How to cook mushrooms? Delicious recipes. How to fry mushrooms in a frying pan - recipes

Mushrooms can be counted gourmet product. Depending on the type they are used for cooking various dishes. Mushrooms add aroma and amazing flavor notes to any culinary creation. And if these are forest representatives, then the dish will turn out unusually appetizing. Now let's find out how

First of all, you need to know which one you intend to use. The nature of the dish and the cooking technology depend on this. The most common type is champignons. They can be fried, boiled, pickled, salted and even dried. In addition, they are sold in any store. In order to cook fried champignons, let's take about 500-600 grams of this product. Before they need to be washed well and cut into pieces. Then pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and put it on the fire.

Add chopped mushrooms and fry. During the frying process, moisture will appear and should evaporate. Meanwhile, finely chop one onion. Add it to the pan with the mushrooms. Fry the ingredients together for 3-5 minutes. Now you can add salt to taste and add pepper if desired.

Another common type of mushroom that can be easily purchased is all year round, is oyster mushroom. This product can be used as an ingredient in any dish. But this is a recipe that will perfectly decorate any festive table. You will need about 500 grams of this type of mushroom. They need to be washed well and dried. Then cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

First, put the pan on the fire and pour water into it. When the water boils, place the mushrooms in it and cook for about 10 minutes. Then we drain the water. Next, add a quarter teaspoon of salt to the mushrooms, about one small spoon granulated sugar, A little ground pepper(to taste), finely chopped garlic clove and chopped herbs. We also add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar and pour in vegetable oil. Let the mushrooms brew for an hour. Then they can be eaten. Here

Well, how can we not talk about porcini mushrooms? This is true king mushroom. In its own way nutritional value it is equivalent to meat. I’ll tell you how later. Let's cook wonderful soup. Take 500 grams of porcini mushrooms and cut into pieces. Naturally, they must first be washed and cleaned of dirt. Place the pan on the fire and pour in water. Place the mushrooms in it and cook. When the water starts to boil, you need to remove the foam that appears. Then add salt and peppercorns. While the mushrooms are cooking, you need to peel and cut the potatoes into cubes. After 10 minutes, lower it into the pan. Next, take one medium onion and chop it very finely, and grate one carrot or also chop it quite finely. Fry all the ingredients in a frying pan, adding vegetable oil. Place the contents of the frying pan into the soup. After 10 minutes, add the herbs and turn off the heat. This soup should be served with sour cream. Here's how to cook mushrooms different ways. In this recipe, you can use other types of mushrooms that are available as a base.

If there are a lot of mushrooms, they can be frozen or dried. We only take the best specimens for freezing. We make sure that they are not wormy or spoiled. Then boil the mushrooms in slightly salted water and drain in a colander. After this, they need to be placed in a container and placed in the freezer.

There are many options for how to cook mushrooms. Each experienced housewife I have my own in stock original recipe. Perhaps you have found a cooking method that you and your loved ones will like.

Since ancient times, they have firmly entered into Russian cuisine. Our ancestors not only prepared dishes based on them, but also stocked up on mushrooms for future use. In other cuisines, mushrooms have also always been given pride of place. French julienne, fragrant European chanterelles with vegetables, expensive truffles – huge variety options, among which you can find something of your own.

A little about the benefits and disadvantages of mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms contain a large amount of proteins, sugars, beneficial enzymes and even essential oils. There is more protein in mushrooms than in meat. They also contain fiber, amino acids, lecithin, and fatty acids. This is why mushrooms help prevent atherosclerosis.

As for vitamins, there are more of some in mushrooms than in grains - for example, vitamins PP, D, A. Mushrooms contain a lot of sulfur and polysaccharides, so they are useful for preventing cancer. It is believed that dried porcini mushrooms are a reliable prevention of cancer. Butter oil contains a substance that relieves the symptoms of gout.

Any mushrooms are rich in extractive substances; they make the most aromatic and flavorful broths, sauces, and gravies. Their taste allows you to combine mushrooms with many other products - meat, fish, vegetables, seafood.

Despite the presence of proteins, mushrooms are poorly digestible by the human body and their the nutritional value small. Mushroom caps have less mushroom fiber, so they are easier to digest than stems.

Dry mushrooms ground into flour are best absorbed. That is, if you are a big fan of mushrooms and cannot live without them, then you can eat them a little more often in the form of pancakes.

Dry mushrooms contain a substance called fungin, which puts additional stress on the liver. Nutritionists advise eating mushrooms no more than 2 times a week. Pediatricians recommend giving mushrooms to children no earlier than 7 years of age.

Many types of mushrooms tend to mutate over time, and even very experienced mushroom picker won't be able to tell the difference false mushroom from the present. Therefore, collect only those simple mushrooms that you are confident in.

Fungi accumulate nitrates and harmful substances the area in which they grow. Therefore, it is important to collect them in ecologically clean areas and, when buying at the market, ask what area they are from.

People with chronic gastritis, ulcers, liver, duodenal and kidney diseases should consult their doctor about the systematic use of mushrooms. You should not eat overripe, old or softened mushrooms.

Each dish has its own mushroom

For dishes, champignons, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, morels, oyster mushrooms, and milk mushrooms are most often used. Mushrooms are suitable as in fresh, and boiled, fried, salted, pickled, dried.

Broths and sauces are prepared from porcini mushrooms, they are fried, marinated and salted. Boletuses and boletuses are never used for making soups and broths. It is better to fry them, stew them, marinate them.

Butter can be dried, boiled, pickled. They should not be fried or stewed, as they secrete a specific slippery juice. Chanterelles are great for frying. They can also be pickled, although they are not very elastic. They are also used for open pies and quiches. But we do not recommend drying or cooking chanterelles. They are bitter, and when dried they are almost tasteless.

Champignons and oyster mushrooms can be prepared however you like. Grilled champignon caps, lightly sprinkled, turn out very tasty. olive oil and salt.

Black and white milk mushrooms are ideal for pickling; they are prepared only in this way. These are noble and very delicious mushrooms, used exclusively in Russian cuisine.

For Julienne good choice There will be porcini mushrooms and honey mushrooms. Champignons are also used in julienne, but their taste is quite neutral. From dried mushrooms very aromatic soups and broths, gravies for meat and vegetables are obtained.

Preparing mushrooms

Mushrooms collected independently should be processed and cooked as quickly as possible. It is most useful to do all this on the day of collection. To get rid of worms in fresh mushrooms, you need to immerse them in heavily salted water for 2-3 hours and then rinse them. Cleaned fresh mushrooms We recommend keeping it in cold, salted and acidified water. For a liter of water use a teaspoon of salt and a couple of grams citric acid. Then they won't turn black.

For porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms, you need to cut off the skin from the stems and rinse very thoroughly. You don’t need to peel the champignons, just wash them well. After cutting off the lower part of the stem and washing, we recommend boiling chanterelles and morels in salted water for about 15 minutes, then rinsing them again and only then using them for cooking. Chanterelles are not attacked by insects, so this mushroom does not need to be soaked in water for a long time. The film is always removed from butterflies, the legs are cleaned and washed thoroughly. The caps of the morels are separated from the stems and soaked in cold water for an hour, changing the water several times.

In old mushrooms, it is recommended to cut off the tubular layer under the cap, as spores form there. It is important to cook peeled mushrooms immediately, as mushroom fibers absorb excess odors very quickly.

It is not recommended to wash mushrooms before drying; it is enough to clean them of debris, trim the roots, separate the caps from the stems and cut the too large parts in half.

The preparation of dried mushrooms involves washing them, pouring boiling water over them and soaking them in cold water for 4 hours. Such mushrooms are then boiled in the same water in which they were lying.

General rules preparations

You can pamper yourself with fresh mushrooms right in the forest if you wipe them well with a napkin, sprinkle with vegetable oil and salt and fry over a fire using a wire or twig.

Champignons change their taste and smell very easily, so we do not recommend adding sharp-smelling spices to them. Salted or pickled mushrooms should be rinsed before adding to the salad. cold water to remove excess salt and acid.

You can freeze any mushrooms. In this form they are stored for a long time and are easy to prepare. Moreover, they do not need to be defrosted; it is enough to put them in the dish being prepared at the right time.

You can prepare a hot dish from salted and pickled mushrooms or use them in salads if you boil them in water for 5-7 minutes to release extra salt and acid. If you use salted mushrooms, you can soak them in cold water for about 5 hours.

To season mushroom dishes, sour cream, onions, garlic, dill, parsley, and apples are most often used. IN minimum quantities We recommend adding nutmeg, cloves, allspice. Especially little spices are required for saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, chanterelles and white mushrooms.

We recommend not using vinegar when preparing, but replacing it with lemon juice. Mix while cooking different types mushrooms are not recommended; it is better to cook each type separately. The exception is frying.

Frying and stewing mushrooms

All lamellar mushrooms must be soaked and boiled before frying, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning. You can simply fry the mushrooms, or you can fry them breaded. Only when frying can you mix several types of mushrooms; for other cooking methods this is not recommended. The average time for frying mushrooms is 20-30 minutes. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms after they are well browned and completely fried.

Stew better mushrooms, pre-dried with a paper towel so that they do not contain too much moisture. We recommend adding mushrooms

on an already heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. First, the mushrooms are stewed over low heat in own juice about 20 minutes, then you can add vegetables or onions and simmer for about 10 more minutes until they are ready, at the end you can add additional liquid or filling and simmer without a lid for several minutes, stirring.

It is very tasty to stew mushrooms in sour cream, rabbit broth or white wine. These stewed mushrooms can be used as an independent side dish, or as part of a complex dish.

Cooking mushrooms and broths

During cooking fresh mushrooms We recommend putting a peeled onion into the water; if it turns blue, it means there is a poisonous mushroom in the pan.

Any mushrooms should be cooked for no more than 20 minutes after boiling. Boil milk mushrooms and russula for 5 minutes, boletus – 7 minutes, white and aspen mushrooms – 10 minutes. Boil morels in salted water for 15 minutes. Chanterelles and valui – 20 minutes. After boiling, the mushrooms should be rinsed with cold boiled water. Large mushrooms cook faster than small ones.

Dried chanterelles will boil better if you add a pinch to the water baking soda. Peeled boletus legs will not darken during cooking if you cook them without cutting them. To prevent the mushrooms from losing their taste and aroma during cooking, we recommend cooking them only over medium heat. When cooking honey mushrooms and boletus, try adding them to boiling water Bay leaf, the aroma will become more pleasant.

It’s easy to check the readiness of mushrooms - raw mushrooms float up, and the finished ones settle to the bottom.

Salting and marinating mushrooms

For pickling, mushrooms can be pre-boiled, or they can be cooked in their natural, processed form. You can cook it immediately in the marinade.

If you salt or pickle mushrooms yourself, do not use metal lids. It is best to cover the jar with several layers of wax paper, tie it tightly with twine and place it in a cool place. When marinating, try adding a little cloves, star anise and cinnamon to the marinade - this will add a spicy original aroma.

To know exactly how long to cook mushrooms, you need to take into account what kind of mushrooms we are talking about. There are many varieties of mushrooms, so cooking times may vary.

Preparing fresh mushrooms

It is quite easy to distinguish whether a dish is cooked or not. If, when lifting the pan, the mushrooms sink to the bottom, the food is ready; if not, then you need to wait a little longer. However, when cooking certain types, you should adhere to time intervals, which are not advisable to exaggerate.

    • White mushrooms. Before starting boiling, they must be cleaned and rinsed in advance. The food should be placed in cold water, add a little salt, and cook for about 40 minutes. To cook a dish of this type correctly, it is useful to know that during cooking it is periodically necessary to get rid of the foam. If the dish is cooked in a double boiler, it will take 40 minutes. If you want to try fried porcini mushrooms, it is useful to boil them for 15 - 20 minutes before frying. This will help make the food taste much better.
  • Boletus mushrooms. Before cooking boletus mushrooms, it is recommended to wash them. During the cooking process, it is also necessary to remove the foam. Boiling should last no more than 50 minutes.
  • Champignon. Cooking the champignons takes 5 minutes.
  • Chanterelles. To boil chanterelles, you need to cook them for 20 minutes. Cooking boletus mushrooms takes the same amount of time, but when preparing them, you should remove the films from the caps in advance.
  • Russula. Cooking lasts 30 minutes.
  • Oyster mushrooms. It is advisable to spend 15 to 20 minutes boiling oyster mushrooms.
  • Milk mushrooms. Before boiling milk mushrooms, you should soak them for at least two days. It is important to periodically change the water to fresh water. Cooking time takes 15 minutes.
  • Honey mushrooms. Honey mushrooms should be cooked until the water boils. Then the boiling water should be poured out, the pan should be filled with fresh water and boiled again for an hour.

Boiling dried mushrooms

Few manage to process quality dried mushrooms. If processed poorly, they will not only become tougher, but also lose their taste along with useful substances. Before you start cooking, they need to be soaked in cold liquid for 3-4 hours.

Important: Some people, after the time has come to take out the soaked product, change the water and begin to boil. It is not advisable to do this, as it will be lost during cooking. the most pleasant taste and smell. They should be cooked in the same liquid in which they were placed. However, if needles and sticks from drying are noticeable on the surface of this water, then it is advisable to change it.

If the mushroom pot is prepared from dried mushrooms, then it is better to change the water and start cooking with fresh water. For soup, stewing and frying, the boiling process should be carried out for two hours so that they turn out soft and pleasant to the taste.
If the dish is fried, the water must be salted during cooking. When they are ready, the food should be transferred to a colander and then rinsed. Then everything needs to be cut and placed in a frying pan that has been pre-treated with oil.

Preparing frozen mushrooms

Mushrooms are frozen even if the amount of ice is insignificant, since not all moisture is lost during the freezing period. It is not recommended to boil frozen mushrooms, so this food must be defrosted in advance. You can defrost using: fresh air, and using a microwave oven.
After defrosting, the food must be washed and then boiled. Frozen mushrooms can only be cooked over low heat, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Cooking takes no more than 30 minutes.

Fragrant gifts of the forest, mushrooms are especially loved.

You can cook them rich soup, hodgepodge, filling for pies and pies, delicious second dish.

Before eating, almost any mushrooms (with rare exceptions) need to be boiled.

How to cook mushrooms and how long does it take?

Why cook mushrooms

There are several types heat treatment collected forest harvest. Cooking is one of the simplest and most common methods. Why is it needed?

Firstly, mushrooms contain alkaloids that are hazardous to health. These are toxic compounds that should definitely be disposed of. Some types of mushrooms, for example, contain gilvelic acid. This is a powerful poison that has a destructive effect on the liver and kidneys and leads to death in 30% of cases. The poison is contained by strings - mushrooms very similar to morels. When cooked, it turns into liquid, so suspicious mushrooms are boiled in two waters, the first one must be drained, and the mushrooms are washed after it.

It is no coincidence that mushrooms are compared to a sponge. They instantly absorb all dirty and harmful substances from the environment, including radiation. Boiling helps reduce its level; with a single boil for ten minutes, the radiation level is reduced by 80 percent, and with a double boil, by 97 percent.

In addition, some types of mushrooms that do not pass the boiling water test may taste bitter. Therefore, you need to cook not only dangerous strings (which, in fairness, rarely end up in a mushroom picker’s basket), but also everyone’s favorite chanterelles, russula, milk mushrooms and even store-bought champignons.

How to cook mushrooms depends on their type. However, it is important to understand that when cooking some nutrients and vitamins will go into the decoction. Therefore, you need to pour a little water into the pan so that it only slightly covers the mushrooms.

How to prepare mushrooms for cooking

Before you put the mushrooms in the pan, you need to prepare them: sort, clean, cut off all questionable places (brown spots, damage, parts infested with worms or slugs). This must be done on the same day that the forest gifts were collected. If the mushrooms are old, you need to remove the bottom part of the cap.

If cooking is scheduled for another day, then the product should be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, the mushrooms are not washed, only the adhering leaves, grains of sand and grass are cleaned off with a knife. Before boiling, the mushrooms can be rinsed with cold water, but quickly so that they do not have time to soak in water.

How long to cook fresh mushrooms

Mushrooms are cooked for several purposes: to freeze for the winter, prepare for pickling, or process before frying. Cooking time will depend on the type of mushroom. Readiness can be determined by external signs: Boiled mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the pan when you lift it over the burner. Still, it is best to follow the cooking time recommendations. How long to cook mushrooms? Experienced chefs The following order is recommended:

The champignons are cooked purely symbolically - for five minutes;

Fifteen minutes are enough for oyster mushrooms to be ready; large nests can be boiled for five minutes longer;

Chanterelles and boletuses should spend 20 minutes in boiling water (the film is first removed from the boletus caps);

Russula, despite the name, should be cooked for half an hour;

Before boiling, porcini mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, the film removed from the cap, rinsed, and then cooked for 40 minutes;

Boletus mushrooms are processed in the same way as porcini mushrooms, but boiled for 45-50 minutes;

Honey mushrooms are placed in water, brought to a boil, after which the first decoction is drained and filled with a new portion of water. Secondary cooking time – 50-60 minutes;

Dense milk mushrooms are pre-soaked in cold water for an hour (add two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), then boiled for 15 minutes.

Cooking mushrooms is very simple. You need to put it in a saucepan, add a small amount of water, add salt and, after boiling, keep it in boiling water from five minutes to one hour, depending on the type. If mushrooms are processed for further frying, they need to be cooked for 10-20 minutes less than indicated in the basic recommendation. Then remove from the water, chop or grind in a meat grinder and use according to the main recipe.

Very tasty winter preparation will be obtained from boiled fresh mushrooms prepared according to the following recipe.


Two kilograms of fresh mushrooms;

One and a half liters of water;

A spoonful of salt (the amount of salt can be varied to suit your taste);

Two black currant leaves;

Head of garlic;

Ten black peppercorns.


First, you need to sort the mushrooms, clean off the forest dirt, and rinse them in small portions in a colander.

In a large bowl or saucepan, soak the entire amount of mushroom “meat” and add a portion of fresh cold water.

Place a small pressure in the form of a plate of suitable diameter so that all the mushrooms are under water.

After an hour and a half, rinse the soaked mushrooms again, chop the large ones, and leave the small ones whole.

Pour one and a half liters of water over the mushrooms and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, add pepper and salt, currant leaves and garlic.

Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and cool.

For winter freezing, place the cooled mushrooms in bags in small portions of about half a kilogram (exactly as much as you need for mushroom soup, frying with potatoes, making a pie, etc.) and place in the freezer. It is important that there is as little air as possible left in the bag of mushrooms.

Mushrooms frozen this way can be stored for one year.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are real winter delicacy. You can use them to prepare a variety of delicious, aromatic, amazing delicious firsts and main courses, pastries, appetizers and salads. However, to restore the original properties of the mushroom, it is important to know how long to cook the mushrooms after drying.

Improperly prepared dried mushrooms lose both taste and pleasant texture and become too tough. First of all, they should be soaked in fresh cold water. Four hours of soaking will be enough to restore the elasticity and volume of the mushroom slices. You don’t have to drain the water after soaking, because the mushrooms give it their amazing aroma and taste. Of course, you need to focus on results. If the mushrooms were prepared incorrectly, the water will become dirty, cloudy, clogged with leaves, pine needles, and sand. You shouldn’t cook mushroom “meat” in this.

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are dried. However, you can dry boletus, boletus, morels, moss mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, etc. How long should you cook dried mushrooms after soaking? At least half an hour. You can check readiness by whether the mushrooms fall to the bottom of the pan after rising above the surface of the stove.

Depending on the degree of drying, it may take longer to cook the mushroom slices. To prepare a delicious decoction based on porcini mushrooms, you can use the following recipe.


Three hundred grams of dried porcini mushroom slices;

One and a half liters of water;

Bay leaf;

Peppercorns (optional).


Pour boiling water over the mushrooms so that all the slices are under water. You can press them down on top with a plate or lid.

After three to four hours, pour the swollen mushrooms into a pan of boiling water for the broth.

Throw in the bay leaf, pepper, and add salt to the broth to taste.

How long to cook dried mushrooms depends on the size of the slices and the degree of drying. If the mushrooms are coarsely dried, the cooking time should be 35-40 minutes. Thin slices will cook faster, literally in half an hour.

After the mushrooms are ready, they can be cut into smaller pieces and placed in a frying pan in heated oil. Boil broth based mushroom soup.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms

You can cook the same wonderful dishes from frozen mushrooms as from fresh ones. They freeze champignons, boletus, white mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles - almost everything that can be brought from a successful mushroom hunt. How long to cook frozen mushrooms? Before answering this question, you need to know how to prepare mushrooms for cooking.

The fact is that it will not be possible to remove all the moisture from mushrooms before freezing: a small amount of ice. You can’t throw mushrooms in this state into the pan, they will ruin the whole thing. Therefore, the mushrooms need to be defrosted first. You can do this in several ways:

Microwave for a couple of minutes;

Leave in a colander at room temperature and wait for natural thawing.

After the mushrooms have thawed, they must be washed in running water. Then everything is simple: add water to the mushrooms and put them on the fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer, covering with a lid. Be sure to stir from time to time and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms? For full readiness 20-30 minutes is enough. The champignons will be ready in 15 minutes.

How to use boiled mushrooms and mushroom broth

Fresh, dried and frozen boiled mushrooms rarely become a separate dish. Usually they are boiled for pickling, pickling, freezing (if the mushrooms are fresh). In addition, dried and frozen mushrooms are boiled to make soup, mushroom salad, filling in pies or pancakes, julienne, fried potatoes.

After cooking the mushrooms, the broth should not be poured out. It's valuable food product, on the basis of which you can weld light aromatic soup or make a wonderful sauce for a meat or poultry dish.

The broth can be frozen in plastic container or bottle. This is very convenient, because you can prepare soup or sauce with fresh mushroom broth at any time.

Mushroom season is now fully open. dining table, which will last until the fall. Many of us simply adore mushrooms prepared in all sorts of ways.

Even if you don’t want to go into the forest to buy your favorite product, you can successfully purchase ordinary champignons and oyster mushrooms in the store.

Mushrooms are a source of protein, carbohydrates, antioxidants, amino acids, phosphorus, provitamin D, potassium, zinc, iron, calcium, iodine, vitamins B, C, E, PP.

But there is practically no fat. Therefore, mushrooms are low-calorie and super healthy.

The online magazine “” offers 10 completely simple and unusual recipes, which will help you cook mushrooms deliciously and can diversify your menu *good*

Recipe No. 1: Salad with mushrooms, chicken and corn

500g mushrooms

300-400g chicken fillet

200g canned corn

vegetable oil

1 onion

1 carrot

Peel the carrots and onions, chop and fry on vegetable oil before golden color. Add mushrooms and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated. Cool.

To the resulting mass add finely chopped boiled chicken. Next - corn (be sure to drain the water from the jar) and eggs. Add salt, add mayonnaise and stir.

Recipe No. 2: Mushroom pita cake

500 g fresh mushrooms

2 pcs. thin “Armenian” lavash

400 g onions

4 tbsp. sour cream

100 g cheese (hard)

vegetable oil

Chop the onion and lightly fry in oil, add chopped mushrooms, pepper, salt, stir and cook until done. Prepared vegetables pass through a meat grinder.

Take the foil, fold it into 6 layers and place it on a baking sheet.

Now take the pita bread, cut it into 4 parts (you should get 8 sheets of pita bread). And now we alternate: put a sheet of pita bread on foil, grease it mushroom filling, cover with another sheet of pita bread and grease with mushrooms again. And so on.

Then we take sour cream and grease the sides and top of the “cake”, sprinkle the same places with grated cheese. Place our “cake” in an oven preheated to 180° and wait until the cheese melts. No need to bake it! Ready snack cut into portioned pieces and decorate with greenery. By the way, specified products enough for 6 servings.

Recipe No. 3: Mushrooms in sour cream

800 g fresh mushrooms

a pair of bulbs

200 g sour cream

Parsley (basically, any greens will do)

vegetable oil for frying

Chop the onions and mushrooms and fry in oil. Then add pepper, salt and sour cream.

Cover the resulting mixture with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add the herbs.

Delicious mushrooms are ready!

Products are designed for 4 servings.

Recipe No. 4: Mushroom paste

500 g mushrooms

pasta (spaghetti)

200 ml cream

1 onion

1 small carrot (or half a large one)

butter for frying

Boil the pasta until half cooked. Cut carrots and onions into small cubes, fry on butter. Then add the mushrooms and cook for another 10 minutes. Then fill the whole thing with cream. As soon as the cream begins to boil (Attention! This will happen in about 2 minutes J) add our undercooked pasta.

Stir gently and simmer for about 5 minutes. Next, remove the dish from the heat, close the lid and let it brew for a couple of minutes. After the specified time has passed, you can enjoy mushroom paste! The indicated quantity of products is enough for 3 people.

Recipe No. 5: Mushroom cupcakes

100 g mushrooms

200 g chicken (fillet)

2 eggs (1 large is fine)

4 tbsp. mayonnaise (sour cream will also work)

2 tbsp. semolina

50 ml milk

100 g per grated cheese(solid)

muffin tins

Grind the washed chicken and mushrooms in a blender (you can also use a meat grinder). Add the rest of the ingredients to the resulting puree and mix well with a spoon.

Fill the molds ¾ full with the mixture. Preheat the oven to 180° and bake the cupcakes for 20-30 minutes, then cool them. You can serve these muffins with vegetables or even just with ketchup. These products make about 5 servings.

Recipe No. 6: Chicken rolls with mushrooms


200 g mushrooms

1 kilo chicken fillet

a pair of bulbs

vegetable oil

300 g sour cream

1 tbsp. tomato paste

Chop mushrooms and onions and fry in oil. Cut the washed fillet into portioned pieces and beat it from both sides. Salt, pepper and grease with oil. Place the filling on the edge of the fillet and roll into a roll.

Tie the resulting roll with a thread (otherwise it will unwind) and fry on both sides until golden brown. Remove the threads. To prepare the sauce, mix sour cream, tomato paste and salt. Next, take a saucepan.

Pour some sauce on the bottom. Place the rolls there too. Pour the rest of the sauce over them (it is important that the rolls are completely covered with it; if there is not enough sauce, add water). Simmer the rolls over low heat for 20 minutes.

You should have at least 5 rolls. You can choose any side dish for this dish at your discretion.

Recipe No. 7: Pot with potatoes and mushrooms

100 g mushrooms

1 kilo potatoes

a pair of onions

4 tbsp. sour cream

vegetable oil


Chop the onions and mushrooms and fry in oil. Peel and cut the potatoes. Combine in a bowl raw potatoes and mushrooms with onions. Stir.

Place the resulting mixture in pots and fill with water so that it almost completely covers the potatoes.

Add 1 tbsp to each pot. sour cream, as well as salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic and herbs (chopped) and cover the pots with lids (if there are no lids, use pieces of foil). Cook in the oven at 220° for about an hour (40-60 minutes). You should get 4 servings.

Recipe No. 8: potato zrazy with mushrooms

10 potatoes

200 g mushrooms

200-300 g onion

vegetable oil

Peel and boil the potatoes. Make a puree out of it, and then form boats from the puree. Chop onions and mushrooms and fry.

Place the fried vegetables inside the boat and form it immediately. Fry the zrazy in boiling oil.

Decorate the finished dish with herbs. You should get at least 5 servings.

Recipe No. 9: Mushroom casserole

500 g mushrooms

500-600 g potatoes

a pair of bulbs

200g grated cheese (hard)

mayonnaise (sour cream will also work)

vegetable oil

Chop and fry the mushrooms in oil, adding a little salt until the liquid has evaporated. Take a baking sheet, grease it with oil or cover it with foil (along with the sides). Place a layer of sliced ​​potatoes on a baking sheet.

Pepper, salt, grease with mayonnaise or sour cream. Also add a layer of onion sliced ​​into rings. Next is a layer of mushrooms (half of the total mass). Repeat all layers again. The last layer is potatoes, smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise. Bake at 180° for about an hour (40-60 minutes) until the potatoes are soft.

When the time is up, remove the pan, sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and return it to the oven until the cheese melts. The calculated amount of products is enough for 5 servings.

Recipe No. 10: Mushroom cutlets

500g mushrooms

a couple of boiled potatoes

greens (parsley)

a couple tbsp. breadcrumbs

flour (for breading)

vegetable oil (for deep frying)

Fry chopped mushrooms in oil until tender, combine with grated mushrooms on a coarse grater boiled potatoes. Beat the egg and add it to the mixture.

Place and mix breadcrumbs, pepper, salt, and herbs. Form into cutlets, roll in flour and fry in large quantities oil on both sides until golden brown. Can be served with sour cream.

As you can see, the recipes are simple, without any fancy ingredients. Potatoes, cheese, chicken and sour cream are the most common foods that traditionally go well with mushrooms. Try our delicious mushroom recipes and delight your loved ones with them!
