Which brand of olive oil is better than Crete? What olive oil to bring from Greece

Just two decades ago, olive oil in our country was considered a real curiosity, but today it has become firmly established in the daily diet of our compatriots, since no one doubts its beneficial properties and amazing taste. Many companies from different countries, however, many consumers both here and abroad believe that the best olive oil is made in Greece.

Why Greek?

There are several reasons to distinguish Greek olive oil from all others. First of all, it should be said that even scientists consider Greece to be the birthplace of cultivated olives, and therefore olive oil. In the culture of this country and its culinary tradition it has been present for several thousand years - during this time the Greeks were able to know all of it best properties and come up with hundreds of recipes using it. The olive tree came to all other countries much later, but the original, as we know, is always better than the copy.

However, discussions about the original and copies are more of a beautiful formulation, because there are also dry numbers that testify to the same superiority of Greek oil over analogues from other countries. The Greeks are sensitive to their national cuisine; they cannot allow their childhood food to contain low-quality ingredients, while in the country there is no division between products for the domestic market and for export. The highest quality olive oil is considered to be the “extra virgin olive oil” (EVOO) class, and the percentage of this kind of oil in all Greek products is approximately 80%. Roughly speaking, don’t think about which is better - choose Greek, and you won’t go wrong.

Oil from Greece is characterized by a specific taste - it is always slightly bitter and at the same time spicy. Experts point out that such a taste and aroma indicates the proper degree of ripeness of the fruit, as well as the fact that the tree was properly planted and grown in the proper conditions.

However, in most supermarkets outside of Greece, oil labeled as EVOO is not actually EVOO. Improper harvesting of olives, lack of proper sorting of fruits, use of low-quality grinding equipment or boiling water for roasting the crop - all these factors can lead to a significant decrease in the beneficial properties of the oil, as well as to a less pronounced taste and smell of the liquid. All these shortcomings may be characteristic even of individual Greek companies, but reviews indicate that this country is considered the best supplier of olive oil in the world.

How to choose?

It cannot be said unequivocally that any olive oil from Greece is necessarily excellent. It is quite obvious that in any country and any industry there is a manufacturer who makes a similar product more Low quality due to sluggishness or in pursuit of the desire to make your product cheaper.

By the way, our citizens are influenced by the second factor, since in our country it is generally accepted that in Greece itself olive oil is much cheaper. On the one hand, this is true, because when sold in stores there, delivery costs turn out to be much lower, on the other hand, our people usually incorrectly assess the degree of importance of this component of the price. The cheapest (and low-quality) types of olive oil do not go abroad at all, and our compatriots, having seen such benefits, usually strive to purchase them.

Russian supermarkets usually offer mostly expensive and good oil, but it won’t hurt to make sure of this once again. This can be done by examining the bottom of the bottle - if a light cloudy sediment is noticeable there, it means that olive pulp is present in the liquid (which is inevitable when natural production). Besides, on high level quality is indicated by the Greek inscription - Εξαιρετικό Παρθένο Ελαιόλαδο. It means that in front of you is 100% cold-pressed oil that has retained the maximum benefits of the fruit.

Significantly longer inscription - Ελαιόλαδο – Αποτελείται από Εξευγενισμένα και Παρθένα Ελαιόλαδα – reports that the bottle in question contains not only cold-pressed oil, but also a certain admixture of purified oil.

Refining cleanses the product not only of harmful, but also of beneficial impurities, which is why experts say that 80% of the benefits are lost in such products. It is, of course, cheaper, but it is not a fact that this makes it worthy of a purchase.

Finally, the mysterious phrase - Πυρηνέλαιο - Ιδανικό για τηγάνισμα (για κάθε χρήση) - speaks of the content of not just refined oil in the liquid, but purified kernel oil. It is quite obvious that the seeds have a completely different, not so pronounced aroma and taste, and the oil from them, naturally, is characterized by the same characteristics. There is also little benefit from such a product. In the production of olive oil, seeds, unlike fruit pulp, are considered, if not garbage, then second-class raw materials, therefore oil even with a small proportion of stone fruit is considered low-grade and is inexpensive. This is what our gullible tourists usually bring, believing that they have made a good purchase.

Popular brands

As already mentioned, any quality certification may not correspond to reality, therefore even the most best characteristics The information on the bottle does not constitute a 100% guarantee of quality. In the case of olive oil, the factor of trust in a particular brand works 100%.

The consumer hopes that the manufacturer, having once released a truly high-quality product, will not do worse, so as not to lose customers who appreciate all the advantages. This is logical - if a brand has reached the level where its products are sold far abroad, it will do everything possible to ensure that its name continues to be associated with high quality olive oil.

It is possible that there are other Greek producers producing excellent Greek oil, however, we will highlight only three - those whose authority has long been no longer questioned.

  • Minerva. When it comes to brand recognition, no other brand in the olive oil industry can compare with this brand. It's no joke - this company is considered the first factory producer of olive oil in Greece (and probably in the whole world), and its products today account for approximately 2/5 of all oil exported from Greece abroad. As is often the case with producers with a rich history, success is brought by strict adherence to the classical canons - for example, olives must be picked exclusively by hand and pressed without fancy modern technologies.

Interestingly, the resulting product is not suitable for heat treatment– it should be consumed raw, that is, exclusively in the form of salads and dressings for various dishes.

To select the olive oil of the required packaging (250 ml, 0.5 liter, 1 liter, 5 liters) and the desired quality (extra Virgin, Olive Oil PDO, Olive Oil BIO, Organic, Pomace) Go to the olive oil catalog by clicking on the link below

Buy: Olive oil PDO, BIO, Extra Virgin, Estate, Pomace


The first step in oil production is harvesting. The quality of the oil largely depends on the method and time of harvesting the fruit. The cultivation itself is not difficult, because the olive is a hardy, strong and unpretentious tree. The olive harvest begins in late autumn and continues until the first days of January. When the fruit changes color (from green to black), the quality of the oil is considered high.

In Olympia, in order to obtain exceptional quality Greek olive oil, olives are harvested at the first color change.

Land and climatic conditions are the components that influence the quality of olive oil. Dry, rocky soils produce the best oil.

The best way to collect it is by hand from the tree, since the fruit is not “injured” and does not spoil. In Mani, where the oil trees are small, harvesting takes place only per tree. Oil produced from ripe olives, picked up on the ground, are not of very good quality, this also applies to taste, aroma and biological strength. The pole shaking method causes great damage not only to the tree, but also to the fruit. Olives must be harvested at an early stage in order to obtain high quality oil.


After harvesting, the fruit is cleaned and stored. The olives are poured into bags or boxes or into the back of a car for transportation to the oil mill. As soon as the olive is separated from the tree branch, its deterioration begins. For this reason, it is necessary to transport it to the oil mill in order to obtain a high-quality product.


After the olives are transported to the oil mill, they are washed and cleaned. All foreign objects are removed: leaves, soil, branches, etc. After this, the olives are sent to a special workshop where they are crushed into a paste. The production of olive oil from paste occurs either by pressure or using a centrifuge.


Storage is the last stage in order to have a high quality oil. Greek olive oil should be stored in a dark and cool place (around 14 to 18 degrees Celsius).

The sun is considered the enemy of oil, because it creates oxidizing agents and spoils it. Oil is a very sensitive product.

It must be stored with extreme care as it is subject to change and takes on the odors of the interior. Today, in homes there is not much space for storing oil in clay jugs, one of good ways- use of glass, dark green bottles.

Fresh olive oil is often "thick" due to the slight sediment inside it. Later, after some time, the oily sediment of the “murga” finally settles at the bottom and emits an unpleasant odor.

Therefore, it is best to pour the Greek olive oil after two months into another vessel in order to separate the “murga”.

It takes approximately one month from the date of its production for all the properties of the oil to be revealed. Despite this, the taste of fresh butter is a gastronomic temptation.

You need to know that the shelf life of good oil is 14-18 months. As they say: “old wine and new oil.” Let us repeat and remember: Greek olive oil, like any other high-quality oil, can be stored on average for no more than one and a half years


Uncooked Olive Oil is the healthiest because it is natural. This is the first oil that comes out of classical presses without adding hot water, which destroys some of its vitamins. It takes more than 5 kg of fruit to produce 1 kg of such oil.


The color of the oil is not a guarantee of its taste. Green oil usually made from green early olives. Color varies according to region and production method, such as from dark green-yellow to golden. Contrary to what is commonly believed, there is no specific taste of the representing oil. In mild climates, where the olive harvest continues throughout the winter and into early spring, the oil is soft and pulpy.

In Greece, where the olive is grown throughout the territory, there are varieties to suit every taste: soft oil, fruit oil, savory oil, oil with aromatic herbs, etc. personal preference and the relationship between different dishes constitute a serious criterion for choosing the type of oil.


The main characteristic qualities of the oil are: acidity, oxidizing agents and color.

The quality of oil is measured not only by taste, but also by acidity. In general, the lower the acidity, the better the oil.

Acidity levels are regulated by the National Olive Oil Council.

Extra natural.

This is about highest quality oils Natural oil is produced without high temperatures. The acidity of the oil does not exceed 1%. The aroma and its color are exceptional. Intended for raw salads, boiled foods or consumed with fresh bread and breadcrumbs.

Natural oil.

Its acidity does not exceed 1.5-2%. The aroma and color are satisfactory. Suitable for frying and fatty foods.

Basic oil.

Acidity does not exceed 3.3%. Used for basic cooking.


The best way to taste the taste and quality of the oil is on bread. Bread has the ability to neutralize the oral cavity, which makes it possible to understand the taste of the oil. The aroma helps us accurately determine the quality of the oil, its type and the method of its production.

The choice of oil is a matter of personal taste. What you need to pay attention to is its quality, since there are many oils on sale that are of low quality or simply diluted.

High quality oil suitable for any use.


Since ancient times, when technical methods of preserving food did not yet exist, people have been looking for ways to store meat, vegetables, fish, cheese and other products. One of the natural ways was to preserve it in oil. Thus, the products were preserved for a long time without losing vitamins and taste. Greek olive oil - famous natural preservative, because it prevents air from coming into contact with the product, that is, it prevents it from deteriorating.

Basic storage rules:

Products must be completely dry. The jars to be used must also be clean and dry. The oil should be extra natural and should completely cover the product. Never fill the jar you are using to the top.


The deciphered plates, written in Linear II, told us about the use of aromatic oils in ancient times in religious and worship rites, as well as in the production of perfumes, leather production, and medicine.

The gods of Olympus rubbed their bodies with aromatic oil to keep their muscles flexible, their skin soft, and also for hygienic purposes. Oil is an exceptional cleanser.

Found in the mentions of our ancestors valuable recipes for the production of aromatic oils. Some give best taste oil or due to antioxidants. Commonly used aromatic herbs are: oregano, coriander, dill, rosemary, Bay leaf, thyme, basil..

You can also use seasonings, garlic, hot pepper...

Until recently, a little oregano was added to jars of Greek olive oil to improve the taste.

There are many aromatic oils on the market, but you can make your own. Today it is used in salads, for baked meat and fish, but also simply with bread or crackers.

A few drops aromatic oil in a plate completely changes the mood.

Advice! Aromatic oils deteriorate very quickly, mainly when we open the bottle or jar. Therefore, it is preferable to remove the aromatic herbs once the oil has absorbed the aroma.

Aromatic herbs are not washed so as not to lose their aroma. They must be dry. The utensils used must be sterilized and dry.


Put 2-3 cloves, a sprig of dill into the bottle and add 2 cups extra natural oil. Leave it for two weeks in a cool, dark place.


Add 2 cups of extra virgin olive oil and 2 sprigs of basil to a bottle or jar. If desired, you can add 2 cloves of garlic. Place the bottle in a cool and dark place for two weeks.


Pour 2 cups of extra natural oil into a bottle or jar and add 3 whole hot peppers. Store the bottle for a week in a dark and cool place.


Peel 4 cloves of garlic and place them on a wooden stick. Pour 3 cups of extra natural oil into a bottle or jar. Add the garlic cloves and cover well. If desired, you can add a little rosemary. This aromatic oil gives original taste salads and baked meats. It's natural, healthy and exceptionally tasty.

What could be tastier than baked bread topped with garlic-flavoured butter!

A few extra calories will give us energy!


Pour 2 cups of extra virgin olive oil, a sprig of fresh rosemary and 2 small peppers into a bottle or jar. Close the jar well. Place the vessel in a dark and cool place for two weeks and after that it is preferable to separate the rosemary and pepper from the oil to preserve longer.


Over the past twenty years, a program has been carried out to produce certain products, such as fruits, vegetables, wine, grains, etc. through ecological cultivation. Buyers are confident that these products are of the highest quality and biological value, since they are grown without the addition of agrochemicals. Since 1993, Greece has harmoniously adopted the European Union law and today there is a suitable regulatory law for the development of ecological cultivation. Since 1988, ecological olive cultivation began in the village of Mani and is constantly expanding. According to the latest estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture, organic olive cultivation will soon reach 40,000 stems. Ecological - of exceptional quality, sold in dark glass bottles, which indicate the geographical area of ​​​​its production, as well as the number and evidence of control by the relevant services. (Attention: ecological oil must have the BIO mark).

Biological value of olive oil:

Olive oil is the source of life, health and balance. Effectively affects the body from childhood to old age, that is, at all stages of development. This is the purest source of life with great biological value. It is the basis for the Greek healthy diet.

Olive oil in relation to other vegetable and animal fats:

Lower level of triglyceride hydrolysis;

With proper heat treatment, it is not subject to significant changes:

It is broken down satisfactorily in the body;

Through the synthesis of acids, the oil makes it possible to avoid hyperoxidative reactions and the release of free radicals (which have a negative effect on the central nervous system and longevity).


Data published International Organization Olive Oil provides data on the existence of about eight hundred million oil trees in the world today. The area occupied by these trees is larger than the area of ​​Arizona in the USA and twice the size of England.

The largest number of trees is found in the Mediterranean basin (about 98%). World olive oil production comes mainly from Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

Spain is considered the first country to produce oil. It is followed by Italy, Greece and Tunisia. Behind them are: Syria, Morocco, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Argentina, Libya, France, Cyprus, Iran, Croatia, USA, Egypt and Australia.

Greece grows the olive almost throughout the country: in the Peloponnese, in Central Greece, in Epirus, in Thrace, on the islands of the Aegean Sea (with the central island of Lesbos), on Crete, on the islands of the Ionian Sea, in the Dodecanese.

There are about 120,000,000 olive trees in our country that produce the best Greek olive oil in the world! There are also about 3,000 oil mills, while olive oil and its products are the livelihood of 450,000 families. Greeks consume Greek olive oil more than anyone else in the world. Kalamata is especially famous for both olives and olive oil.


The olive has symbolized peace, fertility, purity and prosperity for thousands of years. And today it unites peoples and sends a message of peace to all who follow these paths.

"Oil and Olive Paths" is a program united by the goal of organizing and establishing a chain of cultural and other actions with the central theme of the olive and its products. The main challenge is the international attention regarding the olive, its role in the economy and the value of its products in relation to humans.

The idea for this program belongs to the Messini Office. Specially designed road routes for motorcyclists will start each year from ancient Pilo and end in the cultural capital of the Mediterranean, passing through Greek olive oil producing areas, archaeological reserves, Mediterranean cities and olive-dominated areas. During the journey and at the end of the route in a similar cultural city, cultural events will be held.

The goals of the program are to connect olive culture with tourism, create networking activities at the international level, direct cooperation and exchange of experience between entrepreneurs, producers, joint organizations, local and peripheral self-government organizations, feasible acquaintance and communication between Greek and foreign buyers.

Catalog: Greek Olive Oil

Section news: Greek olive oil

Olive oil at the Prodexpo exhibition

The Prodexpo food exhibition was held in Moscow from February 11 to 14. Greek products were presented in several pavilions. Of course, the main products that could be distinguished were Greek olives, feta cheese, various stewed and dried peppers, tomatoes, and other Greek delicacies. And of course Greek olive oil. Both traditional suppliers and new wholesalers could be seen. According to one expert in this field, the total quantity of Greek olive oil has increased significantly, as well as its quality. Greece is striving in every possible way to expand trade relations with Russia. The Russian-Greek Industrial Trade Association began its activities with the support of the Russian Consulate. The Greeks promised all support to domestic enterprises and a regime of total openness. “Come to Greece, we will provide you with a hotel, we will provide you with transportation, we will introduce you to Greek entrepreneurs, show you factories and factories,” one of the association participants said something like this.

Quality of Greek olive oil

The quality of olive oil produced in Greece is steadily increasing. Well, or if you’re not so optimistic, then at least it’s not falling, staying at a certain level. Other players in the global olive and oil markets are not always happy. And in Greece, not all manufacturers are absolutely conscientious. All the more gratifying is the appearance of such an option as online checking of Greek olive oil. Its essence boils down to the following. the consumer purchases oil and sees a special digital (or alphanumeric) code on the packaging. By going to a special website, he can enter this code into the window intended for him and the system will provide complete information about this particular olive oil. Where it was produced, its shelf life, whether a certificate was issued for it, and so on.

Greek olive oil - subtleties and nuances

The same olive oil, produced from the same olives, may taste different. Actually, one shouldn’t be surprised at this. Olive oil is a living natural product. It is produced from olives, which in turn may differ in taste from year to year. There are many factors influencing the taste of olives and subsequently the taste of olive oil. This includes the number of sunny days per year, the amount of precipitation, artificial irrigation, the use of fertilizers, and the cultivation of the ground around olive trees. You can write and write. State the facts and present them. Yes, let's face it - growing olives and producing Greek olive oil is not easy work. Let us also note that even if all the components of success are met, the olive tree has age. The biological clock is ticking, and although Odiva is able to live for hundreds of years, hundreds of years are not an eternity. There comes a time when the lerevo begins to grow old and can no longer bear fruit as much as before. There are fewer olives on the tree, and their taste changes. But it takes decades to grow a new tree. This is truly true: olive oil production is the work of generations.

A little I am often asked what the acidity of olive oil is and how to choose a good oil based on this indicator.

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question, but if you are willing to take the time to read this article and finally figure out what it is, then at the same time you will learn how to choose the right oil.

So, the acidity of olive oil is an indicator of the content of oleic acid (in grams) per 100g. product. It was invented relatively recently and 30 years ago no one was particularly interested in it, and olive oil was evaluated by taste, aroma and consistency. Why is it needed? By and large, this is a formalization of quality, a standard that can be easily determined with a 5-minute test.

To label the highest quality oils, they came up with the Extra virgin category, which means that the oil was not only extracted using exclusively mechanical means (virgin), but was also grown, collected and processed so that its acidity was no higher than 0.8 (extra). Of course, falling into this category also requires the product to “ great taste and smell,” but these indicators are purely individual.

Greece is the champion in production Extra oils virgin. Almost any farm product falls into this category with a decent supply, but the famous Tuscan - with difficulty. In fact, it was Italy that insisted that the figure be so high. Moreover, I will not reveal a secret if I say that the share of truly Italian oil in the volume of Italian exports is only 4%, in the remaining 96% its share is minimal, no more than is necessary for the “Made in Italy” labeling.

A specific acidity indicator is not often indicated on the packaging, but only when it can be boasted about, and usually it is 0.3 or 0.2. Let me make a reservation right away that manufacturers round the number down, that is, 0.39 will be written as 0.3. But you shouldn’t be upset about this, because few people can taste the acidity of olive oil.

And now the main thing. The acidity of the oil depends on a lot of factors, but the specific thing is that it is very difficult to achieve a low level without using insecticides, so “pure” oil with low acidity is VERY scarce and it is EXPENSIVE. If you buy oil in Greece, then the European label “ΒΙΟ” can help you buy healthier oil, but if this happens, for example, in Russia, where there is no clear legislation on this matter, you can easily be deceived.

So, what kind of oil should you put in your salad? The answer is delicious!!! Ideally, it is better to try it. But, if you can’t try, but need to be guided by the packaging, then I would advise you to first look at the place of origin of the oil, and only then at its acidity. When I am asked to help choose oil in a store, I follow the following algorithm: I check the region, see if the olive variety and harvest year are indicated, sometimes you can check the thickness of the oil (in the glass). If possible, I choose, all other things being equal, lower acidity. The best olive oil in Greece is made in the Peloponnese, Crete and Samos.

As for frying, low acidity is less preferable here, since such oil has a lower burning temperature. But by and large, this only matters for deep-frying, so don’t be afraid to cook with “salad” oil. Just remember that it usually has a pronounced color, aroma and taste and will greatly influence the taste of your dish. For Greek cuisine, this influence is mandatory and can be decisive for success, but if you are preparing something neutral, then it may be worth using another refined/deodorized oil. But really great Chefs know that they make spicy Samos in Greek ideal oil For haute cuisine- it won’t impress you in a salad, but it will magically enhance the food’s own taste during heat treatment.

One of the most ancient trees given to humanity by God is the olive tree, and the oil extracted from its fruits has been of enduring importance in human life for many millennia.

According to Old Testament The Lord, angry with people mired in sins and causing the Great Flood, sent Noah a dove with an olive branch in its beak as a sign of reconciliation. And one of the first trees planted by Noah on Mount Ararat was an olive tree, and an olive branch and a dove holding it have since been considered symbols of peace.

The history of olive cultivation and olive oil production is inextricably linked with the history of life of most peoples of the Mediterranean. One of the hills on which ancient Jerusalem stands is called the Mount of Olives, hinting that olive groves have existed here since the very foundation of the city. This unpretentious tree can grow and bear fruit both in drought and in strong winds, and the main conditions for its successful growth are sun, stones, silence, solitude and the proximity of a warm sea.

Let's remember history and mythology

During the excavations of the Zakros palace, which belongs to the Minoan civilization, archaeologists found petrified olive fruits, sacrificed to the chthonic gods so that they would protect the inhabitants from earthquakes.

The find dates back to 2000 BC. e. This suggests that in Crete at that time they not only grew olive trees, but also knew the secrets of producing and storing olive oil.

This is evidenced by other archaeological finds. During excavations of the Phaistos palace, huge two-meter jugs, the so-called pithos, were found in which the ancient Cretans stored olive oil, and one of the most famous Knossos frescoes depicts a solemn procession carrying gifts in the form of amphorae with oil.

The fruits of the olive tree, the oil made from them, and even its foliage and branches were used by the ancient Greeks in their Everyday life. The fruits of the olive served as food for their families, a cure for many diseases, its branches were used for heating, and a healing infusion was made from the leaves.

Olive oil was used to illuminate homes and temples and was used as cosmetic product and as an indispensable attribute when performing religious rituals. IN Ancient Greece, where fresh water was scarce, rubbing with olive oil was a means of daily hygiene for all inhabitants. They greeted the newborn with oil, rubbing his body, and escorted the person on his last journey, anointing the body of the deceased with it.

Rare greek pie prepared without olive oil, the well-known spanakopita is no exception! All about the most beloved spinach pie in Greece.

There were many legends about the appearance of the sacred tree on Greek soil. One of them says that Hercules obtained the seed of the olive tree and brought it to the Greeks from the shores of the Black Sea, the other that he brought the olive from northern Hyperborea. Medea, preparing a decoction that would restore youth to Jason, used olive juice, and when stirring it with a dry olive twig, she was surprised to discover that after some time they grew on it. fresh leaves and fruits.

But the most beautiful myth says that the olive tree was given to the inhabitants of Attica by herself. The goddess planted the first olive on the rocky Acropolis hill, and since then the tree has been considered by the Athenians as a symbol of prosperity, peace and wisdom. The first gold coins minted in Athens depicted the goddess Athena-Poliada wearing a helmet, on top of which was a wreath of olive branches, and in her hands she was holding an amphora with olive oil.

One of the “seven wise men of antiquity”, the Athenian archon Solon in VI BC. e. issued the first laws protecting olive trees as one of the main values ​​of the city, and anyone caught cutting them down was sentenced to death.

Herodotus in the 5th century BC. e. wrote that olive trees were so revered and sacred that only virgins and eunuchs were allowed to grow and care for them. Wreaths made of olive branches were worn by Athenian girls as a symbol of girlish purity.

In Ancient Olympia, the winners of the Olympic Games were awarded a wreath of olive branches growing in the sacred olive grove of Alpheus, near the Olympic Stadium. This award was considered the most valuable for competing athletes.

In 480 BC. e. When the Persians invaded Greece, the Olympic Games were not cancelled. Having learned that the reward for winning the competition was only a wreath of olive, and not money and rich gifts, the noble Persian warrior reproached King Xerxes: “Who are we fighting against? They care about valor, not money!”

How liquid gold conquered the world

Greek olive oil, along with wines, became one of the main currencies of the Mediterranean. Thanks to this, it gradually conquered the entire ancient world. It was traded by merchants from different Mediterranean countries: Phoenicians, Egyptians, Cretans, Cypriots and Jews. The oil became a source of income and was called liquid gold at that time.

Due to the lack of land for the formation of new cities, the Greeks began to move to the territories of Sicily and the Apennine Peninsula, to the south of France, to the western coast of Spain, establishing their colonies there. Some moved east and reached the shores of the Black Sea. And wherever they moved, the first thing they took with them were olive seeds or even their seedlings.

Later, the ancient Romans promoted olive oil as a valuable product throughout their empire. They took much from the Greek practice of growing olives and began cultivating olive trees in Italy. The Romans also grew olive groves and extracted oil from them on the fertile soils of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, as evidenced by ancient oil mills found on the territory of these states.

Oil began to be traded not only in North Africa, but also in countries Northern Europe. Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, wrote that there are two most valuable liquids given by trees - wine and olive oil, but he personally prefers oil.

Who invented the categories

The Romans, who learned from the Greeks, were the first to come up with the idea of ​​assigning a category to oil depending on the method and time of its extraction. In 301, an edict was issued by Emperor Diocletian, who set fixed prices for olive oil depending on quality.

The oil pressed from olives harvested in September was called bitter (oleum acerbum) and was considered of poor quality. The oil obtained from olives harvested in December was called green (oleum viride) and was considered the second category. The highest category was considered to be oil from black ripe olives harvested in January - February and it was very expensive.

With the fall of Rome and the barbarian invasion of the empire, olive oil production and trade fell sharply. But the traditions of growing olive trees and making oil from their fruits have not been lost in time. They were carefully preserved in Orthodox and Catholic monasteries in the Byzantine Empire, Greece, Italy and Spain.

Some statistics

IN modern world there are approximately 800 million olive trees.

Ninety-five percent of them are grown in the Mediterranean, and in Greece, of all the fruit-bearing trees cultivated in the country, olive plantations account for about 75%, and they occupy approximately 15% of all Greek agricultural areas.

The country has 300 sunny days a year, a warm sea, hardworking people - all this creates excellent conditions for the production of olive oil - one of the main components of the economy not only now, but also many centuries ago, since Neolithic times.

The oldest olive tree was found in Crete in the Chania region. It is 3000 years old, it still bears fruit and produces oil from it. Exactly 249 bottles of oil from this olive were presented as souvenirs to participants in the International Olive Oil Export Conference held in Chania in 2013.

In 2013, Greece produced 357 thousand tons of olive oil, of which 40% was purchased by Italy and exported as Italian to many countries around the world.

The bulk of Greek olive oil is produced in three areas: the peninsula, Crete and Lesbos.

In Greece, 19 liters of olive oil are consumed per year per person, while in Germany - 0.7 liters, in America - 3 liters, and in Japan only 0.1 liters.

About the benefits of olive oil

Even ancient doctors believed that olive oil had a beneficial effect on human health. Today's Scientific research not only confirm, but also prove the need to include this wonderful product in everyone’s diet.

Food modern man characterized by an excess of calories and a deficiency of vitamins, which leads to the occurrence of severe chronic diseases: heart failure, arthritis, diabetes, cancer. Consuming olive oil reduces the risk of their occurrence.

It is known that there are “good” and “bad” cholesterol. “Good” is perfectly excreted from the body without depositing cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, leading to the development of atherosclerosis. And reducing the level of “bad” is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system.

Saturated fatty acids, which increase cholesterol index, are found in all animal and vegetable fats. In olive oil there is no more than 10% of them, and unsaturated ones (such as oleic acid) - 70–80%.

By ratio acid balance Olive oil is reminiscent of breast milk. It effectively reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and is rich in antioxidants, which are an excellent means of preventing peptic ulcer, chronic kidney and liver diseases.

The oil also contains polyphenol, which stops the growth of cancer cells. One tablespoon of olive oil contains 10% daily norm Vitamin E, an excellent natural antioxidant needed by the body.

Scientists have proven that taking just two tablespoons of olive oil a day can significantly reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors, such as breast cancer.

Not all olive oil is beneficial to health; you need to know how to choose and store it correctly.

Which oil is better and how to choose it

According to the rules introduced by the European Union, there is a gradation of olive oil into categories. Let's try to figure out what it is.

Greek "partheno"

Virgin in European, or “partheno” (virgin in Greek) is an olive oil obtained during the first cold pressing exclusively mechanically, without the use of chemical additives. It has low acidity and other qualities that are beneficial to health. Classified according to the following types:

  1. Extra virgin olive oil– oil of the highest category, impeccable aroma and taste, having an acidity not exceeding 0.8%. This is the highest quality and most expensive type of oil, which is produced by many well-known Greek manufacturers. For example, one liter of Altis oil in glass bottle costs 6.50€. The oil has a pleasant and rich fruity aroma and taste. Used for dressing salads. An excellent remedy for stomach ulcers.
  2. Fine virgin olive oil– oil of the first category, with a very pleasant aroma and taste, its acidity is between 1% and 1.5%. It is suitable for adding to boiled vegetable dishes and for dressing salads. On the shelves of Greek supermarkets, this type of olive oil is represented by the products of many companies.

Here are some types of virgin olive oil from the oldest and very popular company in Greece: Minerva:

  • cold pressed oil "Horio" packed in lungs plastic bottles. One liter of this oil costs 5.72€, two liters – 10.90€, and a five-liter bottle – 19.99€;
  • Clasico brand oil, the cost of which for one liter is 4.99 €, two liters – 9.55 €, and five liters – 19.90 €.

There is also a non-Virgin category of oils. These are refined oils. They are obtained from a mixture of different types of virgin oil using chemicals. They are suitable for consumption, mainly for cooking, but do not have the taste and aroma characteristic of cold-pressed oil. Pomace oil is the lowest-grade oil, approaching technical quality in its quality.

Which brand of olive oil is best? The answer to this question requires preliminary study. After all, the olive tree is not grown in Russia. That’s why all olive oil is imported. But, as in the case of sunflower or corn, we know that best product obtained from the first spin. We also know that vegetable oil is purified from impurities - refined. Is this good for olive oil? There are also spinning methods - cold and hot. Which processing product is of higher quality? In this article we will comprehensively study this issue. Below we will talk not only about which brand of olive oil is better, but also consider the products of the producing countries, and briefly explain what the olive processing process is. On store shelves you can see different kinds containers with this imported product. Glass, plastic or metal - which packaging should you buy olive oil in? It is important to learn how to read the label correctly. And in this article we will tell you what the words Eextra Virgin mean. In Mediterranean cuisine, where olive oil is one of the staple foods, it is used very widely and for different purposes. You need to know these subtleties in order to properly dress salads or make dough.

The benefits of olive oil for the body

Did you know that Mediterranean cuisine is included in the UNESCO list as an intangible heritage of humanity? Do you know why? That's right: it is based on the active use of olive oil. Thus, Mediterranean cuisine is not only amazingly tasty, but also very healthy. Olive oil (reviews from gourmets and chefs on this issue are almost the same) will not only give the most ordinary dish a noble touch - it will also saturate the body with valuable vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, it will not leave any extra centimeters on the hips and waist. After all, olive oil is completely processed by the stomach. Have you noticed how luxurious the hair of Italian, Spanish, and Greek women is? Strong, thick, silky, shiny... And this is the result daily use olive oil. It strengthens bones, nails and teeth. Vitamin E, which is found in abundance in olive oil, prevents aging, alleviates pain from ulcers and gastritis, treats hemorrhoids, and breaks down cholesterol plaques. And even, as recent studies have shown, it is good remedy for prevention oncological diseases. Therefore, the ancient Greeks, who cultivated olive trees back in ancient times, called olive oil “the gift of the gods.” As we see, this is not only a poetic metaphor.

Product manufacturing process (in brief)

To understand which brand of olive oil is better, you need to have at least a superficial understanding of the technology for producing this product. It would seem, what difficulties could there be? After all, olive oil has been made since the times of Ancient Egypt. The olives were placed under a press and squeezed out. But modern equipment and chemical reagents make it possible to squeeze more oil out of olives. For this purpose, the cake goes for secondary processing. It is on this basis that olive oil is divided into two types. During the first pressing, the “virgin” or Virgin Oil is born. And when olives are processed a second time, that is, they are heated and chemical reagents are passed through the pulp, Pomace Oil is obtained. Based on the above, let’s ask: is it worth saying which olive oil is better? Of course, “virgin”. But if we want to taste the best olive oil, we must take into account where the olives ripen best. After all, trees have a wide growing area. But they don’t give a good harvest everywhere. The most reputable olive oil producing countries are Greece, Italy, Spain and Tunisia. The first of them, once called Hellas, accounts for eighty percent of Virgin Oil's global sales. Greek oil is purchased by importers for further production of the product.

Extra virgin olive oil: main characteristics

Regardless of the country of origin, this product is the best available. The very word “extra” mentioned in the name indicates that the raw materials for it were of exceptionally high quality. The olives for this oil are harvested by hand. Next, the crop is sorted. For “Extra Virgin” only fully ripe, large and undamaged olives are selected premium. Next, the berries are put under pressure. No other impact occurs during processing. This process is called cold pressing. Thanks to this minimal processing, all the ingredients are retained in the oil. useful material. This product has a slightly greenish tint. Oil olive extra Virgin has a rich olive scent. But it has a specific taste. People who try Extra Virgin Oil for the first time may think that the oil has gone rancid. But it is precisely this taste that indicates the highest quality of the product. Raw olives also bitter. But the free acidity of Extra Virgin Oil olive oil is very low - 0.8 percent. That is, one hundred grams of the product contains less than a gram of substances undesirable for the body. But this indicator - acidity - is not the main thing in determining a quality product. The refining method also reduces it.

Other types of olive oils

Between Extra Virgin and Pomatz Oil there are many more denominations. Let's look at them briefly.

Virgin Olive Oil is also a very high quality olive oil. The only difference with “Extra” is that the casting of the crop is not as thorough. Olives of different sizes, ripeness and types are processed under the press. But the rest of the process occurs in exactly the same way as during the production of Extra Virgin Oil. That is, the berries pass cold pressed, after which the liquid is immediately poured into containers for sale. This oil is notable for its almost no bitter taste. If you want to take it for medical reasons pure form, but you can’t stand a specific taste, buy this particular type. Virgin Olive Oil has higher acidity. Two percent is allowed. But if this indicator exceeds the norm, the batch is sent for purification. And here it is necessary to explain how refined olive oil differs from unrefined olive oil. During the production of the first product, chemicals are already used that cleanse it of excess acidity. This figure for Refined Olive Oil drops to 0.3 percent. There is also a type on sale called “Pur Olive Oil”. The name translates as “pure olive oil.” But this cold-pressed product is still a mixture of “Virgin” and “Rafinid”. The acidity of this olive oil does not exceed one percent. Well, Pomace Oil in Greece and Spain lubricates doors. Sometimes the product obtained from thermal pressing of the cake is refined.

Use in cooking

In the art of cooking, you should know for what specific purposes to use this or that type of olive oil. Especially in the northern countries, where this product is imported and therefore very expensive. So, you should only take extra virgin olive oil for salads. By the way, it loses its bitterness in dishes. And over time too. But the shelf life of a bottle of Extra Virgin is one and a half to two years (depending on the container). At the end of this term, the oil does not lose its extremely beneficial properties, but becomes softer and more velvety in taste. To prepare cold sauces and marinades, we use regular “Virgin”. Reviews call this olive oil very tasty and healthy. Meat coated with Virgin Oil will quickly soften and become tender after baking. For stews use "Pur Olive Oil". And for frying foods, you should use Refined Olive Oil. This oil, due to its cleansing properties, has high temperature smoke generation. It does not splash, does not fade, and fried foods not formed a large number of carcinogens. This product is also ideal for making dough. It is not bitter and can be used instead of corn or sunflower. Buns and bread made with Olive Oil do not go stale for a long time.


How to choose a good olive oil, not a surrogate

Supermarket shelves are filled with various brands of this product. It’s time to get confused here. How to do right choice? Rule one: carefully study the label. It is advisable that the product be packaged by the manufacturer himself. Olive oil from Greece bottled on Deribasovskaya will most likely be of dubious quality. The label contains a name, often indicating the type of product. That is, in capital letters it is written, for example, “Extra Virgin” or “Pur Olive Oil”. Sometimes the name contains the brand of the manufacturer or the name of the area where the olives were collected. But the product type is also necessarily present on the label. In oils that do not belong to the elite “Virgin” category, the type of processing is indicated. This also gives us the opportunity to choose the best product. It is better to buy cold-pressed oil than refined oil made from oil cake after heat treatment. Great importance The product also has an expiration date. After all, this is not a wine that gets better with age. "Extra Virgin" has a shelf life of up to two years, for other varieties - one year. But the color doesn't matter. Yes, often it is not visible due to the fact that the oil is spilled over tin cans or dark glass bottles. Only low-price products are sold in plastic containers.

Olives grow in warm countries of Europe and Asia Minor, in North Africa. But the leaders in the supply of olive oil to the world market are still only four countries. These are Greece, Spain, Italy and Tunisia. Oil from which country of origin should I choose? You should know that breeders have developed many varieties of olives. And in Italy there are more than forty of them. Therefore, different companies have the opportunity to produce single-grade oils, as well as refined ones, with amazing taste"cocktails".

Producers in Spain are adherents of the good old olive, which was cultivated in Iberia back in ancient times. Therefore, this country does not have such a variety of olive oils. Spain writes labels in its own language. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate Olive Oil with Aceite de Oliva. It should be taken into account that Aceite de Orujo means secondary pressed oil, from pomace, created through heat treatment.

Olives in Greece grow in regions with different climatic characteristics. Terroir influences taste properties olive oil, even if it is of the same type.

A product from Tunisia can very rarely be found on the shelves of our stores. But this does not mean that olive oil from this country is bad. On the contrary, the alternating influence of winds from the Sahara and breezes from the Atlantic makes it possible to grow olives with special taste and aroma.

The best brands of olive oil from Greece

Any product from sunny Hellas will be good. The choice before the buyer is truly enormous. You can buy oil both from oil groves near Thessaloniki and made on the islands. And this will at least slightly affect the taste. The world's largest trader, which supplies olive oil not only to importing countries, but even to Spain and Italy, is Oliko. However, this company buys crops from various farms in the country and produces a certain mix (albeit of good quality). But the company "Elinika Eklikta Ale" was specially created to produce the best varieties olive oil. Just as wine tours thrive in France, so in Greece you can tour small, family-owned businesses. Companies such as Xylouris and Kidokinatis not only pick olives by hand, but also press them through a traditional press.

Olive oil from Spain and Tunisia: what are their features?

There are about fifty types of products from this country on the Russian market. What kind of Spanish trade marks olive oil is the best? Look at the terroir. The climate of the south of the country, with its long growing season, makes it possible to grow the most juicy, fatty olives. Most good brands the Andalusian “Baena” and “Lucena” are considered, as well as “Les Garrigues” and “Siurana” from Cordoba. On the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, in Tunisia, the best manufacturer olive oil is considered "African Dream Products". And its best brand is “Chemlali”.

Italian product varieties

In this country, food is treated with reverence. No wonder Italian cuisine is considered one of the best in Europe. By default, the products of this state are equal to the standard. Therefore, food products that are produced in Italy quite often become participants in all sorts of competitions for the title of the best. Olive oil producers are not standing aside either. They have their own competition - Ercole Olivario. Only elite varieties(Extra virgin or at least cold pressed oil). What kind of producers became - and repeatedly! - winners of this most prestigious competition in Italy? These brands include Azienda Agricola Giorgio, Oliveto di Contesse Gertrude and Fattorie Greco.
