How to brew kombucha: simple recommendations to help the housewife. Kombucha: beneficial properties and contraindications, reviews. Kombucha: how to care for and consume, how to grow from scratch at home

Kombucha helps normalize metabolism, get rid of excess weight and boost immunity. Outwardly, it resembles a jellyfish and is a collection of microorganisms and yeast fungi. You can grow it at home, but you need to know what kind of water to fill your kombucha with. How to make your own drink from it?

How to pour kombucha at home and get healthy drink?

To make a drink at home, you only need to purchase a small piece of this microorganism. Tea and sugar are needed for its growth and reproduction. Without these components, the mushroom will lose all its beneficial features.

It can be placed in black tea. In this case, you will get a delicious restorative drink. Is it possible to pour kombucha? green tea? Yes. The drink will be much healthier. Green tea contains more vitamins and useful microelements, rather than black.

You can also pour a herbal decoction over the mushroom. Nettle, coltsfoot, linden or plantain are suitable for this. All these plants have properties valuable for the body.

You should not pour mushrooms with varieties of teas that contain essential oils V large quantities, for example, a decoction of sage or chamomile. Regular water It’s also better not to use it, because only tea provides vitamin C.

It is better not to experiment with ingredients. There is no need to add honey instead of sugar.

Preparing the drink

To properly pour kombucha, you need to know the proportions of the main ingredients. To prepare two liters of drink you need to take 2 tsp. black or green loose leaf tea and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Mushroom growing process:

1. Brew 2 tsp. tea in small quantity water. Strain after cooling. Do not allow tea leaves to float in the solution.

2. Pour the tea leaves into 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature.

3. Add 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

4. Pour liquid into three liter jar.

5. Dip the mushroom into the solution.

6. Cover the jar tightly with gauze.

After two weeks, the drink can be consumed. The finished solution is best stored in the refrigerator. The beneficial properties will only improve. Shelf life – 5 months.

Kombucha has joined our family as a friend and ally, so I monitor his health very carefully. Even while bathing him, I try not to cause him discomfort with unnecessary movements.

In this article I will share my experience in caring for mushrooms, as well as in preparing a tea drink.

Our family's recipe for making a healing tincture.

Kombucha came to me relatively recently, but during this time we developed sincere sympathy and understanding for each other.

They brought me a mushroom (in the form of a thin whitish layer) in a 3-liter jar. When I tried to clarify how to care for him? They didn’t answer me anything intelligible, but said: Brew it and put the sugar in the eye.

Analyzing the behavior of the mushroom, my husband and I began experimenting with tea leaves and sugar, and this is what we came up with.

Step-by-step description with photos of a kombucha drink.

1. Preparing the base for the tincture.

Pour 1 liter 900 ml of water into the kettle and turn it on - let it boil. At this time, pour dry tea leaves into a mug, and sugar into a clean 3-liter jar.

Once the water has boiled:

Pour 200 ml into a mug with dry tea leaves, stir the tea leaves with a spoon and cover with a lid. Set aside to brew and cool.

Pour 200 ml into a 3-liter jar of sugar, take it by the neck with one hand, and the bottom with the other, and begin to create a whirlpool inside the jar in a circular motion. The idea is that the moving water will dissolve the sugar with its flow. We perform the procedure twice.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved in the water, add the rest of the boiled water to it 1 liter 500 ml. Jar with hot water set aside to cool.

The temperature of the solution, according to experts, should correspond to the temperature at which the mushroom itself is located.

For example, we have kombucha on the kitchen table, so I leave the prepared hot solution here near the mushroom, let it cool.

I usually prepare the pouring in the morning, before going to work, and when I come home from work, the solution has already cooled down to the required parameters and is ready for pouring.

2. Pour the solution into the kombucha.

Now the time has come to work with the solution. Take a 3-liter jar with already cooled sugar water, pour the cooled tea leaves into it from a mug, and lightly mix the contents.

The finished tincture, which is in a jar with mushroom, must be poured into a separate container and placed in the refrigerator. You can strain the tincture through gauze folded in 3 layers, but I strain it through a fine strainer and when pouring, I try not to shake the liquid, because... sediment may get in.

I don’t pour the whole drink, because... I have no use for the sediment that has accumulated at the bottom. Therefore, I pour the liquid with sediment into the sink, while holding the mushroom with my hand.

Well, now we can start filling our friend with the cooled, fresh sugar-tea solution.

I take a jar with a mushroom, tilt it slightly at an angle of 40 degrees and pour the contents of another jar so that it does not pour onto the mushroom itself, but onto the walls of the dish.

Here we seasoned the kombucha, covered the top with gauze folded in two layers and secured it with an elastic band for money.

Why do we need to cover it with gauze, not a lid, so that our mushroom does not suffocate? After all, you remember that he is alive and he needs oxygen.

How we care for kombucha. All the nuances that need to be observed to maintain the health of the mushroom.

As we have already found out from previous articles, kombucha is a living organism, and if you love it, it will repay us many times over with a tasty and healthy drink.

Let's look at the question: What does a mushroom need, and what is harmful to it?

Many owners are tempted to interfere with the process of maturing the infusion. How does this happen?

I drank tea, and in order not to pour out the leftovers (alcohol), many try to pour them into a jar for the almost ready infusion. So what happens in this case?

The ripening process of the infusion occurs on the fifth or sixth day in winter, and on the second or fourth day in summer. During this period, the breakdown of sugar occurs, during which wine alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed. These compounds have a very negative effect on the functioning of our body, so all drink lovers are advised to wait for the final process.

When people add liquor (from tea) and sugar to an almost ready-made infusion, the formation of alcohol and gas occurs again; it turns out that if this is done constantly, the drink will never be able to be prepared.

The comfortable temperature for the existence of the mushroom is from +25 degrees to +17 degrees. More low temperature will lead to a slowdown of all processes, up to its death.

It is also undesirable to leave the mushroom in direct sunlight. The rays injure him and he begins to get sick.

Do not sprinkle dry sugar on the surface of the mushroom under any circumstances, because this will lead to burns of the mucous surface and he will die.

Follow the process of aging the mushroom and do not allow it to over-ripe. Otherwise, its surface film will begin to turn brown, and this is a sign of death.

The amount of liquid needs to be adjusted depending on the thickness of the mushroom; the thicker the mushroom, the less liquid you need to add to it.

A properly prepared drink resembles strong, highly carbonated kvass.

Rules for using the infusion.

For preventive purposes and to improve the health of the body, the infusion should be drunk as follows:

In the morning 40 minutes before breakfast - 1 glass,

At lunch before or after 2 hours - 1 glass,

40 minutes before bedtime - 1 glass.

If a whole glass is too much for you, then the norm can be reduced. Kombucha drink is a diuretic, so you need to drink it in advance, before leaving home.

After two months of using it, it is advisable to take a break in order to prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Why is it necessary to maintain a time interval between taking the infusion and eating food?

Drinking a drink (kombucha) with food leads to chemical reaction, as a result of which food is broken down not by gastric juice, but by the acidic environment of the drink. Which leads to the rapid leaving of food from the stomach, which is why saturation does not occur, in other words: the food is not digested and a feeling of hunger sets in.

If you intentionally drink the tincture to improve digestion, then you need to take it 30 minutes before meals.

The positive effect (from drinking the drink) is manifested:

If you drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, it will perfectly invigorate the digestive system,

If you drink the drink before bed, it will perfectly disinfect and clean gastrointestinal tract. It will also calm you down nervous system and improve sleep.

Cautions when taking Kombucha tincture.

1. For most people, the drink is suitable, but there is a category of patients for whom it is contraindicated.


Persons suffering from fungal diseases

People with high acidity of gastric juice and peptic ulcer stomach.

2. If the drink has been left for a long time, it must be diluted with water.

3. Use it in large quantities also unacceptable. Remember that mushroom tincture is more of a stimulant than a soft drink.

4. It is undesirable to use Reviver drivers, because it contains some percentage of alcohol.

So we got acquainted with the standards for refilling kombucha. We also learned how to care for him. Gained some knowledge about drink consumption standards. And we found out for whom tea tincture is contraindicated.

If my article helped you in any way, then I will be very happy from the feeling of benefit brought to you.

In subsequent articles I will share my experience in dividing and growing the mushroom. There will also be articles with recipes that will help you recover from certain diseases.

Thank you! See you!

Useful properties and uses of kombucha.

Almost every housewife used to have kombucha, but today it is not so often seen. But it has many useful properties. What are these properties and what is kombucha used for? You will now find out.

What is kombucha, where does it come from, where can I get it?

Kombucha is an amazing living creature. If you think about the question of what it is, then we can say with confidence that it cannot be classified as either a plant or an animal.

By their nature, these are colonies of microscopic organisms that exist in friendly symbiosis. In appearance they look a little like a mushroom. In addition, they have a small but amazing feature. It consists in the fact that Depending on the dishes chosen for the mushroom, it takes on the same shape.

Now let's talk to you about where he came to us from. No one can accurately name the place of its origin. But what is known for sure is that it was brought to Russia and neighboring countries at the beginning of the 20th century.

It is believed that it first originated in Ceylon and later spread to countries such as China, Japan, and India. And only after that kombucha came to Russia and Europe.
Many people want to have such a fungus in their jar, but do not know where to get it. Basically there are not many options. You can either buy it or make it.

The benefits and harms of kombucha, what it helps with, medicinal properties and contraindications

Many people drink kombucha drink, considering it a treasure trove useful substances. And some, on the contrary, believe that it can harm a person. Therefore, let’s try to decide what is more in it, useful or harmful influences per person.

Let's start, perhaps, with the positives. Due to its composition, which includes vitamins and minerals, and acids, it can be used as a remedy for the following health problems:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Constipation
  • High pressure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cosmetic problems

But, like any product, it also has its downsides. It is contraindicated for people suffering from:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Fungal diseases
  • If you are allergic to its components
  • At high level stomach acidity

Video: Kombucha: harm and benefit

How to grow kombucha from scratch at home?

If you want to get some kombucha but don't know where to get it, you can simply grow it. This activity, although long, is quite easy. To grow a mushroom at home you only need sugar, tea and vinegar.

So how to grow it? You need to take an ordinary three-liter jar and pour half a liter of tea into it, brewed in advance. It should be neither too strong nor too weak. After this comes the turn of sugar. You will need 4-5 tbsp per 1 liter of water.

After this, you will need to put it in a place where straight lines will not fall on the jar. Sun rays. But it doesn't have to be a closet. There is no need to cover the container with a lid; it will be enough to cover it with gauze.

But there is a certain requirement for temperature conditions, it must be within 20-25°С, but not lower than 17°С. Otherwise, the mushroom may not grow.

Then all that remains is to wait. Over time, you will be able to observe how a film forms on the tea infusion. She is future mushroom. If it doesn't appear after a week, don't worry. The mushroom can grow up to 2-3 months. How to see that the fungus has already become stronger, its thickness will be about 1 mm, and a pleasant, slightly sour smell will emanate from the jar.

To help it grow faster, you can use vinegar. You will need to pour 1/10 of the essence of the total volume of liquid into the container.

Video: How to grow kombucha from scratch?

Which side should you put kombucha in the jar?

If your mushroom has grown considerably, you should separate it carefully and move it to another container with a previously prepared tea solution. If you are doing this for the first time, the question may arise as to which side to put the mushroom in the jar. One side is smoother and lighter. And the second one has bulges and processes, it is also darker. Sides with shoots or more dark side and you need to put the mushroom.

How much sugar do you need for kombucha?

To prepare tea leaves for kombucha, boiled water and sugar must be dissolved in a separate container. Sugar or pieces of tea leaves should not fall on the rowing body.

For 1 liter of liquid, 4-5 tbsp is required granulated sugar. If you have more water, then accordingly increase the amount of sugar based on the indicated proportions.

How to infuse kombucha, season, feed, rinse?

Kombucha requires careful care. It needs to be washed every two to three weeks during the summer. In winter, this procedure can be done once a month. You can rinse with boiled, running or purified water.

Kombucha: how to brew for 3 liters, can it be filled with green tea?

To prepare 3 liters of mushroom tea you need one and a half cups of sugar. The brew should not be too strong, but not weak either. For brewing, as already mentioned, we use only boiled water. You can take both black and green tea, the main thing is that it is of high quality, large-leaf.

Kombucha for weight loss: how to prepare the drink, reviews

Chinese mushroom is very useful for combating various problems of the body. Kombucha infusion promotes weight loss. After all, it helps to cope with gastrointestinal diseases and remove toxins from the body.

To prepare an infusion that will help clean overweight, the recipe is the most common. Needed sugar, tea leaves and mushroom. The secret that it helps is in the intake. You need to take 6 glasses a day, but the drink must be infused for at least two weeks.

You should drink a glass of the drink 1 hour before a meal and repeat the intake 2 hours after a meal. You need to drink it according to this schedule for a month, after which you take a break for a week.

After this, you can resume taking it. The course of using mushroom tea infusion - 3 months. Reviews about this product are extremely positive, since almost all people noted only positive effect from drinking kombucha.

Is it possible to drink kombucha during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and children?

Kombucha is very healthy, so it You can drink both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding . It will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby, and even, on the contrary, will strengthen the immune system. But it is advisable to give this drink to small children only after they reach 6 months of age.

Kombucha for hair: recipe

Kombucha is a natural healer that is used to treat hair. To prepare the decoction you will need natural tea, you can add others useful herbs, pour boiled water and add sugar.

For 1 liter you will need 5 tbsp of sugar. When the liquid has cooled, you should put the mushroom in there and let it sit like that for a week. After this period has expired, you can use this infusion.

In order to do useful decoction, You need 1 glass of infusion with aging, mixed with 2 glasses of water. Next, you should add various herbs as desired and put on fire.

To prepare it, you will need a third of a glass of monthly infusion. You will need to add 1 tbsp to it natural honey. We also add essential oils of lavender and sage (8 drops of each) and rub the resulting mass into the scalp and hair. After that, you need to walk around with it for an hour and then wash it off.

Kombucha in cosmetology for facial skin: mask

Due to its composition, Japanese mushroom is used in cosmetology. If you have dry or oily skin, you suffer from acne, then you can use kombucha in the form of masks and lotions.

It will have a very beneficial effect on your facial skin if you wash your face with mushroom infusion, especially after using soap. In addition, masks from this drink will have an amazing effect.

For cleansing mask You will need 150 g of cottage cheese, mashed through a sieve, 3 tablespoons of kombucha and cosmetic clay. Having brought the mass to homogeneity, you need to apply it to your face and wait until it hardens a little, after which you can wash it off. The effect will be amazing.

Kombucha: does it acidify or alkalize the body?

Many people are interested in the question of the effect of the fungus on the body, whether it acidifies or alkalizes it. Let’s not delay and answer this question right away. Many studies have proven that kombucha acidifies human organism.

Is it possible to drink kombucha if you have gastritis with high acidity?

Since kombucha contains acids, it contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity. Therefore, in order not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease, it is better not to take this drink.

Kombucha for nail fungus

A lot of men and women, for a number of different reasons, suffer from such a nasty and rather unpleasant disease as nail fungus. But you can get rid of it by using a Japanese mushroom drink. To do this, you need to boil it, moisten the cloth and, after cooling, apply it to the affected nails.

This operation should be carried out until the nails become soft, after which they can be removed with scissors.

According to testimonials from test subjects, positive results become noticeable within 2 weeks after consuming kombucha.

Can you drink kombucha if you have diabetes?

We all know that there are several types of diabetes. This is a terrible disease that requires constant monitoring and correct special food. For some types of diabetes, drinking kombucha is allowed, but for others it is strictly contraindicated. But in each individual case, you need to consult your doctor about whether you can drink it if you have diabetes.

Is it possible to drink kombucha if you have pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a fairly serious disease. This is why many people wonder whether it is possible to drink an infusion of kombucha with this disease. But in in this case it all depends on the phase of the disease.

During remission You can drink the infusion while, during an exacerbation or during the acute phase is strictly prohibited. But even during the period of remission you do not need to drink more than half a liter per day.

Is it possible to drink kombucha if you have cancer?

Experts say that taking kombucha will useful for oncological diseases . After all, it has a beneficial effect on the body, helps increase immunity, the body’s resistance to pathogenic cells, and also has a cleansing effect. In addition, there is also an opinion that this drink prevents the formation of cancer cells and can even prevent the development of the disease in the early stages.

Properties of Kombucha for Liver Disease

If you have liver disease, you can take kombucha and this will have a positive effect, thanks to the cleansing properties that help strengthen the immune system and get rid of toxins and everything that clogs the body. But before you start taking the drink, you must consult your doctor.

Kombucha for kidney stones

Due to the many beneficial properties that kombucha has, it should be consumed when various kinds diseases. For kidney stones, it can be used as a therapeutic adjuvant. Taking this drink helps get rid of such ailment. And all thanks to its rich composition of useful elements.

What happens if you swallow kombucha, can it grow in the stomach?

We hasten to reassure you, if by chance for some reason you happen to swallow a piece of mushroom, it will not grow in your stomach. But still, you shouldn’t experiment and try to see what it tastes like.

How to divide, how to propagate kombucha?

Quite often housewives manage to grow a tea jellyfish, but they do not know how to propagate it. There are 3 main methods. They are all quite simple:

  • The essence of the first method is to separate the layer from the mushroom. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the body of the tea jellyfish.
  • The essence of the second method is insisting. To do this, you need to leave the kombucha alone for several weeks and after this time you will see a transparent film, which needs to be transplanted into another container.
  • And the third way is degeneration of the mushroom. To do this you need not to take it out for a long time from the can and then it will go down. After this, you will be able to see how a thin film has separated from the old mushroom. This is the new tea jellyfish. You can just throw away the old one

Video: Reproduction and maintenance of kombucha

How to preserve kombucha while on vacation?

If it so happens that you have to leave home for a long time - on vacation, for example, and you want to preserve your kombucha with all your might, then you can place it in the refrigerator. It will not function because the environment will be unfavorable for it, but in this case it will not die. And upon your return, provide normal conditions and it will begin to grow and multiply again.

Is it possible to drink kombucha while driving?

It’s very difficult to name a drink with kombucha alcoholic drink, but still has a small percentage of alcohol, about 3%. So, if you have to go somewhere, it is better not to drink this drink before the trip.

Can kombucha be stored in the refrigerator?

Kombucha can only be stored in the refrigerator if you need to stop using it for a while. After all in the refrigerator due to a sufficiently low temperature, it will stop all its vital functions. And he will resume it only after he is placed in a favorable environment.

Kombucha diseases and their treatment

In case of poor care of kombucha, it can provoke the development of various diseases. For example, it can often be damaged by various kinds of cuts and punctures if the tea leaves of the mushroom are not changed correctly and carefully.

If the kombucha has turned brown, this may indicate that during the process of replacing the tea infusion, tea leaves or grains of sugar got into the body of the mushroom and did not have time to dissolve. The damaged layer, in this case, must be removed.

In addition, if the norms for its maintenance are violated - incorrect temperature, direct sunlight, then it may appear seaweed. In such a situation, the mushroom needs to be washed under running water and the jar will also need to be washed.

What else may bother the tea jellyfish is mold. It may appear if the environment in which the fungus lives is not acidic enough. And its peculiarity is that mold affects only the side that enters interaction with air.

If possible, it is advisable to simply change the mushroom. Well, or you can try to save him. To do this you need to rinse mushroom body under running water, and also treat with a solution of vinegar that has been boiled. The container in which the mushroom was stored also needs to be processed.

Why doesn't the kombucha float up and sink?

Sometimes it happens that when you separate the kombucha, wash it, or just don't like something, it can sink. The reason it's at the bottom of the jar is because it sick. If you know that you recently changed its tea leaves or multiplied it, then give it a little time, it will move away and float up.

There are worms in the kombucha, what should I do?

If one fine day you see that worms have appeared on the surface of the mushroom, this indicates that fruit flies managed to lay eggs on it and these are their larvae. In this case, you will no longer be able to do anything.

The use of such a mushroom is strictly prohibited. In general, to prevent this from happening, carefully cover the jar with gauze so that neither flies nor midges have access to the mushroom. This is especially true in summer time of the year.

White coating on kombucha, kombucha is covered with mold: what to do?

If you see a white fluffy coating on the surface of the mushroom, this is mold. In principle, it occurs quite rarely. But such cases still happen. Therefore, you need to thoroughly wash the tea jellyfish and, if you need to rid the mushroom of this scourge, then running water and boiled vinegar will help you.

How can you tell if your kombucha has gone bad?

It’s good if you don’t have any problems with maintaining and caring for your kombucha. But there are times when it goes bad. How can we understand this?

If your kombucha lies at the bottom of the jar, then it may be sick and in this case it must be saved, otherwise it will die. If you transplanted it into a new solution, then in the first days it may be at the bottom because it has experienced stress, but if after a week it is still there, then something is wrong with it.

If the kombucha is at the bottom, it means it’s sick or has gone bad.

In addition, in case of infection with fly larvae, it is already completely spoiled. Therefore, in any case, you need to carefully monitor its behavior and its habitat.

Kombucha is dying: how to cure it if it gets sick?

If you see that something is wrong with your wonderful mushroom, this may mean that it is sick. In this case, it is necessary to take measures and try to cure it in any way. For this rinse it under running water, clean the container in which it lives and provide favorable conditions its development.

Kombucha - a natural healer: myths and reality

Tea mushroom natural healer: myths and reality is an interesting book, the author of which is Neumyvakin Ivan. In it, he tried to describe everything he knew about this mushroom. Therefore, if anyone is interested in learning new, previously unknown facts about this miracle of nature, be sure to read this book.

Neumyvakin about kombucha

Neumyvakin I.P. created an amazing book in which he describes not only the beneficial properties of sea kvass, but also talks about its history and presents many interesting, and most importantly, healthy recipes with it, which will help in the cure and prevention of many diseases.

We hope this article was useful to you and you were able to learn a lot of interesting things about this amazing organism, like kombucha.

Video: The healing properties of kombucha

How to prepare a drink from kombucha correctly? Medusomycete looks like a thick layered film of yellowish-brown color, floating on the surface of a nutrient liquid - an infusion of sweet black tea. The sugars in the liquid can be different (glucose, sucrose, fructose), the type of tea also does not matter, but the strength is important. The usual concentration of tea is from 0.5 to 1.5%, and its excess inhibits the growth of kombucha.

Researchers noticed that the medusomycete practically does not consume the components of the tea infusion (aromatic, tannin and other substances), but is extremely sensitive to its absence. For example, without tea, it does not synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the life of kombucha.

But, if the medusomycete is satisfied with the conditions created for it, then on the seventh to tenth day of growth it begins to produce a pleasant-tasting sourish carbonated drink (tea kvass). Gas bubbles and acetic acid provided by joint efforts of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. The specific aroma of the drink is produced by tea and some types of yeast.

Tea kvass is prepared at home. Since the mushroom is constantly growing, you can start with a small piece of kombucha membrane. You can get kombucha if someone you know has a jar of this healthy drink. The bottom layer is separated from the mother mushroom and placed in a three-liter jar, into which the cooled, not very strong, is poured. sweet tea(5-6 teaspoons of sugar per 1 liter). The jar is placed in a warm place.

For the first three days, the mushroom lies sluggishly at the bottom of the jar, and then floats up, and after a week the first portion of the infusion is ready. The emergence of the mushroom begins due to the formation of its metabolic product - carbon dioxide, and the infusion itself becomes carbonated.

At an advanced age, the mushroom reaches a thickness of several centimeters and allows you to drink the infusion daily, unless, of course, you forget to replenish the loss of liquid with a new portion of cold sweet tea. If you pour the kombucha infusion into an empty container, then after one or two weeks a thin translucent layer will form on the surface of the liquid - a colony of microorganisms, which over time will also turn into an adult mushroom.

If you completely forget about kombucha, then all the liquid may evaporate. But the mushroom will come to life as soon as it is poured sweet water or tea.

It is better to keep the mushroom away from the window, as cold and direct light inhibit its development. The jar of kombucha is not sealed hermetically; it is simply covered with a clean napkin to prevent dust from entering. It is necessary to add boiled water with sugar already dissolved in it: in raw water a lot of soluble calcium salts (water hardness salts), which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates. You can’t even sprinkle sugar on the mushroom - it causes burns on its body in the form of brown spots. Depresses him too much strong tea.

You need to add an infusion to the boiled water where the mushroom develops. regular tea(until the water slightly tints) and sugar (at the rate of two tablespoons per three liters of liquid) and leave it to infuse in glass jar. Kombucha will be ready for consumption after 5-10 days of infusion at a temperature of 25 degrees.

Periodically, the mushroom should be washed in clean water.

The mushroom produces a healthy drink only if certain conditions for its preparation are met.

It’s better to have two jars: in one the mushroom will live, and in the other you will drain ready drink. A jar of the finished drink can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time. long time. Optimal temperature for mushroom - 25 °C. Temperatures below 17 ° C are harmful, as it reduces the activity of the fungus and blue-green algae can develop in it. The mushroom does not like direct sunlight, and it is better to keep it in a dark place.

The infusion should be drained every five to six days in winter and every two to four days in summer. In addition, the mushroom must be washed regularly with clean, cool water (preferably spring water, not tap water). In summer, this should be done every one to two weeks, and in winter - every three to four weeks.

If the mushroom remains in the solution, the upper film begins to turn brown. This is a sure sign that the mushroom is beginning to die. At the end of the cycle, the mushroom infusion is drained through a layer of gauze and used; it should taste like strong, highly carbonated kvass. A mushroom infusion with green tea is even more beneficial, since green tea contains more vitamins and caffeine than black tea, and it is a better tonic. It is good to rinse your mouth with this infusion after eating, since some compounds in green tea kill bacteria that destroy teeth. You can also infuse the mushroom in tea with bergamot or add aromatic herbs- mint, lemon balm, oregano. And honey added to the infusion enriches it with beneficial minerals- sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron - and gives it additional antibacterial and tonic properties.

Kombucha infusion actively interacts with food in your stomach, so it is not recommended to drink it immediately before, during or immediately after meals, otherwise you will feel hungry very quickly. It is recommended to drink the mushroom infusion no earlier than two hours after a vegetarian meal and three to four hours after a meat meal. But if you have a heaviness in your stomach from overeating, you can take half a glass of kombucha infusion, and the unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Kombucha (originally “Japanese”, since it was brought to Russia during the Russo-Japanese War) was to the taste of Russian people. Maybe due to the fact that the drink is highly unusual taste- strong kvass, more like beer, combined with apple syrup. Preparing it does not require any special skills; anyone can make an infusion at home. Kombucha (another eastern name mushroom) is prepared from tea leaves with the addition of yeast and sugar. But this classic recipe, variations with rose hips, kvass, beer and even apple juice are also possible.

How to get kombucha, making it at home from scratch

To have a carbonated drink at home every day, you need to grow own mushroom. It's very simple, all you need is tea leaves, sugar and a large jar (3 liters would be enough). It will grow for about 1.5–2 months.

Growing scheme:

Disinfect the jar by pouring boiling water over it. This will help kill germs and ensure that mold does not appear;
You will also need strong tea, brewed in another clean container (dry tea leaves 2 or 3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water). Leave for at least 20 minutes, only then will it receive the necessary strength for our mushroom;
Pour the tea into a three-liter jar, straining it in advance. Mix with 4 tablespoons of sugar, stir until sugar dissolves. The tea solution will be rich and sweet;
Take the gauze, fold it in four and tie the neck. This way we will not allow dust to penetrate, but there will still be enough air for fermentation processes;
Now the “difficult” part: hide the jar for 1.5-2 months and don’t touch it. If everything was done correctly, you will see a 1-2 mm film on the surface, which will be the early stage of the fungus. You raised this miracle!
You again need to prepare tea leaves and transplant the mushroom germ into it. After a week, repeat this action again.
After some more time, you will end up with something similar to a jellyfish. You need to remove it from the jar, rinse thoroughly under water, after which the mushroom can be used in making drinks.

The recipe for the drink itself is simple. Once you have washed the mushroom, you need to put it in a jar of sweet tea. Now you will have to wait much less (literally 5-10 days - and the drink is ready). The mushroom will give up all its beneficial bacteria and the sweet tea will acquire a completely different bright taste. We recommend drinking kombucha chilled.


It is forbidden to place a jar of mushroom in the sun, but the temperature in the room itself must be at least 25°, only then will your mushroom grow.

If you add a small amount to the finished drink apple cider vinegar(1/10 of the total volume), then it will be easier to grow a mushroom from scratch. This will take less time.

How to grow kombucha from a piece?

Growing Kombucha at home 2 months - long term. Few people want to wait that long, so you can ask for a piece of mushroom from relatives or friends. Maybe someone will share with you. It is capable of growing quite quickly, so a piece will soon turn into a large, whole and living mushroom.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot cut a piece; let them separate it for you with your hands. It's layered like an onion, so your friends won't have any problems coming off.

The great thing is that such a piece does not need to be grown for further drinking, it can be used immediately, and it will grow and develop itself in the process. If the provided layer is very small, then we advise you not to create kombucha in three liter jar, then it would be more appropriate to start with a two-liter one.

What to do if you get a piece:

First of all, be sure to wash it, you must not allow dust or dirt to penetrate, as our friend from Japan will get moldy;
The tea you need is not very strong, strain it, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
Now you need to wait until the tea leaves cool down. When warm, pour it into a pre-prepared jar, carefully placing your layer of mushroom on top. Don't forget to tie the neck with gauze;
Now you need to hide the jar in a warm place, but as with the option of growing from scratch, you must not allow it to be exposed to sunlight;
The drink takes 5-10 days to brew. Some people start using it after 3 days; the taste in this case will be milder. You can drink a little on day 3, and then on day 10, to see what you like more. During this time, your little layer will grow a little;
You can pour the entire drink into another jar when it is ready, then immediately pour cool sweet tea over the mushroom. This way you will provide yourself with a new portion in advance.


If your mushroom is still very small, it is difficult for it to get used to new conditions every time you drain the liquid. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to leave a little of the drink, and then add a new sweet brew to it.

Kombucha care

Always keep your kombucha in glassware, since various metals can negatively affect it during oxidation. The only exception may be a polyethylene container; it is made of organic compounds of synthetic materials;

We recommend placing the jar in a dark place. It would be great if you find a similar place somewhere in the kitchen away from other food smells. Please note that you cannot place the mushroom near a window, because cold or direct sunlight can slow down its development;

Room temperature is ideal for it to thrive. If the temperature in the house does not fall below 17 °C and does not rise above 25 °C, then growth will occur very quickly;

The gauze cannot be removed from the neck even after the mushroom has given its juice. If you replace the cheesecloth with a lid, the brew will stop fermenting and you will no longer be able to make kombucha drink. In addition, gauze protects the drink from dust and insects, which often fly towards its pleasant aroma;

You can’t put a mushroom in a jar with undissolved sugar, and it’s also forbidden to add sweetness. All this will lead to burns on the fungus and the appearance of large brown spots;
The tea must be moderately strong for the mushroom to grow successfully. Otherwise, the process will slow down;

awssssssssssssss of tea leaves cannot be left in a jar of juice, they will slowly begin to deteriorate his health. If your jellyfish is covered in wounds, it may be because of the tea leaves;

Wash your kombucha. Firstly, it is hygienic, and secondly, constant care will prolong its life. You can use tap water, but it is better to buy spring water and rinse with it. In summer you need to clean it a couple of times a week; in winter, once on the weekend is enough;

It is forbidden to put mushrooms in very hot tea;

You can track its health by color. If your pet is covered with a brown color on top, then rinse it with water, and separate the part in which it has changed and throw it away. This often happens when it sits in its own solution.


Kombucha can make you happy all year round, and all you need is to grow your own little mushroom, which not only tastes good and perfectly quenches thirst, but is also a very valuable health infusion. Its health benefits have been scientifically proven, so this is a rare case when something tasty can also be healthy.
