Rose tea. Noble rose petal tea

Hello! Today is the continuation of the rose story, and my review of rose buds for Mei Gui Hua Bao tea (I didn’t say it right the first time) will become a worthy representative of the series. Rose jam is already familiar to me. And here rose tea? What does it taste like? This is what I decided to check.

Price: 305r

Volume: 50g


Description :

Rosebuds are a traditional favorite flower addition to tea in China. The rose has always been considered a beautiful flower with amazing properties.
Rose gently calms and pacifies. Helps maintain youth and improve mood. Most often it is added to black or red tea.
Try adding rose to pu-erh if it is in classic look You are tired and you will be surprised by the new shades that the rose will give to your drink.

Effect on the body:

Improves blood composition, regulates blood circulation in the body, normalizes the body's oxygen supply.
For people who want to have beautiful colour face, good skin and take care of their health, this tea will be a pleasant find.
Acts like depressant, a weak infusion can be given to children.


A teaspoon per cup, brew up to 3 times at a temperature of 90 degrees for 2-3 minutes.

I hope the review was useful to you, thank you for your attention!)

Improves sleep
Cheers up

Therapeutic effect

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect
Strengthens immunity
Detoxification of the body
Helps get rid of excess weight

Place of production

general information

Chinese rose buds or Meigui Hua are the most delicate addition to pu-erh, white teas and oolongs, as well as an exquisite stand-alone drink. All of China idolizes these charming buds, carefully grown in Shandong province. Their fragrance, bright rich taste and visual elegance will create for you a tea party in Heaven - impeccably tender, delicate, opening up new facets of taste.

If you consider yourself a connoisseur and connoisseur of tea culture, you should definitely drink this fragrant, pale pink drink. And be sure to try rose buds as an addition to your favorite tea.

Infusion color

Light pink.

Taste and aroma

Air, sweet taste with a long delicate aftertaste. Very pleasant, strong, floral aroma! Natural rose oils are revealed in full force with brewing.

Beneficial features

The buds of Chinese roses contain essential oils in abundance, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, which helps in the fight against colds. Rose infusion rejuvenates every cell of the body and evens out skin color. Also Chinese rose rich in vitamin C - a faithful helper of the immune system. And the indescribable aroma has a beneficial effect on the emotional state.


When did Chinese rose buds begin to brew in China? Many centuries ago, and still today! Roses decorate lives with their sweet scent, and transparent gaiwans with their gently blossoming buds.

You can find peace of mind, calm your nerves and improve your mood for the whole day with the help of one wonderful drink. Tea made from rose petals with its magical aroma and delicate taste will easily dispel sadness and melancholy. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on overall health, not just nervous system. After all, the rose is not just the queen among flowers, but also an excellent healing plant.

Benefits of tea

Drink thanks chemical composition flower is good for health. They knew about this back in ancient times. Even then we noticed that rose tea:

  • relieves pain;
  • refreshes;
  • kills germs;
  • clarifies thoughts;
  • good for the heart.

And for women, an infusion from a beautiful flower is simply irreplaceable. Especially during any hormonal changes. This also includes the notorious premenstrual syndrome, which every month complicates the life of the fair sex. Nervousness, impulsiveness, instability in terms of emotions - a pink drink can cope with this without any problems. His healing power It will also help with hot flashes, cycle disorders and dysfunctions.

Rose petal tea is an antiseptic. Wounds, bedsores, and burns are washed with a decoction without any additives. Here it also helps out as a natural antibiotic.

Also the infusion is:

  • antiviral,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • regenerating,
  • antibacterial agent.

It is used for colds. When coughing, it promotes expectoration, and when there is a sore throat (you need to drink and gargle) and stomatitis, it helps relieve inflammation. Rose tea is also used as an anthelmintic. And also he:

  • Relieves spasms and pain.
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, having a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach.
  • Eliminates manifestations of depression, removes depression and depression, and lifts your spirits.
  • It is a source of strength and energy.
  • Heals blood vessels.

The plant contains pantothenic acid, and it stops aging, as if blocking the way for wrinkles. New ones do not appear, and old ones are gradually smoothed out. Of course, not just from one tea, but in a complex of simple measures. But still, as a result of constant moderate consumption of the drink, the condition of the skin improves.

Rose tea strengthens the immune system. The petals contain substances that increase the body's resistance to harmful external influences. The properties of the infusion are also used for weight loss. The important things here are:

  • mild laxative effect;
  • weak diuretic effect;
  • ability to remove toxins;
  • normalization of digestion and metabolism;
  • sedative and other properties.

About things like fatigue and low performance when regular use I'll have to forget about tea. Without regret, of course.

The iodine in the composition improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Naturally, if there is a shortage of it. For diseases where iodine aggravates the situation, tea should be abandoned. Zinc has a beneficial effect on nails and hair, and iron prevents anemia.

Chinese rose

There are many roses. They all have one or another medicinal properties. But I would like to draw your attention to the Chinese rose. Tea from it:

  • cleanses the blood;
  • prevents thrombus formation.

The drink is also useful for men - it will maintain potency and even increase it. In case of a hangover, it relieves all manifestations of the syndrome, restores energy and vigor.

Tea made from rose petals has a good effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder and perfectly regulates blood pressure. It removes unnecessary water from the body, which greatly helps with swelling.

Drinks have fans and detractors. But everyone likes Chinese rose tea. And the secret of success is in captivating taste, delicate aroma and healing power.

It is brewed like any other tea. 4 grams of buds per cup. Boiling water temperature - 90 °C. Time - 3 minutes. The color of the first infusion will be almost transparent. And the subsequent brews are a beautiful pink color, like the flower itself.

Rose tea does not require the use of sugar. It itself is so sweet and unique that any additives will only spoil it. delicate taste.

How to brew?

This brewing method is also used, in addition to the above:

  • Pour 10 grams of petals with water cooled to 80 °C, leave for 5 minutes and drink.

When drinking the drink, you should note that your mood instantly improves. After all, this is not just tea. This is a balm for the soul.

If you want to feel harmony with nature and peace of mind, then there is one little secret how to achieve this. You just need to prepare yourself tea from rose petals, its fragrant aroma and delicate magical taste They will immediately improve your mood and refresh your body. After all, the rose is not only the queen of flowers in beauty and aroma, but also a plant with amazing healing power. Rose petals contain essential oils, which, in addition to their aroma, will also provide a slight analgesic effect and have an antimicrobial effect. Ancient doctors noticed that rose tea not only refreshes the body, but also mental processes, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart (as does).

What benefits does rose petal tea bring? female body, should be described separately. If a woman is nervous, impulsive and emotionally unstable, then rose petals in tea will give pleasant calm, relieve the feeling of heat, preventing blood stagnation and relaxing nervous tension. If you add a little baked milk to rose petal tea, this will prevent intestinal cramps and also give a slight laxative effect, promoting a soft, gentle cleansing of toxins.

Rose has long been used in folk medicine and was considered an “aristocratic medicine.” Even now, many have heard and know how pleasant it is to take an aromatic bath with rose petals, and if you prepare “rose water”, you will not find a better cosmetic lotion. Mix fresh rose petals with honey to create delicious medicine to alleviate inflammation in sore throat or stomatitis. For dysfunctions and disorders of the menstrual cycle in women, tea made from rose petals and inflorescences is very useful Sudanese rose. Rose petals in combination with asparagus will have a tonic effect on the female body.

The tenderness of the petals is tea from roses

Eastern cultural tradition tea party has taken root well and has spread throughout the world. Traditional teas, red and white, are drunk, and floral and herbal teas, flower tea love romance and beautiful women. Delicate, romantic tea made from rose petals will improve your mood after a hard day and add strength. No less pleasant and useful action has tea made from roses grown in northeastern Africa and better known as hibiscus tea. In Asian countries it is a food crop, although there are also industrial varieties for fiber production. And with food species Sudanese roses collect flowers that are dried and then put on the market, like hibiscus tea. Brewed ruby ​​tea from rose petals from distant Africa has a mass useful qualities, valued by hibiscus lovers since ancient times.

Hibiscus is divided into two categories: small and large leaf, there is also a compact form of release in paper bags for those who are always in a hurry, but only whole Sudanese rose petals give the most complete idea of ​​the real taste of hibiscus. And one more important point— the taste and aroma of hibiscus tea is so delicate and unique that all kinds of flavorings will only spoil it. And it is necessary to brew Sudanese rose without using metal teapots. Ceramics, earthenware, porcelain, and even better glass. In a glass teapot you can clearly see how under the influence hot water Amazingly beautiful pink petals bloom, saturating the water with a ruby ​​color. Arabs love hibiscus both for its taste and for its medicinal qualities.

And they are truly extraordinary. It is believed that hibiscus tea is for blood vessels- a real salvation, it dissolves cholesterol deposits and, by cleansing blood vessels, promotes normalization blood pressure. Another useful manifestation of its properties is its weak diuretic effect, that is, the elimination of edema. And the antipyretic and antispasmodic effect will help with inflammatory processes and reduce pain during spasms. The cleansing, antioxidant effect will help restore proper functioning of the body and reduce excess weight. There is one limitation for using hibiscus: if the stomach has increased acidity and there are signs of gastritis, then such tea is clearly not beneficial.

Sudanese rose - tea of ​​the pharaohs

Originally from Africa, the Sudanese rose bush, which blooms profusely and produces its flowers to make delicious tea, has healing powers that have been known since the times of the pharaohs. The raw materials of those same flowers contain citric, tartaric, malic and ascorbic acids, but there is absolutely no oxalic acid, so you can drink hibiscus tea without worrying about kidney stones. Still in the lineup useful substances polysaccharides, flavonoids, pectins, anthocyanins and mucilages are present.

The color of the tea is similar to the color of a magnificent gemstone - ruby, this is due to anthocyanins, which have a strengthening effect on blood vessels circulatory system person. They also regulate fat metabolic processes and have an antitumor effect. That's how amazing the Sudanese rose is. Tea made from it is rich in vitamin C, that is, the well-known ascorbic acid, and quercetin, which helps maintain normal cholesterol levels and helps cleanse not only blood vessels, but the entire body.

If you want to quickly lose weight, then hibiscus tea, Sudanese rose, are mixed with Sudanese hay and the resulting drink will help to fully and gently cleanse the body and quickly remove all excess from it.

Freshly prepared tea from rose petals and sepals has a pronounced antibacterial effect directed against staphylococci, E. coli and other pathogens and bacteria in the intestines, without disturbing the normal microflora. Hibiscus tea is no less effective for cystitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, as a preventative and treatment aid.

Hibiscus tea - hibiscus (Sudanese rose)

At one time, while studying the history of ancient Egypt, archaeologists, among other finds, discovered flower petals of a Sudanese rose or hibiscus in ancient burials. It was used to make a drink that supported life energy. Centuries have passed since then, but red tea made from hibiscus flower petals is still the favorite drink of the Egyptians, which is already considered national.

Refreshing and cooling, stimulating the body's metabolism, hibiscus tea (Sudanese rose) is an amazingly beautiful shrub that can decorate any garden. Its large bright flowers delight with their lush bloom, and when collected and dried they give health and vigor in the form of delicious tea. For women, the effect of hibiscus tea is manifested in a special way; it will help fight dysfunction, act as an antispasmodic, improve skin color and strengthen hair, help lower temperature during inflammation and infections, and remove toxins from the body. In combination with rose petals, hibiscus acquires a particularly delicate taste and aroma, and this drink is a good refreshment in the summer heat.

Hibiscus tea normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and helps the liver fight toxins, promotes faster elimination of metabolic products and heavy metals. The body is cleansed and rejuvenated due to the action of natural immunomodulators contained in Sudanese rose flowers. And for those diagnosed with mixed type dystonia, hibiscus tea is an excellent blood pressure regulator.

Chinese medicine has centuries-old history and vast experience in using natural ingredients to create effective recipes. Chinese rose tea is also widely used, which cleanses the blood and prevents blood clots. If the uterus is toned and smooth muscles are spasming, then hibiscus tea will have an antispasmodic effect. Hibiscus will improve appetite, help increase the overall tone of the body, give energy during physical activity, will have a stimulating effect on chronic fatigue syndrome and will help to endure nervous stress more easily.

Sudanese or Chinese rose tea is beneficial for men, to maintain and increase potency. Hibiscus also relieves hangover symptoms, easing the general condition and giving energy and vigor. The plant is unpretentious, it is often grown in apartments or greenhouses, admiring the beautiful scarlet flowers, and many do not even know that such a familiar Chinese rose can give a magnificent refreshing and medicinal drink. It can be drunk at any age, except for very young children and those who suffer from kidney failure and gastritis or peptic ulcer. After brewing, hibiscus petals do not need to be thrown away, but added to salads or prepared as a tasty and healthy dessert.

Tea rose is an ornamental plant bred from rose hips. Tea rose petals are used in folk medicine to prepare various decoctions, healing tinctures And aromatic drinks. Thanks to an impressive amount of vitamins (C, D, E, PP), minerals (calcium, iron), essential oils and other useful substances, medicines based on it have healing effect. Remedies from rose petals are used in the fight against respiratory diseases, help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also have a good cosmetic effect.

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    Useful properties and contraindications

    Regular consumption of tea rose petals has a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous and digestive systems. Also prepared from plant materials healing agent, which helps solve problems with the thyroid gland. Among the main beneficial properties tea roses it is worth highlighting the following:

    • cleansing the body of toxins;
    • relief from sore throat and runny nose;
    • protection against various infections;
    • restoration of normal intestinal microflora;
    • removing excess fluid from the body;
    • improved kidney function;
    • help in getting rid of dysentery and diarrhea;
    • beneficial effects on liver function;
    • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
    • getting rid of depression, sleep problems and stress.

    Rose petals have also found their use in cosmetology. They are used to make ointments, oils, creams, masks, shampoos and medicinal waters. Relaxing baths are also taken with the petals of this flower, after which skin cells are actively restored.

    Despite the obvious benefits of tea rose, its use can be harmful to the body. Contraindications for use medicines The following groups of people have rose petals:

    • women bearing or nursing a child;
    • children under three years of age;
    • people suffering from hypertension.

    Use in folk medicine

    Healing products that are prepared on the basis of this plant material have bactericidal, diuretic, laxative and antiviral effects. In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat the following diseases:

    • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
    • infectious diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and intestines;
    • constipation;
    • stomatitis and gum inflammation;
    • swelling;
    • skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, non-healing wounds).

    Rose petal tea

    To prepare tea from petals you will need:

    • 2 tsp. vegetable raw materials;
    • 200 ml boiling water.

    It is necessary to fill the plant material with water and let the tea brew for 10-20 minutes. It is advisable to consume it hot. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, soothing and antiviral effects, the product will help you recover from colds faster, reduce inflammation of the intestinal and stomach mucosa, and calm the nervous system.

    Rose petal infusion

    A product based on rose petals is used to prepare skin lotion, herbal baths that soothe the nervous system and to treat wounds and bedsores. To make it you need to take:

    • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials;
    • 2.5 cups of boiling water.

    Rose petals should be poured into a thermos with water and left to infuse until the morning. After the allotted time, the product must be filtered and consumed half a glass three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. You can also rinse with infusion oral cavity and throat with stomatitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    Decoction for ulcers and gastritis

    Healing herbal tea will help with illnesses gastrointestinal tract.The decoction is prepared as follows:

    • take chamomile and calendula flowers, tea rose petals, cudweed and horsetail in equal parts (10 g each);
    • add agrimony grass, paniculate wormwood leaves, rose hips, dill seeds, St. John's wort and plantain in equal parts (20 g each);
    • 70 g of yarrow is added to the resulting collection;
    • 6 g are separated from the mixture and filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water;
    • Boil the mixture for 30 minutes in a water bath.

    The finished broth must be filtered and consumed orally four times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

    Rose oil

    Rose oil helps relieve inflammation, so it is used to treat the following diseases:

    • stomach and duodenal ulcers (take a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening a couple of hours before meals);
    • bronchial asthma (a teaspoon three times a day 60 minutes before eating);
    • allergic rhinitis (a teaspoon twice a day an hour before meals, lubricating the nasal passages three times a day).

    Making butter at home is quite simple. You will need to take fresh pink petals and heat it to 70 degrees olive oil. If you don’t have fresh tea rose petals, you can take dry ones and put them in a glass container and add oil. The container with oil must be placed in a dark place for a couple of days. After the allotted time has passed, the oil must be filtered and poured over the next portion of rose petals. The procedure must be repeated until the oil acquires a pleasant, persistent scent of roses. As a rule, the number of procedures does not exceed 15. The finished oil should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 months from the date of production.

    Making jam

    There are several recipes for jam made from tea rose petals. Rose petal jam will help cope with colds and become healthy treat for the whole family. To make jam with petals and sugar you will need:

    • take 1 kg of plant material, 3 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water;
    • pour water into a container, add sugar and cook until the sugar dissolves;
    • after complete dissolution granulated sugar add tea rose petals;
    • stir the mixture and boil thoroughly for 5 minutes;
    • remove the container from the heat and let the mixture cool;
    • boil the jam again and cool it;
    • add a couple of lemon slices and boil again.

    IN next recipe Honey will be used instead of sugar. Honey is being prepared rose jam in the following way:

    Rose petals are widely used not only in recipes traditional medicine, but also for cosmetic purposes. From them you can prepare various masks for almost any skin type, as well as cosmetic water and lotion. Among the most popular products that are easy to make at home are the following:

    1. 1. Mask for normal skin type. To prepare it you will need to take egg white, powder from the petals in the same amount (1 tsp each) and dessert spoon sour cream or cream. After mixing the components, let them sit for 5 minutes, and then apply to the décolleté and face for 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
    2. 2. Rose water for washing. You need to take half a tablespoon of dried petals and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. The petals need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and put in a dark place for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the infusion must be filtered and glycerin added to it. You should use ready-made rose water during your morning and evening cleansing.
    3. 3. Mask for all skin types. With regular use, this product will help moisturize your facial skin. To prepare it you need to take equal parts Fresh Juice cucumber and cream (a tablespoon each) and a couple of tablespoons of prepared rose water. All components must be mixed and applied to the face in a thick layer for 30 minutes, then rinsed off.

    Regular use of masks and wash lotions based on tea rose petals will help make your facial skin fresh, velvety and attractive.
