What types of chicken meat? White or red meat, which one is more preferable?

– one of the richest sources of protein, as well as many vitamins and minerals.

But which meat is healthier? White or red? And which meat is considered white and which is red?

You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Red meat

First of all, these are beef, pork, lamb and horse meat. Rabbit meat also partially belongs to this type. Red meat includes legs of chickens, geese and ducks. The characteristic red color of meat is given by myoglobin, a special protein found in muscle tissue. In its own way, it is an analogue of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Myoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen in skeletal muscles and in the heart muscle. Red meat is a complete source of protein and amino acids, which our body cannot do without.

1. Rich in B vitamins

B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins necessary for our body for normal growth, development and functioning. They play an important role in the functioning of the brain and nervous system as a whole, and their deficiency negatively affects our mental health. Also, a lack of B vitamins entails such consequences as acne, pimples, sagging skin, brittle nails and hair, and insomnia for no reason. That is, we can say that vitamins of this group directly affect our appearance.

2. Source of iron

It is red meat that contains a large number of iron, which helps maintain red blood cell levels, which in turn are important for the development of red blood cells. Iron is involved in hematopoiesis. It is known that iron deficiency leads to anemia and problems of cardio-vascular system, therefore, it is important for the body to receive this precious element in order to avoid problems with health and general well-being. Women especially need iron during menstruation and during postpartum recovery.

For athletes, meat is also a rich source of creatine. The more it is, the more oxygen is supplied to the muscles. This meat is definitely recommended for children and adolescents whose bodies are still developing. The recommended iron intake for women is 18 mg per day and for men 8 mg.

3. Source of zinc

Zinc regulates immunity by participating in the synthesis of hormones of the body's main immune gland - the thymus. The presence of the trace element zinc in the human body contributes to the normal development of bone tissue, stimulates cell growth and division, tissue regeneration, reproductive function, and brain development. It is known that approximately 30% of zinc is obtained from red meat and meat products nutrition. Zinc not only promotes long-term vital activity, but also helps maintain youth and get rid of fatigue.

The dangers of red meat

Often a product becomes harmful due to ignorance of the basic rules for its use. Practical studies have also shown that red meats, consumed too often and uncontrollably, increase the risk of developing oncological diseases by 12%. If you like red meat, you should eat lean varieties. Try not to eat red meat every day. And choose The right way its preparations. Give up fried foods with delicious golden crust And high content carcinogens to boot. As a result, you will significantly reduce all risks.

White meat

Meat with a low myoglobin content is considered white. Refers to white meat chicken breast, turkey, rabbit meat. It is lighter in color, has different taste and dietary qualities, and is easier and faster to digest. In addition, chicken meat contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium, compared to other types of meat.

1. Low-calorie product

Despite the rich content of carbohydrates and proteins, white meat does not contain fat. That is why these products are used for dietary nutrition. To people suffering various diseases cardiovascular system, they are prescribed to eat poultry meat. White meat is ideal for those looking to lose weight overweight and lower cholesterol levels. By reducing bad cholesterol, we enable blood vessels to be elastic, and reduce the risk of stroke and cerebral atherosclerosis.

2. Antidepressant

White meat contains tryptophan. This amino acid is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that help improve mood and relieve nervous tension. Protein and glutamine, contained in large quantities in chicken meat, improve the functioning of the nervous system. White meat also contains B vitamins, which are necessary for normal metabolism. Vitamins B9 and B12 are considered especially important for pregnant women and nursing mothers - they contribute to the normal development of the fetus and support the well-being of the mother.

Harm white meat

What speaks against white meat? First of all, it is worth noting that white chicken meat, compared to other types of meat, contains very little iron and magnesium - microelements that are necessary for normal hematopoiesis. White meat, as the main source of nutrition, is not suitable for people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Another big drawback chicken meat is a skin containing a lot of fatty tissue. That is why, in order to minimize the harm of chicken meat, it is better to remove the skin before eating it.

To answer this question, let's figure out which meat is red and which is white, and what the benefits of each are.

Red meat

Red meat gets its logical name because of its red hue, which is caused by the protein myoglobin, an oxygen-binding protein in skeletal and heart muscles. Myoglobin is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and, in combination with iron, supplies oxygen to muscle tissue.

Red meat is the No. 1 supplier of iron. With strength loads and an active lifestyle, muscle tissue contracts, which leads to its destruction. And thanks to iron, muscle tissue is restored, which is why red meat is recommended for people leading an active lifestyle, experiencing regular physical activity and athletes during aerobic exercise.

Iron is involved in hematopoiesis. It is known that iron deficiency leads to anemia and problems of the cardiovascular system, so it is important for the body to receive this precious element in order to avoid problems with health and general well-being. Women especially need iron during menstruation and during postpartum recovery.

Eating red meat will help the immune system and nervous system human, because it contains magnesium and zinc, vitamins B, PP, and even a little vitamin D. The presence of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and fluorine in red meat promotes the health and restoration of bones, teeth, hair and nails.

It should definitely be said that red meat is a source of animal proteins. And protein is a well-known building element of a living organism. Protein deficiency leads to serious problems with children's health, which can lead to slower growth and development of the body. In adults, this deficiency will manifest itself as a hormonal imbalance, a violation in the body’s absorption of nutrients, deterioration in general health and organs. That’s why it’s so important not to neglect meat in your diet.

Now you know what properties red meat has.

What is red meat?

  • beef;
  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • horsemeat;
  • “old” rabbit meat;
  • chicken legs;
  • duck.

We've figured it out with red meat, let's move on to white meat.

White meat

White meat contains less myoglobin, which you met above, so the meat is not characterized by a red color, and this meat looks white or pale pink. White meat differs from red meat not only in color, but also in taste. It is delicate and gentle. White meat dishes have a more subtle and refined taste.

It contains less protein than red meat, but also significantly less cholesterol, which gives white meat the right to be considered dietary product, and, therefore, especially useful and nutritious. White meat contains a number of necessary for the body human amino acids, as well as microelements: iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin A, C and E.

Having such a strong arsenal useful substances white meat is recommended in therapeutic diets, when restoring the body after long-term illnesses, as well as with an active lifestyle and regular physical activity. It is popular in weight loss diets.

White meat contains easily digestible proteins, it is light and almost completely absorbed by the body. Due to this property, white meat is recommended to be administered to babies during their first feeding for the harmonious growth and development of a young body, as well as to older people to restore and maintain all body systems. Yes, that’s what it is, white meat is healing.

White meat includes:

  • veal;
  • lamb;
  • turkey meat;
  • young rabbit meat;
  • chicken breast;
  • chicken wings;
  • lean pork tenderloin.

In the confrontation between red and white meat, there are no clear winners, since each product has its own benefits and relevance.
Do not forget that no matter how useful the product is, what is useful in excessive quantities becomes harmful. Therefore, you should not abuse meat - neither red nor white, you need to use meat in your diet, balanced with other foods. And also cook in ways that preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible: boil, stew, bake, less often - use in fried, and it’s better to grill it.

Observing simple rules By listening to your body and treating nutrition consciously, you take care of your health and longevity, which means you give yourself the opportunity to live a high-quality and interesting life, full of joy and pleasant sensations, including taste. Properly prepared, both white and red meat can give you these sensations!

Almost every average housewife knows that there are two so-called conditional type meat: red And white, and knows which meat belongs to which category.

Usually, to red varieties include meat that is darker and rich in a special substance - myoglobin - beef, pork, goat, lamb, horse. Respectively, To white variety As a rule, they include rabbit and poultry meat.

However, the last statement is not very correct, since, in turn, it is also conventionally divided into the same categories: red and white. And in in this case also every housewife knows that to white meat These include mainly the breast parts of bird carcasses, in some species also wings, and everything else is . But, for example, in the pectoral muscles of a goose or duck there are both white and red fibers, which, in turn, makes it possible to classify the meat of this bird into a separate category. If we talk about the usefulness of these types of meat, then both of them are valuable and healthy. But due to the fact that white meat contains much less fat and fat-soluble vitamins, it is considered somewhat dry compared to red meat, which is quite easy to prepare and, regardless of cooking methods, for the most part always turns out juicy.

Despite the fact that the most common opinion is that white meat is the healthiest, one should not belittle the available beneficial properties and red type. No matter how they talk about the harmfulness of fats for the body, it is pointless to deny their necessity. Therefore, red meat is a valuable food product not only due to the fact that it includes most of such complete and vital substances as proteins, amino acids, various elements, but also the same fat. Poultry fat, of course, compared to other types of meat, contains more of those acids that are classified as poorly synthesized, but this does not make it less useful for the human body.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the fat component also depends on the type of bird, which should be taken into account when compiling a diet. So, everyone knows that goose and duck are fattier varieties of poultry; accordingly, the red meat of these birds is more saturated with fat-containing acids, compared to more dietary varieties of poultry, such as quail or turkey. However, the mandatory presence of any poultry meat in the diet is an indisputable fact; consuming poultry meat, not only white, but also red, along with other types of poultry, will allow you to receive in a balanced manner all the substances and elements necessary for the normal development of the body and maintaining its tone.

White meat or red meat? Which one is better for eating? Which one is healthier? Given that expert opinions differ regarding these two types of meat, it is very difficult for the average consumer to decide which one should be preferred. In this article, we'll cover what you need to know about red and white meat to benefit from eating both.

The fact is that it is not so much the type of meat consumed that is important, but its quantity, as well as the method of preparation. Both white and red meat are good for the body, although the balance is tipped in favor of white meat, and it is considered healthier, and red meat is rejected as harmful to health. What is this opinion based on, and what leads to the formation of such a significant gap in healthfulness between white and red meat? Read on to learn how eating both red and white meat can be beneficial when cooked properly.

Difference, pros and cons

Let's start with the basics. Sources of white meat include poultry, particularly chicken and turkey, as well as fish (and other seafood). Rabbit meat is also considered white meat. White meat is called so because of its light color. Red meat, on the other hand, includes lamb, beef and pork. Duck meat is still meat poultry, still applies to red meat. Red meat also gets its name due to its rich, dark color. Essentially, lighter meat is called white, while darker meat is called red.

All about red meat

Red meat is considered great source protein, riboflavin, iron and thiamine. Moreover, it is also a rich source of saturated fat and cholesterol, which not only causes weight gain but can also be harmful to the heart if consumed in excess. This is why red meat is said to be harmful. Additionally, recent research suggests that eating red meat in unreasonable quantities may lead to the development of various types cancer. Another problem is that red meat is most often served fried with big amount additives such as cheese, French fries, mayonnaise and other similar products, which makes it a cause of unhealthy weight gain. This is another reason for negative reviews about red meat.

However, red meat lovers should know that by eating lean red meat, you can reduce your risk of developing any of the above-mentioned diseases. For example, a grilled burger patty made from lean ground beef, is much healthier than a deep-fried fatty cutlet.

All about white meat

White meat is known to have fewer calories and is an excellent source of essential unsaturated fats. Moreover, it has been established that the protein contained in fish is extremely beneficial for everyone. And although there are no risks associated with eating white meat, nutritionists call it the poorest source of protein. Indeed, the amount of protein in it may be less than in red meat. This, however, does not mean that white meat is not healthy. In fact, it is ideal for those who are trying to lose weight, reduce cholesterol levels in the body and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Just like red meat, white meat should be eaten grilled, steamed or boiled rather than fried in oil.

Frying in oil only adds calories and makes all attempts to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle futile. In conclusion, it is important to understand that both red and white meat should be consumed in moderation. In addition, you need to pay attention to how the meat is cooked. Red meat is not harmful if consumed in lean form together with others healthy products, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet is necessary for any product to benefit the body. Likewise, white meat is beneficial if consumed in moderation. balanced diet. Overall, you can reap the benefits of eating both red and white meat. small quantities both. Do not think that any of them are harmful or not beneficial. Both types have something to offer our body, and when consumed in reasonable quantities, they only bring benefits.


Whether or not to consider red meat as part of a healthy diet is one of the most hotly debated topics in nutrition.

The definition of “red meat” has changed with time, place and culture. In culinary terminology, red meat is synonymous with meat that is red in color when raw. Food terminology, on the other hand, defines it as meat that comes from mammals. Red meat includes all types of beef and pork, bacon, sausage, sausage, and liver. White meat contains fish and poultry (chicken, turkey), which are not mammals.

To be precise, we classify all meat obtained from "livestock" as red meat due to the presence more content myoglobin, compared to chicken or fish. Myoglobin concentration is a major factor in determining the color of meat.

Red meat

Everyone probably knows that red meat is a rich source of iron. It also contains proteins, minerals, zinc and phosphorus, vitamin B12, thiamine and riboflavin. It also has high levels alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant.

Nevertheless, regular use red meat is known to create serious health problems. This is due to the high amount of saturated fat in red meat.

Additionally, a recent study found a significant link between high red meat consumption and an increased risk of rectal cancer.
Other health risks associated with eating red meat are bone loss, diabetes type two, arterial hypertension and arthritis.

It was found that those who ate more red and processed meat had an increased risk of developing cancer and heart disease. In contrast, those who ate more white meat had a reduced risk of death.

Researchers say 11% of deaths in men and 16% of deaths in women could be avoided if people who ate a lot of red meat reduced the amount of it in their diets.

Personal experience
