/5 (2)

A dish that adults and children adore are dumplings. Is not it? Therefore, I will gladly share with you the knowledge of how to make awesome dumplings with cottage cheese.

The recipe is very simple, traditional. The filling for dumplings with cottage cheese can be sweet or savory. I suggest the second option. Mine love unsweetened dumplings. If you want to do sweet filling, just add sugar to your taste, some raisins and vanilla sugar.

In this article you will find answers to all the most common questions about preparing dumplings with cottage cheese: how to make good dough for them, how long to cook them? Read to the end and you can start cooking.

Ingredients preparation

Kitchen appliances:

  • deep bowl for preparing dumplings;
  • bowl for preparing curd filling;
  • rolling pin;
  • glass or cup;
  • 3-liter saucepan;
  • skimmer;
  • deep ceramic serving plate.


For the test:

For filling:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

For cooking and serving:

  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • 100 grams of melted butter.

Ingredient Selection

Choose cottage cheese for dumplings with medium fat content (9%) or full-fat homemade cottage cheese. Both are ideal, depending on your taste.

If you choose cottage cheese at the market, try it. It should not be sour or bitter, otherwise the filling will turn out tasteless. High quality cottage cheese Smells nice and doesn't separate. It has a soft buttery consistency. Color: white-cream. When choosing cottage cheese in a store, check the expiration date.

Buy only natural product. IN curd products and there is a lot in the curd mass various additives, which make the product cheaper, but do not make it healthier.

Delicious dumplings with cottage cheese recipe step by step

  1. First, let's prepare the “correct” dough. Pour the flour into a deep bowl, add a pinch of salt and a glass of warm water.

  2. Knead the dough and knead it with your hands for at least five minutes. The dough turns out quite tight. But don't be scared and spare no effort. Delicious dumplings worth it. When your dough is ready, it will resemble plasticine in structure. Cover it with a kitchen towel and leave to “rest” for half an hour.

  3. For now, get to work preparing the filling. Our curd filling for dumplings will be unsweetened. Place the cottage cheese in a separate bowl, beat in the egg and add a little salt.
  4. Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly and mix well until homogeneous mass. The filling is ready.

  5. Cut 1/3 of the dough and roll it out thin pancake. The thinner it turns out, the tastier your dumplings will be.
  6. Take a glass or cup and cut out circles from the dough. This way, all your dumplings will be the same size. Discard excess dough (crumple it and use it when you make the next batch of dumplings).

  7. Use a teaspoon to take a little filling, place it in the center of the circle and pinch the edges with your fingers. Pinch carefully so that the dumpling does not fall apart in the water.

  8. Take a saucepan, pour in a little more than half of the water, add salt (half a tablespoon of salt) and put it on the fire to boil.

  9. Drop the dumplings, one at a time, into the boiling water. After a minute, stir with a spoon.
  10. When the dumplings float to the surface, boil them for another five minutes.

  11. Remove the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon and transfer to a deep plate.

  12. Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove and pour the butter over the hot dumplings. Stir.

    If you don't immediately pour oil on the dumplings, they will stick together.

Serve hot.

With 1/3 of the dough I get about 13-14 dumplings. If this amount is enough for you, then put the rest of the dough in a bag and store it in the refrigerator. If you need to make four or five servings, roll out all the dough, shape the dumplings, and then cook in batches. Ready dumplings can be stored in the freezer.

What do dumplings with cottage cheese eat with?

Traditionally, unsweetened curd dumplings are poured with butter and eaten with sour cream. Ideally it's delicious homemade sour cream. Can be served with cream - also a very good option.

On sour cream base if desired, you can prepare the most various sauces. For example: finely chop the dill, chop the garlic or pass it through a press and mix with sour cream. Add salt and pepper and the sauce is ready.

Another option: make a cross-shaped cut on the tomato, lower the tomato into boiling water, remove it and immediately lower it into cold water. Peel the tomato and chop it with a knife. Add to sour cream, salt and pepper. You can add finely chopped cilantro and garlic.

More dumplings from unsweetened cottage cheese can be served with natural yoghurt or yogurt-based sauce. You can prepare it simply and tasty like this: grate the pickled cucumber on a coarse grater, pass a couple of cloves of garlic through a press, and finely chop the greens. Mix with yogurt. Season with pepper and serve with dumplings.

Dough for dumplings can also be prepared with milk, kefir or whey. Some people add an egg to the dough (one or two for the same amount of flour as in my recipe).

For filling unsweetened cottage cheese dumplings you can add chopped herbs. Some people prefer to add sour cream to the filling. I think that this is not a very good idea, since it is more difficult to make dumplings with sour cream in the filling. Due to the fat present in sour cream, the dumplings fall apart during cooking. In my opinion, an egg is enough.

If you want to make sweet dumplings with cottage cheese, instead of salt, add sugar to your taste. If you like the filling not too sweet, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar will be enough. Do you like it sweeter? Then feel free to put five. You can add a drop of vanilla or vanilla sugar to the filling for sweet dumplings with cottage cheese, as well as raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and nut crumbs.

Dumplings with cottage cheese are also prepared by steaming. This is what my mom always does. Dumplings prepared in this way are very different from those in my recipe. The pleasant viscosity of the cooked dough disappears. Steamed dumplings turn out very fluffy. I prefer boiled ones. Which cooking method to choose is up to you. It's a matter of taste.

Let us know if you liked my dumpling recipe. Perhaps you would like to change or add something. If you have your own unique recipe cooking cottage cheese dumplings, share with us and we will tell the world about you. Cook with love. I wish everyone happiness.

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