Compote of oranges and apples for the winter. Compote of apples and oranges - a delicious drink with notes of exotica

Fruits and berries


Compote of apples and oranges for the winter– the best canned drink that perfectly quenches thirst and endlessly pleases with its delicate taste. The aroma of this preparation exceeds all expectations and this is all thanks to such exotic fruits like oranges. Some hostesses are so wonderful apple drink prepared at home and with the addition of lemon, this also comes out quite creative and unusual. However, the share of exoticism in this workpiece is present in both cases, which makes it special.

You can cook this apple-orange compote both for the winter and for everyday use. In the first case, the prepared drink will need to be preserved, and as you know, home canning I have several of my own important nuances. In addition to the fact that the selected fruits for canning should be all good quality, they must also be used only in fresh. Dried or frozen apples should absolutely not be used for winter preservation. In this form, it is better to use them to prepare compote just for the current days.

Note! IN this recipe with photo and step by step instructions The amount of ingredients is calculated for one 3-liter jar of compote. However, keep in mind that one jar of such preservation will probably not be enough in the winter season, so it’s worth preparing a dozen of them for the winter at once.

Roll up a compote of apples and oranges " Homemade Fanta» for the winter according to my recipes

Your kids love Fanta, but you don't want to feed them bottled chemicals? There is a way out - prepare a compote of apples with oranges and lemons for the winter according to my recipe. Believe me, after such a drink, store-bought bottles with a poisonous orange mixture of unknown origin will no longer attract the attention of your household!

Recipe without sterilization

It has long been known that excessive heat treatment detrimental to water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, we will prepare an aromatic and healthy drink in several stages, each time boiling the infusion separately from the fruit itself.

Recipe for 1 three liter jar:

  • 8-9 small green apples (red apples darken after scalding and have a slightly different taste);
  • 300 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 liters drinking water;
  • half an orange (medium size, so that it can completely fit into the neck of the jar);
  • 1/3 ripe lemon of similar size.

How to prepare:

  1. Wash the jars very thoroughly and degrease them baking soda. Fry in the oven or keep over steam for at least 15 minutes. Pour boiling water over the lids.
  2. Peel the apples, cut the fruit in half and remove the core. Cut them into slices of medium thickness.
  3. Be sure to wash the citruses under the tap and then scald them with boiling water in a deep bowl to remove the bitterness from the peel.
  4. Place the apples in a jar and cut the citrus fruits into rings across them. The thickness of the circles should not exceed 1 centimeter.
  5. Add 3 orange slices and 2 lemon slices to the apples.
  6. Boil water and fill prepared jars to the top. Cover with lids and wrap in a terry towel for 209 minutes.
  7. Pour the infusion back into the pan. I advise everyone to buy special lids with holes made of food-grade plastic. They cost pennies, but they are very convenient to use during the preparation process.
  8. Pour sugar into the infusion and heat the liquid until the grains are completely dissolved, bring to a boil, and pour into jars again.
  9. Fill in ready-made dressing steamed fruits, and immediately roll up the lids.
  10. We turn it over onto a thick bedding and insulate it with unnecessary things.

Homemade preparations can be stored for storage only after they have completely cooled at room temperature.

Compote of apples and oranges for the winter “Tropical”

The aroma of this drink cannot be confused with anything - apples light varieties goes well with spices and fragrant citrus. I'm preparing such a treat all year round, fortunately, all the ingredients can be bought at the nearest vegetable store or supermarket, regardless of the season. From the specified amount of ingredients you can roll up 2 three-liter jars. If such volumes do not suit someone, you can use two-liter or one-and-a-half liter containers.

  • 1 kg of apples of any size, since you still have to cut them into pieces;
  • 2 large glasses of granulated sugar (0.5 kg);
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1\2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2-4 clove buds.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Steam clean jars. I prefer to fry canning containers in the oven - I put the containers in a cold unit and set the temperature to 100 degrees. As soon as the light indicates that the required heat has been reached, I set the timer for 5 minutes and go to process the components of the treat.
  2. I wash the apples, cut them in half and remove the seed capsule with a sharp knife. There is no need to peel the fruit!
  3. I put the fruit in a large saucepan and fill it with the prescribed amount of drinking water - so much of it is needed so that the drink ultimately remains saturated. Here a lot depends on the chosen variety of fruit. If desired, you can take a little more of them.
  4. As soon as the fruits are boiled until soft, I add sugar and spices to accompany them. At this stage it is convenient to control the quantity sweet additive to compote - some people like sour drinks.
  5. In a deep bowl, pour boiling water over the citrus fruits and cut them into thick mugs along with the peel. I add oranges to the compote.
  6. After 10 minutes, I put the pieces of fruit into jars and fill them with spicy liquid to the top.
  7. Immediately roll it up and turn it over onto a tray.
  8. I insulate the seams with an old blanket and after a day I take them to the cellar for storage until winter.

This beauty doesn’t last long, as it looks very appetizing and turns out aromatic and tasty.

Vitamin supplement for hypertensive patients

You will have to prepare such a twist in the fall - it is at the end of September that the chokeberry will become suitable for harvesting. I have several mature bushes on my site. chokeberry, and therefore I freeze the remains of the harvest. Then you can use the berries in the off-season, since the remaining components are sold all year round. In this case, you need to remember that the plant can sharply reduce blood pressure and therefore it is better for hypotensive people not to get carried away with drinks with its participation.

We will need:

  • 3 large apples of any variety or 6-8 small ones;
  • 1 cup chokeberry;
  • 2 medium-sized oranges;
  • 2.5 liters of purified water;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Preparing a healthy drink:

  1. Rinse fruits and berries and let the water drain.
  2. Place the chokeberry into a saucepan for cooking compote, picking each berry from the bunch.
  3. Remove the core and spoiled areas from the apples and cut them into small pieces. If you only have small fruits on hand, you don’t have to chop them up and put them whole in the pan.
  4. Pour the prepared ingredients with the required amount of water and bring to a boil.
  5. As soon as the apples are boiled, add sugar to the mixture and stir. Heat on low heat until the grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Pour boiling water over the citruses and drain the liquid.
  7. Slice tropical fruits in large pieces, suitable for meat grinder.
  8. Grind the oranges and place them in a boiling compote of apples and chokeberries.
  9. After a minute, pour the aromatic liquid into jars prepared in any way, add boiled fruits and berries.
  10. Roll up with scalded metal lids.
  11. Turn over, insulate, leave in the kitchen until completely cooled at room temperature.

Keep vitamin preparation it is better in a dark and dry place - in the sun the chokeberry can ferment, and the compote will then have to be thrown away for the winter.

For all lovers of apple kampotik, we decided to surprise you and presented another very delicious compote from apples and oranges.

Compote made from apples is often enjoyed by both adults and children due to its moderate sweetness. I also often prepare this compote, but in addition to apples, I add several slices of orange to it, which increases the palette of taste of this drink, making it unusual and colorful.

Oranges do not predominate in this compote; they only complement the apple taste, giving it greater richness.

To make compote for this recipe, it is better to choose sweet, strong apples. Preparing it is quite simple, because even sterilization is not required. Pamper your loved ones with this compote in winter. I'm sure they will be pleased.

To get a 1 liter jar of compote, you will need:

  • 180 g prepared apples;
  • 2 mugs of orange;
  • 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 850 ml water.

Let's start preparing apple compote with orange

The oranges must be thoroughly washed and cut into circles, the thickness of which will be approximately 0.5 cm. Next, each circle should be cut in half.

Wash the apples well and cut each of them into 4 parts, cutting out the core. Based on the size of the apple, cut each resulting quarter into another 3-5 pieces. Now ready apples needs to be weighed.

We pasteurize the jars in advance. Place apples and orange slices in a pasteurized jar according to the specified proportions.

Fill the jar with the ingredients in it with boiling water to the very top.

Then cover the jar with boiled lids and wrap it in a blanket for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, drain the water from the jar into the pan and set the pan to boil. Cover the jars with the remaining contents with lids and put them back in the blanket to keep them warm.

After the water in the pan boils, pour boiling water into the jar, cover with a lid and put it back in the blanket for 15 minutes.

Then we once again drain the water from the cans into the pan, add sugar to the water and put it to boil. Place jars of apples and oranges, covered with lids, in a blanket. After boiling, the syrup should be cooked, stirring, for 2-3 minutes so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour boiling syrup into jars of apples and roll up (screw) the lids.

We place the rolled up jars on the lids, wrap them in a blanket, in which the jars should then be kept until they cool completely. Compote can be stored at room temperature during the winter, but the place where it is stored should be dark.

Some useful tips to housewives:

Use a special lid with holes for easy draining of water from the jars. This will allow you to not worry about the contents of your jar falling out when draining.

You can change the amount of sugar put into the compote according to your taste, as well as the sweetness of the apples you took for the compote.

Apples of sweet varieties retain their appearance much better, while more sour apples, such as "Antonovka", will most likely disintegrate during storage.

Apples of any color are suitable for compote: yellow, red, green. You can also use apples if you wish. different colors at the same time, which will add color to your creation.

Bon appetit!!!

Apple compote – favorite treat many since childhood, pleasant light taste This drink has many admirers. Why not add a new note to the usual bouquet? Compote of apples and oranges for the winter will become an excellent alternative classic recipe. The drink turns out aromatic, tasty and very healthy. If apple compote seems “bland” to you, you want something more interesting and rich taste, then adding orange to the drink will open up new culinary horizons for yourself.

General principles for preparing apple and citrus compotes

Before you start preparing compote, you need to pay attention to several subtleties of preparing a drink from apples and oranges. The recommendations will be especially useful for novice housewives who are just learning the intricacies of cooking.

The fruits we are talking about in this article have sufficient acid content, so in most cases sterilization is not carried out when preparing compote.

The apples must be firm so that the fruits do not fall apart during the infusion process. The common “Antonovka” will not work; it will “disintegrate” quite quickly in the compote.

If not only the taste, but also the type of drink is important to you, choose not one, but two or three different colors, so that you get, for example, a combination of red and green apples and orange oranges.

To serve separately in addition to the compote canned fruits, when preparing the drink, you need to cut them beautifully, remove the seeds, peel the oranges and the white layer under it.

It is better to strain the drink before drinking.

Preparing to make compote

To prepare, you will need a large saucepan - aluminum or enamel, a knife, a board for cutting fruit, scales and a measuring container for water. You can cut apples without a cutting board, but cutting oranges “in weight” is inconvenient - you won’t get neat pieces. You will also need a special nylon cover with holes for draining the compote and a “twist”.

Wash and dry the jars well, sterilize the lids.

Prepare the fruit in advance so that it has time to dry after washing. Choose unrotten, firm fruits. Do not cut the apples too thin - they will turn into compote in puree, the pieces should be medium in size, remove the core and seeds. peel and remove the white layer underneath, cut into half rings, or cut the circle into four pieces. Next, we will consider several ways to prepare compote.

Classic recipe for compote of apples and oranges for the winter for children

This preparation does not contain preservatives such as lemon acid or vinegar, which is why this safe apple and orange compote is a kid-friendly recipe. Even the little ones can drink it, unless, of course, the child suffers from an allergy to citrus fruits.

So, to prepare three liter jars of compote you will need:

  • 800 grams of oranges (about 4 pieces);
  • 1500 grams of apples (6 medium fruits);
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Cooking steps:

You can diversify the taste of compote using small quantity ginger root.

Recipe for apple-orange compote for a slow cooker

Compote of apples and oranges can be cooked in a slow cooker in just half an hour. For this recipe you need to take:

  • 6 apples;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 cups sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the fruit as described above.
  2. Pour water into the multicooker, add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil on the “fry” mode.
  3. Place apples and oranges in a boiling sugar solution, bring the drink to a boil and simmer for twenty minutes.
  4. The compote is ready to eat!

Can ready drink also pour into jars and roll up for future use.

If you want to use the compote immediately after cooking, then you do not need to peel the oranges - the compote will be more aromatic. But for long-term storage The peel must be removed; when infused, it imparts bitterness to the drink.

Recipe for compote of apples and oranges with honey

For a 3-liter jar of compote you need:

  • six apples;
  • one large orange;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. honey

Step-by-step instructions for preparing apple and orange compote for the winter:

  1. Prepare apples and oranges as above. Place in a jar.
  2. Pour boiling water over for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water back into the pan, add sugar, honey, orange peel. Bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for ten minutes.
  4. After removing the peel from the filling, pour it into jars and seal them with sterilized lids.
  5. Place the jars on the lids, wrap them up and leave until completely cool.

A simple recipe for apple and orange compote

This compote recipe is very simple. For it you will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  • 10 small apples;
  • half an orange;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

Put whole apples and oranges cut into slices into a jar, add sugar. Fill with boiling water to the brim and let stand for 5-7 minutes. Pour the water back into the pan, bring to a boil, and let simmer for a minute. Pour the syrup into a jar and roll it up. Compote of apples and oranges is ready.

If after consuming compote you still have uneaten fruits, do not throw them away. From them it turns out delicious filling for pies.

Using the methods described, you can prepare compote with other citrus fruits. Apples can be combined with tangerines or lemons; in the latter case, more sugar will need to be added.

Compote of apples and oranges in recipes with photos, which are presented in the article, will appeal to you and your family. Drinks diversify the range of preparations for the winter and delight bright aroma citrus. And maybe they will become one of your family’s favorite compotes.

Compote of oranges and apples without sterilization - video

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

First, we prepare the fruits, rinse the apples under cold running water, dry them with paper kitchen towels, cut each into 2 halves with a sharp kitchen knife, remove the core with seeds and the stalk. After this, if desired, remove the skin from the fruit and cut parts of the apples into slices or pieces of arbitrary shape 1 centimeter thick.

Peel the oranges so that there are no white fibers left on the pulp, place the citrus on a clean cutting board and cut into rings, half rings, cubes, or simply disassemble it into slices. We also put on the kitchen table the remaining ingredients that will be needed to prepare the compote, and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: prepare apple and orange compote.

Place a saucepan of purified water over medium heat and bring it to a boil. As soon as the liquid starts to bubble, pour it in granulated sugar and wait 2–3 minutes until it dissolves. Next, add the chopped apples and oranges to the pan. Bring everything to a boil again and cook the compote 4–5 minutes. Then add dried ground ginger to it using a wooden spoon, mix everything until smooth and turn off the stove. Cover the pan with a lid so that there is a small gap left, and let the compote brew 30–40 minutes. After this, you can taste the drink or put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and only then serve it.

Step 3: serve apple and orange compote.

Compote of apples and oranges served warm or chilled or room temperature. Using a ladle, it is poured into glasses or bowls and, if desired, a few pieces of boiled fruit are added to each, and a teaspoon is placed next to it so that it is convenient to savor this yummy! Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Instead of dried ground ginger you can use about 20 grams of fresh, chopped fine grater, but it must be put in the pan a minute before the end of cooking the compote;

Very often, instead of ginger, cinnamon or vanilla sugar is added to the drink;

In the same way, you can prepare apple compote with any citrus fruits: tangerines, lemon, lime, grapefruit, but in this case the amount of sugar should be adjusted depending on the acidity of the fruit;

If desired, the infused drink can be strained through a sieve, and the boiled fruit can be served on a separate plate, disposed of, or used as a filling for butter or shortbread pastries.
