Bread maker MOULINEX OW2000 Home bread - “How to make delicious homemade bread? Easily! A bread machine can help you! I’m sharing a great recipe!” How to make homemade bread in a Mulinex bread machine - the best recipes

You can use a bread machine to make homebaked bread from different varieties flour.

Classic recipe for homemade bread in the Moulinex bread machine

To prepare a 1 kg loaf of white bread must be taken:

  • a mixture of equal amounts of water and any dairy product– 400 ml;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • oil plant origin– 15 ml;
  • sugar – 15 g;
  • instant yeast – 10 g;
  • flour – 700 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the products into the device container in the specified sequence.
  2. Set the “regular bread” mode, “ wheat bread».
  3. Select the level of doneness for the crust.

Darnitsky bread

To prepare 750 g loaf will be needed:

  • warm water (temperature within 36 degrees) – 230 ml;
  • olive or sunflower oil – 30 ml;
  • liquid honey – 15 ml;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour – 350 g;
  • rye flour – 160 g;
  • instant yeast– 7 years

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour warm water into the bread machine bowl, add butter and honey.
  2. Distribute the salt evenly throughout the container.
  3. Sift both types of flour into a separate bowl and mix. Pour the resulting mixture into the bread pan in a heap. Make a depression at the top and pour the yeast into it.
  4. For baking, you can use the main mode, or a special option for rye products.
  5. Baking time – 3 hours. Crust color is medium.

Dough bread

Ingredients for preparing a product weighing 1 kg:

  • warm water – 450 ml;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • a mixture of equal amounts of rye and wheat flour– 700 g;
  • dry tremors – 6 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour yeast into warm water, gradually add flour, knead the dough thoroughly.
  2. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for 4 hours.
  3. Finished product Place in a bread maker bowl and add salt.
  4. You can bake bread using the “French bread” mode. Set the degree of crust frying at your discretion.
  5. Finished product let cool for 2-3 hours on a flat wooden surface.

Sourdough bread

For those who follow a healthy diet, you can make bread in a bread machine without using yeast.

How to prepare sourdough:

  1. Mix 250 of any flour, 250 ml of water, add 6 ml of honey and vegetable oil. Make a cut on the finished mixture.
  2. Place the container with the starter in a warm room for three days, after covering it with film. The readiness of the product is indicated by bubbles that appear on the surface.
  3. Dilute the finished starter with water until thick sour cream, leave until bubbles appear.
  4. Do the procedure again. If the consistency is very liquid, you can add a little flour.

Store the finished starter in the refrigerator. Cast before use required amount, let warm up at room temperature.

How to make bread with sesame seeds


  • salt;
  • 300 ml purified water;
  • 5 g dry active yeast;
  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g kuzhut seeds.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the boiled water to a warm state, measure out the required amount and pour it into the bowl of the bread machine. Cover it with a towel to keep the water warm.
  2. For bread we take flour, preferably premium. Be sure to sift it to saturate it with oxygen. This way the bread will be soft and fluffy.
  3. Add salt to the flour, mix and pour into a bowl of water.
  4. Place sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and fry, stirring, until lightly browned. This will enhance the sesame flavor. Then we cool them. Make a small well in the flour, add the required amount of active yeast and toasted sesame seeds.
  5. We install the bowl into the device and fix it well.
  6. We turn on the “bread without salt” program. Set the crust color to light, and the weight to 750 g. The bread preparation time is approximately three hours.
  7. During the baking process, about an hour after the start, open the lid and lay out the sesame seeds.

Remove the finished bread from the bowl and leave on a wire rack to cool completely.

How to prepare yeast and sponge dough



  • 60 g granulated sugar;
  • 340 ml boiled water;
  • yeast;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 600 g of premium flour;
  • 7 g table salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour twice. Measure out exactly 600 grams.
  2. Open the lid of the bread machine, remove the bowl and measure out 340 ml of boiled warm water. Pour it into the bowl.
  3. Add vegetable oil to warm water and add salt.
  4. Slowly pour the flour into the bread machine bowl.
  5. Sprinkle on top granulated sugar and active dry yeast.
  6. Place the bowl in the Moulinex bread machine. On the menu bar, select program 8 and press the “start” button. Close the lid and wait for the end of the program.

Sponge dough

For this you will need the same products as for yeast.

The only difference is the cooking method:

  1. In a convenient bowl, mix half of the warm water with sugar, a glass of flour and yeast. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for forty minutes.
  2. Then the dough is transferred to the bowl of the bread machine, the remaining water is poured in and the rest of the ingredients are added.
  3. Knead the dough using the same program as yeast dough.

You can add more sugar, butter or eggs to this dough.

Yeast-free bread

Products for making classic yeast-free bread:

  • sourdough – 85 ml;
  • water – 180 ml;
  • salt – 3 g;
  • wheat flour – 290 g;
  • rye flour – 70 g.


  1. Mix water, salt and 45 ml of starter.
  2. Pour both types of pre-sifted flour into the baking device container.
  3. Enable " fresh dough" To obtain a good consistency, it is enough to mix the dough 2 times.
  4. Add the remaining starter and leave the dough for 10 hours.
  5. Turn on the “baking” mode. Unleavened bread takes longer to bake than usual, so the program needs to be run twice. Total time baking - 2 hours. The crust is light.

To vary the taste, you can replace the water when baking with sour milk, kefir, the fat content of dairy products is 3.5%. As additives, you can add sesame seeds and seeds to bread. Exquisite Italian taste olives will add flavor to the bread.

How to make yeast-free bread (video)

How to make pie dough in a bread machine

What is necessary:

  • instant yeast– 14 g;
  • milk heated to a temperature of 35 degrees – 240 ml;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • melted margarine – 120 g;
  • sifted flour – 1.2 kg;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Pour melted margarine into the bowl of the bread machine, add milk and egg.
  2. Combine flour, sugar, salt. At the end add yeast.
  3. Mix all ingredients. Set to “dough” mode. For cooking elastic dough it will take 1.5 hours.
  4. Make pies from the dough and leave to proof for half an hour.

If you are not sure about the quality of the yeast, you can add 5 ml of vodka to the dough. This will speed up the fermentation process, the dough will turn out fluffy.

Buns and other baked goods

Having mastered several simple recipes baked goods, you can often delight your household with sweet buns, pies and muffins. For getting lush baked goods the flour must be sifted twice.

Dough recipe for making sweet buns:

  • flour – 1.1 kg;
  • water – 320 ml;
  • butter – 190 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • dry yeast – 24 g;
  • sugar – 110 g;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into the container of the baking device, pour out the dry ingredients, and finally beat in 2 eggs.
  2. Set to “dough” mode.
  3. After the beep, remove the dough, cut into 30 pieces, form into buns, and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. To give golden brown crust Cover the products with a mixture of beaten egg and 15 ml of milk.

Chicken eggs V sweet baked goods better to replace with quail - 1 regular egg equal to 2 quail eggs. Such baked goods are healthier and stay fresh longer.

Is it possible to cook Easter cakes in a bread machine?

The Moulinex bread maker will help you prepare not only delicious bread, but also holiday cake. The dough turns out airy, and the product itself will please you delicate taste.

List necessary products:

  • flour – 550 g;
  • quick yeast – 15 g;
  • milk – 260 ml;
  • sugar, butter - 145 g each;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits) – 120 g;
  • salt, vanilla, citrus zest- taste.

From this amount of ingredients you will get 1 Easter cake weighing 750 g.

How to cook:

  1. Heat 125 ml of milk to a temperature of 35–37 degrees, add yeast. Stir the mixture until smooth. Pour 100 g of flour into the bread machine bowl, add warm milk with yeast. Start the “kneading dough” mode for 2 minutes.
  2. Leave the dough for 20 minutes, covering with a linen towel. Pour boiling water over dried fruits.
  3. Bring the remaining milk to a boil. Pour 100 g of twice-sifted flour into a separate container. Combine milk with flour, mix.
  4. Mix the dough and brewed flour. Knead the dough for 3–4 minutes. Leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours. To prevent the dough from falling, there must be a constant temperature in the room. It is advisable not to make noise while the dough is proofing.
  5. Separate the whites from the yolks. Place the container with the whites in the refrigerator - they will be needed to prepare the glaze. Mix the yolks with sugar, the mixture should become white. Add a mixture of vanillin, salt, zest. Mix and beat until homogeneous mass.
  6. Butter melt, cool slightly. Drain the dried fruits, dry them, and roll in flour.
  7. Yolks with spices, melted butter, add the remaining flour to the risen dough. Knead the dough in the bread machine for 15 minutes, constantly monitoring the consistency.
  8. Add dried fruits, mix, leave the dough for 2 hours.
  9. Level the top of the dough. Bake the cake in the " sweet bread” or “special baked goods”, set the crust color to light, the loaf size to the maximum. Baking time – 60–70 minutes.
  10. Brush the finished cake with the egg whites whipped with sugar. In order for the whites to whip better, they must be cold and the whipping container is completely dry. You can get a fluffy foam if you add a pinch of salt.

If you use fresh yeast, then the preparation time for the dough can be reduced by 5 minutes. Dry to dry ratio fresh product 1:3 (15 g of dry yeast is equal to 45 g of fresh). If you add 50 ml of cognac to the dough, the baked goods will acquire unusual aroma, will remain soft for a long time.

Easter cake in a bread maker (video)

Bread maker “Moulinex” – indispensable assistant for experienced and young housewives. With its help, you can easily prepare homemade bread from various ingredients, master baking products from butter and unleavened dough.

Reviews and comments

(5 ratings, average: 4,00 out of 5)

Irina 01/20/2017

I baked it according to the first classic recipe. When I started trying it, I realized that there was no SALT in the recipe!!! It turned out great, even though they write that it doesn’t rise without salt. B next time I will bake only according to this recipe, but I will add salt.

Olga 11/28/2017

Marina, thank you very much! If possible, explain the storage conditions and periods (refrigerated or not) and how much water is needed for the remaining starter. Mix with water?
And another question. Maybe this bread is better baked in the oven? Have you tried it?
I have a Mulinex OW210130 bread maker - without an inspection window, and it cannot be opened during
baking time. If I turn on baking twice (since it takes 2 hours, and the program is
up to 70 minutes), will the bread burn? I bought it recently, the pizza dough is according to the one that came with it.
The recipe doesn't work at all. So, I’m thinking, should I return it or leave it for 2 weeks?
has not expired.

Olga 11/28/2017

Excuse me, but is there a mistake in the sourdough recipe? Now I mixed 125 ml of water (all according to your recipe), 6 ml of honey and vegetable oil, poured in 250 g of sifted rye flour.
And it turns out to be some kind of solid crumbly mass. Clearly not enough fluid. What do I need
what to do with her? Throw it away?

Mari28 11/28/2017

1. The finished starter is stored in refrigerators. Shelf life with regular use and addition the necessary ingredients infinite.
2. Bread according to this recipe can be baked in the oven. The only difference is temperature conditions and baking time.
3. It is quite possible to bake bread in your bread machine. Surely the stove comes with instructions for use with recipes. Read and adjust this recipe (with sourdough) to suit your stove.
You have to adapt to every technique. Only with experience will you understand the features of your equipment. So don't be afraid to experiment.

Olga 11/29/2017

Irina, in the photo of the jar of sourdough and in the sourdough recipe nothing is said that
it must be cooked in a bread machine. The description says: “Mix 250g flour, 125ml water,
6 ml honey and oil. Place the CONTAINER with the starter in a warm place, first covering it
film. Make a cut on the MIXTURE. What I got cannot be called a mixture.
So what is the inaccuracy? Yesterday I added twice as much water to that “sourdough”,
covered with film and put it in a warm place for 3 days. Let's see what happens. As I understand it, there is no need to open it and add something these days? If
These experiments didn’t hurt my pocket with my minimum pension, and I didn’t mind throwing away food, I would experiment every day. Mari28 11/29/2017

Irina, please don’t be angry :) Sourdough recipes are always approximate. Because flour has different properties... one absorbs little water, another requires more. If you need to add additional water, there is nothing to worry about. After all, you won’t use all the leaven at once, but only part of it. There is no need to add anything additional.

Mari28 11/29/2017

I have a Moulinex OW311E bread machine, kneading lasts about 5-7 minutes. It’s hardly normal if the oven takes 35 minutes to knead (yes, it costs electricity). Usually the instructions write how much time the bread maker should spend on this procedure. Try to find reviews of your particular series on the Internet or contact technical support. It might be better to change to something else.

Olga 11/29/2017

Marina, it’s not Irina, but Olga (that is, me) who is angry :) Have you tried making sourdough yourself?
with this ratio of flour and water (250 and 125)? Why don't you want to admit that it is
the wrong recipe, because people will make it according to it, and then I won’t be the only one who will be angry.
Now I’m looking on the net, and many people recommend these ratios as 1:1.
About the bread maker. Thanks for the advice, I'll try to find reviews. Unfortunately, exchange for another is prohibited by law. I gave it to the SS for inspection.


The recipe for “Bread with Sesame Seeds” is not entirely clear to me. In paragraph 4 it is written - Make a small depression in the flour, add the required amount of active yeast and roasted sesame seeds. In paragraph 7 it is written:
During the baking process, about an hour after the start, open the lid and lay out the sesame seeds.????

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Delicious white

bread in a bread machine

Moulinex, it turns out fluffy

and fragrant. Crispy

blush crust, lush

crumb of bread and at the same time

time like this White bread

it turns out very filling

and does not go stale for a long time.

So fragrant and delicious bread in the Mulinex bread maker

I want everything and I want to eat. I especially like it so fresh

bread with milk. When will you serve this? white bread in a bread machine

I also advise you to prepare,

Ingredients for 750 grams of white bread:

Flour (3 cups)

Salt (1.5 tsp)

Warm water (1 glass) + 1 tbsp water 40 degrees

Sugar (2 tbsp)

Vegetable oil (3 tbsp)

Yeast (1.5 – 2 tsp)

Cooking method:

For white bread in a Mulinex bread machine, When kneading the dough, the yeast must not come into contact with the salt. Yes and a large number of salt impairs the rise of the dough. And here on the contrary, don’t forget about sugar . Sugar is necessary to activate the yeast. Well, if you add a large amount of sugar, the yeast will quickly ferment, and this is important for kneading delicious bread in a bread machine.

1. When kneading dough, and especially baking, do not open the lid often bread machines. This can also cause poor lifting. It’s better to look through the window and watch the kneading and baking white bread in a Mulinex bread machine.

2. Another tip, all products for baking white bread should be room temperature, so that the dough rises better.

3. Fall asleep in bread machine First sift the flour, then the bread will be fluffy. Well, if you like thicker bread, then you shouldn’t sift the flour.

4. After the flour, add salt and lightly mix the flour with a spoon.

5. Then pour it into Mulinex bread machine warm water, vegetable oil, sugar and yeast and add 1 tbsp of very warm water on top.

6. Turn on the main mode, it is number one on the scale. We set the weight of the bread to 1000g, although we will end up with a 750g loaf. We choose the type of baking crust, I choose medium.

7. Press start and go about your business and after 3 hours and 10 minutes, bread machine Moulinex, will notify you that delicious white bread is ready.

8. Another tip: if the dough is still sitting low and the time to turn on the baking is approaching, wait for the baking to turn on, turn off the oven and wait about 10 minutes until the dough will work. Then we turn on the “Baking” mode, for me it’s mode 11 and select 50 minutes.

9. Thanks to these tricks, our white bread in a bread machine It turned out delicious and fluffy. And you can’t tear yourself away from the golden brown and crispy crust of the bread. So fragrant and delicious bread in the bread maker I want everything and I want to eat. I especially like this one fresh bread with milk. When will you serve this? white bread in a bread machine family, they will no longer want to eat store-bought bread.

The Moulinex bread maker is indeed considered one of the smartest among a number of similar devices, since it is modern both in design and functionality, but allows you to bake bread according to the same grandma's recipes. Of course, the taste of such homemade bread cannot be confused with store-bought bread.

Before mastering the recipes, it’s worth understanding the nuances of how this technique works.

Features of the bread machine:

  • The stove kneads the dough perfectly, which is helped by the special “jam” and “fresh dough” programs. The kneading is always smooth and perfect, which cannot be guaranteed with manual kneading. Why is the “jam” mode mentioned here? To this bread best treat- This is delicious homemade jam.
  • The bread maker has a very convenient delay function, that is, you load food into the oven in the evening, and get delicious bread in the morning.
  • Always follow the indicated dosage as the recipe is precise.

This technique is ideal for home use—no need to fuss with dough and then clean half the kitchen.

Some housewives complain that the baked goods in the bread machine fall off. This can happen if you used less yeast than the recipe requires, or if you are preparing sourdough bread, its quality is questionable. Old yeast may simply not work, and finally, you may have set the bread to the wrong setting.

Easy to find on sale today ready-made mixtures for a bread machine, among them there are fitness mixtures, sports mixtures, and mixtures for multigrain bread.


  • Water – 350 ml;
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour – 650 g;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • Yeast - half a packet.

Dough for buns in a Moulinex bread machine

This yeast dough Suitable for making buns, for example, with poppy seeds, and for making pies.

How to make the dough:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve, measuring out exactly 650 g.
  2. Open the lid of the device, take out the bowl, measure out 350 ml of water, pour into the bowl.
  3. Add 3 tbsp to the water. spoons of vegetable oil. Add salt.
  4. Pour the flour into the bread machine bowl. Place sugar on top.
  5. Add dry yeast.
  6. Place the bowl in the oven, select program “8” and start cooking.

This is how the dough is kneaded, after the sound signal you can take out the dough and form buns or pies. Butter dough It turns out homogeneous and fluffy.

Baking Easter cake in a bread machine: recipe for Easter

This baking, as they say, is for the lazy. This cake is prepared using yeast.

For this you need:

  1. Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  2. Milk – 130 ml;
  3. Drain. butter – 130 g;
  4. Sugar – 40 g;
  5. Flour – 450 g;
  6. Yeast – 2.5 tsp;
  7. Nuts - to taste;
  8. Raisins - to taste.

And preparing such a cake is very simple: you need to set the “sweet bread” program. The program should involve long kneading.

The crust needs to be light; it will still darken due to the sugar. And then the bread maker will do everything itself, you will only have to think about how to decorate the Easter cake.

If you like baking, choose between butter pies and baked goods from a bread machine. There are few benefits from fried pies, and oven baked goods, although high in calories, are not as aggressive as fried foods.

Delicious recipes!

Bread machine Mulinex recipes for homemade bread and pastries step by step with photos

I first became acquainted with a bread maker in 2011 - I gave it to my father for his birthday. I decided that it was very necessary thing and I was not mistaken. Homemade bread cannot be compared to store-bought bread! It just melts in your mouth!

So I decided to buy myself a bread maker. The choice settled on the MOULINEX OW2000 Home bread bread machine. I liked that it was simple and convenient. Nothing extra.

Price: 2000 UAH or 5000 rubles.

Modes: 12 pieces. But I actually use three.

Loaf weight: 500, 750 and 1000 grams.

Can choose crust color: light, medium or dark.

I want to show you what kind of regular white bread I make.

Recipe for delicious wheat bread:

  • water - 1.25 faceted glasses;
  • refined oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • flour - 4 faceted glasses;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon.

It’s good that homemade bread will always be natural, without preservatives and other chemicals that allow store-bought bread lie and not deteriorate for a whole week.

Of course, homemade bread will only be tasty and soft for 2 days, and then it will become a little stale. But, given its naturalness, this is forgivable.

To make the yeast work faster, you need to take warm water - about 36 degrees.

Measure all ingredients using special measuring spoons. The only thing is that I measure vegetable oil with a regular tablespoon.

All components are added in the order indicated in the recipe. There is a nuance - you need to pour in 1 cup of water, and leave 0.25 cups so that you can add it after 5 minutes. It happens that the flour on the sides does not knead and you need a little help - add water and mix with a silicone spatula.

Placed during the signal that sounds after 15 minutes, add various additives, if you wish. But I'm too lazy to wait for this time or listen. So if I want to add something, I add it all at once. The result is the same, so I don’t see the point in bothering.

I love making bread with seeds, sesame and flax. I really like this combination. In addition, it is unusual and very fragrant.

It will take 3 hours and 18 minutes to prepare the bread. This is the basic program for white bread.

What you need to know when making bread

  • the flour must be fresh. The older it is, the worse the dough fits;
  • It is advisable to sift the flour before cooking;
  • yeast should also be taken fresher;
  • strict adherence to proportions is a guarantee of success;
  • no need to grease the mold;
  • you cannot open the lid after the signal;
  • When the bread is ready, it is advisable to take it out as soon as possible, otherwise it will become soggy.

This is what freshly baked white bread looks like:

When I take it out, the knife sometimes stays in the bread and sometimes in the pan. I like the second option better, because it’s harder to get it out of the bread.

The aromas, of course, are unreal in the process of baking bread.

In the MOULINEX OW2000 Home bread maker, you can make bread in just 1.5 hours excellent dough For:

  • buns;
  • pizza;
  • pies;
  • synabons;
  • Easter cakes.

Of course, eating bread in large quantities may harm your figure. But you can also abstain and not eat much. It's only difficult at first. Then you realize: no matter what delicious bread, excessive amounts will not be beneficial.


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Our hostesses fully confirm this phrase. The arrival of guests in the house is important and significant event. Immediately the table, like a self-assembled tablecloth, is covered different dishes. Salads, main courses and desserts have long ceased to surprise anyone, but when homemade bread appears in the center of the table, that’s already interesting. For several centuries it was just different. Any bride, before getting married, had to show her skills and bake bread for the guests. Today it is much easier to do this, especially if you have a Moulinex bread maker in the kitchen. Recipes are included in the kit.

Cooking Easter cake

Every spring, Orthodox Christians celebrate the great holiday of Easter. This is where the hostess has the opportunity to show all her skills. It is convenient and easy to bake Easter cake in a bread machine. Recipes for "Moulinex" bread maker are varied for preparation. For the most easy to prepare Easter cake needed: about one hundred grams of milk, about one hundred grams heavy cream, about 60 grams of peasant butter, about 7 tablespoons of sugar, a couple of eggs and also a couple of yolks separately, a little salt, a little vanilla, a couple of tablespoons lemon juice, about half a kilogram of flour, a couple of tablespoons of dry yeast, various candied fruits- about one hundred grams, powdered sugar and confectionery powder about 30 grams. To decorate the cake, you need to prepare icing from one egg white, powdered sugar and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Method of preparing Easter cake

The most important thing is to be patient. Each stage in preparation is important and the taste and taste will depend on it. appearance. This method allows you to quickly prepare Easter cake in a bread machine. Recipes for "Moulinex" bread makers were developed by professionals. First you need to soak the yeast in warm milk and a tablespoon of sugar. After about 15 minutes you can start kneading the dough. Add sifted flour and salt to milk and mix. Next you need to add the heated butter and cream. Beat the eggs thoroughly and add carefully. Gently mix everything with the yeast, cover with a towel and leave for another 40 minutes. When the dough has doubled, add the beaten yolks and still heated oil, mix again and leave for the same time. At the end, add all the candied fruits and place in the mold. For baking, select the " Sweet pastries"so that the crust is medium. You always get excellent baked goods in the Moulinex bread machine. The recipes have been tested and tested by many chefs. Next you need to make a glaze from the listed products in the usual way and decorate the cake.

Cupcakes in a bread machine

Many housewives know that in order to prepare a cupcake, you need good stove. This is exactly what the Moulinex bread machine is considered to be. You can use the recipes recommended by the manufacturers, or you can use your own, proven over the years. The curd cake turns out very tasty. It can be served on Easter holiday.

Products for cottage cheese cake

We will need: about 600 grams of flour, about 250 grams of cottage cheese, about a glass of water, three eggs, a couple of teaspoons, a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk, a couple of tablespoons of peasant butter, about a hundred grams of raisins, a couple of tablespoons of honey, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon powdered sugar.

We prepare the cake in the Moulinex bread maker. The recipe is very simple

Break the eggs into a container and thoroughly beat them into a fluffy foam, then add water and mix. Mix yeast with milk and a small amount sugar and let it brew a little. Cottage cheese, and it is better if it is homemade, grind through a sieve and add melted cottage cheese and honey. Raisins need to be washed and soaked in advance. warm water. Then combine all the products and knead the dough. Cover with a towel and leave until doubled in size. The cupcake will be prepared in the “Sweet baking” mode for about three hours. Next, remove from the bread maker and lightly sprinkle the top with water. Then sprinkle powdered sugar and place back again for 8 minutes and set to “Baking” mode. Once a sweet crust has formed, you can remove it from the mold. Recipes for the Moulinex bread machine can be found in many magazines. With the advent of this amazing kitchen electrical appliance, housewives have the opportunity to delight their loved ones with a variety of delicious baked goods.

Homemade hot bread

What could be tastier than the hot golden brown crust of a homemade loaf, which can be baked with a Moulinex bread machine? There are recipes for both white and bran bread. You will need for a loaf weighing 1 kilogram: about two tablespoons of milk powder, about three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a little less than half a liter of water, about 700 grams of flour, a couple of teaspoons of dry yeast, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt.

Bread preparation method

What’s good about preparing yeast dough in a Moulinex bread machine is that you don’t need to first keep it on the table and wait for it to rise. You just need to mix everything slightly and put it in the oven. Pour water into the bread machine bucket, add vegetable oil. Gradually add the sifted flour, but it is important that it covers all the water. Next add powdered milk. Salt and sugar should be placed in the corners, and yeast in the middle. Install the program fast mode. After pressing the "Start" button, the cooking process will begin immediately. After the bread machine is finished working, all that remains is to take out the bread and serve it to the table.

with bran

IN Lately more and more people prefer healthy eating. Wheat bread is very tasty, but from oatmeal, yes with bran - it will be most useful. There are different “Moulinex” and each is interesting in its own way. For this option you will need: about 400 grams of flour, about 50 grams of bran, about 120 grams of oatmeal, about 10 grams of dry yeast, about 120 grams of milk, about 250 grams of water, a pinch of salt and about two tablespoons of sugar.

It's very easy to prepare. Place all of the above dry products, excluding sugar, in a container. Pour water and milk into a saucepan and heat slightly to 36-38 degrees. Next add yeast and sugar. Pour all this into a container with dry products and add oil. The bowl is placed in the bread machine. To cook, you need to select the " French bread", the crust needs to be medium and the size of the loaf is also medium. The cooking time should be set to 5 hours.

When the cooking process is finished, the bread maker will beep. Carefully open the lid, remove the cup and remove the bread. It should be placed on a board and covered with a paper napkin or cotton towel. This is exactly how it should be cooled. Using a saw blade, cut into pieces and serve.

in the bread maker

Flour bread is a proven recipe. It has been prepared since cereals were first grown. But potato bread appeared on our tables recently. Our grandmothers prepared something similar, but it did not gain much popularity in those years. Modern chefs offer more interesting way preparing this bread.

We will need: about 700 grams of flour, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, any vegetable oil - about three tablespoons, about 7 tablespoons of dry yeast, kefir or curdled milk about a glass (also quite suitable plain water or potato broth) and about 500 grams of ready-made mashed potatoes.

It's very easy to prepare. All products must be placed in a special bucket in the following order: milk, sugar, salt, butter, mashed potatoes, sifted flour and finally yeast. Next, you need to close the lid and select the desired program. For this bread we need the "French bread" mode. The weight of the loaf will be about one and a half kilograms. Cooking time will take about 3 hours and 40 minutes. When everything is ready, the bread maker will stop automatically. All that remains is to carefully remove the bread and cover with a napkin. After cooling, you can cut into pieces.

If there is no “French bread” mode, no problem. The normal mode is also quite suitable. That and "Moulinex". Cooking recipes can be used in different ways. Any bread cooked in it always turns out successful. The programs are designed in such a way that the baked goods are beautiful on the outside and well baked on the inside. Even if you just cook bread with water from rye flour with the addition of yeast, salt and sugar, it will still be aromatic, fluffy and tasty.
