Bull eggs is the name of the dish. How to cook bull eggs recipe with photos

  • clean the testes from the film
  • cut into medium-sized slices
  • fry with onion, garlic and spices
  • salt at the end

Today I will share my impressions of such a delicacy as bull eggs. On the one hand, seeing them on the shelves, I became curious and wanted to know how they were prepared, and just what was inside them!))) On the other hand, a sense of male solidarity, if you like, did not allow me to pay money for such barbarity) )) In general, whether it was early or late, I bought them after all. The seller assured me that this product tastes: “With your eyes closed, you can’t tell it from champignons!” Apparently this was his way of convincing me to take more. By the way, before selling, the butcher cleaned the testes from the top film, which is nice, because I didn’t know how to clean them properly. In general, I brought them home, laid them out on the board... took one egg in my hand - they cringed right at the egg))). No, seriously not in a brotherly way, somehow all this)) Well, oh well, you need to cook! So today I will remember how to cook bull eggs.

Now let's try! The first thing you notice is the softness of the dish. Cooked testes are softer than even the freshest and properly cooked liver! They have a slight offal aroma, but it is not offensive. To say that this dish is some outstanding taste properties I can’t, but my family really liked it and asked me to make more. IN next time I'll try adding tomatoes or tomato paste, it should turn out even tastier. And the product is quite suitable, you can come up with something with it! Bon Appetit everyone!

Having heard that the dish contains testes, many people refuse to eat it. Most likely, they simply have not tried this delicacy, and they do not have the strength to overcome themselves and take a piece of a deliciously prepared delicacy into their mouth. Or maybe they don't know about beneficial properties this product. Bull eggs, benefits and harm - this is what we will talk about now.

What is this product

If you prepare the testes correctly, you can be sure that they are very healthy. A large number of biologically active substances, trace elements make them so. The presence of iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium in this product speaks volumes. After all, thanks to them human body can function. That is why many people advise using them as food. The benefits and harms of them have not been fully studied, but it is known for sure that:

  • This is very nutritious product, their energy value- 230 calories per 100 grams.
  • They contain thirteen percent protein, which is easily absorbed by the body.

This delicacy is perfect for people watching their weight and those who suffer from obesity. There is an opinion that eating testes helps representatives of the stronger half of humanity increase potency. We can say that this opinion is true, but not one hundred percent. When cooked, hormones that help improve male potency are destroyed. But still, you shouldn’t risk eating raw bull eggs. Benefits and harms in this case are no longer considered. There is only one word - danger.

A little more about the pros and cons

The positive aspects of using testes include the fact that they give a person strength and energy. Scientists have proven that this product has a positive effect on the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
It is recommended to consume this delicacy for weakened people who have undergone surgery. It will help the patient recover and gain energy.

If we talk about the dangers of this product, then there is nothing to say. The only thing to remember : the product must be subjected heat treatment. In this way you will protect yourself from diseases that affect cattle. And fresh testes are stored for no more than three days. Don't forget about this either.

So you found out that bovine eggs are used to prepare a delicious dish. What are the benefits and harms of them, you also already know. Let's move on to the question...

How to choose a product

This issue should not be ignored. In many ways, the taste of a dish is related to the quality of the product. So this process should be taken very seriously.

  • Inspect the product carefully.
  • It should not have any smell.
  • The presence of pink color with blue veins is what you need.

You should discard the testes if:

  • They are green or gray in color.
  • Non-elastic to the touch.

The reason for the deterioration in the quality of the goods is improper storage.

It is worth remembering: during heat treatment, the product is greatly reduced, so that there is enough for everyone, buy twice as much of it.

Before we learn how to deliciously cook bovine eggs, let’s learn how to properly peel them.

  1. Remove the entire shell. To do this, place them in a saucepan with cold water and boil for forty minutes.
  2. Then you take them out and dip them into the ice-cold liquid.

After these activities, the skin is easily removed.

To cut it, find the sharpest knife at home; the shell is very strong.

The next step is heat treatment.

Another way to prepare the product

As mentioned above, in order for a dish to be cooked perfectly, the product must be well prepared. We have already considered one method, let's move on to the second.

If the bull's eggs smell gamey, first wash them well. Leave the testes overnight cold water. In the morning you can remove the skin. Make a longitudinal incision. For these purposes you will need a very sharp knife. The skin is strong, it does not tear, but it will take some effort to remove it. After the casing is removed, cut the meat into two equal parts and marinate.

The marinade is prepared as follows: mix lemon juice, lemon zest, add onion and garlic, ginger and pepper, don’t forget the salt. Place the testes in this mixture for sixty minutes.

If you are going to cook bovine eggs, their benefits and harms must be taken into account. We can say for sure: there is more of the first than the second. Harm only occurs if the product is not processed correctly. Follow our recommendations and everything will be fine.

Let's move on to the recipes

You can't talk about delicious dishes and will not stop at recipes for their preparation.

Ox eggs in onion sauce

For this dish you will need: testes, carrots, onions, salt, pepper, various seasonings and spices to taste, sour cream.

Our main product is prepared, let's start creating the dish. Place all the vegetables, salt, spices in a container with cold water and put on fire. Cut the testes into slices. After the water has boiled, add them to the vegetables and cook for ten minutes. After this time, drain the water, throw away the onions, and wash the eggs.

Prepare the sauce: cut the onion into half rings, finely chop the carrots that were boiled in the broth. Fry the onion in sunflower oil before golden color, add sour cream and carrots, spices and salt and, of course, the main product. Mix everything and simmer for ten minutes. You can eat stewed potatoes with mashed potatoes. onion sauce bull eggs. Cooking recipe, benefits and harm - this was discussed here. There are many dishes in which the main ingredient is testes; it is impossible to tell about them all, but if you want to cook them, you will definitely find a recipe.


Maybe after reading this article, someone will want to try a new delicacy. We hope you got some for yourself useful information and now you know the benefits and how to cook bull eggs. The choice is yours. Do you want to receive more energy and useful nutrients, try a new delicacy - bull eggs.

Modern people deliberately refuse a number of tasty and healthy delicacies only because of their inability to calmly deal with the fact that their base is not the most delicious foods. For example, many are not even interested in the benefits and harms of bovine eggs, no matter how hard nutritionists try to draw attention to the unique ingredient.

People are often given a try first. unusual dish, and only after that the nature of the main component is revealed. Unusual delicate taste the product usually outweighs disgust and then the product is firmly established in the diet. It is worth noting that gastronomic indicators in in this case even inferior to nutritional ones.

Composition and beneficial properties

Properly prepared bovine eggs can become a source of minerals and biologically active elements. Despite the fact that the benefits and harms of the product and the full list of its properties are still being studied by scientists, nutritionists know a lot about the unique preparation:

  • The energy value of the products is 230 kcal per 100 g of product, thanks to which it can become a source of energy.
  • Bovine eggs contain a lot of protein, which, unlike components of other animal foods, is easily absorbed by the body.
  • Properly prepared bovine eggs contain a number of biologically active substances similar in their action to hormones. They in a positive way affect the functioning of the reproductive system, improve potency.

Advice: Despite the fact that the maximum benefit can be obtained from non-heat-treated bovine eggs, it is better to avoid this approach. Due to environmental conditions, today one cannot count on the absolute cleanliness of even the parts of a domestic animal. Such experiments can lead to adverse consequences.

  • Substances in the product increase functionality nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • Eating foods with this product promotes rapid recovery of the body, so you should think about introducing them into the diet after surgery or a protracted illness.
  • The presence of minerals in the by-product has a positive effect on the general condition of a person and reduces the risk of developing a deficiency of necessary substances.

Only fresh and organic bovine eggs can boast of such properties. You need to study the rules for their selection and pre-processing so that you can count on getting the desired result and gastronomic pleasure.

The harm of bull eggs and their danger

So far, studies have not provided any information about the risks associated with eating bovine eggs. Experts even say that there are no contraindications to their introduction into the diet, it all depends only on the desire. The only thing you need to remember is to spend a little time choosing a high-quality offal.

It is also highly recommended not to subject it to dubious types of processing, for example, chemical. It's better to use it as usual high temperatures, which will minimize the possible danger of the workpiece and give it the desired texture.

Selection rules

Not only its benefits, but also its taste depend on the quality of the product. When choosing bull eggs, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Foreign or unpleasant odor is not acceptable.
  • Products must have an elastic texture.
  • The ideal color is light pink with blue streaks. If the product is gray or green, it is strictly prohibited to buy it.
  • When purchasing products, you need to remember about their property of significantly decreasing in volume after heat treatment. Finished product may be only half of the initial volume.

You should not delay heat treatment of workpieces; it is better to put them into use within 24 hours after purchasing them. Products can be frozen without loss nutritional value, but this may negatively affect the texture and taste characteristics products.

Features of pre-treatment

There are at least two ways to prepare products for subsequent heat treatment. The choice in this case depends on convenience and individual preferences.

  • 1 way.
  • Method 2. If the products have a persistent smell of game, it is recommended to first soak them in cold water for 8-10 hours. After this, the film on the products must be cut longitudinally and removed. Cut the resulting product lengthwise into 2 equal parts and marinate. In this case, the optimal mixture would be a mixture consisting of lemon juice and zest, garlic and onion, ginger and pepper, and salt. The holding time is at least 1 hour.

Next you can proceed to culinary processing products. There are a lot of options for preparing bovine eggs. To begin with, it is recommended to try something simple. This will allow you to develop skills in working with the product and understand a full understanding of its taste characteristics.

One of the cooking options

Practice shows that regardless of the type of influence chosen, the finished product is soft, tender and very nutritious.

Here is one of the most simple options preparing an exotic delicacy:

  • We will need the bull's eggs themselves, carrots, onions, sour cream, salt, pepper, various seasonings and spices.
  • We cut the workpieces processed using one of the above methods in portioned pieces. Place an onion and a carrot into a container of cold water and add salt. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Then put the prepared main component into the broth and boil for 10 minutes after boiling again.
  • We wash the boiled products under cold running water and discard the onions.
  • Chop the boiled carrots very finely. Take another fresh onion and chop it. Fry the onion on vegetable oil, put carrots there, add salt, pepper and spices, lay out bull eggs. After a short frying, pour it all in and simmer for no more than 10 minutes.

The finished dish goes well with the most different types side dish - from boiled vegetables and puree before and porridge. The main thing is not to abuse the product, remembering its calorie content, which increases noticeably due to the processing characteristics. Such dishes cannot be stored; they must be consumed in fresh.

Fried beef testes with pasta for main course

We offer for your consideration original dish, which is a delicacy in many countries. In common parlance, beef testes are bull's eggs, but you won't see that name in restaurants.

Cooking time: 40 minutes, 4 servings

Fried beef testes recipe:

  • Bovine testes – 900 g
  • Sour cream – 100 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Onion (large) - 1 pc.
  • Garlic (cloves) - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • Black pepper (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)

How to cook bull eggs

  1. The main thing in this dish: fresh food(choose medium-sized elastic, pink, blue-veined testes). Beef testes cannot be found in supermarkets; they are sold only in commercial meat aisles. Do not hesitate to check the freshness of the product, as the taste of the finished dish depends on this.
  2. The cleaning stage takes the longest time and requires skill and perseverance. Using sharp knives, make a cut along the length, carefully grasping the edge, and using a knife, begin to separate fairly thick skin. The main thing is to take your time so that you don’t end up with minced meat. We rinse the cleaned testes under running water.
  3. Using the finished cut, we divide the testis into 2 halves and slowly cut each into slices (like an orange). We thoroughly wash the prepared parts so that there is no white liquid.
  4. Meanwhile, put the water on the stove and add it as it boils. Bay leaf, salt and garlic. Place the washed pieces of bovine testes into boiling water. As foam appears, remove it with a spoon. Cook for about 10 minutes.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings and fry a little in butter. Boiled bovine testes wash under hot water so that the taste does not deteriorate. Place in a frying pan (you can add a little butter), add already fried onions and peppers. After simmering for a couple of minutes, add sour cream and leave to simmer over low heat, covered with a lid, for about 10 minutes.

The dish is ready! It can be served with vegetables or pasta.

The benefits of bull eggs are legendary. Who says they increase the overall vitality body, who claims benefits for sexual male power. But one thing is for sure. This tasty food, it tastes like meat and is inexpensive. Those who love tripe, kidneys, and udder will especially like cooked bull eggs. In many dishes where the recipe calls for kidneys, they can be replaced with great success by bovine eggs; the taste of the dish will only benefit. Therefore, knowing how to cook bull eggs is very useful. They make frying, goulash, even shish kebab!

Preliminary processing

In many places in Russia and abroad they prefer to fry bull eggs. The recipe for this dish came to us from ancient times, when livestock was slaughtered in every village yard and invited fighters (those who kill livestock) were treated to quickly cooked liver if they were slaughtering a pig, or fried bull eggs if they were slaughtering a bull. But before you start doing anything with the eggs, you need to prepare them to remove all unnecessary odors and liquids. The eggs must first be peeled. It is necessary to make a longitudinal incision along the testis, half a centimeter deep. Then you need to pick up the skin and gradually remove it from the entire testis. This is done very carefully, because it is very easy to damage the pulp of the testis. Do not make sudden jerks. After the skin is separated, cut the testis lengthwise, first in half, and then into longitudinal strips, there will be 4 or 5 of them. Now each strip must be thoroughly rinsed in cold water to wash off all the seminal fluid. You can soak the cut eggs in water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse well again in running water. Pre-cooking of the bovine eggs is complete. And only now can you begin to heat treat them.

Frying bull eggs

It should be noted that when eggs are heat treated, they greatly decrease in size, so in order to prepare a more or less significant portion, you need to take 4-5 pieces. You will also need 1-2 onions to make a total of 150-200 g of onions. Salt, pepper and spices to taste, sunflower oil for frying - these are all the ingredients for our dish. The egg slices prepared in the manner described above should be placed in boiling water and cooked for 7-8 minutes. Drain the water and rinse the eggs with boiling water from the kettle. And only now they are ready for frying. Cut the onion into half rings, put it in a frying pan with heated oil, add spices - black pepper, cumin, coriander. For those who like it, you can also add herbs - dill, parsley. Then add eggs to this mixture and fry until golden crust. Place the eggs on a dish, decorate with vegetables, and serve them mashed potatoes.

Stewed eggs in sour cream

Now learn how to cook bull's eggs so that they become real an exquisite delicacy, reminiscent of the delicate taste of the most noble mushrooms. It's a little different from classic themes that the skin does not come off immediately. First, a longitudinal cut is made on the testes in two places, then they are boiled for 7 minutes with a bay leaf, then only the skin is removed, and this happens very easily. Then fry the onions, at least 2 heads per 4 seeds. Add sliced ​​eggs to the onion, pour 100 g of sour cream over it, add 1 teaspoon French mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Then squeeze out 3 cloves of garlic, bring to a boil and simmer under a closed lid for low heat 10 minutes. This dish with potatoes is very good!
